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Line 1100: from xla_ae_lines_gt;

1097: CURSOR csr_set_linenum is
1098: select rowid, dense_rank() over (partition by ae_header_id
1099: order by line_hash_num, merge_index) ae_line_num
1100: from xla_ae_lines_gt;
1102: CURSOR csr_rounding_lines is
1103: SELECT max(xalg.rowid)
1104: ,rounding_class_code

Line 1113: FROM xla_ae_lines_gt xalg

1109: ,ae_header_id
1110: ,NVL(SUM(unrounded_entered_cr), 0)
1111: - NVL(SUM(unrounded_entered_dr), 0) unrounded_entered_amount
1112: ,entered_currency_mau
1113: FROM xla_ae_lines_gt xalg
1114: WHERE temp_line_num <> 0
1115: GROUP BY ledger_id, event_id, ae_header_id,
1116: rounding_class_code, document_rounding_level, ae_line_num
1117: ,entered_currency_mau

Line 1143: UPDATE xla_ae_lines_gt ael

1139: END LOOP;
1141: BEGIN
1143: UPDATE xla_ae_lines_gt ael
1144: set line_hash_num =
1146: (ae_header_id
1147: ||accounting_class_code

Line 1194: UPDATE xla_ae_lines_gt

1190: EXIT;
1191: END IF;
1193: FORALL i IN 1..l_array_rowid.count
1194: UPDATE xla_ae_lines_gt
1195: SET ae_line_num = l_array_ae_line_num(i)
1196: WHERE rowid = l_array_rowid(i);
1197: END LOOP;
1198: Close csr_set_linenum;

Line 1203: (p_msg => 'SQL - Update xla_ae_lines_gt 3'

1200: IF (C_LEVEL_STATEMENT >= g_log_level) THEN
1202: trace
1203: (p_msg => 'SQL - Update xla_ae_lines_gt 3'
1204: ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
1205: ,p_module => l_log_module);
1207: END IF;

Line 1243: (p_msg => 'SQL - Update xla_ae_lines_gt 6'

1239: EXIT;
1240: END IF;
1241: IF (C_LEVEL_STATEMENT >= g_log_level) THEN
1242: trace
1243: (p_msg => 'SQL - Update xla_ae_lines_gt 6'
1244: ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
1245: ,p_module => l_log_module);
1246: trace
1247: (p_msg => 'count:'||to_char(l_array_rounding_class_code.count)

Line 1346: update xla_ae_lines_gt

1342: l_array_rounding_entd_amt1(j) := l_curr_entd_rounding_amount;
1343: j:= j+1;
1345: FORALL i in 1..j-1
1346: update xla_ae_lines_gt
1347: set doc_rounding_acctd_amt = l_array_doc_rounding_amt1(i)
1348: ,doc_rounding_entered_amt = l_array_rounding_entd_amt1(i)
1349: where rowid = l_array_rowid1(i);
1350: j:=1;

Line 1445: (p_msg => 'SQL - Update xla_ae_lines_gt 7, j='||to_char(j)

1441: END IF;
1443: IF (C_LEVEL_STATEMENT >= g_log_level) THEN
1444: trace
1445: (p_msg => 'SQL - Update xla_ae_lines_gt 7, j='||to_char(j)
1446: ,p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
1447: ,p_module => l_log_module);
1448: END IF;

Line 1452: update xla_ae_lines_gt

1448: END IF;
1450: IF j>1 THEN
1451: FORALL i in 1..j-1
1452: update xla_ae_lines_gt
1453: set doc_rounding_acctd_amt = l_array_doc_rounding_amt1(i)
1454: ,doc_rounding_entered_amt = l_array_rounding_entd_amt1(i)
1455: where rowid = l_array_rowid1(i);
1456: END IF;

Line 1701: FROM xla_ae_lines_gt;

1697: , rounding_class_code
1698: , document_rounding_level
1699: , doc_rounding_acctd_amt
1700: , doc_rounding_entered_amt
1701: FROM xla_ae_lines_gt;
1703: IF (C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE >= g_log_level)
1704: THEN
1705: trace( p_msg => 'END - ' || v_function

Line 2222: FROM xla_ae_lines_gt lin

2218: , accounting_date
2219: , ledger_id
2220: , alt_segment1
2221: , accounting_entry_status_code
2222: FROM xla_ae_lines_gt lin
2223: WHERE ledger_id = p_array_ledger_id(i)
2224: AND ae_line_num is not NULL
2225: GROUP BY lin.ae_header_id
2226: , ae_line_num

