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2 /* $Header: otreprocclsupg.pkb 120.0.12000000.2 2007/02/13 14:03:30 vkkolla noship $ */
3     -- List processes
5     MIGRATE_LOOKUP         constant varchar2(50) := 'MIGRATE_LOOKUP';
6     UPGRADE_CATEGORY       constant varchar2(50) := 'UPGRADE_CATEGORY';
7     CATEGORY_TO_ACTIVITY   constant varchar2(50) := 'CATEGORY_TO_ACTIVITY';
8     ACTIVITY_TO_CATEGORY   constant varchar2(50) := 'ACTIVITY_TO_CATEGORY';
9     CREATE_OFFERINGS       constant varchar2(50) := 'CREATE_OFFERINGS';
10     UPG_EVENT_ASSOCIATIONS constant varchar2(50) := 'UPG_EVENT_ASSOCIATIONS';
11     UPG_EVENTS             constant varchar2(50) := 'UPG_EVENTS';
13     CONC_UPGRADE_ID constant number := get_next_upgrade_id ;
14     l_request_id number;
16     ORACLE_USER_NAME constant fnd_oracle_userid.oracle_username%type
17                                   := get_ota_schema;
18 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
19 -- |-------------------------< get_next_upgrade_id >--------------------------|
20 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
21 function get_next_upgrade_id
22 return number is
23   l_upgrade_id number;
24   begin
25     select nvl(max(upgrade_id),1)
26     into   l_upgrade_id
27     from   ota_upgrade_log ;
29     return l_upgrade_id +1 ;
31   end  get_next_upgrade_id;
32 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
33 -- |--------------------------< get_ota_schema >------------------------------|
34 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
35 function get_ota_schema return varchar2 is
36   OTA_APP_SHORT_NAME constant varchar2(10) := 'OTA';
37   l_status   fnd_product_installations.status%type;
38   l_industry fnd_product_installations.industry%type;
39   l_schema   FND_ORACLE_USERID.oracle_username%type := null;
41   l_found    boolean;
42 begin
43      l_found := fnd_installation.get_app_info( OTA_APP_SHORT_NAME
44                                    ,l_status
45                                    ,l_industry
46                                    ,l_schema );
47       if l_found then
48          return l_schema;
49       else
50          return null;
51       end if;
52 end  get_ota_schema;
53 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
54 -- |-------------------------< get_upgrade_name >-----------------------------|
55 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
56 function get_upgrade_name(proc_name in varchar2,upg_id in number)
57 return varchar2 is
58   begin
59     return   proc_name||upg_id;
60   end  get_upgrade_name;
61 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
62 -- |---------------------< get_conc_date_param >------------------------------|
63 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
64 function get_conc_date_param(upg_id in number) return date is
65 cursor c_upg_date is
66      select process_date
67      from ota_upgrade_log
68      where upgrade_id = upg_id;
70     l_ret date;
71   begin
72     open c_upg_date;
73     fetch   c_upg_date into l_ret;
74     close c_upg_date;
76     return l_ret;
77  end   get_conc_date_param;
78 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
79 -- |-------------------------< check_errors >---------------------------------|
80 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
81 function check_errors(upg_id in number) return boolean is
82      cursor c_any_errors is
83      select 1
84      from ota_upgrade_log
85      where upgrade_id = upg_id
86      and   log_type = 'E';
88      l_ret boolean := false;
89      l_local number;
90    begin
91     open c_any_errors;
92     fetch  c_any_errors   into l_local;
93     if  c_any_errors%found then
94      l_ret := true;
95     end if;
96     close c_any_errors;
98     return l_ret;
99   end check_errors;
100 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
101 -- |-------------------------< submit_upgrade >--------------------------------|
102 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
103 procedure submit_upgrade (p_procedure in varchar2, p_upg_name in varchar2,
104                           p_table_name in varchar2,p_primary_col in varchar2) is
106   l_errbuf  varchar2(1000);
107   l_retcode number;
108  begin
109     ota_data_upgrader_util.submitUpgradeProcessSingle(
110              errbuf            => l_errbuf,
111              retcode           => l_retcode,
112              p_process_number  => '1',                  -- This worker
113              p_max_number_proc => '1',                  -- Total workers
114              p_process_to_call => p_procedure,
115              p_upgrade_type    => 'AD_LGE_TBL_UPG',
116              p_process_ctrl    => null,
117              p_param1          => ORACLE_USER_NAME,                      -- table owner
118              p_param2          => p_table_name,   -- table name
119              p_param3          => p_primary_col,    -- PK id column
