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1 package body pay_fi_pstr as
2    /* $Header: pyfipstr.pkb 120.0.12000000.1 2007/04/26 12:12:32 dbehera noship $ */
3    procedure populate_details (
4       p_business_group_id   in              number,
5       p_payroll_action_id   in              varchar2,
6       p_template_name       in              varchar2,
7       p_xml                 out nocopy      clob
8    ) is
9       --
10         --
11         /*Cursor to fetch Header Information */
12       cursor csr_get_hdr_info (
13          p_payroll_action_id   number
14       ) is
15          select action_information2 business_group_id, action_information3 legal_employer_id,
16                 action_information4
17                       legal_employer_name, action_information5 legal_empl_y_num,
18                 action_information6 local_unit_id, action_information7 local_unit_name, action_information8 local_unit_sd_no,
19                 action_information9
20                       year, effective_date
21            from pay_action_information pai
22           where action_context_type = 'PA'
23             and action_context_id = p_payroll_action_id
24             and action_information_category = 'EMEA REPORT DETAILS'
25             and action_information1 = 'PYFIPSTA';
27       rl_hdr_info                      csr_get_hdr_info%rowtype;
29       cursor csr_get_local_unit_details (
30          p_payroll_action_id   number
31       ) is
32          select action_information3 business_group_id, action_information4 legal_employer_id,
33                 action_information5
34                       local_unit_id, action_information6 local_unit_name, action_information7 local_unit_sd_no,
35                 action_information8
36                       address_line_1, action_information9 address_line_2, action_information10 address_line_3,
37                 action_information11
38                       country, action_information12 postal_code, effective_date
39            from pay_action_information pai
40           where action_context_type = 'PA'
41             and action_context_id = p_payroll_action_id
42             and action_information_category = 'EMEA REPORT INFORMATION'
43             and action_information1 = 'PYFIPSTA'
44             -- and action_information6 = 'FI Local Unit1'
45             and action_information2 = 'LU_DETAILS';
47       rl_local_unit_detail             csr_get_local_unit_details%rowtype;
49       cursor cst_get_emp_count (
50          p_payroll_action_id   varchar2,
51          p_legal_employer      varchar2,
52          p_local_unit_id       varchar2
53       ) is
54          select count (*)
55            from pay_payroll_actions paa, pay_assignment_actions assg, pay_action_information pai
56           where paa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
57             and assg.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
58             and pai.action_context_id = assg.assignment_action_id
59             and pai.action_context_type = 'AAP'
60             and pai.action_information_category = 'EMEA REPORT INFORMATION'
61             and pai.action_information1 = 'PYFIPSTA'
62             and action_information2 = 'PERSON DETAILS'
63             and pai.action_information20 = p_local_unit_id;
65        /* Cursor to fetch Detail Information */
66       --
67       --
68       cursor csr_get_detail_info (
69          p_payroll_action_id   number,
70          p_local_unit_id       varchar2
71       ) is
72          select   action_information3 person_id, action_information4 pin, action_information5 emp_name,
73                   action_information6
74                         employee_number, action_information7 salary_basis, action_information8 tax_card_type,
75                   action_information9
76                         tax_municipality, action_information10 base_rate, action_information11 additional_rate,
77                   action_information12
78                         yearly_income_limit, action_information13 actual_tax_days,
79                   action_information14 insurance_salary, action_information15 address_line1,
80                   action_information16
81                         address_line2, action_information17 address_line3, action_information18 postal_code,
82                   action_information19
83                         country, fnd_date.canonical_to_date (action_information21) date_of_birth,
84                   action_information22
85                         job_name, action_information23 permanent_address_line1,
86                   action_information24 permanent_address_line2, action_information25 permanent_address_line3,
87                   action_information26
88                         permanent_postal_code, action_information27 permanent_country
89              from pay_payroll_actions paa, pay_assignment_actions assg, pay_action_information pai
90             where paa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
91               and assg.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
92               and pai.action_context_id = assg.assignment_action_id
93               and pai.action_context_type = 'AAP'
94               and pai.action_information_category = 'EMEA REPORT INFORMATION'
95               and action_information1 = 'PYFIPSTA'
96               and action_information2 = 'PERSON DETAILS'
97               and action_information20 = p_local_unit_id
98          --     and action_information3 = to_char(20435)
99          order by to_number (person_id);
101       cursor csr_get_payroll_detais (
102          p_payroll_action_id   number,
103          p_person_id           varchar2
104       ) is
105          select   action_information4 payroll_id, action_information5 pay_period,
106                   fnd_date.canonical_to_date (action_information6)
