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Line 43: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc_name, 10);

39: l_proc_name Varchar2(80) := g_proc_name || 'compile_formula';
40: l_user_id number;
41: l_resp_id number;
42: begin
43: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc_name, 10);
44: -- ------------------------------------------------------------
45: -- Query formula info (ie. the formula attached to this
46: -- element's Standard status proc rule.
47: -- ------------------------------------------------------------

Line 50: hr_utility.set_location('..FF Name :'||fra_rec.formula_name,15);

46: -- element's Standard status proc rule.
47: -- ------------------------------------------------------------
48: for fra_rec in csr_fra (c_element_type_id => p_element_type_id)
49: loop
50: hr_utility.set_location('..FF Name :'||fra_rec.formula_name,15);
51: hr_utility.set_location('..FF Type Name :'||fra_rec.formula_type_name,20);
52: -- ----------------------------------------------
53: -- Submit the request to compile the formula
54: -- ----------------------------------------------

Line 51: hr_utility.set_location('..FF Type Name :'||fra_rec.formula_type_name,20);

47: -- ------------------------------------------------------------
48: for fra_rec in csr_fra (c_element_type_id => p_element_type_id)
49: loop
50: hr_utility.set_location('..FF Name :'||fra_rec.formula_name,15);
51: hr_utility.set_location('..FF Type Name :'||fra_rec.formula_type_name,20);
52: -- ----------------------------------------------
53: -- Submit the request to compile the formula
54: -- ----------------------------------------------
55: --fnd_profile.get('USER_ID', l_user_id);

Line 57: --hr_utility.set_location('..User Id :'||l_user_id, 25);

53: -- Submit the request to compile the formula
54: -- ----------------------------------------------
55: --fnd_profile.get('USER_ID', l_user_id);
56: --fnd_profile.get('RESP_ID', l_resp_id);
57: --hr_utility.set_location('..User Id :'||l_user_id, 25);
58: --hr_utility.set_location('..Responsibility Id :'||l_resp_id, 25);
59: --fnd_global.apps_initialize(l_user_id,l_resp_id,800);
60: l_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request
61: (application => 'FF'

Line 58: --hr_utility.set_location('..Responsibility Id :'||l_resp_id, 25);

54: -- ----------------------------------------------
55: --fnd_profile.get('USER_ID', l_user_id);
56: --fnd_profile.get('RESP_ID', l_resp_id);
57: --hr_utility.set_location('..User Id :'||l_user_id, 25);
58: --hr_utility.set_location('..Responsibility Id :'||l_resp_id, 25);
59: --fnd_global.apps_initialize(l_user_id,l_resp_id,800);
60: l_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request
61: (application => 'FF'
62: ,program => 'SINGLECOMPILE'

Line 66: hr_utility.set_location('..Request Id :'||p_request_id, 25);

62: ,program => 'SINGLECOMPILE'
63: ,argument1 => fra_rec.formula_type_name --Oracle Payroll
64: ,argument2 => fra_rec.formula_name); --formula name
65: p_request_id := l_request_id;
66: hr_utility.set_location('..Request Id :'||p_request_id, 25);
67: end loop;
68: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc_name, 30);
69: exception
70: when others then

Line 68: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc_name, 30);

64: ,argument2 => fra_rec.formula_name); --formula name
65: p_request_id := l_request_id;
66: hr_utility.set_location('..Request Id :'||p_request_id, 25);
67: end loop;
68: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc_name, 30);
69: exception
70: when others then
71: hr_utility.set_location('..Entering exception when others ', 80);
72: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc_name, 90);

Line 71: hr_utility.set_location('..Entering exception when others ', 80);

67: end loop;
68: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc_name, 30);
69: exception
70: when others then
71: hr_utility.set_location('..Entering exception when others ', 80);
72: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc_name, 90);
73: p_request_id := null; raise;
74: end Compile_Formula;

Line 72: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc_name, 90);