120              p_param4          => p_upg_name,                      -- Update name
121              p_param5          => '200',                      -- batchsize
122              p_param6          => CONC_UPGRADE_ID,   -- Concurrent upgrade id;
123              p_param7          => null,
124              p_param8          => null,
125              p_param9          => null,
126              p_param10         => null);
127  end submit_upgrade;
129 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
130 -- |-------------------------< write_log >------------------------------------|
131 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
132 procedure write_log (msg in varchar2) is
133   begin
134    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.OUTPUT,msg);
135   end write_log;
137 /*
138     Functions determining whether upgrade on a particular entity is required.
139 */
140 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
141 -- |-------------------------< do_migrate_lookup >-----------------------------|
142 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
143  function do_migrate_lookup return boolean is
144       cursor c_exist is
145       select 1
146       From Fnd_Lookup_values
147       Where Lookup_type = 'FREQUENCY'
148       and created_by not in (1,2)
149       and (Lookup_code,language)
150       not in (Select Lookup_code,language from Fnd_lookup_values
151       Where Lookup_type = 'OTA_DURATION_UNITS')
152       and rownum = 1 ;
154       l_exists boolean := false;
155       l_ret    number ;
156    begin
157        open c_exist;
158        fetch c_exist into l_ret;
159        if c_exist%FOUND then
160          l_exists := true;
161        end if;
162        close c_exist;
164        return l_exists;
165  end   do_migrate_lookup;
166 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
167 -- |-------------------------< do_upgrade_category >--------------------------|
168 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
169  function do_upgrade_category return boolean is
170       cursor c_exist is
171       select 1
172       from ota_category_usages ocu
173       where ocu.category = (SELECT lkp.meaning
174                   FROM  hr_lookups lkp
175                   WHERE lkp.lookup_code = ocu.category
176                	  AND lkp.lookup_type = 'ACTIVITY_CATEGORY')
177             or not exists  (select 1
178                        from ota_category_usages_tl oct
179                        where oct.category_usage_id = ocu.category_usage_id)
180       and rownum  = 1 ;
182       l_exists boolean := false;
183       l_ret    number ;
184    begin
185        open c_exist;
186        fetch c_exist into l_ret;
187        if c_exist%FOUND then
188          l_exists := true;
189        end if;
190        close c_exist;
192        return l_exists;
193  end   do_upgrade_category;
194 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
195 -- |-------------------------< do_create_ctg_for_tad >------------------------|
196 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
197  function do_create_ctg_for_tad return boolean is
198       cursor c_exist is
199       select 1
200       FROM ota_activity_definitions tad
201       WHERE tad.category_usage_id is null
202       AND   rownum = 1 ;
204       l_exists boolean := false;
205       l_ret    number ;
206      begin
207        open c_exist;
208        fetch c_exist into l_ret;
209        if c_exist%FOUND then
210          l_exists := true;
211        end if;
212        close c_exist;
214        return l_exists;
215  end   do_create_ctg_for_tad;
216 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
217 -- |-------------------------< do_create_tad_for_ctg >------------------------|
218 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
219  function do_create_tad_for_ctg return boolean is
220       cursor c_exist is
221       select 1
222       from     ota_category_usages ocu
223       where    ocu.type = 'C'
224       and      not exists (select category_usage_id
225                                          from ota_activity_definitions tad
226                                          where tad.category_usage_id is not null
227                                          and tad.category_usage_id = ocu.category_usage_id)
228       and rownum = 1 ;
230       l_exists boolean := false;
231       l_ret    number ;
232    begin
233        open c_exist;
234        fetch c_exist into l_ret;
235        if c_exist%FOUND then
236          l_exists := true;
237        end if;
238        close c_exist;
240        return l_exists;
241  end   do_create_tad_for_ctg;
242 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
243 -- |-------------------------< do_create_offerings >--------------------------|
244 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
245 -- Select Query is wrong.