107                         pay_period_start_date,
108                   fnd_date.canonical_to_date (action_information7) pay_period_end_date, action_information8 period_type,
109                   fnd_number.canonical_to_number (action_information9)
110                         salary_income,
111                   fnd_number.canonical_to_number (action_information10) benefits_in_kind, action_information11 benefit_type,
112                   fnd_number.canonical_to_number (action_information12)
113                         benefit_monetary_value,
114                   fnd_number.canonical_to_number (action_information13) sal_sub_tax,
115                   fnd_number.canonical_to_number (action_information14)
116                         tax_amount,
117                   fnd_number.canonical_to_number (action_information15) net_salary,
118                   fnd_number.canonical_to_number (action_information16)
119                         deductions_b_tax,
120                   fnd_number.canonical_to_number (action_information17) external_compensation,
121                   fnd_number.canonical_to_number (action_information18)
122                         time_period_id,
123                   fnd_number.canonical_to_number (action_information19) pension,
124                   fnd_number.canonical_to_number (action_information20)
125                         unemployment_insurance,
126                   fnd_number.canonical_to_number (action_information21) trade_union_fee,
127                   fnd_number.canonical_to_number (action_information22)
128                         car_benefit
129              from pay_payroll_actions paa, pay_assignment_actions assg, pay_action_information pai
130             where paa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
131               and assg.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
132               and pai.action_context_id = assg.assignment_action_id
133               and pai.action_context_type = 'AAP'
134               and pai.action_information_category = 'EMEA REPORT INFORMATION'
135               and action_information1 = 'PYFIPSTA'
136               and action_information2 = 'Payroll Details'
137               and action_information3 = p_person_id
138          order by time_period_id asc;
140       cursor csr_get_benefits (
141          p_payroll_action_id   number,
142          p_person_id           varchar2
143       ) is
144          select   fnd_date.canonical_to_date (action_information6) pay_period_start_date,
145                   fnd_date.canonical_to_date (action_information7)
146                         pay_period_end_date, action_information11 benefit_type,
147                   fnd_number.canonical_to_number (action_information12)
148                         benefit_value
149              from pay_payroll_actions paa, pay_assignment_actions assg, pay_action_information pai
150             where paa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
151               and assg.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
152               and pai.action_context_id = assg.assignment_action_id
153               and pai.action_context_type = 'AAP'
154               and pai.action_information_category = 'EMEA REPORT INFORMATION'
155               and action_information1 = 'PYFIPSTA'
156               and action_information2 = 'Benefit Details'
157               and action_information3 = p_person_id
158               and action_information11 is not null
159          --group by action_information18,action_information5,action_information6,action_information7,action_information8,action_information11,action_information21
160          order by benefit_type; --, to_number(nvl(benefits_in_kind,0)) desc;
161       cursor csr_get_car_benefit (
162          p_payroll_action_id   number,
163          p_person_id           varchar2
164       ) is
165          select   fnd_date.canonical_to_date (action_information6) car_pay_period_start_date,
166                   fnd_date.canonical_to_date (action_information7)
167                         car_pay_period_end_date,
168                   action_information19 input_value_name, action_information20 input_value,
169                   action_information22
170                         input_value_uom
171              from pay_payroll_actions paa, pay_assignment_actions assg, pay_action_information pai
172             where paa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
173               and assg.payroll_action_id = paa.payroll_action_id
174               and pai.action_context_id = assg.assignment_action_id
175               and pai.action_context_type = 'AAP'
176               and pai.action_information_category = 'EMEA REPORT INFORMATION'
177               and action_information1 = 'PYFIPSTA'
178               and action_information2 = 'Car Benefit Details'
179               and action_information3 = p_person_id
180               and action_information19 is not null
181          order by car_pay_period_start_date; --, to_number(nvl(benefits_in_kind,0)) desc;
182       --      rl_csr_get_payroll_total   csr_get_payroll_total%rowtype;
183       l_counter                        number                               := 0;
184       l_count                          number                               := 0;
185       l_payroll_action_id              number;
186       xml_ctr                          number;
187       l_report_date                    date;
188       l_total_count                    number;
189       l_pay_period                     number;
190       l_salary_income_total            number;
191       l_benefits_in_kind_total         number;
192       l_benefit_monetary_value_total   number;
193       l_sal_sub_tax_total              number;
194       l_tax_amount_total               number;
195       l_deductions_b_tax_total         number;
