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2 /* $Header: MSCGNTUB.pls 120.61.12010000.3 2008/07/31 12:50:55 skakani ship $  */
4   g_plan_cal varchar2(50);
5   g_plan_cal_inst_id number;
6   g_plan_cal_excp_id number;
7   g_plan_cal_from_profile varchar2(50);
8   g_plan_inst_id number;
9   g_plan_org_id number;
11   g_plan_id number;
12   g_plan_type number;
14   g_category_set_id number;
15   g_pref_id number;
17   --res act view - activity labels
18   g_gantt_act_label_1 number;
19   g_gantt_act_label_2 number;
20   g_gantt_act_label_3 number;
22   --res act view - batch activity labels
23   g_gantt_batches_label_1 number;
24   g_gantt_batches_label_2 number;
25   g_gantt_batches_label_3 number;
27   --order view - order labels
28   g_gantt_supply_orders_label_1 number;
29   g_gantt_supply_orders_label_2 number;
30   g_gantt_supply_orders_label_3 number;
32   --order view - operation labels
33   g_gantt_oper_label_1 number;
34   g_gantt_oper_label_2 number;
35   g_gantt_oper_label_3 number;
37   --order view - activity labels
38   g_gantt_res_act_label_1 number;
39   g_gantt_res_act_label_2 number;
40   g_gantt_res_act_label_3 number;
42   g_gantt_ra_toler_days_early number;
43   g_gantt_ra_toler_days_late number;
45   g_gantt_rh_toler_days_early number;
46   g_gantt_rh_toler_days_late number;
48   --job node labels
49   g_job_none_lbl constant number := 0;
50   g_job_item_lbl constant number := 1;
51   g_job_org_lbl constant number := 2;
52   g_job_order_number_lbl constant number := 3;
53   g_job_order_type_lbl constant number := 4;
54   g_job_qty_lbl constant number := 5;
56   -- op node lables
57   g_op_none_lbl constant number := 0;
58   g_op_seq_lbl constant number := 1;
59   g_op_dept_lbl constant number := 2;
60   g_op_desc_lbl constant number := 3;
62   -- res node labels - orders view
63   g_res_none_lbl constant number := 0;
64   g_res_seq_lbl constant number := 1;
65   g_res_dept_lbl constant number := 2;
66   g_res_lbl constant number := 3;
67   g_res_setup_lbl constant number := 4;
68   g_res_batch_lbl constant number := 5;
69   g_res_alt_flag_lbl constant number := 6;
70   g_res_units_lbl constant number := 7;
72   -- res node labels - res act view
73   g_res_act_none_lbl constant number := 0;
74   g_res_act_item_lbl constant number := 1;
75   g_res_act_setup_lbl constant number := 2;
76   g_res_act_org_lbl constant number := 3;
77   g_res_act_qty_lbl constant number := 4;
78   g_res_act_batch_lbl constant number := 5;
79   g_res_act_alt_flag_lbl constant number := 6;
80   g_res_act_units_lbl constant number := 7;
81   g_res_act_order_type_lbl constant number := 8;
82   g_res_act_op_sdesc_lbl constant number := 9;
83   g_res_act_op_seq_lbl constant number := 10;
84   g_res_act_req_comp_date_lbl constant number := 11;
85   g_res_act_order_number_lbl constant number := 12;
87   -- batched res node labels
88   g_batch_none_lbl constant number := 0;
89   g_batch_setup_lbl constant number := 1;
90   g_batch_org_lbl constant number := 2;
91   g_batch_qty_lbl constant number := 3;
92   g_batch_num_lbl constant number := 4;
93   g_batch_util_pct_lbl constant number := 5;
95   g_folder_res_field_name constant varchar2(50) := 'RESOURCE_ID';
97 -- cursors  +
98   cursor active_res_rows_cur(p_query_id number) is
99   select mgq.row_index
100   from msc_gantt_query mgq
101   where query_id = p_query_id
102     and row_flag = sys_yes
103   order by 1;
105   cursor res_req_info (p_plan number, p_inst number, p_trx number) is
106   select mrr.firm_flag, mrr.firm_Start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.batch_number,
107     mrr.group_sequence_id, mrr.group_sequence_number
108   from msc_resource_requirements mrr
109   where mrr.plan_id = p_plan
110     and mrr.sr_instancE_id = p_inst
111     and mrr.transaction_id = p_trx
112     and nvl(mrr.parent_id, 2) = 2;
114   cursor res_inst_req_info (p_plan number, p_inst number, p_trx number) is
115   select mrir.batch_number
116   from msc_resource_instance_reqs mrir
117   where mrir.plan_id = p_plan
118     and mrir.sr_instancE_id = p_inst
119     and mrir.res_inst_transaction_id = p_trx
120     and nvl(mrir.parent_id, 2) = 2;
122  cursor simu_res_cur (p_plan number, p_inst number, p_trx number) is
123  select mrr2.transaction_id, mrr2.sr_instance_id
124    from msc_resource_requirements mrr1,
125    msc_resource_requirements mrr2
126  where mrr1.plan_id = p_plan
127    and mrr1.transaction_id = p_trx
128    and mrr1.sr_instance_id = p_inst
129    and mrr2.plan_id = mrr1.plan_id
130    and mrr2.sr_instance_id = mrr1.sr_instance_id
131    and mrr2.supply_id = mrr1.supply_id
132    and mrr2.operation_seq_num = mrr1.operation_seq_num
133    and mrr2.resource_seq_num = mrr1.resource_seq_num
134    and mrr2.alternate_num = mrr1.alternate_num
135    and mrr2.transaction_id <> mrr1.transaction_id
136    and mrr1.setup_id is null  -- only non setup rows
137    and mrr1.schedule_flag  = 1 -- only run req rows
138    and nvl(mrr2.parent_id,2) = 2;
140   cursor res_inst_cur (p_plan number, p_inst number, p_org number, p_dept number, p_res number)is
141   select mdr.owning_department_id department_id,
142     mdri.res_instance_id,
143     mdri.serial_number
144   from msc_dept_res_instances mdri,
145     msc_department_resources mdr
146   where mdr.plan_id = p_plan
147   and mdr.sr_instance_id = p_inst
148   and mdr.organization_id = p_org
149   and mdr.department_id = p_dept
150   and mdr.resource_id = p_res
151   and mdri.plan_id = mdr.plan_id
152   and mdri.sr_instance_id = mdr.sr_instance_id
153   and mdri.organization_id = mdr.organization_id
154   and mdri.department_id = nvl(mdr.owning_department_id, mdr.department_id)
155   and mdri.resource_id = mdr.resource_id;
157   cursor inst_res_cur (p_plan number, p_inst number, p_org number, p_dept number, p_res number,
158 	p_res_instance number, p_serial_number varchar2 )is
159   select distinct mdr.department_id department_id
160   from msc_dept_res_instances mdri,
161     msc_department_resources mdr
162   where mdr.plan_id = p_plan
163   and mdr.sr_instance_id = p_inst
164   and mdr.organization_id = p_org
165   and mdr.department_id = p_dept
166   and mdr.resource_id = p_res;
168   cursor c_res_node_label (p_plan_id number, p_inst_id number, p_trx_id number) is
169     select msi.item_name,
170     nvl(decode(mrr.setup_id, to_number(null), null,
171       msc_gantt_utils.getSetupCode(mrr.plan_id,
172         mrr.sr_instance_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.setup_id)), null) setup_type,
173     mtp.organization_code org_code,
174     ms.new_order_quantity qty,
175     mrr.batch_number,
176     msc_get_name.alternate_rtg(mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instance_id, mrr.routing_sequence_id) alt_rtg,
177     mrr.assigned_units,
178     msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_ORDER_TYPE', ms.order_type) order_type,
179     mro.operation_description op_sdesc,
180     mrr.operation_seq_num,
181     mrr.resource_seq_num,
182     ms.requested_completion_date req_comp_date,
183     msc_get_name.supply_order_number(ms.order_type, ms.order_number, ms.plan_id,
184         ms.sr_instance_id, ms.transaction_id, ms.disposition_id) order_number,
185     mdr.department_code,
186     mdr.resource_code
187   from msc_resource_requirements mrr,
188     msc_supplies ms,
189     msc_system_items msi,
190     msc_department_resources mdr,
191     msc_routing_operations mro,
192     msc_trading_partners mtp
193   where mrr.plan_id = ms.plan_id
194     and mrr.sr_instance_id = ms.sr_instance_id
195     and mrr.supply_id = ms.transaction_id
196     and ms.plan_id = msi.plan_id
197     and ms.sr_instance_id = msi.sr_instance_id
198     and ms.organization_id = msi.organization_id
199     and ms.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
200     and ms.sr_instance_id = mtp.sr_instance_id
201     and ms.organization_id = mtp.sr_tp_id
202     and mtp.partner_type = 3
203     and mdr.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
204     and mdr.organization_id = mrr.organization_id
205     and mdr.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
206     and mdr.department_id = mrr.department_id
207     and mdr.resource_id = mrr.resource_id
208     and mrr.plan_id = mro.plan_id (+)
209     and mrr.sr_instance_id = mro.sr_instance_id (+)
210     and mrr.routing_sequence_id = mro.routing_sequence_id (+)
211     and mrr.operation_sequence_id = mro.operation_sequence_id (+)
212     and mrr.plan_id = p_plan_id
213     and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
214     and mrr.transaction_id = p_trx_id;
216 -- cursors  -
218 procedure put_line(p_string varchar2) is
219 begin
220   null;
221   --dbms_output.put_line(p_string);
222 end put_line;
224 function escapeSplChars(p_value varchar2) return varchar2 is
225  l_value varchar2(1000);
226 begin
227   l_value := p_value;
228   l_value := replace(l_value, FIELD_SEPERATOR, FIELD_SEPERATOR_ESC);
229   l_value := replace(l_value, RECORD_SEPERATOR, RECORD_SEPERATOR_ESC);
230   return l_value;
231 end escapeSplChars;
233 function get_child_res_trx_id(p_plan_id number, p_instance_id number,
234   p_res_trx_id number) return number is
236   cursor child_res_inst_info (p_plan number, p_inst number, p_trx number) is
237   select mrir.res_inst_transaction_id
238   from msc_resource_requirements mrr,
239     msc_resource_instance_reqs mrir
240   where mrr.plan_id = p_plan
241     and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst
242     and mrr.transaction_id = p_trx
243     and mrr.plan_id = mrir.plan_id
244     and mrr.sr_instance_id = mrir.sr_instance_id
245     and mrr.organization_id = mrir.organization_id
246     and mrr.department_id = mrir.department_id
247     and mrr.resource_id = mrir.resource_id
248     and mrr.supply_id = mrir.supply_id
249     and mrr.operation_seq_num = mrir.operation_seq_num
250     and mrr.resource_seq_num = mrir.resource_seq_num
251     and nvl(mrr.orig_resource_seq_num, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrir.orig_resource_seq_num, mbp_null_value)
252     and nvl(mrr.parent_seq_num, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrir.parent_seq_num, mbp_null_value)
253     and nvl(mrr.parent_id, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrir.parent_id, mbp_null_value)
254     and nvl(mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.start_date) = mrir.start_date
255     and nvl(mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.end_date) = mrir.end_date
256     and nvl(mrir.parent_id,2) = 2;
258   l_trx_id number;
259 begin
260   put_line('get_child_res_trx_id p_plan_id p_instance_id p_res_trx_id '||
261 	p_plan_id||' '||p_instance_id||' '||p_res_trx_id);
262   -- get the child_res_inst_info
263   open child_res_inst_info(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, p_res_trx_id);
264   fetch child_res_inst_info into l_trx_id;
265   close child_res_inst_info;
266   put_line('get_child_res_trx_id l_trx_id '||l_trx_id);
267   return l_trx_id;
268 end get_child_res_trx_id;
271 function get_parent_res_trx_id(p_plan_id number, p_instance_id number,
272   p_res_inst_trx_id number) return number is
274   cursor parent_res_info (p_plan number, p_inst number, p_trx number) is
275   select mrr.transaction_id
276   from msc_resource_requirements mrr,
277     msc_resource_instance_reqs mrir
278   where mrir.plan_id = p_plan
279     and mrir.sr_instance_id = p_inst
280     and mrir.res_inst_transaction_id = p_trx
281     and mrir.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
282     and mrir.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
283     and mrir.organization_id = mrr.organization_id
284     and mrir.department_id = mrr.department_id
285     and mrir.resource_id = mrr.resource_id
286     and mrir.supply_id = mrr.supply_id
287     and mrir.operation_seq_num = mrr.operation_seq_num
288     and mrir.resource_seq_num = mrr.resource_seq_num
289     and nvl(mrir.orig_resource_seq_num, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr.orig_resource_seq_num, mbp_null_value)
290     and nvl(mrir.parent_seq_num, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr.parent_seq_num, mbp_null_value)
291     and nvl(mrir.parent_id, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr.parent_id, mbp_null_value)
292     and mrir.start_date = nvl(mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.start_date)
293     and mrir.end_date = nvl(mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.end_date)
294     and nvl(mrr.parent_id,2) = 2;
296   l_trx_id number;
297 begin
298   open parent_res_info(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, p_res_inst_trx_id);
299   fetch parent_res_info into l_trx_id;
300   close parent_res_info;
301   return l_trx_id;
302 end get_parent_res_trx_id;
304 procedure populateRowKeysIntoGantt(p_query_id number,
305   p_index number, p_node_path varchar2, p_node_type number,
306   p_transaction_id number, p_inst_id number, p_org_id number,
307   p_dept_id number default null, p_res_id number default null,
308   p_op_seq_num varchar2 default null, p_op_seq_id number default null,
309   p_op_desc varchar2 default null, p_critical_flag number default null,
310   p_parent_link varchar2 default null, p_node_level number default null) is
311 begin
313   insert into msc_gantt_query (query_id,
314     last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by,
315     last_update_login, row_index, node_path, node_type, transaction_id,
316     sr_instance_id, organization_id, department_id, resource_id, critical_flag,
317     op_seq_id, op_seq_num, op_desc, parent_link, node_level )
318   values (p_query_id,
319     trunc(sysdate), -1, trunc(sysdate), -1, -1,
320     p_index, p_node_path, p_node_type, p_transaction_id, p_inst_id, p_org_id,
321     p_dept_id, p_res_id, p_critical_flag, p_op_seq_id, p_op_seq_num, p_op_desc,
322     p_parent_link, p_node_level);
324 end populateRowKeysIntoGantt;
326 procedure populateEndPegsMFQ(p_plan_id in number,
327   p_end_demand_id in number, p_query_id in number) is
328 begin
330   insert into msc_form_query (query_id,
331     last_update_date,
332     last_updated_by,
333     creation_date,
334     created_by,
335     last_update_login,
336     number1)
337   select
338     p_query_id,
339     sysdate, -1, sysdate, -1,-1,
340     mfp.end_pegging_id
341   from msc_full_pegging mfp
342   where mfp.plan_id = p_plan_id
343     and mfp.demand_id = p_end_demand_id;
345 end populateEndPegsMFQ;
347 procedure populateOrdersIntoGantt(p_plan_id number,
348   p_query_id number, p_mfq_query_id number) is
350   cursor c_mfq is
351   select distinct
352     ms.sr_instance_id,
353     ms.organization_id,
354     ms.transaction_id,
355     decode(ms.order_type,
356       14, COPROD_NODE,
357       15, COPROD_NODE,
358       16, COPROD_NODE,
359       17, COPROD_NODE,
360       28, COPROD_NODE,
361       JOB_NODE) nodetype
362   from msc_form_query mfq,
363     msc_supplies ms
364   where mfq.query_id = p_mfq_query_id
365     and mfq.NUMBER2 = ms.sr_instance_id
366     and mfq.NUMBER1 = ms.transaction_id
367     and ms.plan_id = p_plan_id
368   union all
369   select distinct
370     md.sr_instance_id,
371     md.organization_id,
372     md.demand_id,
373     END_DEMAND_NODE nodetype
374   from msc_form_query mfq,
375     msc_demands md
376   where mfq.query_id = p_mfq_query_id
377     and mfq.NUMBER2 = md.sr_instance_id
378     and mfq.NUMBER1 = md.demand_id
379     and md.plan_id = p_plan_id;
381  l_inst_id number;
382  l_org_id number;
383  l_trx_id number;
384  l_node_type number;
385  l_row_index number := 0;
388   open c_mfq;
389   loop
390     fetch c_mfq into l_inst_id, l_org_id, l_trx_id, l_node_type;
391     exit when c_mfq%notfound;
393     insert into msc_gantt_query (
394       query_id, last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by,
395       last_update_login, row_index, node_level, node_path, node_type,
396       sr_instance_id, organization_id, transaction_id )
397     values (
398       p_query_id, trunc(sysdate), -1, trunc(sysdate), -1, -1,
399       l_row_index, 0, l_row_index, l_node_type, l_inst_id, l_org_id, l_trx_id );
400     l_row_index := l_row_index + 1;
401   end loop;
402   close c_mfq;
404 END populateOrdersIntoGantt;
406 procedure populateOrdersIntoMFQ(p_inst_id in number,
407   p_trx_id in number, p_query_id in number,
408   p_one_record varchar2 default null) is
409   v_instance_id number;
410   v_transaction_id number;
411 begin
413   if ( p_one_record is not null ) then
414     v_instance_id := to_number(substr(p_one_record,1,instr(p_one_record,',')-1));
415     v_transaction_id := to_number(substr(p_one_record,instr(p_one_record,',')+1));
416   else
417     v_instance_id := p_inst_id;
418     v_transaction_id := p_trx_id;
419   end if;
421   insert into msc_form_query
422   (query_id, last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by,
423     last_update_login, number1, number2)
424   values
425   ( p_query_id, sysdate, -1, sysdate, -1, -1, v_transaction_id, v_instance_id);
427 end populateOrdersIntoMFQ;
429 procedure populateResIntoGanttFromGantt(p_query_id number, p_list varchar2, p_plan_id number) is
430 begin
431        insert into msc_gantt_query ( query_id,
432          last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, last_update_login,
433          row_index, plan_id, sr_instance_id, organization_id, department_id, resource_id,
434          res_instance_id, serial_number, is_fetched )
435        select p_query_id,
436          sysdate, -1, sysdate, -1,-1,
437          row_index, plan_id, sr_instance_id, organization_id, department_id, resource_id,
438          res_instance_id, serial_number, sys_no
439        from msc_gantt_query
440        where query_id = to_number(p_list);
441 end populateResIntoGanttFromGantt;
443 procedure populateResIntoGantt(p_query_id number,
444   p_row_index in out nocopy number, p_one_record in out nocopy varchar2,
445   p_plan_id number, p_inst_id number default null, p_org_id number default null,
446   p_dept_id number default null, p_res_id number default null,
447   p_res_instance_id number default null, p_serial_number varchar2 default null,
448   p_add_nodes number default null) is
450   v_inst_id number;
451   v_org_id number;
452   v_dept_id number;
453   v_res_id number;
454   v_res_instance_id number;
455   v_serial_number varchar2(30);
457   l_row_found number;
459 begin
461   if (p_one_record is not null) then
462     parseResString(p_one_record, v_inst_id, v_org_id, v_dept_id, v_res_id,
463       v_res_instance_id, v_serial_number);
464   else
465     v_inst_id := p_inst_id;
466     v_org_id := p_org_id;
467     v_dept_id := p_dept_id;
468     v_res_id := p_res_id;
469     v_res_instance_id := p_res_instance_id;
470     v_serial_number := p_serial_number;
471   end if;
473   --insert if this is a resource first
474   if ( nvl(v_res_instance_id,mbp_null_value) = mbp_null_value ) then -- {
475     l_row_found := msc_gantt_utils.isResRowInGantt(p_query_id, p_plan_id,
476       v_inst_id, v_org_id, v_dept_id, v_res_id,
477       nvl(v_res_instance_id,mbp_null_value), nvl(v_serial_number,mbp_null_value_char));
478     if (l_row_found = sys_no) then -- {
479       p_row_index := p_row_index + 1;
480       insert into msc_gantt_query ( query_id,
481         last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, last_update_login,
482         row_index, plan_id, sr_instance_id, organization_id, department_id, resource_id,
483         res_instance_id, serial_number, is_fetched )
484       values ( p_query_id,
485         sysdate, -1, sysdate, -1,-1,
486         p_row_index, p_plan_id, v_inst_id, v_org_id, v_dept_id, v_res_id,
487         nvl(v_res_instance_id,mbp_null_value), nvl(v_serial_number,mbp_null_value_char), sys_no );
488     end if; -- }
489   end if; -- }
491   if ( nvl(p_add_nodes, sys_yes) = sys_yes ) then -- {
492     if ( nvl(v_res_instance_id,mbp_null_value) = mbp_null_value ) then --{
493       -- find res instances
494       for c_res_inst in res_inst_cur(p_plan_id, v_inst_id, v_org_id, v_dept_id, v_res_id)
495       loop -- {
496         l_row_found := msc_gantt_utils.isResRowInGantt(p_query_id, p_plan_id,
497 	  v_inst_id, v_org_id, c_res_inst.department_id, v_res_id,
498           nvl(c_res_inst.res_instance_id,mbp_null_value),
499 	  nvl(c_res_inst.serial_number,mbp_null_value_char));
501         if (l_row_found = sys_no) then -- {
502           p_row_index := p_row_index + 1;
503           insert into msc_gantt_query ( query_id,
504             last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, last_update_login,
505             row_index, plan_id, sr_instance_id, organization_id, department_id, resource_id,
506             res_instance_id, serial_number, is_fetched )
507           values ( p_query_id,
508             sysdate, -1, sysdate, -1,-1,
509             p_row_index, p_plan_id, v_inst_id, v_org_id, c_res_inst.department_id, v_res_id,
510             nvl(c_res_inst.res_instance_id,mbp_null_value),
511 	    nvl(c_res_inst.serial_number,mbp_null_value_char), sys_no );
512 	end if; -- }
513       end loop; -- }
514     else
515       -- find res
516       for c_inst_res in inst_res_cur(p_plan_id, v_inst_id, v_org_id, v_dept_id, v_res_id,
517         v_res_instance_id, v_serial_number)
518       loop -- {
519         l_row_found := msc_gantt_utils.isResRowInGantt(p_query_id, p_plan_id,
520 	  v_inst_id, v_org_id, c_inst_res.department_id, v_res_id,
521           mbp_null_value, mbp_null_value_char);
523         if (l_row_found = sys_no) then -- {
524           p_row_index := p_row_index + 1;
525           insert into msc_gantt_query ( query_id,
526             last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, last_update_login,
527             row_index, plan_id, sr_instance_id, organization_id, department_id, resource_id,
528             res_instance_id, serial_number, is_fetched )
529           values ( p_query_id,
530             sysdate, -1, sysdate, -1,-1,
531             p_row_index, p_plan_id, v_inst_id, v_org_id, c_inst_res.department_id, v_res_id,
532             mbp_null_value, mbp_null_value_char, sys_no );
533 	end if; -- }
534       end loop; -- }
535     end if; -- }
536   end if; -- }
538   --insert if this is a res inst node last
539   if ( nvl(v_res_instance_id,mbp_null_value) <>  mbp_null_value ) then --{
540     l_row_found := msc_gantt_utils.isResRowInGantt(p_query_id, p_plan_id,
541       v_inst_id, v_org_id, v_dept_id, v_res_id,
542       nvl(v_res_instance_id,mbp_null_value),
543       nvl(v_serial_number,mbp_null_value_char));
545     if (l_row_found = sys_no) then -- {
546       p_row_index := p_row_index + 1;
547       insert into msc_gantt_query ( query_id,
548         last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, last_update_login,
549         row_index, plan_id, sr_instance_id, organization_id, department_id, resource_id,
550         res_instance_id, serial_number, is_fetched )
551       values ( p_query_id,
552         sysdate, -1, sysdate, -1,-1,
553         p_row_index, p_plan_id, v_inst_id, v_org_id, v_dept_id, v_res_id,
554         nvl(v_res_instance_id,mbp_null_value), nvl(v_serial_number,mbp_null_value_char), sys_no );
555      end if; -- }
556    end if; -- }
558 end populateResIntoGantt;
560 procedure populateResIntoGanttFromMfq(p_query_id number,
561   p_list varchar2, p_plan_id number) is
563   v_inst_id number_arr;
564   v_org_id number_arr;
565   v_dept_id number_arr;
566   v_res_id number_arr;
567   v_res_instance_id number_arr;
568   v_serial_number char_arr;
570   v_one_record varchar2(100) := null;
571   l_row_index number := 0;
572 begin
574   select number1, number2, number3, number4, number5, char1
575   bulk collect into v_inst_id, v_org_id, v_dept_id, v_res_id,
576     v_res_instance_id, v_serial_number
577   from msc_form_query
578   where query_id = to_number(p_list);
580   for i in 1.. v_inst_id.count loop
581     populateResIntoGantt(p_query_id, l_row_index, v_one_record,p_plan_id, v_inst_id(i),
582       v_org_id(i), v_dept_id(i), v_res_id(i), v_res_instance_id(i), v_serial_number(i));
583   end loop;
585 end populateResIntoGanttFromMfq;
587 procedure populateResIntoMfq(p_query_id number, p_res_id number,
588   p_res_instance_id number default null, p_serial_number varchar2 default null,
589   p_res_name varchar2 default null, p_alt_number varchar2 default null) is
590 begin
592   insert into msc_form_query ( query_id,
593     last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, last_update_login,
594     number1, number2, char1, char9, number3)
595   values ( p_query_id,
596     sysdate, -1, sysdate, -1,-1,
597     p_res_id, p_res_instance_id, p_serial_number, p_res_name, p_alt_number);
599 end populateResIntoMfq;
601 procedure getItemBomType(p_plan_id number, p_item_id number,
602   p_bom_item_type out nocopy number, p_base_item_id out nocopy varchar2) is
604   cursor c_bom_item is
605   select bom_item_type, base_item_id
606   from msc_system_items
607   where plan_id = p_plan_id
608     and inventory_item_id = p_item_id;
609 begin
610   open c_bom_item;
611   fetch c_bom_item into p_bom_item_type, p_base_item_id;
612   close c_bom_item;
613 end getItemBomType;
615 procedure populateSuppIntoGantt(p_query_id number,
616   p_row_index number, p_one_record in out nocopy varchar2, p_plan_id number,
617   p_inst_id number default null, p_org_id number default null,
618   p_item_id number default null, p_supplier_id number default null,
619   p_supplier_site_id number default null) is
621   v_inst_id number;
622   v_org_id number;
623   v_item_id number;
624   v_supplier_id number;
625   v_supplier_site_id number;
627   v_bom_item_type number;
628   v_base_item_id number;
629 begin
631   if (p_one_record is not null) then
632     parseSuppString(p_one_record, v_inst_id, v_org_id,
633       v_item_id, v_supplier_id, v_supplier_site_id);
634   else
635     v_inst_id := p_inst_id;
636     v_org_id := p_org_id;
637     v_item_id := p_item_id;
638     v_supplier_id := p_supplier_id;
639     v_supplier_site_id := p_supplier_site_id;
640   end if;
642   getItemBomType(p_plan_id, v_item_id, v_bom_item_type, v_base_item_id);
644   insert into msc_gantt_query (
645     query_id,
646     last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, last_update_login,
647     row_index, plan_id, inventory_item_id, supplier_id,
648     supplier_site_id, is_fetched, dependency_type, department_id)
649   values (
650     p_query_id,
651     sysdate, -1, sysdate, -1,-1,
652     p_row_index, p_plan_id, v_item_id, v_supplier_id,
653     nvl(v_supplier_site_id, -23453), sys_no, v_bom_item_type, v_base_item_id);
655 end populateSuppIntoGantt;
657 procedure populateSuppIntoGanttFromMfq(p_query_id number,
658   p_list varchar2, p_plan_id number) is
659   v_inst_id number_arr;
660   v_org_id number_arr;
661   v_item_id number_arr;
662   v_supplier_id number_arr;
663   v_supplier_site_id number_arr;
664   v_one_record varchar2(100) := null;
665 begin
667   select number1, number2, number3, number4, number5
668   bulk collect into v_inst_id, v_org_id, v_item_id, v_supplier_id, v_supplier_site_id
669   from msc_form_query
670   where query_id = to_number(p_list);
672   for i in 1.. v_inst_id.count loop
673     populateSuppIntoGantt(p_query_id, i, v_one_record,p_plan_id,
674       v_inst_id(i), v_org_id(i), v_item_id(i), v_supplier_id(i), v_supplier_site_id(i));
675       null;
676   end loop;
678 end populateSuppIntoGanttFromMfq;
680 procedure populateResDtlIntoGantt(p_query_id number,
681  p_row_type number, p_row_index number,
682  p_start_date date, p_end_date date,
683  p_resource_units number, p_resource_hours number,
684  p_schedule_flag number, p_detail_type number,
685  p_display_type number default null) is
686 begin
688   insert into msc_gantt_dtl_query ( query_id, row_type, row_index, parent_id,
689     last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, last_update_login,
690     start_date, end_date, resource_units, resource_hours, schedule_flag, display_flag)
691   values ( p_query_id, p_row_type, p_row_index, p_detail_type,
692     sysdate, -1, sysdate, -1,-1,
693     p_start_date, p_end_date, p_resource_units, p_resource_hours, p_schedule_flag, p_display_type);
695 end populateResDtlIntoGantt;
697 procedure populateResDtlTabIntoGantt(p_query_id number,
698  p_row_type number, p_row_index number_arr,
699  p_start_date date_arr, p_end_date date_arr,
700  p_resource_units number_arr, p_resource_hours number_arr,
701  p_schedule_flag number_arr, p_detail_type number,
702  p_display_type number_arr default null,
703  p_from_batch_node number default null) is
705  l_display_type number;
706  l_res_hours number;
707  l_res_units number;
708 begin
710   for i in 1..p_start_date.count
711   loop -- {
712     if ( p_row_type = RES_REQ_ROW_TYPE ) then -- {
713       l_display_type := p_display_type(i);
714     end if; -- }
716     if ( nvl(p_from_batch_node, sys_no) = sys_yes) then
717       l_res_units := ceil(p_resource_units(i));
718       l_res_hours := l_res_units * p_resource_hours(i);
719     else
720       l_res_units := p_resource_units(i);
721       l_res_hours := p_resource_hours(i);
722     end if;
724     insert into msc_gantt_dtl_query (
725       query_id, row_type, row_index, parent_id,
726       last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, last_update_login,
727       start_date, end_date, resource_units, resource_hours, schedule_flag,
728       display_flag)
729     values (
730       p_query_id, p_row_type, p_row_index(i), p_detail_type,
731       sysdate, -1, sysdate, -1,-1,
732       p_start_date(i), p_end_date(i), l_res_units, l_res_hours,
733       p_schedule_flag(i), l_display_type );
734   end loop;  --}
736 end populateResDtlTabIntoGantt;
738 procedure populateSuppDtlIntoGantt(p_query_id number, p_row_type number,
739   p_row_index number, p_start_date date, p_avail_qty number, p_overload_qty number,
740   p_consume_qty number, p_detail_type number) is
741 begin
743   insert into msc_gantt_dtl_query ( query_id, row_type, row_index, parent_id,
744     last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, last_update_login,
745     start_date, supp_avail_qty, supp_overload_qty, supp_consume_qty)
746   values ( p_query_id, p_row_type, p_row_index, p_detail_type,
747     sysdate, -1, sysdate, -1,-1,
748     p_start_date, p_avail_qty, p_overload_qty, p_consume_qty);
750 end populateSuppDtlIntoGantt;
752 procedure populateSuppDtlTabIntoGantt(p_query_id number,
753  p_row_type number, p_row_index number_arr,
754  p_start_date date_arr, p_units number_arr, p_number2 number_arr, p_detail_type number) is
756   l_consumed_qty number;
757 begin
759   for i in 1..p_start_date.count
760   loop
761     if ( p_row_type = SUPP_ALL_ROW_TYPE ) then
762       l_consumed_qty := p_number2(i);
763     else
764       l_consumed_qty := to_number(null);
765     end if;
766     insert into msc_gantt_dtl_query (
767       query_id, row_type, row_index, parent_id,
768       last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, last_update_login,
769       start_date, resource_units, resource_hours)
770     values (
771       p_query_id, p_row_type, p_row_index(i), p_detail_type,
772       sysdate, -1, sysdate, -1,-1,
773       p_start_date(i), p_units(i), l_consumed_qty);
774   end loop;
776 end populateSuppDtlTabIntoGantt;
778 procedure populateResActIntoDtlGantt(p_query_id number,
779  p_row_type number, p_detail_type number,
780  p_row_index number_arr, p_sr_instance_id number_arr,
781  p_organization_id number_arr, p_supply_id number_arr, p_transaction_id number_arr,
782  p_status number_arr, p_applied number_arr, p_res_firm_flag number_arr,
783  p_sup_firm_flag number_arr, p_start_date date_arr, p_end_date date_arr,
784  p_schedule_flag number_arr, p_res_constraint number_arr, p_qty number_arr,
785  p_batch_number number_arr,  p_resource_units number_arr,
786  p_group_sequence_id number_arr, p_group_sequence_number number_arr,
787  p_cepst date_arr, p_cepct date_arr, p_ulpst date_arr, p_ulpct date_arr,
788  p_uepst date_arr, p_uepct date_arr, p_eact date_arr, p_item_id number_arr,
789  p_bar_text char_arr, p_order_number char_arr,
790  p_op_seq number_arr, p_res_seq number_arr, p_res_desc char_arr, p_item_name char_arr,
791  p_assy_item_desc char_arr, p_schedule_qty number_arr,
792  p_from_setup_code char_arr, p_to_setup_code char_arr, p_std_op_code char_arr,
793  p_changeover_time char_arr, p_changeover_penalty char_arr,
794  p_overload_flag number_arr) is
796 begin
798   forall i in p_sr_instance_id.first .. p_sr_instance_id.last
799   --loop
800     insert into msc_gantt_dtl_query (
801       query_id, row_type, row_index, parent_id,
802       last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, last_update_login,
803       sr_instance_id, organization_id, supply_id, transaction_id, status, applied,
804       res_firm_flag, sup_firm_flag, start_date, end_date, schedule_flag, late_flag,
805       supply_qty, batch_number, resource_units, group_sequence_id, group_sequence_number,
806       cepst, cepct, ulpst, ulpct, uepst, uepct, eact, inventory_item_id, bar_label,
807       order_number, op_seq_num, resource_seq_num, resource_description, item_name, assembly_item_desc, schedule_qty,
808       from_setup_code, to_setup_code, std_op_code, changeover_time, changeover_penalty, supp_avail_qty)
809     values (
810       p_query_id, p_row_type, p_row_index(i), p_detail_type,
811       sysdate, -1, sysdate, -1,-1,
812       p_sr_instance_id(i), p_organization_id(i), p_supply_id(i), p_transaction_id(i),
813       p_status(i), p_applied(i), p_res_firm_flag(i), p_sup_firm_flag(i),
814       p_start_date(i), p_end_date(i), p_schedule_flag(i), p_res_constraint(i),
815       p_qty(i), p_batch_number(i), p_resource_units(i), p_group_sequence_id(i),
816       p_group_sequence_number(i), p_cepst(i), p_cepct(i), p_ulpst(i), p_ulpct(i),
817       p_uepst(i), p_uepct(i), p_eact(i), p_item_id(i), p_bar_text(i),
818       p_order_number(i), p_op_seq(i), p_res_seq(i), p_res_desc(i), p_item_name(i),
819       p_assy_item_desc(i), p_schedule_qty(i),
820       p_from_setup_code(i), p_to_setup_code(i), p_std_op_code(i), p_changeover_time(i),
821       p_changeover_penalty(i), p_overload_flag(i));
822   --end loop;
824 end populateResActIntoDtlGantt;
826 procedure populateBtchResIntoDtlGantt(p_query_id number,
827  p_row_type number, p_detail_type number,
828  p_row_index number_arr, p_sr_instance_id number_arr,
829  p_organization_id number_arr, p_start_date date_arr, p_end_date date_arr,
830  p_schedule_flag number_arr, p_batch_number number_arr,
831  p_qty number_arr, p_bar_text char_arr, p_node_type number) is
833    l_min_capacity number;
834    l_max_capacity number;
835    l_capacity_used number;
836    l_res_desc varchar2(300);
837 begin
839   for i in 1..p_sr_instance_id.count
840   loop
842     msc_gantt_utils.getBatchValues(g_plan_id, p_sr_instance_id(i), p_batch_number(i),
843       l_res_desc, l_min_capacity, l_max_capacity, l_capacity_used);
845     insert into msc_gantt_dtl_query (
846       query_id, row_type, row_index, parent_id,
847       last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, last_update_login,
848       sr_instance_id, organization_id, start_date, end_date, schedule_flag,
849       batch_number, supply_qty, bar_label,
850       resource_description, min_capacity, max_capacity, capacity_used)
851     values (
852       p_query_id, p_row_type, p_row_index(i), p_detail_type,
853       sysdate, -1, sysdate, -1,-1,
854       p_sr_instance_id(i), p_organization_id(i),
855       p_start_date(i), p_end_date(i), p_schedule_flag(i),
856       p_batch_number(i), p_qty(i), p_bar_text(i),
857       l_res_desc, l_min_capacity, l_max_capacity, l_capacity_used);
858   end loop;
860 end populateBtchResIntoDtlGantt;
862 function getResReqStartDate(p_firm_flag number,
863   p_start_date date, p_end_date date,
864   p_firm_start_date date, p_firm_end_date date, p_status number, p_applied number) return date is
865   p_return_date date;
866 begin
867   --5153956 bugfix
868   if ( nvl(p_status,-1) = 0 and nvl(p_applied,-1) = 2) then
869     p_return_date := nvl(p_firm_start_date, p_start_date);
870     return p_return_date;
871   else
872     p_return_date := p_start_date;
873   end if;
874   --5153956 bugfix ends
876   if ( p_firm_flag = NO_FIRM ) then
877     p_return_date := p_start_date;
878   elsif ( p_firm_flag = FIRM_RESOURCE ) then
879     p_return_date := p_start_date;
880   elsif ( p_firm_flag = FIRM_END ) then
881     p_return_date := nvl(p_firm_end_date, p_end_date) - (p_end_date - p_start_date);
882   elsif ( p_firm_flag = FIRM_END_RES ) then
883     p_return_date := nvl(p_firm_end_date, p_end_date) - (p_end_date - p_start_date);
884   else
885     p_return_date := nvl(p_firm_start_date, p_start_date);
886   end if;
887   return p_return_date;
889 end getResReqStartDate;
891 function getResReqEndDate(p_firm_flag number,
892   p_start_date date, p_end_date date,
893   p_firm_start_date date, p_firm_end_date date, p_status number, p_applied number) return date is
894   p_return_date date;
895 begin
896   --5153956 bugfix
897   if ( nvl(p_status,-1) = 0 and nvl(p_applied,-1) = 2) then
898     p_return_date := nvl(p_firm_end_date, p_end_date);
899     return p_return_date;
900   else
901     p_return_date := p_end_date;
902   end if;
903   --5153956 bugfix ends
905   if ( p_firm_flag = NO_FIRM ) then
906     p_return_date := p_end_date;
907   elsif ( p_firm_flag = FIRM_RESOURCE ) then
908     p_return_date := p_end_date;
909   elsif ( p_firm_flag = FIRM_START ) then
910     p_return_date := nvl(p_firm_start_date, p_start_date) + (p_end_date - p_start_date);
911   elsif ( p_firm_flag = FIRM_START_RES ) then
912     p_return_date := nvl(p_firm_start_date, p_start_date) + (p_end_date - p_start_date);
913   else
914     p_return_date := nvl(p_firm_end_date, p_end_date);
915   end if;
916   return p_return_date;
918 end getResReqEndDate;
920 function getResReqType(p_plan_id number,
921   p_schedule_flag number, p_parent_seq_num number, p_setup_id number) return number is
922   l_schedule_flag number;
923 begin
925   if ( p_setup_id is not null ) then  -- sds row
926      if ( p_schedule_flag = SCHEDULE_FLAG_YES ) then
927        l_schedule_flag := RES_REQ_SDS_ROW_TYPE; -- SDS_RUN
928      else
929        l_schedule_flag := RES_SETUP_FIXED_ROW_TYPE; -- SDS_SETUP
930      end if;
931   else -- non-sds row
932      if ( p_schedule_flag = SCHEDULE_FLAG_YES ) then
933        l_schedule_flag := RES_REQ_ROW_TYPE; -- NORMAL_RUN
934      else
935        l_schedule_flag := RES_SETUP_ROW_TYPE; -- NORMAL_SETUP
936      end if;
937   end if ;
938   return l_schedule_flag;
940 /*
941   if ( p_parent_seq_num is not null ) then -- {
942     if ( p_schedule_flag = SCHEDULE_FLAG_YES ) then -- {
943       l_schedule_flag := RES_SETUP_ROW_TYPE; -- NORMAL_SETUP
944     elsif ( p_schedule_flag in (SCHEDULE_FLAG_PRIOR, SCHEDULE_FLAG_NEXT) ) then
945       l_schedule_flag := RES_SETUP_FIXED_ROW_TYPE; -- SDS_SETUP
946     end if; -- }
947   else
948     if ( p_schedule_flag = SCHEDULE_FLAG_YES ) then -- {
949       l_schedule_flag := RES_REQ_ROW_TYPE; -- NORMAL_RUN
950     elsif ( p_schedule_flag in (SCHEDULE_FLAG_PRIOR, SCHEDULE_FLAG_NEXT) ) then
951       l_schedule_flag := RES_REQ_SDS_ROW_TYPE; -- SDS_RUN
952     end if;
953   end if; -- }
954 */
955   return l_schedule_flag;
956 end getResReqType;
958 function getSetupCode(p_plan_id number, p_inst_id number,
959   p_resource_id number, p_setup_id number) return varchar2 is
960   l_setup_code varchar2(100);
961 begin
963   select setup_code
964   into l_setup_code
965   from msc_resource_setups
966   where plan_id = p_plan_id
967     and sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
968     and resource_id = p_resource_id
969     and setup_id = p_setup_id;
970   return l_setup_code;
972 exception
973   when others then
974     return null_space;
976 end getSetupCode;
978 function getMTQTime(p_transaction_id number,
979   p_plan_id number, p_instance_id number) return number IS
981   l_mtq number;
982   l_cumm_quan number;
983   l_order_quan number;
984 begin
987           mrr.cummulative_quantity, ms.new_order_quantity
988      into l_mtq,l_cumm_quan, l_order_quan
989      from msc_routing_operations mro,
990           msc_resource_requirements mrr,
991           msc_supplies ms
992     where mrr.plan_id = p_plan_id
993       and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_instance_id
994       and mrr.transaction_id = p_transaction_id
995       and mro.routing_sequence_id = mrr.routing_sequence_id
996       and mro.operation_sequence_id = mrr.operation_sequence_id
997       and mro.plan_id = p_plan_id
998       and mro.sr_instance_id = p_instance_id
999       and ms.plan_id = p_plan_id
1000       and ms.sr_instance_id = p_instance_id
1001       and ms.transaction_id = mrr.supply_id;
1003    if l_mtq is null then
1004       return 1;
1005    end if;
1007    if l_cumm_quan is null then
1008       if l_order_quan is null then
1009          return 1;
1010       end if;
1011       l_cumm_quan := l_order_quan;
1012    end if;
1014    if l_mtq >= l_cumm_quan or l_mtq < 0 then
1015       return 1;
1016    else
1017       return l_mtq/l_cumm_quan;
1018    end if;
1020 exception
1021   when no_data_found then
1022     return 1;
1023 end getMTQTime;
1025 function isResOverload(p_plan_id number,
1026   p_instance_id number, p_organization_id number, p_inventory_item_id number,
1027   p_department_id number, p_resource_id number,
1028   p_transaction_id number) return number is
1030  cursor c_53 is
1031  select 'EXISTS'
1032  from   msc_exception_details
1033  where  number1 = p_transaction_id
1034  and    sr_instance_id = p_instance_id
1035  and    plan_id = p_plan_id
1036  and    exception_type = 53
1037  and    organization_id = p_organization_id
1038  --and    inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
1039  and    department_id = p_department_id
1040  and    resource_id = p_resource_id;
1042  retval number;