246  function do_create_offerings return boolean is
247       cursor c_exist is
248       select 1
249       FROM ota_activity_versions  tav
250       WHERE
251             not exists (select 1 from ota_offerings off where off.activity_version_id = tav.activity_version_id )
252       and   ( exists    (select 1 from ota_events evt where evt.activity_version_id = tav.activity_version_id )
253       or    ( exists    (select 1 from ota_resource_usages rud where rud.activity_version_id = tav.activity_version_id)
254             and not exists (select 1 from ota_resource_usages rud1 where rud1.activity_version_id= tav.activity_version_id
255                              and rud1.offering_id is null))
256       or    ( exists     ( select 1 from per_competence_elements where object_id = tav.activity_version_id and type = 'TRAINER')
257       and not exists (select 1 from per_competence_elements where object_id = tav.activity_version_id and type = 'OTA_OFFERING')))
258       and rownum =1;
260       cursor c_exist_0 is
261       select 1
262       from   ota_events
263       where  parent_offering_id is null
264       and rownum = 1 ;
266       l_exists boolean := false;
267       l_ret    number ;
268    begin
269        open  c_exist_0;
270        fetch c_exist_0 into l_ret;
271        if c_exist_0%FOUND then
272          l_exists := true;
273        end if;
274        close c_exist_0;
276        if l_exists <> true then
277          open c_exist;
278          fetch c_exist into l_ret;
279          if c_exist%FOUND then
280            l_exists := true;
281          end if;
282          close c_exist;
283        end if;
285        return l_exists;
286  end   do_create_offerings;
287 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
288 -- |-------------------------< do_upgrade_evt_assoc >-------------------------|
289 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
290  function do_upgrade_evt_assoc return boolean is
291       cursor c_exist is
292       select 1
293       from ota_event_associations
294       where nvl(self_enrollment_flag,'Y') <> 'N'
295       and   (           customer_id     is not null
296            or        job_id          is not null
297            or        organization_id is not null
298            or        position_id     is not null)
299      and rownum = 1;
301       l_exists boolean := false;
302       l_ret    number ;
303    begin
304        open c_exist;
305        fetch c_exist into l_ret;
306        if c_exist%FOUND then
307          l_exists := true;
308        end if;
309        close c_exist;
311        return l_exists;
312  end   do_upgrade_evt_assoc;
313 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
314 -- |-------------------------< do_upgrade_evt >------------------------------|
315 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
316  function do_upgrade_evt return boolean is
317       cursor c_exist is
318       select 1
319       from   ota_events
320       where line_id is not null
321       and   (    nvl(book_independent_flag,'Y') <> 'N'
322               or nvl(Maximum_internal_attendees,0) <> 0)
323       and rownum = 1 ;
325       l_exists boolean := false;
326       l_ret    number ;
327    begin
328          open c_exist;
329          fetch c_exist into l_ret;
330          if c_exist%FOUND then
331            l_exists := true;
332          end if;
333          close c_exist;
335        return l_exists;
336  end   do_upgrade_evt;
340 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
341 -- |-------------------< check_offering_event_link >--------------------------|
342 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
343  function check_offering_event_link return boolean is
344       cursor csr_off_evt_link is
345       select evt.event_id,evt.activity_version_id evt_act_Ver_id, off.activity_version_id,evt.parent_offering_id
346       from   ota_events evt, ota_offerings off
347       where  evt.parent_offering_id = off.offering_id
348       and    evt.activity_version_id <> off.activity_version_id ;
350       cursor csr_off_evt_lang is
351       select evt.event_id,evt.activity_version_id evt_act_Ver_id, off.activity_version_id,evt.parent_offering_id,evt.language_id evt_lang, off.language_id off_lang
352       from   ota_events evt, ota_offerings off
353       where  evt.parent_offering_id = off.offering_id
354       and    evt.language_id <> off.language_id ;
357       l_exists boolean := false;
358       l_ret    number ;
359    begin
360    -- Check if any event attached to a offering belongs to a different course. If any found remove the link.
