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2 /* $Header: PSBVWYTB.pls 115.32 2004/01/22 08:01:33 sajgeo ship $ */
3 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4 -- Worksheet Line Year
5 ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
7   g_segment_values    FND_FLEX_EXT.SegmentArray;
8   g_segment_low       FND_FLEX_EXT.SegmentArray;
9   g_segment_high      FND_FLEX_EXT.SegmentArray;
10   g_segment_count     NUMBER;
11   g_flex_delimiter    VARCHAR2(1);
14   PROCEDURE assign_seg_values
15   IS
17     l_segment_index     NUMBER;
18     l_segment_value     VARCHAR2(200);
19     l_return_value      VARCHAR2(200);
21   BEGIN
22     for l_temp in 1..30 loop
24       for l_index in 1..PSB_WS_ACCT1.g_num_segs loop
26 	if PSB_WS_ACCT1.g_seg_name(l_index) = 'SEGMENT'||l_temp then
27 	  l_segment_index := l_index;
28 	  exit;
29 	end if;
31       end loop;
33       if l_segment_index is null then
34 	g_segment_low(l_temp) := null;
35 	g_segment_high(l_temp) := null;
36       else
37       begin
39 	l_segment_value := g_segment_values(l_segment_index);
41 	if (l_segment_value = '' or l_segment_value is null) then
42 	  g_segment_low(l_temp) := null;
43 	  g_segment_high(l_temp) := null;
44 	elsif instr(l_segment_value, '#BETWEEN') <> 0 then
45 	  l_return_value := substr(l_segment_value, 0, (instr(l_segment_value, 'AND')-2));
46 	  g_segment_low(l_temp) := substr(l_return_value, instr(l_return_value, '#BETWEEN') + 9);
47 	  g_segment_high(l_temp) := substr(l_segment_value, instr(l_segment_value, 'AND') + 4);
48 	elsif instr(l_segment_value, '<=') <> 0 then
49 	  g_segment_low(l_temp) := null;
50 	  g_segment_high(l_temp) := substr(l_segment_value, instr(l_segment_value, '<=') + 3);
51 	elsif instr(l_segment_value, '>=') <> 0 then
52 	  g_segment_low(l_temp) := substr(l_segment_value, instr(l_segment_value, '>=') + 3);
53 	  g_segment_high(l_temp) := null;
54 	elsif instr(l_segment_value, '%') <> 0 then
55 	  g_segment_low(l_temp) := 'LK';
56 	  g_segment_high(l_temp) := l_segment_value;
57 	else
58 	  g_segment_low(l_temp) := l_segment_value;
59 	  g_segment_high(l_temp) := l_segment_value;
60 	end if;
62       end;
63       end if;
65     end loop;
67   END assign_seg_values;
69   PROCEDURE Get_Totals
70   (
71     p_worksheet_id               NUMBER,
72   --following 1 parameter added for DDSP
73     p_profile_worksheet_id       NUMBER,
74     p_user_id                    NUMBER,
75     p_template_id                NUMBER,
76     p_account_flag               VARCHAR2,
77     p_currency_flag              VARCHAR2,
78     p_spkg_flag                  VARCHAR2,
79     p_spkg_selection_exists      VARCHAR2,
80     p_spkg_name                  VARCHAR2,
81     p_flexfield_low              VARCHAR2,
82     p_flexfield_high             VARCHAR2,
83     p_flexfield_delimiter        VARCHAR2,
84     p_chart_of_accounts          NUMBER,
85     p_flex_value                 VARCHAR2,
86     p1_amount            OUT  NOCOPY     NUMBER,
87     p2_amount            OUT  NOCOPY     NUMBER,
88     p3_amount            OUT  NOCOPY     NUMBER,
89     p4_amount            OUT  NOCOPY     NUMBER,
90     p5_amount            OUT  NOCOPY     NUMBER,
91     p6_amount            OUT  NOCOPY     NUMBER,
92     p7_amount            OUT  NOCOPY     NUMBER,
93     p8_amount            OUT  NOCOPY     NUMBER,
94     p9_amount            OUT  NOCOPY     NUMBER,
95     p10_amount           OUT  NOCOPY     NUMBER,
96     p11_amount           OUT  NOCOPY     NUMBER,
97     p12_amount           OUT  NOCOPY     NUMBER
98   ) IS
99   --
101 /* Bug 3331024 Removed Rule hint */
102     cursor c_sum_all is
103       select NVL(SUM(column1),0)  A, NVL(SUM(column2),0)  B, NVL(SUM(column3),0)  C, NVL(SUM(column4),0)  D,
104 	     NVL(SUM(column5),0)  E, NVL(SUM(column6),0)  F, NVL(SUM(column7),0)  G, NVL(SUM(column8),0)  H,
105 	     NVL(SUM(column9),0)  I, NVL(SUM(column10),0) J, NVL(SUM(column11),0) K, NVL(SUM(column12),0) L,
106 	     DECODE(UPPER(account_type),'L','I','O','I','R','I','C','I','A','E','E') account_type
108        WHERE worksheet_id = p_worksheet_id
109        -- Changed reference to 'T' from 'C' for All accounts for bug 3191611
110 	 AND (p_account_flag = 'T' OR account_type = p_account_flag
111 	 OR account_type = DECODE(p_account_flag,'P','R','~')
112 	 OR account_type = DECODE(p_account_flag,'P','E','~')
113 	 OR account_type = DECODE(p_account_flag,'N','A','~')
114 	 OR account_type = DECODE(p_account_flag,'N','L','~')
115 	 OR account_type = DECODE(p_account_flag,'B','C','~')
116 	 OR account_type = DECODE(p_account_flag,'B','D','~'))
117 	 AND ((p_currency_flag = 'C' AND currency_code <> 'STAT')
118 	 OR (p_currency_flag = 'S' AND currency_code = 'STAT'))
119 	 AND ((p_template_id is NULL AND template_id is null) OR (p_template_id is NOT NULL AND template_id = p_template_id))
120 /* Bug No 2543015 Start */
121 	 AND (p_spkg_flag = 'A'
122 		OR (p_spkg_selection_exists = 'N'
123 			AND service_package_id IN
124 				(SELECT sp.service_package_id
126 				  WHERE sp.global_worksheet_id = nvl(w.global_worksheet_id, w.worksheet_id)
127 				    AND w.worksheet_id = p_worksheet_id
128 				    AND sp.name like p_spkg_name))
129 		OR (p_spkg_selection_exists = 'Y'
130 			AND service_package_id IN
131 				(SELECT service_package_id
133 				  WHERE worksheet_id = p_profile_worksheet_id
134 				    AND ((user_id =  p_user_id) or (p_user_id is null and user_id is null))
135 				    AND service_package_name like decode(p_spkg_name, '%', service_package_name, p_spkg_name))))
136 /* Bug No 2543015 End */
137       GROUP by DECODE(UPPER(account_type),'L','I','O','I','R','I','C','I','A','E','E');
139 /* Bug 3331024 Removed Rule hint */
