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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 23

Select whse_code from
where inventory_close_id = P_sequence
order by whse_code;
Line: 71

     FND_FILE.PUT_LINE (FND_FILE.OUTPUT,'No Warehouse selected for Close');
Line: 89

      Delete all rows from the
      ic_perd_bal table for this warehouse.

Line: 100

     l_iret := GMICCAL.delete_ic_perd_bal(P_fiscal_year, P_period, x_whse_code);
Line: 102

Line: 119

      Insert into ic_perd_bal for this warehouse.

Line: 167

      Update the status of the warehouse
  	  /* Debugging statements - Bug 3684980 */
Line: 178

      l_iret := GMICCAL.whse_status_update(x_whse_code, P_fiscal_year,
                  P_period, P_close_ind);
Line: 181

Line: 194

Line: 204

      DELETE gmi_clos_warehouses
      where inventory_close_id = P_sequence AND
            whse_code = x_whse_code;
Line: 208

Line: 225

    Update the Status of the Period if required.

  /* Debugging statements - Bug 3684980 */
Line: 237

  l_iret := GMICCAL.period_status_update(P_orgn_code, p_fiscal_year,
Line: 241

Line: 248

Line: 275

        DELETE gmi_clos_warehouses
        where inventory_close_id = P_sequence AND
            whse_code = x_whse_code;
Line: 280

Line: 292

        DELETE gmi_clos_warehouses
        where inventory_close_id = P_sequence AND
            whse_code = x_whse_code;
Line: 297

Line: 309

        DELETE gmi_clos_warehouses
        where inventory_close_id = P_sequence AND
            whse_code = x_whse_code;
Line: 314

Line: 331

        inserting rows from the ic_perd_bal in conjuction
        with the running of a preliminary or Final close.
        This is the initial seeding of this table.
        Then it calculates the usage and yield

Line: 359

  	     then no transactions will be inserted in ic_tran_cmp table.
        It is not required to use doc_type in the where clause
        because for TRNI and TRNR also based on the value of profile
        option IC$MOVEDIFFSTAT the status might change.

 PROCEDURE inventory_close(pfiscal_year VARCHAR2,
                              pprd_id      NUMBER,
                              pperiod      NUMBER,
                              pwhse_code   VARCHAR2,
                              pop_code     NUMBER,
                              pprd_start_date DATE,
                              pprd_end_date   DATE) IS

   /* ================================================
      Local Variable definitions and initialization:
    l_item_id       item_srg_type   := 0;
Line: 408

      SELECT reason_code
      FROM   sy_reas_cds
      WHERE  flow_type = 0
      AND    delete_mark = 0
      AND    reason_code = v_reason_code;
Line: 417

      SELECT v.item_id ,v.lot_id ,
             whse_code ,location ,ROUND(loct_onhand,9) onhand,
             ROUND(loct_onhand2,9) onhand2,
      from   ic_loct_inv v, ic_item_mst_b m
      WHERE  whse_code = pwhse_code
      AND    noninv_ind = 0
      AND    v.item_id = m.item_id
      AND    v.delete_mark = 0
      AND    (nvl(v.loct_onhand,0) <> 0 OR nvl(v.loct_onhand2,0) <> 0);
Line: 434

        SELECT lot_status
        FROM   ic_adjs_jnl
        WHERE  line_id  = (select max(line_id) from ic_adjs_jnl
        			WHERE   item_id = x_item_id
        			 AND    lot_id  = x_lot_id
        			 AND    location = x_location
        			 AND    whse_code = x_whse_code
				    AND    completed_ind = 1
        			 AND    Trunc(doc_date) BETWEEN Trunc(pprd_start_date)
        			 AND    Trunc(pprd_end_date));
Line: 456