196       l_net_salary_total               number;
197       l_pension_total                  number;
198       l_unemployment_insurance_total   number;
199       l_trade_union_fee_total          number;
200       l_external_compensation_total    number;
201       l_car_benefit_start_date         date;
202       l_car_benefit_total              number;
203    begin
204       if p_payroll_action_id is null then
205          begin
206             select payroll_action_id
207               into l_payroll_action_id
208               from pay_payroll_actions ppa, fnd_conc_req_summary_v fcrs, fnd_conc_req_summary_v fcrs1
209              where fcrs.request_id = fnd_global.conc_request_id
210                and fcrs.priority_request_id = fcrs1.priority_request_id
211                and ppa.request_id between fcrs1.request_id and fcrs.request_id
212                and ppa.request_id = fcrs1.request_id;
213          exception
214             when others then
215                null;
216          end;
217       else
218          l_payroll_action_id := p_payroll_action_id;
219       end if;
221       select sysdate
222         into l_report_date
223         from dual;
225       open csr_get_hdr_info (l_payroll_action_id);
226       fetch csr_get_hdr_info into rl_hdr_info;
227       close csr_get_hdr_info;
228       --
229       xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'LEGAL_EMPLOYER_NAME';
230       xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := rl_hdr_info.legal_employer_name;
231       l_counter := l_counter + 1;
232       --
233       xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'EFFECTIVE_DATE';
234       xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := rl_hdr_info.effective_date;
235       l_counter := l_counter + 1;
237       if rl_hdr_info.local_unit_name is not null then
238          --
239          xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'ORG_NAME';
240          xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := rl_hdr_info.local_unit_name;
241          l_counter := l_counter + 1;
242       --
243       else
244          --
245          xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'ORG_NAME';
246          xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := rl_hdr_info.legal_employer_name;
247          l_counter := l_counter + 1;
248       --
249       end if;
251       --
252       xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'YEAR';
253       xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := rl_hdr_info.year;
254       l_counter := l_counter + 1;
255       --
256       xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'REPORT_DATE';
257       xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := l_report_date;
258       l_counter := l_counter + 1;
259       --
260       xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'LOCAL_UNIT_NAME';
261       xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := rl_hdr_info.local_unit_name;
262       l_counter := l_counter + 1;
264       --
265       for l_get_local_unit_detail in csr_get_local_unit_details (l_payroll_action_id)
266       loop
267          l_total_count := 0;
268          open cst_get_emp_count (l_payroll_action_id, rl_hdr_info.legal_employer_id, l_get_local_unit_detail.local_unit_id);
269          fetch cst_get_emp_count into l_total_count;
270          close cst_get_emp_count;
272          if l_total_count > 0 then
273             xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'LU_NAME';
274             xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := l_get_local_unit_detail.local_unit_name;
275             l_counter := l_counter + 1;
276             --
277             xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'LEGAL_EMP_NAME';
278             xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := rl_hdr_info.legal_employer_name;
279             l_counter := l_counter + 1;
280             --
281             xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'ORG_ADD_LINE1';
282             xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := l_get_local_unit_detail.address_line_1;
283             l_counter := l_counter + 1;
284             --
285             xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'ORG_ADD_LINE2';
286             xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := l_get_local_unit_detail.address_line_2;
287             l_counter := l_counter + 1;
288             --
289             xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'ORG_ADD_LINE3';
290             xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := l_get_local_unit_detail.address_line_3;
291             l_counter := l_counter + 1;
292             --
293             xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'ORG_POSTAL_CODE';
294             xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := l_get_local_unit_detail.postal_code;
295             l_counter := l_counter + 1;
296             --
297             xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'ORG_COUNTRY';
298             xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := l_get_local_unit_detail.country;
299             l_counter := l_counter + 1;
301             for i in csr_get_detail_info (l_payroll_action_id, l_get_local_unit_detail.local_unit_id)
302             loop
303                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'EMPLOYEE_NUMBER';
304                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := i.employee_number;
305                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
306                --
307                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'EMP_PIN';
308                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := i.pin;
309                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
