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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 16

    select depr_when_acquired_flag
    from fa_convention_types ct
    where ct.prorate_convention_code = bks_prorate_convention_code
    and ct.fiscal_year_name = bks_fiscal_year_name;
Line: 87

   select count(1)
   into lv_count
   from fa_book_controls
   where book_type_code = X_BOOK_TYPE_CODE
   and  nvl(date_ineffective, sysdate+1) > sysdate
   and rownum < 2;
Line: 102

   SELECT count(1)
   INTO  l_grp_count
   FROM  fa_category_book_defaults cbd, fa_books bks
   WHERE cbd.category_id =  X_Category_Id
   AND   cbd.book_type_code = X_BOOK_TYPE_CODE
   AND   cbd.book_type_code = bks.book_type_code
   AND   cbd.group_asset_id = bks.asset_id
   AND   bks.Date_Placed_In_Service between cbd.start_dpis and
   AND   bks.date_ineffective is null
   AND   NVL(bks.disabled_flag, 'N') = 'Y';
Line: 123

      select count(1)
      into lv_count
      from fa_books
      where asset_id = X_ASSET_ID
      and book_type_code = X_BOOK_TYPE_CODE
      and date_ineffective is null
      and rownum < 2;
Line: 138

      select count(1)
      into lv_count
      from fa_books bk, fa_book_controls bc
      where bk.asset_id= X_ASSET_ID
      and bk.book_type_code <> X_BOOK_TYPE_CODE
      and bk.date_ineffective is null
      and bk.book_type_code = bc.book_type_code
      and bc.book_class = 'CORPORATE'
      and rownum < 2;
Line: 155

   select greatest(dp.calendar_period_open_date,
   into X_DPIS
   from fa_deprn_periods  dp
   where dp.book_type_code = X_BOOK_TYPE_CODE
   and dp.period_close_date is null;
Line: 164

   select deprn_expense_acct
   from fa_category_books
   where category_id = X_CATEGORY_ID
   and book_type_code = X_BOOK_TYPE_CODE;
Line: 171

   select accounting_flex_structure
   from fa_book_controls
   where book_type_code = X_BOOK_TYPE_CODE;
Line: 206

select count(*)
into lv_count
from fa_deprn_periods
where book_type_code = X_BOOK_TYPE_CODE
and period_close_date is null
and X_DPIS > calendar_period_close_date;
Line: 218

select prorate_convention_code
from fa_category_book_defaults
where book_type_code = X_BOOK_TYPE_CODE
and category_id = X_CATEGORY_ID
and X_DPIS between start_dpis and nvl(end_dpis, X_DPIS);
Line: 227

   select prorate_date
   from fa_conventions
   where prorate_convention_code = X_PRORATE_CONVENTION_CODE
   and X_DPIS between start_date and end_date;
Line: 239

select count(*)
into lv_count
from   fa_calendar_periods cp,
       fa_book_controls bc
where  bc.book_type_code = X_BOOK_TYPE_CODE
and    bc.prorate_calendar = cp.calendar_type
and    X_PRORATE_DATE between cp.start_date and cp.end_date;
Line: 281

      select count(1)
      into lv_count
      from fa_category_books
      where category_id = X_CATEGORY_ID
      and book_type_code = X_BOOK_TYPE_CODE
      and cip_cost_acct is not null
      and cip_clearing_acct is not null
      and rownum < 2;
Line: 303

       select count(1)
       into lv_count
       from fa_category_books
       where book_type_code = X_BOOK_TYPE_CODE and
       category_id = X_CATEGORY_ID
       and rownum < 2;