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Line 157: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering: ben_add_trigger', 10);

153: ,dep_appl_id =>805
154: ,status => l_status
155: ,industry => l_industry);
157: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering: ben_add_trigger', 10);
158: l_changed := FALSE;
159: if p_effective_date is not null then
160: l_session_date := p_effective_Date ;
161: Else

Line 171: hr_utility.set_location(' ben_add_trigger', 20);

167: fetch get_system_date into l_system_date;
168: close get_system_date;
169: l_effective_start_date := l_session_date;
170: -- l_lf_evt_ocrd_date := l_session_date;
171: hr_utility.set_location(' ben_add_trigger', 20);
173: if p_new.date_to is null then
174: l_date_to := l_session_date;
175: else

Line 179: hr_utility.set_location(' l_system_date:'||to_char(l_system_date), 20);

175: else
176: l_date_to := p_new.date_to;
177: end if;
179: hr_utility.set_location(' l_system_date:'||to_char(l_system_date), 20);
180: hr_utility.set_location(' l_session_date:'||to_char(l_session_date), 20);
182: open get_ler(l_status);
183: loop

Line 180: hr_utility.set_location(' l_session_date:'||to_char(l_session_date), 20);

176: l_date_to := p_new.date_to;
177: end if;
179: hr_utility.set_location(' l_system_date:'||to_char(l_system_date), 20);
180: hr_utility.set_location(' l_session_date:'||to_char(l_session_date), 20);
182: open get_ler(l_status);
183: loop
184: --

Line 189: hr_utility.set_location('ler '||l_ler_id, 20);

185: fetch get_ler into l_ler_id,l_typ_cd, l_ocrd_dt_cd;
186: exit when get_ler%notfound;
187: l_trigger := TRUE;
189: hr_utility.set_location('ler '||l_ler_id, 20);
190: hr_utility.set_location('det_cd '||l_ocrd_dt_cd, 20);
191: hr_utility.set_location('DR system date '||l_system_date, 20);
192: hr_utility.set_location('date from '||p_new.date_from, 20);
193: --

Line 190: hr_utility.set_location('det_cd '||l_ocrd_dt_cd, 20);

186: exit when get_ler%notfound;
187: l_trigger := TRUE;
189: hr_utility.set_location('ler '||l_ler_id, 20);
190: hr_utility.set_location('det_cd '||l_ocrd_dt_cd, 20);
191: hr_utility.set_location('DR system date '||l_system_date, 20);
192: hr_utility.set_location('date from '||p_new.date_from, 20);
193: --
194: if l_ocrd_dt_cd is null then

Line 191: hr_utility.set_location('DR system date '||l_system_date, 20);

187: l_trigger := TRUE;
189: hr_utility.set_location('ler '||l_ler_id, 20);
190: hr_utility.set_location('det_cd '||l_ocrd_dt_cd, 20);
191: hr_utility.set_location('DR system date '||l_system_date, 20);
192: hr_utility.set_location('date from '||p_new.date_from, 20);
193: --
194: if l_ocrd_dt_cd is null then
195: l_lf_evt_ocrd_date := p_new.date_from;

Line 192: hr_utility.set_location('date from '||p_new.date_from, 20);

189: hr_utility.set_location('ler '||l_ler_id, 20);
190: hr_utility.set_location('det_cd '||l_ocrd_dt_cd, 20);
191: hr_utility.set_location('DR system date '||l_system_date, 20);
192: hr_utility.set_location('date from '||p_new.date_from, 20);
193: --
194: if l_ocrd_dt_cd is null then
195: l_lf_evt_ocrd_date := p_new.date_from;
196: else

Line 218: hr_utility.set_location(' ben_add_trigger', 50);

214: if get_ler_col%ROWCOUNT = 1 then
215: l_changed := TRUE;
216: end if;
217: l_changed := TRUE;
218: hr_utility.set_location(' ben_add_trigger', 50);
219: --
220: -- Call the formula here to evaluate per_info_chg_cs_ler_rl.
221: -- If it returns Y, then see the applicability of the data
222: -- changes based on new and old values.

