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APPS.PAY_KR_YEA20070101_PKG dependencies on FND_DATE

Line 5: c_20040101 constant date := fnd_date.canonical_to_date('2004/01/01') ;

1: package body pay_kr_yea20070101_pkg as
2: /* $Header: pykryea6.pkb 120.7.12010000.6 2008/08/06 07:45:43 ubhat ship $ */
3: -- Constant
4: -- Bug 3966549
5: c_20040101 constant date := fnd_date.canonical_to_date('2004/01/01') ;
6: -- End of 3966549
7: --
8: -- Bug 3901912
9: l_ee_tax_exem number default 0;

Line 913: if (p_effective_date >= fnd_date.canonical_to_date('2007/09/01') and p_yea_info.small_bus_install > 0) then

910: ----------------------------------------------------------------
911: -- Small Business Installment Tax Exemption Bug 6895093
912: ----------------------------------------------------------------
913: if (p_effective_date >= fnd_date.canonical_to_date('2007/09/01') and p_yea_info.small_bus_install > 0) then
914: p_yea_info.small_bus_install_exem := least(p_yea_info.small_bus_install, least(greatest(p_yea_info.taxation_base,0),l_small_bus_install_lim));
915: p_yea_info.taxation_base := p_yea_info.taxation_base - p_yea_info.small_bus_install_exem;
916: else
917: p_yea_info.small_bus_install_exem := 0;