310                --
311                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'FULL_NAME';
312                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := i.emp_name;
313                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
314                --
315                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'DATE_OF_BIRTH';
316                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := i.date_of_birth;
317                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
318                --
319                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'JOB';
320                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := i.job_name;
321                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
322                --
323                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'SALARY_BASIS';
324                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := i.salary_basis;
325                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
326                --
327                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'TAX_CARD_TYPE';
328                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := i.tax_card_type;
329                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
330                --
331                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'TAX_MUNICIPALITY';
332                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := i.tax_municipality;
333                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
334                --
335                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'BASE_RATE';
336                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := i.base_rate;
337                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
338                --
339                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'ADDITIONAL_RATE';
340                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := i.additional_rate;
341                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
342                --
343                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'ADDITIONAL_RATE';
344                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := i.additional_rate;
345                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
346                --
347                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'YEARLY_INCOME_LIMIT';
348                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := i.yearly_income_limit;
349                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
350                --
351                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'ACTUAL_TAX_DAYS';
352                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := i.actual_tax_days;
353                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
354                --
355                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'INSURANCE_SALARY';
356                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := i.insurance_salary;
357                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
358                --
359                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'PER_ADDRESS_LINE1';
360                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := i.permanent_address_line1;
361                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
362                --
363                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'PER_ADDRESS_LINE2';
364                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := i.permanent_address_line2;
365                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
366                --
367                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'PER_ADDRESS_LINE3';
368                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := i.permanent_address_line3;
369                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
370                --
371                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'PER_COUNTRY_CODE';
372                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := i.permanent_country;
373                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
374                --
375                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'PER_POSTAL_CODE';
376                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := i.permanent_postal_code;
377                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
378                --
379                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'ADDRESS_LINE1';
380                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := i.address_line1;
381                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
382                --
383                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'ADDRESS_LINE2';
384                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := i.address_line2;
385                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
386                --
387                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'ADDRESS_LINE3';
388                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := i.address_line3;
389                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
390                --
391                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'COUNTRY_CODE';
392                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := i.country;
393                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
394                --
