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1 package body gms_encumbrance_items_pkg as
2 /* $Header: GMSTITMB.pls 120.1 2007/02/06 09:47:11 rshaik ship $ */
4  procedure insert_row (x_rowid                        in out NOCOPY VARCHAR2	,
5                        x_encumbrance_item_id          in out NOCOPY NUMBER,
6                        x_last_update_date             in DATE,
7                        x_last_updated_by              in NUMBER,
8                        x_creation_date                in DATE,
9                        x_created_by                   in NUMBER,
10                        x_encumbrance_id               in NUMBER,
11                        x_task_id                      in NUMBER,
12                        x_encumbrance_item_date        in DATE,
13                        x_encumbrance_type             in VARCHAR2,
14                        x_enc_distributed_flag        in VARCHAR2,
15                        x_amount                     in NUMBER		DEFAULT NULL,
16                        x_override_to_organization_id  in NUMBER		DEFAULT NULL,
17                        x_adjusted_encumbrance_item_id in NUMBER		DEFAULT NULL,
18                        x_net_zero_adjustment_flag     in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
19                        x_transferred_from_enc_item_id in NUMBER		DEFAULT NULL,
20                        x_last_update_login            in NUMBER		DEFAULT NULL,
21                        x_request_id                   in NUMBER         DEFAULT NULL,
22                        x_attribute_category           in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
23                        x_attribute1                   in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
24                        x_attribute2                   in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
25                        x_attribute3                   in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
26                        x_attribute4                   in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
27                        x_attribute5                   in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
28                        x_attribute6                   in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
29                        x_attribute7                   in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
30                        x_attribute8                   in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
31                        x_attribute9                   in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
32                        x_attribute10                  in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
33                        x_orig_transaction_reference   in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
34                        x_transaction_source           in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
35                        x_project_id                   in NUMBER		DEFAULT NULL,
36                        x_source_encumbrance_item_id   in NUMBER		DEFAULT NULL,
37                        x_job_id                       in NUMBER		DEFAULT NULL,
38                        x_system_linkage_function      in VARCHAR2,
39                        x_denom_currency_code          in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
40                        x_denom_raw_amount             in NUMBER         DEFAULT NULL,
41                        x_acct_exchange_rounding_limit in NUMBER		DEFAULT NULL,
42                        x_acct_currency_code           in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
43                        x_acct_rate_date               in DATE		DEFAULT NULL,
44                        x_acct_rate_type               in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
45                        x_acct_exchange_rate           in NUMBER		DEFAULT NULL,
46                        x_acct_raw_cost                in NUMBER         DEFAULT NULL,
47                        x_project_currency_code        in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
48                        x_project_rate_date            in DATE		DEFAULT NULL,
49                        x_project_rate_type            in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
50                        x_project_exchange_rate        in NUMBER		DEFAULT NULL,
51                        x_encumbrance_comment          in VARCHAR2	DEFAULT NULL,
52                        x_org_id                       in NUMBER ,
53                        x_denom_tp_currency_code       in VARCHAR2       DEFAULT NULL,
54                        x_denom_transfer_price         in NUMBER         DEFAULT NULL,
55                        x_person_id                    in NUMBER         DEFAULT NULL,
56                        x_incurred_by_person_id        in NUMBER         DEFAULT NULL,
57                        x_ind_compiled_set_id          in NUMBER         DEFAULT NULL,
58                        x_pa_date                      in DATE           DEFAULT NULL,
59                        x_gl_date                      in DATE           DEFAULT NULL,
60                        x_line_num                     in NUMBER         DEFAULT 1,
61                        x_burden_sum_dest_run_id       in NUMBER         DEFAULT NULL,
62                        x_burden_sum_source_run_id     in NUMBER         DEFAULT NULL) IS
65   cursor return_rowid is select rowid from gms_encumbrance_items
66                          where encumbrance_item_id = x_encumbrance_item_id;