1043  l_temp varchar2(10);
1045 begin
1047    open c_53;
1048    fetch c_53 into l_temp;
1049    if c_53%found then
1050      retval := sys_yes;
1051    else
1052      retval := sys_no;
1053    end if;
1054    close c_53;
1055    return retval;
1057 end isResOverload;
1059 function isResConstraint(p_plan_id number,
1060   p_instance_id number, p_organization_id number, p_inventory_item_id number,
1061   p_department_id number, p_resource_id number,
1062   p_transaction_id number) return number is
1064  -------------------------------------------------------
1065  -- bug 2116260: logic for late_flag changed
1066  -- old logic:
1067  --     late if need_by_date < new_schedule_date
1068  -- new logic:
1069  --     late if HLS generated resource constraint
1070  --     (exception type = 36) while scheduling this
1071  --     supply for this transaction (even if there is
1072  --     one exception in any date-range)
1073  --------------------------------------------------------
1074  cursor resource_constraint_cur is
1075  select 'EXISTS'
1076  from   msc_exception_details
1077  where  number1 = p_transaction_id
1078  and    sr_instance_id = p_instance_id
1079  and    plan_id = p_plan_id
1080  and    exception_type =36
1081  and    organization_id = p_organization_id
1082  --and    inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id
1083  and    department_id = p_department_id
1084  and    resource_id = p_resource_id;
1086  retval number;
1087  l_resource_constraint varchar2(10);
1089 begin
1091    open resource_constraint_cur;
1092    fetch resource_constraint_cur into l_resource_constraint;
1093    if resource_constraint_cur%found then
1094      retval := sys_yes;
1095    else
1096      retval := sys_no;
1097    end if;
1098    close resource_constraint_cur;
1099    return retval;
1101 end isResConstraint;
1103 function isExcpExists(p_plan_id number, p_instance_id number, p_organization_id number,
1104   p_department_id number, p_resource_id number, p_exception_type number) return number is
1106  cursor c_excp is
1107  select 'EXISTS'
1108  from msc_exception_details
1109  where plan_id = p_plan_id
1110    and sr_instance_id = p_instance_id
1111    and organization_id = p_organization_id
1112    and department_id = p_department_id
1113    and resource_id = p_resource_id
1114    and exception_type = p_exception_type;
1116  retval number;
1117  l_temp varchar2(10);
1119 begin
1121    open c_excp;
1122    fetch c_excp into l_temp;
1123    if c_excp%found then
1124      retval := sys_yes;
1125    else
1126      retval := sys_no;
1127    end if;
1128    close c_excp;
1129    return retval;
1131 end isExcpExists;
1133 function isTimeFenceCrossed(p_plan_id number,
1134   p_transaction_id number, p_instance_id number,
1135   p_start_date date) RETURN varchar2 IS
1137   l_timefence_date DATE;
1138   l_prev_start_date DATE;
1140 BEGIN
1142   select getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
1143     mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) start_date,
1144     msi.planning_time_fence_date
1145   into l_prev_start_date, l_timefence_date
1146   from msc_system_items msi,
1147     msc_resource_requirements mrr,
1148     msc_supplies ms
1149   where mrr.plan_id = p_plan_id
1150     and mrr.transaction_id = p_transaction_id
1151     and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_instance_id
1152     and ms.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
1153     and ms.transaction_id = mrr.supply_id
1154     and ms.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
1155     and msi.plan_id = ms.plan_id
1156     and msi.organization_id = ms.organization_id
1157     and msi.sr_instance_id = ms.sr_instance_id
1158     and msi.inventory_item_id = ms.inventory_item_id;
1160   if ( l_timefence_date < l_prev_start_date
1161        and p_start_date < l_timefence_date )
1162     or (p_start_date > l_timefence_date
1163        and l_timefence_date > l_prev_start_date ) then
1164      return 'Y';
1165   else
1166      return 'N';
1167   end if;
1169 end isTimeFenceCrossed;
1171 function usingBatchableRes(p_plan_id number,
1172   p_transaction_id number, p_instance_id number) return boolean is
1174   v_flag number :=2;
1176 begin
1178   select nvl(mdr.batchable_flag, 2)
1179     into v_flag
1180     from msc_resource_requirements mrr,
1181          msc_department_resources mdr
1182    where mrr.plan_id = p_plan_id
1183      and mrr.transaction_id = p_transaction_id
1184      and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_instance_id
1185      AND mdr.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
1186      AND mdr.organization_id = mrr.organization_id
1187      AND mdr.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
1188      AND mdr.department_id = mrr.department_id
1189      AND mdr.resource_id = mrr.resource_id;
1191   if v_flag = 2 then
1192      return false;
1193   else
1194      return true;
1195   end if;
1197 end usingBatchableRes;
1199 function isBatchable(p_plan_id number, p_inst_id number, p_org_id number,
1200   p_dept_id number, p_res_id number ) return number is
1202   l_flag number;
1203 begin
1205   select nvl(batchable_flag, SYS_NO)
1206   into l_flag
1207   from msc_department_resources
1208   where plan_id = p_plan_id
1209   and sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
1210   and organization_id = p_org_id
1211   and department_id = p_dept_id
1212   and resource_id = p_res_id;
1214   return l_flag;
1216 end isBatchable;
1218 function isBtchResWithoutBatch(p_plan_id number, p_instance_id number, p_organization_id number,
1219   p_department_id number, p_resource_id number, p_res_inst_id number) return number is
1220   cursor c_temp is
1221   select sys_yes
1222   from msc_resource_requirements mrr
1223     where mrr.plan_id = p_plan_id
1224     and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_instance_id
1225     and mrr.organization_id = p_organization_id
1226     and mrr.department_id = p_department_id
1227     and mrr.resource_id = p_resource_id
1228     and mrr.parent_id = 2
1229     and batch_number is null
1230     and rownum = 1;
1231     l_temp number;
1232 begin
1233   open c_temp;
1234   fetch c_temp into l_temp;
1235   close c_temp;
1236   return nvl(l_temp,sys_no);
1237 end isBtchResWithoutBatch;
1239 /*
1240 function isResRowInGantt(p_query_id number,
1241   p_res_instance_id number, p_batchable number,
1242   p_ignore_batch_flag number default null) return number is
1244   cursor c_check_res_row is
1245   select sys_yes
1246   from msc_gantt_query mgq,
1247   msc_department_resources mdr
1248   where mgq.query_id = p_query_id
1249     and mgq.row_flag = SYS_YES
1250     and g_plan_id = mdr.plan_id
1251     and mgq.sr_instance_id = mdr.sr_instance_id
1252     and mgq.organization_id = mdr.organization_id
1253     and mgq.department_id = mdr.department_id
1254     and mgq.resource_id = mdr.resource_id
1255     and ( ( p_res_instance_id = sys_yes and mgq.res_instance_id <> mbp_null_value )
1256           or ( p_res_instance_id = sys_no and mgq.res_instance_id = mbp_null_value ) )
1257     and ( nvl(mdr.batchable_flag, sys_no) = p_batchable or nvl(p_ignore_batch_flag,2) = sys_yes)
1258     and rownum = 1;
1260   l_temp number;
1261 begin
1262   open c_check_res_row;
1263   fetch c_check_res_row into l_temp;
1264   if (c_check_res_row%notfound) then
1265     l_temp := sys_no;
1266   end if;
1267   close c_check_res_row;
1268   return l_temp;
1269 end isResRowInGantt;
1270 */
1271 --4997096 bugfix
1272 --commented the above fn isResRowInGantt as part of 4997096 bugfix
1273 --provided a new procedure for the same
1275 procedure isResRowInGantt(p_query_id number,
1276   p_res_rows out nocopy number,
1277   p_res_inst_rows out nocopy number,
1278   p_res_batch_rows out nocopy number,
1279   p_res_inst_batch_rows out nocopy number,
1280   p_batch_flag number default null) is
1282   l_temp number;
1283 begin
1284   --regular resource
1285   select count(*)
1286     into l_temp
1287   from msc_gantt_query mgq,
1288   msc_department_resources mdr
1289   where mgq.query_id = p_query_id
1290     and mgq.row_flag = sys_yes
1291     and g_plan_id = mdr.plan_id
1292     and mgq.sr_instance_id = mdr.sr_instance_id
1293     and mgq.organization_id = mdr.organization_id
1294     and mgq.department_id = mdr.department_id
1295     and mgq.resource_id = mdr.resource_id
1296     and mgq.res_instance_id = mbp_null_value
1297     and ( ( nvl(mdr.batchable_flag, sys_no) = sys_no  and p_batch_flag is null)
1298           or (p_batch_flag = sys_no)
1299 	  or isBtchResWithoutBatch(mdr.plan_id, mdr.sr_instance_id, mdr.organization_id,
1300 	                                          mdr.department_id, mdr.resource_id, to_number(null))  = sys_yes );
1302     if (l_temp = 0) then
1303       p_res_rows := sys_no;
1304     else
1305       p_res_rows := sys_yes;
1306     end if;
1307     --regular resource ends
1309   --regular resource instance
1310   select count(*)
1311     into l_temp
1312   from msc_gantt_query mgq,
1313   msc_department_resources mdr
1314   where mgq.query_id = p_query_id
1315     and mgq.row_flag = sys_yes
1316     and g_plan_id = mdr.plan_id
1317     and mgq.sr_instance_id = mdr.sr_instance_id
1318     and mgq.organization_id = mdr.organization_id
1319     and mgq.department_id = mdr.department_id
1320     and mgq.resource_id = mdr.resource_id
1321     and mgq.res_instance_id <> mbp_null_value
1322     and ( ( nvl(mdr.batchable_flag, sys_no) = sys_no  and p_batch_flag is null)
1323           or (p_batch_flag = sys_no)
1324 	  or isBtchResWithoutBatch(mdr.plan_id, mdr.sr_instance_id, mdr.organization_id,
1325 	                                          mdr.department_id, mdr.resource_id, to_number(null))  = sys_yes );
1327     if (l_temp = 0) then
1328       p_res_inst_rows := sys_no;
1329     else
1330       p_res_inst_rows := sys_yes;
1331     end if;
1332     --regular resource  instance ends
1334   --regular batched resource
1335   select count(*)
1336     into l_temp
1337   from msc_gantt_query mgq,
1338   msc_department_resources mdr
1339   where mgq.query_id = p_query_id
1340     and mgq.row_flag = sys_yes
1341     and g_plan_id = mdr.plan_id
1342     and mgq.sr_instance_id = mdr.sr_instance_id
1343     and mgq.organization_id = mdr.organization_id
1344     and mgq.department_id = mdr.department_id
1345     and mgq.resource_id = mdr.resource_id
1346     and mgq.res_instance_id = mbp_null_value
1347     and nvl(mdr.batchable_flag, sys_no) = sys_yes;
1349     if (l_temp = 0) then
1350       p_res_batch_rows := sys_no;
1351     else
1352       p_res_batch_rows := sys_yes;
1353     end if;
1354     --regular batched resource ends
1356    --regular resource instance
1357   select count(*)
1358     into l_temp
1359   from msc_gantt_query mgq,
1360   msc_department_resources mdr
1361   where mgq.query_id = p_query_id
1362     and mgq.row_flag = sys_yes
1363     and g_plan_id = mdr.plan_id
1364     and mgq.sr_instance_id = mdr.sr_instance_id
1365     and mgq.organization_id = mdr.organization_id
1366     and mgq.department_id = mdr.department_id
1367     and mgq.resource_id = mdr.resource_id
1368     and mgq.res_instance_id <> mbp_null_value
1369     and nvl(mdr.batchable_flag, sys_no) = sys_yes;
1371     if (l_temp = 0) then
1372       p_res_inst_batch_rows := sys_no;
1373     else
1374       p_res_inst_batch_rows := sys_yes;
1375     end if;
1376     --regular resource  instance ends
1377 end isResRowInGantt;
1379 function isResRowInGantt(p_query_id number, p_plan_id number,
1380   p_inst_id number, p_org_id number, p_dept_id number, p_res_id number,
1381   p_res_inst_id number, p_serial_number varchar2) return number is
1383   cursor check_res_row_cur (p_query number,
1384     p_plan number, p_inst number, p_org number, p_dept number,
1385     p_res number, p_res_inst number, p_serial_num varchar2) is
1386   select count(*)
1387   from msc_gantt_query mgq
1388   where mgq.query_id = p_query
1389     and mgq.plan_id = p_plan
1390     and mgq.sr_instance_id = p_inst
1391     and mgq.organization_id = p_org
1392     and mgq.department_id = p_dept
1393     and mgq.resource_id = p_res
1394     and nvl(mgq.res_instance_id, MBP_NULL_VALUE) = nvl(p_res_inst, MBP_NULL_VALUE)
1395     and nvl(mgq.serial_number, MBP_NULL_VALUE_CHAR) = nvl(p_serial_num, MBP_NULL_VALUE_CHAR)
1396     and rownum = 1;
1398   l_row_count number;
1399 begin
1400   open check_res_row_cur(p_query_id, p_plan_id, p_inst_id, p_org_id, p_dept_id,
1401     p_res_id, p_res_inst_id, p_serial_number);
1402   fetch check_res_row_cur into l_row_count;
1403   close check_res_row_cur;
1405   if (l_row_count > 0) then
1406     return sys_yes;
1407   end if;
1408   return sys_no;
1409 end isResRowInGantt;
1412 function getOrderNumber(p_plan_id number, p_inst_id number, p_trx_id number, p_disposition_id number,
1413   p_order_type number, p_order_number varchar2) return varchar2 is
1415   /*cursor c_order_number is
1416   select decode(p_order_type,
1417     5, decode(p_order_number, null, to_char(p_trx_id),
1418 	p_order_number|| null_space ||to_char(p_trx_id)),
1419     14, decode(substr(msc_get_name.get_order_number(p_inst_id, p_plan_id,
1420 	  p_disposition_id, 1),1,240), null, to_char(p_disposition_id),
1421         substr(msc_get_name.get_order_number(p_inst_id, p_plan_id,
1422 	  p_disposition_id, 1),1,240)
1423 	  || null_space || to_char(p_disposition_id)),
1424       17, decode(substr(msc_get_name.get_order_number(p_inst_id, p_plan_id,
1425         p_disposition_id, 1),1,240), null, to_char(p_disposition_id),
1426         substr(msc_get_name.get_order_number(p_inst_id, p_plan_id,
1427 	  p_disposition_id, 1),1,240) || null_space || to_char(p_disposition_id)),
1428     51,to_char(p_trx_id),
1429     52,to_char(p_trx_id),
1430     15,to_char(p_trx_id),
1431     16,to_char(p_trx_id),
1432     28,to_char(p_trx_id),
1433     p_order_number)
1434   from dual;*/
1436   l_order_number varchar2(300);
1437   l_temp  varchar2(300);
1438 begin
1439   /*open c_order_number;
1440   fetch c_order_number into l_order_number;
1441   close c_order_number;*/
1442   If p_order_type In (15,16,28,51,52) Then
1443       l_order_number := To_Char(p_trx_id);
1444   Elsif p_order_type = 5 Then
1445       If p_order_number Is Null Then
1446         l_order_number := To_Char(p_trx_id);
1447       Else
1448         l_order_number := p_order_number|| null_space ||To_Char(p_trx_id);
1449       End If;
1450   Elsif p_order_type In (14, 17) Then
1451       l_temp := Substr(msc_get_name.get_order_number
1452                           (p_inst_id, p_plan_id,
1453                            p_disposition_id, 1),1,240);
1454       If l_temp Is Null Then
1455         l_order_number := To_Char(p_disposition_id);
1456       Else
1457         l_order_number := l_temp ||null_space || To_Char(p_disposition_id);
1458       End If;
1459   Else
1460     l_order_number := p_order_number;
1461   End If;
1462   return l_order_number;
1464 end getOrderNumber;
1466 function getDeptResInstCode(p_plan_id number, p_instance_id number,
1467   p_org_id number, p_dept_id number, p_res_id number, p_res_instance_id number,
1468   p_serial_number varchar2) return varchar2 is
1470   cursor name is
1471   select mtp.organization_code
1472        ||':'||mdr.department_code || ':' || mdr.resource_code
1473   from   msc_department_resources mdr,
1474        msc_trading_partners mtp
1475   where mdr.department_id = p_dept_id
1476   and   mdr.resource_id = p_res_id
1477   and   mdr.plan_id = p_plan_id
1478   and   mdr.organization_id = p_org_id
1479   and   mdr.sr_instance_id = p_instance_id
1480   and   mtp.partner_type =3
1481   and   mtp.sr_tp_id = mdr.organization_id
1482   and   mtp.sr_instance_id = mdr.sr_instance_id;
1484   cursor inst_name is
1485   select msc_get_name.item_name(mdri.equipment_item_id, null, null, null)
1486      ||decode(mdri.serial_number, null, null_space, COLON_SEPARATOR || mdri.serial_number)
1487   from   msc_dept_res_instances mdri,
1488     msc_department_resources mdr,
1489     msc_trading_partners mtp
1490   where mdr.plan_id = p_plan_id
1491   and mdr.sr_instance_id = p_instance_id
1492   and mdr.organization_id = p_org_id
1493   and mdr.department_id = p_dept_id
1494   and mdr.resource_id = p_res_id
1495   and mdri.plan_id = mdr.plan_id
1496   and mdri.sr_instance_id = mdr.sr_instance_id
1497   and mdri.organization_id = mdr.organization_id
1498   and mdri.department_id = nvl(mdr.owning_department_id, mdr.department_id)
1499   and mdri.resource_id = mdr.resource_id
1500   and mdri.res_instance_id = p_res_instance_id
1501   and nvl(mdri.serial_number, MBP_NULL_VALUE_CHAR) = nvl(p_serial_number, MBP_NULL_VALUE_CHAR)
1502   and mtp.partner_type = 3
1503   and mtp.sr_tp_id = mdr.organization_id
1504   and mtp.sr_instance_id = mdr.sr_instance_id;
1506   v_name varchar2(240);
1507   v_inst_name varchar2(240);
1508 begin
1510   if (p_res_instance_id = mbp_null_value) then
1511     return '';
1512   elsif (p_res_instance_id is not null) then
1513     open inst_name;
1514     fetch inst_name into v_inst_name;
1515     close inst_name;
1516     return v_inst_name;
1517   else
1518     open name;
1519     fetch name into v_name;
1520     close name;
1521     return v_name;
1522   end if;
1524 end getDeptResInstCode;
1526 procedure getBatchValues(p_plan_id number, p_instance_id number, p_batch_number number,
1527   p_res_desc out nocopy varchar2, p_min_capacity out nocopy number, p_max_capacity out nocopy number,
1528   p_capacity_used out nocopy number) is
1530   cursor c_batch is
1531   select mdr.resource_description,
1532     nvl(mrr.minimum_capacity, mdr.min_capacity),
1533     nvl(mrr.maximum_capacity, mdr.max_capacity),
1534     mrr.capacity_consumed_ratio * nvl(mrr.maximum_capacity, mdr.max_capacity) capacity_used
1535     from msc_resource_requirements mrr,
1536          msc_department_resources mdr
1537    where mrr.plan_id = p_plan_id
1538      and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_instance_id
1539      and mrr.batch_number = p_batch_number
1540      and mdr.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
1541      and mdr.organization_id = mrr.organization_id
1542      and mdr.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
1543      and mdr.department_id = mrr.department_id
1544      and mdr.resource_id = mrr.resource_id;
1545 begin
1547   open c_batch;
1548   fetch c_batch into p_res_desc, p_min_capacity, p_max_capacity, p_capacity_used;
1549   close c_batch;
1551 end getBatchValues;
1553 function getTansitionValue(p_plan_id number, p_instance_id number,
1554   p_org_id number, p_dept_id number, p_res_id number, p_from_setup_id number,
1555   p_to_setup_id number, p_value_code varchar2) return varchar2 is
1557   cursor c_mst is
1558   select
1559     mst.transition_time,
1560     mst.transition_uom,
1561     mst.transition_penalty,
1562     mst.standard_operation_code
1563   from
1564     msc_setup_transitions mst
1565   where mst.plan_id = p_plan_id
1566     and mst.sr_instance_id = p_instance_id
1567     and mst.resource_id = p_res_id
1568     and mst.organization_id = p_org_id
1569     and mst.from_setup_id = p_from_setup_id
1570     and mst.to_setup_id = p_to_setup_id;
1572   l_transition_time number;
1573   l_transition_uom varchar2(10);
1574   l_transition_penalty number;
1575   l_std_op_code varchar2(10);
1576 begin
1578   open c_mst;
1579   fetch c_mst into l_transition_time, l_transition_uom,
1580     l_transition_penalty, l_std_op_code;
1581   close c_mst;
1583   if (p_value_code = 'TRANSITION_TIME') then
1584     return l_transition_time;
1585   elsif (p_value_code = 'TRANSITION_UOM') then
1586     return l_transition_uom;
1587   elsif (p_value_code = 'TRANSITION_PENALTY') then
1588     return l_transition_penalty;
1589   elsif (p_value_code = 'STANDARD_OPERATION_CODE') then
1590     return l_std_op_code;
1591   else
1592     return null_space;
1593   end if;
1595 end getTansitionValue;
1597 function getDmdPriority(p_plan_id number,
1598   p_instance_id number, p_transaction_id number) return number is
1600   cursor dmd_cur is
1601   select min(md.demand_priority)
1602   from msc_demands md,
1603        msc_full_pegging mfp2,
1604        msc_full_pegging mfp1
1605   where mfp1.plan_id = p_plan_id
1606    and  mfp1.transaction_id = p_transaction_id
1607    and  mfp1.sr_instance_id = p_instance_id
1608    and  mfp2.pegging_id = mfp1.end_pegging_id
1609    and  mfp2.plan_id = mfp1.plan_id
1610    and  mfp2.sr_instance_id = mfp1.sr_instance_id
1611    and  md.plan_id = mfp2.plan_id
1612    and  md.sr_instance_id = mfp2.sr_instance_id
1613    and  md.demand_id = mfp2.demand_id
1614    and  md.demand_priority is not null;
1616   l_priority number;
1618 begin
1620   if p_transaction_id is null or p_plan_id is null or
1621     p_instance_id is null then
1622     return null;
1623   end if;
1625   open dmd_cur;
1626   fetch dmd_cur into l_priority;
1627   close dmd_cur;
1628   return(l_priority);
1630 end getDmdPriority;
1632 function isResChargeable(p_plan_id number, p_instance_id number, p_org_id number,
1633   p_dept_id number, p_res_id number, p_res_instance_id number) RETURN number is
1635   cursor c_charge is
1636   select chargeable_flag
1637   from msc_department_resources mdr
1638   where mdr.plan_id = p_plan_id
1639   and mdr.sr_instance_id = p_instance_id
1640   and mdr.organization_id = p_org_id
1641   and mdr.department_id = p_dept_id
1642   and mdr.resource_id = p_res_id;
1644   l_chargeable_flag number;
1645 begin
1647   open c_charge;
1648   fetch c_charge into l_chargeable_flag;
1649   close c_charge;
1650   return l_chargeable_flag;
1652 end isResChargeable;
1654 function isSupplyLate(p_plan_id number,
1655   p_instance_id number, p_organization_id number,
1656   p_inventory_item_id number, p_transaction_id number) return number is
1658   cursor c is
1659   select 1
1660   from msc_exception_details
1661   where number1 = p_transaction_id
1662     and sr_instance_id = p_instance_id
1663     and plan_id = p_plan_id
1664     and exception_type =36
1665     and organization_id = p_organization_id
1666     and inventory_item_id = p_inventory_item_id;
1668   v_isLate number := 0;
1670 begin
1672   open c;
1673   fetch c into v_islate;
1674   close c;
1675   return v_isLate;
1677 end isSupplyLate;
1679 function getActualStartDate(p_order_type number, p_make_buy_code number,
1680   p_org_id number,p_source_org_id number,
1681   p_dock_date date, p_wip_start_date date,
1682   p_ship_date date, p_schedule_date date,
1683   p_source_supp_id number) return varchar2 is
1685   p_actual_start_date date;
1686   p_date varchar2(20);
1687   p_supply_type number;
1689 begin
1691   if p_order_type = 3 then --5165402 bugfix
1692        p_supply_type := MAKE_SUPPLY;
1693   elsif p_org_id <> nvl(p_source_org_id, mbp_null_value) then
1694      p_supply_type := TRANSFER_SUPPLY;
1695   elsif p_order_type in (1,2,8,11,12) then
1696      p_supply_type := BUY_SUPPLY;
1697   elsif p_order_type = 5 then
1698      if p_source_supp_id is not null then --5057260 bugfix
1699        p_supply_type := BUY_SUPPLY;
1700      else
1701        p_supply_type := MAKE_SUPPLY;
1702      end if;
1703   else
1704      p_supply_type := MAKE_SUPPLY;
1705   end if;
1707   if p_supply_type = BUY_SUPPLY then
1708      p_actual_start_date := p_dock_date;
1709   elsif p_supply_type = MAKE_SUPPLY then
1710      p_actual_start_date := p_wip_start_date;
1711   elsif p_supply_type = TRANSFER_SUPPLY then
1712      p_actual_start_date := p_ship_date;
1713   else
1714      p_actual_start_date := p_schedule_date;
1715   end if;
1716   return to_char(nvl(p_actual_start_date,p_schedule_date),format_mask);
1718 end getActualStartDate;
1720 function isCriticalSupply(p_plan_id number, p_end_demand_id number,
1721   p_transaction_id number, p_inst_id number) Return number IS
1723   cursor critical_cur is
1724      select nvl(path_number,1)
1725        from msc_critical_paths
1726       where plan_id = p_plan_id
1727       and sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
1728       and supply_id = p_transaction_id
1729 --      and routing_sequence_id is null
1730       and demand_id = p_end_demand_id;
1732   isCritical number :=-1;
1734 begin
1736   open critical_cur;
1737   fetch critical_cur into iscritical;
1738   close critical_cur;
1739   return iscritical;
1741 end isCriticalSupply;
1743 function isCriticalRes(p_plan_id number,
1744   p_end_demand_id number, p_transaction_id number,
1745   p_inst_id number, p_operation_seq_id number,
1746   p_routing_seq_id number) return number is
1748   cursor critical_cur is
1749   select nvl(path_number,1)
1750   from msc_critical_paths
1751   where plan_id = p_plan_id
1752     and supply_id = p_transaction_id
1753     and sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
1754     and demand_id = p_end_demand_id
1755     and nvl(routing_sequence_id,-1) = nvl(p_routing_seq_id,-1)
1756     and operation_sequence_id = p_operation_seq_id;
1758   isCritical number;
1760 begin
1761   isCritical := -1;
1762   open critical_cur;
1763   fetch critical_cur into iscritical;
1764   close critical_cur;
1765   return isCritical;
1767 end isCriticalRes;
1769 function getSupplyType(p_order_type number, p_make_buy_code number,
1770   p_org_id number,p_source_org_id number) return number is
1772   p_supply_type number;
1774 begin
1776   if p_org_id <> p_source_org_id then
1777      p_supply_type := TRANSFER_SUPPLY;
1778   elsif p_order_type in (1,2,8,11,12) then
1779      p_supply_type := BUY_SUPPLY;
1780   elsif p_order_type = 5 and
1781         p_make_buy_code = 2 then
1782      p_supply_type := BUY_SUPPLY;
1783   else
1784      p_supply_type := MAKE_SUPPLY;
1785   end if;
1786   return p_supply_type;
1788 end getSupplyType;
1790 function getPlanInfo(p_plan_id number,
1791   p_first_date out nocopy date,  p_last_date out nocopy date,
1792   p_hour_bkt_start_date out nocopy date, p_day_bkt_start_date out nocopy date,
1793   p_plan_start_date out nocopy date, p_plan_end_date out nocopy date,
1794   p_plan_type out nocopy number) return varchar2 IS
1796    cursor cutoff_date_cur is
1797    select curr_start_date, curr_cutoff_date,
1798      nvl(min_cutoff_bucket,0)+nvl(hour_cutoff_bucket,0)+data_start_date daybkt_start,
1799      nvl(min_cutoff_bucket,0)+data_start_date hrbkt_start,
1800      decode(nvl(hour_cutoff_bucket,0),0, to_date(null),data_start_date) minbkt_start,
1801      sr_instance_id,
1802      organization_id
1803    from msc_plans
1804    where plan_id = p_plan_id;
1806   cursor daylevel_date_cur is
1807   select min(mpb.bkt_start_date), max(mpb.bkt_end_date)
1808   from msc_plan_buckets mpb,
1809     msc_plans mp
1810   where mp.plan_id =p_plan_id
1811     and mpb.plan_id = mp.plan_id
1812     and mpb.organization_id = mp.organization_id
1813     and mpb.sr_instance_id = mp.sr_instance_id
1814     and mpb.bucket_type =1;
1816    v_date date_arr;
1817    v_period varchar2(32000);
1818    p_bkt_type number;
1819    v_buckets varchar2(3200);
1820    v_min_day number;
1821    v_hour_day number;
1822    v_date_day number;
1823    v_bkt_date date;
1825   cursor bkt_cur is
1826   select max(mpb.bkt_end_date)
1827   from msc_plan_buckets mpb,
1828     msc_plans mp
1829   where mp.plan_id =p_plan_id
1830     and mpb.plan_id = mp.plan_id
1831     and mpb.organization_id = mp.organization_id
1832     and mpb.sr_instance_id = mp.sr_instance_id
1833     and mpb.bucket_type = p_bkt_type;
1835   cursor c_plan_cal is
1836   select mtp.calendar_code, mtp.sr_instance_id,
1837     mtp.calendar_exception_set_id, plan_type
1838   from msc_trading_partners mtp,
1839     msc_plans mp
1840   where mp.plan_id = p_plan_id
1841     and mp.sr_instance_id = mtp.sr_instance_id
1842     and mp.organization_id = mtp.sr_tp_id
1843     and mtp.partner_type = 3;
1845   cursor c_ds_orgs is
1846   select organization_id,
1847     nvl(curr_frozen_horizon_days, frozen_horizon_days) frozen_days
1848   from msc_plan_organizations
1849   where plan_id = p_plan_id
1850     and nvl(curr_ds_enabled_flag, ds_enabled_flag) = 1;
1852   v_org_id number_arr;
1853   v_frozen_days number_arr;
1854   v_ds_orgs_stream varchar2(200);
1856   p_min_bkt_start_date date;
1857 begin
1858   open c_plan_cal;
1859   fetch c_plan_cal into g_plan_cal, g_plan_cal_inst_id,
1860     g_plan_cal_excp_id, p_plan_type;
1861   close c_plan_cal;
1863   g_plan_type := p_plan_type;
1864   g_plan_id := p_plan_id;
1866   open daylevel_date_cur;
1867   fetch daylevel_date_cur into p_first_date, p_last_date;
1868   close daylevel_date_cur;
1870   open cutoff_date_cur;
1871   fetch cutoff_date_cur into p_plan_start_date, p_plan_end_date,
1872     p_day_bkt_start_date, p_hour_bkt_start_date, p_min_bkt_start_date,
1873     g_plan_inst_id, g_plan_org_id;
1874   close cutoff_date_cur;
1876   -- fetch period start date
1877   select greatest(mpsd.period_start_date, mp.data_start_date)
1878   bulk collect into v_date
1879   from   msc_trading_partners tp,
1880     msc_period_start_dates mpsd,
1881     msc_plans mp
1882   where  mpsd.calendar_code = tp.calendar_code
1883     and mpsd.sr_instance_id = tp.sr_instance_id
1884     and mpsd.exception_set_id = tp.calendar_exception_set_id
1885     and tp.sr_instance_id = mp.sr_instance_id
1886     and tp.sr_tp_id = mp.organization_id
1887     and tp.partner_type =3
1888     and mp.plan_id = p_plan_id
1889     and (mpsd.period_start_date
1890       between mp.data_start_date and mp.curr_cutoff_date
1891       or mpsd.next_date between mp.data_start_date and mp.curr_cutoff_date)
1892   order by mpsd.period_start_date;
1894   v_period := to_char(v_date.count);
1895   for a in 1 .. v_date.count loop
1896     v_period := v_period || field_seperator|| to_char(v_date(a), format_mask);
1897   end loop;
1899   -- fetch bucket days
1900   select nvl(min_cutoff_bucket, 0),
1901     nvl(hour_cutoff_bucket, 0),
1902     nvl(daily_cutoff_bucket, 0)
1903   into v_min_day, v_hour_day, v_date_day
1904   from msc_plans
1905   where plan_id = p_plan_id;
1907   if v_min_day <> 0 then
1908     v_buckets := to_char(p_first_date + v_min_day, format_mask);
1909   else
1910     v_buckets := v_buckets || field_seperator|| null_space;
1911   end if;
1913   if v_hour_day <> 0 then
1914     v_buckets := v_buckets || field_seperator||
1915       to_char(p_first_date + v_min_day+v_hour_day, format_mask);
1916   else
1917     v_buckets := v_buckets || field_seperator|| null_space;
1918   end if;
1919   if v_min_day+v_hour_day <> v_date_day then
1920     v_buckets := v_buckets || field_seperator|| to_char(p_last_date, format_mask);
1921   else
1922     v_buckets := v_buckets || field_seperator|| null_space;
1923   end if;
1925   p_bkt_type := 1;
1926   for a in 1..2 loop -- {
1927     v_bkt_date := null;
1928     p_bkt_type := p_bkt_type +1;
1929     open bkt_cur;
1930     fetch bkt_cur into v_bkt_date;
1931     close bkt_cur;
1932     if v_bkt_date is not null then
1933         v_buckets := v_buckets || field_seperator||to_char(v_bkt_date, format_mask);
1934     else
1935         v_buckets := v_buckets || field_seperator|| null_space;
1936     end if;
1937   end loop; -- }
1939   open c_ds_orgs;
1940   fetch c_ds_orgs bulk collect into v_org_id, v_frozen_days;
1941   close c_ds_orgs;
1943   if (v_org_id.count = 0) then
1944     v_ds_orgs_stream := record_seperator||'0';
1945   end if;
1946   for a in 1..v_org_id.count
1947   loop
1948     if ( v_ds_orgs_stream is null ) then
1949       v_ds_orgs_stream := record_seperator
1950         || v_org_id.count || field_seperator|| v_org_id(a)
1951         || field_seperator || nvl(to_char(v_frozen_days(a)), null_space);
1952     else
1953       v_ds_orgs_stream := v_ds_orgs_stream || field_seperator ||
1954         v_org_id(a) || field_seperator || nvl(to_char(v_frozen_days(a)), null_space);
1955     end if;
1956   end loop;
1958   g_plan_cal_from_profile := fnd_profile.value('MSC_BKT_REFERENCE_CALENDAR');
1960   return p_plan_type || field_seperator ||
1961     to_char(p_plan_start_date, format_mask) || field_seperator ||
1962     to_char(p_plan_end_date, format_mask) || field_seperator ||
1963     v_buckets || record_seperator || v_period || v_ds_orgs_stream;
1965 end getPlanInfo;
1967 procedure sendSegmentPegStream(p_row_type number, p_row_index number, p_from_index number,
1968   p_producer_trans_id number_arr, p_producer_sr_instance_id number_arr,
1969   p_producer_op_seq_id number_arr, p_producer_op_seq_num number_arr, p_producer_res_seq_num number_arr,
1970   p_consumer_trans_id number_arr, p_consumer_sr_instance_id number_arr,
1971   p_consumer_op_seq_id number_arr, p_consumer_op_seq_num number_arr, p_consumer_res_seq_num number_arr,
1972   p_segment_start_date date_arr, p_segment_end_date date_arr, p_segment_quantity number_arr,
1973   p_consumer_start_date date_arr, p_consumer_end_date date_arr, p_allocation_type number_arr,
1974   p_dependency_type number_arr,  p_minimum_time_offset number_arr,
1975   p_maximum_time_offset number_arr, p_actual_time_offset number_arr,
1976   p_data_stream IN OUT NOCOPY msc_gantt_utils.maxCharTbl) is
1978   oneBigRecord maxCharTbl := maxCharTbl(0);
1979   l_data_stream maxCharTbl := maxCharTbl(0);
1980   reccount number := 0;
1981   j number :=1;
1982   ctr number;
1983   v_one_record varchar2(1000);
1984   v_max_len number;
1985   l_temp_len number;
1986 begin
1988   put_line(' sendSegmentPegStream in');
1989    oneBigRecord.delete;
1990    oneBigRecord.extend;
1992    for b in 1 .. p_producer_trans_id.count loop -- {
1993      v_one_record := p_producer_trans_id(b)
1994        || field_seperator || p_producer_sr_instance_id(b)
1995        || field_seperator || nvl(to_char(p_producer_op_seq_id(b)), null_space)
1996        || field_seperator || nvl(to_char(p_producer_op_seq_num(b)), null_space)
1997        || field_seperator || nvl(to_char(p_producer_res_seq_num(b)), null_space)
1998        || field_seperator || p_consumer_trans_id(b)
1999        || field_seperator || p_consumer_sr_instance_id(b)
2000        || field_seperator || nvl(to_char(p_consumer_op_seq_id(b)), null_space)
2001        || field_seperator || nvl(to_char(p_consumer_op_seq_num(b)), null_space)
2002        || field_seperator || nvl(to_char(p_consumer_res_seq_num(b)), null_space)
2003        || field_seperator || nvl(to_char(p_segment_start_date(b),format_mask), null_space)
2004        || field_seperator || nvl(to_char(p_segment_end_date(b), format_mask), null_space)
2005        || field_seperator || fnd_number.number_to_canonical(nvl(p_segment_quantity(b),0))
2006        || field_seperator || nvl(to_char(p_consumer_start_date(b), format_mask), null_space)
2007        || field_seperator || nvl(to_char(p_consumer_end_date(b), format_mask), null_space)
2008        || field_seperator || nvl(to_char(p_allocation_type(b)), null_space)
2009        || field_seperator || nvl(to_char(p_dependency_type(b)), null_space)
2010        || field_seperator || nvl(to_char(p_minimum_time_offset(b)), null_space)
2011        || field_seperator || nvl(to_char(p_maximum_time_offset(b)), null_space)
2012        || field_seperator || nvl(to_char(p_actual_time_offset(b)), null_space);
2014      v_max_len := nvl(length(oneBigRecord(j)),0) + nvl(length(v_one_record),0);
2015      if v_max_len > 30000 then
2016        j := j+1;
2017        oneBigRecord.extend;
2018      end if;
2019      oneBigRecord(j) := oneBigRecord(j) || record_seperator || v_one_record;
2020      recCount := recCount+1;
2021    end loop; -- }
2023    if ( recCount > 0 ) then -- {
2024    ctr := p_data_stream.count;
2025    if ( nvl(length(p_data_stream(ctr)),0) = 1 ) then
2026      p_data_stream(ctr) := to_char(p_row_index) || field_seperator || recCount;
2027    elsif ( nvl(length(p_data_stream(ctr)),0) < 30000 ) then
2028      p_data_stream(ctr) := p_data_stream(ctr) || record_seperator
2029        || to_char(p_row_index) || field_seperator || recCount;
2030    else
2031      p_data_stream.extend;
2032      ctr := ctr + 1;
2033      p_data_stream(ctr) := p_data_stream(ctr) || record_seperator
2034        || to_char(p_row_index) || field_seperator || recCount;
2035    end if;
2037    for j in 1 .. oneBigRecord.count loop -- {
2038      l_temp_len := nvl(length(p_data_stream(ctr)),0)+ nvl(length(oneBigRecord(j)),0);
2039      if ( j = 1 ) then
2040        if (l_temp_len < 30000 ) then
2041          p_data_stream(ctr) := p_data_stream(ctr) || oneBigRecord(j);
2042        else
2043          p_data_stream.extend;
2044          ctr := ctr + 1;
2045          p_data_stream(ctr) := p_data_stream(ctr) || oneBigRecord(j);
2046        end if;
2047      elsif ( l_temp_len < 30000 ) then
2048        p_data_stream(ctr) := p_data_stream(ctr) || oneBigRecord(j);
2049      else
2050        p_data_stream.extend;
2051        ctr := ctr + 1;
2052        p_data_stream(ctr) := oneBigRecord(j);
2053      end if;
2054    end loop; -- }
2055    end if; -- }
2056   put_line(' sendSegmentPegStream out');
2058 end sendSegmentPegStream;
2060 procedure sendResReqAvailSuppStream(p_row_type number, p_row_index number,
2061   p_from_index number, p_start date_arr, p_end date_arr,
2062   p_resource_hours number_arr, p_resource_units number_arr,
2063   p_schedule_flag number_arr,
2064   p_data_stream IN OUT NOCOPY msc_gantt_utils.maxCharTbl,
2065   p_avail_qty number_arr default null, p_overload_qty number_arr default null,
2066   p_consume_qty number_arr default null, p_cum_avail_qty number_arr default null) is
2068   oneBigRecord maxCharTbl := maxCharTbl(0);
2069   l_data_stream maxCharTbl := maxCharTbl(0);
2070   reccount number := 0;
2071   j number :=1;
2072   ctr number;
2073   v_one_record varchar2(100);
2074   v_max_len number;
2075   l_temp_len number;
2077 begin
2079    oneBigRecord.delete;
2080    oneBigRecord.extend;
2082    for b in 1 .. p_start.count loop -- {
2083      if ( p_row_type = RES_REQ_ROW_TYPE ) then
2084        v_one_record := to_char(p_start(b),format_mask) ||
2085          field_seperator || to_char(p_end(b),format_mask) ||
2086          field_seperator || nvl(to_char(fnd_number.number_to_canonical(p_resource_hours(b))), null_space) ||
2087          field_seperator || nvl(to_char(fnd_number.number_to_canonical(p_resource_units(b))), null_space) ||
2088          field_seperator || nvl(to_char(p_schedule_flag(b)), null_space) ||
2089          field_seperator || nvl(to_char(fnd_number.number_to_canonical(p_avail_qty(b))), null_space);
2090      elsif ( p_row_type = SUPP_ALL_ROW_TYPE ) then
2091        v_one_record := to_char(p_start(b),format_mask) ||
2092          field_seperator || nvl(to_char(fnd_number.number_to_canonical(p_consume_qty(b))), null_space)||
2093          field_seperator || nvl(to_char(fnd_number.number_to_canonical(p_overload_qty(b))), null_space)||
2094          field_seperator || nvl(to_char(fnd_number.number_to_canonical(p_avail_qty(b))), null_space);
2095      elsif ( p_row_type in (RES_CHARGES_ROW_TYPE, RES_AVAIL_ROW_TYPE) ) then
2096        v_one_record := to_char(p_start(b),format_mask) ||
2097          field_seperator || to_char(p_end(b),format_mask) ||
2098          field_seperator || nvl(to_char(fnd_number.number_to_canonical(p_resource_hours(b))), null_space)||
2099          field_seperator || nvl(to_char(fnd_number.number_to_canonical(p_resource_units(b))), null_space);
2100      elsif ( p_row_type = RES_REQ_DISPLAY_ROW_TYPE ) then
2101        v_one_record := to_char(p_start(b),format_mask) ||
2102          field_seperator || nvl(to_char(p_schedule_flag(b)), null_space)||
2103          field_seperator || nvl(to_char(fnd_number.number_to_canonical(p_avail_qty(b))), null_space)||
2104          field_seperator || nvl(to_char(fnd_number.number_to_canonical(p_resource_hours(b))), null_space);
2105      end if;
2107      v_max_len := nvl(length(oneBigRecord(j)),0) + nvl(length(v_one_record),0);
2108      if v_max_len > 30000 then
2109        j := j+1;
2110        oneBigRecord.extend;
2111      end if;
2112      oneBigRecord(j) := oneBigRecord(j) || record_seperator || v_one_record;
2113      recCount := recCount+1;
2114    end loop; -- }
2116    if ( recCount > 0 ) then -- {
2117    ctr := p_data_stream.count;
2118    if ( nvl(length(p_data_stream(ctr)),0) = 1 ) then
2119      p_data_stream(ctr) := to_char(p_row_index) || field_seperator || recCount;
2120    elsif ( nvl(length(p_data_stream(ctr)),0) < 30000 ) then
2121      p_data_stream(ctr) := p_data_stream(ctr) || record_seperator
2122        || to_char(p_row_index) || field_seperator || recCount;
2123    else
2124      p_data_stream.extend;
2125      ctr := ctr + 1;
2126      p_data_stream(ctr) := p_data_stream(ctr) || record_seperator
2127        || to_char(p_row_index) || field_seperator || recCount;
2128    end if;
2130    put_line('sendResReqAvailSuppStream: row_index row_type  rec_count: '
2131 	||to_char(p_row_index) || field_seperator || to_char(p_row_type)
2132 	|| field_seperator || to_char(recCount));
2134    for j in 1 .. oneBigRecord.count loop -- {
2135      l_temp_len := nvl(length(p_data_stream(ctr)),0)+ nvl(length(oneBigRecord(j)),0);
2136      if ( j = 1 ) then
2137        if (l_temp_len < 30000 ) then
2138          p_data_stream(ctr) := p_data_stream(ctr) || oneBigRecord(j);
2139        else
2140          p_data_stream.extend;
2141          ctr := ctr + 1;
2142          p_data_stream(ctr) := p_data_stream(ctr) || oneBigRecord(j);
2143        end if;
2144      elsif ( l_temp_len < 30000 ) then
2145        p_data_stream(ctr) := p_data_stream(ctr) || oneBigRecord(j);
2146      else
2147        p_data_stream.extend;
2148        ctr := ctr + 1;
2149        p_data_stream(ctr) := oneBigRecord(j);
2150      end if;
2151    end loop; -- }
2153    end if; -- }
2155 end sendResReqAvailSuppStream;
2157 procedure sendResActStream(p_row_index number, p_from_index number,
2158   p_inst_id number_arr, p_org_id number_arr,
2159   p_supply_id number_arr, p_trx_id number_arr, p_status number_arr,
2160   p_applied number_arr, p_res_firm_flag number_arr, p_sup_firm_flag number_arr,
2161   p_start_date date_arr, p_end_date date_arr, p_schedule_flag number_arr,
2162   p_res_constraint number_arr, p_qty number_arr, p_batch_number number_arr,