Line 311: hr_utility.set_location(' l_changed:',40);

307: ,p_new.date_from,l_new_val) AND
308: benutils.column_changed(p_new.date_from
309: ,p_old.date_from,l_old_val) AND
310: (l_changed));
311: hr_utility.set_location(' l_changed:',40);
312: end if;
313: --
314: if l_column = 'DATE_TO' then
315: l_changed := (benutils.column_changed(p_old.date_to

Line 377: hr_utility.set_location(' Rule output is N, so we should not trigger LE', 20.01);

373: l_changed := TRUE ;
374: elsif l_rule_output = 'Y' and l_rule_overrides_flag = 'N' then
375: l_changed := l_changed AND TRUE;
376: elsif l_rule_output = 'N' then
377: hr_utility.set_location(' Rule output is N, so we should not trigger LE', 20.01);
378: l_changed := FALSE;
379: end if;
381: hr_utility.set_location('After the rule Check ',20.05);

Line 381: hr_utility.set_location('After the rule Check ',20.05);

377: hr_utility.set_location(' Rule output is N, so we should not trigger LE', 20.01);
378: l_changed := FALSE;
379: end if;
381: hr_utility.set_location('After the rule Check ',20.05);
382: if l_changed then
383: hr_utility.set_location(' l_change TRUE l_rule_overrides_flag '||l_rule_overrides_flag, 20.1);
384: else
385: hr_utility.set_location(' l_change FALSE l_rule_overrides_flag '||l_rule_overrides_flag, 20.1);

Line 383: hr_utility.set_location(' l_change TRUE l_rule_overrides_flag '||l_rule_overrides_flag, 20.1);

379: end if;
381: hr_utility.set_location('After the rule Check ',20.05);
382: if l_changed then
383: hr_utility.set_location(' l_change TRUE l_rule_overrides_flag '||l_rule_overrides_flag, 20.1);
384: else
385: hr_utility.set_location(' l_change FALSE l_rule_overrides_flag '||l_rule_overrides_flag, 20.1);
386: end if;
387: -- Check for Column Mandatory Change

Line 385: hr_utility.set_location(' l_change FALSE l_rule_overrides_flag '||l_rule_overrides_flag, 20.1);

381: hr_utility.set_location('After the rule Check ',20.05);
382: if l_changed then
383: hr_utility.set_location(' l_change TRUE l_rule_overrides_flag '||l_rule_overrides_flag, 20.1);
384: else
385: hr_utility.set_location(' l_change FALSE l_rule_overrides_flag '||l_rule_overrides_flag, 20.1);
386: end if;
387: -- Check for Column Mandatory Change
388: -- If column change is mandatory and data change has failed then dont trigger
389: -- If column change is non-mandatory and the data change has passed, then trigger.

Line 392: hr_utility.set_location('Found Mandatory and its failed ', 20.1);

388: -- If column change is mandatory and data change has failed then dont trigger
389: -- If column change is non-mandatory and the data change has passed, then trigger.
391: if l_chg_mandatory_cd = 'Y' and not l_changed then
392: hr_utility.set_location('Found Mandatory and its failed ', 20.1);
393: l_changed := FALSE;
394: l_trigger := FALSE;
395: exit;
396: elsif l_chg_mandatory_cd = 'Y' and l_changed then

Line 397: hr_utility.set_location('Found Mandatory and its passed ', 20.1);

393: l_changed := FALSE;
394: l_trigger := FALSE;
395: exit;
396: elsif l_chg_mandatory_cd = 'Y' and l_changed then
397: hr_utility.set_location('Found Mandatory and its passed ', 20.1);
398: l_changed := TRUE;
399: -- exit; */
400: elsif l_chg_mandatory_cd = 'N' and l_changed then
401: hr_utility.set_location('Found First Non-Mandatory and its passed ', 20.1);

Line 401: hr_utility.set_location('Found First Non-Mandatory and its passed ', 20.1);

397: hr_utility.set_location('Found Mandatory and its passed ', 20.1);
398: l_changed := TRUE;
399: -- exit; */
400: elsif l_chg_mandatory_cd = 'N' and l_changed then
401: hr_utility.set_location('Found First Non-Mandatory and its passed ', 20.1);
402: l_changed := TRUE;
403: l_trigger := TRUE;
404: exit;
405: end if;

Line 406: hr_utility.set_location('After the Mandatory code check ',20.05);

402: l_changed := TRUE;
403: l_trigger := TRUE;
404: exit;
405: end if;
406: hr_utility.set_location('After the Mandatory code check ',20.05);
407: if l_changed then
408: hr_utility.set_location(' l_change TRUE ', 20.1);
409: else
410: hr_utility.set_location(' l_change FALSE ', 20.1);

