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2 /* $Header: WSHURGPS.pls 115.6 2004/04/08 01:02:22 nparikh noship $ */
4 --===================
6 --===================
8 --IB LOGISTICS rvishnuv
9 --This record structure is used to store the information about matched
10 -- delivery details that have been matched either from the Inbound
11 -- Reconciliation UI or through the Matching Algorithm.
12 TYPE asn_rcv_del_det_rec_type IS RECORD (
13   del_detail_id_tab	        WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type(),
14   delivery_id_tab	        WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type(),
15   shipment_line_id_tab	        WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type(),
16   child_index_tab	        WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type(),
17   requested_qty_tab	        WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type(),
18   shipped_qty_tab	        WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type(),
19   received_qty_tab	        WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type(),
20   returned_qty_tab	        WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type(),
21   requested_qty_db_tab	        WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type(),
22   shipped_qty_db_tab	        WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type(),
23   received_qty_db_tab	        WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type(),
24   returned_qty_db_tab	        WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type(),
25   shpmt_line_id_idx_tab         WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type(),
26   requested_qty2_tab	        WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type(),
27   shipped_qty2_tab	        WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type(),
28   received_qty2_tab	        WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type(),
29   returned_qty2_tab	        WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type(),
30   requested_qty2_db_tab         WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type(),
31   shipped_qty2_db_tab	        WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type(),
32   received_qty2_db_tab	        WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type(),
33   returned_qty2_db_tab	        WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type(),
34   shipment_line_id_db_tab       WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type(),
35   ship_from_location_id_tab     WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type(),
36   po_line_location_id_tab       WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type(),
37   po_line_id_tab                WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type(),
38   released_status_tab           WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char1_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char1_Nested_Tab_Type(),
39   parent_delivery_detail_id_tab	        WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type(),
40   process_corr_rtv_flag_tab     WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char1_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char1_Nested_Tab_Type(),
41   process_asn_rcv_flag_tab      WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char1_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char1_Nested_Tab_Type(),
42   trip_id_tab                   WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type(),
43   requested_qty_uom_tab         WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char30_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char30_Nested_Tab_Type(),
44   requested_qty_uom2_tab         WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char30_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char30_Nested_Tab_Type(),
45   po_header_id_tab                WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type(),
46 /* Fields below added only for matching algorithm */
47   picked_qty_tab                WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type(),
48   picked_qty2_tab               WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type(),
49   picked_qty_db_tab             WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type(),
50   picked_qty2_db_tab            WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type(),
51   match_flag_tab                WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char1_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.char1_Nested_Tab_Type(),
52   line_date_tab                 WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.date_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.date_Nested_Tab_Type(),
53   --latest_date_tab                WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.date_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.date_Nested_Tab_Type(),
54 /* Fields above added only for matching algorithm */
55   last_update_date_tab            WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.date_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.date_Nested_Tab_Type(),
56   lineCount_tab            WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type := WSH_BULK_TYPES_GRP.number_Nested_Tab_Type(),
57   transaction_type	        varchar2(30),
58   shipment_header_id            number,
59   max_transaction_id            number,
60   object_version_number         number);
62 --===================
64 --===================
66 --========================================================================
67 -- PROCEDURE : Get_Shipment_Lines      This procedure is called only from
68 --                                     the Inbound Reconciliation UI
69 --
70 -- PARAMETERS: p_api_version           known api version error number
71 --             p_init_msg_list         FND_API.G_TRUE to reset list
72 --             p_shipment_header_id    Shipment Header Id of the transaction
73 --             p_transaction_type      transaction type (ASN or RECEIPT)
74 --             p_view_only_flag        Used to decide wether to query all
75 --                                     rcv shipment lines or only the ones
76 --                                     that user is matching.
77 --                                     It gets a value of "Y" if user is
78 --                                     reverting a transaction or viewing a
79 --                                     matched transaction.  Otherwise it gets
80 --                                     "N".
81 --             x_shpmt_lines_out_rec   This is a record of tables
82 --                                     to store the rcv shipment lines
83 --                                     information that needs to be displayed.
84 --             x_max_rcv_txn_id        Not used anymore
85 --             x_msg_count             number of messages in the list
86 --             x_msg_data              text of messages
87 --             x_return_status         return status of the API
89 -- VERSION   : current version         1.0
90 --             initial version         1.0
91 -- COMMENT   : This procedure is used to query the rcv shipment lines
92 --             from rcv_fte_lines_v
93 --             based on the transaction type and other input parameters
94 --             mentioned.  We are using a procedure to do this instead
95 --             of doing a direct query because we need to get the
96 --             cumulative quantities of the received quantity and
97 --             returned quantity for the receipt transaction.