361          for l_off_evt_link in csr_off_evt_link loop
362 	   l_exists := TRUE;
363 	   Update ota_events
364 	   set parent_offering_id = Null
365 	   Where  event_id = l_off_evt_link.event_id
366 	   and    parent_offering_id = l_off_evt_link.parent_offering_id ;
367 	  end loop;
369    -- Check if any event attached to a offering of differnt language. If any found remove the link.
370          for l_off_evt_lang in csr_off_evt_lang loop
371 	   l_exists := TRUE;
372 	   Update ota_events
373 	   set parent_offering_id = Null
374 	   Where  event_id = l_off_evt_lang.event_id
375 	   and    parent_offering_id = l_off_evt_lang.parent_offering_id ;
376 	  end loop;
379        return l_exists;
380  end   check_offering_event_link;
382 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
383 -- |-------------------------< upgrade_request >------------------------------|
384 -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
385 -- Procedure called on concurrent request submission.
386 -- Two parameters are required by the Concurrent Manager.
387 -- This procedure checks if upgrade is required for an entity, and if so
388 -- submits a large table update for the entity.
389  procedure upgrade_request(aSqlerrm      IN OUT NOCOPY  VARCHAR2,
390                            aSqlcode      IN OUT NOCOPY  number) is
392     l_upgrade_done  boolean := false;
393   begin
395      write_log('Starting Reprocess OTA Upgrade Concurrent Process ');
398                            UPGRADE_ID,
399                            TABLE_NAME,
400                            SOURCE_PRIMARY_KEY,
401                            OBJECT_VALUE,
402                            BUSINESS_GROUP_ID,
403                            PROCESS_DATE,
404                            MESSAGE_TEXT,
405                            TARGET_PRIMARY_KEY,
406 			   LOG_TYPE,
407 			   UPGRADE_NAME)
408 			   VALUES
409 			   (CONC_UPGRADE_ID,
410                              'DUMMY',
411 			    '-1',
412 			    null,
413 			    null,
414 			    sysdate,
415 			    'Starting Reprocess OTA Classic Data Upgrade',
416 			    null,
417 			    'N',
418 			    'OTCLSUPG');
420      write_log('Checking for mismatch between offering and events table');
421      if check_offering_Event_link then
422 	write_log('There is a mismatch between offering and events table. This proces will correct them');
423      end if;
426     -- 1) Migrate Lookups
427      if do_migrate_lookup then
428        write_log('Migrating Lookup:FREQUENCY');
429        l_upgrade_done := true;
430        ota_classic_upgrade.migrate_lookup;
431      end if;
432     -- 2) Upgrade Category
433      if do_upgrade_category then
434        write_log('Upgrading Category definitions');
435        l_upgrade_done := true;
436        submit_upgrade( 'ota_classic_upgrade.upgrade_category'
437                       ,get_upgrade_name(UPGRADE_CATEGORY,CONC_UPGRADE_ID)
438                       ,'OTA_CATEGORY_USAGES'
439                       ,'CATEGORY_USAGE_ID');
440      end if;
442            -- Upgrade Act cat Inclusions
443       ota_classic_upgrade.upgrade_act_cat_inclusions;
445       -- Upgrade Online delivery modes
446       ota_classic_upgrade.upgrade_online_delivery_modes(CONC_UPGRADE_ID);
448       --  Create root dms and categories for BGS
449         ota_classic_upgrade.create_root_ctg_and_dms;
451       ota_classic_upgrade.create_ctg_dm_for_act_bg(CONC_UPGRADE_ID);
454      --3) Create Category for Activity
455      if do_create_ctg_for_tad then
456         write_log('Creating category for activity');