395                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'POSTAL_CODE';
396                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := i.postal_code;
397                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
398                l_salary_income_total := 0;
399                l_benefits_in_kind_total := 0;
400                l_benefit_monetary_value_total := 0;
401                l_sal_sub_tax_total := 0;
402                l_tax_amount_total := 0;
403                l_deductions_b_tax_total := 0;
404                l_net_salary_total := 0;
405                l_pension_total := 0;
406                l_unemployment_insurance_total := 0;
407                l_trade_union_fee_total := 0;
408                l_external_compensation_total := 0;
409                l_car_benefit_total := 0;
411                for j in csr_get_payroll_detais (l_payroll_action_id, i.person_id)
412                loop
413                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'PAY_PERIOD';
414                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := j.pay_period;
415                   l_counter := l_counter + 1;
417 --
418                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'PAY_PERIOD_START_DATE';
419                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := j.pay_period_start_date;
420                   l_counter := l_counter + 1;
421                   --
422                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'PAY_PERIOD_END_DATE';
423                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := j.pay_period_end_date;
424                   l_counter := l_counter + 1;
425                   --
426                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'SALARY_INCOME';
427                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := j.salary_income;
428                   l_counter := l_counter + 1;
429                   --
430                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'BENEFITS_IN_KIND';
431                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := j.benefits_in_kind;
432                   l_counter := l_counter + 1;
433                   --
434                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'CAR_BENFIT';
435                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := j.car_benefit;
436                   l_counter := l_counter + 1;
437                   --
438                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'BENEFIT_TYPE';
439                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := j.benefit_type;
440                   l_counter := l_counter + 1;
441                   --
442                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'DEDUCTIONS_B_TAX';
443                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := j.deductions_b_tax;
444                   l_counter := l_counter + 1;
445                             --
446                   /* Standard Deductions */
447                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'PENSION';
448                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := j.pension;
449                   l_counter := l_counter + 1;
450                   --
451                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'UNEMP_INSURANCE';
452                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := j.unemployment_insurance;
453                   l_counter := l_counter + 1;
454                   --
455                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'TRADE_UNION_FEE';
456                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := j.trade_union_fee;
457                   l_counter := l_counter + 1;
458                             --
459                   /* End of Standard Deductions */
460                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'EXTERNAL_COMPENSATION';
461                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := j.external_compensation;
462                   l_counter := l_counter + 1;
463                   --
464                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'BENEFIT_MONETARY_VALUE';
465                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := j.benefit_monetary_value;
466                   l_counter := l_counter + 1;
467                   --
468                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'SAL_SUBJECT_TAX';
469                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := j.sal_sub_tax;
470                   l_counter := l_counter + 1;
471                   --
472                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'TAX_AMOUNT';
473                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := j.tax_amount;
474                   l_counter := l_counter + 1;
475                   --
476                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'NET_SALARY';
477                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := j.net_salary;
478                   l_counter := l_counter + 1;
479                   l_salary_income_total := l_salary_income_total + j.salary_income;
480                   l_benefits_in_kind_total := l_benefits_in_kind_total + j.benefits_in_kind;
481                   -- l_benefit_monetary_value_total    :=0;
482                   l_sal_sub_tax_total := l_sal_sub_tax_total + j.sal_sub_tax;
483                   l_tax_amount_total := l_tax_amount_total + j.tax_amount;
484                   l_deductions_b_tax_total := l_deductions_b_tax_total + j.deductions_b_tax;
485                   l_net_salary_total := l_net_salary_total + j.net_salary;
486                   l_pension_total := l_pension_total + j.pension;
487                   l_unemployment_insurance_total := l_unemployment_insurance_total + j.unemployment_insurance;