67   cursor get_itemid is select gms_encumbrance_items_s.nextval from sys.dual;
69   status	NUMBER;
70   l_project_id  number; --Bug 5726575
73   if (x_encumbrance_item_id is null) then
74     open get_itemid;
75     fetch get_itemid into x_encumbrance_item_id;
76     close get_itemid;
77   end if;
79   --Bug 5726575
80   if x_project_id is null then
81     select project_id
82     into l_project_id
83     from pa_tasks
84     where task_id = x_task_id;
85   end if;
87   -- if amt is negative, need to update reversed original
89   insert into gms_encumbrance_items (encumbrance_item_id,
90                                     last_update_date,
91                                     last_updated_by,
92                                     creation_date,
93                                     created_by,
94                                     encumbrance_id,
95                                     task_id,
96                                     encumbrance_item_date,
97                                     encumbrance_type,
98                                     enc_distributed_flag,
99                                     amount,
100                                     override_to_organization_id,
101                                     adjusted_encumbrance_item_id,
102                                     net_zero_adjustment_flag,
103                                     transferred_from_enc_item_id,
104                                     last_update_login,
105                                     attribute_category,
106                                     attribute1,
107                                     attribute2,
108                                     attribute3,
109                                     attribute4,
110                                     attribute5,
111                                     attribute6,
112                                     attribute7,
113                                     attribute8,
114                                     attribute9,
115                                     attribute10,
116                                     orig_transaction_reference,
117                                     transaction_source,
118                                     project_id,
119                                     source_encumbrance_item_id,
120                                     job_id,
121                                     system_linkage_function,
122  		       		    denom_currency_code,
123                                     denom_raw_amount,
124 				    acct_exchange_rounding_limit,
125    		       		    acct_currency_code,
126  		       		    acct_rate_date,
127 				    acct_rate_type,
128  		       		    acct_exchange_rate,
129                                     acct_raw_cost,
130  		       		    project_currency_code,
131  	       	       		    project_rate_date,
132  		       		    project_rate_type,
133  		       		    project_exchange_rate,
134 				    denom_tp_currency_code,
135 			            denom_transfer_price,
136                                     encumbrance_comment,
137                                     person_id,
138                                     incurred_by_person_id,
139                                     ind_compiled_set_id,
140                                     pa_date,
141                                     gl_date,
142                                     line_num,
143                                     burden_sum_dest_run_id,
144                                     burden_sum_source_run_id ,
145                                     org_id )
146  values (x_encumbrance_item_id,
147          x_last_update_date,
148          x_last_updated_by,
149          x_creation_date,
150          x_created_by,
151          x_encumbrance_id,
152          x_task_id,
153          x_encumbrance_item_date,
154          x_encumbrance_type,
155          x_enc_distributed_flag,
156          x_amount,
157          x_override_to_organization_id,
158          x_adjusted_encumbrance_item_id,
159          x_net_zero_adjustment_flag,
160          x_transferred_from_enc_item_id,
161          x_last_update_login,
162          x_attribute_category,
163          x_attribute1,
164          x_attribute2,
165          x_attribute3,
166          x_attribute4,
167          x_attribute5,
168          x_attribute6,
169          x_attribute7,
170          x_attribute8,
171          x_attribute9,
172          x_attribute10,
173          x_orig_transaction_reference,
174          x_transaction_source,
175          nvl(x_project_id, l_project_id),--Bug 5726575 x_project_id,
176          x_source_encumbrance_item_id,
177          x_job_id,
178          x_system_linkage_function,
179     	 x_denom_currency_code,
180          x_denom_raw_amount,
181    	 x_acct_exchange_rounding_limit,
182  	 x_acct_currency_code,
183  	 x_acct_rate_date,
184  	 x_acct_rate_type,
185  	 x_acct_exchange_rate,
186          x_acct_raw_cost,
187  	 x_project_currency_code,
188  	 x_project_rate_date,
189  	 x_project_rate_type,
190  	 x_project_exchange_rate,
191          x_denom_tp_currency_code,
192          x_denom_transfer_price,
193          x_encumbrance_comment,
194          x_person_id,
195          x_incurred_by_person_id,
196          x_ind_compiled_set_id,
197          x_pa_date,
198          x_gl_date,
199          x_line_num,
200          x_burden_sum_dest_run_id,
201          x_burden_sum_source_run_id,
202          x_org_id  );
204   open return_rowid;
205   fetch return_rowid into x_rowid;
206   if (return_rowid%notfound) then
207     raise NO_DATA_FOUND;  -- should we return something else?