457         l_upgrade_done := true;
458         submit_upgrade( 'ota_classic_upgrade.create_category_for_activity'
459                       ,get_upgrade_name(ACTIVITY_TO_CATEGORY,CONC_UPGRADE_ID)
460                       ,'OTA_ACTIVITY_DEFINITIONS'
461                       ,'ACTIVITY_ID');
462      end if;
466      -- 4) Create Activity for Category
467      if do_create_tad_for_ctg then
468           write_log('Creating activity for category');
469        l_upgrade_done := true;
470         submit_upgrade( 'ota_classic_upgrade.create_activity_for_category'
471                       ,get_upgrade_name(CATEGORY_TO_ACTIVITY,CONC_UPGRADE_ID)
472                       ,'OTA_CATEGORY_USAGES'
473                       ,'CATEGORY_USAGE_ID');
474      end if;
476      ota_classic_upgrade.upgrade_root_category_dates;
478      --5) Create Offerings
479      if do_create_offerings then
480         write_log('Creating Offerings');
481 	l_upgrade_done := true;
482         submit_upgrade( 'ota_classic_upgrade.create_offering'
483                       ,get_upgrade_name(CREATE_OFFERINGS,CONC_UPGRADE_ID)
484                       ,'OTA_ACTIVITY_VERSIONS'
485                       ,'ACTIVITY_VERSION_ID');
487          update ota_offerings
488          set learning_object_id = null
489          where learning_object_id = -1;
490      end if;
492      -- 6) Upgrade Event Associations
493      if do_upgrade_evt_assoc then
494        write_log (' Upgrading event Associations');
495        l_upgrade_done := true;
496         submit_upgrade( 'ota_classic_upgrade.upgrade_event_associations'
497                       ,get_upgrade_name(UPG_EVENT_ASSOCIATIONS,CONC_UPGRADE_ID)
498                       ,'OTA_EVENT_ASSOCIATIONS'
499                       ,'EVENT_ASSOCIATION_ID');
501      end if;
503      -- 7) Upgrade Events
504      if do_upgrade_evt then
505        write_log (' Upgrading Events');
506        l_upgrade_done := true;
507         submit_upgrade( 'ota_classic_upgrade.upgrade_events'
508                       ,get_upgrade_name(UPG_EVENTS,CONC_UPGRADE_ID)
509                       ,'OTA_EVENTS'
510                       ,'EVENT_ID');
511      end if;
513      -- 2733966
514      -- 8) Populate Language_code column in OTA_Offerings, OTA_Learning_Objects and
515 	 --    OTA_Competence_languages if it is null.
516      ota_classic_upgrade.upgrade_language_code;
519      if l_upgrade_done then
520        if check_errors(CONC_UPGRADE_ID) then
521          write_log('Errors have been encountered during this Upgrade process' );
522          write_log('Correct the errors and Re-run this concurrent request' );
523          write_log('To check for errors run the Upgrade Log Report with the following parameters:');
524          write_log('Upgrade Id: '||CONC_UPGRADE_ID);
525          write_log('Date        '||get_conc_date_param(CONC_UPGRADE_ID));
527          /*Submit the Upgrade Log Request with initial upgrade arguments */
528        l_request_id := fnd_request.submit_request(
529                                     application => 'OTA',
530                                     program => 'OTARPUPG',
531 			            argument1 => CONC_UPGRADE_ID,
532 			            argument2 => fnd_date.date_to_canonical(sysdate));
533       else
534         write_log('Upgrade Completed Successfully');
535         write_log('There is no further need to run this concurrent request');
537       end if;
538      else
539          write_log('No Upgrade is required');
540      end if;
543   end upgrade_request;
545 end    ota_reprocess_classic_upgrade;