2163   p_resource_units number_arr, p_group_sequence_id number_arr,
2164   p_group_sequence_number number_arr, p_bar_text char_arr,
2165   p_display_type number_arr, p_cepst date_arr, p_cepct date_arr,
2166   p_ulpst date_arr, p_ulpct date_arr, p_uepst date_arr, p_uepct date_arr,
2167   p_eact date_arr, p_dept_id number_arr, p_res_id number_arr, p_item_id number_arr,
2168   p_order_number char_arr, p_op_seq number_arr, p_res_seq number_arr, p_res_desc char_arr,
2169   p_item_name char_arr, p_assy_item_desc char_arr, p_schedule_qty number_arr,
2170   p_from_setup_code char_arr, p_to_setup_code char_arr, p_std_op_code char_arr,
2171   p_changeover_time char_arr, p_changeover_penalty char_arr,
2172   p_min_capacity number_arr, p_max_capacity number_arr, p_capacity_used number_arr,
2173   p_overload_flag number_arr,
2174   p_data_stream IN OUT NOCOPY msc_gantt_utils.maxCharTbl) is
2176   oneBigRecord maxCharTbl := maxCharTbl(0);
2177   l_data_stream maxCharTbl := maxCharTbl(0);
2178   reccount number := 0;
2179   j number :=1;
2180   ctr number;
2181   v_one_record varchar2(1500);
2182   v_max_len number;
2183   l_temp_len number;
2186 begin
2187    oneBigRecord.delete;
2188    oneBigRecord.extend;
2190    for b in 1 .. p_start_date.count loop -- {
2191       v_one_record := p_row_index || FIELD_SEPERATOR || null_space
2192         || FIELD_SEPERATOR || null_space || FIELD_SEPERATOR || null_space
2193         || FIELD_SEPERATOR || null_space
2194         || FIELD_SEPERATOR || null_space || FIELD_SEPERATOR || null_space
2195 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || to_char(p_start_date(b), format_mask)
2196 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || to_char(p_end_date(b), format_mask)
2197 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || fnd_number.number_to_canonical(p_qty(b)) || FIELD_SEPERATOR || null_space
2198 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || p_batch_number(b) || FIELD_SEPERATOR || fnd_number.number_to_canonical(p_resource_units(b))
2199 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || null_space || FIELD_SEPERATOR || null_space
2200 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || p_sup_firm_flag(b) || FIELD_SEPERATOR || p_res_firm_flag(b)
2201 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || p_status(b) || FIELD_SEPERATOR || p_applied(b)
2202 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || p_schedule_flag(b) || FIELD_SEPERATOR || p_supply_id(b)
2203 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || p_trx_id(b) || FIELD_SEPERATOR || escapeSplChars(p_bar_text(b))
2204 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(p_display_type(b)), null_space)
2205 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(p_cepst(b),format_mask),null_space)
2206         || FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(p_cepct(b),format_mask),null_space)
2207 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(p_ulpst(b),format_mask),null_space)
2208         || FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(p_ulpct(b),format_mask),null_space)
2209 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(p_uepst(b),format_mask),null_space)
2210 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(p_uepct(b),format_mask),null_space)
2211 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(p_eact(b),format_mask),null_space)
2212 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(p_inst_id(b)), null_space)
2213 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(p_org_id(b)), null_space)
2214 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(p_dept_id(b)), null_space)
2215 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(p_res_id(b)), null_space)
2216 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(p_item_id(b)), null_space)
2217 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(p_res_seq(b)), null_space)
2218 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(p_order_number(b)), null_space)
2219 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(p_op_seq(b)), null_space)
2220 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(p_res_desc(b)), null_space)
2221 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(p_item_name(b)), null_space)
2222 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(p_assy_item_desc(b)), null_space)
2223 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(fnd_number.number_to_canonical(p_schedule_qty(b))), null_space)
2224 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(p_from_setup_code(b)), null_space)
2225 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(p_to_setup_code(b)), null_space)
2226 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(p_std_op_code(b)), null_space)
2227 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(p_changeover_time(b)), null_space)
2228 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(p_changeover_penalty(b)), null_space)
2229 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(fnd_number.number_to_canonical(p_min_capacity(b))), null_space)
2230 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(fnd_number.number_to_canonical(p_max_capacity(b))), null_space)
2231 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(fnd_number.number_to_canonical(p_capacity_used(b))), null_space)
2232 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(p_group_sequence_id(b)), null_space)
2233 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(p_group_sequence_number(b)), null_space)
2234 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(p_overload_flag(b)), null_space)
2235 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || null_space
2236 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || null_space
2237 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || null_space;
2239      v_max_len := nvl(length(oneBigRecord(j)),0) + nvl(length(v_one_record),0);
2240      if v_max_len > 30000 then
2241        j := j+1;
2242        oneBigRecord.extend;
2243      end if;
2244      oneBigRecord(j) := oneBigRecord(j) || record_seperator || v_one_record;
2245      recCount := recCount+1;
2246    end loop; -- }
2248    if ( recCount > 0 ) then -- {
2250    ctr := p_data_stream.count;
2251    if ( nvl(length(p_data_stream(ctr)),0) = 1 ) then
2252      p_data_stream(ctr) := to_char(p_row_index) || field_seperator || recCount;
2253    elsif ( nvl(length(p_data_stream(ctr)),0) < 30000 ) then
2254      p_data_stream(ctr) := p_data_stream(ctr) || record_seperator
2255        || to_char(p_row_index) || field_seperator || recCount;
2256    else
2257      p_data_stream.extend;
2258      ctr := ctr + 1;
2259      p_data_stream(ctr) := p_data_stream(ctr) || record_seperator
2260        || to_char(p_row_index) || field_seperator || recCount;
2261    end if;
2263 put_line(' sendResActStream: row_index rec_count: '|| to_char(p_row_index) || field_seperator || to_char(recCount));
2265    for j in 1 .. oneBigRecord.count loop -- {
2266      l_temp_len := nvl(length(p_data_stream(ctr)),0)+ nvl(length(oneBigRecord(j)),0);
2267      if ( j = 1 ) then
2268        if (l_temp_len < 30000 ) then
2269          p_data_stream(ctr) := p_data_stream(ctr) || oneBigRecord(j);
2270        else
2271          p_data_stream.extend;
2272          ctr := ctr + 1;
2273          p_data_stream(ctr) := p_data_stream(ctr) || oneBigRecord(j);
2274        end if;
2275      elsif ( l_temp_len < 30000 ) then
2276        p_data_stream(ctr) := p_data_stream(ctr) || oneBigRecord(j);
2277      else
2278        p_data_stream.extend;
2279        ctr := ctr + 1;
2280        p_data_stream(ctr) := oneBigRecord(j);
2281      end if;
2282    end loop; -- }
2283    end if; -- }
2285 end sendResActStream;
2287 procedure populateResAvailGantt(p_query_id number,
2288   p_start_date date, p_end_date date) is
2290   v_avail_start date_arr;
2291   v_avail_end date_arr;
2292   v_resource_hours number_arr;
2293   v_resource_units number_arr;
2294   v_row_index number_arr;
2295   v_schdule_flag number_arr;
2297   l_res_rows number;
2298   l_res_inst_rows number;
2299   l_res_batch_rows number;
2300   l_res_inst_batch_rows number;
2302 begin
2304   --l_res_rows := msc_gantt_utils.isResRowInGantt(p_query_id, sys_no, sys_no, sys_yes);
2305   --l_res_inst_rows := msc_gantt_utils.isResRowInGantt(p_query_id, sys_yes, sys_no, sys_yes);
2306   --4997096 bugfix, instead calls the below procedure
2307   msc_gantt_utils.isResRowInGantt(p_query_id, l_res_rows, l_res_inst_rows, l_res_batch_rows, l_res_inst_batch_rows);
2309   put_line('populateResAvailGantt: res - res inst - res batch - res inst batch : '
2310 	||l_res_rows ||' - '|| l_res_inst_rows ||' - '||l_res_batch_rows ||' - '||l_res_inst_batch_rows);
2312   if ( l_res_rows = sys_yes or l_res_batch_rows = sys_yes ) then -- {
2314     select mgq.row_index,
2315       mrr.shift_date + mrr.from_time/86400 start_date,
2316       decode(sign(mrr.to_time - mrr.from_time), 1,
2317         mrr.shift_date + mrr.to_time/86400,
2318         mrr.shift_date + 1 + mrr.to_time/86400) end_date,
2319       (decode(sign(to_time - from_time), 1,
2320         shift_date + to_time/86400,
2321         shift_date + 1 + to_time/86400) -
2322 	  (shift_date + from_time/86400)) * 24 * capacity_units res_hours,
2323       mrr.capacity_units,
2324       to_number(null) schdule_flag
2325     bulk collect into v_row_index, v_avail_start, v_avail_end,
2326       v_resource_hours, v_resource_units, v_schdule_flag
2327     from msc_net_resource_avail mrr,
2328       msc_gantt_query mgq
2329     where mgq.query_id = p_query_id
2330       and mgq.row_flag = SYS_YES
2331       and mgq.is_fetched = SYS_NO
2332       and mgq.res_instance_id = MBP_NULL_VALUE
2333       and mrr.plan_id = mgq.plan_id
2334       and mrr.sr_instance_id = mgq.sr_instance_id
2335       and mrr.organization_id = mgq.organization_id
2336       and mrr.department_id = mgq.department_id
2337       and mrr.resource_id = mgq.resource_id
2338       and nvl(mrr.parent_id,0) <> -1
2339       and mrr.capacity_units > 0
2340       and mrr.shift_date between p_start_date and p_end_date;
2342     put_line('populateResAvailGantt: res rows: '||v_avail_start.count );
2344     populateResDtlTabIntoGantt(p_query_id, RES_AVAIL_ROW_TYPE, v_row_index,
2345       v_avail_start, v_avail_end, v_resource_units, v_resource_hours,
2346       v_schdule_flag, SUMMARY_DATA);
2348   end if; -- }
2350   if ( l_res_inst_rows = sys_yes  or l_res_inst_batch_rows = sys_yes ) then -- {
2352     select mgq.row_index,
2353       mrr.shift_date + mrr.from_time/86400 start_date,
2354       decode(sign(mrr.to_time - mrr.from_time), 1,
2355         mrr.shift_date + mrr.to_time/86400,
2356         mrr.shift_date + 1 + mrr.to_time/86400) end_date,
2357       (decode(sign(to_time - from_time), 1,
2358         shift_date + to_time/86400,
2359         shift_date + 1 + to_time/86400) - (shift_date + from_time/86400)) * 24 res_hours,
2360       1 capacity_units,
2361       to_number(null) schdule_flag
2362     bulk collect into v_row_index, v_avail_start, v_avail_end,
2363       v_resource_hours, v_resource_units, v_schdule_flag
2364     from msc_net_res_inst_avail mrr,
2365       msc_gantt_query mgq
2366     where mgq.query_id = p_query_id
2367       and mgq.row_flag = SYS_YES
2368       and mgq.is_fetched = SYS_NO
2369       and mgq.res_instance_id <> MBP_NULL_VALUE
2370       and mrr.plan_id = mgq.plan_id
2371       and mrr.sr_instance_id = mgq.sr_instance_id
2372       and mrr.organization_id = mgq.organization_id
2373       and mrr.department_id = mgq.department_id
2374       and mrr.resource_id = mgq.resource_id
2375       and mrr.res_instance_id = mgq.res_instance_id
2376       and nvl(mrr.serial_number, MBP_NULL_VALUE_CHAR) = nvl(mgq.serial_number, MBP_NULL_VALUE_CHAR)
2377       and nvl(mrr.parent_id,0) <> -1
2378       and nvl(mrr.capacity_units,1) > 0
2379       and mrr.shift_date between p_start_date and p_end_date;
2381     put_line('populateResAvailGantt: res inst rows: '||v_avail_start.count );
2383     populateResDtlTabIntoGantt(p_query_id, RES_AVAIL_ROW_TYPE, v_row_index,
2384       v_avail_start, v_avail_end, v_resource_units, v_resource_hours,
2385       v_schdule_flag, SUMMARY_DATA);
2387   end if; -- }
2389 end populateResAvailGantt;
2391 function getResReqUlpsd(p_plan number, p_inst number, p_org number, p_dept number,
2392   p_res number, p_supply number, p_op_seq number, p_res_seq number,
2393   p_orig_res_seq number, p_parent_seq number) return date is
2395   cursor c_ulpsd is
2396   select mrr.ulpsd
2397   from msc_resource_requirements mrr
2398   where mrr.plan_id = p_plan
2399     and mrr.sr_instancE_id = p_inst
2400     and mrr.organization_id = p_org
2401     and mrr.department_id = p_dept
2402     and mrr.resource_id = p_res
2403     and mrr.supply_id = p_supply
2404     and mrr.operation_seq_num = p_op_seq
2405     and mrr.resource_seq_num = p_res_seq
2406     and nvl(mrr.orig_resource_seq_num, mbp_null_value) = nvl(p_orig_res_seq, mbp_null_value)
2407     and nvl(mrr.parent_seq_num, mbp_null_value) = nvl(p_parent_seq, mbp_null_value)
2408     and nvl(parent_id,2) = 2;
2410     l_ulpsd date;
2411  begin
2412    open c_ulpsd;
2413    fetch c_ulpsd into l_ulpsd;
2414    close c_ulpsd;
2416    return l_ulpsd;
2417  end getResReqUlpsd;
2419 procedure populateResReqGanttNew(p_query_id number,
2420   p_start_date date, p_end_date date,
2421   p_display_type number default null) is
2423   v_row_index number_arr;
2424   v_req_start date_arr;
2425   v_req_end date_arr;
2426   v_resource_units number_arr;
2427   v_resource_hours number_arr;
2428   v_batch number_arr;
2429   v_schedule_flag  number_arr;
2430   v_res_firm_flag  number_arr;
2431   v_res_const_flag  number_arr;
2432   v_ulpsd_flag  date_arr;
2433   v_display_type number_arr;
2435   -- parent_id = 1 daily  requirements
2436   -- parent_id = 2 aggregated requirements
2438   cursor res_req_cur is
2439   select mgq.row_index,
2440     msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0), mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date,
2441         mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) start_date,
2442     msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0), mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date,
2443       mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) end_date,
2444     mrr.assigned_units,
2445     mrr.resource_hours,
2446     mrr.batch_number,
2447     msc_gantt_utils.getResReqType(mrr.plan_id, mrr.schedule_flag, mrr.parent_seq_num, mrr.setup_id) schedule_flag,
2448     msc_gantt_utils.getDisplayType(p_display_type,
2449       msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2450       mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied),
2451   	msc_gantt_utils.getResReqUlpsd(mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instancE_id, mrr.organization_id,
2452 	  mrr.department_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.supply_id, mrr.operation_seq_num, mrr.resource_seq_num,
2453 	  mrr.orig_resource_seq_num, mrr.parent_seq_num),
2454         mrr.firm_flag,
2455         msc_gantt_utils.isResConstraint(mrr.plan_id,
2456 	mrr.sr_instance_id, mrr.organization_id,
2457 	ms.inventory_item_id, mrr.department_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.supply_id),
2458         g_gantt_rh_toler_days_early,
2459         g_gantt_rh_toler_days_late) display_type
2460   from msc_gantt_query mgq,
2461     msc_resource_requirements mrr,
2462     msc_supplies ms
2463   where mgq.query_id = p_query_id
2464     and mgq.row_flag = SYS_YES
2465     and mgq.is_fetched = SYS_NO
2466     and mgq.res_instance_id = MBP_NULL_VALUE
2467     and mrr.plan_id = mgq.plan_id
2468     and mrr.sr_instance_id = mgq.sr_instance_id
2469     and mrr.organization_id = mgq.organization_id
2470     and mrr.department_id = mgq.department_id
2471     and mrr.resource_id = mgq.resource_id
2472     and mrr.plan_id = ms.plan_id
2473     and mrr.sr_instance_id = ms.sr_instance_id
2474     and mrr.supply_id = ms.transaction_id
2475     and mrr.batch_number is null and mrr.end_date is not null and mrr.resource_hours > 0
2476     and nvl(mrr.parent_id, 2) = 2
2477     and nvl(mrr.status,-1) = 0
2478     and nvl(mrr.applied,-1) = 2
2479     and ( ( msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2480 	    mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied)
2481 	    between p_start_date and p_end_date
2482 	 )
2483          or ( msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2484 	    mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied)
2485 	    between p_start_date and p_end_date )
2486          or ( msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2487 	    mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) <= p_start_date
2488            and msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2489 	    mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) >= p_end_date )
2490        )
2491   union all
2492   select mgq.row_index,
2493     msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0), mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date,
2494         mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) start_date,
2495     msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0), mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date,
2496       mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) end_date,
2497     mrr.assigned_units,
2498     mrr.resource_hours,
2499     mrr.batch_number,
2500     msc_gantt_utils.getResReqType(mrr.plan_id, mrr.schedule_flag, mrr.parent_seq_num, mrr.setup_id) schedule_flag,
2501     msc_gantt_utils.getDisplayType(p_display_type,
2502         msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2503   	mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied),
2504   	msc_gantt_utils.getResReqUlpsd(mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instancE_id, mrr.organization_id,
2505 	  mrr.department_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.supply_id, mrr.operation_seq_num, mrr.resource_seq_num,
2506 	  mrr.orig_resource_seq_num, mrr.parent_seq_num),
2507         mrr.firm_flag,
2508         msc_gantt_utils.isResConstraint(mrr.plan_id,
2509 	mrr.sr_instance_id, mrr.organization_id,
2510 	ms.inventory_item_id, mrr.department_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.supply_id),
2511         g_gantt_rh_toler_days_early,
2512         g_gantt_rh_toler_days_late) display_type
2513   from msc_gantt_query mgq,
2514     msc_resource_requirements mrr,
2515     msc_resource_requirements mrr1,
2516     msc_supplies ms
2517   where mgq.query_id = p_query_id
2518     and mgq.row_flag = SYS_YES
2519     and mgq.is_fetched = SYS_NO
2520     and mgq.res_instance_id = MBP_NULL_VALUE
2521     and mrr.plan_id = mgq.plan_id
2522     and mrr.sr_instance_id = mgq.sr_instance_id
2523     and mrr.organization_id = mgq.organization_id
2524     and mrr.department_id = mgq.department_id
2525     and mrr.resource_id = mgq.resource_id
2526     and mrr.plan_id = ms.plan_id
2527     and mrr.sr_instance_id = ms.sr_instance_id
2528     and mrr.supply_id = ms.transaction_id
2529     and mrr.plan_id = mrr1.plan_id
2530     and mrr.sr_instancE_id = mrr1.sr_instancE_id
2531     and mrr.organization_id = mrr1.organization_id
2532     and mrr.department_id = mrr1.department_id
2533     and mrr.resource_id = mrr1.resource_id
2534     and mrr.supply_id = mrr1.supply_id
2535     and mrr.operation_seq_num = mrr1.operation_seq_num
2536     and mrr.resource_seq_num = mrr1.resource_seq_num
2537     and nvl(mrr.orig_resource_seq_num, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr1.orig_resource_seq_num, mbp_null_value)
2538     and nvl(mrr.parent_seq_num, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr1.parent_seq_num, mbp_null_value)
2539     and mrr.batch_number is null and mrr.end_date is not null and mrr.resource_hours > 0
2540     and mrr1.batch_number is null and mrr1.end_date is not null and mrr1.resource_hours > 0
2541     and nvl(mrr1.parent_id, 2) = 2
2542     and nvl(mrr1.status,-1) <> 0
2543     and nvl(mrr1.applied,-1) <> 2
2544     and nvl(mrr.parent_id,-1) = 1
2545     and ( ( msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2546 	    mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied)
2547 	    between p_start_date and p_end_date
2548 	 )
2549          or ( msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2550 	    mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied)
2551 	    between p_start_date and p_end_date )
2552          or ( msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2553 	    mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) <= p_start_date
2554            and msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2555 	    mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) >= p_end_date )
2556        ) ;
2558   cursor res_inst_req_cur is
2559   select mgq.row_index,
2560     msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0), mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date,
2561         mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) start_date,
2562     msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0), mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date,
2563       mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) end_date,
2564     1 assigned_units,
2565     mrir.resource_instance_hours,
2566     mrr.batch_number,
2567     msc_gantt_utils.getResReqType(mrr.plan_id, mrr.schedule_flag, mrr.parent_seq_num, mrr.setup_id) schedule_flag,
2568     msc_gantt_utils.getDisplayType(p_display_type,
2569       msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2570   	mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied),
2571   	msc_gantt_utils.getResReqUlpsd(mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instancE_id, mrr.organization_id,
2572 	  mrr.department_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.supply_id, mrr.operation_seq_num, mrr.resource_seq_num,
2573 	  mrr.orig_resource_seq_num, mrr.parent_seq_num),
2574         mrr.firm_flag,
2575         msc_gantt_utils.isResConstraint(mrr.plan_id,
2576 	mrr.sr_instance_id, mrr.organization_id,
2577 	ms.inventory_item_id, mrr.department_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.supply_id),
2578         g_gantt_rh_toler_days_early,
2579         g_gantt_rh_toler_days_late) display_type
2580   from msc_gantt_query mgq,
2581     msc_resource_requirements mrr,
2582     msc_resource_instance_reqs mrir,
2583     msc_supplies ms
2584   where mgq.query_id = p_query_id
2585     and mgq.row_flag = SYS_YES
2586     and mgq.is_fetched = SYS_NO
2587     and mgq.res_instance_id <> MBP_NULL_VALUE
2588     and mrir.plan_id = mgq.plan_id
2589     and mrir.sr_instance_id = mgq.sr_instance_id
2590     and mrir.organization_id = mgq.organization_id
2591     and mrir.department_id = mgq.department_id
2592     and mrir.resource_id = mgq.resource_id
2593     and mrir.res_instance_id = mgq.res_instance_id
2594     and nvl(mrir.serial_number, MBP_NULL_VALUE_CHAR) = nvl(mgq.serial_number, MBP_NULL_VALUE_CHAR)
2595     and mrir.end_date is not null
2596     and mrir.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
2597     and mrir.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
2598     and mrir.organization_id = mrr.organization_id
2599     and mrir.department_id = mrr.department_id
2600     and mrir.resource_id = mrr.resource_id
2601     and mrir.supply_id = mrr.supply_id
2602     and mrir.operation_seq_num = mrr.operation_seq_num
2603     and mrir.resource_seq_num = mrr.resource_seq_num
2604     and nvl(mrir.orig_resource_seq_num, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr.orig_resource_seq_num, mbp_null_value)
2605     and nvl(mrir.parent_seq_num, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr.parent_seq_num, mbp_null_value)
2606     and nvl(mrir.parent_id, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr.parent_id, mbp_null_value)
2607     and mrir.start_date = nvl(mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.start_date)
2608     and mrir.end_date = nvl(mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.end_date)
2609     and mrr.plan_id = ms.plan_id
2610     and mrr.sr_instance_id = ms.sr_instance_id
2611     and mrr.supply_id = ms.transaction_id
2612     and mrr.batch_number is null and mrr.end_date is not null and mrr.resource_hours > 0
2613     and nvl(mrr.parent_id, 2) = 2
2614     and nvl(mrr.status,-1) = 0
2615     and nvl(mrr.applied,-1) = 2
2616     and ( ( msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2617 	    mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied)
2618 	    between p_start_date and p_end_date
2619 	 )
2620          or ( msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2621 	    mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied)
2622 	    between p_start_date and p_end_date )
2623          or ( msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2624 	    mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) <= p_start_date
2625            and msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2626 	    mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) >= p_end_date )
2627        )
2628   union all
2629   select mgq.row_index,
2630     msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0), mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date,
2631         mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) start_date,
2632       msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0), mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date,
2633       mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) end_date,
2634     1 assigned_units,
2635     mrir.resource_instance_hours,
2636     mrr.batch_number,
2637     msc_gantt_utils.getResReqType(mrr.plan_id, mrr.schedule_flag, mrr.parent_seq_num, mrr.setup_id) schedule_flag,
2638     msc_gantt_utils.getDisplayType(p_display_type,
2639       msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2640   	mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied),
2641   	msc_gantt_utils.getResReqUlpsd(mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instancE_id, mrr.organization_id,
2642 	  mrr.department_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.supply_id, mrr.operation_seq_num, mrr.resource_seq_num,
2643 	  mrr.orig_resource_seq_num, mrr.parent_seq_num),
2644         mrr.firm_flag,
2645         msc_gantt_utils.isResConstraint(mrr.plan_id,
2646 	mrr.sr_instance_id, mrr.organization_id,
2647 	ms.inventory_item_id, mrr.department_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.supply_id),
2648         g_gantt_rh_toler_days_early,
2649         g_gantt_rh_toler_days_late) display_type
2650   from msc_gantt_query mgq,
2651     msc_resource_requirements mrr,
2652     msc_resource_requirements mrr1,
2653     msc_resource_instance_reqs mrir,
2654     msc_supplies ms
2655   where mgq.query_id = p_query_id
2656     and mgq.row_flag = SYS_YES
2657     and mgq.is_fetched = SYS_NO
2658     and mgq.res_instance_id <> MBP_NULL_VALUE
2659     and mrir.plan_id = mgq.plan_id
2660     and mrir.sr_instance_id = mgq.sr_instance_id
2661     and mrir.organization_id = mgq.organization_id
2662     and mrir.department_id = mgq.department_id
2663     and mrir.resource_id = mgq.resource_id
2664     and mrir.res_instance_id = mgq.res_instance_id
2665     and nvl(mrir.serial_number, MBP_NULL_VALUE_CHAR) = nvl(mgq.serial_number, MBP_NULL_VALUE_CHAR)
2666     and mrir.end_date is not null
2667     and mrir.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
2668     and mrir.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
2669     and mrir.organization_id = mrr.organization_id
2670     and mrir.department_id = mrr.department_id
2671     and mrir.resource_id = mrr.resource_id
2672     and mrir.supply_id = mrr.supply_id
2673     and mrir.operation_seq_num = mrr.operation_seq_num
2674     and mrir.resource_seq_num = mrr.resource_seq_num
2675     and nvl(mrir.orig_resource_seq_num, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr.orig_resource_seq_num, mbp_null_value)
2676     and nvl(mrir.parent_seq_num, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr.parent_seq_num, mbp_null_value)
2677     and nvl(mrir.parent_id, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr.parent_id, mbp_null_value)
2678     and mrir.start_date = nvl(mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.start_date)
2679     and mrir.end_date = nvl(mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.end_date)
2680     and mrr.plan_id = ms.plan_id
2681     and mrr.sr_instance_id = ms.sr_instance_id
2682     and mrr.supply_id = ms.transaction_id
2683     and mrr.plan_id = mrr1.plan_id
2684     and mrr.sr_instancE_id = mrr1.sr_instancE_id
2685     and mrr.organization_id = mrr1.organization_id
2686     and mrr.department_id = mrr1.department_id
2687     and mrr.resource_id = mrr1.resource_id
2688     and mrr.supply_id = mrr1.supply_id
2689     and mrr.operation_seq_num = mrr1.operation_seq_num
2690     and mrr.resource_seq_num = mrr1.resource_seq_num
2691     and nvl(mrr.orig_resource_seq_num, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr1.orig_resource_seq_num, mbp_null_value)
2692     and nvl(mrr.parent_seq_num, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr1.parent_seq_num, mbp_null_value)
2693     and mrr.batch_number is null and mrr.end_date is not null and mrr.resource_hours > 0
2694     and mrr1.batch_number is null and mrr1.end_date is not null and mrr1.resource_hours > 0
2695     and nvl(mrr1.parent_id, 2) = 2
2696     and nvl(mrr1.status,-1) <> 0
2697     and nvl(mrr1.applied,-1) <> 2
2698     and nvl(mrr.parent_id,-1) = 1
2699     and ( ( msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2700 	    mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied)
2701 	    between p_start_date and p_end_date
2702 	 )
2703          or ( msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2704 	    mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied)
2705 	    between p_start_date and p_end_date )
2706          or ( msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2707 	    mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) <= p_start_date
2708            and msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2709 	    mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) >= p_end_date )
2710        );
2712   cursor res_req_btch_cur is
2713   select mgq.row_index,
2714     min(msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0), mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date,
2715         mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied)) start_date,
2716     max(msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0), mrr.start_date,
2717         mrr.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied)) end_date,
2718     sum(mrr.capacity_consumed_ratio) assigned_units,
2719     avg(mrr.resource_hours) resource_hours,
2720     mrr.batch_number,
2721     msc_gantt_utils.getResReqType(mrr.plan_id, mrr.schedule_flag, mrr.parent_seq_num, mrr.setup_id) schedule_flag,
2722     decode(p_display_type, DISPLAY_NONE, sys_no,
2723       msc_gantt_utils.getDisplayType(p_display_type,
2724           msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2725   	  mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied),
2726   	  msc_gantt_utils.getResReqUlpsd(mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instancE_id, mrr.organization_id,
2727 	    mrr.department_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.supply_id, mrr.operation_seq_num, mrr.resource_seq_num,
2728 	    mrr.orig_resource_seq_num, mrr.parent_seq_num),
2729           mrr.firm_flag,
2730           msc_gantt_utils.isResConstraint(mrr.plan_id,
2731 	    mrr.sr_instance_id, mrr.organization_id,
2732 	    ms.inventory_item_id, mrr.department_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.supply_id),
2733           g_gantt_rh_toler_days_early,
2734           g_gantt_rh_toler_days_late)) display_type
2735   from msc_gantt_query mgq,
2736     msc_resource_requirements mrr,
2737     msc_resource_batches mrb,
2738     msc_supplies ms
2739   where mgq.query_id = p_query_id
2740     and mgq.row_flag = SYS_YES
2741     and mgq.is_fetched = SYS_NO
2742     and mgq.res_instance_id = MBP_NULL_VALUE
2743     and mrr.plan_id = mgq.plan_id
2744     and mrr.sr_instance_id = mgq.sr_instance_id
2745     and mrr.organization_id = mgq.organization_id
2746     and mrr.department_id = mgq.department_id
2747     and mrr.resource_id = mgq.resource_id
2748     and mrb.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
2749     and mrb.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
2750     and mrb.organization_id= mrr.organization_id
2751     and mrb.department_id = mrr.department_id
2752     and mrb.resource_id = mrr.resource_id
2753     and mrb.batch_number = mrr.batch_number
2754     and mrr.plan_id = ms.plan_id
2755     and mrr.sr_instance_id = ms.sr_instance_id
2756     and mrr.supply_id = ms.transaction_id
2757     and mrr.batch_number is not null and mrr.end_date is not null and mrr.resource_hours > 0
2758     and nvl(mrr.parent_id, 2) = 2
2759     and nvl(mrr.status,-1) = 0
2760     and nvl(mrr.applied,-1) = 2
2761     and ( ( msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2762 	    mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied)
2763 	    between p_start_date and p_end_date
2764 	 )
2765          or ( msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2766 	    mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied)
2767 	    between p_start_date and p_end_date )
2768          or ( msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2769 	    mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) <= p_start_date
2770            and msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2771 	    mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) >= p_end_date )
2772        )
2773     group by
2774     mgq.row_index,
2775     mrr.batch_number,
2776     msc_gantt_utils.getResReqType(mrr.plan_id, mrr.schedule_flag, mrr.parent_seq_num, mrr.setup_id),
2777     msc_gantt_utils.getDisplayType(p_display_type,
2778         msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2779   	mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied),
2780         msc_gantt_utils.getResReqUlpsd(mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instancE_id, mrr.organization_id,
2781 	  mrr.department_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.supply_id, mrr.operation_seq_num, mrr.resource_seq_num,
2782 	  mrr.orig_resource_seq_num, mrr.parent_seq_num),
2783         mrr.firm_flag,
2784         msc_gantt_utils.isResConstraint(mrr.plan_id,
2785 	  mrr.sr_instance_id, mrr.organization_id,
2786 	  ms.inventory_item_id, mrr.department_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.supply_id),
2787         g_gantt_rh_toler_days_early,
2788         g_gantt_rh_toler_days_late)
2789   union all
2790   select mgq.row_index,
2791     min(msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0), mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date,
2792         mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied)) start_date,
2793     max(msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0), mrr.start_date,
2794         mrr.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied)) end_date,
2795     sum(mrr.capacity_consumed_ratio) assigned_units,
2796     avg(mrr.resource_hours) resource_hours,
2797     mrr.batch_number,
2798     msc_gantt_utils.getResReqType(mrr.plan_id, mrr.schedule_flag, mrr.parent_seq_num, mrr.setup_id) schedule_flag,
2799     decode(p_display_type, DISPLAY_NONE, sys_no,
2800       msc_gantt_utils.getDisplayType(p_display_type,
2801           msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2802   	  mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied),
2803   	  msc_gantt_utils.getResReqUlpsd(mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instancE_id, mrr.organization_id,
2804 	    mrr.department_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.supply_id, mrr.operation_seq_num, mrr.resource_seq_num,
2805 	    mrr.orig_resource_seq_num, mrr.parent_seq_num),
2806           mrr.firm_flag,
2807           msc_gantt_utils.isResConstraint(mrr.plan_id,
2808 	    mrr.sr_instance_id, mrr.organization_id,
2809 	    ms.inventory_item_id, mrr.department_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.supply_id),
2810           g_gantt_rh_toler_days_early,
2811           g_gantt_rh_toler_days_late)) display_type
2812   from msc_gantt_query mgq,
2813     msc_resource_requirements mrr,
2814     msc_resource_requirements mrr1,
2815     msc_resource_batches mrb,
2816     msc_supplies ms
2817   where mgq.query_id = p_query_id
2818     and mgq.row_flag = SYS_YES
2819     and mgq.is_fetched = SYS_NO
2820     and mgq.res_instance_id = MBP_NULL_VALUE
2821     and mrr.plan_id = mgq.plan_id
2822     and mrr.sr_instance_id = mgq.sr_instance_id
2823     and mrr.organization_id = mgq.organization_id
2824     and mrr.department_id = mgq.department_id
2825     and mrr.resource_id = mgq.resource_id
2826     and mrb.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
2827     and mrb.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
2828     and mrb.organization_id= mrr.organization_id
2829     and mrb.department_id = mrr.department_id
2830     and mrb.resource_id = mrr.resource_id
2831     and mrb.batch_number = mrr.batch_number
2832     and mrr.plan_id = ms.plan_id
2833     and mrr.sr_instance_id = ms.sr_instance_id
2834     and mrr.supply_id = ms.transaction_id
2835     and mrr.plan_id = mrr1.plan_id
2836     and mrr.sr_instancE_id = mrr1.sr_instancE_id
2837     and mrr.organization_id = mrr1.organization_id
2838     and mrr.department_id = mrr1.department_id
2839     and mrr.resource_id = mrr1.resource_id
2840     and mrr.supply_id = mrr1.supply_id
2841     and mrr.operation_seq_num = mrr1.operation_seq_num
2842     and mrr.resource_seq_num = mrr1.resource_seq_num
2843     and nvl(mrr.orig_resource_seq_num, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr1.orig_resource_seq_num, mbp_null_value)
2844     and nvl(mrr.parent_seq_num, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr1.parent_seq_num, mbp_null_value)
2845     and mrr.batch_number is not null and mrr.end_date is not null and mrr.resource_hours > 0
2846     and mrr1.batch_number is not null and mrr1.end_date is not null and mrr1.resource_hours > 0
2847     and nvl(mrr1.parent_id, 2) = 2
2848     and nvl(mrr1.status,-1) <> 0
2849     and nvl(mrr1.applied,-1) <> 2
2850     and nvl(mrr.parent_id,-1) = 1
2851     and ( ( msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2852 	    mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied)
2853 	    between p_start_date and p_end_date
2854 	 )
2855          or ( msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2856 	    mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied)
2857 	    between p_start_date and p_end_date )
2858          or ( msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2859 	    mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) <= p_start_date
2860            and msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2861 	    mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) >= p_end_date )
2862        )
2863     group by
2864     mgq.row_index,
2865     mrr.batch_number,
2866     msc_gantt_utils.getResReqType(mrr.plan_id, mrr.schedule_flag, mrr.parent_seq_num, mrr.setup_id),
2867     msc_gantt_utils.getDisplayType(p_display_type,
2868         msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2869   	mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied),
2870         msc_gantt_utils.getResReqUlpsd(mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instancE_id, mrr.organization_id,
2871 	  mrr.department_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.supply_id, mrr.operation_seq_num, mrr.resource_seq_num,
2872 	  mrr.orig_resource_seq_num, mrr.parent_seq_num),
2873         mrr.firm_flag,
2874         msc_gantt_utils.isResConstraint(mrr.plan_id,
2875 	  mrr.sr_instance_id, mrr.organization_id,
2876 	  ms.inventory_item_id, mrr.department_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.supply_id),
2877         g_gantt_rh_toler_days_early,
2878         g_gantt_rh_toler_days_late);
2880   cursor res_inst_req_btch_cur is
2881   select mgq.row_index,
2882      min(msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0), mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date,
2883         mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied)) start_date,
2884     max(msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0), mrir.start_date,
2885         mrir.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied)) end_date,
2886     sum(mrir.capacity_consumed_ratio) assigned_units,
2887     avg(mrir.resource_instance_hours) resource_hours,
2888     mrir.batch_number,
2889     msc_gantt_utils.getResReqType(mrr.plan_id, mrr.schedule_flag, mrr.parent_seq_num, mrr.setup_id) schedule_flag,
2890     decode(p_display_type, DISPLAY_NONE, sys_no,
2891       msc_gantt_utils.getDisplayType(p_display_type,
2892           msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2893   	  mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied),
2894   	  msc_gantt_utils.getResReqUlpsd(mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instancE_id, mrr.organization_id,
2895 	    mrr.department_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.supply_id, mrr.operation_seq_num, mrr.resource_seq_num,
2896 	    mrr.orig_resource_seq_num, mrr.parent_seq_num),
2897           mrr.firm_flag,
2898           msc_gantt_utils.isResConstraint(mrr.plan_id,
2899 	    mrr.sr_instance_id, mrr.organization_id,
2900 	    ms.inventory_item_id, mrr.department_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.supply_id),
2901           g_gantt_rh_toler_days_early,
2902           g_gantt_rh_toler_days_late)) display_type
2903   from msc_gantt_query mgq,
