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APPS.WF_FORMS dependencies on WF_CORE

Line 52: wf_core.context('Wf_Forms', 'Applet', fname, port);

48: end if;
49: exception
50: when others then
51: status := FALSE;
52: wf_core.context('Wf_Forms', 'Applet', fname, port);
53: raise;
54: end Applet;
56: --

Line 94: htp.p(''||wf_core.translate('WFFRM_LAUNCHING')||'');

90: end if;
92: htp.p('');
93: htp.p('');
94: htp.p(''||wf_core.translate('WFFRM_LAUNCHING')||'');
95: htp.p('

Web Analytics Made Easy -StatCounter
97: htp.p('');
98: htp.p('');

Line 106: htp.p('

103: -- ### maybe we need to make the window closing time a configurable
104: -- ### parameter in the future
105: htp.p('');
106: htp.p('

107: -- ### we cannot retest in this window, so commented it out.
108: -- if (Fnd_Function.Test(l_func)) then
110: htp.p('

Line 112: l_ie_plugin_ver := replace(Wf_Core.translate('WF_PLUGIN_VERSION'),

108: -- if (Fnd_Function.Test(l_func)) then
110: htp.p('');

155: htp.p('');
156: end if;
158: htp.p('');
159: htp.p('

160: htp.p('');
166: htp.p('
112: l_ie_plugin_ver := replace(Wf_Core.translate('WF_PLUGIN_VERSION'),
113: '.', ',');
115: if (instr(UPPER(owa_util.get_cgi_env('HTTP_USER_AGENT')), 'WIN') > 0) then
116: htp.p('

Line 116: htp.p('

112: l_ie_plugin_ver := replace(Wf_Core.translate('WF_PLUGIN_VERSION'),
113: '.', ',');
115: if (instr(UPPER(owa_util.get_cgi_env('HTTP_USER_AGENT')), 'WIN') > 0) then
116: htp.p(' 117: 'WIDTH="36" HEIGHT="40" '||
118: 'CODEBASE="'||Wf_Core.translate('WF_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD')||
119: '#Version='||l_ie_plugin_ver||'">'||
120: ''||

Line 118: 'CODEBASE="'||Wf_Core.translate('WF_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD')||

115: if (instr(UPPER(owa_util.get_cgi_env('HTTP_USER_AGENT')), 'WIN') > 0) then
116: htp.p(' 117: 'WIDTH="36" HEIGHT="40" '||
118: 'CODEBASE="'||Wf_Core.translate('WF_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD')||
119: '#Version='||l_ie_plugin_ver||'">'||
120: ''||
121: ''||
122: ''||

Line 126: Wf_Core.translate('WF_PLUGIN_VERSION')||'">');

122: ''||
123: '' ||
124: '');
127: if (port <> '0') then
128: htp.p('');
129: end if;
130: htp.p('');

Line 133: Wf_Core.translate('WF_PLUGIN_VERSION')||'"'||

129: end if;
130: htp.p('');
131: htp.p(''||
132: ' 134: ' WIDTH="36" HEIGHT="40"'||
135: ' jinit_appletcache="off"'||
136: ' java_CODE="'||code||'"'||
137: ' java_CODEBASE="'||codebase||'"'||

Line 144: Wf_Core.translate('WF_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD')||'">'||

140: htp.p(' Port='||port);
141: end if;
142: htp.p( ' COMM='''||fname||''''||
143: ' pluginurl="'||
144: Wf_Core.translate('WF_PLUGIN_DOWNLOAD')||'">'||
145: '</COMMENT>

146: else
147: -- Client is not Windows, so we don't want to call Jinitiator.
148: htp.p('

Line 159: htp.p('

'||wf_core.translate('WFFRM_LOOK_IN_NAVIGATOR')||' '||wf_core.translate('WFFRM_LOOK_IN_NAVIGATOR')||'
161: htp.p('
162: htp.p('');

Line 162: htp.p('');
162: htp.p('');
164: htp.p('');
165: htp.p('

Line 177: wf_core.context('Wf_Forms', 'AppletWindow', fname, port);

173: htp.p('');
174: htp.p('');
175: exception
176: when others then
177: wf_core.context('Wf_Forms', 'AppletWindow', fname, port);
178: raise;
179: end AppletWindow;
181: end WF_FORMS;