140     cursor c_sum_partial is
141       select  NVL(SUM(column1),0)  A, NVL(SUM(column2),0)  B, NVL(SUM(column3),0)  C, NVL(SUM(column4),0)  D,
142 	     NVL(SUM(column5),0)  E, NVL(SUM(column6),0)  F, NVL(SUM(column7),0)  G, NVL(SUM(column8),0)  H,
143 	     NVL(SUM(column9),0)  I, NVL(SUM(column10),0) J, NVL(SUM(column11),0) K, NVL(SUM(column12),0) L,
144 	     DECODE(UPPER(account_type),'L','I','O','I','R','I','C','I','A','E','E') account_type
146        WHERE worksheet_id = p_worksheet_id
147        -- Changed reference to 'T' from 'C' for All accounts for bug 3191611
148 	 AND (p_account_flag = 'T' OR account_type = p_account_flag
149 	        OR account_type = DECODE(p_account_flag,'P','R','~')
150 		OR account_type = DECODE(p_account_flag,'P','E','~')
151 		OR account_type = DECODE(p_account_flag,'N','A','~')
152 		OR account_type = DECODE(p_account_flag,'N','L','~')
153 		OR account_type = DECODE(p_account_flag,'B','C','~')
154 		OR account_type = DECODE(p_account_flag,'B','D','~'))
155 	        AND ((p_currency_flag = 'C' AND currency_code <> 'STAT')
156 		OR (p_currency_flag = 'S' AND currency_code = 'STAT'))
157 	        AND ((p_template_id is NULL AND template_id is null)
158 		OR (p_template_id is NOT NULL AND template_id = p_template_id))
159 /* Bug No 2543015 Start */
160 	 AND (p_spkg_flag = 'A'
161 		OR (p_spkg_selection_exists = 'N'
162 			AND service_package_id IN
163 				(SELECT sp.service_package_id
165 				  WHERE sp.global_worksheet_id = nvl(w.global_worksheet_id, w.worksheet_id)
166 				    AND w.worksheet_id = p_worksheet_id
167 				    AND sp.name like p_spkg_name))
168 		OR (p_spkg_selection_exists = 'Y'
169 			AND service_package_id IN
170 				(SELECT service_package_id
172 				  WHERE worksheet_id = p_profile_worksheet_id
173 				    AND ((user_id =  p_user_id) or (p_user_id is null and user_id is null))
174 				    AND service_package_name like decode(p_spkg_name, '%', service_package_name, p_spkg_name))))
175 /* Bug No 2543015 End */
177 	    (select 1 from gl_code_combinations
178 	      where code_combination_id = WYA.code_combination_id
179 		and chart_of_accounts_id = p_chart_of_accounts
180 		and ( (segment1 is null) or (g_segment_low(1) is null and g_segment_high(1) is null) or (g_segment_low(1) is null and segment1 <= g_segment_high(1)) or (g_segment_high(1) is null and segment1 >= g_segment_low(1)) or
181 			(g_segment_low(1) = 'LK' and segment1 like g_segment_high(1)) or (g_segment_low(1) is not null and g_segment_high(1) is not null and g_segment_low(1) <> 'LK' and segment1 between g_segment_low(1) and g_segment_high(1)) )
182 		and ( (segment2 is null) or (g_segment_low(2) is null and g_segment_high(2) is null) or (g_segment_low(2) is null and segment2 <= g_segment_high(2)) or (g_segment_high(2) is null and segment2 >= g_segment_low(2)) or
183 			(g_segment_low(2) = 'LK' and segment2 like g_segment_high(2)) or (g_segment_low(2) is not null and g_segment_high(2) is not null and g_segment_low(2) <> 'LK' and segment2 between g_segment_low(2) and g_segment_high(2)) )
184 		and ( (segment3 is null) or (g_segment_low(3) is null and g_segment_high(3) is null) or (g_segment_low(3) is null and segment3 <= g_segment_high(3)) or (g_segment_high(3) is null and segment3 >= g_segment_low(3)) or
185 			(g_segment_low(3) = 'LK' and segment3 like g_segment_high(3)) or (g_segment_low(3) is not null and g_segment_high(3) is not null and g_segment_low(3) <> 'LK' and segment3 between g_segment_low(3) and g_segment_high(3)) )
186 		and ( (segment4 is null) or (g_segment_low(4) is null and g_segment_high(4) is null) or (g_segment_low(4) is null and segment4 <= g_segment_high(4)) or (g_segment_high(4) is null and segment4 >= g_segment_low(4)) or
187 			(g_segment_low(4) = 'LK' and segment4 like g_segment_high(4)) or (g_segment_low(4) is not null and g_segment_high(4) is not null and g_segment_low(4) <> 'LK' and segment4 between g_segment_low(4) and g_segment_high(4)) )
188 		and ( (segment5 is null) or (g_segment_low(5) is null and g_segment_high(5) is null) or (g_segment_low(5) is null and segment5 <= g_segment_high(5)) or (g_segment_high(5) is null and segment5 >= g_segment_low(5)) or
189 			(g_segment_low(5) = 'LK' and segment5 like g_segment_high(5)) or (g_segment_low(5) is not null and g_segment_high(5) is not null and g_segment_low(5) <> 'LK' and segment5 between g_segment_low(5) and g_segment_high(5)) )
190 		and ( (segment6 is null) or (g_segment_low(6) is null and g_segment_high(6) is null) or (g_segment_low(6) is null and segment6 <= g_segment_high(6)) or (g_segment_high(6) is null and segment6 >= g_segment_low(6)) or
191 			(g_segment_low(6) = 'LK' and segment6 like g_segment_high(6)) or (g_segment_low(6) is not null and g_segment_high(6) is not null and g_segment_low(6) <> 'LK' and segment6 between g_segment_low(6) and g_segment_high(6)) )
192 		and ( (segment7 is null) or (g_segment_low(7) is null and g_segment_high(7) is null) or (g_segment_low(7) is null and segment7 <= g_segment_high(7)) or (g_segment_high(7) is null and segment7 >= g_segment_low(7)) or
193 			(g_segment_low(7) = 'LK' and segment7 like g_segment_high(7)) or (g_segment_low(7) is not null and g_segment_high(7) is not null and g_segment_low(7) <> 'LK' and segment7 between g_segment_low(7) and g_segment_high(7)) )
194 		and ( (segment8 is null) or (g_segment_low(8) is null and g_segment_high(8) is null) or (g_segment_low(8) is null and segment8 <= g_segment_high(8)) or (g_segment_high(8) is null and segment8 >= g_segment_low(8)) or
195 			(g_segment_low(8) = 'LK' and segment8 like g_segment_high(8)) or (g_segment_low(8) is not null and g_segment_high(8) is not null and g_segment_low(8) <> 'LK' and segment8 between g_segment_low(8) and g_segment_high(8)) )