2904     msc_resource_requirements mrr,
2905     msc_resource_instance_reqs mrir,
2906     msc_resource_batches mrb,
2907     msc_supplies ms
2908   where mgq.query_id = p_query_id
2909     and mgq.row_flag = SYS_YES
2910     and mgq.is_fetched = SYS_NO
2911     and mgq.res_instance_id <> MBP_NULL_VALUE
2912     and mrir.plan_id = mgq.plan_id
2913     and mrir.sr_instance_id = mgq.sr_instance_id
2914     and mrir.organization_id = mgq.organization_id
2915     and mrir.department_id = mgq.department_id
2916     and mrir.resource_id = mgq.resource_id
2917     and mrir.res_instance_id = mgq.res_instance_id
2918     and nvl(mrir.serial_number, MBP_NULL_VALUE_CHAR) = nvl(mgq.serial_number, MBP_NULL_VALUE_CHAR)
2919     and mrir.end_date is not null
2920     and mrir.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
2921     and mrir.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
2922     and mrir.organization_id = mrr.organization_id
2923     and mrir.department_id = mrr.department_id
2924     and mrir.resource_id = mrr.resource_id
2925     and mrir.supply_id = mrr.supply_id
2926     and mrir.resource_seq_num = mrr.resource_seq_num
2927     and mrir.operation_seq_num = mrr.operation_seq_num
2928     and nvl(mrir.orig_resource_seq_num, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr.orig_resource_seq_num, mbp_null_value)
2929     and nvl(mrir.parent_seq_num, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr.parent_seq_num, mbp_null_value)
2930     and nvl(mrir.parent_id, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr.parent_id, mbp_null_value)
2931     and mrir.start_date = nvl(mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.start_date)
2932     and mrir.end_date = nvl(mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.end_date)
2933     and mrb.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
2934     and mrb.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
2935     and mrb.organization_id= mrr.organization_id
2936     and mrb.department_id = mrr.department_id
2937     and mrb.resource_id = mrr.resource_id
2938     and mrb.batch_number = mrr.batch_number
2939     and mrr.plan_id = ms.plan_id
2940     and mrr.sr_instance_id = ms.sr_instance_id
2941     and mrr.supply_id = ms.transaction_id
2942     and mrr.batch_number is not null and mrr.end_date is not null and mrr.resource_hours > 0
2943     and nvl(mrr.parent_id, 2) = 2
2944     and nvl(mrr.status,-1) = 0
2945     and nvl(mrr.applied,-1) = 2
2946     and ( ( msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2947 	    mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied)
2948 	    between p_start_date and p_end_date
2949 	 )
2950          or ( msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2951 	    mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied)
2952 	    between p_start_date and p_end_date )
2953          or ( msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2954 	    mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) <= p_start_date
2955            and msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2956 	    mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) >= p_end_date )
2957        )
2958     group by
2959     mgq.row_index,
2960     mrir.batch_number,
2961     msc_gantt_utils.getResReqType(mrr.plan_id, mrr.schedule_flag, mrr.parent_seq_num, mrr.setup_id),
2962     msc_gantt_utils.getDisplayType(p_display_type,
2963       msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2964   	mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied),
2965 	msc_gantt_utils.getResReqUlpsd(mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instancE_id, mrr.organization_id,
2966 	  mrr.department_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.supply_id, mrr.operation_seq_num, mrr.resource_seq_num,
2967 	  mrr.orig_resource_seq_num, mrr.parent_seq_num),
2968         mrr.firm_flag,
2969         msc_gantt_utils.isResConstraint(mrr.plan_id,
2970 	  mrr.sr_instance_id, mrr.organization_id,
2971 	  ms.inventory_item_id, mrr.department_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.supply_id),
2972         g_gantt_rh_toler_days_early,
2973         g_gantt_rh_toler_days_late)
2974   union all
2975   select mgq.row_index,
2976      min(msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0), mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date,
2977         mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied)) start_date,
2978     max(msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0), mrir.start_date,
2979         mrir.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied)) end_date,
2980     sum(mrir.capacity_consumed_ratio) assigned_units,
2981     avg(mrir.resource_instance_hours) resource_hours,
2982     mrir.batch_number,
2983     msc_gantt_utils.getResReqType(mrr.plan_id, mrr.schedule_flag, mrr.parent_seq_num, mrr.setup_id) schedule_flag,
2984     decode(p_display_type, DISPLAY_NONE, sys_no,
2985       msc_gantt_utils.getDisplayType(p_display_type,
2986         msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
2987   	  mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied),
2988   	  msc_gantt_utils.getResReqUlpsd(mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instancE_id, mrr.organization_id,
2989 	    mrr.department_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.supply_id, mrr.operation_seq_num, mrr.resource_seq_num,
2990 	    mrr.orig_resource_seq_num, mrr.parent_seq_num),
2991           mrr.firm_flag,
2992           msc_gantt_utils.isResConstraint(mrr.plan_id,
2993 	    mrr.sr_instance_id, mrr.organization_id,
2994 	    ms.inventory_item_id, mrr.department_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.supply_id),
2995           g_gantt_rh_toler_days_early,
2996           g_gantt_rh_toler_days_late)) display_type
2997   from msc_gantt_query mgq,
2998     msc_resource_requirements mrr,
2999     msc_resource_requirements mrr1,
3000     msc_resource_batches mrb,
3001     msc_resource_instance_reqs mrir,
3002     msc_supplies ms
3003   where mgq.query_id = p_query_id
3004     and mgq.row_flag = SYS_YES
3005     and mgq.is_fetched = SYS_NO
3006     and mgq.res_instance_id <> MBP_NULL_VALUE
3007     and mrir.plan_id = mgq.plan_id
3008     and mrir.sr_instance_id = mgq.sr_instance_id
3009     and mrir.organization_id = mgq.organization_id
3010     and mrir.department_id = mgq.department_id
3011     and mrir.resource_id = mgq.resource_id
3012     and mrir.res_instance_id = mgq.res_instance_id
3013     and nvl(mrir.serial_number, MBP_NULL_VALUE_CHAR) = nvl(mgq.serial_number, MBP_NULL_VALUE_CHAR)
3014     and mrir.end_date is not null
3015     and mrir.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
3016     and mrir.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
3017     and mrir.organization_id = mrr.organization_id
3018     and mrir.department_id = mrr.department_id
3019     and mrir.resource_id = mrr.resource_id
3020     and mrir.supply_id = mrr.supply_id
3021     and mrir.resource_seq_num = mrr.resource_seq_num
3022     and mrir.operation_seq_num = mrr.operation_seq_num
3023     and nvl(mrir.orig_resource_seq_num, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr.orig_resource_seq_num, mbp_null_value)
3024     and nvl(mrir.parent_seq_num, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr.parent_seq_num, mbp_null_value)
3025     and nvl(mrir.parent_id, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr.parent_id, mbp_null_value)
3026     and mrir.start_date = nvl(mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.start_date)
3027     and mrir.end_date = nvl(mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.end_date)
3028     and mrb.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
3029     and mrb.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
3030     and mrb.organization_id= mrr.organization_id
3031     and mrb.department_id = mrr.department_id
3032     and mrb.resource_id = mrr.resource_id
3033     and mrb.batch_number = mrr.batch_number
3034     and mrr.plan_id = ms.plan_id
3035     and mrr.sr_instance_id = ms.sr_instance_id
3036     and mrr.supply_id = ms.transaction_id
3037     and mrr.plan_id = mrr1.plan_id
3038     and mrr.sr_instancE_id = mrr1.sr_instancE_id
3039     and mrr.organization_id = mrr1.organization_id
3040     and mrr.department_id = mrr1.department_id
3041     and mrr.resource_id = mrr1.resource_id
3042     and mrr.supply_id = mrr1.supply_id
3043     and mrr.operation_seq_num = mrr1.operation_seq_num
3044     and mrr.resource_seq_num = mrr1.resource_seq_num
3045     and nvl(mrr.orig_resource_seq_num, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr1.orig_resource_seq_num, mbp_null_value)
3046     and nvl(mrr.parent_seq_num, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr1.parent_seq_num, mbp_null_value)
3047     and mrr.batch_number is not null and mrr.end_date is not null and mrr.resource_hours > 0
3048     and mrr1.batch_number is not null and mrr1.end_date is not null and mrr1.resource_hours > 0
3049     and nvl(mrr1.parent_id, 2) = 2
3050     and nvl(mrr1.status,-1) <> 0
3051     and nvl(mrr1.applied,-1) <> 2
3052     and nvl(mrr.parent_id,-1) = 1
3053     and ( ( msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
3054 	    mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied)
3055 	    between p_start_date and p_end_date
3056 	 )
3057          or ( msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
3058 	    mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied)
3059 	    between p_start_date and p_end_date )
3060          or ( msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
3061 	    mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) <= p_start_date
3062            and msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
3063 	    mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) >= p_end_date )
3064        )
3065     group by
3066     mgq.row_index,
3067     mrir.batch_number,
3068     msc_gantt_utils.getResReqType(mrr.plan_id, mrr.schedule_flag, mrr.parent_seq_num, mrr.setup_id),
3069     msc_gantt_utils.getDisplayType(p_display_type,
3070         msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
3071   	mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied),
3072 	msc_gantt_utils.getResReqUlpsd(mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instancE_id, mrr.organization_id,
3073 	  mrr.department_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.supply_id, mrr.operation_seq_num, mrr.resource_seq_num,
3074 	  mrr.orig_resource_seq_num, mrr.parent_seq_num),
3075         mrr.firm_flag,
3076         msc_gantt_utils.isResConstraint(mrr.plan_id,
3077 	  mrr.sr_instance_id, mrr.organization_id,
3078 	  ms.inventory_item_id, mrr.department_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.supply_id),
3079         g_gantt_rh_toler_days_early,
3080         g_gantt_rh_toler_days_late);
3082   l_res_rows number;
3083   l_res_inst_rows number;
3084   l_res_batch_rows number;
3085   l_res_inst_batch_rows number;
3087 begin
3089   --l_res_rows := msc_gantt_utils.isResRowInGantt(p_query_id, sys_no, sys_no, sys_yes);
3090   --l_res_inst_rows := msc_gantt_utils.isResRowInGantt(p_query_id, sys_yes, sys_no, sys_yes);
3091   --l_res_batch_rows := msc_gantt_utils.isResRowInGantt(p_query_id, sys_no, sys_yes);
3092   --l_res_inst_batch_rows := msc_gantt_utils.isResRowInGantt(p_query_id, sys_yes, sys_yes);
3093   --4997096 bugfix, instead calls the below procedure
3094   msc_gantt_utils.isResRowInGantt(p_query_id, l_res_rows, l_res_inst_rows, l_res_batch_rows, l_res_inst_batch_rows);
3096   put_line('populateResReqGanttNew: res - res inst - res batch - res inst batch: '||
3097     l_res_rows ||' - '|| l_res_inst_rows ||' - '|| l_res_batch_rows
3098     ||' - '|| l_res_inst_batch_rows);
3100   if ( l_res_rows = sys_yes ) then
3101     open res_req_cur;
3102     fetch res_req_cur bulk collect into v_row_index, v_req_start,
3103       v_req_end, v_resource_units, v_resource_hours, v_batch, v_schedule_flag,
3104       v_display_type;
3105     close res_req_cur;
3107     put_line('populateResReqGanttNew: NEW LOGIC res req rows: '||v_row_index.count);
3109     populateResDtlTabIntoGantt(p_query_id, RES_REQ_ROW_TYPE, v_row_index,
3110       v_req_start, v_req_end, v_resource_units, v_resource_hours, v_schedule_flag, SUMMARY_DATA,
3111       v_display_type);
3112   end if;
3114   if ( l_res_batch_rows = sys_yes ) then
3115     open res_req_btch_cur;
3116     fetch res_req_btch_cur bulk collect into v_row_index, v_req_start,
3117       v_req_end, v_resource_units, v_resource_hours, v_batch, v_schedule_flag,
3118       v_display_type;
3119     close res_req_btch_cur;
3121     put_line('populateResReqGanttNew: NEW LOGIC batch res req rows: '||v_row_index.count);
3123     populateResDtlTabIntoGantt(p_query_id, RES_REQ_ROW_TYPE, v_row_index,
3124      v_req_start, v_req_end, v_resource_units, v_resource_hours, v_schedule_flag, SUMMARY_DATA,
3125      v_display_type, sys_yes);
3126   end if;
3128   if ( l_res_inst_rows = sys_yes ) then
3129     open res_inst_req_cur;
3130     fetch res_inst_req_cur bulk collect into v_row_index, v_req_start,
3131       v_req_end, v_resource_units, v_resource_hours, v_batch, v_schedule_flag,
3132       v_display_type;
3133     close res_inst_req_cur;
3135     put_line('populateResReqGanttNew: NEW LOGIC res inst req rows: '||v_row_index.count);
3137     populateResDtlTabIntoGantt(p_query_id, RES_REQ_ROW_TYPE, v_row_index,
3138       v_req_start, v_req_end, v_resource_units, v_resource_hours, v_schedule_flag, SUMMARY_DATA,
3139       v_display_type);
3141   end if;
3143   if ( l_res_inst_batch_rows = sys_yes ) then
3144     open res_inst_req_btch_cur;
3145     fetch res_inst_req_btch_cur bulk collect into v_row_index, v_req_start,
3146       v_req_end, v_resource_units, v_resource_hours, v_batch, v_schedule_flag,
3147       v_display_type;
3148     close res_inst_req_btch_cur;
3150     put_line('populateResReqGanttNew: NEW LOGIC batch res inst req rows: '||v_row_index.count);
3152     populateResDtlTabIntoGantt(p_query_id, RES_REQ_ROW_TYPE, v_row_index,
3153       v_req_start, v_req_end, v_resource_units, v_resource_hours, v_schedule_flag, SUMMARY_DATA,
3154       v_display_type, sys_yes);
3156   end if;
3158 end populateResReqGanttNew;
3160 function isResRowValidforResActView(p_plan number, p_inst number, p_org number,
3161   p_dept number, p_res number, p_start_date date, p_end_date date) return number is
3163   cursor c_res_row is
3164   select sys_yes
3165   from msc_plan_organizations mpo,
3166     msc_resource_requirements mrr,
3167     msc_department_resources mdr,
3168     msc_plans mp
3169   where mrr.plan_id = p_plan
3170     and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst
3171     and mrr.organization_id = p_org
3172     and mrr.department_id = p_dept
3173     and mrr.resource_id = p_res
3174     and mdr.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
3175     and mdr.organization_id = mrr.organization_id
3176     and mdr.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
3177     and mdr.department_id = mrr.department_id
3178     and mdr.resource_id = mrr.resource_id
3179     and mrr.plan_id = mpo.plan_id
3180     and mrr.sr_instance_id = mpo.sr_instance_id
3181     and mrr.organization_id = mpo.organization_id
3182     and mrr.plan_id = mp.plan_id
3183     and ( ( nvl(curr_ds_enabled_flag, ds_enabled_flag) = 2 or nvl(mdr.schedule_to_instance, sys_no) = sys_no )
3184           or ( nvl(curr_ds_enabled_flag, ds_enabled_flag) = 1
3185 	    and ( nvl(mdr.schedule_to_instance, sys_no) = sys_yes
3186                   and p_start_date >= nvl(mp.min_cutoff_bucket,0)+mp.data_start_date )
3187 	    ));
3189   l_temp varchar2(10);
3190 begin
3191   open c_res_row;
3192   fetch c_res_row into l_temp;
3193   close c_res_row;
3194   return l_temp;
3195 end isResRowValidforResActView;
3197 procedure populateResActGantt(p_query_id number,
3198   p_start_date date, p_end_date date,
3199   p_batched_res_act number,
3200   p_require_data IN OUT NOCOPY msc_gantt_utils.maxCharTbl,
3201   p_display_type number) is
3203  cursor res_act_cur is
3204  select mgq.row_index,
3205    mrr.sr_instance_id,
3206    mrr.organization_id,
3207    mrr.supply_id,
3208    mrr.transaction_id,
3209    nvl(mrr.status,0) status,
3210    nvl(mrr.applied,0) applied,
3211    nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0) res_firm_flag,
3212    ms.firm_planned_type sup_firm_flag,
3213    msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0), mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date,
3214      mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) start_date,
3215    msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0), mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date,
3216      mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) end_date,
3217    msc_gantt_utils.getResReqType(mrr.plan_id, mrr.schedule_flag, mrr.parent_seq_num, mrr.setup_id) schedule_flag,
3218    msc_gantt_utils.isResConstraint(mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instance_id,
3219      mrr.organization_id, ms.inventory_item_id,
3220      mrr.department_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.supply_id) res_constraint,
3221    ms.new_order_quantity qty,
3222    nvl(mrr.batch_number, mbp_null_value),
3223    mrr.assigned_units,
3224    nvl(mrr.group_sequence_id, mbp_null_value),
3225    nvl(mrr.group_sequence_number, mbp_null_value),
3226    mrr.earliest_start_date,
3227    mrr.earliest_completion_date,
3228    mrr.ulpsd,
3229    mrr.ulpcd,
3230    mrr.uepsd,
3231    mrr.uepcd,
3232    mrr.eacd,
3233    msc_gantt_utils.getResActResNodeLabel(mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instance_id, mrr.transaction_id) bar_text,
3234      ms.inventory_item_id,
3235      msc_get_name.supply_order_number(ms.order_type, ms.order_number, ms.plan_id,
3236        ms.sr_instance_id, ms.transaction_id, ms.disposition_id) order_number,
3237      mrr.operation_seq_num,
3238      mrr.resource_seq_num,
3239     mdr.resource_description,
3240       mi.item_name item,
3241       mi2.description assembly_item_desc,
3242       decode(mrr.resource_hours, 0, to_number(null),
3243         nvl(mrr.cummulative_quantity,ms.new_order_quantity)) schedule_qty,
3244   decode(mrr.from_setup_id,
3245     to_number(null), null,
3246     msc_get_name.setup_code(mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instance_id, mrr.resource_id,
3247       mrr.organization_id, mrr.from_setup_id)) from_setup_code,
3248   decode(mrr.setup_id,
3249     to_number(null), null,
3250     msc_get_name.setup_code(mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instance_id, mrr.resource_id,
3251       mrr.organization_id, mrr.setup_id)) to_setup_code,
3252   decode(mrr.from_setup_id,
3253     to_number(null), null,
3254     msc_gantt_utils.getTansitionValue(mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instance_id,
3255       mrr.organization_id, mrr.department_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.from_setup_id,
3256         mrr.setup_id, 'STANDARD_OPERATION_CODE')) std_op_code,
3257   decode(mrr.from_setup_id,
3258     to_number(null), null,
3259     msc_gantt_utils.getTansitionValue(mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instance_id, mrr.organization_id,
3260       mrr.department_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.from_setup_id,
3261       mrr.setup_id, 'TRANSITION_TIME')) changeover_time,
3262   decode(mrr.from_setup_id,
3263     to_number(null), null,
3264     msc_gantt_utils.getTansitionValue(mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instance_id, mrr.organization_id,
3265     mrr.department_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.from_setup_id,
3266     mrr.setup_id, 'TRANSITION_PENALTY')) changeover_penalty,
3267    msc_gantt_utils.isResOverload(mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instance_id,
3268      mrr.organization_id, ms.inventory_item_id,
3269      mrr.department_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.supply_id) res_overload
3270  from msc_resource_requirements mrr,
3271    msc_department_resources mdr,
3272    msc_supplies ms,
3273    msc_items mi,
3274    msc_items mi2,
3275    msc_gantt_query mgq,
3276    msc_plan_organizations mpo,
3277    msc_plans mp
3278  where mgq.query_id = p_query_id
3279    and mgq.row_flag = SYS_YES
3280    and (    ( p_batched_res_act = RES_REQ_ROW_TYPE )
3281          or ( p_batched_res_act = RES_ACT_BATCHED_ROW_TYPE and ( nvl(mdr.batchable_flag,2) = 2 or mrr.batch_number is null) ) )
3282    and mgq.is_fetched = SYS_NO
3283    and mgq.res_instance_id = MBP_NULL_VALUE
3284    and mrr.plan_id = mgq.plan_id
3285    and mrr.sr_instance_id = mgq.sr_instance_id
3286    and mrr.organization_id = mgq.organization_id
3287    and mrr.department_id = mgq.department_id
3288    and mrr.resource_id = mgq.resource_id
3289    and mrr.end_date is not null
3290    and nvl(mrr.parent_id,2) =2
3291    and ( ( msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
3292 	    mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied)
3293 	    between p_start_date and p_end_date
3294 	 )
3295          or ( msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
3296 	    mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied)
3297 	    between p_start_date and p_end_date )
3298          or ( msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
3299 	    mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) <= p_start_date
3300            and msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
3301 	    mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) >= p_end_date )
3302        )
3303    and mrr.plan_id = mdr.plan_id
3304    and mrr.organization_id = mdr.organization_id
3305    and mrr.sr_instance_id = mdr.sr_instance_id
3306    and mrr.department_id = mdr.department_id
3307    and mrr.resource_id = mdr.resource_id
3308    and ms.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
3309    and ms.transaction_id = mrr.supply_id
3310    and ms.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
3311    and ms.inventory_item_id = mi.inventory_item_id
3312    and mrr.assembly_item_id = mi2.inventory_item_id
3313    and mrr.plan_id = mpo.plan_id
3314    and mrr.sr_instance_id = mpo.sr_instance_id
3315    and mrr.organization_id = mpo.organization_id
3316    and mrr.plan_id = mp.plan_id
3317    and ( ( nvl(mpo.curr_ds_enabled_flag, mpo.ds_enabled_flag) = 2 or nvl(mdr.schedule_to_instance, sys_no) = sys_no )
3318           or ( nvl(mpo.curr_ds_enabled_flag, mpo.ds_enabled_flag) = 1
3319 	    and ( nvl(mdr.schedule_to_instance, sys_no) = sys_yes
3320                   and p_start_date >= nvl(mp.min_cutoff_bucket,0)+mp.data_start_date )
3321 	    ));
3323  cursor res_inst_act_cur is
3324  select mgq.row_index,
3325    mrr.sr_instance_id,
3326    mrr.organization_id,
3327    mrr.supply_id,
3328    mrir.res_inst_transaction_id,
3329    nvl(mrr.status,0) status,
3330    nvl(mrr.applied,0) applied,
3331    nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0) res_firm_flag,
3332    ms.firm_planned_type sup_firm_flag,
3333    msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0), mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date,
3334     mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) start_date,
3335    msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0), mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date,
3336     mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) end_date,
3337    msc_gantt_utils.getResReqType(mrr.plan_id, mrr.schedule_flag, mrr.parent_seq_num, mrr.setup_id) schedule_flag,
3338    msc_gantt_utils.isResConstraint(mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instance_id,
3339      mrr.organization_id, ms.inventory_item_id,
3340      mrr.department_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.supply_id) res_constraint,
3341    ms.new_order_quantity qty,
3342    nvl(mrir.batch_number, mbp_null_value),
3343    1 assigned_units,
3344    nvl(mrr.group_sequence_id, mbp_null_value),
3345    nvl(mrr.group_sequence_number, mbp_null_value),
3346    mrr.earliest_start_date,
3347    mrr.earliest_completion_date,
3348    mrr.ulpsd,
3349    mrr.ulpcd,
3350    mrr.uepsd,
3351    mrr.uepcd,
3352    mrr.eacd,
3353    msc_gantt_utils.getResActResNodeLabel(mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instance_id, mrr.transaction_id) bar_text,
3354      ms.inventory_item_id,
3355      msc_get_name.supply_order_number(ms.order_type, ms.order_number, ms.plan_id,
3356        ms.sr_instance_id, ms.transaction_id, ms.disposition_id) order_number,
3357      mrr.operation_seq_num,
3358      mrr.resource_seq_num,
3359     mdr.resource_description,
3360       mi.item_name item,
3361       mi2.description assembly_item_desc,
3362       decode(mrr.resource_hours, 0, to_number(null),
3363         nvl(mrr.cummulative_quantity,ms.new_order_quantity)) schedule_qty,
3364   decode(mrr.from_setup_id,
3365     to_number(null), null,
3366     msc_get_name.setup_code(mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instance_id, mrr.resource_id,
3367       mrr.organization_id, mrr.from_setup_id)) from_setup_code,
3368   decode(mrr.setup_id,
3369     to_number(null), null,
3370     msc_get_name.setup_code(mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instance_id, mrr.resource_id,
3371       mrr.organization_id, mrr.setup_id)) to_setup_code,
3372   decode(mrr.from_setup_id,
3373     to_number(null), null,
3374     msc_gantt_utils.getTansitionValue(mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instance_id,
3375       mrr.organization_id, mrr.department_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.from_setup_id,
3376         mrr.setup_id, 'STANDARD_OPERATION_CODE')) std_op_code,
3377   decode(mrr.from_setup_id,
3378     to_number(null), null,
3379     msc_gantt_utils.getTansitionValue(mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instance_id, mrr.organization_id,
3380       mrr.department_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.from_setup_id,
3381       mrr.setup_id, 'TRANSITION_TIME')) changeover_time,
3382   decode(mrr.from_setup_id,
3383     to_number(null), null,
3384     msc_gantt_utils.getTansitionValue(mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instance_id, mrr.organization_id,
3385     mrr.department_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.from_setup_id,
3386     mrr.setup_id, 'TRANSITION_PENALTY')) changeover_penalty,
3387    msc_gantt_utils.isResOverload(mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instance_id,
3388      mrr.organization_id, ms.inventory_item_id,
3389      mrr.department_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.supply_id) res_overload
3390  from msc_resource_instance_reqs mrir,
3391    msc_resource_requirements mrr,
3392    msc_department_resources mdr,
3393    msc_supplies ms,
3394    msc_items mi,
3395    msc_items mi2,
3396    msc_gantt_query mgq
3397  where mgq.query_id = p_query_id
3398    and mgq.row_flag = SYS_YES
3399    and (    ( p_batched_res_act = RES_REQ_ROW_TYPE )
3400          or ( p_batched_res_act = RES_ACT_BATCHED_ROW_TYPE and ( nvl(mdr.batchable_flag,2) = 2  or mrir.batch_number is null )) )
3401    and mgq.is_fetched = SYS_NO
3402    and mgq.res_instance_id <> MBP_NULL_VALUE
3403    and mrir.plan_id = mgq.plan_id
3404    and mrir.sr_instance_id = mgq.sr_instance_id
3405    and mrir.organization_id = mgq.organization_id
3406    and mrir.department_id = mgq.department_id
3407    and mrir.resource_id = mgq.resource_id
3408    and mrir.res_instance_id = mgq.res_instance_id
3409    and nvl(mrir.serial_number, MBP_NULL_VALUE_CHAR) = nvl(mgq.serial_number, MBP_NULL_VALUE_CHAR)
3410    and mrir.end_date is not null
3411    and nvl(mrir.parent_id,2) =2
3412    and mrir.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
3413    and mrir.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
3414    and mrir.organization_id = mrr.organization_id
3415    and mrir.department_id = mrr.department_id
3416    and mrir.resource_id = mrr.resource_id
3417    and mrir.supply_id = mrr.supply_id
3418    and mrir.operation_seq_num = mrr.operation_seq_num
3419    and mrir.resource_seq_num = mrr.resource_seq_num
3420    and nvl(mrir.orig_resource_seq_num, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr.orig_resource_seq_num, mbp_null_value)
3421    and nvl(mrir.parent_seq_num, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr.parent_seq_num, mbp_null_value)
3422    and nvl(mrir.parent_id, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr.parent_id, mbp_null_value)
3423    and mrir.start_date = nvl(mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.start_date)
3424    and mrir.end_date = nvl(mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.end_date)
3425    and nvl(mrr.parent_id, 2) = 2
3426    and ( ( msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
3427 	    mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied)
3428 	    between p_start_date and p_end_date
3429 	 )
3430          or ( msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
3431 	    mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied)
3432 	    between p_start_date and p_end_date )
3433          or ( msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
3434 	    mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) <= p_start_date
3435            and msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
3436 	    mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) >= p_end_date )
3437        )
3438    and ms.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
3439    and ms.transaction_id = mrr.supply_id
3440    and ms.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
3441    and mrr.plan_id = mdr.plan_id
3442    and mrr.organization_id = mdr.organization_id
3443    and mrr.sr_instance_id = mdr.sr_instance_id
3444    and mrr.department_id = mdr.department_id
3445    and mrr.resource_id = mdr.resource_id
3446    and ms.inventory_item_id = mi.inventory_item_id
3447    and mrr.assembly_item_id = mi2.inventory_item_id;
3449  cursor res_act_batch_cur is
3450  select mgq.row_index,
3451    mrr.sr_instance_id,
3452    mrr.organization_id,
3453   msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0), mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date,
3454     mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) start_date,
3455   msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0), mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date,
3456     mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) end_date,
3457     msc_gantt_utils.getResReqType(mrr.plan_id, mrr.schedule_flag, mrr.parent_seq_num, mrr.setup_id) schedule_flag,
3458     sum(ms.new_order_quantity) qty,
3459     mrr.batch_number,
3460   msc_gantt_utils.getResBatchNodeLabel(
3461      nvl(decode(mrr.setup_id,
3462        to_number(null), null_space,
3463         msc_gantt_utils.getSetupCode(mrr.plan_id,
3464           mrr.sr_instance_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.setup_id)),
3465        null_space),
3466     msc_get_name.org_code(mrr.organization_id, mrr.sr_instance_id),
3467     to_char(sum(ms.new_order_quantity)),
3468     to_char(mrr.batch_number),
3469     to_char(sum(mrr.capacity_consumed_ratio))) bar_text
3470  from msc_resource_requirements mrr,
3471    msc_supplies ms,
3472    msc_gantt_query mgq,
3473    msc_plan_organizations mpo,
3474    msc_department_resources mdr,
3475    msc_plans mp
3476  where mgq.query_id = p_query_id
3477    and mgq.row_flag = SYS_YES
3478    and mgq.is_fetched = SYS_NO
3479    and mgq.res_instance_id = MBP_NULL_VALUE
3480    and mrr.plan_id = mgq.plan_id
3481    and mrr.sr_instance_id = mgq.sr_instance_id
3482    and mrr.organization_id = mgq.organization_id
3483    and mrr.department_id = mgq.department_id
3484    and mrr.resource_id = mgq.resource_id
3485    and mrr.batch_number is not null
3486    and mrr.end_date is not null
3487    and nvl(mrr.parent_id,2) = 2
3488    and ( ( msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
3489 	    mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied)
3490 	    between p_start_date and p_end_date
3491 	 )
3492          or ( msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
3493 	    mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied)
3494 	    between p_start_date and p_end_date )
3495          or ( msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
3496 	    mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) <= p_start_date
3497            and msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
3498 	    mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) >= p_end_date )
3499        )
3500    and ms.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
3501    and ms.transaction_id = mrr.supply_id
3502    and ms.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
3503    and mdr.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
3504    and mdr.organization_id = mrr.organization_id
3505    and mdr.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
3506    and mdr.department_id = mrr.department_id
3507    and mdr.resource_id = mrr.resource_id
3508    and mrr.plan_id = mpo.plan_id
3509    and mrr.sr_instance_id = mpo.sr_instance_id
3510    and mrr.organization_id = mpo.organization_id
3511    and mrr.plan_id = mp.plan_id
3512    and ( ( nvl(mpo.curr_ds_enabled_flag, mpo.ds_enabled_flag) = 2 or nvl(mdr.schedule_to_instance, sys_no) = sys_no )
3513           or ( nvl(mpo.curr_ds_enabled_flag, mpo.ds_enabled_flag) = 1
3514 	    and ( nvl(mdr.schedule_to_instance, sys_no) = sys_yes
3515                   and p_start_date >= nvl(mp.min_cutoff_bucket,0)+mp.data_start_date )
3516 	    ))
3517   group by mgq.row_index,
3518     mrr.plan_id,
3519     mrr.sr_instance_id,
3520     mrr.organization_id,
3521     msc_get_name.org_code(mrr.organization_id, mrr.sr_instance_id),
3522     mrr.resource_id,
3523     mrr.batch_number,
3524     msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0), mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date,
3525       mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied),
3526     msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0), mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date,
3527       mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied),
3528     msc_gantt_utils.getResReqType(mrr.plan_id, mrr.schedule_flag, mrr.parent_seq_num, mrr.setup_id),
3529     mrr.setup_id;
3531 cursor res_inst_act_batch_cur is
3532  select mgq.row_index,
3533    mrr.sr_instance_id,
3534    mrr.organization_id,
3535    msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0), mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date,
3536      mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) start_date,
3537    msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0), mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date,
3538      mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) end_date,
3539    msc_gantt_utils.getResReqType(mrr.plan_id, mrr.schedule_flag, mrr.parent_seq_num, mrr.setup_id) schedule_flag,
3540    sum(ms.new_order_quantity) qty,
3541    mrir.batch_number,
3542    msc_gantt_utils.getResBatchNodeLabel(
3543      nvl(decode(mrr.setup_id,
3544        to_number(null), null_space,
3545         msc_gantt_utils.getSetupCode(mrr.plan_id,
3546           mrr.sr_instance_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.setup_id)),
3547        null_space),
3548      msc_get_name.org_code(mrr.organization_id, mrr.sr_instance_id),
3549      to_char(sum(ms.new_order_quantity)),
3550      to_char(mrir.batch_number),
3551      to_char(sum(mrir.capacity_consumed_ratio))) bar_text
3552  from msc_resource_instance_reqs mrir,
3553    msc_resource_requirements mrr,
3554    msc_supplies ms,
3555    msc_gantt_query mgq
3556  where mgq.query_id = p_query_id
3557    and mgq.row_flag = SYS_YES
3558    and mgq.is_fetched = SYS_NO
3559    and mgq.res_instance_id <> MBP_NULL_VALUE
3560    and mrir.plan_id = mgq.plan_id
3561    and mrir.sr_instance_id = mgq.sr_instance_id
3562    and mrir.organization_id = mgq.organization_id
3563    and mrir.department_id = mgq.department_id
3564    and mrir.resource_id = mgq.resource_id
3565    and mrir.res_instance_id = mgq.res_instance_id
3566    and nvl(mrir.serial_number, MBP_NULL_VALUE_CHAR) = nvl(mgq.serial_number, MBP_NULL_VALUE_CHAR)
3567    and mrir.end_date is not null
3568    and mrir.batch_number is not null
3569    and nvl(mrir.parent_id,2) =2
3570    and mrir.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
3571    and mrir.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
3572    and mrir.organization_id = mrr.organization_id
3573    and mrir.department_id = mrr.department_id
3574    and mrir.resource_id = mrr.resource_id
3575    and mrir.supply_id = mrr.supply_id
3576    and mrir.operation_seq_num = mrr.operation_seq_num
3577    and mrir.resource_seq_num = mrr.resource_seq_num
3578    and nvl(mrir.orig_resource_seq_num, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr.orig_resource_seq_num, mbp_null_value)
3579    and nvl(mrir.parent_seq_num, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr.parent_seq_num, mbp_null_value)
3580    and nvl(mrir.parent_id, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr.parent_id, mbp_null_value)
3581    and mrir.start_date = nvl(mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.start_date)
3582    and mrir.end_date = nvl(mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.end_date)
3583    and nvl(mrr.parent_id, 2) = 2
3584    and ( ( msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
3585 	    mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied)
3586 	    between p_start_date and p_end_date
3587 	 )
3588          or ( msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
3589 	    mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied)
3590 	    between p_start_date and p_end_date )
3591          or ( msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
3592 	    mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) <= p_start_date
3593            and msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
3594 	    mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) >= p_end_date )
3595        )
3596    and ms.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
3597    and ms.transaction_id = mrr.supply_id
3598    and ms.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
3599   group by mgq.row_index,
3600     mrr.plan_id,
3601     mrr.sr_instance_id,
3602     mrr.organization_id,
3603     msc_get_name.org_code(mrr.organization_id, mrr.sr_instance_id),
3604     mrr.resource_id,
3605     mrir.batch_number,
3606     msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0), mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date,
3607       mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied),
3608     msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0), mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date,
3609       mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied),
3610     msc_gantt_utils.getResReqType(mrr.plan_id, mrr.schedule_flag, mrr.parent_seq_num, mrr.setup_id),
3611     mrr.setup_id;
3613 l_op_seq number_arr;
3614 l_res_seq number_arr;
3615 l_res_desc char_arr;
3616 l_item_name char_arr;
3617 l_assy_item_desc char_arr;
3618 l_schedule_qty number_arr;
3620 l_from_setup_code char_arr;
3621 l_to_setup_code char_arr;
3622 l_std_op_code char_arr;
3623 l_changeover_time char_arr;
3624 l_changeover_penalty char_arr;
3626 l_min_capacity number_arr;
3627 l_max_capacity number_arr;
3628 l_capacity_used number_arr;
3630 l_row_index number_arr;
3631 l_sr_instance_id number_arr;
3632 l_organization_id number_arr;
3633 l_inventory_item_id number_arr;
3634 l_dept_id number_arr;
3635 l_res_id number_arr;
3636 l_supply_id number_arr;
3637 l_transaction_id number_arr;
3638 l_status number_arr;
3639 l_applied number_arr;
3640 l_res_firm_flag number_arr;
3641 l_sup_firm_flag number_arr;
3642 l_start_date date_arr;
3643 l_end_date date_arr;
3644 l_schedule_flag number_arr;
3645 l_res_constraint number_arr;
3646 l_qty number_arr;
3647 l_batch_number number_arr;
3648 l_resource_units number_arr;
3649 l_group_sequence_id  number_arr;
3650 l_group_sequence_number number_arr;
3651 l_cepst date_arr;
3652 l_cepct date_arr;
3653 l_ulpst date_arr;
3654 l_ulpct date_arr;
3655 l_uepst date_arr;
3656 l_uepct date_arr;
3657 l_eacd date_arr;
3658 l_bar_text char_arr;
3659 l_display_type number_arr;
3660 l_order_number char_arr;
3661 l_overload_flag number_arr;
3663   l_res_rows number;
3664   l_res_inst_rows number;
3665   l_res_batch_rows number;
3666   l_res_inst_batch_rows number;
3668   p_start_index number;
3669   l_batch_flag number;
3670 begin
3672   p_start_index := mbp_null_value;
3673   if ( p_batched_res_act = RES_ACT_BATCHED_ROW_TYPE) then -- {
3674     l_batch_flag := sys_yes;
3675   else
3676     l_batch_flag := sys_no;
3677   end if; -- }
3679   --l_res_rows := msc_gantt_utils.isResRowInGantt(p_query_id, sys_no, sys_no, sys_yes);
3680   --l_res_inst_rows := msc_gantt_utils.isResRowInGantt(p_query_id, sys_yes, sys_no, sys_yes);
3681   --l_res_batch_rows := msc_gantt_utils.isResRowInGantt(p_query_id, sys_no, sys_yes);
3682   --l_res_inst_batch_rows := msc_gantt_utils.isResRowInGantt(p_query_id, sys_yes, sys_yes);
3683   --4997096 bugfix, instead calls the below procedure
3684   msc_gantt_utils.isResRowInGantt(p_query_id, l_res_rows, l_res_inst_rows, l_res_batch_rows, l_res_inst_batch_rows, l_batch_flag);
3686   put_line('populateResActGantt: res - inst- res batch - inst batch: '||l_res_rows ||' - '|| l_res_inst_rows ||' - '|| l_res_batch_rows ||' - '|| l_res_inst_batch_rows);
3688   if ( l_res_rows = sys_yes ) then -- {
3690     open res_act_cur;
3691     fetch res_act_cur bulk collect into l_row_index, l_sr_instance_id, l_organization_id,
3692       l_supply_id, l_transaction_id, l_status, l_applied, l_res_firm_flag,