68: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc_name, 30);
69: exception
70: when others then
71: hr_utility.set_location('..Entering exception when others ', 80);
72: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc_name, 90);
73: p_request_id := null; raise;
74: end Compile_Formula;
76: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 137: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc_name, 10);

133: and ptco.template_id = psbt.template_id
134: and ptco.shadow_object_id = psbt.balance_type_id;
135: --
136: begin
137: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc_name, 10);
138: --
139: if p_object_type = 'ELE' then
140: for c2_rec in c2 (p_object_name) loop
141: l_object_id := c2_rec.element_type_id; -- element id

Line 149: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc_name, 20);

145: l_object_id := c3_rec.core_object_id; -- balance id
146: end loop;
147: end if;
148: --
149: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc_name, 20);
150: --
151: return l_object_id;
152: end Get_Object_ID;

Line 172: hr_utility.set_location ('Entering '||l_proc_name, 10);

168: l_proc_name Varchar2(72) := g_proc_name || 'get_formula_id';
169: l_formula_id Number;
170: begin
171: --
172: hr_utility.set_location ('Entering '||l_proc_name, 10);
173: --
174: open csr_get_formula_id;
175: fetch csr_get_formula_id into l_formula_id;
176: close csr_get_formula_id;

Line 178: hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving '||l_proc_name, 20);

174: open csr_get_formula_id;
175: fetch csr_get_formula_id into l_formula_id;
176: close csr_get_formula_id;
177: --
178: hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving '||l_proc_name, 20);
179: --
180: return l_formula_id;
181: end Get_Formula_ID;

Line 244: hr_utility.set_location('..In Create_Formula_Results', 51);

240: effective_start_date AND effective_end_date;
242: BEGIN
244: hr_utility.set_location('..In Create_Formula_Results', 51);
246: OPEN c_formula_id (replace(p_scheme_prefix,' ','_')||'_ER_CONTRIBUTION');
247: FETCH c_formula_id INTO l_er_formula_id;
248: IF c_formula_id%NOTFOUND THEN

Line 254: hr_utility.set_location('..Fetched Formula ID', 51);

250: fnd_message.raise_error;
251: ELSE
252: CLOSE c_formula_id;
253: END IF;
254: hr_utility.set_location('..Fetched Formula ID', 51);
255: OPEN c_ele_id (p_scheme_prefix||' ER Contribution');
256: FETCH c_ele_id INTO l_er_ele_id;
257: IF c_ele_id%NOTFOUND THEN
258: CLOSE c_ele_id;

Line 263: hr_utility.set_location('..Fetched Element ID', 51);

259: fnd_message.raise_error;
260: ELSE
261: CLOSE c_ele_id;
262: END IF;
263: hr_utility.set_location('..Fetched Element ID', 51);
264: OPEN c_status_proc_id (l_er_ele_id, l_er_formula_id);
265: FETCH c_status_proc_id INTO l_er_status_proc_rule_id;
266: IF c_status_proc_id%NOTFOUND THEN
267: CLOSE c_status_proc_id;

Line 273: hr_utility.set_location('..Creating Formula Result Rules for BIK', 51);

269: ELSE
270: CLOSE c_status_proc_id;
271: END IF;
273: hr_utility.set_location('..Creating Formula Result Rules for BIK', 51);
274: IF p_pension_category='PRSA' THEN
275: OPEN c_ele_id ('IE BIK PRSA ER Contribution');
276: FETCH c_ele_id INTO l_bik_er_ele_id;
277: IF c_ele_id%NOTFOUND THEN

Line 398: hr_utility.set_location ('Entering '||l_proc_name, 10);

394: 'update_ipval_defval';
395: --
396: begin
397: --
398: hr_utility.set_location ('Entering '||l_proc_name, 10);
399: --
400: open csr_getinput(p_ele_name ,p_ip_name);
401: loop
402: fetch csr_getinput into csr_getinput_rec;

Line 405: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc_name, 20);