196 		and ( (segment9 is null) or (g_segment_low(9) is null and g_segment_high(9) is null) or (g_segment_low(9) is null and segment9 <= g_segment_high(9)) or (g_segment_high(9) is null and segment9 >= g_segment_low(9)) or
197 			(g_segment_low(9) = 'LK' and segment9 like g_segment_high(9)) or (g_segment_low(9) is not null and g_segment_high(9) is not null and g_segment_low(9) <> 'LK' and segment9 between g_segment_low(9) and g_segment_high(9)) )
198 		and ( (segment10 is null) or (g_segment_low(10) is null and g_segment_high(10) is null) or (g_segment_low(10) is null and segment10 <= g_segment_high(10)) or (g_segment_high(10) is null and segment10 >= g_segment_low(10)) or
199 			(g_segment_low(10) = 'LK' and segment10 like g_segment_high(10)) or (g_segment_low(10) is not null and g_segment_high(10) is not null and g_segment_low(10) <> 'LK' and segment10 between g_segment_low(10) and g_segment_high(10)) )
200 		and ( (segment11 is null) or (g_segment_low(11) is null and g_segment_high(11) is null) or (g_segment_low(11) is null and segment11 <= g_segment_high(11)) or (g_segment_high(11) is null and segment11 >= g_segment_low(11)) or
201 			(g_segment_low(11) = 'LK' and segment11 like g_segment_high(11)) or (g_segment_low(11) is not null and g_segment_high(11) is not null and g_segment_low(11) <> 'LK' and segment11 between g_segment_low(11) and g_segment_high(11)) )
202 		and ( (segment12 is null) or (g_segment_low(12) is null and g_segment_high(12) is null) or (g_segment_low(12) is null and segment12 <= g_segment_high(12)) or (g_segment_high(12) is null and segment12 >= g_segment_low(12)) or
203 			(g_segment_low(12) = 'LK' and segment12 like g_segment_high(12)) or (g_segment_low(12) is not null and g_segment_high(12) is not null and g_segment_low(12) <> 'LK' and segment12 between g_segment_low(12) and g_segment_high(12)) )
204 		and ( (segment13 is null) or (g_segment_low(13) is null and g_segment_high(13) is null) or (g_segment_low(13) is null and segment13 <= g_segment_high(13)) or (g_segment_high(13) is null and segment13 >= g_segment_low(13)) or
205 			(g_segment_low(13) = 'LK' and segment13 like g_segment_high(13)) or (g_segment_low(13) is not null and g_segment_high(13) is not null and g_segment_low(13) <> 'LK' and segment13 between g_segment_low(13) and g_segment_high(13)) )
206 		and ( (segment14 is null) or (g_segment_low(14) is null and g_segment_high(14) is null) or (g_segment_low(14) is null and segment14 <= g_segment_high(14)) or (g_segment_high(14) is null and segment14 >= g_segment_low(14)) or
207 			(g_segment_low(14) = 'LK' and segment14 like g_segment_high(14)) or (g_segment_low(14) is not null and g_segment_high(14) is not null and g_segment_low(14) <> 'LK' and segment14 between g_segment_low(14) and g_segment_high(14)) )
208 		and ( (segment15 is null) or (g_segment_low(15) is null and g_segment_high(15) is null) or (g_segment_low(15) is null and segment15 <= g_segment_high(15)) or (g_segment_high(15) is null and segment15 >= g_segment_low(15)) or
209 			(g_segment_low(15) = 'LK' and segment15 like g_segment_high(15)) or (g_segment_low(15) is not null and g_segment_high(15) is not null and g_segment_low(15) <> 'LK' and segment15 between g_segment_low(15) and g_segment_high(15)) )
210 		and ( (segment16 is null) or (g_segment_low(16) is null and g_segment_high(16) is null) or (g_segment_low(16) is null and segment16 <= g_segment_high(16)) or (g_segment_high(16) is null and segment16 >= g_segment_low(16)) or
211 			(g_segment_low(16) = 'LK' and segment16 like g_segment_high(16)) or (g_segment_low(16) is not null and g_segment_high(16) is not null and g_segment_low(16) <> 'LK' and segment16 between g_segment_low(16) and g_segment_high(16)) )
212 		and ( (segment17 is null) or (g_segment_low(17) is null and g_segment_high(17) is null) or (g_segment_low(17) is null and segment17 <= g_segment_high(17)) or (g_segment_high(17) is null and segment17 >= g_segment_low(17)) or
213 			(g_segment_low(17) = 'LK' and segment17 like g_segment_high(17)) or (g_segment_low(17) is not null and g_segment_high(17) is not null and g_segment_low(17) <> 'LK' and segment17 between g_segment_low(17) and g_segment_high(17)) )
214 		and ( (segment18 is null) or (g_segment_low(18) is null and g_segment_high(18) is null) or (g_segment_low(18) is null and segment18 <= g_segment_high(18)) or (g_segment_high(18) is null and segment18 >= g_segment_low(18)) or
215 			(g_segment_low(18) = 'LK' and segment18 like g_segment_high(18)) or (g_segment_low(18) is not null and g_segment_high(18) is not null and g_segment_low(18) <> 'LK' and segment18 between g_segment_low(18) and g_segment_high(18)) )
216 		and ( (segment19 is null) or (g_segment_low(19) is null and g_segment_high(19) is null) or (g_segment_low(19) is null and segment19 <= g_segment_high(19)) or (g_segment_high(19) is null and segment19 >= g_segment_low(19)) or
217 			(g_segment_low(19) = 'LK' and segment19 like g_segment_high(19)) or (g_segment_low(19) is not null and g_segment_high(19) is not null and g_segment_low(19) <> 'LK' and segment19 between g_segment_low(19) and g_segment_high(19)) )
218 		and ( (segment20 is null) or (g_segment_low(20) is null and g_segment_high(20) is null) or (g_segment_low(20) is null and segment20 <= g_segment_high(20)) or (g_segment_high(20) is null and segment20 >= g_segment_low(20)) or
219 			(g_segment_low(20) = 'LK' and segment20 like g_segment_high(20)) or (g_segment_low(20) is not null and g_segment_high(20) is not null and g_segment_low(20) <> 'LK' and segment20 between g_segment_low(20) and g_segment_high(20)) )
220 		and ( (segment21 is null) or (g_segment_low(21) is null and g_segment_high(21) is null) or (g_segment_low(21) is null and segment21 <= g_segment_high(21)) or (g_segment_high(21) is null and segment21 >= g_segment_low(21)) or