98 --========================================================================
99   PROCEDURE get_shipment_lines(
100               p_api_version_number     IN   NUMBER,
101               p_init_msg_list          IN   VARCHAR2,
102               p_commit         IN   VARCHAR2,
103               p_shipment_header_id IN NUMBER,
104               p_transaction_type   IN VARCHAR2,
105               --p_max_rcv_txn_id     IN NUMBER,
106               p_view_only_flag     IN VARCHAR2,
107               x_shpmt_lines_out_rec OUT NOCOPY WSH_IB_SHPMT_LINE_REC_TYPE,
108               x_max_rcv_txn_id OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
109               x_msg_count      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
110               x_msg_data       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
111               x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
113 --========================================================================
114 -- PROCEDURE : Revert_Matching         This procedure is called only from
115 --                                     the Inbound Reconciliation UI to
116 --                                     revert a matched ASN or a Receipt
117 --
118 -- PARAMETERS: p_api_version           known api version error number
119 --             p_init_msg_list         FND_API.G_TRUE to reset list
120 --             p_shipment_header_id    Shipment Header Id of the transaction
121 --             p_transaction_type      transaction type (ASN or RECEIPT)
122 --             p_object_version_number current object version of the
123 --                                     transaction record in
124 --                                     wsh_inbound_txn_history
125 --             x_msg_count             number of messages in the list
126 --             x_msg_data              text of messages
127 --             x_return_status         return status of the API
129 -- VERSION   : current version         1.0
130 --             initial version         1.0
131 -- COMMENT   : This procedure is used to revert a matched transaction (ASN or
132 --             RECEIPT)
133 --========================================================================
134   PROCEDURE revert_matching(
135               p_api_version_number     IN   NUMBER,
136               p_init_msg_list          IN   VARCHAR2,
137               p_commit         IN   VARCHAR2,
138               p_shipment_header_id IN NUMBER,
139               p_transaction_type IN VARCHAR2,
140               p_object_version_number  IN   NUMBER,
141               x_msg_count      OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
142               x_msg_data       OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
143               x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);
145 --========================================================================
146 -- PROCEDURE : Match_Shipments         This procedure is called only from
147 --                                     the Inbound Reconciliation UI to
148 --                                     match a pending ASN or a pending
149 --                                     Receipt or partially matched Receipt.
150 --
151 -- PARAMETERS: p_api_version           known api version error number
152 --             p_init_msg_list         FND_API.G_TRUE to reset list
153 --             p_shipment_header_id    Shipment Header Id of the transaction
154 --             p_transaction_type      transaction type (ASN or RECEIPT)
155 --             p_max_rcv_txn_id        Not used any more.
156 --             p_process_asn_rcv_flag  Flag to decide whether to call
157 --                                     WSH_ASN_RECEIPT_PVT.Process_Matched_Txns
158 --                                     or not to match the ASN or Receipt.
159 --             p_process_corr_rtv_flag Flag to decide whether to call
160 --                                     WSH_RCV_CORR_RTV_TXN_PKG.
161 --                                     process_corrections_and_rtv or not
162 --                                     match the corrections, rtv transactions.
163 --             p_object_version_number current object version of the
164 --                                     transaction record in
165 --                                     wsh_inbound_txn_history
166 --             p_shipment_line_id_tab  table of shipment line ids.  If
167 --                                     this table contains any ids, we need
168 --                                     to delete all those records from
169 --                                     wsh_inbound_txn_history.
170 --             p_max_txn_id_tab        table of max transaction ids for
171 --                                     each shipment line id in
172 --                                     wsh_inbound_txn_history.
173 --             x_msg_count             number of messages in the list
174 --             x_msg_data              text of messages
175 --             x_return_status         return status of the API
177 -- VERSION   : current version         1.0
178 --             initial version         1.0
179 -- COMMENT   : This procedure is used to revert a matched transaction (ASN or
180 --             RECEIPT)
181 --========================================================================
182   PROCEDURE match_shipments(
183               p_api_version_number     IN   NUMBER,
184               p_init_msg_list          IN   VARCHAR2,
185               p_commit                 IN   VARCHAR2,
186               p_shipment_header_id     IN   NUMBER,
187               p_max_rcv_txn_id         IN   NUMBER,
188               p_transaction_type       IN   VARCHAR2,
189               p_process_asn_rcv_flag   IN   VARCHAR2,
190               p_process_corr_rtv_flag  IN   VARCHAR2,
191               p_object_version_number  IN   NUMBER,
192               p_shipment_line_id_tab   IN   WSH_NUM_TBL_TYPE,
193               p_max_txn_id_tab         IN   WSH_NUM_TBL_TYPE,
194               x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
195               x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
196               x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2);