Line 408: hr_utility.set_location(' l_change TRUE ', 20.1);

404: exit;
405: end if;
406: hr_utility.set_location('After the Mandatory code check ',20.05);
407: if l_changed then
408: hr_utility.set_location(' l_change TRUE ', 20.1);
409: else
410: hr_utility.set_location(' l_change FALSE ', 20.1);
411: end if;
412: --

Line 410: hr_utility.set_location(' l_change FALSE ', 20.1);

406: hr_utility.set_location('After the Mandatory code check ',20.05);
407: if l_changed then
408: hr_utility.set_location(' l_change TRUE ', 20.1);
409: else
410: hr_utility.set_location(' l_change FALSE ', 20.1);
411: end if;
412: --
413: /* if not l_changed then
414: exit;

Line 418: hr_utility.set_location(' ben_add_trigger', 50);

414: exit;
415: end if; */
416: --
417: end loop;
418: hr_utility.set_location(' ben_add_trigger', 50);
419: l_ptnl_id := 0;
420: l_ovn :=null;
421: --
422: if l_changed then

Line 423: hr_utility.set_location(' l_changed = TRUE' || l_type, 9999);

419: l_ptnl_id := 0;
420: l_ovn :=null;
421: --
422: if l_changed then
423: hr_utility.set_location(' l_changed = TRUE' || l_type, 9999);
424: else
425: hr_utility.set_location(' l_changed = TRUE' || l_type, 9999);
426: end if;
427: if l_trigger then

Line 425: hr_utility.set_location(' l_changed = TRUE' || l_type, 9999);

421: --
422: if l_changed then
423: hr_utility.set_location(' l_changed = TRUE' || l_type, 9999);
424: else
425: hr_utility.set_location(' l_changed = TRUE' || l_type, 9999);
426: end if;
427: if l_trigger then
428: if l_type = 'P' then
429: open le_exists(p_new.person_id,l_ler_id,l_lf_evt_ocrd_date);

Line 432: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering: ben_add_trigger5', 60);

428: if l_type = 'P' then
429: open le_exists(p_new.person_id,l_ler_id,l_lf_evt_ocrd_date);
430: fetch le_exists into l_le_exists;
431: if le_exists%notfound then
432: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering: ben_add_trigger5', 60);
434: ben_create_ptnl_ler_for_per.create_ptnl_ler_event
435: --ben_ptnl_ler_for_per_api.create_ptnl_ler_for_per
436: (p_validate => false

Line 451: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering: ben_add_trigger5-', 65);

447: ,p_dtctd_dt => l_effective_start_date);
448: end if;
449: close le_exists;
450: elsif l_type = 'R' then
451: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering: ben_add_trigger5-', 65);
452: open get_contacts(p_new.person_id);
453: loop
454: fetch get_contacts into l_hld_person_id;
455: exit when get_contacts%notfound;

Line 459: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering: ben_add_trigger5', 60);

455: exit when get_contacts%notfound;
456: open le_exists(l_hld_person_id,l_ler_id,l_lf_evt_ocrd_date);
457: fetch le_exists into l_le_exists;
458: if le_exists%notfound then
459: hr_utility.set_location(' Entering: ben_add_trigger5', 60);
461: ben_create_ptnl_ler_for_per.create_ptnl_ler_event
462: --ben_ptnl_ler_for_per_api.create_ptnl_ler_for_per
463: (p_validate => false

Line 485: hr_utility.set_location(' ben_add_trigger', 40);

481: end if;
482: --
483: -- reset the variables.
484: --
485: hr_utility.set_location(' ben_add_trigger', 40);
486: l_changed := FALSE;
487: l_trigger := TRUE;
488: l_ovn := NULL;
489: l_effective_start_date := l_session_date;

Line 494: hr_utility.set_location(' ben_add_trigger', 50);

490: -- l_lf_evt_ocrd_date := l_session_date;
491: end if;
492: close get_ler_col;
493: end loop;
494: hr_utility.set_location(' ben_add_trigger', 50);
495: close get_ler;
496: hr_utility.set_location(' leaving ben_add_trigger', 60);
498: end;

Line 496: hr_utility.set_location(' leaving ben_add_trigger', 60);

492: close get_ler_col;
493: end loop;
494: hr_utility.set_location(' ben_add_trigger', 50);
495: close get_ler;
496: hr_utility.set_location(' leaving ben_add_trigger', 60);
498: end;
499: end ben_add_ler;