488                   l_trade_union_fee_total := l_trade_union_fee_total + j.trade_union_fee;
489                   l_external_compensation_total := l_external_compensation_total + j.external_compensation;
490                   l_car_benefit_total := l_car_benefit_total + j.car_benefit;
491                end loop;
493                --
494                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'SALARY_INCOME_TOTAL';
495                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := l_salary_income_total;
496                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
497                --
498                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'BENEFITS_IN_KIND_TOTAL';
499                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := l_benefits_in_kind_total;
500                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
501                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'CAR_BENEFIT_TOTAL';
502                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := l_car_benefit_total;
503                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
504                    --
505                /*    xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'BENEFIT_MONETARY_VALUE_TOTAL';
506                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue :=
507                          rl_csr_get_payroll_total.benefit_monetary_value_total;
508                l_counter := l_counter + 1;*/
509                    --
510                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'SAL_SUB_TAX_TOTAL';
511                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := l_sal_sub_tax_total;
512                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
513                --
514                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'TAX_AMOUNT_TOTAL';
515                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := l_tax_amount_total;
516                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
517                --
518                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'DEDUCTIONS_B_TAX_TOTAL';
519                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := l_deductions_b_tax_total;
520                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
521                --
522                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'NET_SALARY_TOTAL';
523                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := l_net_salary_total;
524                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
525                --
526                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'PENSION_TOTAL';
527                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := l_pension_total;
528                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
529                --
530                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'UNEMPLOYMENT_INSURANCE_TOTAL';
531                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := l_unemployment_insurance_total;
532                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
533                --
534                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'TRADE_UNION_FEE_TOTAL';
535                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := l_trade_union_fee_total;
536                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
537                --
538                xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'EXTERNAL_COMPENSATION_TOTAL';
539                xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := l_external_compensation_total;
540                l_counter := l_counter + 1;
542                for l_get_benefit in csr_get_benefits (l_payroll_action_id, i.person_id)
543                loop -- Start Loop for Benefits
544                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'BENEFIT_NAME';
545                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := l_get_benefit.benefit_type;
546                   l_counter := l_counter + 1;
547                   --
548                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'BENEFIT_PAY_PERIOD_START_DATE';
549                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := l_get_benefit.pay_period_start_date;
550                   l_counter := l_counter + 1;
551                   --
552                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'BENEFIT_PAY_PERIOD_END_DATE';
553                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := l_get_benefit.pay_period_end_date;
554                   l_counter := l_counter + 1;
555                   --
556                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'BENEFIT_VALUE';
557                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := l_get_benefit.benefit_value;
558                   l_counter := l_counter + 1;
559 --
560                end loop; --End loop for benefits
561                -- Start Loop for Car Benefit
562                l_car_benefit_start_date := null;
564                for l_car_benefit in csr_get_car_benefit (l_payroll_action_id, i.person_id)
565                loop
566                   if l_car_benefit_start_date is null or l_car_benefit_start_date <> l_car_benefit.car_pay_period_start_date then
567                      xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'CAR_PAY_PERIOD_START_DATE';
568                      xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := l_car_benefit.car_pay_period_start_date;
569                      l_counter := l_counter + 1;
570                      --
571                      xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'CAR_PAY_PERIOD_END_DATE';