Line 2690: INSERT INTO xla_ae_lines_gt

2686: , p_module => v_module);
2687: END IF;
2689: FORALL i in 1..p_array_ledger_id.count
2690: INSERT INTO xla_ae_lines_gt
2691: (ae_header_id
2692: ,temp_line_num
2693: ,event_id
2694: ,ref_ae_header_id

Line 2856: INSERT INTO xla_ae_lines_gt

2852: END IF;
2855: FORALL i in 1..p_array_ledger_id.count
2856: INSERT INTO xla_ae_lines_gt
2857: (ae_header_id
2858: ,temp_line_num
2859: ,event_id
2860: ,ref_ae_header_id

Line 3081: (select ledger_id from xla_ae_lines_gt);

3077: ,'Other'
3078: from dual
3079: where p_array_merge_option(i) = 'TRANSFER'
3080: AND p_array_ledger_id(i) in
3081: (select ledger_id from xla_ae_lines_gt);
3083: IF (C_LEVEL_STATEMENT>= g_log_level)
3084: THEN
3085: trace( p_msg => 'Header inserted'

Line 3090: UPDATE xla_ae_lines_gt xal

3086: , p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
3087: , p_module => v_module);
3088: END IF;
3090: UPDATE xla_ae_lines_gt xal
3091: set (ae_header_id, accounting_date) =(
3092: select ae_header_id, accounting_date
3093: from xla_ae_headers_gt xah
3094: where xah.ledger_id = xal.ledger_id);

Line 3164: INSERT INTO xla_ae_lines_gt

3160: , p_module => v_module);
3161: END IF;
3163: FORALL i in 1..p_array_ledger_id.count
3164: INSERT INTO xla_ae_lines_gt
3165: (ae_header_id
3166: ,temp_line_num
3167: ,event_id
3168: ,ref_ae_header_id

Line 3349: INSERT INTO xla_ae_lines_gt

3345: return 0;
3346: END IF;
3348: FORALL i in 1..p_array_ledger_id.count
3349: INSERT INTO xla_ae_lines_gt
3350: (ae_header_id
3351: ,temp_line_num
3352: ,event_id
3353: ,ref_ae_header_id

Line 3724: from xla_ae_lines_gt xalg

3720: IF(p_accounting_mode <> 'D') THEN
3721: UPDATE xla_ae_lines xal
3722: SET (merge_party_id, merge_party_site_id, merge_code_combination_id)
3723: = (select party_id, party_site_id, code_combination_id
3724: from xla_ae_lines_gt xalg
3725: where xalg.ref_ae_header_id = xal.ae_header_id
3726: AND xalg.ref_ae_line_num = xal.ae_line_num
3727: AND xalg.reversal_code in ('REBOOKING', 'TRANSFER_BALANCE')
3728: and rownum = 1)

Line 3732: from xla_ae_lines_gt xlg

3728: and rownum = 1)
3729: WHERE xal.application_id = p_application_id
3730: AND (ae_header_id, ae_line_num) in
3731: (select xlg.ref_ae_header_id, xlg.ref_ae_line_num
3732: from xla_ae_lines_gt xlg
3733: ,xla_ae_headers xah
3734: where xlg.reversal_code in ('REBOOKING', 'TRANSFER_BALANCE')
3735: -- Bug 5103972 MPA / Reversal of incomplete JE
3736: -- should not be stamped with merge party informtion

Line 4220: from xla_ae_lines_gt

4216: v_function VARCHAR2(240);
4217: v_module VARCHAR2(240);
4218: cursor c_null_ccid is
4219: select 1
4220: from xla_ae_lines_gt
4221: where code_combination_id is null;
4222: v_temp NUMBER;
4223: begin
4224: v_function := 'xla_third_party_merge.populate_ccid_to_gt';

Line 4235: update xla_ae_lines_gt xalg

4231: , p_level => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE
4232: , p_module => v_module);
4233: END IF; -- IF (C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE >= g_log_level)
4235: update xla_ae_lines_gt xalg
4236: set code_combination_id =
4237: (select code_combination_id
4238: from gl_code_combinations gcc
4239: where gcc.chart_of_accounts_id = xalg.ccid_coa_id