221 			(g_segment_low(21) = 'LK' and segment21 like g_segment_high(21)) or (g_segment_low(21) is not null and g_segment_high(21) is not null and g_segment_low(21) <> 'LK' and segment21 between g_segment_low(21) and g_segment_high(21)) )
222 		and ( (segment22 is null) or (g_segment_low(22) is null and g_segment_high(22) is null) or (g_segment_low(22) is null and segment22 <= g_segment_high(22)) or (g_segment_high(22) is null and segment22 >= g_segment_low(22)) or
223 			(g_segment_low(22) = 'LK' and segment22 like g_segment_high(22)) or (g_segment_low(22) is not null and g_segment_high(22) is not null and g_segment_low(22) <> 'LK' and segment22 between g_segment_low(22) and g_segment_high(22)) )
224 		and ( (segment23 is null) or (g_segment_low(23) is null and g_segment_high(23) is null) or (g_segment_low(23) is null and segment23 <= g_segment_high(23)) or (g_segment_high(23) is null and segment23 >= g_segment_low(23)) or
225 			(g_segment_low(23) = 'LK' and segment23 like g_segment_high(23)) or (g_segment_low(23) is not null and g_segment_high(23) is not null and g_segment_low(23) <> 'LK' and segment23 between g_segment_low(23) and g_segment_high(23)) )
226 		and ( (segment24 is null) or (g_segment_low(24) is null and g_segment_high(24) is null) or (g_segment_low(24) is null and segment24 <= g_segment_high(24)) or (g_segment_high(24) is null and segment24 >= g_segment_low(24)) or
227 			(g_segment_low(24) = 'LK' and segment24 like g_segment_high(24)) or (g_segment_low(24) is not null and g_segment_high(24) is not null and g_segment_low(24) <> 'LK' and segment24 between g_segment_low(24) and g_segment_high(24)) )
228 		and ( (segment25 is null) or (g_segment_low(25) is null and g_segment_high(25) is null) or (g_segment_low(25) is null and segment25 <= g_segment_high(25)) or (g_segment_high(25) is null and segment25 >= g_segment_low(25)) or
229 			(g_segment_low(25) = 'LK' and segment25 like g_segment_high(25)) or (g_segment_low(25) is not null and g_segment_high(25) is not null and g_segment_low(25) <> 'LK' and segment25 between g_segment_low(25) and g_segment_high(25)) )
230 		and ( (segment26 is null) or (g_segment_low(26) is null and g_segment_high(26) is null) or (g_segment_low(26) is null and segment26 <= g_segment_high(26)) or (g_segment_high(26) is null and segment26 >= g_segment_low(26)) or
231 			(g_segment_low(26) = 'LK' and segment26 like g_segment_high(26)) or (g_segment_low(26) is not null and g_segment_high(26) is not null and g_segment_low(26) <> 'LK' and segment26 between g_segment_low(26) and g_segment_high(26)) )
232 		and ( (segment27 is null) or (g_segment_low(27) is null and g_segment_high(27) is null) or (g_segment_low(27) is null and segment27 <= g_segment_high(27)) or (g_segment_high(27) is null and segment27 >= g_segment_low(27)) or
233 			(g_segment_low(27) = 'LK' and segment27 like g_segment_high(27)) or (g_segment_low(27) is not null and g_segment_high(27) is not null and g_segment_low(27) <> 'LK' and segment27 between g_segment_low(27) and g_segment_high(27)) )
234 		and ( (segment28 is null) or (g_segment_low(28) is null and g_segment_high(28) is null) or (g_segment_low(28) is null and segment28 <= g_segment_high(28)) or (g_segment_high(28) is null and segment28 >= g_segment_low(28)) or
235 			(g_segment_low(28) = 'LK' and segment28 like g_segment_high(28)) or (g_segment_low(28) is not null and g_segment_high(28) is not null and g_segment_low(28) <> 'LK' and segment28 between g_segment_low(28) and g_segment_high(28)) )
236 		and ( (segment29 is null) or (g_segment_low(29) is null and g_segment_high(29) is null) or (g_segment_low(29) is null and segment29 <= g_segment_high(29)) or (g_segment_high(29) is null and segment29 >= g_segment_low(29)) or
237 			(g_segment_low(29) = 'LK' and segment29 like g_segment_high(29)) or (g_segment_low(29) is not null and g_segment_high(29) is not null and g_segment_low(29) <> 'LK' and segment29 between g_segment_low(29) and g_segment_high(29)) )
238 		and ( (segment30 is null) or (g_segment_low(30) is null and g_segment_high(30) is null) or (g_segment_low(30) is null and segment30 <= g_segment_high(30)) or (g_segment_high(30) is null and segment30 >= g_segment_low(30)) or
239 			(g_segment_low(30) = 'LK' and segment30 like g_segment_high(30)) or (g_segment_low(30) is not null and g_segment_high(30) is not null and g_segment_low(30) <> 'LK' and segment30 between g_segment_low(30) and g_segment_high(30)) ))
240 		GROUP BY DECODE(UPPER(account_type),'L','I','O','I','R','I','C','I','A','E','E');
241 --
242     l_cr_dr    NUMBER;
243     ltot1 number:=0;
244     ltot2 number:=0;
245     ltot3 number:=0;
246     ltot4 number:=0;
247     ltot5 number:=0;
248     ltot6 number:=0;
249     ltot7 number:=0;
250     ltot8 number:=0;
251     ltot9 number:=0;
252     ltot10 number:=0;
253     ltot11 number:=0;
254     ltot12 number:=0;
255     l_return_status     VARCHAR2(1);
257  BEGIN
259    if (nvl(p_flex_value, '%') <> '%') then
260    begin
262      if p_chart_of_accounts <> nvl(PSB_WS_ACCT1.g_flex_code, 0) then
263      begin
265        PSB_WS_ACCT1.Flex_Info (p_flex_code => p_chart_of_accounts, p_return_status => l_return_status);
267      end;
268      end if;
270      g_flex_delimiter := fnd_flex_ext.get_delimiter(application_short_name => 'SQLGL',
271 						  key_flex_code => 'GL#',
272 						  structure_number => p_chart_of_accounts);
274      g_segment_count := FND_FLEX_EXT.breakup_segments(p_flex_value, g_flex_delimiter, g_segment_values);
276     /*For Bug No : 2012827 Start*/
277      for i in g_segment_count+1..30 loop
278        g_segment_values(i) := null;