572                      xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := l_car_benefit.car_pay_period_end_date;
573                      l_counter := l_counter + 1;
574                      l_car_benefit_start_date := l_car_benefit.car_pay_period_start_date;
575                   --
576                   end if;
578                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'INPUT_VALUE_NAME';
579                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := l_car_benefit.input_value_name;
580                   l_counter := l_counter + 1;
581                   --
582                   --
583                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'UOM';
584                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := l_car_benefit.input_value_uom;
585                   l_counter := l_counter + 1;
586                   --
587                   --
588                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagname := 'INPUT_VALUE';
589                   xml_tab (l_counter).tagvalue := l_car_benefit.input_value;
590                   l_counter := l_counter + 1;
591                end loop;
592             end loop;
593          end if;
594       end loop;
596       writetoclob (p_xml);
597    exception
598       when others then
599          fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.log, 'Inside Exception');
600          fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.log, 'Error is - ' || sqlcode);
601    end;
603    procedure writetoclob (
604       p_xfdf_clob   out nocopy   clob
605    ) is
606       l_xfdf_string    clob;
607       l_str1           varchar2 (1000);
608       l_str2           varchar2 (20);
609       l_str3           varchar2 (20);
610       l_str4           varchar2 (20);
611       l_str5           varchar2 (20);
612       l_str6           varchar2 (30);
613       l_str7           varchar2 (1000);
614       l_str8           varchar2 (240);
615       l_str9           varchar2 (240);
616       l_str10          varchar2 (20);
617       l_str11          varchar2 (20);
618       l_str12          varchar2 (30);
619       l_str13          varchar2 (30);
620       l_str14          varchar2 (30);
621       l_str15          varchar2 (30);
622       l_str16          varchar2 (30);
623       l_str17          varchar2 (30);
624       l_str18          varchar2 (50);
625       l_str19          varchar2 (30);
626       l_str20          varchar2 (50);
627       l_str21          varchar2 (30);
628       l_str22          varchar2 (50);
629       l_str23          varchar2 (30);
630       l_str24          varchar2 (30);
631       l_str25          varchar2 (30);
632       l_str26          varchar2 (30);
633       l_str27          varchar2 (30);
634       l_str28          varchar2 (30);
635       l_str29          varchar2 (30);
636       l_str30          varchar2 (30);
637       l_str31          varchar2 (30);
638       l_iana_charset   varchar2 (30);
639       current_index    pls_integer;
640    begin
641       --  hr_utility.set_location ('Entering WritetoCLOB ', 10);
642       l_iana_charset := hr_fi_utility.get_iana_charset;
643       l_str1 := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' || l_iana_charset || '"?> <ROOT><PAACR>';
644       l_str2 := '<';
645       l_str3 := '>';
646       l_str4 := '</';
647       l_str5 := '>';
648       l_str6 := '</PAACR></ROOT>';
649       l_str7 := '<?xml version="1.0" encoding="' || l_iana_charset || '"?> <ROOT></ROOT>';
650       l_str10 := '<PAACR>';
651       l_str11 := '</PAACR>';
652       l_str12 := '<FILE_HEADER_START>';
653       l_str13 := '</FILE_HEADER_START>';
654       l_str14 := '<LE_RECORD>';
655       l_str15 := '</LE_RECORD>';
656       l_str16 := '<EMP_RECORD>';
657       l_str17 := '</EMP_RECORD>';
658       l_str18 := '<PAY_RECORD>';
659       l_str19 := '</PAY_RECORD>';
660       l_str20 := '<PAY_TOTAL_RECORD>';
661       l_str21 := '</PAY_TOTAL_RECORD>';
662       l_str22 := '<LU_DETAIL>';
663       l_str23 := '</LU_DETAIL>';
664       l_str24 := '<BENEFIT_TYPE_INFO>';
665       l_str25 := '</BENEFIT_TYPE_INFO>';
666       l_str26 := '<BENEFIT_DETAIL>';
667       l_str27 := '</BENEFIT_DETAIL>';
668       l_str28 := '<CAR_BEN_PAY_PERIOD>';
669       l_str29 := '</CAR_BEN_PAY_PERIOD>';
670       dbms_lob.createtemporary (l_xfdf_string, false , dbms_lob.call);
671       dbms_lob.open (l_xfdf_string, dbms_lob.lob_readwrite);
672       current_index := 0;
674       if xml_tab.count > 0 then
675          dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str1), l_str1);
676          dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str12), l_str12);
678          for table_counter in xml_tab.first .. xml_tab.last
679          loop
680             l_str8 := xml_tab (table_counter).tagname;
681             l_str9 := xml_tab (table_counter).tagvalue;
683             if l_str8 = 'LEGAL_EMPLOYER_NAME' then
684                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str14), l_str14);
685             elsif l_str8 = 'LU_NAME' then
686                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str22), l_str22);
687             elsif l_str8 = 'EMPLOYEE_NUMBER' then
688                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str16), l_str16);
689             elsif l_str8 = 'SALARY_INCOME_TOTAL' then
690                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str20), l_str20);
691             elsif l_str8 = 'PAY_PERIOD' then
692                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str18), l_str18);
693             elsif l_str8 = 'BENEFIT_NAME' then
694                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str24), l_str24);
695             elsif l_str8 = 'CAR_PAY_PERIOD_START_DATE' then