3693       l_sup_firm_flag, l_start_date, l_end_date, l_schedule_flag, l_res_constraint,
3694       l_qty, l_batch_number, l_resource_units, l_group_sequence_id, l_group_sequence_number,
3695       l_cepst, l_cepct, l_ulpst, l_ulpct, l_uepst, l_uepct, l_eacd, l_bar_text, l_inventory_item_id,
3696       l_order_number, l_op_seq, l_res_seq, l_res_desc, l_item_name, l_assy_item_desc, l_schedule_qty,
3697       l_from_setup_code, l_to_setup_code, l_std_op_code, l_changeover_time, l_changeover_penalty, l_overload_flag;
3698     close res_act_cur;
3700     put_line('populateResActGantt: res act rows: '||l_sr_instance_id.count);
3702     populateResActIntoDtlGantt(p_query_id, RES_REQ_ROW_TYPE, SUMMARY_DATA,
3703       l_row_index, l_sr_instance_id, l_organization_id, l_supply_id,
3704       l_transaction_id, l_status, l_applied, l_res_firm_flag, l_sup_firm_flag,
3705       l_start_date, l_end_date, l_schedule_flag, l_res_constraint, l_qty, l_batch_number,
3706       l_resource_units, l_group_sequence_id, l_group_sequence_number,
3707       l_cepst, l_cepct, l_ulpst, l_ulpct, l_uepst, l_uepct, l_eacd, l_inventory_item_id, l_bar_text,
3708       l_order_number, l_op_seq, l_res_seq, l_res_desc, l_item_name, l_assy_item_desc, l_schedule_qty,
3709       l_from_setup_code, l_to_setup_code, l_std_op_code, l_changeover_time, l_changeover_penalty, l_overload_flag);
3711   end if; -- }
3713   if ( l_res_inst_rows = sys_yes ) then -- {
3715     open res_inst_act_cur;
3716     fetch res_inst_act_cur bulk collect into l_row_index, l_sr_instance_id, l_organization_id,
3717       l_supply_id, l_transaction_id, l_status, l_applied, l_res_firm_flag,
3718       l_sup_firm_flag, l_start_date, l_end_date, l_schedule_flag, l_res_constraint,
3719       l_qty, l_batch_number, l_resource_units, l_group_sequence_id, l_group_sequence_number,
3720       l_cepst, l_cepct, l_ulpst, l_ulpct, l_uepst, l_uepct, l_eacd, l_bar_text, l_inventory_item_id,
3721       l_order_number, l_op_seq, l_res_seq, l_res_desc, l_item_name, l_assy_item_desc, l_schedule_qty,
3722       l_from_setup_code, l_to_setup_code, l_std_op_code, l_changeover_time, l_changeover_penalty, l_overload_flag;
3723     close res_inst_act_cur;
3725     put_line('populateResActGantt: res inst act rows: '||l_sr_instance_id.count);
3727     populateResActIntoDtlGantt(p_query_id, RES_REQ_ROW_TYPE, SUMMARY_DATA,
3728       l_row_index, l_sr_instance_id, l_organization_id, l_supply_id,
3729       l_transaction_id, l_status, l_applied, l_res_firm_flag, l_sup_firm_flag,
3730       l_start_date, l_end_date, l_schedule_flag, l_res_constraint, l_qty, l_batch_number,
3731       l_resource_units, l_group_sequence_id, l_group_sequence_number,
3732       l_cepst, l_cepct, l_ulpst, l_ulpct, l_uepst, l_uepct, l_eacd, l_inventory_item_id, l_bar_text,
3733       l_order_number, l_op_seq, l_res_seq, l_res_desc, l_item_name, l_assy_item_desc, l_schedule_qty,
3734       l_from_setup_code, l_to_setup_code, l_std_op_code, l_changeover_time, l_changeover_penalty, l_overload_flag);
3736   end if; -- }
3738   if ( p_batched_res_act = RES_ACT_BATCHED_ROW_TYPE) then -- {
3739     if ( l_res_batch_rows = sys_yes ) then -- {
3741       open res_act_batch_cur;
3742       fetch res_act_batch_cur bulk collect into l_row_index, l_sr_instance_id, l_organization_id,
3743         l_start_date, l_end_date, l_schedule_flag, l_qty, l_batch_number, l_bar_text;
3744       close res_act_batch_cur;
3746       put_line('populateResActGantt: batch res act rows: '||l_sr_instance_id.count);
3748       populateBtchResIntoDtlGantt(p_query_id, RES_ACT_BATCHED_ROW_TYPE, SUMMARY_DATA,
3749        l_row_index, l_sr_instance_id, l_organization_id,
3750        l_start_date, l_end_date, l_schedule_flag, l_batch_number, l_qty, l_bar_text, RES_NODE);
3752     end if; -- }
3754     if ( l_res_inst_batch_rows = sys_yes ) then -- {
3756       open res_inst_act_batch_cur;
3757       fetch res_inst_act_batch_cur bulk collect into l_row_index, l_sr_instance_id, l_organization_id,
3758         l_start_date, l_end_date, l_schedule_flag, l_qty, l_batch_number, l_bar_text;
3759       close res_inst_act_batch_cur;
3761       put_line('populateResActGantt: batch res inst act rows: '||l_sr_instance_id.count);
3763       populateBtchResIntoDtlGantt(p_query_id, RES_ACT_BATCHED_ROW_TYPE, SUMMARY_DATA,
3764        l_row_index, l_sr_instance_id, l_organization_id,
3765        l_start_date, l_end_date, l_schedule_flag, l_batch_number, l_qty, l_bar_text, RES_INST_NODE);
3767     end if; -- }
3768  end if; -- }
3770   for active_row in active_res_rows_cur(p_query_id) loop -- {
3771     if ( p_start_index = mbp_null_value) then
3772       p_start_index := active_row.row_index;
3773     end if;
3775     select nvl(mgdq.sr_instance_id, mbp_null_value),
3776       nvl(mgdq.organization_id,  mbp_null_value),
3777       nvl(mgdq.supply_id, mbp_null_value),
3778       nvl(mgdq.transaction_id, mbp_null_value),
3779       nvl(mgdq.status, mbp_null_value),
3780       nvl(mgdq.applied, mbp_null_value),
3781       nvl(mgdq.res_firm_flag, mbp_null_value),
3782       nvl(mgdq.sup_firm_flag, mbp_null_value),
3783       mgdq.start_date,
3784       mgdq.end_date,
3785       nvl(mgdq.schedule_flag, mbp_null_value),
3786       nvl(mgdq.late_flag, mbp_null_value),
3787       nvl(mgdq.supply_qty, mbp_null_value),
3788       nvl(mgdq.batch_number, mbp_null_value),
3789       nvl(mgdq.resource_units, mbp_null_value),
3790       nvl(mgdq.group_sequence_id, mbp_null_value),
3791       nvl(mgdq.group_sequence_number, mbp_null_value),
3792       nvl(mgdq.bar_label, null_space),
3793       msc_gantt_utils.getDisplayType(p_display_type, mgdq.end_date, mgdq.ulpst,
3794 	mgdq.res_firm_flag, mgdq.late_flag, g_gantt_ra_toler_days_early,
3795 	g_gantt_ra_toler_days_late) display_type,
3796       mgdq.cepst,
3797       mgdq.cepct,
3798       mgdq.ulpst,
3799       mgdq.ulpct,
3800       mgdq.uepst,
3801       mgdq.uepct,
3802       mgdq.eact,
3803       mgq.department_id,
3804       mgq.resource_id,
3805       mgdq.inventory_item_id,
3806       mgdq.order_number,
3807       mgdq.op_seq_num,
3808       mgdq.resource_seq_num,
3809       mgdq.resource_description,
3810       mgdq.item_name,
3811       mgdq.assembly_item_desc,
3812       mgdq.schedule_qty,
3813       mgdq.from_setup_code,
3814       mgdq.to_setup_code,
3815       mgdq.std_op_code,
3816       mgdq.changeover_time,
3817       mgdq.changeover_penalty,
3818       mgdq.min_capacity,
3819       mgdq.max_capacity,
3820       mgdq.capacity_used,
3821       mgdq.supp_avail_qty
3822     bulk collect into l_sr_instance_id, l_organization_id,
3823       l_supply_id, l_transaction_id, l_status, l_applied, l_res_firm_flag,
3824       l_sup_firm_flag, l_start_date, l_end_date, l_schedule_flag, l_res_constraint,
3825       l_qty, l_batch_number, l_resource_units,
3826       l_group_sequence_id, l_group_sequence_number, l_bar_text, l_display_type,
3827       l_cepst, l_cepct, l_ulpst, l_ulpct, l_uepst, l_uepct, l_eacd,
3828       l_dept_id, l_res_id, l_inventory_item_id, l_order_number,
3829       l_op_seq, l_res_seq, l_res_desc, l_item_name, l_assy_item_desc, l_schedule_qty,
3830       l_from_setup_code, l_to_setup_code, l_std_op_code, l_changeover_time,
3831       l_changeover_penalty, l_min_capacity, l_max_capacity, l_capacity_used,
3832       l_overload_flag
3833     from msc_gantt_dtl_query mgdq,
3834       msc_gantt_query mgq
3835     where mgq.query_id = p_query_id
3836       and mgq.row_index = active_row.row_index
3837       and mgq.query_id = mgdq.query_id
3838       and mgq.row_index = mgdq.row_index
3839       and mgdq.row_type in (RES_REQ_ROW_TYPE, RES_ACT_BATCHED_ROW_TYPE)
3840       and mgdq.parent_id = SUMMARY_DATA
3841     order by mgdq.start_date;
3843    put_line('sending res act stream '||active_row.row_index);
3845    sendResActStream(active_row.row_index, p_start_index, l_sr_instance_id,
3846      l_organization_id, l_supply_id, l_transaction_id, l_status, l_applied,
3847      l_res_firm_flag, l_sup_firm_flag, l_start_date, l_end_date, l_schedule_flag,
3848      l_res_constraint, l_qty, l_batch_number, l_resource_units, l_group_sequence_id,
3849      l_group_sequence_number, l_bar_text, l_display_type, l_cepst, l_cepct, l_ulpst,
3850      l_ulpct, l_uepst, l_uepct, l_eacd, l_dept_id, l_res_id, l_inventory_item_id,
3851      l_order_number, l_op_seq, l_res_seq, l_res_desc, l_item_name, l_assy_item_desc, l_schedule_qty,
3852      l_from_setup_code, l_to_setup_code, l_std_op_code, l_changeover_time, l_changeover_penalty,
3853      l_min_capacity, l_max_capacity, l_capacity_used, l_overload_flag, p_require_data);
3854   end loop;  -- }
3856 end populateResActGantt;
3858 function getDisplayType(p_display_type number, p_end_date date,
3859   p_ulpsd date, p_res_firm_flag number, p_overload_flag number,
3860   p_days_early number, p_days_late number) return number is
3862   retVal number := sys_no;
3864 begin
3865   if  ( p_display_type = DISPLAY_LATE ) then -- {
3866    if ( p_ulpsd + p_days_late > p_end_date ) then
3867      retVal := sys_yes;
3868    end if;
3869   elsif  ( p_display_type = DISPLAY_EARLY ) then
3870    if ( p_ulpsd + p_days_early < p_end_date ) then
3871      retVal := sys_yes;
3872    end if;
3873   elsif  ( p_display_type = DISPLAY_FIRM ) then
3874     if ( nvl(p_res_firm_flag,0) > 0 ) then
3875       retVal := sys_yes;
3876     end if;
3877   elsif  ( p_display_type = DISPLAY_OVERLOAD ) then
3878     retVal := p_overload_flag;
3879   elsif  ( p_display_type = DISPLAY_NONE ) then
3880     retVal := sys_no;
3881   end if; -- }
3883   return retVal;
3884 end getDisplayType;
3886 procedure populateSupplierGantt(p_query_id number, p_plan_id number,
3887   p_start_date date, p_end_date date) is
3889   v_row_index number_arr := number_arr(0);
3890   v_start_date date_arr := date_arr(sysdate);
3891   v_qty number_arr:= number_arr(0);
3892   v_overload_qty number_arr:= number_arr(0);
3893   v_consumed_qty number_arr:= number_arr(0);
3895   v_bkt_start date_arr;
3896   v_bkt_end date_arr;
3898   l_mfg_cal_query_id number;
3900   cursor c_mgq_rows is
3901   select row_index, inventory_item_id, supplier_id, supplier_site_id
3902   from msc_gantt_query
3903   where query_id = p_query_id;
3905   cursor c_mis_inst_org (l_plan number, l_item number, l_supp number, l_supp_site number) is
3906   select sr_instance_id, organization_id
3907   from msc_item_suppliers
3908   where plan_id = l_plan
3909     and inventory_item_id = l_item
3910     and supplier_id = l_supp
3911     and supplier_site_id = l_supp_site;
3913   l_row_index number;
3914   l_inventory_item_id number;
3915   l_supplier_id number;
3916   l_supplier_site_id number;
3917   l_org_id  number;
3918   l_inst_id number;
3920 begin
3922 for cur_mgq_rows  in c_mgq_rows
3923 loop -- {
3925   l_row_index := cur_mgq_rows.row_index;
3926   l_inventory_item_id := cur_mgq_rows.inventory_item_id;
3927   l_supplier_id := cur_mgq_rows.supplier_id;
3928   l_supplier_site_id := cur_mgq_rows.supplier_site_id;
3930   open c_mis_inst_org (g_plan_id, l_inventory_item_id, l_supplier_id, l_supplier_site_id);
3931   fetch c_mis_inst_org into l_inst_id, l_org_id;
3932   close c_mis_inst_org;
3934    -- 1. available capacity for items with delivery calendar
3935    select mgq.row_index, mca.calendar_date, msc.capacity
3936      bulk collect into v_row_index, v_start_date, v_qty
3937    from msc_calendar_dates mca,
3938          msc_plans mp,
3939          msc_supplier_capacities msc,
3940 	 msc_item_suppliers mis,
3941 	 msc_gantt_query mgq
3942    where mgq.query_id = p_query_id
3943      and mgq.row_index = l_row_index
3944      and mgq.row_flag = SYS_YES
3945      and mgq.is_fetched = SYS_NO
3946      and msc.plan_id = mgq.plan_id
3947      and msc.sr_instance_id = l_inst_id
3948      and msc.organization_id = l_org_id
3949      and msc.inventory_item_id = mgq.inventory_item_id
3950      and msc.supplier_id = mgq.supplier_id
3951      and msc.supplier_site_id = mgq.supplier_site_id
3952      and msc.capacity >= 0 --4476899 bugfix
3953      and mp.plan_id = msc.plan_id
3954      and msc.plan_id = mis.plan_id
3955      and msc.sr_instance_id = mis.sr_instance_id
3956      and msc.organization_id = mis.organization_id
3957      and msc.inventory_item_id = mis.inventory_item_id
3958      and msc.supplier_id = mis.supplier_id
3959      and msc.supplier_site_id = mis.supplier_site_id
3960      and mca.calendar_date between p_start_date and p_end_date
3961      and mca.calendar_date between trunc(msc.from_date) and trunc(nvl(msc.to_date,p_end_date))
3962      and mca.calendar_date >= nvl(trunc(mis.supplier_lead_time_date+1),trunc(mp.plan_start_date+2))
3963      and mca.calendar_code = mis.delivery_calendar_code
3964      and mis.delivery_calendar_code is not null
3965      and mca.sr_instance_id = g_plan_cal_inst_id
3966      and mca.exception_set_id =  g_plan_cal_excp_id
3967      and mca.seq_num is not null;
3969     put_line('SUPP_AVAIL_ROW_TYPE rows items with delivery.cal: '|| v_row_index.count);
3971     populateSuppDtlTabIntoGantt(p_query_id, SUPP_AVAIL_ROW_TYPE,
3972       v_row_index, v_start_date, v_qty, v_consumed_qty, SUMMARY_DATA);
3974     l_mfg_cal_query_id := getMFQSequence(l_mfg_cal_query_id);
3975     msc_gantt_utils.getBucketDates(p_start_date, p_end_date, v_bkt_start, v_bkt_end, l_mfg_cal_query_id);
3977    -- 2. available capacity for items with NO delivery calendar
3978    select mgq.row_index, mfq.date1, msc.capacity
3979      bulk collect into v_row_index, v_start_date, v_qty
3980    from msc_form_query mfq,
3981          msc_plans mp,
3982          msc_supplier_capacities msc,
3983 	 msc_item_suppliers mis,
3984 	 msc_gantt_query mgq
3985    where mgq.query_id = p_query_id
3986      and mgq.row_index = l_row_index
3987      and mgq.row_flag = SYS_YES
3988      and mgq.is_fetched = SYS_NO
3989      and msc.plan_id = mgq.plan_id
3990      and msc.sr_instance_id = l_inst_id
3991      and msc.organization_id = l_org_id
3992      and msc.inventory_item_id = mgq.inventory_item_id
3993      and msc.supplier_id = mgq.supplier_id
3994      and msc.supplier_site_id = mgq.supplier_site_id
3995      and msc.capacity >= 0  --4476899 bugfix
3996      and mp.plan_id = msc.plan_id
3997      and msc.plan_id = mis.plan_id
3998      and msc.sr_instance_id = mis.sr_instance_id
3999      and msc.organization_id = mis.organization_id
4000      and msc.inventory_item_id = mis.inventory_item_id
4001      and msc.supplier_id = mis.supplier_id
4002      and msc.supplier_site_id = mis.supplier_site_id
4003      and mis.delivery_calendar_code is null
4004      and mfq.query_id = l_mfg_cal_query_id
4005      and mfq.date1 between p_start_date and p_end_date
4006      and mfq.date1 between trunc(msc.from_date) and trunc(nvl(msc.to_date,p_end_date))
4007      and mfq.date1 >= nvl(trunc(mis.supplier_lead_time_date+1),trunc(mp.plan_start_date+2));
4009     put_line('SUPP_AVAIL_ROW_TYPE rows items with NO delivery.cal: '|| v_row_index.count);
4011     populateSuppDtlTabIntoGantt(p_query_id, SUPP_AVAIL_ROW_TYPE,
4012       v_row_index, v_start_date, v_qty, v_consumed_qty, SUMMARY_DATA);
4014   end loop; -- }
4016    -- 3. req/consumed capacity for all the items except MODELs
4017    select mgq.row_index,
4018      msr.consumption_date,
4019      sum(msr.overloaded_capacity) overload_qty,
4020      sum(msr.consumed_quantity) consumed_qty
4021      bulk collect into v_row_index, v_start_date, v_overload_qty, v_consumed_qty
4022    from msc_gantt_query mgq,
4023      msc_supplier_requirements msr
4024    where mgq.query_id = p_query_id
4025      and mgq.row_flag = SYS_YES
4026      and mgq.is_fetched = SYS_NO
4027      and mgq.dependency_type <> 1 -- bom_item_type, all the items except MODELs
4028      and msr.plan_id = mgq.plan_id
4029      --and msr.sr_instance_id = mgq.sr_instance_id
4030      --and msr.organization_id = mgq.organization_id
4031      and msr.inventory_item_id = mgq.inventory_item_id
4032      and msr.supplier_id = mgq.supplier_id
4033      and msr.supplier_site_id = mgq.supplier_site_id
4034    group by mgq.row_index, msr.consumption_date;
4036    put_line('SUPP_ALL_ROW_TYPE rows for all the items except MODELs : '|| v_row_index.count);
4037    populateSuppDtlTabIntoGantt(p_query_id, SUPP_ALL_ROW_TYPE,
4038       v_row_index, v_start_date, v_overload_qty, v_consumed_qty, SUMMARY_DATA);
4040    -- 3. req/consumed capacity for MODEL items only
4041    select mgq.row_index,
4042      msr.consumption_date,
4043      sum(msr.overloaded_capacity) overload_qty,
4044      sum(msr.consumed_quantity) consumed_qty
4045      bulk collect into v_row_index, v_start_date, v_overload_qty, v_consumed_qty
4046    from msc_gantt_query mgq,
4047      msc_supplier_requirements msr,
4048      msc_system_items msi
4049    where mgq.query_id = p_query_id
4050      and mgq.row_flag = SYS_YES
4051      and mgq.is_fetched = SYS_NO
4052      and mgq.dependency_type = 1 -- bom_item_type, MODELs
4053      and msi.plan_id = mgq.plan_id
4054      --and msi.sr_instance_id = mgq.sr_instance_id
4055      --and msi.organization_id = mgq.organization_id
4056      and ( msi.base_item_id = mgq.inventory_item_id or msi.inventory_item_id = mgq.inventory_item_id)  --5220804 bugfix
4057      and msr.plan_id = mgq.plan_id
4058      and msr.sr_instance_id = msi.sr_instance_id
4059      and msr.organization_id = msi.organization_id
4060      and msr.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
4061      and msr.supplier_id = mgq.supplier_id
4062      and msr.supplier_site_id = mgq.supplier_site_id
4063    group by mgq.row_index, msr.consumption_date;
4065    put_line('SUPP_ALL_ROW_TYPE rows for MODEL items only : '|| v_row_index.count);
4066    populateSuppDtlTabIntoGantt(p_query_id, SUPP_ALL_ROW_TYPE,
4067       v_row_index, v_start_date, v_overload_qty, v_consumed_qty, SUMMARY_DATA);
4069 end populateSupplierGantt;
4071 procedure prepareSupplierGantt(p_query_id in number,
4072   p_plan_id number, p_start_date date, p_end_date date) is
4074   v_bkt_start date_arr := date_arr(sysdate);
4075   v_bkt_end date_arr := date_arr(sysdate);
4077   v_avail_start date_arr := date_arr(sysdate);
4078   v_avail_qty number_arr:= number_arr(0);
4080   v_consume_start date_arr := date_arr(sysdate);
4081   v_overload_qty number_arr:= number_arr(0);
4082   v_consume_qty number_arr:= number_arr(0);
4084   l_avail_qty number;
4085   l_overload_qty number;
4086   l_consume_qty number;
4088   p_start_index number;
4089   l_bkt_query_id number := -1;
4091   cursor c_supp_infinite_date(p_query number, p_row_index number, p_plan number,
4092     p_plan_end date) is
4093   select max(from_date) max_bkt_start_date,
4094     max(nvl(to_date,p_plan_end)) max_bkt_end_date
4095   from  msc_gantt_query mgq,
4096     msc_supplier_capacities msc1
4097   where mgq.query_id = p_query
4098     and mgq.row_index = p_row_index
4099     and msc1.plan_id = p_plan
4100     and msc1.supplier_id = mgq.supplier_id
4101     and msc1.supplier_site_id = mgq.supplier_site_id
4102     --and msc1.organization_id = mgq.organization_id
4103     --and msc1.sr_instance_id = mgq.sr_instance_id
4104     and msc1.inventory_item_id = mgq.inventory_item_id;
4106   l_supp_bkt_start_date date;
4107   l_supp_bkt_end_date date;
4109 begin
4110   msc_gantt_utils.put_line('prepareSupplierGantt in ');
4111   p_start_index := mbp_null_value;
4113   msc_gantt_utils.getBucketDates(p_start_date, p_end_date, v_bkt_start, v_bkt_end, l_bkt_query_id);
4115   msc_gantt_utils.put_line('claendar rows ' || v_bkt_start.count);
4117   for active_row in active_res_rows_cur(p_query_id) loop -- {
4118     if ( p_start_index = mbp_null_value) then
4119       p_start_index := active_row.row_index;
4120     end if;
4122     --4476899 bugfix, send infinite capacity as -1 to client
4123     open c_supp_infinite_date(p_query_id, active_row.row_index, p_plan_id, p_end_date);
4124     fetch c_supp_infinite_date into l_supp_bkt_start_date, l_supp_bkt_end_date;
4125     close c_supp_infinite_date;
4127     select trunc(start_date), nvl(resource_units,0)
4128       bulk collect into v_avail_start, v_avail_qty
4129     from msc_gantt_dtl_query
4130     where query_id = p_query_id
4131     and row_index = active_row.row_index
4132     and row_type = SUPP_AVAIL_ROW_TYPE
4133     and parent_id = SUMMARY_DATA;
4135    put_line(' row index and SUPP_AVAIL_ROW_TYPE count '||active_row.row_index||' '||v_avail_start.count);
4137     select trunc(start_date), nvl(resource_units,0), nvl(resource_hours,0)
4138       bulk collect into v_consume_start, v_overload_qty, v_consume_qty
4139     from msc_gantt_dtl_query
4140     where query_id = p_query_id
4141     and row_index = active_row.row_index
4142     and row_type = SUPP_ALL_ROW_TYPE
4143     and parent_id = SUMMARY_DATA
4144     order by start_date;
4146    put_line(' row index and SUPP_ALL_ROW_TYPE count '||active_row.row_index||' '|| v_consume_start.count);
4148     -- for daily, weekly, period buckets
4149     for a in 1 .. v_bkt_start.count
4150     loop -- {
4151       l_avail_qty := 0;
4152       l_overload_qty := 0;
4153       l_consume_qty := 0;
4155       --4476899 bugfix, send infinite capacity as -1 to client
4156       if (l_supp_bkt_start_date is null and l_supp_bkt_end_date is null) then  --capacity not defined, every thing is infinite
4157         l_avail_qty := -1;
4158       elsif (v_bkt_start(a) > l_supp_bkt_end_date) then  --every thing is infinite from this date onwards
4159         l_avail_qty := -1;
4160       else
4161       for b in 1 .. v_avail_start.count loop  -- {
4162         if ( v_avail_start(b) = v_bkt_start(a) ) then
4163           l_avail_qty := l_avail_qty  + v_avail_qty(b);
4164 	end if;
4165       end loop; -- }
4166       end if;
4169       for b in 1 .. v_consume_start.count loop  -- {
4170         if ( v_consume_start(b) = v_bkt_start(a) ) then
4171           l_overload_qty := l_overload_qty  + v_overload_qty(b);
4172 	end if;
4173       end loop; -- }
4175       for b in 1 .. v_consume_start.count loop  -- {
4176         if ( v_consume_start(b) = v_bkt_start(a) ) then
4177           l_consume_qty := l_consume_qty  + v_consume_qty(b);
4178 	end if;
4179       end loop; -- }
4181       --if ( nvl(l_avail_qty,0) <> 0 or nvl(l_overload_qty,0) <> 0 or nvl(l_consume_qty,0) <> 0 ) then
4182         populateSuppDtlIntoGantt(p_query_id, SUPP_ALL_ROW_TYPE,
4183 	  active_row.row_index, v_bkt_start(a), l_avail_qty, l_overload_qty,
4184 	  l_consume_qty, DETAIL_DATA);
4185      --end if;
4186      -- 4476899 bug fix, pass zero's also
4188     end loop; -- }
4189   end loop; -- }
4190   msc_gantt_utils.put_line('prepareSupplierGantt out ');
4192 end prepareSupplierGantt;
4194 procedure sendSupplierGantt(p_query_id number,
4195   p_supp_data IN OUT NOCOPY msc_gantt_utils.maxCharTbl) is
4197   v_start_date date_arr := date_arr(sysdate);
4198   v_avail_qty number_arr:= number_arr(0);
4199   v_overload_qty number_arr:= number_arr(0);
4200   v_consume_qty number_arr:= number_arr(0);
4202   p_start_index number;
4203 begin
4204   p_start_index := mbp_null_value;
4206   for active_row in active_res_rows_cur(p_query_id) loop -- {
4207     if ( p_start_index = mbp_null_value) then
4208       p_start_index := active_row.row_index;
4209     end if;
4211     select trunc(start_date),
4212       round(supp_avail_qty, ROUND_FACTOR),
4213       round(supp_overload_qty, ROUND_FACTOR),
4214       round(supp_consume_qty, ROUND_FACTOR)
4215     bulk collect into v_start_date, v_avail_qty, v_overload_qty, v_consume_qty
4216     from msc_gantt_dtl_query
4217     where query_id = p_query_id
4218       and row_index = active_row.row_index
4219       and row_type = SUPP_ALL_ROW_TYPE
4220       and parent_id = DETAIL_DATA
4221     order by start_date;
4223     put_line('sendSupplierGantt rows '||v_start_date.count||' '||v_avail_qty.count
4224       ||' '|| v_overload_qty.count ||' '|| v_consume_qty.count
4225       ||' '|| active_row.row_index);
4227     sendResReqAvailSuppStream(SUPP_ALL_ROW_TYPE, active_row.row_index, p_start_index,
4228       v_start_date, null, null, null, null, p_supp_data,
4229       v_avail_qty, v_overload_qty, v_consume_qty);
4230   end loop; -- }
4232 end sendSupplierGantt;
4234 procedure sendResourceGantt(p_query_id number, p_view_type number,
4235   p_isBucketed number, p_require_data IN OUT NOCOPY msc_gantt_utils.maxCharTbl,
4236   p_avail_data IN OUT NOCOPY msc_gantt_utils.maxCharTbl,
4237   p_onlyAvailData boolean, p_display_type number) is
4239   v_start date_arr:= date_arr(sysdate);
4240   v_end date_arr:= date_arr(sysdate);
4241   v_resource_hours number_arr:= number_arr(0);
4242   v_resource_units number_arr:= number_arr(0);
4243   v_schedule_flag number_arr:= number_arr(0);
4244   v_display_flag number_arr:= number_arr(0);
4246   p_start_index number;
4247 begin
4248   put_line('sendResourceGantt in');
4250   p_start_index := mbp_null_value;
4252   for active_row in active_res_rows_cur(p_query_id) loop -- {
4253     if ( p_start_index = mbp_null_value) then
4254       p_start_index := active_row.row_index;
4255     end if;
4257    if ( not(p_onlyAvailData) ) then -- {
4259     if ( p_view_type = RES_HOURS_VIEW ) then
4260 --    and p_display_type <> DISPLAY_NONE ) then
4261       select start_date, end_date,
4262         round(resource_hours, ROUND_FACTOR) resource_hours,
4263         to_number(null) resource_units,
4264         schedule_flag,
4265         display_flag
4266       bulk collect into v_start, v_end, v_resource_hours, v_resource_units,
4267         v_schedule_flag, v_display_flag
4268       from msc_gantt_dtl_query
4269       where query_id = p_query_id
4270         and row_index = active_row.row_index
4271         and row_type = RES_REQ_ROW_TYPE
4272         and ( ( parent_id = SUMMARY_DATA and p_isBucketed = SYS_NO )
4273            or (parent_id = DETAIL_DATA and p_isBucketed = SYS_YES ) )
4274         --and display_flag = sys_yes
4275       order by start_date, end_date;
4277       sendResReqAvailSuppStream(RES_REQ_DISPLAY_ROW_TYPE, active_row.row_index,
4278         p_start_index, v_start, v_end, v_resource_hours, v_resource_units,
4279 	v_schedule_flag, p_require_data, v_display_flag);
4280     else
4281       select start_date, end_date,
4282         round(resource_hours, ROUND_FACTOR) resource_hours,
4283         round(resource_units, ROUND_FACTOR) resource_units,
4284         schedule_flag,
4285         display_flag
4286       bulk collect into v_start, v_end, v_resource_hours, v_resource_units,
4287         v_schedule_flag, v_display_flag
4288       from msc_gantt_dtl_query
4289       where query_id = p_query_id
4290         and row_index = active_row.row_index
4291         and row_type = RES_REQ_ROW_TYPE
4292         and ( ( parent_id = SUMMARY_DATA and p_isBucketed = SYS_NO )
4293            or (parent_id = DETAIL_DATA and p_isBucketed = SYS_YES ) )
4294       order by start_date, end_date;
4296        sendResReqAvailSuppStream(RES_REQ_ROW_TYPE, active_row.row_index,
4297          p_start_index, v_start, v_end, v_resource_hours, v_resource_units,
4298 	 v_schedule_flag, p_require_data, v_display_flag);
4299      end if;
4300    end if; -- }
4302    select start_date, end_date,
4303      round(resource_hours, ROUND_FACTOR) resource_hours,
4304      round(resource_units, ROUND_FACTOR) resource_units,
4305      schedule_flag
4306    bulk collect into v_start, v_end, v_resource_hours, v_resource_units, v_schedule_flag
4307    from msc_gantt_dtl_query
4308    where query_id = p_query_id
4309    and row_index = active_row.row_index
4310    and row_type = RES_AVAIL_ROW_TYPE
4311    and ( ( parent_id = SUMMARY_DATA and p_isBucketed = SYS_NO )
4312          or (parent_id = DETAIL_DATA and p_isBucketed = SYS_YES ) )
4313    order by start_date, end_date;
4315    sendResReqAvailSuppStream(RES_AVAIL_ROW_TYPE, active_row.row_index, p_start_index,
4316      v_start, v_end, v_resource_hours, v_resource_units, v_schedule_flag, p_avail_data);
4317 end loop; -- }
4318 put_line('sendResourceGantt out');
4320 end sendResourceGantt;
4322 procedure calculateResHours(p_query_id number, p_row_index number, p_row_type number,
4323   p_bkt_start date, p_bkt_end date, p_line_rate number,
4324   p_start date_arr, p_end date_arr, p_hours number_arr,
4325   p_display_type number_arr) is
4327   new_start_yes date;
4328   new_end_yes date;
4329   v_qty_yes number;
4330   bkt_qty_yes number;
4332   new_start_no date;
4333   new_end_no date;
4334   v_qty_no number;
4335   bkt_qty_no number;
4337 begin
4338       bkt_qty_yes := 0;
4339       v_qty_yes := 0;
4340       bkt_qty_no := 0;
4341       v_qty_no := 0;
4343       for b in 1 .. p_start.count loop -- {
4344         if (p_start(b) > p_bkt_end or p_end(b) < p_bkt_start ) then
4345           v_qty_yes := 0;
4346           v_qty_no := 0;
4347         elsif (p_start(b) >= p_bkt_start and p_end(b) <= p_bkt_end ) then
4348           if ( p_display_type(b) = sys_yes ) then
4349             v_qty_yes := p_hours(b)* p_line_rate;
4350             bkt_qty_yes := bkt_qty_yes + v_qty_yes;
4351 	  else
4352             v_qty_no := p_hours(b)* p_line_rate;
4353             bkt_qty_no := bkt_qty_no + v_qty_no;
4354           end if;
4355         else
4356           if ( p_display_type(b) = sys_yes ) then
4357             new_start_yes := greatest(p_start(b), p_bkt_start);
4358             new_end_yes := least(p_end(b), p_bkt_end);
4359             v_qty_yes := p_hours(b)* p_line_rate;
4360 	    v_qty_yes := p_hours(b) / ((p_end(b)- p_start(b))*24);
4361             bkt_qty_yes := bkt_qty_yes + (((new_end_yes - new_start_yes) * v_qty_yes)*24);
4362 	  else
4363             new_start_no := greatest(p_start(b), p_bkt_start);
4364             new_end_no := least(p_end(b), p_bkt_end);
4365             v_qty_no := p_hours(b)* p_line_rate;
4366 	    v_qty_no := p_hours(b) / ((p_end(b)- p_start(b))*24);
4367             bkt_qty_no := bkt_qty_no + (((new_end_no - new_start_no) * v_qty_no)*24);
4368 	  end if;
4369         end if;
4370       end loop; -- }
4372       if nvl(bkt_qty_yes,0) <> 0 then
4373         populateResDtlIntoGantt(p_query_id, RES_REQ_ROW_TYPE, p_row_index,
4374 	  p_bkt_start, p_bkt_end, null, bkt_qty_yes, p_row_type,
4375 	  DETAIL_DATA, sys_yes);
4376       end if;
4378       if nvl(bkt_qty_no,0) <> 0 then
4379         populateResDtlIntoGantt(p_query_id, RES_REQ_ROW_TYPE, p_row_index,
4380 	  p_bkt_start, p_bkt_end, null, bkt_qty_no, p_row_type,
4381 	  DETAIL_DATA, sys_no);
4382       end if;
4384  end calculateResHours;
4386 procedure getBucketDates(p_start_date date, p_end_date date,
4387   v_bkt_start in out nocopy msc_gantt_utils.date_arr,
4388   v_bkt_end in out nocopy msc_gantt_utils.date_arr,
4389   p_query_id in out nocopy number) is
4390   p_temp_start date;
4391   i number;
4392 begin
4393   if (p_query_id = -1) then
4394     v_bkt_start := date_arr(sysdate);
4395     v_bkt_end := date_arr(sysdate);
4396     v_bkt_start.delete;
4397     v_bkt_end.delete;
4399     p_temp_start := trunc(p_start_date);
4400     i := 1;
4401     loop
4402       if (p_temp_start>p_end_date) then
4403         exit;
4404       end if;
4405       v_bkt_start.extend;
4406       v_bkt_end.extend;
4407       v_bkt_start(i) := p_temp_start;
4408       v_bkt_end(i) := p_temp_start+1;
4409       i := i + 1;
4410       p_temp_start := p_temp_start+1;
4411     end loop;
4412     return;
4413   else
4414     p_temp_start := trunc(p_start_date);
4415     i := 1;
4416     loop
4417       if (p_temp_start>p_end_date) then
4418         exit;
4419       end if;
4420       i := i + 1;
4422       insert into msc_form_query
4423         ( query_id, last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by, last_update_login,
4424         date1, date2)
4425       values
4426         ( p_query_id, sysdate, -1, sysdate, -1, -1, p_temp_start, p_temp_start+1);
4428       p_temp_start := p_temp_start+1;
4429     end loop;
4430     return;
4431   end if;
4433 end getBucketDates;
4435 procedure prepareResHoursGantt(p_query_id in number, p_plan_id number,
4436   p_start_date date, p_end_date date, p_display_type number default null) is
4438   v_setup_start date_arr;
4439   v_setup_end date_arr;
4440   v_setup_hours number_arr;
4441   v_setup_display_type number_arr;
4443   v_req_start date_arr;
4444   v_req_end date_arr;
4445   v_req_hours number_arr;
4446   v_req_display_type number_arr;
4448   v_avail_start date_arr;
4449   v_avail_end date_arr;
4450   v_avail_hours number_arr;
4452   v_bkt_start date_arr;
4453   v_bkt_end date_arr;
4455   cursor line_rate (l_query_id number, l_row_index number) is
4456   select mdr.max_rate
4457   from msc_department_resources mdr,
4458     msc_gantt_query mgq
4459   where mgq.query_id = l_query_id
4460     and mgq.row_index = l_row_index
4461     and mgq.organization_id = mdr.organization_id
4462     and mgq.sr_instance_id = mdr.sr_instance_id
4463     and mgq.department_id = mdr.department_id
4464     and mgq.resource_id = mdr.resource_id
4465     and mdr.plan_id = -1;
4467   cursor finite_avail (l_query_id number, l_row_index number) is
4468   select 1
4469   from msc_net_resource_avail mnra,
4470     msc_gantt_query mgq
4471   where mgq.query_id = l_query_id
4472     and mgq.row_index = l_row_index
4473     and mgq.organization_id = mnra.organization_id
4474     and mgq.sr_instance_id = mnra.sr_instance_id
4475     and mgq.department_id = mnra.department_id
4476     and mgq.resource_id = mnra.resource_id
4477     and mgq.plan_id = mnra.plan_id
4478     and nvl(mnra.parent_id, 0) <> -1;
4480   v_finite_avail number;
4481   v_line_rate number;
4482   max_cap number;
4483   eff_rate number;
4485   v_qty_yes number;
4486   bkt_qty_yes number;
4488   p_start_index number;
4489   l_bkt_query_id number := -1;
4490 begin
4492   msc_gantt_utils.put_line('prepareResHoursGantt in ');
4493   p_start_index := mbp_null_value;
4495   msc_gantt_utils.getBucketDates(p_start_date, p_end_date, v_bkt_start, v_bkt_end, l_bkt_query_id);
4497   msc_gantt_utils.put_line('prepareResHoursGantt: claendar rows: ' || v_bkt_start.count);
4499   for active_row in active_res_rows_cur(p_query_id) loop -- {
4500     if ( p_start_index = mbp_null_value) then
4501       p_start_index := active_row.row_index;
4502     end if;
4504     select start_date, end_date, resource_hours, nvl(display_flag, sys_no)
4505       bulk collect into v_setup_start, v_setup_end, v_setup_hours, v_setup_display_type
4506     from msc_gantt_dtl_query
4507     where query_id = p_query_id
4508       and row_index = active_row.row_index
4509       and row_type = RES_REQ_ROW_TYPE
4510       and parent_id = SUMMARY_DATA
4511       and schedule_flag  in (RES_SETUP_ROW_TYPE, RES_SETUP_FIXED_ROW_TYPE)
4512     order by start_date;  --only setup time
4514   msc_gantt_utils.put_line('prepareResHoursGantt: res seup rows: '||v_setup_start.count);
4517     select start_date, end_date, resource_hours, nvl(display_flag, sys_no)
4518       bulk collect into v_req_start, v_req_end, v_req_hours, v_req_display_type
4519     from msc_gantt_dtl_query
4520     where query_id = p_query_id
4521       and row_index = active_row.row_index
4522       and row_type = RES_REQ_ROW_TYPE
4523       and parent_id = SUMMARY_DATA
4524       and schedule_flag  in (RES_REQ_ROW_TYPE, RES_REQ_SDS_ROW_TYPE)
4525     order by start_date;  --only run time
4527   msc_gantt_utils.put_line('prepareResHoursGantt: res req rows: '|| v_req_start.count);
4529     select start_date, end_date, resource_hours
4530       bulk collect into v_avail_start, v_avail_end, v_avail_hours
4531     from msc_gantt_dtl_query
4532     where query_id = p_query_id
4533       and row_index = active_row.row_index
4534       and parent_id = SUMMARY_DATA
4535       and row_type = RES_AVAIL_ROW_TYPE
4536     order by start_date;  --avail time
4538   msc_gantt_utils.put_line('prepareResHoursGantt: res avail rows: '|| v_avail_start.count);
4540     OPEN line_rate(p_query_id, active_row.row_index);
4541     FETCH line_rate INTO v_line_rate;
4542     CLOSE line_rate;
4543     v_line_rate := nvl(v_line_rate, 1);
4545     v_finite_avail := null;
4546     OPEN finite_avail(p_query_id, active_row.row_index);
4547     FETCH finite_avail INTO v_finite_avail;
4548     CLOSE finite_avail;
4551     -- for daily, weekly, period buckets
4552     for a in 1 .. v_bkt_start.count loop -- {
4553       -- find all res avail in one bucket
4554       bkt_qty_yes := 0;
4555       v_qty_yes := 0;
4556       for b in 1 .. v_avail_start.count loop  -- {
4557         v_qty_yes := 0;
4558         if ( trunc(v_bkt_start(a)) = trunc(v_avail_start(b)) ) then
4559           v_qty_yes := v_avail_hours(b);
4560           bkt_qty_yes := bkt_qty_yes  + ( v_qty_yes / (v_bkt_end(a)- v_bkt_start(a)));
4561         end if;
4562       end loop; -- }
4564       if (bkt_qty_yes <> 0) then
4565         populateResDtlIntoGantt(p_query_id, RES_AVAIL_ROW_TYPE, active_row.row_index,
4566 	  v_bkt_start(a), v_bkt_end(a), null, bkt_qty_yes, null, DETAIL_DATA);
4567       end if;
4568       -- find all res avail in one bucket
4570       -- for run hours
4571       calculateResHours(p_query_id, active_row.row_index, SCHEDULE_FLAG_YES, v_bkt_start(a), v_bkt_end(a),
4572         v_line_rate, v_req_start, v_req_end, v_req_hours, v_req_display_type);
4574       -- for setup hours
4575       calculateResHours(p_query_id, active_row.row_index, SCHEDULE_FLAG_NO, v_bkt_start(a), v_bkt_end(a),
4576         v_line_rate, v_setup_start, v_setup_end, v_setup_hours, v_setup_display_type);
4578     end loop; -- }
4579   end loop; -- }
4580   msc_gantt_utils.put_line('prepareResHoursGantt out ');
4582 end prepareResHoursGantt;
4585 procedure parseResString(p_one_record in varchar2,
4586   p_inst_id out nocopy number, p_org_id out nocopy number,
4587   p_dept_id out nocopy number, p_res_id out nocopy number,
4588   p_res_instance_id out nocopy number,
4589   p_serial_number out nocopy varchar2) is
4591 begin
4593      p_inst_id := to_number(substr(p_one_record,1,instr(p_one_record,',')-1));
4594      p_org_id := to_number(substr(p_one_record,instr(p_one_record,',',1,1)+1,
4595                        instr(p_one_record,',',1,2)-instr(p_one_record,',',1,1)-1));
4596      p_dept_id := to_number(substr(p_one_record,instr(p_one_record,',',1,2)+1
4597                       ,instr(p_one_record,',',1,3)-instr(p_one_record,',',1,2)-1));
4598      p_res_id := to_number(substr(p_one_record,instr(p_one_record,',',1,3)+1
4599                       ,instr(p_one_record,',',1,4)-instr(p_one_record,',',1,3)-1));
4600      p_res_instance_id := to_number(substr(p_one_record,instr(p_one_record,',',1,4)+1
4601                       ,instr(p_one_record,',',1,5)-instr(p_one_record,',',1,4)-1));
4602      p_serial_number := substr(p_one_record,instr(p_one_record,',',1,5)+1);
4604 end parseResString;
4606 procedure parseSuppString(p_one_record in varchar2,
4607   p_inst_id out nocopy number, p_org_id out nocopy number,
4608   p_item_id out nocopy number, p_supplier_id out nocopy number,
4609   p_supplier_site_id out nocopy number) is
4611 begin
4613     p_inst_id := to_number(substr(p_one_record,1,instr(p_one_record,',')-1));
4614     p_org_id := to_number(substr(p_one_record,instr(p_one_record,',',1,1)+1,
4615                        instr(p_one_record,',',1,2)-instr(p_one_record,',',1,1)-1));
4616     p_item_id := to_number(substr(p_one_record,instr(p_one_record,',',1,2)+1
4617                       ,instr(p_one_record,',',1,3)-instr(p_one_record,',',1,2)-1));
4618     p_supplier_id := to_number(substr(p_one_record,instr(p_one_record,',',1,3)+1
4619                       ,instr(p_one_record,',',1,4)-instr(p_one_record,',',1,3)-1));
4620     p_supplier_site_id := to_number(substr(p_one_record,instr(p_one_record,',',1,4)+1));
4622 end parseSuppString;
4624 procedure populateListIntoGantt(p_query_id number,
4625   p_plan_id number, p_list varchar2,
4626   p_filter_type number, p_view_type number,
4627   p_folder_id number default null) is
4629   i number:=1;
4630   v_len number;
4631   one_record varchar2(200);
4632   l_mfq_query_id number;
4633   l_row_index number := 0;
4635 begin
4637   l_mfq_query_id := getMFQSequence(l_mfq_query_id);
4639   if ( p_filter_type = FILTER_TYPE_LIST ) then
4641     v_len := length(p_list);
4642     while v_len > 1 loop
4643       if ( p_view_type = SUPPLIER_VIEW ) then
4644         one_record := substr(p_list,instr(p_list,'(',1,i)+1,
4645           instr(p_list,')',1,i)-instr(p_list,'(',1,i)-1);
4646 	if ( ltrim(rtrim(one_record)) is not null) then
4647           populateSuppIntoGantt(p_query_id, i, one_record, p_plan_id);
4648 	end if;
4649       elsif ( p_view_type = ORDER_VIEW ) then
4650         one_record := substr(p_list,instr(p_list,'(',1,i)+1,
4651                  instr(p_list,')',1,i)-instr(p_list,'(',1,i)-1);
4652 	if ( ltrim(rtrim(one_record)) is not null) then
4653           populateOrdersIntoMFQ(null, null, l_mfq_query_id, one_record);
4654 	end if;
4655       elsif ( p_view_type in (RES_HOURS_VIEW, RES_UNITS_VIEW, RES_ACTIVITIES_VIEW) ) then
4656         one_record := substr(p_list,instr(p_list,'(',1,i)+1,
4657           instr(p_list,')',1,i)-instr(p_list,'(',1,i)-1);
4658 	if ( ltrim(rtrim(one_record)) is not null) then
4659           populateResIntoGantt(p_query_id, l_row_index, one_record, p_plan_id);
4660 	end if;
4661       end if;
4662       i := i+1;
4663       v_len := v_len - length(one_record)-3;
4664     end loop;
4666     if ( p_view_type = ORDER_VIEW ) then
4667       populateOrdersIntoGantt(p_plan_id, p_query_id, l_mfq_query_id);
4668     end if;
4670     elsif ( p_filter_type = FILTER_TYPE_MFQ ) then
4671       if ( p_view_type = SUPPLIER_VIEW ) then
4672         populateSuppIntoGanttFromMfq(p_query_id, p_list, p_plan_id);
4673       elsif ( p_view_type = ORDER_VIEW ) then
4674         populateOrdersIntoGantt(p_plan_id, p_query_id, p_list);
4675       elsif ( p_view_type in (RES_HOURS_VIEW, RES_UNITS_VIEW, RES_ACTIVITIES_VIEW) ) then
4676 	populateResIntoGanttFromMfq(p_query_id, p_list, p_plan_id);
4677       end if;
4678     elsif ( p_filter_type = FILTER_TYPE_FOLDER_ID ) then
4679 	null; --not supported currently..