401: loop
402: fetch csr_getinput into csr_getinput_rec;
403: exit when csr_getinput%notfound;
404: --
405: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc_name, 20);
406: --
407: open csr_updinput(csr_getinput_rec.input_value_id
408: ,csr_getinput_rec.element_type_id);
409: loop

Line 413: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc_name, 30);

409: loop
410: fetch csr_updinput into csr_updinput_rec;
411: exit when csr_updinput%notfound;
412: --
413: hr_utility.set_location (l_proc_name, 30);
414: --
415: update pay_input_values_f
416: set default_value = p_def_value
417: where rowid = csr_updinput_rec.rowid;

Line 423: hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving '||l_proc_name, 40);

419: close csr_updinput;
420: end loop;
421: close csr_getinput;
422: --
423: hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving '||l_proc_name, 40);
424: --
425: end Update_Ipval_Defval;
427: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 647: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc_name, 10);

644: --
645: begin
646: --
647: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc_name, 10);
648: --
649: l_template_name := 'Ireland Pension Deduction';
650: --
651: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name, 20);

Line 651: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name, 20);

647: hr_utility.set_location('Entering: '||l_proc_name, 10);
648: --
649: l_template_name := 'Ireland Pension Deduction';
650: --
651: hr_utility.set_location(l_proc_name, 20);
652: --
653: for csr_get_temp_id_rec in csr_get_temp_id loop
654: l_template_id := csr_get_temp_id_rec.template_id;
655: end loop;

Line 657: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc_name, 30);

653: for csr_get_temp_id_rec in csr_get_temp_id loop
654: l_template_id := csr_get_temp_id_rec.template_id;
655: end loop;
656: --
657: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc_name, 30);
658: hr_utility.set_location('Template_id: '||l_template_id , 30);
659: --
660: return l_template_id;
661: --

Line 658: hr_utility.set_location('Template_id: '||l_template_id , 30);

654: l_template_id := csr_get_temp_id_rec.template_id;
655: end loop;
656: --
657: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving: '||l_proc_name, 30);
658: hr_utility.set_location('Template_id: '||l_template_id , 30);
659: --
660: return l_template_id;
661: --
662: end Get_Template_ID;

Line 665: --hr_utility.trace_on('Y', 'PENSIONIE');

661: --
662: end Get_Template_ID;
664: begin
665: --hr_utility.trace_on('Y', 'PENSIONIE');
666: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
667: -- |-------------< Main Function : Create_User_Template Body >----------|
668: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
669: hr_utility.set_location('Entering : '||l_proc_name, 10);

Line 669: hr_utility.set_location('Entering : '||l_proc_name, 10);

665: --hr_utility.trace_on('Y', 'PENSIONIE');
666: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
667: -- |-------------< Main Function : Create_User_Template Body >----------|
668: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
669: hr_utility.set_location('Entering : '||l_proc_name, 10);
671: chk_scheme_prefix(p_scheme_prefix);
673: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 678: hr_utility.set_location('..Setting the Session Date', 15);

674: -- Set session date
675: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
676: pay_db_pay_setup.set_session_date(nvl(p_effective_start_date, sysdate));
677: --
678: hr_utility.set_location('..Setting the Session Date', 15);
679: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
680: -- Get Source Template ID
681: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
682: l_source_template_id := get_template_id

Line 694: hr_utility.set_location('..Checking all the Exclusion Rules', 20);

690: CLOSE csr_get_category;
691: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
692: -- Exclusion rules
693: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
694: hr_utility.set_location('..Checking all the Exclusion Rules', 20);
696: -- Define the exclusion_rule for Employer Component
697: IF l_pension_category <> 'RBSAVC' AND l_pension_category <> 'PRSAAVC' THEN
698: l_configuration_information1 := 'Y';

Line 716: hr_utility.set_location('..Creating template User structure', 25);

713: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
714: -- Create user structure from the template
715: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
716: hr_utility.set_location('..Creating template User structure', 25);
717: pay_element_template_api.create_user_structure
718: (p_validate => false
719: ,p_effective_date => p_effective_start_date
720: ,p_business_group_id => p_business_group_id