696                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str28), l_str28);
697             elsif l_str8 = 'INPUT_VALUE_NAME' then
698                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str26), l_str26);
699             end if;
701             if l_str9 is not null then
702                l_str9 := '<![CDATA[' || l_str9 || ']]>';
703                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str2), l_str2);
704                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str8), l_str8);
705                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str3), l_str3);
706                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str9), l_str9);
707                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str4), l_str4);
708                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str8), l_str8);
709                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str5), l_str5);
710             else
711                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str2), l_str2);
712                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str8), l_str8);
713                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str3), l_str3);
714                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str4), l_str4);
715                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str8), l_str8);
716                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str5), l_str5);
717             end if;
719             if l_str8 = 'LOCAL_UNIT_NAME' then
720                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str15), l_str15);
721             end if;
723             if l_str8 = 'NET_SALARY' then
724                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str19), l_str19);
725             elsif l_str8 = 'EXTERNAL_COMPENSATION_TOTAL' then
726                /* if    xml_tab.last = table_counter
727             or xml_tab (table_counter + 1).tagname <> 'PAY_PERIOD' then
728             dbms_lob.writeappend (
729                l_xfdf_string,
730                length (l_str17),
731                l_str17
732             );
733          end if;*/
734                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str21), l_str21);
736                if xml_tab.last = table_counter then
737                   dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str17), l_str17);
738                   dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str23), l_str23);
739                elsif xml_tab (table_counter + 1).tagname <> 'BENEFIT_NAME' then
740                   dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str17), l_str17);
742                   if xml_tab (table_counter + 1).tagname <> 'EMPLOYEE_NUMBER' then
743                      dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str23), l_str23);
744                   end if;
745                /*    dbms_lob.writeappend (
746                           l_xfdf_string,
747                           length (l_str23),
748                           l_str23
749                        );*/
750                end if;
751             elsif l_str8 = 'BENEFIT_VALUE' then
752                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str25), l_str25);
754                if xml_tab.last = table_counter then
755                   dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str17), l_str17);
756                   dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str23), l_str23);
757                elsif xml_tab (table_counter + 1).tagname not in ('BENEFIT_NAME', 'CAR_PAY_PERIOD_START_DATE') then --'EMPLOYEE_NUMBER' then
758                   dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str17), l_str17);
759 		  if xml_tab (table_counter + 1).tagname = 'LU_NAME' then
760 		     dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str23), l_str23);
761 		  end if;
762                end if;
763             elsif l_str8 = 'INPUT_VALUE' then
764                dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str27), l_str27);
766                if xml_tab.last = table_counter then
767                   dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str29), l_str29);
768                   dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str17), l_str17);
769                   dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str23), l_str23);
770                elsif xml_tab (table_counter + 1).tagname = 'CAR_PAY_PERIOD_START_DATE' then
771                   /*  dbms_lob.writeappend (
772                      l_xfdf_string,
773                      length (l_str25),
774                      l_str25
775                   );*/
776                   dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str29), l_str29);
777                elsif xml_tab (table_counter + 1).tagname not in ('INPUT_VALUE_NAME', 'CAR_PAY_PERIOD_START_DATE') then --'EMPLOYEE_NUMBER' then
778                   dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str29), l_str29);
779                   dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str17), l_str17);
780 		  if xml_tab (table_counter + 1).tagname = 'LU_NAME' then
781 		     dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str23), l_str23);
782 		  end if;
783                end if;
784             end if;
785          end loop;
787          dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str13), l_str13);
788          dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str6), l_str6);
789       else
790          dbms_lob.writeappend (l_xfdf_string, length (l_str7), l_str7);
791       end if;
793       p_xfdf_clob := l_xfdf_string;
794       hr_utility.set_location ('Leaving WritetoCLOB ', 20);
795       fnd_file.put_line (fnd_file.log, 'XML Part');
796    end writetoclob;
797 end pay_fi_pstr;