      SELECT p.item_id, lot_id, whse_code,
             location, doc_type, line_type,
             reason_code, trans_date, trans_id,
             trans_qty, trans_qty2
      FROM   ic_tran_pnd p, ic_item_mst_b m
      WHERE  whse_code = uwhse_code
      AND    trans_date >= pprd_start_date
      AND    p.creation_date <= l_log_end_date
      AND    trans_qty <> 0
      AND    completed_ind = 1
      AND    p.delete_mark = 0
      AND    p.item_id = m.item_id
      AND    noninv_ind = 0
      SELECT c.item_id, lot_id, whse_code,
             location, doc_type, line_type,
             reason_code, trans_date, trans_id,
             trans_qty, trans_qty2
      FROM   ic_tran_cmp c, ic_item_mst_b m
      WHERE  whse_code = uwhse_code
      AND    trans_date >= pprd_start_date
      AND    c.creation_date <= l_log_end_date
      AND    trans_qty <> 0
      AND    c.item_id = m.item_id
      AND    noninv_ind = 0
      AND    doc_type NOT IN ('STSI', 'GRDI',
                              'STSR', 'GRDR')
      ORDER BY 1,2,3,4;
Line: 503

select sysdate into l_log_end_date from dual;
Line: 523

FND_FILE.PUT_LINE (FND_FILE.OUTPUT,'		Before insert into ic_perd_bal - '||
	to_char(x_cur_time, 'hh24:mi:ss') );
Line: 540

      INSERT INTO ic_perd_bal
        (perd_bal_id, gl_posted_ind, period_id, fiscal_year,  --bug#2230683
         period, item_id, lot_id,
         whse_code, location, loct_onhand, loct_onhand2,
         loct_usage, loct_usage2, loct_yield, loct_yield2,
         loct_value, lot_status, qchold_res_code,
         log_end_date, creation_date, created_by, last_update_date,
      VALUES(gmi_perd_bal_id_s.nextval,0, pprd_id, pfiscal_year, pperiod, get_loct_onhand_rec.item_id, get_loct_onhand_rec.lot_id,
             get_loct_onhand_rec.whse_code, get_loct_onhand_rec.location, get_loct_onhand_rec.onhand,
             get_loct_onhand_rec.onhand2, 0,0,0,0,0,
             x_lot_status, get_loct_onhand_rec.qchold_res_code, l_log_end_date,
             SYSDATE, pop_code, SYSDATE, pop_code);
Line: 562

FND_FILE.PUT_LINE (FND_FILE.OUTPUT,'		After insert into ic_perd_bal - '||
	to_char(x_cur_time, 'hh24:mi:ss') );
Line: 615

            let's grab what we accumulated and update
            the perpetual balances for this item, lot,
            and location.
          UPDATE ic_perd_bal
          SET    loct_onhand = loct_onhand - ROUND(l_delta_qty, 9),
                 loct_onhand2 = loct_onhand2 - ROUND(l_delta_qty2, 9),
                 loct_usage   = ROUND(l_usage_qty, 9),
                 loct_usage2  = ROUND(l_usage_qty2, 9),
                 loct_yield   = ROUND(l_yield_qty, 9),
                 loct_yield2  = ROUND(l_yield_qty2, 9),
                 last_update_date = SYSDATE,
                 last_updated_by  = pop_code
          WHERE  period_id    = pprd_id
          AND    lot_id       = l_prev_lot_id
          AND    whse_code    = pwhse_code
          AND    location     = l_prev_location
          AND    item_id      = l_prev_item_id
          AND    fiscal_year  = pfiscal_year
          AND    period       = pperiod;
Line: 639

            row does not exist so we have to insert it!
          INSERT INTO ic_perd_bal
            (perd_bal_id, gl_posted_ind, period_id, lot_id,  --bug#2230683
             whse_code, location, item_id,
             fiscal_year, period, loct_onhand, loct_onhand2,
             loct_usage, loct_usage2, loct_yield, loct_yield2,
             loct_value, lot_status, qchold_res_code,
             log_end_date, creation_date, created_by,
             last_update_date, last_updated_by, last_update_login)
             (gmi_perd_bal_id_s.nextval, 0, pprd_id, l_prev_lot_id,
              pwhse_code, l_prev_location,
              l_prev_item_id, pfiscal_year, pperiod,
              ROUND((0 - l_delta_qty), 9),
              ROUND((0 - l_delta_qty2), 9),
              ROUND(l_usage_qty, 9),
              ROUND(l_usage_qty2, 9),
              ROUND(l_yield_qty, 9),
              ROUND(l_yield_qty2, 9),
              0, NULL, NULL, l_log_end_date, SYSDATE, pop_code,
              SYSDATE,pop_code, NULL);