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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 15

   PROCEDURE synchronize_deletes_in_otlr (
      p_time_building_blocks   IN              hxc_self_service_time_deposit.timecard_info,
      p_time_att_info          IN              hxc_self_service_time_deposit.app_attributes_info,
      p_messages               IN OUT NOCOPY   hxc_self_service_time_deposit.message_table,
      p_timecard_source	       IN VARCHAR	-- added for 5137310
      l_time_building_blocks   hxc_self_service_time_deposit.timecard_info
                                                    := p_time_building_blocks;
Line: 29

         SELECT ID, tim_id
           FROM hxt_sum_hours_worked_f
          WHERE time_building_block_id = day_bb_id;
Line: 38

         SELECT tbb.time_building_block_id
           FROM hxc_time_building_blocks tbb
          WHERE tbb.parent_building_block_id IN (
                   SELECT time_building_block_id
                     FROM hxc_time_building_blocks tbb1
                    WHERE tbb1.resource_id = l_resource_id
                      AND tbb1.resource_type = 'PERSON'
                      AND tbb1.start_time = l_parent_start_time
                      AND tbb1.SCOPE = 'DAY')
            AND tbb.object_version_number =
                   (SELECT /*+ NO_UNNEST */
                           MAX (dyovn.object_version_number)
                      FROM hxc_time_building_blocks dyovn
                     WHERE dyovn.time_building_block_id =
                       AND dyovn.date_to <> hr_general.end_of_time)
            AND tbb.date_to <> hr_general.end_of_time
            AND EXISTS (
                   SELECT 'x'
                     FROM hxc_transaction_details txd, hxc_transactions tx
                    WHERE tx.transaction_process_id = -1
                      AND tx.TYPE = 'RETRIEVAL'
                      AND tx.status = 'SUCCESS'
                      AND tx.transaction_id = txd.transaction_id
                      AND txd.status = 'SUCCESS'
                      AND txd.time_building_block_id =
                      AND txd.time_building_block_ovn <=
Line: 69

           (select 'x'
         FROM  hxc_transaction_details txd1
                  ,hxc_transactions tx1
         WHERE tx1.transaction_process_id    = -1
         AND   tx1.type                 = 'RETRIEVAL'
         AND   tx1.status                   = 'SUCCESS'
          AND     tx1.transaction_id             = txd1.transaction_id
         AND   txd1.status                   = 'SUCCESS'
          AND  txd1.time_building_block_id      = tbb.time_building_block_id
          AND     txd1.time_building_block_ovn   = tbb.object_version_number
Line: 105

      l_dt_update_mode         VARCHAR2 (30);
Line: 138

            l_proc := 'hxt_hxc_retrieval_process.synchronize_deletes_in_otlr';
Line: 326

            /* select start_time into l_parent_start_time
                from hxc_time_building_blocks
                where time_building_block_id = l_parent_bb_id
                and   object_version_number  = l_parent_bb_ovn; */
Line: 385

                                          o_dt_update_mod      => l_dt_update_mode,
                                          o_error_message      => l_otm_error,
                                          o_return_code        => o_return_code,
                                          p_parent_id          => l_time_summary_id
Line: 410

		  IF(l_dt_update_mode IS NULL)
                     l_dt_update_mode := 'UPDATE';
Line: 426

		  IF l_dt_update_mode = 'UPDATE'
		     -- Check if user has entered zero hours while deleting a TC row in which case
		     -- we need to synchronize the deletes in OTLR. We also need to synchronize the deletes
		     -- in case user has replaced straight hours with start/stop time
		        SELECT count(*)
                        INTO   l_measure_count
		        FROM   hxc_time_building_blocks
		        WHERE  time_building_block_id = l_day_bb_id
			AND    ((measure = 0)  or (start_time is not null and stop_time is not null))
			AND    scope = 'DETAIL'
		        AND    date_to = hr_general.end_of_time;
Line: 444

                  IF (l_dt_update_mode = 'CORRECTION')
			OR (l_dt_update_mode = 'UPDATE' AND  l_measure_count <> 0)   /*** 4890370 ***/
                     -- End Bug 4590163
                     -- Delete detail rows associated with summary row.
                     DELETE FROM hxt_det_hours_worked_f
                           WHERE parent_id = l_time_summary_id;
Line: 462

                     DELETE FROM hxt_sum_hours_worked_f
                           WHERE ID = l_time_summary_id;
Line: 574

         SELECT hshw.tim_id, ht.time_period_id
           FROM hxt_sum_hours_worked hshw, hxt_timecards ht
          WHERE hshw.ID = p_tim_sum_id AND hshw.tim_id = ht.ID;
Line: 580