Line 727: hr_utility.set_location('..Created template User structure', 25);

723: ,p_configuration_information1 => l_configuration_information1
724: ,p_template_id => l_template_id
725: ,p_object_version_number => l_object_version_number
726: );
727: hr_utility.set_location('..Created template User structure', 25);
728: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
729: -- |-------------------< Update Shadow Structure >----------------------|
730: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
731: -- Get Element Type id and update user-specified Classification,

Line 809: hr_utility.set_location('..Updating the scheme shadow elements', 30);

805: l_shadow_element(l_count).priority := csr_rec.relative_processing_priority;
806: l_shadow_element(l_count).third_party_pay_only_flag := csr_rec.third_party_pay_only_flag;
807: l_shadow_element(l_count).classification_name := csr_rec.classification_name;
808: end loop;
809: hr_utility.set_location('..Updating the scheme shadow elements', 30);
810: for i in 1..l_count
811: loop
812: pay_shadow_element_api.update_shadow_element
813: (p_validate => false

Line 826: hr_utility.set_location('..After Updating the scheme shadow elements', 50);

822: ,p_third_party_pay_only_flag => l_shadow_element(i).third_party_pay_only_flag
823: ,p_classification_name => l_shadow_element(i).classification_name
824: );
825: end loop;
826: hr_utility.set_location('..After Updating the scheme shadow elements', 50);
828: -- Replace the spaces in the prefix with underscores. The formula name
829: -- has underscores if the prefix name has spaces in it .
830: l_scheme_prefix := upper(replace(l_scheme_prefix,' ','_'));

Line 833: hr_utility.set_location('..Updated Shadow element', 25);

829: -- has underscores if the prefix name has spaces in it .
830: l_scheme_prefix := upper(replace(l_scheme_prefix,' ','_'));
833: hr_utility.set_location('..Updated Shadow element', 25);
835: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
836: -- |-------------------< Generate Core Objects >------------------------|
837: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 845: hr_utility.set_location('After Generating Core objects : Part - 1', 50);

841: ,p_hr_only => false
842: ,p_hr_to_payroll => false
843: ,p_template_id => l_template_id);
844: --
845: hr_utility.set_location('After Generating Core objects : Part - 1', 50);
846: --
847: pay_element_template_api.generate_part2
848: (p_validate => false
849: ,p_effective_date => p_effective_start_date

Line 852: hr_utility.set_location('After Generating Core objects : Part - 2', 50);

848: (p_validate => false
849: ,p_effective_date => p_effective_start_date
850: ,p_template_id => l_template_id);
851: --
852: hr_utility.set_location('After Generating Core objects : Part - 2', 50);
854: -- Update some of the input values on the main element
856: Update_Ipval_Defval( p_scheme_prefix||' Pension Deduction'

Line 1005: hr_utility.set_location('..After Creating element extra information', 50);

1001: ,p_eei_information20 => null
1002: ,p_element_type_extra_info_id => l_eei_info_id
1003: ,p_object_version_number => l_ovn_eei);
1005: hr_utility.set_location('..After Creating element extra information', 50);
1007: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1008: -- The base element's Pay Value should feed the EE Contribution balance
1009: -- for the pension scheme created.

Line 1097: hr_utility.set_location('..After creating the balance feed for the base, Pay Value', 50);

1093: l_row_id := null;
1095: end loop;
1097: hr_utility.set_location('..After creating the balance feed for the base, Pay Value', 50);
1099: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1100: -- The ER base element's Pay Value should feed the ER Contribution balance
1101: -- for the pension scheme created.