279      end loop;
280     /*For Bug No : 2012827 End*/
282      assign_seg_values;
284      for c_sum_partial_rec in c_sum_partial loop
286       if c_sum_partial_rec.account_type = 'I' then
287 	ltot1 := ltot1 + c_sum_partial_rec.A;
288 	ltot2 := ltot2 + c_sum_partial_rec.B;
289 	ltot3 := ltot3 + c_sum_partial_rec.C;
290 	ltot4 := ltot4 + c_sum_partial_rec.D;
291 	ltot5 := ltot5 + c_sum_partial_rec.E;
292 	ltot6 := ltot6 + c_sum_partial_rec.F;
293 	ltot7 := ltot7 + c_sum_partial_rec.G;
294 	ltot8 := ltot8 + c_sum_partial_rec.H;
295 	ltot9 := ltot9 + c_sum_partial_rec.I;
296 	ltot10 := ltot10 + c_sum_partial_rec.J;
297 	ltot11 := ltot11 + c_sum_partial_rec.K;
298 	ltot12 := ltot12 + c_sum_partial_rec.L;
299       ELSE
300 	ltot1 := ltot1 - c_sum_partial_rec.A;
301 	ltot2 := ltot2 - c_sum_partial_rec.B;
302 	ltot3 := ltot3 - c_sum_partial_rec.C;
303 	ltot4 := ltot4 - c_sum_partial_rec.D;
304 	ltot5 := ltot5 - c_sum_partial_rec.E;
305 	ltot6 := ltot6 - c_sum_partial_rec.F;
306 	ltot7 := ltot7 - c_sum_partial_rec.G;
307 	ltot8 := ltot8 - c_sum_partial_rec.H;
308 	ltot9 := ltot9 - c_sum_partial_rec.I;
309 	ltot10 := ltot10 - c_sum_partial_rec.J;
310 	ltot11 := ltot11 - c_sum_partial_rec.K;
311 	ltot12 := ltot12 - c_sum_partial_rec.L;
312       END IF;
314      end loop;
316    end;
317    else
318    begin
320      FOR c_sum_all_rec IN c_sum_all LOOP
322       IF c_sum_all_rec.account_type = 'I' THEN
323 	ltot1 := ltot1 + c_sum_all_rec.A;
324 	ltot2 := ltot2 + c_sum_all_rec.B;
325 	ltot3 := ltot3 + c_sum_all_rec.C;
326 	ltot4 := ltot4 + c_sum_all_rec.D;
327 	ltot5 := ltot5 + c_sum_all_rec.E;
328 	ltot6 := ltot6 + c_sum_all_rec.F;
329 	ltot7 := ltot7 + c_sum_all_rec.G;
330 	ltot8 := ltot8 + c_sum_all_rec.H;
331 	ltot9 := ltot9 + c_sum_all_rec.I;
332 	ltot10 := ltot10 + c_sum_all_rec.J;
333 	ltot11 := ltot11 + c_sum_all_rec.K;
334 	ltot12 := ltot12 + c_sum_all_rec.L;
335       ELSE
336 	ltot1 := ltot1 - c_sum_all_rec.A;
337 	ltot2 := ltot2 - c_sum_all_rec.B;
338 	ltot3 := ltot3 - c_sum_all_rec.C;
339 	ltot4 := ltot4 - c_sum_all_rec.D;
340 	ltot5 := ltot5 - c_sum_all_rec.E;
341 	ltot6 := ltot6 - c_sum_all_rec.F;
342 	ltot7 := ltot7 - c_sum_all_rec.G;
343 	ltot8 := ltot8 - c_sum_all_rec.H;
344 	ltot9 := ltot9 - c_sum_all_rec.I;
345 	ltot10 := ltot10 - c_sum_all_rec.J;
346 	ltot11 := ltot11 - c_sum_all_rec.K;
347 	ltot12 := ltot12 - c_sum_all_rec.L;
348       END IF;
349     END LOOP;
351    end;
352    END IF;
354   IF p_account_flag in ('A','E','N') THEN
355      l_cr_dr := -1;
356   ELSE
357      l_cr_dr := 1;
358   END IF;
359   p1_amount  := ltot1 * l_cr_dr;
360   p2_amount  := ltot2 * l_cr_dr;
361   p3_amount  := ltot3 * l_cr_dr;
362   p4_amount  := ltot4 * l_cr_dr;
363   p5_amount  := ltot5 * l_cr_dr;
364   p6_amount  := ltot6 * l_cr_dr;
365   p7_amount  := ltot7 * l_cr_dr;
366   p8_amount  := ltot8 * l_cr_dr;
367   p9_amount  := ltot9 * l_cr_dr;
368   p10_amount := ltot10 * l_cr_dr;
369   p11_amount := ltot11 * l_cr_dr;
370   p12_amount := ltot12 * l_cr_dr;
372   END Get_Totals;
375 PROCEDURE Position_Totals
376  (
377   pworksheet_id                 number,
378 --following 1 parameter added for DDSP
379   pprofile_worksheet_id         number,
380   pposition_line_id             number,
381   paccount_flag                 varchar2,
382   pcurrency_flag                varchar2,
383   pservice_package_flag         varchar2,
384   pselection_exists             varchar2,
385   puser_id                      number,
386   pchart_of_accounts_id         number,
387   pspkg_name                    varchar2,
388   pflex_value                   varchar2,
389   ptcolumn1             OUT  NOCOPY     number,
390   ptcolumn2             OUT  NOCOPY     number,
391   ptcolumn3             OUT  NOCOPY     number,
392   ptcolumn4             OUT  NOCOPY     number,
393   ptcolumn5             OUT  NOCOPY     number,
394   ptcolumn6             OUT  NOCOPY     number,
395   ptcolumn7             OUT  NOCOPY     number,
396   ptcolumn8             OUT  NOCOPY     number,
397   ptcolumn9             OUT  NOCOPY     number,
398   ptcolumn10            OUT  NOCOPY     number,
399   ptcolumn11            OUT  NOCOPY     number,
400   ptcolumn12            OUT  NOCOPY     number
402  ) IS
404 /* Bug 3331024 Remove Rule Hint */
405   cursor c_sum_all is
406       select NVL(SUM(column1),0)  A, NVL(SUM(column2),0)  B, NVL(SUM(column3),0)  C, NVL(SUM(column4),0)  D,
407 	     NVL(SUM(column5),0)  E, NVL(SUM(column6),0)  F, NVL(SUM(column7),0)  G, NVL(SUM(column8),0)  H,
408 	     NVL(SUM(column9),0)  I, NVL(SUM(column10),0) J, NVL(SUM(column11),0) K, NVL(SUM(column12),0) L
410        WHERE worksheet_id = pworksheet_id
411 	 AND position_line_id = pposition_line_id
412 	 AND ((pcurrency_flag = 'C' AND currency_code <> 'STAT') OR (pcurrency_flag = 'S' AND currency_code = 'STAT'))
413 	 AND template_id is null
414 /* Bug No 2543015 Start */
415 	 AND (pservice_package_flag = 'A'
416 		OR (pselection_exists = 'N'
417 			AND service_package_id IN
418 				(SELECT sp.service_package_id
420 				  WHERE sp.global_worksheet_id = nvl(w.global_worksheet_id, w.worksheet_id)
421 				    AND w.worksheet_id = pworksheet_id
422 				    AND sp.name like pspkg_name))
423 		OR (pselection_exists = 'Y'
424 			AND service_package_id IN
425 				(SELECT service_package_id
427 				  WHERE worksheet_id = pprofile_worksheet_id
428 				    AND ((user_id =  puser_id) or (puser_id is null and user_id is null))
429 				    AND service_package_name like decode(pspkg_name, '%', service_package_name, pspkg_name))));
430 /* Bug No 2543015 End */
432 /* Bug 3331024 Remove Rule Hint */
433   cursor c_sum_partial is
434       select NVL(SUM(column1),0)  A, NVL(SUM(column2),0)  B, NVL(SUM(column3),0)  C, NVL(SUM(column4),0)  D,