208   end if;
209   close return_rowid;
211   -- this assumes the neg amount has already been validated, and
212   -- is matched.  unmatched occurs in adjustments
213 --  if (((x_quantity < 0) or (x_burden_cost < 0)) and
214  if ((x_amount < 0)  and
215        (x_net_zero_adjustment_flag = 'Y'))  then
216     update gms_encumbrance_items
217     set net_zero_adjustment_flag = 'Y'
218     where encumbrance_item_id = x_adjusted_encumbrance_item_id;
220     -- Date :  17-JUN-99
221     --
222     -- Earlier the value for parameter encumbrance id was NULL. This
223     -- resulted in the reversing related items getting creating in a
224     -- different encumbrance id which is different from that of the
225     -- source item. Changed the NULL value to the current encumbrance
226     -- id.
227     --
228 /*
229     pa_adjustments.ReverseRelatedItems(x_adjusted_encumbrance_item_id,
230                                        x_encumbrance_id,
231                                        'PAXTREPE',
232                                        X_created_by,
233                                        X_last_update_login,
234                                        status );
235 */
236     --
237     --
238   end if;
239  END insert_row;
240 -- =====================================================================================
242  procedure update_row (x_rowid				in VARCHAR2,
243                        x_encumbrance_item_id		in NUMBER,
244                        x_last_update_date		in DATE,
245                        x_last_updated_by		in NUMBER,
246                        x_encumbrance_id			in NUMBER,
247                        x_task_id			in NUMBER,
248                        x_encumbrance_item_date		in DATE,
249                        x_encumbrance_type		in VARCHAR2,
250                        x_enc_distributed_flag		in VARCHAR2,
251                        x_amount				in NUMBER,
252                        x_override_to_organization_id	in NUMBER,
253                        x_adjusted_encumbrance_item_id	in NUMBER,
254                        x_net_zero_adjustment_flag	in VARCHAR2,
255                        x_transferred_from_enc_item_id	in NUMBER,
256                        x_last_update_login		in NUMBER,
257                        x_attribute_category		in VARCHAR2,
258                        x_attribute1			in VARCHAR2,
259                        x_attribute2			in VARCHAR2,
260                        x_attribute3			in VARCHAR2,
261                        x_attribute4			in VARCHAR2,
262                        x_attribute5			in VARCHAR2,
263                        x_attribute6			in VARCHAR2,
264                        x_attribute7			in VARCHAR2,
265                        x_attribute8			in VARCHAR2,
266                        x_attribute9			in VARCHAR2,
267                        x_attribute10			in VARCHAR2,
268                        x_orig_transaction_reference	in VARCHAR2,
269                        x_transaction_source		in VARCHAR2,
270                        x_project_id			in NUMBER,
271                        x_source_encumbrance_item_id	in NUMBER,
272                        x_job_id				in NUMBER,
273                        x_system_linkage_function        in VARCHAR2,
274  		       x_denom_currency_code            in VARCHAR2,
275                        x_denom_raw_amount               in NUMBER,
276    		       x_acct_exchange_rounding_limit   in NUMBER,
277  		       x_acct_currency_code             in VARCHAR2,
278  		       x_acct_rate_date                 in DATE,
279  		       x_acct_rate_type                 in VARCHAR2,
280  		       x_acct_exchange_rate             in NUMBER,
281                        x_acct_raw_cost                  in NUMBER,
282  		       x_project_currency_code          in VARCHAR2,
283  	       	       x_project_rate_date              in DATE,
284  		       x_project_rate_type              in VARCHAR2,
285  		       x_project_exchange_rate          in NUMBER,
286                        x_encumbrance_comment            in VARCHAR2,
287                        x_pa_date                        in DATE,
288                        x_gl_date                        in DATE ) IS
289 /*
290                        x_denom_tp_currency_code         in VARCHAR2,
291                        x_denom_transfer_price           in NUMBER ,