         SELECT 'X'
           FROM hxc_debug
          WHERE process = 'otm_validate_timecard'
            AND TRUNC (debug_date) <= SYSDATE;
Line: 648

      l_delete                VARCHAR2 (1);
Line: 854

                        AND (          -- First process deleted detail records
                                (    l_date_to <> hr_general.end_of_time
                                 AND l_new = 'N'
                                 AND i = 1
                             -- Next process the updated detail records
                             OR (    l_date_to = hr_general.end_of_time
                                 AND l_new = 'N'
                                 AND i = 2
                             -- And the last to be processed are the Inserts
                             OR (    l_date_to = hr_general.end_of_time
                                 AND l_new = 'Y'
                                 AND i = 3
                            )                                        --2966729
                    -- bug 3650967
                    OR (    (   (l_type = 'MEASURE' AND l_measure IS NULL)
                             OR (    l_type = 'RANGE'
                                 AND l_start_time IS NULL
                                 AND l_stop_time IS NULL
                        AND l_date_to <> hr_general.end_of_time
                        AND l_new = 'N'
                        AND i = 1
                   -- bug 3650967
               AND l_scope = 'DETAIL'
--       (l_date_to = hr_general.end_of_time) THEN

               --Bug 2770487 Sonarasi 04-Apr-2003
--Commented the above check l_date_to = hr_general.end_of_time because we need
--the deleted blocks also to be considered for explosion.
--Bug 2770487 Sonarasi Over

               IF g_debug
                  hr_utility.set_location (l_proc, 21);
Line: 1047

                  SELECT full_name, business_group_id
                    INTO hxt_otc_retrieval_interface.g_full_name, l_bg_id
                    FROM per_all_people_f
                   WHERE person_id = l_person_id
                     AND l_effective_date BETWEEN effective_start_date
                                              AND effective_end_date;
Line: 1099

Line: 1100

Line: 1101

Line: 1102

Line: 1259

                     DELETE FROM hxt_det_hours_worked_f
                           WHERE parent_id = l_time_summary_id;
Line: 1267

                  l_delete := 'N';
Line: 1269

                  l_delete := 'Y';
Line: 1341

                              last_updated_by                => '-1',
                              last_update_login              => '-1',
                              dt_update_mode                 => 'CORRECTION',
                              created_tim_sum_id             => l_created_tim_sum_id,
                              otm_error                      => l_otm_error,
                              oracle_error                   => l_oracle_error,
                              p_time_building_block_id       => l_bb_id,
                              p_time_building_block_ovn      => l_ovn,
                              p_validate                     => FALSE,
                              delete_yn                      => l_delete,
                              p_state_name                   => l_state_name,
                              p_county_name                  => l_county_name,
                              p_city_name                    => l_city_name,
                              p_zip_code                     => l_zip_code
Line: 1380

Line: 1449

Line: 1463

            DELETE FROM hxt_det_hours_worked_f
                  WHERE parent_id = l_tim_sum_id_tab (l_tim_sum);
Line: 1514

                                              dt_update_mode          => 'CORRECTION',
                                              otm_error               => l_otm_error,
                                              oracle_error            => l_oracle_error
Line: 1537

Line: 1681

         SELECT DISTINCT (rrc.time_recipient_id)
                    FROM hxc_retrieval_rule_comps rrc,
                         hxc_retrieval_rules rr
                   WHERE rr.retrieval_rule_id = p_rtr_id
                     AND rrc.retrieval_rule_id = rr.retrieval_rule_id
                     AND rrc.status <> 'WORKING';
Line: 1691

         SELECT apsc.time_recipient_id
           FROM hxc_application_set_comps_v apsc, hxc_application_sets_v aps
          WHERE aps.application_set_id = p_app_set_id
            AND apsc.application_set_id = aps.application_set_id;
Line: 1783

                            (p_time_building_blocks      => l_time_building_blocks,
                             p_time_att_info             => l_time_att_info,
                             p_messages                  => p_messages,
                             p_timecard_source		 => NULL
Line: 1825

         SELECT date_worked, hours, time_in, time_out, element_type_id
           FROM hxt_det_hours_worked
          WHERE parent_id = p_tim_sum_id;
Line: 1831

         SELECT hshw.tim_id, ht.time_period_id
           FROM hxt_sum_hours_worked hshw, hxt_timecards ht
          WHERE hshw.ID = p_tim_sum_id AND hshw.tim_id = ht.ID;
Line: 1837