435 	     NVL(SUM(column5),0)  E, NVL(SUM(column6),0)  F, NVL(SUM(column7),0)  G, NVL(SUM(column8),0)  H,
436 	     NVL(SUM(column9),0)  I, NVL(SUM(column10),0) J, NVL(SUM(column11),0) K, NVL(SUM(column12),0) L
438        WHERE worksheet_id = pworksheet_id
439 	 AND position_line_id = pposition_line_id
440 	 AND ((pcurrency_flag = 'C' AND currency_code <> 'STAT') OR (pcurrency_flag = 'S' AND currency_code = 'STAT'))
441 	 AND template_id is null
442 /* Bug No 2543015 Start */
443 	 AND (pservice_package_flag = 'A'
444 		OR (pselection_exists = 'N'
445 			AND service_package_id IN
446 				(SELECT sp.service_package_id
448 				  WHERE sp.global_worksheet_id = nvl(w.global_worksheet_id, w.worksheet_id)
449 				    AND w.worksheet_id = pworksheet_id
450 				    AND sp.name like pspkg_name))
451 		OR (pselection_exists = 'Y'
452 			AND service_package_id IN
453 				(SELECT service_package_id
455 				  WHERE worksheet_id = pprofile_worksheet_id
456 				    AND ((user_id =  puser_id) or (puser_id is null and user_id is null))
457 				    AND service_package_name like decode(pspkg_name, '%', service_package_name, pspkg_name))))
458 /* Bug No 2543015 End */
460 	    (select 1 from gl_code_combinations
461 	      where code_combination_id = WYA.code_combination_id
462 		and chart_of_accounts_id = pchart_of_accounts_id
463 		and ( (segment1 is null) or (g_segment_low(1) is null and g_segment_high(1) is null) or (g_segment_low(1) is null and segment1 <= g_segment_high(1)) or (g_segment_high(1) is null and segment1 >= g_segment_low(1)) or
464 			(g_segment_low(1) = 'LK' and segment1 like g_segment_high(1)) or (g_segment_low(1) is not null and g_segment_high(1) is not null and g_segment_low(1) <> 'LK' and segment1 between g_segment_low(1) and g_segment_high(1)) )
465 		and ( (segment2 is null) or (g_segment_low(2) is null and g_segment_high(2) is null) or (g_segment_low(2) is null and segment2 <= g_segment_high(2)) or (g_segment_high(2) is null and segment2 >= g_segment_low(2)) or
466 			(g_segment_low(2) = 'LK' and segment2 like g_segment_high(2)) or (g_segment_low(2) is not null and g_segment_high(2) is not null and g_segment_low(2) <> 'LK' and segment2 between g_segment_low(2) and g_segment_high(2)) )
467 		and ( (segment3 is null) or (g_segment_low(3) is null and g_segment_high(3) is null) or (g_segment_low(3) is null and segment3 <= g_segment_high(3)) or (g_segment_high(3) is null and segment3 >= g_segment_low(3)) or
468 			(g_segment_low(3) = 'LK' and segment3 like g_segment_high(3)) or (g_segment_low(3) is not null and g_segment_high(3) is not null and g_segment_low(3) <> 'LK' and segment3 between g_segment_low(3) and g_segment_high(3)) )
469 		and ( (segment4 is null) or (g_segment_low(4) is null and g_segment_high(4) is null) or (g_segment_low(4) is null and segment4 <= g_segment_high(4)) or (g_segment_high(4) is null and segment4 >= g_segment_low(4)) or
470 			(g_segment_low(4) = 'LK' and segment4 like g_segment_high(4)) or (g_segment_low(4) is not null and g_segment_high(4) is not null and g_segment_low(4) <> 'LK' and segment4 between g_segment_low(4) and g_segment_high(4)) )
471 		and ( (segment5 is null) or (g_segment_low(5) is null and g_segment_high(5) is null) or (g_segment_low(5) is null and segment5 <= g_segment_high(5)) or (g_segment_high(5) is null and segment5 >= g_segment_low(5)) or
472 			(g_segment_low(5) = 'LK' and segment5 like g_segment_high(5)) or (g_segment_low(5) is not null and g_segment_high(5) is not null and g_segment_low(5) <> 'LK' and segment5 between g_segment_low(5) and g_segment_high(5)) )
473 		and ( (segment6 is null) or (g_segment_low(6) is null and g_segment_high(6) is null) or (g_segment_low(6) is null and segment6 <= g_segment_high(6)) or (g_segment_high(6) is null and segment6 >= g_segment_low(6)) or
474 			(g_segment_low(6) = 'LK' and segment6 like g_segment_high(6)) or (g_segment_low(6) is not null and g_segment_high(6) is not null and g_segment_low(6) <> 'LK' and segment6 between g_segment_low(6) and g_segment_high(6)) )
475 		and ( (segment7 is null) or (g_segment_low(7) is null and g_segment_high(7) is null) or (g_segment_low(7) is null and segment7 <= g_segment_high(7)) or (g_segment_high(7) is null and segment7 >= g_segment_low(7)) or
476 			(g_segment_low(7) = 'LK' and segment7 like g_segment_high(7)) or (g_segment_low(7) is not null and g_segment_high(7) is not null and g_segment_low(7) <> 'LK' and segment7 between g_segment_low(7) and g_segment_high(7)) )
477 		and ( (segment8 is null) or (g_segment_low(8) is null and g_segment_high(8) is null) or (g_segment_low(8) is null and segment8 <= g_segment_high(8)) or (g_segment_high(8) is null and segment8 >= g_segment_low(8)) or
478 			(g_segment_low(8) = 'LK' and segment8 like g_segment_high(8)) or (g_segment_low(8) is not null and g_segment_high(8) is not null and g_segment_low(8) <> 'LK' and segment8 between g_segment_low(8) and g_segment_high(8)) )
479 		and ( (segment9 is null) or (g_segment_low(9) is null and g_segment_high(9) is null) or (g_segment_low(9) is null and segment9 <= g_segment_high(9)) or (g_segment_high(9) is null and segment9 >= g_segment_low(9)) or
480 			(g_segment_low(9) = 'LK' and segment9 like g_segment_high(9)) or (g_segment_low(9) is not null and g_segment_high(9) is not null and g_segment_low(9) <> 'LK' and segment9 between g_segment_low(9) and g_segment_high(9)) )
481 		and ( (segment10 is null) or (g_segment_low(10) is null and g_segment_high(10) is null) or (g_segment_low(10) is null and segment10 <= g_segment_high(10)) or (g_segment_high(10) is null and segment10 >= g_segment_low(10)) or