4680     elsif ( p_filter_type = FILTER_TYPE_WHERE_STMT ) then
4681         msc_gantt_utils.findRequest(p_plan_id, p_list,
4682 	p_query_id, p_view_type, FILTER_TYPE_WHERE_STMT, p_folder_id);
4683     elsif ( p_filter_type = FILTER_TYPE_AMONG ) then
4684         msc_gantt_utils.findRequest(p_plan_id, p_list,
4685 	p_query_id, p_view_type, FILTER_TYPE_AMONG);
4686     elsif ( p_filter_type = FILTER_TYPE_QUERY_ID ) then
4687        populateResIntoGanttFromGantt(p_query_id, p_list, p_plan_id);
4688     end if;  -- if ( p_filter_type = 1 ) then
4690 end populateListIntoGantt;
4692 procedure findRequest(p_plan_id number,
4693   p_where varchar2, p_query_id number,
4694   p_view_type varchar2 default null,
4695   p_filter_type number default null,
4696   p_folder_id number default null) is
4698    TYPE GanttCurTyp IS REF CURSOR;
4699    theCursor GanttCurTyp;
4700    sql_statement varchar2(32000);
4702    l_dept number;
4703    l_res number;
4704    l_res_instance_id number;
4705    l_serial_number varchar2(80);
4706    l_org number;
4707    l_instance number;
4708    l_item_id number;
4709    l_supp_id number;
4710    l_supp_site_id number;
4711    l_supply number;
4712    l_transaction number;
4713    exc_where_stat varchar2(32000);
4714    where_stat varchar2(32000);
4716    l_one_record varchar2(100) := null;
4717    orders_where_stat varchar2(32000);
4718    supp_where_stat varchar2(32000);
4719    res_where_stat varchar2(32000);
4721    i number;
4723   l_mfq_query_id number;
4724   l_row_index number := 0;
4726   cursor c_check_res_among (p_folder number, p_res_field varchar2) is
4727   select count(*)
4728   from msc_among_values
4729   where folder_id = p_folder
4730     and ltrim(rtrim(field_name)) = p_res_field;
4731   l_res_among_rows number;
4732   l_among_mfq_query_id number;
4733 begin
4735   if ( p_where is null ) then
4736     return;
4737   end if;
4739   if ( p_view_type = SUPPLIER_VIEW ) then
4740     if (p_filter_type = FILTER_TYPE_WHERE_STMT) then
4741       supp_where_stat := 'select distinct '
4742         ||' inventory_item_id, supplier_id, supplier_site_id '
4743         ||' from msc_item_supplier_v '
4744         ||' where plan_id = :1 '
4745         ||' and category_set_id = '|| g_category_set_id
4746         ||' and 1=1 '||p_where;
4748     elsif (p_filter_type = FILTER_TYPE_AMONG) then
4749      null; --pabram need to check..
4750     end if;
4751     i := 1;
4752     open theCursor for supp_where_stat using p_plan_id;
4753     loop
4754       fetch theCursor into l_item_id, l_supp_id, l_supp_site_id;
4755       exit when theCursor%notfound;
4757       populateSuppIntoGantt(p_query_id, i, l_one_record, p_plan_id,
4758       l_instance, l_org, l_item_id, l_supp_id, l_supp_site_id);
4759       i := i+1;
4760     end loop;
4761     close theCursor;
4762   elsif ( p_view_type in (DEMAND_VIEW, ORDER_VIEW) ) then
4763     l_mfq_query_id := getMFQSequence(l_mfq_query_id);
4765     if (p_filter_type = FILTER_TYPE_WHERE_STMT) then
4766       orders_where_stat := 'select sr_instance_id, transaction_id '
4767         ||' from msc_orders_v '
4768         ||' where plan_id = :1 '
4769         ||' and category_set_id = '|| g_category_set_id
4770         ||' and source_table = ''MSC_SUPPLIES'' '
4771         ||' and 1=1 '||p_where;
4773     elsif (p_filter_type = FILTER_TYPE_AMONG) then
4774      null; --pabram need to check..
4775     end if;
4777     i := 1;
4778     open theCursor for orders_where_stat using p_plan_id;
4779     loop
4780       fetch theCursor into l_instance, l_transaction;
4781       exit when theCursor%notfound;
4782       populateOrdersIntoMFQ(l_instance, l_transaction, l_mfq_query_id, null);
4783       i := i+1;
4784     end loop;
4785     close theCursor;
4786     populateOrdersIntoGantt(p_plan_id, p_query_id, l_mfq_query_id);
4788   elsif ( p_view_type in (RES_UNITS_VIEW, RES_HOURS_VIEW, RES_ACTIVITIES_VIEW) ) then
4789     if (p_filter_type = FILTER_TYPE_WHERE_STMT) then
4791       open c_check_res_among(p_folder_id, g_folder_res_field_name);
4792       fetch c_check_res_among into l_res_among_rows;
4793       close c_check_res_among;
4795       put_line('res among rows '||l_res_among_rows);
4797       if ( l_res_among_rows = 0 ) then
4798         put_line(' regular res where ');
4799       res_where_stat := 'select sr_instance_id, organization_id, '
4800         ||' department_id, resource_id, res_instance_id, serial_number '
4801         ||' from msc_res_and_inst_v '
4802         ||' where plan_id = :1 '
4803         --||' and res_instance_id is null '
4804         ||' and 1=1 '||p_where;
4805       else
4806         put_line(' among res where ');
4807         l_among_mfq_query_id := getMFQSequence(l_among_mfq_query_id);
4809 	put_line(' l_among_mfq_query_id '||l_among_mfq_query_id);
4810       res_where_stat := 'insert into msc_form_query(query_id, number1, number2, '
4811         ||' number3, number4, number5, char1, '
4812 	||' last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by) '
4813 	||' select '||l_among_mfq_query_id
4814         ||' ,sr_instance_id, organization_id, '
4815         ||' department_id, resource_id, res_instance_id, serial_number, '
4816         ||' sysdate, -1, sysdate, -1 '
4817         ||' from msc_res_and_inst_v '
4818         ||' where plan_id = '||p_plan_id
4819         --||' and res_instance_id is null '
4820         ||' and 1=1 '||p_where;
4822 	msc_get_name.execute_dsql(res_where_stat);
4824       res_where_stat := 'select number1, number2, number3, number4, number5, char1 '
4825 	||' from msc_form_query mfq, '
4826 	||' msc_among_values mav '
4827 	||' where mfq.query_id = :p_mfq_query '
4828 	||' and mav.folder_id = :p_folder '
4829 	||' and ltrim(rtrim(mav.field_name)) = :p_res_field '
4830 	||' and mfq.number4 = mav.hidden_values '
4831 	||' order by mav.order_by_sequence ';
4833       end if;
4835     elsif (p_filter_type = FILTER_TYPE_AMONG) then
4836      null; --pabram need to check..
4837     end if;
4838  --put_line('res stmt '||res_where_stat);
4839     i := 1;
4840     if ( l_res_among_rows = 0 ) then
4841       open theCursor for res_where_stat using p_plan_id;
4842     else
4843       open theCursor for res_where_stat using l_among_mfq_query_id, p_folder_id,g_folder_res_field_name;
4844     end if;
4845     loop
4846       fetch theCursor into l_instance, l_org, l_dept, l_res, l_res_instance_id, l_serial_number;
4847       exit when theCursor%notfound;
4848       populateResIntoGantt(p_query_id, l_row_index, l_one_record, p_plan_id,
4849         l_instance, l_org, l_dept, l_res, l_res_instance_id, l_serial_number, sys_yes);
4850       i := i+1;
4851     end loop;
4852     close theCursor;
4853   end if;
4855   if ( p_view_type in (DEMAND_VIEW, ORDER_VIEW,
4857     return;
4858   end if;
4860 end findRequest;
4862 procedure constructSupplyRequest(p_query_id number,
4863   p_from_block varchar2, p_plan_id number,
4864   p_plan_end_date date, p_where varchar2) is
4866    TYPE GanttCurTyp IS REF CURSOR;
4867    the_cursor GanttCurTyp;
4868    l_instance number;
4869    l_supply number;
4870    l_exp_id number;
4871    sql_stat varchar2(32000);
4872    l_char varchar2(32000);
4873 BEGIN
4875    if p_from_block = 'RESOURCE' then
4876          sql_stat := ' SELECT distinct mrr.sr_instance_id, ' ||
4877                             ' mrr.supply_id ' ||
4878                       ' FROM msc_resource_requirements mrr, ' ||
4879                            ' msc_department_resources mdr ' ||
4880                      ' WHERE mrr.plan_id = '||p_plan_id ||
4881                        ' AND mdr.plan_id = mrr.plan_id '||
4882                        ' AND mdr.organization_id = mrr.organization_id ' ||
4883                        ' AND mdr.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id'||
4884                        ' AND mdr.department_id = mrr.department_id'||
4885                        ' AND mdr.resource_id = mrr.resource_id '||
4886                        ' AND mdr.aggregate_resource_flag =2 '||
4887           ' and mrr.end_date is not null '||
4888           ' and nvl(mrr.parent_id,2) =2 '||
4889                              p_where;
4890    elsif p_from_block = 'EXCEPTION' then
4891          sql_stat := 'SELECT mrr.sr_instance_id, '||
4892                            ' mrr.transaction_id '||
4893                      ' FROM msc_supplies mrr, '||
4894                           ' msc_exception_details med '||
4895                     ' WHERE mrr.plan_id = '||p_plan_id ||
4896        ' and mrr.plan_id = med.plan_id '||
4897        ' and (  (mrr.transaction_id = med.number1 and '||
4898                ' med.exception_type in (6,7,8,9,10,32,34,53,54,58))'||
4899            ' or (mrr.transaction_id = med.number2 and '||
4900                ' med.exception_type = 37)) '|| p_where ||
4901        ' union select mrr.sr_instance_id, '||
4902                     ' mrr.supply_id transaction_id '||
4903               ' FROM msc_resource_requirements mrr, '||
4904                    ' msc_exception_details med '||
4905            ' where med.exception_type in (21,22,36,45,46) '||
4906                        ' AND med.plan_id = mrr.plan_id ' ||
4907                        ' AND med.organization_id = mrr.organization_id ' ||
4908                        ' AND med.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id ' ||
4909                        ' AND med.department_id = mrr.department_id '||
4910                        ' AND med.plan_id = '||p_plan_id ||
4911                        ' AND med.resource_id = mrr.resource_id '||
4912                        ' and mrr.end_date is not null '||
4913                p_where;
4915    else
4916         sql_stat := 'SELECT mrr.sr_instance_id, '||
4917                           ' mrr.transaction_id '||
4918                       'FROM msc_supplies mrr '||
4919                     ' WHERE mrr.plan_id = '||p_plan_id ||p_where;
4920    end if;
4922    open the_cursor for sql_stat;
4923    loop
4924      fetch the_cursor into l_instance, l_supply;
4925      exit when the_cursor%notfound;
4926      populateOrdersIntoMFQ(l_instance, l_supply, p_query_id);
4927    end loop;
4928    close the_cursor;
4930 end constructSupplyRequest;
4932 procedure constructResourceRequest(p_query_id number,
4933   p_from_block varchar2, p_plan_id number,
4934   p_plan_end_date date,  p_where varchar2) IS
4936    TYPE GanttCurTyp IS REF CURSOR;
4937    the_cursor GanttCurTyp;
4938    l_dept number;
4939    l_res number;
4940    l_org number;
4941    l_instance number;
4942    sql_stat varchar2(32000);
4943    l_char varchar2(2000);
4944    v_one_record varchar2(100);
4945    i number := 1;
4947 BEGIN
4949    if p_from_block = 'EXCEPTION' then
4950          sql_stat := ' SELECT distinct mrr.sr_instance_id, ' ||
4951                             ' mrr.organization_id, '||
4952                             ' mrr.department_id, '||
4953                             ' mrr.resource_id '||
4954                       ' FROM msc_resource_requirements mrr, ' ||
4955                            ' msc_department_resources mdr, ' ||
4956                            ' msc_exception_details med ' ||
4957                      ' WHERE mrr.plan_id = :1 '||
4958                        ' AND mdr.plan_id = mrr.plan_id '||
4959                        ' AND mdr.organization_id = mrr.organization_id ' ||
4960                        ' AND mdr.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id'||
4961                        ' AND mdr.department_id = mrr.department_id'||
4962                        ' AND mdr.resource_id = mrr.resource_id '||
4963                        ' AND mdr.aggregate_resource_flag =2 '||
4964                        ' AND med.plan_id = mrr.plan_id ' ||
4965                        ' AND med.organization_id = mrr.organization_id ' ||
4966                        ' AND med.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id ' ||
4967                       ' AND decode(med.department_id, -1, mrr.department_id,'||
4968                        '     med.department_id) = mrr.department_id ' ||
4969                        ' AND decode(med.resource_id, -1, mrr.resource_id, '||
4970                        '     med.resource_id) = mrr.resource_id '||
4971                        ' AND decode(med.inventory_item_id, -1, '||
4972                                     ' mrr.assembly_item_id, '||
4973                        '  med.inventory_item_id) = mrr.assembly_item_id '||
4974        ' and (  (mrr.supply_id = med.number1 and '||
4975                ' med.exception_type in (6,7,8,9,10,32,34,53,54,58))'||
4976            ' or (mrr.supply_id = med.number2 and '||
4977                ' med.exception_type = 37) '||
4978            ' or (med.exception_type in (21,22,36,45,46)))'||
4979           ' and nvl(mrr.parent_id,2) =2 ' ||
4980           ' and mrr.end_date is not null '||
4981            ' and nvl(mrr.firm_end_date,mrr.end_date) <= :2 '||
4982                              p_where;
4983    else
4984          sql_stat := ' SELECT distinct mrr.sr_instance_id, ' ||
4985                             ' mrr.organization_id, '||
4986                             ' mrr.department_id, '||
4987                             ' mrr.resource_id '||
4988                       ' FROM msc_resource_requirements mrr, ' ||
4989                            ' msc_department_resources mdr ' ||
4990                      ' WHERE mrr.plan_id = :1 '||
4991                        ' AND mdr.plan_id = mrr.plan_id '||
4992                        ' AND mdr.organization_id = mrr.organization_id ' ||
4993                        ' AND mdr.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id'||
4994                        ' AND mdr.department_id = mrr.department_id'||
4995                        ' AND mdr.resource_id = mrr.resource_id '||
4996                        ' AND mdr.aggregate_resource_flag =2 '||
4997           ' and mrr.end_date is not null '||
4998           ' and nvl(mrr.parent_id,2) =2 ' ||
4999            ' and nvl(mrr.firm_end_date,mrr.end_date) <= :2 '||
5000                              p_where;
5001    end if;
5003    open the_cursor for sql_stat using p_plan_id, p_plan_end_date;
5004    loop
5005      fetch the_cursor into l_instance, l_org, l_dept, l_res;
5006      exit when the_cursor%notfound;
5008      v_one_record := '('||l_instance ||','||l_org ||','||l_dept||','||l_res||','||MBP_NULL_VALUE||')';
5009      populateresintogantt(p_query_id, i, v_one_record, p_plan_id);
5010      i := i+1;
5012    end loop;
5013    close the_cursor;
5015 end constructResourceRequest;
5017 procedure constructRequest(p_query_id number, p_type varchar2, p_plan_id number,
5018   p_plan_end_date date, p_where varchar2, p_from_block varchar2) is
5020 begin
5022  if p_from_block in ('LATE_DEMAND','ORDER') then
5023    null;
5024  else -- not from late demand and order view
5025    if p_type = 'RESOURCE' then
5026      constructResourceRequest(p_query_id, p_from_block,p_plan_id, p_plan_end_date, p_where);
5027    else
5028      constructSupplyRequest(p_query_id, p_from_block,p_plan_id, p_plan_end_date, p_where);
5029    end if;
5030  end if;
5032 end constructRequest;
5034 function getMFQSequence (p_query_id in number default null) Return number is
5035   l_query_id number;
5036 begin
5038   if (p_query_id is not null) then
5039     delete from msc_form_query where query_id = p_query_id;
5040     return p_query_id;
5041   end if;
5043   select msc_form_query_s.nextval
5044     into l_query_id
5045   from dual;
5046   return l_query_id;
5048 end getMFQSequence;
5050 function getGanttSequence (p_query_id in number default null) return number is
5051   l_query_id number;
5052 begin
5053   if (p_query_id is not null) then
5054     delete from msc_gantt_query where query_id = p_query_id;
5055     return p_query_id;
5056   end if;
5057   select msc_gantt_query_s.nextval
5058     into l_query_id
5059   from dual;
5060   return l_query_id;
5062 end getGanttSequence;
5064 procedure loadAltResourceBatch(p_plan_id number, p_transaction_id number,
5065   p_instance_id number, p_alt_resource number, p_alt_resource_inst number,
5066   p_serial_number varchar2, p_alt_num number,
5067   p_node_type number, p_to_node_type number, p_return_trx_id out nocopy number,
5068   p_return_status OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
5069   p_out OUT NOCOPY varchar2
5070   ) is
5072   cursor c_res_batch_rows (p_plan number, p_inst number, p_trx number) is
5073   select mrrb.sr_instance_id, mrrb.transaction_id
5074   from msc_resource_requirements mrr,
5075     msc_resource_requirements mrrb
5076   where mrr.plan_id = p_plan
5077     and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst
5078     and mrr.transaction_id = p_trx
5079     and mrr.plan_id = mrrb.plan_id
5080     and mrr.sr_instance_id = mrrb.plan_id
5081     and mrr.batch_number = mrrb.batch_number;
5083   l_inst_id number;
5084   l_trx_id number;
5086 begin
5088   open c_res_batch_rows(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, p_transaction_id);
5089   loop
5090     fetch c_res_batch_rows into l_inst_id, l_trx_id;
5091     exit when c_res_batch_rows%notfound;
5093     msc_gantt_utils.loadAltResource(p_plan_id,
5094       l_inst_id, l_trx_id, p_alt_resource, p_alt_resource_inst, p_serial_number, p_alt_num,
5095       p_node_type, p_to_node_type, p_return_trx_id, p_return_status, p_out);
5096   end loop;
5097   close c_res_batch_rows;
5099 end loadAltResourceBatch;
5101 procedure loadAltResource(p_plan_id number, p_transaction_id number,
5102   p_instance_id number, p_alt_resource number, p_alt_resource_inst number,
5103   p_serial_number varchar2, p_alt_num number,
5104   p_node_type number, p_to_node_type number, p_return_trx_id out nocopy number,
5105   p_return_status OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
5106   p_out OUT NOCOPY varchar2
5107   ) is
5109    l_firm_flag number;
5110    l_basis_type number;
5111    l_rout_seq number;
5112    l_op_seq number;
5113    l_op_seq_num number;
5114    l_res_seq number;
5115    l_supply_id number;
5116    l_act_group number;
5117    l_avail_res_seq number;
5118    l_resource_id number;
5119    l_assigned_units number;
5121   cursor c_inst_req_for_same_req (p_plan number, p_res number, p_res_inst number, p_serial varchar2,
5122     p_supply number, p_op_seq_num number) is
5123   select count(*)
5124   from msc_resource_instance_reqs
5125   where plan_id = p_plan
5126     and resource_id = p_res
5127     and res_instance_id = p_res_inst
5128     and nvl(serial_number, mbp_null_value_char) = nvl(p_serial, mbp_null_value_char)
5129     and supply_id = p_supply
5130     and operation_seq_num = p_op_seq_num;
5131   l_temp_inst_rows number;
5133   cursor c_res_trx_info(p_plan number, p_inst number, p_trx number) is
5134   select mrr.resource_id, mrr.routing_sequence_id,
5135     mrr.operation_sequence_id,
5136     mrr.operation_seq_num,
5137     mrr.resource_seq_num,
5138     mrr.supply_id,
5139     mrr.basis_type,
5140     mors.activity_group_id,
5141     ms.new_order_quantity qty,
5142     mrr.assigned_units,
5143     mrr.firm_flag
5144   from msc_resource_requirements mrr,
5145     msc_operation_resource_seqs mors,
5146     msc_supplies ms
5147   where mrr.plan_id = p_plan
5148     and mrr.transaction_id = p_trx
5149     and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst
5150     and mors.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
5151     and mors.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
5152     and mors.routing_sequence_id = mrr.routing_sequence_id
5153     and mors.operation_sequence_id = mrr.operation_sequence_id
5154     and mors.resource_seq_num = mrr.resource_seq_num
5155     and ms.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
5156     and ms.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
5157     and ms.transaction_id = mrr.supply_id
5158   union all --5478582 bugfix
5159   select mrr.resource_id, mrr.routing_sequence_id,
5160     mrr.operation_sequence_id,
5161     mrr.operation_seq_num,
5162     mrr.resource_seq_num,
5163     mrr.supply_id,
5164     mrr.basis_type,
5165     mjor.activity_group_id,
5166     ms.new_order_quantity qty,
5167     mrr.assigned_units,
5168     mrr.firm_flag
5169   from msc_resource_requirements mrr,
5170     msc_job_op_resources mjor,
5171     msc_supplies ms
5172   where mrr.plan_id = p_plan
5173     and mrr.transaction_id = p_trx
5174     and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst
5175     and mrr.routing_sequence_id is null
5176     and mjor.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
5177     and mjor.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
5178     and mjor.transaction_id = mrr.supply_id
5179     and mjor.resource_id = mrr.resource_id
5180     and mjor.operation_seq_num = mrr.operation_seq_num
5181     and mjor.resource_seq_num = mrr.resource_seq_num
5182     and ms.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
5183     and ms.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
5184     and ms.transaction_id = mrr.supply_id;
5186     cursor c_avail_res_seq_count(p_plan number, p_inst number, p_op_seq number,
5187       p_rout_seq number, p_act_group number, p_alternate_num number) is
5188     select count(*)
5189     from (select distinct mors.resource_seq_num
5190           from msc_operation_resource_seqs mors,
5191             msc_operation_resources mor
5192           where mors.plan_id = p_plan
5193             and mors.sr_instance_id = p_inst
5194             and mors.operation_sequence_id = p_op_seq
5195             and mors.routing_sequence_id = p_rout_seq
5196             and mors.activity_group_id = p_act_group
5197             and mor.plan_id = mors.plan_id
5198             and mor.sr_instance_id = mors.sr_instance_id
5199             and mor.routing_sequence_id = mors.routing_sequence_id
5200             and mor.operation_sequence_id = mors.operation_sequence_id
5201             and mor.resource_seq_num = mors.resource_seq_num
5202             and mor.alternate_number = p_alternate_num);
5204    cursor all_res_seq(p_plan number, p_inst number, p_op_seq number,
5205       p_rout_seq number, p_act_group number) is
5206    select
5207      distinct mors.resource_seq_num
5208    from  msc_operation_resource_seqs mors
5209    where mors.plan_id = p_plan
5210      and mors.sr_instance_id = p_inst
5211      and mors.routing_sequence_id = p_rout_seq
5212      and mors.operation_sequence_id = p_op_seq
5213      and mors.activity_group_id = p_act_group;
5215    cursor same_res_group(p_plan number, p_inst number, p_op_seq number,
5216       p_rout_seq number, p_act_group number, p_res_seq number,
5217       p_alternate_num number, p_supply_id number, p_op_seq_num number) is
5218    select distinct mrr.transaction_id,
5219      mor.principal_flag,
5220      mrr.resource_id
5221    from msc_resource_requirements mrr,
5222      msc_operation_resources mor
5223    where mrr.plan_id = p_plan
5224      and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst
5225      and mrr.routing_sequence_id = p_rout_seq
5226      and mrr.operation_sequence_id = p_op_seq
5227      and mrr.resource_seq_num = p_res_seq
5228      and mor.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
5229      and mor.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
5230      and mor.routing_sequence_id = mrr.routing_sequence_id
5231      and mor.operation_sequence_id = mrr.operation_sequence_id
5232      and mor.resource_seq_num = mrr.resource_seq_num
5233      and mor.resource_id = mrr.resource_id
5234      and mor.alternate_number <> p_alternate_num
5235      and mrr.parent_id = 2
5236      and mrr.supply_id = p_supply_id
5237   union all --5478582 bugfix
5238    select distinct mrr.transaction_id,
5239      mjor.principal_flag,
5240      mrr.resource_id
5241    from msc_resource_requirements mrr,
5242     msc_job_op_resources mjor
5243    where mrr.plan_id = p_plan
5244      and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst
5245      and mrr.routing_sequence_id is null
5246      and mrr.operation_seq_num = p_op_seq_num
5247      and mrr.resource_seq_num = p_res_seq
5248      and mjor.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
5249      and mjor.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
5250      and mjor.transaction_id = mrr.supply_id
5251      and mjor.operation_seq_num = mrr.operation_seq_num
5252      and mjor.resource_seq_num = mrr.resource_seq_num
5253      and mjor.resource_id = mrr.resource_id
5254      and mjor.alternate_num <> p_alternate_num
5255      and mrr.parent_id = 2
5256      and mrr.supply_id = p_supply_id
5257    order by 2;
5259   cursor alt_res_group(p_plan number, p_inst number, p_op_seq number,
5260       p_rout_seq number, p_res_seq number, p_alternate_num number,
5261       p_supply_id number, p_op_seq_num number) is
5262   select mor.resource_usage,
5263     mor.resource_units,
5264     mor.resource_id,
5265     mor.alternate_number,
5266     mor.principal_flag,
5267     mor.basis_type,
5268     mor.orig_resource_seq_num
5269   from msc_operation_resources mor
5270   where mor.plan_id = p_plan
5271     and mor.sr_instance_id = p_inst
5272     and mor.routing_sequence_id = p_rout_seq
5273     and mor.operation_sequence_id = p_op_seq
5274     and mor.resource_seq_num = p_res_seq
5275     and mor.alternate_number = p_alternate_num
5276   union all --5478582 bugfix
5277   select mjor.usage_rate_or_amount resource_usage,
5278     mjor.assigned_units resource_units,
5279     mjor.resource_id,
5280     mjor.alternate_num,
5281     mjor.principal_flag,
5282     mjor.basis_type,
5283     mjor.orig_resource_seq_num
5284   from msc_job_op_resources mjor
5285   where mjor.plan_id = p_plan
5286     and mjor.sr_instance_id = p_inst
5287     and mjor.transaction_id = p_supply_id
5288     and mjor.operation_seq_num = p_op_seq_num
5289     and mjor.resource_seq_num = p_res_seq
5290     and mjor.alternate_num = p_alternate_num
5291     and p_rout_seq is null
5292   order by 5;
5294    -- 4561112 bugfix
5295   cursor assembly_qty (p_plan number, p_supply number) is
5296     select nvl(assembly_quantity,1) assembly_quantity
5297     from msc_boms mb,
5298       msc_supplies ms,
5299       msc_process_effectivity mpe,
5300       msc_resource_requirements mrr
5301     where ms.plan_id = p_plan
5302       and ms.transaction_id = p_supply
5303       and ms.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
5304       and ms.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
5305       and ms.transaction_id = mrr.supply_id
5306       and nvl(mrr.parent_id,2) =2
5307       and ms.plan_id = mpe.plan_id
5308       and ms.sr_instance_id = mpe.sr_instance_id
5309       and ms.process_seq_id = mpe.process_sequence_id
5310       and mpe.plan_id = mb.plan_id
5311       and mpe.sr_instance_id = mb.sr_instance_id
5312       and mpe.bill_sequence_id = mb.bill_sequence_id
5313       and mrr.assembly_item_id = mb.assembly_item_id;
5314    v_assembly_quantity number;
5315    -- 4561112 bugfix
5317   TYPE ResRecTyp IS RECORD (
5318          resource_usage number,
5319          resource_units number,
5320          resource_id number,
5321          alternate_number number,
5322          principal_flag number,
5323 	 basis_type number,
5324          orig_resource_seq_num number);
5326   TYPE SimRecTyp IS RECORD (
5327          transaction_id number,
5328          principal_flag number,
5329 	 resource_id number);
5335   l_simu_res   FromTabTyp;
5336   l_alt_res    ToTabTyp;
5337   l_all_seq    numTabTyp;
5338   i BINARY_INTEGER := 0;
5339   j BINARY_INTEGER := 0;
5341   v_usage number;
5342   v_qty number;
5343   v_hours number;
5345   ll_res_inst_trx_id number;
5346   ll_res_trx_id number;
5347   ll_temp_res_inst_trx_id number;
5349   l_dummy_id number;
5350   l_temp_trx_id number;
5352   l_dummy_name_data varchar2(10000);
5353   l_dummy_id_data varchar2(10000);
5354   l_alt_count number;
5356   l_within_res number;
5358 begin
5359   put_line('loadAltResource in');
5360   put_line('plan inst trx '||p_plan_id||' '||p_transaction_id||' '||p_instance_id);
5362   if ( p_node_type = RES_INST_NODE ) then -- {
5363     ll_res_inst_trx_id := p_transaction_id;
5364     ll_res_trx_id := get_parent_res_trx_id(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, ll_res_inst_trx_id);
5365     put_line(' res-inst node res-trx res-inst-trx '||ll_res_trx_id||' '||ll_res_inst_trx_id);
5366   else
5367     ll_res_trx_id := p_transaction_id;
5368     ll_res_inst_trx_id := get_child_res_trx_id(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, ll_res_trx_id);
5369     put_line(' res node res-trx res-inst-trx '||ll_res_trx_id||' '||ll_res_inst_trx_id);
5370   end if; -- }
5372   if ( p_to_node_type = RES_NODE ) then
5373     p_return_trx_id := ll_res_trx_id;
5374   else
5375     p_return_trx_id := ll_res_inst_trx_id;
5376   end if;
5378   put_line(' res-trx inst-trx '||ll_res_trx_id||' '||ll_res_inst_trx_id);
5380   --get corresponding info about this tranx
5381   open c_res_trx_info(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, ll_res_trx_id);
5382   fetch c_res_trx_info into l_resource_id, l_rout_seq, l_op_seq, l_op_seq_num, l_res_seq,
5383     l_supply_id,l_basis_type, l_act_group, v_qty, l_assigned_units, l_firm_flag;
5384   close c_res_trx_info;
5386   --4931312 bufix
5387     if ( nvl(l_firm_flag,0) <> 0 ) then
5388       p_return_status := 'ERROR';
5389       p_out := 'REQ_IS_FIRMED';
5390       put_line('req_is_firmed 1');
5391       return;
5392     end if;
5393   --4931312 bufix  ends
5395      -- 4561112 bugfix
5396      open assembly_qty(p_plan_id, l_supply_id);
5397      fetch assembly_qty into v_assembly_quantity;
5398      close assembly_qty;
5399      if (v_assembly_quantity is null or v_assembly_quantity = 0) then
5400        v_assembly_quantity := 1;
5401      end if;
5402      -- 4561112 bugfix
5404   -- 4569506 bugfix
5405   --trying to move within a resource
5406   l_within_res := sys_no;
5407   if ( p_node_type = RES_INST_NODE and p_to_node_type = RES_INST_NODE) then --{
5408    if (l_resource_id = p_alt_resource) then
5409      l_within_res := sys_yes;
5410    end if;
5411   end if; --}
5412   -- 4569506 bugfix ends
5414   msc_gantt_utils.getAltResource(p_plan_id, p_transaction_id, p_instance_id,
5415     l_dummy_name_data, l_dummy_id_data, p_node_type, sys_yes);
5417   select count(*)
5418     into l_alt_count
5419   from msc_form_query
5420   where query_id = to_number(l_dummy_id_data)
5421     and number1 = p_alt_resource
5422     and nvl(number2, mbp_null_value) = nvl(p_alt_resource_inst, mbp_null_value)
5423     and nvl(char1, mbp_null_value_char)  = nvl(p_serial_number, mbp_null_value_char)
5424     and number3 = p_alt_num;
5426   if (l_alt_count = 0 and l_within_res = sys_no) then
5427       p_return_status := 'ERROR';
5428       p_out := 'NOT_A_VALID_ALTERNATE';
5429       return;
5430   end if;
5432   --let's do some validation of from and to
5433   if ( p_node_type = RES_NODE and p_to_node_type = RES_NODE ) then -- {
5434     null; -- this is okay;
5435   elsif ( p_node_type = RES_NODE and p_to_node_type = RES_INST_NODE ) then
5436     if ( l_assigned_units <> 1 ) then
5437       p_return_status := 'ERROR';
5438       p_out := 'CANNOT_OFFLOAD_1_ASGN_UNITS';
5439       return;
5440     end if;
5441   elsif ( p_node_type = RES_INST_NODE and p_to_node_type = RES_NODE ) then
5442     if ( l_resource_id = p_alt_resource) then
5443       p_return_status := 'ERROR';
5445       return;
5446     elsif ( l_assigned_units <> 1 ) then
5447       p_return_status := 'ERROR';
5448       p_out := 'CANNOT_OFFLOAD_1_ASGN_UNITS';
5449       return;
5450     end if;
5451   elsif ( p_node_type = RES_INST_NODE and p_to_node_type = RES_INST_NODE ) then
5452     if ( l_resource_id = p_alt_resource) then
5453       open c_inst_req_for_same_req(p_plan_id, p_alt_resource, p_alt_resource_inst,
5454         p_serial_number, l_supply_id, l_op_seq_num);
5455       fetch c_inst_req_for_same_req into l_temp_inst_rows;
5456       close c_inst_req_for_same_req;
5458       if (l_temp_inst_rows <> 0) then
5459         p_return_status := 'ERROR';
5460         p_out := 'CANNOT_OFFLOAD_TO_SAME_REQ';
5461         return;
5462       end if;
5463     elsif ( l_assigned_units <> 1 ) then
5464       p_return_status := 'ERROR';
5465       p_out := 'CANNOT_OFFLOAD_1_ASGN_UNITS';
5466       return;
5467     end if;
5469     msc_gantt_utils.updateReqInstFromAlt(p_plan_id, p_instance_id,
5470       ll_res_inst_trx_id, p_alt_resource, p_alt_resource_inst, p_serial_number,
5471       null, p_alt_resource, null);
5473     -- update requirement's supply
5474     msc_gantt_utils.updateSupplies(p_plan_id, l_supply_id, TOUCH_SUPPLY);
5476     p_return_status := 'OK';
5477     p_out := '';
5478     return;
5480   end if; -- }
5481   --validation ends
5483   if l_act_group is null then -- {
5484     l_all_seq(1) := l_res_seq;
5485   else
5486     open all_res_seq(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, l_op_seq, l_rout_seq, l_act_group);
5487     fetch all_res_seq bulk collect into l_all_seq;
5488     close all_res_seq;
5490     open c_avail_res_seq_count(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, l_op_seq, l_rout_seq, l_act_group, p_alt_num);
5491     fetch c_avail_res_seq_count into l_avail_res_seq;
5492     close c_avail_res_seq_count;
5494     if l_avail_res_seq is null or l_avail_res_seq < l_all_seq.LAST then -- {
5495       p_return_status := 'ERROR';
5496       p_out := 'NO_ALT';
5497       return;
5498     end if; -- }
5499   end if; -- }
5501   for j in 1..l_all_seq.last
5502   loop -- {
5503     l_res_seq := l_all_seq(j);
5505     -- fetch the resources in the same resource group
5506     open same_res_group(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, l_op_seq, l_rout_seq,
5507       l_act_group, l_res_seq, p_alt_num, l_supply_id, l_op_seq_num);
5508     fetch same_res_group bulk collect into l_simu_res;
5509     close same_res_group;
5511     -- fetch the resources in the alternate resource group
5512     open alt_res_group(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, l_op_seq,
5513       l_rout_seq, l_res_seq, p_alt_num, l_supply_id, l_op_seq_num);
5514     fetch alt_res_group bulk collect into l_alt_res;
5515     close alt_res_group;
5517     put_line(' for loop : index all_seq same_res_group alt_res_group '||j
5518       || null_space || l_all_seq.count || null_space ||l_simu_res.count
5519       || null_space ||l_alt_res.count);
5521     i:=1;
5522     while (l_simu_res.LAST >= i or l_alt_res.LAST >= i)
5523     loop -- {
5525     put_line(' while loop : index  '||i);
5527     if ( l_simu_res.LAST >= i ) then
5528       put_line(' same_res_id '||l_simu_res(i).resource_id);
5529     end if;
5531     if ( l_alt_res.LAST >= i ) then
5532       put_line(' alt_res_id '||l_alt_res(i).resource_id);
5533     end if;
5535       -- add the res from alt res group
5536       if i > l_simu_res.last then -- {
5538 	put_line(' in i > l_simu_res.last - inserting alt res into mrr ');
5540         if ( l_alt_res(i).basis_type = 1 ) then
5541           v_hours := v_qty * l_alt_res(i).resource_usage;
5542           v_hours := v_hours/v_assembly_quantity;  --4561112 bugfix
5543         else
5544           v_hours := l_alt_res(i).resource_usage;
5545         end if;
5547         ll_temp_res_inst_trx_id := get_child_res_trx_id(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, l_simu_res(1).transaction_id);
5549 	  l_dummy_id := msc_gantt_utils.insertReqFromAlt(p_plan_id, p_instance_id,
5550 	  l_simu_res(1).transaction_id , l_alt_res(i).resource_id, v_hours,
5551 	  l_alt_res(i).alternate_number, l_alt_res(i).basis_type,
5552           l_alt_res(i).orig_resource_seq_num);
5554         DeleteReqInstFromAlt(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, ll_temp_res_inst_trx_id);
5555       elsif i > l_alt_res.last then -- delete the extra res
5557 	put_line(' in i > l_alt_res.last - deleting alt res into mrr ');
5558         ll_temp_res_inst_trx_id := get_child_res_trx_id(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, l_simu_res(i).transaction_id);
5559 	msc_gantt_utils.DeleteReqFromAlt(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, l_simu_res(i).transaction_id);
5560         DeleteReqInstFromAlt(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, ll_temp_res_inst_trx_id);
5562       else -- update the res to alt_res
5564 	put_line(' in else simu trx id '||l_simu_res(i).transaction_id||' updating  alt res into mrr ');
5565         if ( l_alt_res(i).basis_type = 1 ) then
5566           v_hours := v_qty * l_alt_res(i).resource_usage;
5567           v_hours := v_hours/v_assembly_quantity;  --4561112 bugfix
5568         else
5569           v_hours := l_alt_res(i).resource_usage;
5570         end if;
5572 	ll_temp_res_inst_trx_id := get_child_res_trx_id(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, l_simu_res(i).transaction_id);
5573         put_line(' in else simu ll_temp_res_inst_trx_id '||ll_temp_res_inst_trx_id);
5575 	msc_gantt_utils.updateReqFromAlt(p_plan_id, p_instance_id,
5576 	  l_simu_res(i).transaction_id, l_alt_res(i).resource_id,
5577 	  v_hours, l_alt_res(i).alternate_number, l_alt_res(i).basis_type,
5578           l_alt_res(i).orig_resource_seq_num);
5580         DeleteReqInstFromAlt(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, ll_temp_res_inst_trx_id);
5582         if (l_simu_res(i).transaction_id = ll_res_trx_id ) then -- {
5583 	  put_line(' in res inst update insert');
5584  	  if ( p_node_type = RES_NODE and p_to_node_type = RES_INST_NODE ) then
5585 	    put_line(' res inst insert');
5586 	    l_temp_trx_id := msc_gantt_utils.insertReqInstFromAlt(p_plan_id,
5587 	      p_instance_id, ll_res_trx_id, p_alt_resource, p_alt_resource_inst,
5588 	      p_serial_number, v_hours, p_alt_num, RES_NODE,
5589               l_alt_res(i).orig_resource_seq_num);
5590 	    p_return_trx_id := l_temp_trx_id ;
5591 	  elsif ( p_node_type = RES_INST_NODE and p_to_node_type = RES_INST_NODE ) then
5592 	    put_line(' res inst update');
5593 	    msc_gantt_utils.updateReqInstFromAlt(p_plan_id, p_instance_id,
5594 	      ll_res_inst_trx_id, p_alt_resource, p_alt_resource_inst, p_serial_number,
5595 	      v_hours, l_alt_res(i).alternate_number,
5596               l_alt_res(i).orig_resource_seq_num);
5597 	  end if;
5598 	end if; -- }
5600       end if; -- }
5601       i := i+1;
5602     end loop; -- }
5603   end loop; -- }
5605   -- update requirement's supply
5606   msc_gantt_utils.updateSupplies(p_plan_id, l_supply_id, TOUCH_SUPPLY);
5608   p_return_status := 'OK';
5609   p_out := '';
5610 exception
5611   when app_exception.record_lock_exception then
5612     p_return_status := 'ERROR';
5613     p_out := 'RECORD_LOCK';
5614 end loadAltResource;
5616 procedure lockReqInstNGetData(p_plan_id number, p_inst_id number, p_trx_id number,
5617   p_supply_id out nocopy number, p_start_date out nocopy date, p_end_date out nocopy date,
5618   p_return_status in OUT NOCOPY varchar2, p_out in OUT NOCOPY varchar2) is
5620 begin
5622   put_line(' lockReqInstNGetData in');
5623   -- lock the record first
5624   select mrir.supply_id, mrir.start_date, mrir.end_date
5625     into p_supply_id, p_start_date, p_end_date
5626     from msc_resource_instance_reqs mrir
5627     where mrir.plan_id = p_plan_id
5628       and mrir.sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
5629       and mrir.res_inst_transaction_id = p_trx_id
5630     for update of mrir.supply_id nowait;
5632   put_line(' lockReqInstNGetData out');
5633 exception
5634   when no_data_found then
5635     null;
5636   when app_exception.record_lock_exception then
5637     p_return_status := 'ERROR';
5638     p_out := 'RECORD_LOCK';
5639 end lockReqInstNGetData;
5641 procedure lockReqNGetData(p_plan_id number, p_inst_id number, p_trx_id number,
5642   p_firm_type out nocopy number, p_supply_id out nocopy number, p_start_date out nocopy date, p_end_date out nocopy date,
5643   p_firm_start_date out nocopy date, p_firm_end_date out nocopy date,
5644   p_return_status in OUT NOCOPY varchar2, p_out in OUT NOCOPY varchar2) is
5646 begin
5648   put_line(' lockReqNGetData in');
5649     -- lock the record first
5650     select mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date,
5651       mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date, mrr.supply_id, mrr.firm_flag
5652     into p_firm_start_date, p_firm_end_date,
5653       p_start_date, p_end_date, p_supply_id, p_firm_type
5654     from msc_resource_requirements mrr
5655     where mrr.plan_id = p_plan_id
5656       and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
5657       and mrr.transaction_id = p_trx_id
5658     for update of mrr.firm_flag nowait;
5660 --5153956 bugfix
5661 /*
5662     if p_firm_type in (NO_FIRM, FIRM_RESOURCE) then -- {
5663       p_firm_start_date := to_date(null);
5664       p_firm_end_date := to_date(null);
5665     elsif p_firm_type in (FIRM_END, FIRM_END_RES) then
5666       p_firm_start_date := to_date(null);
5667       p_firm_end_date := p_end_date;
5668     elsif p_firm_type in (FIRM_START, FIRM_START_RES) then
5669       p_firm_start_date := p_start_date;
5670       p_firm_end_date := to_date(null);
5671     elsif p_firm_type in (FIRM_START_END,FIRM_ALL) then
5672       p_firm_start_date := p_start_date;
5673       p_firm_end_date := p_end_date;
5674     end if; -- }
5675 */
5676   put_line(' lockReqNGetData out');
5677 exception
5678   when no_data_found then
5679     null;
5680   when app_exception.record_lock_exception then
5681     p_return_status := 'ERROR';
5682     p_out := 'RECORD_LOCK';
5683 end lockReqNGetData;
5685 procedure updateBatchReq(p_plan_id number, p_inst_id number, p_batch_number number,
5686   p_start_date date, p_end_date date, p_firm_flag number, p_update_mode number,
5687   p_return_status in OUT NOCOPY varchar2, p_out in OUT NOCOPY varchar2) is
5689   l_resource_id number_arr;
5690   l_temp number;
5692 begin
5694   -- lock MRR
5695   begin
5696     select mrr.resource_id
5697     bulk collect into l_resource_id
5698     from msc_resource_requirements mrr
5699     where mrr.plan_id = p_plan_id
5700       and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
5701       and mrr.batch_number = p_batch_number
5702     for update of mrr.resource_id nowait;
5704     select count(*)
5705     into l_temp
5706     from msc_resource_requirements mrr
5707     where mrr.plan_id = p_plan_id
5708       and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
5709       and mrr.batch_number = p_batch_number
5710       and nvl(firm_flag,0) <> 0;
5712     if ( l_temp > 0 ) then
5713       p_return_status := 'ERROR';
5714       p_out := 'REQ_IS_FIRMED';
5715     end if;
5717   exception
5718     when app_exception.record_lock_exception then
5719       p_return_status := 'ERROR';
5720       p_out := 'RECORD_LOCK';
5721       return;
5722   end;
5724   -- update MRR
5725   update msc_resource_requirements
5726   set status =0,
5727     applied=2,
5728     firm_flag = decode( p_update_mode,  FIRM_MRR, p_firm_flag, firm_flag),
5729     start_date = decode( p_update_mode, MOVE_MRR, p_start_date, start_date),
5730     end_date = decode( p_update_mode, MOVE_MRR, p_end_date, end_date)
5731   where plan_id = p_plan_id
5732     and sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
5733     and batch_number = p_batch_number;
5735   -- just update MS...we may need to lock in future..