Line 1147: hr_utility.set_location('..After creating the balance feed for the ER base, Pay Value', 51);

1143: l_Balance_Feed_Id := null;
1144: l_row_id := null;
1145: end loop;
1146: END IF;
1147: hr_utility.set_location('..After creating the balance feed for the ER base, Pay Value', 51);
1149: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------
1150: -- Compile the base element's standard formula
1151: -- ---------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 1188: hr_utility.set_location('..After creating the formula result rules', 51);

1184: ,p_effective_start_date
1185: ,p_effective_end_date);
1186: END IF;
1188: hr_utility.set_location('..After creating the formula result rules', 51);
1189: END IF;
1192: return l_base_element_type_id;

Line 1226: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);

1222: -- Other variables
1223: l_return_status varchar2(1);
1224: l_proc varchar2(72) := 'Create_User_Template_Swi';
1225: Begin
1226: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);
1227: l_element_type_id := -1;
1228: --
1229: -- Issue a savepoint
1230: --

Line 1277: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc,20);

1273: -- messages of any type exist in the Multiple Message List.
1274: -- Also disable Multiple Message Detection.
1275: --
1276: l_return_status := hr_multi_message.get_return_status_disable;
1277: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc,20);
1278: return l_element_type_id;
1280: --
1281: exception

Line 1293: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc, 30);

1289: --
1290: -- Reset IN OUT parameters and set OUT parameters
1291: --
1292: return l_element_type_id;
1293: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc, 30);
1295: when others then
1296: --
1297: -- When Multiple Message Detection is enabled catch

Line 1305: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc,40);

1301: -- error.
1302: --
1303: rollback to Create_User_Template_Swi;
1304: if hr_multi_message.unexpected_error_add(l_proc) then
1305: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc,40);
1306: raise;
1307: end if;
1308: --
1309: -- Reset IN OUT and set OUT parameters

Line 1313: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc,50);

1309: -- Reset IN OUT and set OUT parameters
1310: --
1311: l_return_status := hr_multi_message.get_return_status_disable;
1312: return l_element_type_id;
1313: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc,50);
1316: END create_user_template_swi;

Line 1348: hr_utility.set_location('Entering :'||l_proc, 10);

1344: l_template_id Number(9);
1345: l_proc Varchar2(60) := g_proc_name||'Delete_User_Template';
1347: begin
1348: hr_utility.set_location('Entering :'||l_proc, 10);
1349: --
1350: for c1_rec in c1 loop
1351: l_template_id := c1_rec.template_id;
1352: end loop;

Line 1371: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving :'||l_proc, 50);

1367: (p_element_type_extra_info_id => temp_rec.element_type_extra_info_id
1368: ,p_object_version_number => temp_rec.object_version_number);
1369: END LOOP;
1371: hr_utility.set_location('Leaving :'||l_proc, 50);
1373: end Delete_User_Template;
1374: --

Line 1398: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);

1394: -- Other variables
1395: l_return_status varchar2(1);
1396: l_proc varchar2(72) := 'Delete_User_Template_Swi';
1397: Begin
1398: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering:' || l_proc,10);
1399: --
1400: -- Issue a savepoint
1401: --
1402: savepoint Delete_User_Template_Swi;

Line 1442: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc,20);

1438: -- messages of any type exist in the Multiple Message List.
1439: -- Also disable Multiple Message Detection.
1440: --
1441: l_return_status := hr_multi_message.get_return_status_disable;
1442: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc,20);
1444: --
1445: exception
1446: when hr_multi_message.error_message_exist then

Line 1456: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc, 30);

1452: rollback to Delete_User_Template_Swi;
1453: --
1454: -- Reset IN OUT parameters and set OUT parameters
1455: --
1456: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc, 30);
1458: when others then
1459: --
1460: -- When Multiple Message Detection is enabled catch

Line 1468: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc,40);

1464: -- error.
1465: --
1466: rollback to Delete_User_Template_Swi;
1467: if hr_multi_message.unexpected_error_add(l_proc) then
1468: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc,40);
1469: raise;
1470: end if;
1471: --
1472: -- Reset IN OUT and set OUT parameters

Line 1475: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc,50);

1471: --
1472: -- Reset IN OUT and set OUT parameters
1473: --
1474: l_return_status := hr_multi_message.get_return_status_disable;
1475: hr_utility.set_location(' Leaving:' || l_proc,50);
1477: END delete_user_template_swi;
1479: --