         SELECT 'X'
           FROM hxc_debug
          WHERE process = 'hxt_hxc_retrieval_process'
            AND TRUNC (debug_date) <= SYSDATE;
Line: 1914

      l_delete                   VARCHAR2 (1);
Line: 1946

                            (p_time_building_blocks      => l_time_building_blocks,
                             p_time_att_info             => l_time_attributes,
                             p_messages                  => p_messages,
			     p_timecard_source           => 'Timecard Review'
Line: 1991

Line: 2004

            l_detail_attributes (l).updated := NULL;
Line: 2008

Line: 2015

Line: 2194

                        AND (          -- First process deleted detail records
                                (    l_date_to <> hr_general.end_of_time
                                 AND l_new = 'N'
                                 AND i = 1
                             -- Next process the updated detail records
                             OR (    l_date_to = hr_general.end_of_time
                                 AND l_new = 'N'
                                 AND i = 2
                             -- And the last to be processed are the Inserts
                             OR (    l_date_to = hr_general.end_of_time
                                 AND l_new = 'Y'
                                 AND i = 3
                            )                                        --2966729
                    -- start bug 3650967
                    OR (    (   (l_type = 'MEASURE' AND l_measure IS NULL)
                             OR (    l_type = 'RANGE'
                                 AND l_start_time IS NULL
                                 AND l_stop_time IS NULL
                        AND l_date_to <> hr_general.end_of_time
                        AND l_new = 'N'
                        AND i = 1
                   -- end bug 3650967
               AND l_scope = 'DETAIL'
--       (l_date_to = hr_general.end_of_time) THEN

               --Bug 2770487 Sonarasi 04-Apr-2003
--Commented the above check l_date_to = hr_general.end_of_time because we need
--the deleted blocks also to be considered for explosion.
--Bug 2770487 Sonarasi Over
               l_valid := 'Y';
Line: 2320

                  SELECT full_name, business_group_id
                    INTO g_full_name, l_bg_id
                    FROM per_all_people_f
                   WHERE person_id = l_person_id
                     AND l_effective_date BETWEEN effective_start_date
                                              AND effective_end_date;
Line: 2359

Line: 2360

Line: 2361

Line: 2362

Line: 2638

                     DELETE FROM hxt_det_hours_worked_f
                           WHERE parent_id = l_time_summary_id;
Line: 2661

                  l_delete := 'N';
Line: 2668

                  l_delete := 'Y';
Line: 2740

                              last_updated_by                => '-1',
                              last_update_login              => '-1',
                              dt_update_mode                 => 'CORRECTION',
                              created_tim_sum_id             => l_created_tim_sum_id,
                              otm_error                      => l_otm_error,
                              oracle_error                   => l_oracle_error,
                              p_time_building_block_id       => l_bb_id,
                              p_time_building_block_ovn      => l_bb_ovn,
                              p_validate                     => FALSE,
                              delete_yn                      => l_delete,
                              p_state_name                   => l_state_name,
                              p_county_name                  => l_county_name,
                              p_city_name                    => l_city_name,
                              p_zip_code                     => l_zip_code
Line: 2782

Line: 2907

               l_detail_attributes (l_next_index).updated := NULL;
Line: 2941

Line: 2955

            DELETE FROM hxt_det_hours_worked_f
                  WHERE parent_id = l_tim_sum_id_tab (l_tim_sum);
Line: 3006

                                              dt_update_mode          => 'CORRECTION',
                                              otm_error               => l_otm_error,
                                              oracle_error            => l_oracle_error
Line: 3029

Line: 3301

                  l_detail_attributes (l_next_index).updated := NULL;
Line: 3518

         SELECT mc.SEGMENT, bbit.bld_blk_info_type_id
           FROM hxc_mapping_components mc,
                hxc_mapping_comp_usages mcu,
                hxc_mappings m,
                hxc_deposit_processes dp,
                hxc_bld_blk_info_types bbit,
                hxc_bld_blk_info_type_usages bbui
          WHERE dp.mapping_id = m.mapping_id
            AND dp.deposit_process_id = p_deposit_process_id             --AI3
            AND m.mapping_id = mcu.mapping_id
            AND mcu.mapping_component_id = mc.mapping_component_id
            AND mc.bld_blk_info_type_id = bbit.bld_blk_info_type_id
            AND mc.field_name = p_field_name
            AND bbit.bld_blk_info_type_id = bbui.bld_blk_info_type_id
            AND bbit.bld_blk_info_type = p_attribute_category;
Line: 3544

      SELECT dp.deposit_process_id
        INTO l_deposit_process_id
        FROM hxc_deposit_processes dp
       WHERE dp.NAME = 'OTL Deposit Process';
Line: 3549