5736   update msc_supplies
5737   set status = 0,
5738     applied = 2
5739   where plan_id = p_plan_id
5740     and sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
5741     and transaction_id in
5742       ( select distinct mrr.supply_id
5743         from msc_resource_requirements mrr
5744 	where mrr.plan_id = p_plan_id
5745           and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
5746           and mrr.batch_number = p_batch_number );
5748 end updateBatchReq;
5750 procedure updateBatchInstReq(p_plan_id number, p_inst_id number, p_batch_number number,
5751   p_start_date date, p_end_date date, p_firm_flag number, p_update_mode number,
5752   p_return_status in OUT NOCOPY varchar2, p_out in OUT NOCOPY varchar2) is
5754   l_resource_id number_arr;
5755   l_temp number;
5757 begin
5759   -- lock MRIR
5760   begin
5761     select mrir.resource_id
5762     bulk collect into l_resource_id
5763     from msc_resource_instance_reqs mrir
5764     where mrir.plan_id = p_plan_id
5765       and mrir.sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
5766       and mrir.batch_number = p_batch_number
5767     for update of mrir.resource_id nowait;
5769     select count(*)
5770       into l_temp
5771     from msc_resource_requirements mrr,
5772       msc_resource_instance_reqs mrir
5773     where mrir.plan_id = p_plan_id
5774       and mrir.sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
5775       and mrir.batch_number = p_batch_number
5776       and mrir.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
5777       and mrir.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
5778       and mrir.organization_id = mrr.organization_id
5779       and mrir.department_id = mrr.department_id
5780       and mrir.resource_id = mrr.resource_id
5781       and mrir.supply_id = mrr.supply_id
5782       and mrir.operation_seq_num = mrr.operation_seq_num
5783       and mrir.resource_seq_num = mrr.resource_seq_num
5784       and nvl(mrir.orig_resource_seq_num, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr.orig_resource_seq_num, mbp_null_value)
5785       and nvl(mrir.parent_seq_num, mbp_null_value) =  nvl(mrr.parent_seq_num, mbp_null_value)
5786       and nvl(mrir.parent_id, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr.parent_id, mbp_null_value)
5787       and mrir.start_date = nvl(mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.start_date)
5788       and mrir.end_date = nvl(mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.end_date)
5789       and nvl(mrir.parent_id,2) = 2
5790       and nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0) <> 0;
5792     if ( l_temp > 0 ) then
5793       p_return_status := 'ERROR';
5794       p_out := 'REQ_IS_FIRMED';
5795     end if;
5797   exception
5798     when app_exception.record_lock_exception then
5799       p_return_status := 'ERROR';
5800       p_out := 'RECORD_LOCK';
5801       return;
5802   end;
5804   -- update MRIR
5805   update msc_resource_instance_reqs
5806   set status =0,
5807     applied=2,
5808     start_date = p_start_date,
5809     end_date = p_end_date
5810   where plan_id = p_plan_id
5811     and sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
5812     and batch_number = p_batch_number;
5814   -- just update MS...we may need to lock in future..
5815   update msc_supplies
5816   set status = 0,
5817     applied = 2
5818   where plan_id = p_plan_id
5819     and sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
5820     and transaction_id in
5821       ( select distinct mrir.supply_id
5822         from msc_resource_instance_reqs mrir
5823 	where mrir.plan_id = p_plan_id
5824           and mrir.sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
5825           and mrir.batch_number = p_batch_number );
5827 end updateBatchInstReq;
5829 procedure updateResSeq(p_plan_id number, p_inst_id number,
5830   p_group_sequence_id number, p_duration varchar2,
5831   p_plan_start_date date, p_plan_end_date date,
5832   p_return_status in OUT NOCOPY varchar2, p_out in OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
5833   p_validate_flag boolean, p_node_type number ) is
5835   l_resource_id number_arr;
5837   cursor c_firm_seq_req_row (p_plan number, p_inst number, p_group_seq number) is
5838   select mrr.transaction_id, mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date,
5839    mrr.firm_flag, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date
5840   from msc_resource_requirements mrr
5841   where mrr.plan_id = p_plan
5842     and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst
5843     and mrr.group_sequence_id = p_group_seq ;
5845   l_trx_id number;
5846   l_start_date date;
5847   l_end_date date;
5848   l_firm_flag number;
5849   l_firm_start_date date;
5850   l_firm_end_date date;
5852 begin
5854 put_line(' updateResSeq in');
5856   -- lock MRR
5857   begin
5858     select mrr.resource_id
5859     bulk collect into l_resource_id
5860     from msc_resource_requirements mrr
5861     where mrr.plan_id = p_plan_id
5862       and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
5863       and mrr.group_sequence_id = p_group_sequence_id
5864     for update of mrr.resource_id nowait;
5865   exception
5866     when app_exception.record_lock_exception then
5867       p_return_status := 'ERROR';
5868       p_out := 'RECORD_LOCK';
5869       return;
5870   end;
5872   open c_firm_seq_req_row(p_plan_id, p_inst_id, p_group_sequence_id);
5873   loop
5874     fetch c_firm_seq_req_row into l_trx_id, l_start_date, l_end_date,
5875       l_firm_flag, l_firm_start_date, l_firm_end_date;
5876     exit when c_firm_seq_req_row%notfound;
5878     l_start_date := l_start_date + to_number(p_duration)/86400;
5879     l_end_date := l_end_date + to_number(p_duration)/86400;
5880     l_firm_start_date := l_firm_start_date + to_number(p_duration)/86400;
5881     l_firm_end_date := l_firm_end_date + to_number(p_duration)/86400;
5883     if ( p_validate_flag ) then -- {
5884       validateTime(p_plan_id, l_trx_id, p_inst_id, l_start_date, l_end_date,
5885         p_plan_start_date, p_plan_end_date, p_return_status, p_out, p_node_type);
5886       if p_return_status = 'ERROR' then
5887         return ;
5888       end if;
5889     end if; -- }
5891     moveOneResource(p_plan_id, l_trx_id, p_inst_id, l_start_date, l_end_date,
5892       p_return_status, p_out, RES_NODE);
5894     if p_return_status = 'ERROR' then
5895       return;
5896     end if;
5898     -- update the simultaneous resource for a given res trans id
5899     msc_gantt_utils.updateReqSimu(p_plan_id, p_inst_id, l_trx_id,
5900       l_firm_flag, l_start_date, l_end_date, l_firm_start_date, l_firm_end_date,
5901       MOVE_MRR, p_return_status, p_out);
5903     if p_return_status = 'ERROR' then
5904       return;
5905     end if;
5907   end loop;
5908   close c_firm_seq_req_row;
5910   -- just update MS...we may need to lock in future..
5911   update msc_supplies
5912   set status = 0,
5913     applied = 2
5914   where plan_id = p_plan_id
5915     and sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
5916     and transaction_id in
5917       ( select distinct mrr.supply_id
5918         from msc_resource_requirements mrr
5919 	where mrr.plan_id = p_plan_id
5920           and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
5921           and mrr.group_sequence_id = p_group_sequence_id );
5922 put_line(' updateResSeq out');
5924 end updateResSeq;
5926 procedure updateReqFromAlt(p_plan_id number, p_inst_id number, p_simu_res_trx number,
5927   p_alt_res_id number, p_alt_res_hours number, p_alt_res_alt_num number, p_alt_res_basis_type number,
5928   p_alt_orig_res_seq_num number) is
5929     l_firm_flag number;
5930 begin
5931   select mrr.firm_flag
5932   into l_firm_flag
5933   from msc_resource_requirements mrr
5934   where mrr.plan_id = p_plan_id
5935     and mrr.transaction_id = p_simu_res_trx
5936     and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
5937   for update of mrr.firm_flag nowait;
5939   if l_firm_flag in (NO_FIRM, FIRM_RESOURCE) or l_firm_flag is null then -- {
5940     l_firm_flag := FIRM_RESOURCE;
5941   elsif l_firm_flag in (FIRM_START, FIRM_START_RES) THEN
5942     l_firm_flag := FIRM_START_RES;
5943   elsif l_firm_flag in (FIRM_END, FIRM_END_RES) THEN
5944     l_firm_flag := FIRM_END_RES;
5945   elsif l_firm_flag in (FIRM_ALL, FIRM_START_END) THEN
5946     l_firm_flag := FIRM_ALL;
5947   else
5948     l_firm_flag := FIRM_RESOURCE;
5949   end if; -- }
5951 put_line(' updateReqFromAlt updating to alt_res_id '||p_alt_res_id);
5953   update msc_resource_requirements
5954     set status = 0,
5955     applied=2,
5956     resource_id = p_alt_res_id,
5957     alternate_num = p_alt_res_alt_num,
5958     --firm_flag = l_firm_flag,
5959     resource_hours = p_alt_res_hours,
5960     orig_resource_seq_num = p_alt_orig_res_seq_num,
5961     basis_type = p_alt_res_basis_type
5962   where plan_id = p_plan_id
5963     and transaction_id = p_simu_res_trx
5964     and sr_instance_id = p_inst_id;
5966 end updateReqFromAlt;
5968 procedure updateReqInstFromAlt(p_plan_id number, p_inst_id number, p_simu_res_trx number,
5969   p_alt_res_id number, p_alt_res_instance_id number, p_serial_number varchar2,
5970   p_alt_res_hours number, p_alt_res_alt_num number,
5971   p_alt_orig_res_seq_num number) is
5973   l_resource_id number;
5974   l_hours number;
5975 begin
5976     select mrir.resource_id, resource_instance_hours
5977     into l_resource_id, l_hours
5978     from msc_resource_instance_reqs mrir
5979     where mrir.plan_id = p_plan_id
5980       and mrir.sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
5981       and mrir.res_inst_transaction_id = p_simu_res_trx
5982     for update of mrir.resource_id nowait;
5984   update msc_resource_instance_reqs
5985     set status = 0,
5986     applied=2,
5987     resource_id = p_alt_res_id,
5988     res_instance_id = p_alt_res_instance_id,
5989     serial_number = p_serial_number,
5990     orig_resource_seq_num = nvl(p_alt_orig_res_seq_num,orig_resource_seq_num),
5991     resource_instance_hours = nvl(p_alt_res_hours,resource_instance_hours)
5992   where plan_id = p_plan_id
5993     and res_inst_transaction_id = p_simu_res_trx
5994     and sr_instance_id = p_inst_id;
5995 end updateReqInstFromAlt;
5997 procedure DeleteReqFromAlt(p_plan_id number, p_inst_id number, p_simu_res_trx number) is
5998   l_firm_flag number;
5999 begin
6000   select mrr.firm_flag
6001   into l_firm_flag
6002   from msc_resource_requirements mrr
6003   where mrr.plan_id = p_plan_id
6004     and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
6005     and mrr.transaction_id = p_simu_res_trx
6006   for update of mrr.firm_flag nowait;
6008   delete msc_resource_requirements mrr
6009   where mrr.plan_id = p_plan_id
6010     and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
6011     and mrr.transaction_id = p_simu_res_trx;
6012   exception
6013     when no_data_found then
6014       null;
6015 end DeleteReqFromAlt;
6017 procedure DeleteReqInstFromAlt(p_plan_id number,
6018   p_inst_id number, p_res_inst_trx number) is
6019   l_resource_id number;
6020 begin
6021   put_line('DeleteReqInstFromAlt in '||p_plan_id||' '||p_inst_id||' '||p_res_inst_trx);
6022   select mrir.resource_id
6023   into l_resource_id
6024   from msc_resource_instance_reqs mrir
6025   where mrir.plan_id = p_plan_id
6026     and mrir.sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
6027     and mrir.res_inst_transaction_id = p_res_inst_trx
6028   for update of mrir.resource_id nowait;
6030   delete msc_resource_instance_reqs mrir
6031   where mrir.plan_id = p_plan_id
6032     and mrir.sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
6033     and mrir.res_inst_transaction_id = p_res_inst_trx;
6035   exception
6036     when no_data_found then
6037       null;
6038 end DeleteReqInstFromAlt;
6040 function insertReqInstFromAlt(p_plan_id number, p_inst_id number,
6041   p_simu_res_inst_trx number, p_alt_res_id number, p_alt_res_instance_id number,
6042   p_serial_number varchar2, p_alt_res_hours number, p_alt_res_alt_num number,
6043   p_from_node number,
6044   p_alt_orig_res_seq_num number) return number is
6046   l_trx_id number;
6048   cursor c_inst_row is
6049     select count(*)
6050     from msc_resource_instance_reqs
6051     where plan_id = p_plan_id
6052       and res_inst_transaction_id = l_trx_id;
6054   cursor c_equipment is
6055   select equipment_item_id
6056   from msc_dept_res_instances
6057   where plan_id = p_plan_id
6058     and resource_id = p_alt_res_id
6059     and res_instance_id = p_alt_res_instance_id
6060     and nvl(serial_number,mbp_null_value_char) = nvl(p_serial_number,mbp_null_value_char);
6062   l_equip_item_id number;
6064   l_temp number;
6065 begin
6066   put_line(' insertReqInstFromAlt plan inst trx '|| p_plan_id ||' '|| p_inst_id||' '|| p_simu_res_inst_trx);
6067   select msc_resource_instance_reqs_s.nextval
6068   into l_trx_id
6069   from dual;
6071   open c_equipment;
6072   fetch c_equipment into l_equip_item_id;
6073   close c_equipment;
6075   -- p_node_type = RES_NODE and p_to_node_type = RES_INST_NODE
6076   if (p_from_node = RES_INST_NODE) then -- {
6077     put_line(' insertReqInstFromAlt : trying to insert a row in mrir from mrir l_trx_id '||l_trx_id);
6079   insert into msc_resource_instance_reqs(
6087     )
6088   select
6090     SUPPLY_ID, DEPARTMENT_ID, p_alt_res_id, p_alt_res_instance_id, p_serial_number, l_equip_item_id,
6096   from msc_resource_instance_reqs mrir
6097   where mrir.plan_id = p_plan_id
6098     and mrir.sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
6099     and mrir.res_inst_transaction_id = p_simu_res_inst_trx;
6101   open c_inst_row;
6102   fetch c_inst_row into l_temp;
6103   close c_inst_row;
6104   put_line(' inserted '||l_temp||' rows ');
6106   if (l_temp > 0) then
6107     return l_trx_id;
6108   end if;
6109   end if; -- }
6111   if (p_from_node = RES_NODE) then -- {
6113   put_line(' insertReqInstFromAlt : trying to insert a row in mrir from mrr l_trx_id '||l_trx_id);
6115   insert into msc_resource_instance_reqs(
6125     )
6126   select
6128     SUPPLY_ID, DEPARTMENT_ID, p_alt_res_id, p_alt_res_instance_id, p_serial_number, l_equip_item_id,
6131     WIP_ENTITY_ID, START_DATE, END_DATE, p_alt_res_hours,
6135   from msc_resource_requirements mrr
6136   where mrr.plan_id = p_plan_id
6137     and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
6138     and mrr.transaction_id = p_simu_res_inst_trx;
6140   open c_inst_row;
6141   fetch c_inst_row into l_temp;
6142   close c_inst_row;
6143   put_line(' inserted '||l_temp||' rows ');
6144   end if; -- }
6146   return l_trx_id;
6147 end insertReqInstFromAlt;
6149 function insertReqFromAlt(p_plan_id number, p_inst_id number,
6150   p_simu_res_trx number,
6151   p_alt_res_id number,
6152   p_alt_res_hours number,
6153   p_alt_res_alt_num number,
6154   p_alt_res_basis_type number,
6155   p_alt_orig_res_seq_num number) return number is
6156   l_trx_id number;
6157 begin
6158   select msc_resource_instance_reqs_s.nextval
6159   into l_trx_id
6160   from dual;
6162   insert into msc_resource_requirements(
6173     )
6176     RESOURCE_SEQ_NUM, p_alt_res_id, DEPARTMENT_ID, p_alt_res_alt_num,
6179     p_alt_res_basis_type, OPERATION_SEQ_NUM, LOAD_RATE, DAILY_RESOURCE_HOURS, 0, 2, UPDATED,
6183     p_alt_orig_res_seq_num
6184   from msc_resource_requirements mrr
6185   where mrr.plan_id = p_plan_id
6186     and mrr.transaction_id = p_simu_res_trx
6187     and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst_id;
6189   return l_trx_id;
6190 end insertReqFromAlt;
6192 procedure updateReq(p_plan_id number, p_inst_id number, p_trx_id number,
6193   p_firm_type number, p_start_date date, p_end_date date,
6194   p_firm_start_date date, p_firm_end_date date,
6195   p_update_mode number) is
6197 begin
6198   -- 5153956 bugfix, dont update start_date, end_date
6200   -- 4673468 bugfix
6201   -- valid firm_type values
6202   -- 0 Un Firm
6203   -- 1 Firm Start Date
6204   -- 2 Firm End Date
6205   -- 3 Firm Resource
6206   -- 4 Firm Start Date and End Date
6207   -- 5 Firm Start Date and Resource
6208   -- 6 Firm End Date and Resource
6209   -- 7 Firm All
6210   update msc_resource_requirements
6211   set status =0,
6212     applied=2,
6213     firm_flag = decode(p_update_mode,
6214 	MOVE_MRR, firm_flag,
6215 	FIRM_MRR, p_firm_type,
6216 	firm_flag),
6217     firm_start_date = decode(p_update_mode,
6218 	FIRM_MRR, decode(p_firm_type,
6219 			0, to_date(null),
6220 			3, to_date(null),
6221                         nvl(firm_start_date, start_date)),
6222 	MOVE_MRR, p_start_date,
6223 	firm_start_date),
6224     firm_end_date = decode(p_update_mode,
6225 	FIRM_MRR, decode(p_firm_type,
6226 			0, to_date(null),
6227 			3, to_date(null),
6228 		   	nvl(firm_end_date, end_date)),
6229         MOVE_MRR, p_end_date,
6230 	firm_end_date),
6231     --start_date = p_start_date,
6232     --end_date = p_end_date,
6233     resource_hours = decode(p_update_mode,
6234 	FIRM_MRR, resource_hours,
6235 	MOVE_MRR, resource_hours + (assigned_units *
6236 	  (((p_end_date - p_start_date) * 24) - ((end_date - start_date) * 24))),
6237 	  resource_hours),
6238      batch_number = decode(p_update_mode, MOVE_MRR, to_number(null), batch_number)
6239   where plan_id = p_plan_id
6240     and transaction_id = p_trx_id
6241     and sr_instance_id = p_inst_id;
6243 end updateReq;
6245 -- update the simultaneous resource for a given res trans id
6246 procedure updateReqSimu(p_plan_id number, p_inst_id number, p_trx_id number,
6247   p_firm_type number, p_start_date in out nocopy date, p_end_date in out nocopy date,
6248   p_firm_start_date date, p_firm_end_date date,
6249   p_update_mode number,
6250   p_return_status in OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
6251   p_out in OUT NOCOPY varchar2) is
6253   l_transaction_id number;
6254   l_instance_id number;
6255   l_count number :=0;
6257   l_res_id number;
6258 begin
6259     open simu_res_cur(p_plan_id, p_inst_id, p_trx_id);
6260     loop  -- {
6261       fetch simu_res_cur into l_transaction_id, l_instance_id;
6262       exit when simu_res_cur%notfound;
6264       p_out := 'OK_WITH_SIMU_RES';
6266       select mrr.resource_id
6267       into l_res_id
6268       from msc_resource_requirements mrr
6269       where mrr.plan_id = p_plan_id
6270         and mrr.transaction_id = l_transaction_id
6271         and mrr.sr_instance_id = l_instance_id
6272       for update of mrr.firm_flag nowait;
6274       if ( p_update_mode = FIRM_MRR ) then
6275         -- update requirement
6276         msc_gantt_utils.updateReq(p_plan_id, l_instance_id, l_transaction_id,
6277           p_firm_type, p_start_date, p_end_date, p_firm_start_date, p_firm_end_date, p_update_mode);
6278       elsif ( p_update_mode = MOVE_MRR ) then
6279         moveOneResource(p_plan_id, l_transaction_id, l_instance_id,
6280 	  p_start_date, p_end_date, p_return_status, p_out, RES_NODE);
6281       end if;
6283        if ( p_return_status = 'ERROR' ) then
6284          close simu_res_cur;
6285          return ;
6286        end if;
6288       l_count := l_count + 1;
6289     end loop; -- }
6290     close simu_res_cur;
6291 end updateReqSimu;
6293 procedure updateReqInst(p_plan_id number, p_inst_id number, p_trx_id number,
6294   p_start_date date, p_end_date date) is
6295 begin
6296   update msc_resource_instance_reqs
6297   set status =0,
6298     applied=2,
6299     start_date = p_start_date,
6300     end_date = p_end_date,
6301     batch_number = to_number(null),
6302     resource_instance_hours = resource_instance_hours
6303       + (((p_end_date - p_start_date) * 24) - ((end_date - start_date) * 24))
6304   where plan_id = p_plan_id
6305     and res_inst_transaction_id = p_trx_id
6306     and sr_instance_id = p_inst_id;
6307 end updateReqInst;
6309 procedure firmReqInst(p_plan_id number, p_inst_id number, p_res_trx_id number, p_res_inst_trx_id number ) is
6311    cursor c_res_req_dates is
6312     select nvl(mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.start_date),
6313        nvl(mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.end_date)
6314     from msc_resource_requirements mrr
6315     where mrr.plan_id = p_plan_id
6316       and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
6317       and mrr.transaction_id = p_res_trx_id;
6319    l_start_date date;
6320    l_end_date date;
6321 begin
6322   open c_res_req_dates;
6323   fetch c_res_req_dates into l_start_date, l_end_date;
6324   close c_res_req_dates;
6326   update msc_resource_instance_reqs
6327   set status =0,
6328     applied=2,
6329     start_date = l_start_date,
6330     end_date = l_end_date
6331   where plan_id = p_plan_id
6332     and res_inst_transaction_id = p_res_inst_trx_id
6333     and sr_instance_id = p_inst_id;
6334 end firmReqInst;
6336 procedure updateSupplies(p_plan_id number,
6337   p_trx_id number, p_update_type number,
6338   p_firm_type number default null,
6339   p_firm_date date default null,
6340   p_firm_qty number default null) is
6341 begin
6342   update msc_supplies
6343   set status = 0,
6344     applied = 2,
6345     firm_planned_type = decode(p_update_type,
6346 	FIRM_SUPPLY, p_firm_type,
6347         FIRM_ALL_SUPPLY, p_firm_type,
6348 	firm_planned_type),
6349     firm_date = decode(p_update_type,
6350         FIRM_ALL_SUPPLY, p_firm_date,
6351 	firm_date),
6352     firm_quantity = decode(p_update_type,
6353         FIRM_ALL_SUPPLY, p_firm_qty,
6354 	firm_quantity)
6355   where plan_id = p_plan_id
6356     and transaction_id = p_trx_id;
6357 end updateSupplies;
6359 procedure validateTime(p_plan_id number,
6360   p_transaction_id number, p_instance_id number,
6361   p_start_date date, p_end_date date,
6362   p_plan_start_date date, p_plan_end_date date,
6363   p_return_status in OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
6364   p_out in OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
6365   p_node_type number) IS
6367   cursor curr_res is
6368   select mrr.operation_seq_num,
6369     nvl(mrr.schedule_flag, 0) schedule_flag,
6370     decode(ms.order_type, 27, 1, ms.firm_planned_type) firm_planned_type,
6371     sysdate theDate,
6372     getMTQTime(p_transaction_id, p_plan_id, p_instance_id) mtq_time
6373   from msc_resource_requirements mrr,
6374     msc_supplies ms
6375   where mrr.plan_id = p_plan_id
6376     and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_instance_id
6377     and mrr.transaction_id = p_transaction_id
6378     and ms.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
6379     and ms.transaction_id = mrr.supply_id
6380     and ms.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id;
6382   cursor lower_bound is
6383   select mrr2.operation_seq_num,
6384     mrr2.resource_seq_num,
6385     mrr2.transaction_id,
6386     nvl(mrr2.schedule_flag, 0) schedule_flag,
6387     decode(nvl(mrr2.firm_flag,0),
6388       NO_FIRM, mrr2.start_date,
6389       FIRM_RESOURCE, mrr2.start_date,
6390       FIRM_END, mrr2.firm_end_date -
6391 	 (nvl(mrr2.end_date, mrr2.start_date+mrr2.resource_hours/24) - mrr2.start_date),
6392       FIRM_END_RES, mrr2.firm_end_date -
6393          (nvl(mrr2.end_date, mrr2.start_date+mrr2.resource_hours/24) - mrr2.start_date),
6394       nvl(mrr2.firm_start_date, mrr2.start_date)) start_date,
6395     decode(nvl(mrr2.firm_flag,0),
6396       NO_FIRM, nvl(mrr2.end_date, mrr2.start_date+mrr2.resource_hours/24),
6397       FIRM_RESOURCE, nvl(mrr2.end_date, mrr2.start_date+mrr2.resource_hours/24),
6398       FIRM_START, mrr2.firm_start_date +
6399         (nvl(mrr2.end_date, mrr2.start_date+mrr2.resource_hours/24) - mrr2.start_date),
6400       FIRM_START_RES, mrr2.firm_start_date +
6401         (nvl(mrr2.end_date, mrr2.start_date+mrr2.resource_hours/24) - mrr2.start_date),
6402       nvl(nvl(mrr2.firm_end_date, mrr2.end_date),  mrr2.start_date+mrr2.resource_hours/24)) end_date,
6403     msc_gantt_utils.getMTQTime(mrr2.transaction_id, p_plan_id, p_instance_id) mtq_time
6404   from msc_resource_requirements mrr1,
6405     msc_resource_requirements mrr2,
6406     msc_routings mr
6407   where mrr1.plan_id = p_plan_id
6408     and mrr1.transaction_id = p_transaction_id
6409     and mrr1.sr_instance_id = p_instance_id
6410     and mrr2.plan_id = mrr1.plan_id
6411     and mrr2.supply_id = mrr1.supply_id
6412     and mrr2.sr_instance_id = mrr1.sr_instance_id
6413     and nvl(mrr2.parent_id,2) =2
6414     and mr.plan_id = mrr1.plan_id
6415     and mr.sr_instance_id = mrr1.sr_instance_id
6416     and mr.routing_sequence_id = mrr1.routing_sequence_id
6417     and (((nvl(mr.cfm_routing_flag,2) <> 3 and mrr2.operation_seq_num < mrr1.operation_seq_num)
6418            or ( nvl(mr.cfm_routing_flag,2) = 3
6419 	         and mrr2.operation_sequence_id in (
6420                                        select mon.from_op_seq_id
6421 				       from msc_operation_networks mon
6422                                        where mon.plan_id = mrr1.plan_id
6423                                          and mon.sr_instance_id = mrr1.sr_instance_id
6424                                          and mon.routing_sequence_id = mrr1.routing_sequence_id
6425                                          and mon.to_op_seq_id = mrr1.operation_sequence_id
6426           ))) or
6427           (mrr2.operation_seq_num = mrr1.operation_seq_num and
6428            mrr2.resource_seq_num < mrr1.resource_seq_num))
6429      and (mrr2.firm_start_date is not null or mrr2.firm_end_date is not null )
6431    order by mrr2.operation_seq_num desc, mrr2.resource_seq_num desc;
6433   cursor upper_bound is
6434   select mrr2.operation_seq_num,
6435     mrr2.resource_seq_num,
6436     mrr2.transaction_id,
6437     nvl(mrr2.schedule_flag, 0) schedule_flag,
6438     decode(nvl(mrr2.firm_flag,0),
6439       NO_FIRM, mrr2.start_date,
6440       FIRM_RESOURCE, mrr2.start_date,
6441       FIRM_END, mrr2.firm_end_date -
6442         (nvl(mrr2.end_date, mrr2.start_date+mrr2.resource_hours/24) - mrr2.start_date),
6443       FIRM_END_RES, mrr2.firm_end_date -
6444         (nvl(mrr2.end_date, mrr2.start_date+mrr2.resource_hours/24) - mrr2.start_date),
6445       nvl(mrr2.firm_start_date, mrr2.start_date)) start_date,
6446     decode(nvl(mrr2.firm_flag,0),
6447       NO_FIRM, nvl(mrr2.end_date, mrr2.start_date+mrr2.resource_hours/24),
6448       FIRM_RESOURCE, nvl(mrr2.end_date, mrr2.start_date+mrr2.resource_hours/24),
6449       FIRM_START, mrr2.firm_start_date +
6450         (nvl(mrr2.end_date, mrr2.start_date+mrr2.resource_hours/24) - mrr2.start_date),
6451       FIRM_START_RES, mrr2.firm_start_date +
6452         (nvl(mrr2.end_date, mrr2.start_date+mrr2.resource_hours/24) - mrr2.start_date),
6453       nvl(nvl(mrr2.firm_end_date, mrr2.end_date),  mrr2.start_date+mrr2.resource_hours/24)) end_date
6454   from msc_resource_requirements mrr1,
6455     msc_resource_requirements mrr2,
6456     msc_routings mr
6457   where mrr1.plan_id = p_plan_id
6458     and mrr1.transaction_id = p_transaction_id
6459     and mrr1.sr_instance_id = p_instance_id
6460     and mrr2.plan_id = mrr1.plan_id
6461     and mrr2.supply_id = mrr1.supply_id
6462     and mrr2.sr_instance_id = mrr1.sr_instance_id
6463     and nvl(mrr2.parent_id,2) =2
6464     and mr.plan_id = mrr1.plan_id
6465     and mr.sr_instance_id = mrr1.sr_instance_id
6466     and mr.routing_sequence_id = mrr1.routing_sequence_id
6467     and (((nvl(mr.cfm_routing_flag,2) <> 3 and mrr2.operation_seq_num > mrr1.operation_seq_num)
6468            or ( nvl(mr.cfm_routing_flag,2) = 3 and mrr2.operation_sequence_id in (
6469                                        select mon.to_op_seq_id from msc_operation_networks mon
6470                                        where mon.plan_id = mrr1.plan_id
6471                                          and mon.sr_instance_id = mrr1.sr_instance_id
6472                                          and mon.routing_sequence_id = mrr1.routing_sequence_id
6473                                          and mon.from_op_seq_id = mrr1.operation_sequence_id
6474           ))) or
6475           (mrr2.operation_seq_num = mrr1.operation_seq_num and
6476            mrr2.resource_seq_num > mrr1.resource_seq_num))
6477      and (mrr2.firm_start_date is not null or
6478          mrr2.firm_end_date is not null )
6479      and mrr2.firm_flag in (FIRM_START,FIRM_END,FIRM_START_END,FIRM_START_RES,
6480               FIRM_END_RES,FIRM_ALL)
6481    order by mrr2.operation_seq_num, mrr2.resource_seq_num;
6484   cursor curr_res_inst is
6485   select mrr.operation_seq_num,
6486     nvl(mrr.schedule_flag, 0) schedule_flag,
6487     decode(ms.order_type, 27, 1, ms.firm_planned_type) firm_planned_type,
6488     sysdate theDate,
6489     getMTQTime(p_transaction_id, p_plan_id, p_instance_id) mtq_time
6490   from msc_resource_requirements mrr,
6491     msc_resource_instance_reqs mrir,
6492     msc_supplies ms
6493   where mrir.plan_id = p_plan_id
6494     and mrir.sr_instance_id = p_instance_id
6495     and mrir.res_inst_transaction_id = p_transaction_id
6496     and mrir.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
6497     and mrir.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
6498     and mrir.organization_id = mrr.organization_id
6499     and mrir.department_id = mrr.department_id
6500     and mrir.resource_id = mrr.resource_id
6501     and mrir.supply_id = mrr.supply_id
6502     and mrir.operation_seq_num = mrr.operation_seq_num
6503     and mrir.resource_seq_num = mrr.resource_seq_num
6504     and nvl(mrir.orig_resource_seq_num, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr.orig_resource_seq_num, mbp_null_value)
6505     and nvl(mrir.parent_seq_num, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr.parent_seq_num, mbp_null_value)
6506     and nvl(mrir.parent_id, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr.parent_id, mbp_null_value)
6507     and mrir.start_date = nvl(mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.start_date)
6508     and mrir.end_date = nvl(mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.end_date)
6509     and ms.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
6510     and ms.transaction_id = mrr.supply_id
6511     and ms.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id;
6513   cursor lower_bound_res_inst is
6514   select mrr2.operation_seq_num,
6515     mrr2.resource_seq_num,
6516     mrr2.transaction_id,
6517     nvl(mrr2.schedule_flag, 0) schedule_flag,
6518     decode(nvl(mrr2.firm_flag,0),
6519       NO_FIRM, mrir2.start_date,
6520       FIRM_RESOURCE, mrir2.start_date,
6521       FIRM_END, mrr2.firm_end_date -
6522 	 (nvl(mrir2.end_date, mrir2.start_date+mrir2.resource_instance_hours/24) - mrir2.start_date),
6523       FIRM_END_RES, mrr2.firm_end_date -
6524          (nvl(mrir2.end_date, mrir2.start_date+mrir2.resource_instance_hours/24) - mrir2.start_date),
6525       nvl(mrr2.firm_start_date, mrir2.start_date)) start_date,
6526     decode(nvl(mrr2.firm_flag,0),
6527       NO_FIRM, nvl(mrir2.end_date, mrir2.start_date+mrir2.resource_instance_hours/24),
6528       FIRM_RESOURCE, nvl(mrir2.end_date, mrir2.start_date+mrir2.resource_instance_hours/24),
6529       FIRM_START, mrr2.firm_start_date +
6530         (nvl(mrir2.end_date, mrir2.start_date+mrir2.resource_instance_hours/24) - mrir2.start_date),
6531       FIRM_START_RES, mrr2.firm_start_date +
6532         (nvl(mrir2.end_date, mrir2.start_date+mrir2.resource_instance_hours/24) - mrir2.start_date),
6533       nvl(nvl(mrr2.firm_end_date, mrir2.end_date),  mrir2.start_date+mrir2.resource_instance_hours/24)) end_date,
6534     msc_gantt_utils.getMTQTime(mrr2.transaction_id, p_plan_id, p_instance_id) mtq_time
6535   from msc_resource_requirements mrr1,
6536     msc_resource_instance_reqs mrir1,
6537     msc_resource_requirements mrr2,
6538     msc_resource_instance_reqs mrir2,
6539     msc_routings mr
6540   where mrir1.plan_id = p_plan_id
6541     and mrir1.res_inst_transaction_id = p_transaction_id
6542     and mrir1.sr_instance_id = p_instance_id
6543     and mrir1.plan_id = mrr1.plan_id
6544     and mrir1.sr_instance_id = mrr1.sr_instance_id
6545     and mrir1.organization_id = mrr1.organization_id
6546     and mrir1.department_id = mrr1.department_id
6547     and mrir1.resource_id = mrr1.resource_id
6548     and mrir1.supply_id = mrr1.supply_id
6549     and mrir1.operation_seq_num = mrr1.operation_seq_num
6550     and mrir1.resource_seq_num = mrr1.resource_seq_num
6551     and nvl(mrir1.orig_resource_seq_num, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr1.orig_resource_seq_num, mbp_null_value)
6552     and nvl(mrir1.parent_seq_num, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr1.parent_seq_num, mbp_null_value)
6553     and nvl(mrir1.parent_id, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr1.parent_id, mbp_null_value)
6554     and mrir1.start_date = nvl(mrr1.firm_start_date, mrr1.start_date)
6555     and mrir1.end_date = nvl(mrr1.firm_end_date, mrr1.end_date)
6556     and mrr2.plan_id = mrr1.plan_id
6557     and mrr2.supply_id = mrr1.supply_id
6558     and mrr2.sr_instance_id = mrr1.sr_instance_id
6559     and nvl(mrr2.parent_id,2) =2
6560     and mrir2.plan_id = mrr2.plan_id
6561     and mrir2.sr_instance_id = mrr2.sr_instance_id
6562     and mrir2.organization_id = mrr2.organization_id
6563     and mrir2.department_id = mrr2.department_id
6564     and mrir2.resource_id = mrr2.resource_id
6565     and mrir2.supply_id = mrr2.supply_id
6566     and mrir2.operation_seq_num = mrr2.operation_seq_num
6567     and mrir2.resource_seq_num = mrr2.resource_seq_num
6568     and nvl(mrir2.orig_resource_seq_num, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr2.orig_resource_seq_num, mbp_null_value)
6569     and nvl(mrir2.parent_seq_num, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr2.parent_seq_num, mbp_null_value)
6570     and nvl(mrir2.parent_id, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr2.parent_id, mbp_null_value)
6571     and mrir2.start_date = nvl(mrr2.firm_start_date, mrr2.start_date)
6572     and mrir2.end_date = nvl(mrr2.firm_end_date, mrr2.end_date)
6573     and mr.plan_id = mrr1.plan_id
6574     and mr.sr_instance_id = mrr1.sr_instance_id
6575     and mr.routing_sequence_id = mrr1.routing_sequence_id
6576     and (((nvl(mr.cfm_routing_flag,2) <> 3 and mrr2.operation_seq_num < mrr1.operation_seq_num)
6577            or ( nvl(mr.cfm_routing_flag,2) = 3
6578 	         and mrr2.operation_sequence_id in (
6579                                        select mon.from_op_seq_id
6580 				       from msc_operation_networks mon
6581                                        where mon.plan_id = mrr1.plan_id
6582                                          and mon.sr_instance_id = mrr1.sr_instance_id
6583                                          and mon.routing_sequence_id = mrr1.routing_sequence_id
6584                                          and mon.to_op_seq_id = mrr1.operation_sequence_id
6585           ))) or
6586           (mrr2.operation_seq_num = mrr1.operation_seq_num and
6587            mrr2.resource_seq_num < mrr1.resource_seq_num))
6588      and (mrr2.firm_start_date is not null or mrr2.firm_end_date is not null )
6590    order by mrr2.operation_seq_num desc, mrr2.resource_seq_num desc;
6592   cursor upper_bound_res_inst is
6593   select mrr2.operation_seq_num,
6594     mrr2.resource_seq_num,
6595     mrr2.transaction_id,
6596     nvl(mrr2.schedule_flag, 0) schedule_flag,
6597     decode(nvl(mrr2.firm_flag,0),
6598       NO_FIRM, mrir2.start_date,
6599       FIRM_RESOURCE, mrir2.start_date,
6600       FIRM_END, mrr2.firm_end_date -
6601 	 (nvl(mrir2.end_date, mrir2.start_date+mrir2.resource_instance_hours/24) - mrir2.start_date),
6602       FIRM_END_RES, mrr2.firm_end_date -
6603          (nvl(mrir2.end_date, mrir2.start_date+mrir2.resource_instance_hours/24) - mrir2.start_date),
6604       nvl(mrr2.firm_start_date, mrir2.start_date)) start_date,
6605     decode(nvl(mrr2.firm_flag,0),
6606       NO_FIRM, nvl(mrir2.end_date, mrir2.start_date+mrir2.resource_instance_hours/24),
6607       FIRM_RESOURCE, nvl(mrir2.end_date, mrir2.start_date+mrir2.resource_instance_hours/24),
6608       FIRM_START, mrr2.firm_start_date +
6609         (nvl(mrir2.end_date, mrir2.start_date+mrir2.resource_instance_hours/24) - mrir2.start_date),
6610       FIRM_START_RES, mrr2.firm_start_date +
6611         (nvl(mrir2.end_date, mrir2.start_date+mrir2.resource_instance_hours/24) - mrir2.start_date),
6612       nvl(nvl(mrr2.firm_end_date, mrir2.end_date),  mrir2.start_date+mrir2.resource_instance_hours/24)) end_date
6613   from msc_resource_requirements mrr1,
6614     msc_resource_instance_reqs mrir1,
6615     msc_resource_requirements mrr2,
6616     msc_resource_instance_reqs mrir2,
6617     msc_routings mr
6618   where mrir1.plan_id = p_plan_id