Line 4280: update xla_ae_lines_gt temp

4276: , p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
4277: , p_module => v_module);
4278: END IF;
4280: update xla_ae_lines_gt temp
4281: SET code_combination_id =
4282: xla_ae_code_combination_pkg.GetCcid(
4283: temp.segment1
4284: ,temp.segment2

Line 4354: from xla_ae_lines_gt

4350: v_function VARCHAR2(240);
4351: v_module VARCHAR2(240);
4352: cursor c_null_ccid is
4353: select 1
4354: from xla_ae_lines_gt
4355: where code_combination_id is null;
4356: v_temp NUMBER;
4357: begin
4358: v_function := 'xla_third_party_merge.process_accounting_mapping';

Line 4369: update xla_ae_lines_gt xalg

4365: , p_level => C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE
4366: , p_module => v_module);
4367: END IF; -- IF (C_LEVEL_PROCEDURE >= g_log_level)
4369: update xla_ae_lines_gt xalg
4370: set ( code_combination_id
4371: ,ccid_coa_id
4372: ,segment1
4373: ,segment2

Line 4551: -- private procedure, populate xla_ae_lines_gt table

4548: END process_accounting_mapping;
4551: -- private procedure, populate xla_ae_lines_gt table
4552: -- for the purpose of account mapping
4553: FUNCTION populate_gt_for_mapping(
4554: p_application_id IN NUMBER
4555: ,p_event_id IN NUMBER

Line 4586: INSERT INTO xla_ae_lines_gt (

4584: IF(p_merge_type = 'PARTIAL_MERGE') THEN
4585: FORALL i IN 1..p_array_ledger_id.count
4586: INSERT INTO xla_ae_lines_gt (
4587: ae_header_id
4588: ,ae_line_num
4589: ,temp_line_num
4590: ,inherit_desc_flag

Line 4736: INSERT INTO xla_ae_lines_gt (

4732: END IF;
4733: ELSE
4735: FORALL i IN 1..p_array_ledger_id.count
4736: INSERT INTO xla_ae_lines_gt (
4737: ae_header_id
4738: ,ae_line_num
4739: ,temp_line_num
4740: ,inherit_desc_flag

Line 4907: from xla_ae_lines_gt

4903: v_function VARCHAR2(240);
4904: v_module VARCHAR2(240);
4905: cursor c_null_ccid is
4906: select 1
4907: from xla_ae_lines_gt
4908: where code_combination_id is null;
4909: v_row_count NUMBER;
4910: begin
4911: v_function := 'xla_third_party_merge.process_incomplete_acct_map';

Line 4962: FROM xla_ae_lines_gt xalg

4959: UPDATE
4960: (SELECT xalg.code_combination_id
4961: , xal.code_combination_id code_combination_id1
4962: FROM xla_ae_lines_gt xalg
4963: , xla_ae_lines xal
4964: WHERE xalg.ae_header_id = xal.ae_header_id
4965: AND xalg.ae_line_num = xal.ae_line_num
4966: AND xal.application_id = p_application_id

Line 5031: -- to be stamped on xla_ae_lines_gt

5027: , amb_context_code
5028: , budget_version_id
5029: -- 5103972
5030: -- Used at the end of this procedure to find ae header ids
5031: -- to be stamped on xla_ae_lines_gt
5032: , parent_header_id
5033: )
5034: (select xla_ae_headers_s.nextval
5035: ,p_accounting_mode

Line 5063: ,xla_ae_lines_gt xal

5059: , xah.balance_type_code
5060: , xal.ae_header_id
5061: , xal.ref_ae_header_id -- 5103972
5062: from xla_ae_headers xah
5063: ,xla_ae_lines_gt xal
5064: where xah.application_id = p_application_id
5065: and xah.ae_header_id =xal.ref_ae_header_id
5066: and xal.reversal_code = 'REBOOKING'));

Line 5106: UPDATE xla_ae_lines_gt xal

5102: , p_level => C_LEVEL_STATEMENT
5103: , p_module => v_module);
5104: END IF;
5106: UPDATE xla_ae_lines_gt xal
5107: SET (ae_header_id, accounting_date) =
5108: (SELECT ae_header_id, accounting_date
5109: FROM xla_ae_headers_gt xah
5110: WHERE xal.event_id = xah.event_id