482 			(g_segment_low(10) = 'LK' and segment10 like g_segment_high(10)) or (g_segment_low(10) is not null and g_segment_high(10) is not null and g_segment_low(10) <> 'LK' and segment10 between g_segment_low(10) and g_segment_high(10)) )
483 		and ( (segment11 is null) or (g_segment_low(11) is null and g_segment_high(11) is null) or (g_segment_low(11) is null and segment11 <= g_segment_high(11)) or (g_segment_high(11) is null and segment11 >= g_segment_low(11)) or
484 			(g_segment_low(11) = 'LK' and segment11 like g_segment_high(11)) or (g_segment_low(11) is not null and g_segment_high(11) is not null and g_segment_low(11) <> 'LK' and segment11 between g_segment_low(11) and g_segment_high(11)) )
485 		and ( (segment12 is null) or (g_segment_low(12) is null and g_segment_high(12) is null) or (g_segment_low(12) is null and segment12 <= g_segment_high(12)) or (g_segment_high(12) is null and segment12 >= g_segment_low(12)) or
486 			(g_segment_low(12) = 'LK' and segment12 like g_segment_high(12)) or (g_segment_low(12) is not null and g_segment_high(12) is not null and g_segment_low(12) <> 'LK' and segment12 between g_segment_low(12) and g_segment_high(12)) )
487 		and ( (segment13 is null) or (g_segment_low(13) is null and g_segment_high(13) is null) or (g_segment_low(13) is null and segment13 <= g_segment_high(13)) or (g_segment_high(13) is null and segment13 >= g_segment_low(13)) or
488 			(g_segment_low(13) = 'LK' and segment13 like g_segment_high(13)) or (g_segment_low(13) is not null and g_segment_high(13) is not null and g_segment_low(13) <> 'LK' and segment13 between g_segment_low(13) and g_segment_high(13)) )
489 		and ( (segment14 is null) or (g_segment_low(14) is null and g_segment_high(14) is null) or (g_segment_low(14) is null and segment14 <= g_segment_high(14)) or (g_segment_high(14) is null and segment14 >= g_segment_low(14)) or
490 			(g_segment_low(14) = 'LK' and segment14 like g_segment_high(14)) or (g_segment_low(14) is not null and g_segment_high(14) is not null and g_segment_low(14) <> 'LK' and segment14 between g_segment_low(14) and g_segment_high(14)) )
491 		and ( (segment15 is null) or (g_segment_low(15) is null and g_segment_high(15) is null) or (g_segment_low(15) is null and segment15 <= g_segment_high(15)) or (g_segment_high(15) is null and segment15 >= g_segment_low(15)) or
492 			(g_segment_low(15) = 'LK' and segment15 like g_segment_high(15)) or (g_segment_low(15) is not null and g_segment_high(15) is not null and g_segment_low(15) <> 'LK' and segment15 between g_segment_low(15) and g_segment_high(15)) )
493 		and ( (segment16 is null) or (g_segment_low(16) is null and g_segment_high(16) is null) or (g_segment_low(16) is null and segment16 <= g_segment_high(16)) or (g_segment_high(16) is null and segment16 >= g_segment_low(16)) or
494 			(g_segment_low(16) = 'LK' and segment16 like g_segment_high(16)) or (g_segment_low(16) is not null and g_segment_high(16) is not null and g_segment_low(16) <> 'LK' and segment16 between g_segment_low(16) and g_segment_high(16)) )
495 		and ( (segment17 is null) or (g_segment_low(17) is null and g_segment_high(17) is null) or (g_segment_low(17) is null and segment17 <= g_segment_high(17)) or (g_segment_high(17) is null and segment17 >= g_segment_low(17)) or
496 			(g_segment_low(17) = 'LK' and segment17 like g_segment_high(17)) or (g_segment_low(17) is not null and g_segment_high(17) is not null and g_segment_low(17) <> 'LK' and segment17 between g_segment_low(17) and g_segment_high(17)) )
497 		and ( (segment18 is null) or (g_segment_low(18) is null and g_segment_high(18) is null) or (g_segment_low(18) is null and segment18 <= g_segment_high(18)) or (g_segment_high(18) is null and segment18 >= g_segment_low(18)) or
498 			(g_segment_low(18) = 'LK' and segment18 like g_segment_high(18)) or (g_segment_low(18) is not null and g_segment_high(18) is not null and g_segment_low(18) <> 'LK' and segment18 between g_segment_low(18) and g_segment_high(18)) )
499 		and ( (segment19 is null) or (g_segment_low(19) is null and g_segment_high(19) is null) or (g_segment_low(19) is null and segment19 <= g_segment_high(19)) or (g_segment_high(19) is null and segment19 >= g_segment_low(19)) or
500 			(g_segment_low(19) = 'LK' and segment19 like g_segment_high(19)) or (g_segment_low(19) is not null and g_segment_high(19) is not null and g_segment_low(19) <> 'LK' and segment19 between g_segment_low(19) and g_segment_high(19)) )
501 		and ( (segment20 is null) or (g_segment_low(20) is null and g_segment_high(20) is null) or (g_segment_low(20) is null and segment20 <= g_segment_high(20)) or (g_segment_high(20) is null and segment20 >= g_segment_low(20)) or
502 			(g_segment_low(20) = 'LK' and segment20 like g_segment_high(20)) or (g_segment_low(20) is not null and g_segment_high(20) is not null and g_segment_low(20) <> 'LK' and segment20 between g_segment_low(20) and g_segment_high(20)) )
503 		and ( (segment21 is null) or (g_segment_low(21) is null and g_segment_high(21) is null) or (g_segment_low(21) is null and segment21 <= g_segment_high(21)) or (g_segment_high(21) is null and segment21 >= g_segment_low(21)) or
504 			(g_segment_low(21) = 'LK' and segment21 like g_segment_high(21)) or (g_segment_low(21) is not null and g_segment_high(21) is not null and g_segment_low(21) <> 'LK' and segment21 between g_segment_low(21) and g_segment_high(21)) )
505 		and ( (segment22 is null) or (g_segment_low(22) is null and g_segment_high(22) is null) or (g_segment_low(22) is null and segment22 <= g_segment_high(22)) or (g_segment_high(22) is null and segment22 >= g_segment_low(22)) or
506 			(g_segment_low(22) = 'LK' and segment22 like g_segment_high(22)) or (g_segment_low(22) is not null and g_segment_high(22) is not null and g_segment_low(22) <> 'LK' and segment22 between g_segment_low(22) and g_segment_high(22)) )