292                        x_person_id                      in NUMBER,
293                        x_incurred_by_person_id          in NUMBER,
294                        x_ind_compiled_set_id            in NUMBER,
295                        x_line_num                       in NUMBER,
296                        x_burden_sum_dest_run_id         in NUMBER,
297                        x_burden_sum_source_run_id       in NUMBER) IS
298 */
300   action	VARCHAR2(30);
301   outcome	VARCHAR2(100);
302   num_processed	NUMBER;
303   num_rejected	NUMBER;
304   status	NUMBER;
305   l_project_id  number; --Bug 5726575
307  BEGIN
308   -- need to check status, force user to use adjust if necessary
310   --Bug 5693864
311   if x_project_id is null then
312     select project_id
313     into l_project_id
314     from pa_tasks
315     where task_id = x_task_id;
316   end if;
318   update gms_encumbrance_items
319   set encumbrance_item_id = 		x_encumbrance_item_id,
320       last_update_date = 		x_last_update_date,
321       last_updated_by = 		x_last_updated_by,
322       encumbrance_id = 			x_encumbrance_id,
323       task_id = 			x_task_id,
324       encumbrance_item_date = 		x_encumbrance_item_date,
325       encumbrance_type = 		x_encumbrance_type,
326       enc_distributed_flag = 		x_enc_distributed_flag,
327       amount = 				x_amount,
328       override_to_organization_id = 	x_override_to_organization_id,
329       adjusted_encumbrance_item_id = 	x_adjusted_encumbrance_item_id,
330       net_zero_adjustment_flag = 	x_net_zero_adjustment_flag,
331       transferred_from_enc_item_id = 	x_transferred_from_enc_item_id,
335       attribute2 = 			x_attribute2,
332       last_update_login = 		x_last_update_login,
333       attribute_category = 		x_attribute_category,
334       attribute1 = 			x_attribute1,
336       attribute3 = 			x_attribute3,
337       attribute4 = 			x_attribute4,
338       attribute5 = 			x_attribute5,
339       attribute6 = 			x_attribute6,
340       attribute7 =	 		x_attribute7,
341       attribute8 = 			x_attribute8,
342       attribute9 = 			x_attribute9,
343       attribute10 = 			x_attribute10,
344       orig_transaction_reference = 	x_orig_transaction_reference,
345       transaction_source = 		x_transaction_source,
346       project_id =                      nvl(x_project_id, l_project_id), --Bug 5693864 x_project_id,
347       source_encumbrance_item_id = 	x_source_encumbrance_item_id,
348       job_id = 				x_job_id,
349       system_linkage_function    =      x_system_linkage_function,
350       denom_currency_code             = x_denom_currency_code,
351       denom_raw_amount                = x_denom_raw_amount,
352       acct_exchange_rounding_limit    = x_acct_exchange_rounding_limit,
353       acct_currency_code              = x_acct_currency_code,
354       acct_rate_date                  = x_acct_rate_date,
355       acct_rate_type                  = x_acct_rate_type,
356       acct_exchange_rate              = x_acct_exchange_rate,
357       acct_raw_cost                   = x_acct_raw_cost,
358       encumbrance_comment              = x_encumbrance_comment  ,
359       pa_date                         = x_pa_date,
360       gl_date                         = x_gl_date
361      /*
362       project_currency_code           = x_project_currency_code,
363       project_rate_date               = x_project_rate_date,
364       project_rate_type    	      = x_project_rate_type,
365       project_exchange_rate           = x_project_exchange_rate
366      */
367        where rowid = x_rowid;
369   -- this assumes the neg amount has already been validated, and
370   -- is matched.  unmatched occurs in adjustments
371 --  if (((x_quantity < 0) or (x_burden_cost < 0)) and
372  if ((x_amount < 0)  and
373        (x_net_zero_adjustment_flag = 'Y')) then
374     update gms_encumbrance_items
375     set net_zero_adjustment_flag = 'Y'
376     where encumbrance_item_id = x_adjusted_encumbrance_item_id;
378     -- Date :  17-JUN-99
379     --
380     -- Earlier the value for parameter encumbrance id was NULL. This
381     -- resulted in the reversing related items getting creating in a
382     -- different encumbrance id which is different from that of the
383     -- source item. Changed the NULL value to the current encumbrance
384     -- id.