507 		and ( (segment23 is null) or (g_segment_low(23) is null and g_segment_high(23) is null) or (g_segment_low(23) is null and segment23 <= g_segment_high(23)) or (g_segment_high(23) is null and segment23 >= g_segment_low(23)) or
508 			(g_segment_low(23) = 'LK' and segment23 like g_segment_high(23)) or (g_segment_low(23) is not null and g_segment_high(23) is not null and g_segment_low(23) <> 'LK' and segment23 between g_segment_low(23) and g_segment_high(23)) )
509 		and ( (segment24 is null) or (g_segment_low(24) is null and g_segment_high(24) is null) or (g_segment_low(24) is null and segment24 <= g_segment_high(24)) or (g_segment_high(24) is null and segment24 >= g_segment_low(24)) or
510 			(g_segment_low(24) = 'LK' and segment24 like g_segment_high(24)) or (g_segment_low(24) is not null and g_segment_high(24) is not null and g_segment_low(24) <> 'LK' and segment24 between g_segment_low(24) and g_segment_high(24)) )
511 		and ( (segment25 is null) or (g_segment_low(25) is null and g_segment_high(25) is null) or (g_segment_low(25) is null and segment25 <= g_segment_high(25)) or (g_segment_high(25) is null and segment25 >= g_segment_low(25)) or
512 			(g_segment_low(25) = 'LK' and segment25 like g_segment_high(25)) or (g_segment_low(25) is not null and g_segment_high(25) is not null and g_segment_low(25) <> 'LK' and segment25 between g_segment_low(25) and g_segment_high(25)) )
513 		and ( (segment26 is null) or (g_segment_low(26) is null and g_segment_high(26) is null) or (g_segment_low(26) is null and segment26 <= g_segment_high(26)) or (g_segment_high(26) is null and segment26 >= g_segment_low(26)) or
514 			(g_segment_low(26) = 'LK' and segment26 like g_segment_high(26)) or (g_segment_low(26) is not null and g_segment_high(26) is not null and g_segment_low(26) <> 'LK' and segment26 between g_segment_low(26) and g_segment_high(26)) )
515 		and ( (segment27 is null) or (g_segment_low(27) is null and g_segment_high(27) is null) or (g_segment_low(27) is null and segment27 <= g_segment_high(27)) or (g_segment_high(27) is null and segment27 >= g_segment_low(27)) or
516 			(g_segment_low(27) = 'LK' and segment27 like g_segment_high(27)) or (g_segment_low(27) is not null and g_segment_high(27) is not null and g_segment_low(27) <> 'LK' and segment27 between g_segment_low(27) and g_segment_high(27)) )
517 		and ( (segment28 is null) or (g_segment_low(28) is null and g_segment_high(28) is null) or (g_segment_low(28) is null and segment28 <= g_segment_high(28)) or (g_segment_high(28) is null and segment28 >= g_segment_low(28)) or
518 			(g_segment_low(28) = 'LK' and segment28 like g_segment_high(28)) or (g_segment_low(28) is not null and g_segment_high(28) is not null and g_segment_low(28) <> 'LK' and segment28 between g_segment_low(28) and g_segment_high(28)) )
519 		and ( (segment29 is null) or (g_segment_low(29) is null and g_segment_high(29) is null) or (g_segment_low(29) is null and segment29 <= g_segment_high(29)) or (g_segment_high(29) is null and segment29 >= g_segment_low(29)) or
520 			(g_segment_low(29) = 'LK' and segment29 like g_segment_high(29)) or (g_segment_low(29) is not null and g_segment_high(29) is not null and g_segment_low(29) <> 'LK' and segment29 between g_segment_low(29) and g_segment_high(29)) )
521 		and ( (segment30 is null) or (g_segment_low(30) is null and g_segment_high(30) is null) or (g_segment_low(30) is null and segment30 <= g_segment_high(30)) or (g_segment_high(30) is null and segment30 >= g_segment_low(30)) or
522 			(g_segment_low(30) = 'LK' and segment30 like g_segment_high(30)) or (g_segment_low(30) is not null and g_segment_high(30) is not null and g_segment_low(30) <> 'LK' and segment30 between g_segment_low(30) and g_segment_high(30)) ));
524      l_return_status     VARCHAR2(1);
525   begin
527    if (nvl(pflex_value, '%') <> '%') then
528    begin
530      if pchart_of_accounts_id <> nvl(PSB_WS_ACCT1.g_flex_code, 0) then
531      begin
533        PSB_WS_ACCT1.Flex_Info (p_flex_code => pchart_of_accounts_id, p_return_status => l_return_status);
535      end;
536      end if;
538      g_flex_delimiter := fnd_flex_ext.get_delimiter(application_short_name => 'SQLGL',
539 						  key_flex_code => 'GL#',
540 						  structure_number => pchart_of_accounts_id);
542      g_segment_count := FND_FLEX_EXT.breakup_segments(pflex_value, g_flex_delimiter, g_segment_values);
544     /*For Bug No : 2012827 Start*/
545      for i in g_segment_count+1..30 loop
546        g_segment_values(i) := null;
547      end loop;
548     /*For Bug No : 2012827 End*/
550      assign_seg_values;
552      for c_sum_partial_rec in c_sum_partial loop
554 	ptcolumn1 := c_sum_partial_rec.A;
555 	ptcolumn2 := c_sum_partial_rec.B;
556 	ptcolumn3 := c_sum_partial_rec.C;
557 	ptcolumn4 := c_sum_partial_rec.D;
558 	ptcolumn5 := c_sum_partial_rec.E;
559 	ptcolumn6 := c_sum_partial_rec.F;
560 	ptcolumn7 := c_sum_partial_rec.G;
561 	ptcolumn8 := c_sum_partial_rec.H;
562 	ptcolumn9 := c_sum_partial_rec.I;
563 	ptcolumn10 := c_sum_partial_rec.J;
564 	ptcolumn11 := + c_sum_partial_rec.K;
565 	ptcolumn12 := c_sum_partial_rec.L;
567      end loop;
569    end;
570    else
571    begin
573      FOR c_sum_all_rec IN c_sum_all LOOP
575 	ptcolumn1 := c_sum_all_rec.A;
576 	ptcolumn2 := c_sum_all_rec.B;
577 	ptcolumn3 := c_sum_all_rec.C;
578 	ptcolumn4 := c_sum_all_rec.D;
579 	ptcolumn5 := c_sum_all_rec.E;
580 	ptcolumn6 := c_sum_all_rec.F;
581 	ptcolumn7 := c_sum_all_rec.G;
582 	ptcolumn8 := c_sum_all_rec.H;
583 	ptcolumn9 := c_sum_all_rec.I;
584 	ptcolumn10 := c_sum_all_rec.J;
585 	ptcolumn11 := c_sum_all_rec.K;
586 	ptcolumn12 := c_sum_all_rec.L;
588      END LOOP;
590    end;
591    end if;
593  END Position_Totals;