385     --
386     pa_adjustments.ReverseRelatedItems(x_adjusted_encumbrance_item_id,
387                                        x_encumbrance_id,
388                                        'PAXTREPE',
389                                        X_last_updated_by,
390                                        X_last_update_login,
391                                        status );
392     --
393     --
394   end if;
396  END update_row;
398 -- =========================================================================================
399  -- Given the encumbrance_item_id, delete the row.
400  -- If deletion of an reversing item occurs, make sure to reset the
401  -- net_zero_adjustment_flag in the reversed item.
403  procedure delete_row (x_encumbrance_item_id	in NUMBER) is
405   cursor check_reversing is
406     select adjusted_encumbrance_item_id from gms_encumbrance_items
407     where encumbrance_item_id = x_encumbrance_item_id;
409   cursor check_source  is
410     select encumbrance_item_id, adjusted_encumbrance_item_id
411     from gms_encumbrance_items
412     where source_encumbrance_item_id = x_encumbrance_item_id;
414   rev_item	check_reversing%rowtype;
415   source_item   check_source%rowtype;
417  BEGIN
419   -- reset the adjustment flag.
420   open check_reversing;
421   fetch check_reversing into rev_item;
422   if (rev_item.adjusted_encumbrance_item_id is not null) then
423     update gms_encumbrance_items
424     set net_zero_adjustment_flag = 'N'
425     where encumbrance_item_id = rev_item.adjusted_encumbrance_item_id;
427     open check_source  ;
428     --
429     -- Previously the following section which deals with related items was
430     -- done based on the assumption that there can exist only one related
431     -- item. So not suprisingly bug# 912209 was logged which states that
432     -- only one of the related item was getting deleted when the source
433     -- item was deleted. Now the deletion of related items sections is
434     -- called in a loop for each of the related items.
435     --
436     LOOP
437       fetch check_source into source_item ;
438       if check_source%notfound then exit ;
439       end if;
440       fetch check_source into source_item ;
441       if (source_item.adjusted_encumbrance_item_id is not null)  then
442            update gms_encumbrance_items
443            set net_zero_adjustment_flag = 'N'
444            where encumbrance_item_id = source_item.adjusted_encumbrance_item_id ;
446            delete from gms_encumbrance_items
447            where encumbrance_item_id = source_item.encumbrance_item_id;
448       end if ;
449     END LOOP;
450     --
451     -- End section
452     --
453     close check_source ;
455   end if;
457   delete from gms_encumbrance_items
458   where encumbrance_item_id = x_encumbrance_item_id;
461  END delete_row;
463 -- =======================================================================================================
464  procedure delete_row (x_rowid	in VARCHAR2) is
466   cursor get_itemid is select encumbrance_item_id from gms_encumbrance_items
467                        where rowid = x_rowid;
468   x_encumbrance_item_id  NUMBER;
470  BEGIN
471   open get_itemid;
472   fetch get_itemid into x_encumbrance_item_id;
474   delete_row (x_encumbrance_item_id);
476  END delete_row;
480  procedure lock_row (x_rowid	in VARCHAR2) is
481  BEGIN
482   null;
483  END lock_row;
485 END gms_encumbrance_items_pkg;