6619     and mrir1.res_inst_transaction_id = p_transaction_id
6620     and mrir1.sr_instance_id = p_instance_id
6621     and mrir1.plan_id = mrr1.plan_id
6622     and mrir1.sr_instance_id = mrr1.sr_instance_id
6623     and mrir1.organization_id = mrr1.organization_id
6624     and mrir1.department_id = mrr1.department_id
6625     and mrir1.resource_id = mrr1.resource_id
6626     and mrir1.supply_id = mrr1.supply_id
6627     and mrir1.resource_seq_num = mrr1.resource_seq_num
6628     and mrir1.operation_seq_num = mrr1.operation_seq_num
6629     and nvl(mrir1.orig_resource_seq_num, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr1.orig_resource_seq_num, mbp_null_value)
6630     and nvl(mrir1.parent_seq_num, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr1.parent_seq_num, mbp_null_value)
6631     and nvl(mrir1.parent_id, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr1.parent_id, mbp_null_value)
6632     and mrir1.start_date = nvl(mrr1.firm_start_date, mrr1.start_date)
6633     and mrir1.end_date = nvl(mrr1.firm_end_date, mrr1.end_date)
6634     and mrr2.plan_id = mrr1.plan_id
6635     and mrr2.supply_id = mrr1.supply_id
6636     and mrr2.sr_instance_id = mrr1.sr_instance_id
6637     and nvl(mrr2.parent_id,2) =2
6638     and mrir2.plan_id = mrr2.plan_id
6639     and mrir2.sr_instance_id = mrr2.sr_instance_id
6640     and mrir2.organization_id = mrr2.organization_id
6641     and mrir2.department_id = mrr2.department_id
6642     and mrir2.resource_id = mrr2.resource_id
6643     and mrir2.supply_id = mrr2.supply_id
6644     and mrir2.operation_seq_num = mrr2.operation_seq_num
6645     and mrir2.resource_seq_num = mrr2.resource_seq_num
6646     and nvl(mrir2.orig_resource_seq_num, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr2.orig_resource_seq_num, mbp_null_value)
6647     and nvl(mrir2.parent_seq_num, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr2.parent_seq_num, mbp_null_value)
6648     and nvl(mrir2.parent_id, mbp_null_value) = nvl(mrr2.parent_id, mbp_null_value)
6649     and mrir2.start_date = nvl(mrr2.firm_start_date, mrr2.start_date)
6650     and mrir2.end_date = nvl(mrr2.firm_end_date, mrr2.end_date)
6651     and mr.plan_id = mrr1.plan_id
6652     and mr.sr_instance_id = mrr1.sr_instance_id
6653     and mr.routing_sequence_id = mrr1.routing_sequence_id
6654     and (((nvl(mr.cfm_routing_flag,2) <> 3 and mrr2.operation_seq_num > mrr1.operation_seq_num)
6655            or ( nvl(mr.cfm_routing_flag,2) = 3 and mrr2.operation_sequence_id in (
6656                                        select mon.to_op_seq_id from msc_operation_networks mon
6657                                        where mon.plan_id = mrr1.plan_id
6658                                          and mon.sr_instance_id = mrr1.sr_instance_id
6659                                          and mon.routing_sequence_id = mrr1.routing_sequence_id
6660                                          and mon.from_op_seq_id = mrr1.operation_sequence_id
6661           ))) or
6662           (mrr2.operation_seq_num = mrr1.operation_seq_num and
6663            mrr2.resource_seq_num > mrr1.resource_seq_num))
6664      and (mrr2.firm_start_date is not null or
6665          mrr2.firm_end_date is not null )
6666      and mrr2.firm_flag in (FIRM_START,FIRM_END,FIRM_START_END,FIRM_START_RES,
6667               FIRM_END_RES,FIRM_ALL)
6668    order by mrr2.operation_seq_num, mrr2.resource_seq_num;
6670    v_lower_start_id number;
6671    v_lower_start date;
6672    v_lower_end date;
6673    v_lower_end_id number;
6674    v_lower_mtq_id number;
6676    v_upper_start Date;
6677    v_upper_start_id number;
6678    v_upper_end date;
6679    v_upper_end_id number;
6680    v_upper_mtq_id number;
6682    v_prev_op number;
6683    v_next_op number;
6686   ll_operation_seq_num varchar2(80);
6687   ll_schedule_flag number;
6688   ll_firm_planned_type number;
6689   ll_theDate date;
6690   ll_mtq_time number;
6692   lower_operation_seq_num varchar2(80);
6693   lower_resource_seq_num varchar2(80);
6694   lower_transaction_id number;
6695   lower_schedule_flag number;
6696   lower_start_date date;
6697   lower_end_date date;
6698   lower_mtq_time number;
6700   upper_operation_seq_num varchar2(80);
6701   upper_resource_seq_num varchar2(80);
6702   upper_transaction_id number;
6703   upper_schedule_flag number;
6704   upper_start_date date;
6705   upper_end_date date;
6706   upper_mtq_time number;
6708 begin
6709   p_return_status := 'OK';
6711   -- end_date_greater_than_plan_end
6712   if p_end_date > p_plan_end_date then -- {
6713     p_return_status := 'ERROR';
6714     p_out := 'END_DATE_GREATER_THAN_PLAN_END';
6715     return;
6716   end if; -- }
6718   -- start_date_less_than_plan_start
6719   if p_start_date < p_plan_start_date then -- {
6720     p_return_status := 'ERROR';
6721      p_out := 'START_DATE_LESS_THAN_PLAN_START';
6722     return;
6723   end if; -- }
6725   -- start_date_greater_than_end_date
6726   if p_start_date > p_end_date then -- {
6727     p_return_status := 'ERROR';
6728      p_out := 'START_DATE_GREATER_THAN_END_DATE';
6729     return;
6730   end if; -- }
6732   if ( p_node_type = RES_NODE ) then
6733     open curr_res;
6734     fetch curr_res into ll_operation_seq_num, ll_schedule_flag, ll_firm_planned_type, ll_theDate, ll_mtq_time;
6735     close curr_res;
6736   else
6737     open curr_res_inst;
6738     fetch curr_res_inst into ll_operation_seq_num, ll_schedule_flag, ll_firm_planned_type, ll_theDate, ll_mtq_time;
6739     close curr_res_inst;
6740   end if;
6742   -- associated supply is firmed..cannot be firmed
6743   if ll_firm_planned_type = 1 then -- {
6744      p_return_status := 'ERROR';
6745      p_out := 'FIRM_SUPPLY';
6746      return;
6747   end if; -- }
6749   -- start date is less than sysdate..cannot be firmed
6750   if p_start_date < ll_thedate then -- {
6751     p_return_status := 'ERROR';
6752     --p_out := to_char(ll_theDate,format_mask)|| field_seperator ||null_space||field_seperator||null_space ;
6753     --5728088, send translated message to pld
6754     fnd_message.set_name('MSC', 'MSC_GC_START_DT_LT_SYSDATE');
6755     fnd_message.set_token('START_DATE', to_char(p_start_date,format_mask));
6756     p_out := fnd_message.get;
6757     return;
6758   end if; -- }
6760   if ( p_node_type = RES_NODE ) then
6761     open lower_bound;
6762   else
6763     open lower_bound_res_inst;
6764   end if;
6766   loop  -- {
6767     if ( p_node_type = RES_NODE ) then -- {
6768       fetch lower_bound into lower_operation_seq_num, lower_resource_seq_num,
6769         lower_transaction_id, lower_schedule_flag,
6770         lower_start_date, lower_end_date, lower_mtq_time;
6771       exit when lower_bound%notfound;
6772     else
6773       fetch lower_bound_res_inst into lower_operation_seq_num, lower_resource_seq_num,
6774         lower_transaction_id, lower_schedule_flag,
6775         lower_start_date, lower_end_date, lower_mtq_time;
6776       exit when lower_bound_res_inst%notfound;
6777     end if; -- }
6779     if v_lower_start is not null and v_lower_end is not null then -- {
6780       exit;
6781      else
6782       if ( v_prev_op is null
6783         and lower_operation_seq_num < ll_operation_seq_num ) then -- {
6784         v_prev_op := lower_operation_seq_num;
6785       end if; -- }
6786       if v_lower_start is null then -- {
6787         v_lower_start := lower_start_date;
6788         v_lower_start_id := lower_transaction_id;
6789       end if; -- }
6790       if v_lower_end is null then -- {
6791         v_lower_end := lower_end_date;
6792         v_lower_end_id := lower_transaction_id;
6793       end if; -- }
6794       if v_lower_mtq_id is null then -- {
6795         if not (v_prev_op is not null and
6796            lower_operation_seq_num = v_prev_op and
6797            ll_schedule_flag = 3 and  -- prior
6798            lower_schedule_flag = 4) then -- {
6799            if p_start_date <
6800 	      lower_start_date + lower_mtq_time*(lower_end_date - lower_start_date) then -- {
6801              v_lower_mtq_id := lower_transaction_id;
6802            end if; -- }
6803          end if; -- }
6804        end if; -- }
6805       end if; -- }
6806   end loop; -- }
6807   if ( p_node_type = RES_NODE ) then
6808     close lower_bound;
6809   else
6810     close lower_bound_res_inst;
6811   end if;
6813   if ( p_node_type = RES_NODE ) then
6814     open upper_bound;
6815   else
6816     open upper_bound_res_inst;
6817   end if;
6818   loop -- {
6819     if ( p_node_type = RES_NODE ) then
6820       fetch upper_bound into upper_operation_seq_num, upper_resource_seq_num,
6821         upper_transaction_id, upper_schedule_flag,
6822         upper_start_date, upper_end_date;
6823       exit when upper_bound%notfound;
6824     else
6825       fetch upper_bound_res_inst into upper_operation_seq_num, upper_resource_seq_num,
6826         upper_transaction_id, upper_schedule_flag,
6827         upper_start_date, upper_end_date;
6828       exit when upper_bound_res_inst%notfound;
6829     end if;
6832     if v_upper_start is not null and v_upper_end is not null then -- {
6833       exit;
6834     else
6835       if v_next_op is null and
6836         upper_operation_seq_num > ll_operation_seq_num then -- {
6837         v_next_op := upper_operation_seq_num;
6838       end if; -- }
6839       if v_upper_start is null then -- {
6840         v_upper_start := upper_start_date;
6841         v_upper_start_id := upper_transaction_id;
6842       end if; -- }
6843       if v_upper_end is null then -- {
6844         v_upper_end := upper_end_date;
6845         v_upper_end_id := upper_transaction_id;
6846       end if; -- }
6847       if v_upper_mtq_id is null then -- {
6848         if not (v_next_op is not null and
6849           upper_operation_seq_num = v_next_op and
6850           ll_schedule_flag = 4 and  --next
6851           upper_schedule_flag = 3) then -- {
6852           if upper_start_date < p_start_date +
6853 	    ll_mtq_time* (p_end_date - p_start_date) then -- {
6854             v_upper_mtq_id := upper_transaction_id;
6855           end if; -- }
6856         end if; -- }
6857       end if; --}
6858     end if; -- }
6859   end loop; -- }
6860   if ( p_node_type = RES_NODE ) then
6861     close upper_bound;
6862   else
6863     close upper_bound_res_inst;
6864   end if;
6866   if v_lower_start is not null and p_start_date < v_lower_start then -- {
6867     --p_out := to_char(v_lower_start,format_mask) || field_seperator|| to_char(v_lower_start_id);
6868     --5728088, send translated message to pld
6869     fnd_message.set_name('MSC', 'MSC_GC_START_DT_LT_CONS_DATE');
6870     fnd_message.set_token('DATE1', to_char(v_lower_start,format_mask));
6871     fnd_message.set_token('TRX_ID', to_char(v_lower_start_id));
6872     p_out := fnd_message.get;
6873     p_return_status := 'ERROR';
6874   else
6875     p_out := null_space || field_seperator || null_space;
6876   end if; -- }
6878   if v_upper_start is not null and p_start_date > v_upper_start then -- {
6879      p_out := p_out || field_seperator || to_char(v_upper_start,format_mask)
6880        || field_seperator || to_char(v_upper_start_id);
6881      p_return_status := 'ERROR';
6882   else
6883      p_out := p_out || field_seperator || null_space || field_seperator || null_space;
6884   end if; -- }
6885   if p_return_status = 'ERROR' then -- {
6886      p_out := p_out || field_seperator || null_space || field_seperator || null_space;
6887      p_out := p_out || field_seperator || null_space || field_seperator || null_space;
6888      return;
6889   end if; -- }
6891   if v_lower_end is not null and p_end_date < v_lower_end then -- {
6892      --p_out := p_out || field_seperator|| to_char(v_lower_end,format_mask)|| field_seperator || to_char(v_lower_end_id);
6893     --5728088, send translated message to pld
6894      fnd_message.set_name('MSC', 'MSC_GC_END_DT_LT_CONS_DATE');
6895      fnd_message.set_token('DATE1', to_char(v_lower_end,format_mask));
6896      fnd_message.set_token('TRX_ID', to_char(v_lower_end_id));
6897      p_out := fnd_message.get;
6898      p_return_status := 'ERROR';
6899   end if; -- }
6901   if v_upper_end is not null and p_end_date > v_upper_end then  -- {
6902      --p_out := p_out || field_seperator || to_char(v_upper_end,format_mask)|| field_seperator || to_char(v_upper_end_id);
6903     --5728088, send translated message to pld
6904      fnd_message.set_name('MSC', 'MSC_GC_END_DT_LT_CONS_DATE');
6905      fnd_message.set_token('DATE1', to_char(v_upper_end,format_mask));
6906      fnd_message.set_token('TRX_ID', to_char(v_lower_end_id));
6907      p_out := fnd_message.get;
6908      p_return_status := 'ERROR';
6909   end if; -- }
6911   if p_return_status = 'ERROR' then -- {
6912      return;
6913   end if; -- }
6915   if v_lower_mtq_id is not null or v_upper_mtq_id is not null then -- {
6916      --p_return_status := 'WARNING';
6917      --p_out := nvl(to_char(v_lower_mtq_id), null_space) ||field_seperator || nvl(to_char(v_upper_mtq_id), null_space);
6918      --5728088 commented, since we dont need to show warnings
6919      return;
6920   end if; -- }
6921 end validateTime;
6923 -- public API
6924 -- 1) if a res is firmed, firm the resource, firm the simu res, and firm ALL the res instances
6925 -- 2) if a res inst is firmed, firm the res inst and firm the res also..
6927 procedure firmResourcePub (p_plan_id number, p_transaction_id number,
6928   p_instance_id number, p_firm_type number, p_return_status OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
6929   p_out OUT NOCOPY varchar2, p_node_type number) is
6931   l_firm_type number;
6932   l_supply_id number;
6933   l_firm_start date;
6934   l_firm_end date;
6935   l_start date;
6936   l_end date;
6938   ll_res_inst_trx_id number;
6939   ll_res_trx_id number;
6941   vv_res_inst_inst_id number_arr;
6942   vv_res_inst_trx_id number_arr;
6944 BEGIN
6945   put_line(' firmResourcePub in ');
6946     p_return_status := 'OK';
6948     --firm the res instance..
6949     if ( p_node_type = RES_INST_NODE ) then -- {
6950       ll_res_inst_trx_id := p_transaction_id;
6951       ll_res_trx_id := get_parent_res_trx_id(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, ll_res_inst_trx_id);
6952     else
6953       ll_res_trx_id := p_transaction_id;
6954     end if; -- }
6955   put_line('ll_res_trx_id ll_res_inst_trx_id '||ll_res_trx_id||' - '||ll_res_inst_trx_id);
6957     -- lock the mrr and getData
6958     msc_gantt_utils.lockReqNGetData(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, ll_res_trx_id,
6959       l_firm_type, l_supply_id, l_start, l_end, l_firm_start, l_firm_end,
6960       p_return_status, p_out);
6962     if p_return_status = 'ERROR' then
6963       return ;
6964     end if;
6967     -- update requirement
6968     msc_gantt_utils.updateReq(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, ll_res_trx_id,
6969       p_firm_type, l_start, l_end, l_firm_start, l_firm_end, FIRM_MRR);
6971     -- update requirement
6972     msc_gantt_utils.firmReqInst(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, ll_res_trx_id, ll_res_inst_trx_id);
6974     -- update requirement's supply
6975     msc_gantt_utils.updateSupplies(p_plan_id, l_supply_id, TOUCH_SUPPLY);
6977     -- update the simultaneous resource for a given res trans id
6978     msc_gantt_utils.updateReqSimu(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, ll_res_trx_id,
6979       p_firm_type, l_start, l_end, l_firm_start, l_firm_end, FIRM_MRR, p_return_status, p_out);
6981   put_line(' firmResourcePub out ');
6982 end firmResourcePub;
6984 procedure firmResourceSeqPub(p_plan_id number,
6985   p_trx_list varchar2, p_firm_type number,
6986   p_return_status OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
6987   p_out OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
6988   p_node_type number) is
6990   l_start date;
6991   l_end date;
6992   l_supply_id number;
6993   l_firm_type number;
6994   l_firm_start date;
6995   l_firm_end date;
6996   l_batch_number number;
6997   l_group_sequence_id number;
6998   l_group_sequence_number number;
7000   l_inst_id number;
7001   l_trx_id number;
7002   ll_res_trx_id number;
7004   p_new_group_seq_id number;
7005   p_new_group_seq_number number;
7007   v_len number;
7008   i number := 1;
7009   l_one_record varchar2(100);
7011 begin
7012   put_line(' firmResourceSeqPub in ');
7013     p_return_status := 'OK';
7015     v_len := length(p_trx_list);
7016     while v_len > 1 loop
7017       l_one_record := substr(p_trx_list,instr(p_trx_list,'(',1,i)+1,
7018           instr(p_trx_list,')',1,i)-instr(p_trx_list,'(',1,i)-1);
7019       l_inst_id := to_number(substr(l_one_record,1,instr(l_one_record,',')-1));
7020       l_trx_id := to_number(substr(l_one_record,instr(l_one_record,',')+1));
7021       ll_res_trx_id := l_trx_id;
7024       if ( p_node_type = RES_INST_NODE ) then -- {
7025         ll_res_trx_id := get_parent_res_trx_id(p_plan_id, l_inst_id, l_trx_id);
7026       end if; -- }
7028       if ( p_new_group_seq_id is null ) then
7029         -- get the new group seq id and number
7030         select max(nvl(mrr.group_sequence_id,0))+1
7031           into p_new_group_seq_id
7032         from msc_resource_requirements mrr
7033         where mrr.plan_id = p_plan_id
7034           and mrr.sr_instance_id = l_inst_id;
7035 	p_new_group_seq_number := 0;
7036       end if;
7037       p_new_group_seq_number := p_new_group_seq_number + 10;
7039       -- lock the mrr and getNewData
7040       msc_gantt_utils.lockReqNGetData(p_plan_id, l_inst_id, ll_res_trx_id,
7041         l_firm_type, l_supply_id, l_start, l_end, l_firm_start, l_firm_end,
7042         p_return_status, p_out);
7044       update msc_resource_requirements
7045         set group_sequence_id = decode(p_firm_type,
7046 	                               0, to_number(null),
7047 					p_new_group_seq_id),
7048 	  group_sequence_number = decode(p_firm_type,
7049 	                               0, to_number(null),
7050 					p_new_group_seq_number)
7051 	where plan_id = p_plan_id
7052 	  and sr_instance_id = l_inst_id
7053 	  and transaction_id = ll_res_trx_id ;
7055       if ( p_out is null ) then
7056         p_out := '('|| l_inst_id || COMMA_SEPARATOR
7057 	  || l_trx_id || COMMA_SEPARATOR
7058 	  || p_new_group_seq_id || COMMA_SEPARATOR
7059 	  || p_new_group_seq_number ||')';
7060       else
7061         p_out := p_out || COMMA_SEPARATOR ||
7062 	  '('||l_inst_id || COMMA_SEPARATOR
7063 	  || l_trx_id || COMMA_SEPARATOR
7064 	  || p_new_group_seq_id || COMMA_SEPARATOR
7065 	  || p_new_group_seq_number || ')';
7066       end if;
7068       i := i+1;
7069       v_len := v_len - length(l_one_record)-3;
7070     end loop;
7072   put_line(' firmResourceSeqPub out ');
7073 end firmResourceSeqPub;
7075 procedure firmResourceBatchPub(p_plan_id number,
7076   p_transaction_id number, p_instance_id number, p_firm_type number,
7077   p_return_status OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
7078   p_out OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
7079   p_node_type number) is
7081   l_start date;
7082   l_end date;
7083   l_supply_id number;
7084   l_firm_type number;
7085   l_firm_start date;
7086   l_firm_end date;
7087   l_batch_number number;
7088   l_group_sequence_id number;
7089   l_group_sequence_number number;
7091 begin
7092   if ( p_node_type = RES_NODE ) then -- {
7093     -- in both the cases, res or res inst move, move the simultaneous res req
7094     open res_req_info(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, p_transaction_id);
7095     fetch res_req_info into l_firm_type, l_firm_start, l_firm_end,
7096       l_batch_number, l_group_sequence_id, l_group_sequence_number;
7097     close res_req_info;
7099     msc_gantt_utils.updateBatchReq(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, l_batch_number,
7100       to_date(null), to_date(null), p_firm_type, FIRM_MRR, p_return_status, p_out);
7101   else
7102     open res_inst_req_info(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, p_instance_id);
7103     fetch res_inst_req_info into l_batch_number;
7104     close res_inst_req_info;
7106     msc_gantt_utils.updateBatchInstReq(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, l_batch_number,
7107       to_date(null), to_date(null), p_firm_type, FIRM_MRR, p_return_status, p_out);
7108   end if; -- }
7109 end firmResourceBatchPub;
7112 procedure firmSupplyPub(p_plan_id number,
7113   p_transaction_id number, p_instance_id number,
7114   p_firm_type number,
7115   p_start_date date, p_end_date date,
7116   p_plan_start_date date, p_plan_end_date date,
7117   p_return_status OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
7118   p_out OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
7119   p_validate_flag boolean default true,
7120   p_node_type number) is
7122 begin
7123   p_return_status := 'OK';
7125   -- update requirement's supply
7126   msc_gantt_utils.updateSupplies(p_plan_id, p_transaction_id, FIRM_SUPPLY, p_firm_type);
7128   --pabram ... need to verify
7129 end firmSupplyPub;
7131 procedure getAltResource(p_plan_id number,
7132   p_transaction_id number, p_instance_id number,
7133   p_name OUT NOCOPY varchar2, p_id OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
7134   p_node_type number default null,
7135   p_from_form number default null) is
7137   cursor c_alt_res_res (p_plan number, p_inst number, p_trx number)is
7138   select distinct mor.alternate_number || COLON_SEPARATOR ||
7139     msc_get_name.resource_code(mor.resource_id, mrr.department_id,
7140       mrr.organization_id, mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instance_id),
7141     mor.resource_id,
7142     mbp_null_value res_instance_id,
7143     mbp_null_value_char serial_number,
7144     mor.alternate_number
7145   from msc_operation_resources mor,
7146     msc_resource_requirements mrr
7147   where mrr.plan_id = p_plan
7148     and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst
7149     and mrr.transaction_id = p_trx
7150     and mor.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
7151     and mor.routing_sequence_id = mrr.routing_sequence_id
7152     and mor.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
7153     and mor.operation_sequence_id = mrr.operation_sequence_id
7154     and mor.resource_seq_num = mrr.resource_seq_num
7155     and mor.alternate_number <> mrr.alternate_num
7156     and mor.principal_flag <> 2
7157   union all --5478582 bugfix
7158   select distinct mjor.alternate_num || COLON_SEPARATOR ||
7159     msc_get_name.resource_code(mjor.resource_id, mrr.department_id,
7160       mrr.organization_id, mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instance_id),
7161     mjor.resource_id,
7162     mbp_null_value res_instance_id,
7163     mbp_null_value_char serial_number,
7164     mjor.alternate_num
7165   from msc_job_op_resources mjor,
7166     msc_resource_requirements mrr
7167   where mrr.plan_id = p_plan
7168     and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst
7169     and mrr.transaction_id = p_trx
7170     and mrr.routing_sequence_id is null
7171     and mjor.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
7172     and mjor.transaction_id = mrr.supply_id
7173     and mjor.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
7174     and mjor.operation_seq_num = mrr.operation_seq_num
7175     and mjor.resource_seq_num = mrr.resource_seq_num
7176     and mjor.alternate_num <> mrr.alternate_num
7177     and mjor.resource_id <> -1
7178     and mjor.principal_flag <> 2;
7180   cursor c_alt_res_inst (p_plan number, p_inst number, p_trx number)is
7181   select distinct mor.alternate_number
7182     || COLON_SEPARATOR || msc_gantt_utils.getDeptResInstCode(mdri.plan_id,
7183       mdri.sr_instance_id, mdri.organization_id, mdri.department_id,
7184       mdri.resource_id, mdri.res_instance_id, mdri.serial_number),
7185     mdri.resource_id,
7186     mdri.res_instance_id,
7187     mdri.serial_number,
7188     mor.alternate_number
7189   from msc_operation_resources mor,
7190     msc_resource_requirements mrr,
7191     msc_dept_res_instances mdri
7192   where mrr.plan_id = p_plan
7193     and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst
7194     and mrr.transaction_id = p_trx
7195     and mrr.assigned_units = 1
7196     and mor.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
7197     and mor.routing_sequence_id = mrr.routing_sequence_id
7198     and mor.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
7199     and mor.operation_sequence_id = mrr.operation_sequence_id
7200     and mor.resource_seq_num = mrr.resource_seq_num
7201     and mor.alternate_number <> mrr.alternate_num
7202     and mor.principal_flag <> 2
7203     and mor.plan_id = mdri.plan_id
7204     and mor.sr_instance_id = mdri.sr_instance_id
7205     and mor.resource_id = mdri.resource_id
7206   union all --5478582 bugfix
7207   select distinct mjor.alternate_num
7208     || COLON_SEPARATOR || msc_gantt_utils.getDeptResInstCode(mdri.plan_id,
7209       mdri.sr_instance_id, mdri.organization_id, mdri.department_id,
7210       mdri.resource_id, mdri.res_instance_id, mdri.serial_number),
7211     mdri.resource_id,
7212     mdri.res_instance_id,
7213     mdri.serial_number,
7214     mjor.alternate_num
7215   from msc_job_op_resources mjor,
7216     msc_resource_requirements mrr,
7217     msc_dept_res_instances mdri
7218   where mrr.plan_id = p_plan
7219     and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst
7220     and mrr.transaction_id = p_trx
7221     and mrr.routing_sequence_id is null
7222     and mrr.assigned_units = 1
7223     and mjor.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
7224     and mjor.transaction_id = mrr.supply_id
7225     and mjor.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
7226     and mjor.operation_seq_num = mrr.operation_seq_num
7227     and mjor.resource_seq_num = mrr.resource_seq_num
7228     and mjor.alternate_num <> mrr.alternate_num
7229     and mjor.resource_id <> -1
7230     and mjor.principal_flag <> 2
7231     and mjor.plan_id = mdri.plan_id
7232     and mjor.sr_instance_id = mdri.sr_instance_id
7233     and mjor.resource_id = mdri.resource_id;
7236   cursor c_alt_inst_res (p_plan number, p_inst number, p_trx number)is
7237   select distinct mor.alternate_number
7238    || COLON_SEPARATOR ||msc_get_name.resource_code(mor.resource_id, mrr.department_id,
7239      mrr.organization_id, mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instance_id),
7240     mor.resource_id,
7241     mbp_null_value res_instance_id,
7242     mbp_null_value_char serial_number,
7243     mor.alternate_number
7244   from msc_operation_resources mor,
7245     msc_resource_requirements mrr
7246   where mrr.plan_id = p_plan
7247     and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst
7248     and mrr.transaction_id = p_trx
7249     and mor.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
7250     and mor.routing_sequence_id = mrr.routing_sequence_id
7251     and mor.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
7252     and mor.operation_sequence_id = mrr.operation_sequence_id
7253     and mor.resource_seq_num = mrr.resource_seq_num
7254     and mor.alternate_number <> mrr.alternate_num
7255     and mor.principal_flag <> 2
7256   union all --5478582 bugfix
7257   select distinct mjor.alternate_num
7258    || COLON_SEPARATOR ||msc_get_name.resource_code(mjor.resource_id, mrr.department_id,
7259      mrr.organization_id, mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instance_id),
7260     mjor.resource_id,
7261     mbp_null_value res_instance_id,
7262     mbp_null_value_char serial_number,
7263     mjor.alternate_num
7264   from msc_job_op_resources mjor,
7265     msc_resource_requirements mrr
7266   where mrr.plan_id = p_plan
7267     and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst
7268     and mrr.transaction_id = p_trx
7269     and mrr.routing_sequence_id is null
7270     and mjor.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
7271     and mjor.transaction_id = mrr.supply_id
7272     and mjor.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
7273     and mjor.operation_seq_num = mrr.operation_seq_num
7274     and mjor.resource_seq_num = mrr.resource_seq_num
7275     and mjor.alternate_num <> mrr.alternate_num
7276     and mjor.resource_id <> -1
7277     and mjor.principal_flag <> 2;
7279   cursor c_alt_inst_inst (p_plan number, p_inst number, p_trx number,
7280     p_res_instance_id number, p_serial_number varchar2, p_equipment_item_id number )is
7281   select distinct mor.alternate_number ||':'||msc_gantt_utils.getDeptResInstCode(mdri.plan_id,
7282     mdri.sr_instance_id, mdri.organization_id, mdri.department_id,
7283     mdri.resource_id, mdri.res_instance_id, mdri.serial_number),
7284     mdri.resource_id,
7285     mdri.res_instance_id,
7286     mdri.serial_number,
7287     mor.alternate_number
7288   from msc_operation_resources mor,
7289     msc_resource_requirements mrr,
7290     msc_dept_res_instances mdri
7291   where mrr.plan_id = p_plan
7292     and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst
7293     and mrr.transaction_id = p_trx
7294     and mor.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
7295     and mor.routing_sequence_id = mrr.routing_sequence_id
7296     and mor.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
7297     and mor.operation_sequence_id = mrr.operation_sequence_id
7298     and mor.resource_seq_num = mrr.resource_seq_num
7299     and mor.alternate_number <> mrr.alternate_num
7300     and mor.principal_flag <> 2
7301     and mor.plan_id = mdri.plan_id
7302     and mor.sr_instance_id = mdri.sr_instance_id
7303     and mor.resource_id = mdri.resource_id
7304   union all --5513960 bugfix
7305   select distinct mrr.alternate_num ||':'||msc_gantt_utils.getDeptResInstCode(mdri.plan_id,
7306     mdri.sr_instance_id, mdri.organization_id, mdri.department_id,
7307     mdri.resource_id, mdri.res_instance_id, mdri.serial_number),
7308     mdri.resource_id,
7309     mdri.res_instance_id,
7310     mdri.serial_number,
7311     mrr.alternate_num
7312   from msc_resource_requirements mrr,
7313     msc_dept_res_instances mdri
7314   where mrr.plan_id = p_plan
7315     and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst
7316     and mrr.transaction_id = p_trx
7317     and mrr.plan_id = mdri.plan_id
7318     and mrr.sr_instance_id = mdri.sr_instance_id
7319     and mrr.organization_id = mdri.organization_id
7320     and mrr.department_id = mdri.department_id
7321     and mrr.resource_id = mdri.resource_id
7322     and nvl(mdri.serial_number,mbp_null_value_char) <> nvl(p_serial_number,mbp_null_value_char)
7323     --and nvl(mdri.equipment_item_id,mbp_null_value) <> nvl(p_equipment_item_id,mbp_null_value)
7324   union all --5478582 bugfix
7325   select distinct mjor.alternate_num ||':'||msc_gantt_utils.getDeptResInstCode(mdri.plan_id,
7326     mdri.sr_instance_id, mdri.organization_id, mdri.department_id,
7327     mdri.resource_id, mdri.res_instance_id, mdri.serial_number),
7328     mdri.resource_id,
7329     mdri.res_instance_id,
7330     mdri.serial_number,
7331     mjor.alternate_num
7332   from msc_job_op_resources mjor,
7333     msc_resource_requirements mrr,
7334     msc_dept_res_instances mdri
7335   where mrr.plan_id = p_plan
7336     and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst
7337     and mrr.transaction_id = p_trx
7338     and mrr.routing_sequence_id is null
7339     and mjor.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
7340     and mjor.transaction_id = mrr.supply_id
7341     and mjor.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
7342     and mjor.operation_seq_num = mrr.operation_seq_num
7343     and mjor.resource_seq_num = mrr.resource_seq_num
7344     and mjor.alternate_num <> mrr.alternate_num
7345     and mjor.resource_id <> -1
7346     and mjor.principal_flag <> 2
7347     and mjor.plan_id = mdri.plan_id
7348     and mjor.sr_instance_id = mdri.sr_instance_id
7349     and mjor.resource_id = mdri.resource_id;
7351   cursor flag (p_plan number, p_inst number, p_trx number)is
7352   select nvl(mrr.firm_flag,no_firm)
7353   from msc_resource_requirements mrr
7354   where mrr.plan_id = p_plan
7355     and  mrr.transaction_id = p_trx
7356     and  mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst;
7358   cursor activity_c (p_plan number, p_inst number, p_trx number) is
7359   select mors.activity_group_id, mrr.routing_sequence_id,
7360     mrr.operation_sequence_id, mrr.resource_seq_num
7361   from msc_operation_resource_seqs mors,
7362     msc_resource_requirements mrr
7363   where mrr.plan_id = p_plan
7364     and mrr.transaction_id = p_trx
7365     and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst
7366     and mors.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
7367     and mors.routing_sequence_id = mrr.routing_sequence_id
7368     and mors.operation_sequence_id = mrr.operation_sequence_id
7369     and mors.resource_seq_num = mrr.resource_seq_num
7370     and mors.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id;
7372   --5513960 bugfix
7373   cursor c_res_inst_info (p_plan number, p_inst number, p_trx number)is
7374   select mrir.res_instance_id, mrir.serial_number, mrir.equipment_item_id
7375   from msc_resource_instance_reqs mrir
7376   where mrir.plan_id = p_plan
7377     and mrir.sr_instance_id = p_inst
7378     and mrir.res_inst_transaction_id = p_trx;
7380   ll_res_instance_id number;
7381   ll_serial_number varchar2(30);
7382   ll_equipment_item_id number;
7383   --5513960 bugfix ends
7385  temp_name varchar2(240);
7386  temp_id number;
7387  temp_inst_id number;
7388  temp_serial_number varchar2(40);
7389  temp_flag number;
7390  alt_number number;
7391  rowcount number := 0;
7392  l_rout_seq number;
7393  l_op_seq number;
7394  l_res_seq number;
7395  l_total_seqs number;
7396  l_avail_seqs number;
7397  l_act_group number;
7398  l_flag varchar2(5);
7400  ll_res_inst_trx_id number;
7401  ll_res_trx_id number;
7403  l_query_id number;
7405 begin
7406   put_line('in getAltResource');
7407   --firm the res instance..
7408   if ( p_node_type = RES_INST_NODE ) then -- {
7409     ll_res_inst_trx_id := p_transaction_id;
7410     ll_res_trx_id := get_parent_res_trx_id(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, ll_res_inst_trx_id);
7412     --5513960 bugfix
7413     open c_res_inst_info (p_plan_id, p_instance_id, ll_res_inst_trx_id);
7414     fetch c_res_inst_info into ll_res_instance_id, ll_serial_number, ll_equipment_item_id;
7415     close c_res_inst_info;
7416     --5513960 bugfix ends
7418   else
7419     ll_res_trx_id := p_transaction_id;
7420   end if; -- }
7422   if ( nvl(p_from_form,-1) = sys_yes ) then
7423     l_query_id := getMFQSequence();
7424   else
7425     l_query_id := mbp_null_value;
7426   end if;
7428   --get corresponding info about this tranx
7429   open activity_c(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, ll_res_trx_id);
7430   fetch activity_c into l_act_group,l_rout_seq, l_op_seq, l_res_seq;
7431   close activity_c;
7433 /*
7434   if l_act_group is not null then -- {
7435     select count(*)
7436     into l_total_seqs
7437     from (select distinct mors.resource_seq_num
7438           from  msc_operation_resource_seqs mors
7439           where mors.plan_id = p_plan_id
7440             and mors.routing_sequence_id = l_rout_seq
7441             and mors.operation_sequence_id = l_op_seq
7442             and mors.sr_instance_id = p_instance_id
7443             and mors.activity_group_id = l_act_group);
7445       select count(*)
7446       into l_avail_seqs
7447       from (select distinct mors.resource_seq_num
7448             from msc_operation_resource_seqs mors,
7449               msc_operation_resources mor
7450             where mors.plan_id = p_plan_id
7451               and mors.sr_instance_id = p_instance_id
7452               and mors.operation_sequence_id = l_op_seq
7453               and mors.routing_sequence_id = l_rout_seq
7454               and mors.activity_group_id = l_act_group
7455               and mor.plan_id = p_plan_id
7456               and mor.routing_sequence_id = mors.routing_sequence_id
7457               and mor.operation_sequence_id = mors.operation_sequence_id
7458               and mor.sr_instance_id = p_instance_id
7459               and mor.resource_seq_num = mors.resource_seq_num
7460               and mor.alternate_number = alt_number);
7462       if l_avail_seqs = l_total_seqs then -- {
7463         l_flag := 'Y';
7464       else
7465         l_flag := 'N';
7466       end if; -- }
7468   else
7469     l_flag := 'Y';
7470   end if; -- }
7472 */
7473     l_flag := 'Y'; -- pabram need to check with emily the commented code , and this stmt
7475   if ( nvl(p_node_type, RES_NODE) = RES_NODE ) then -- {
7477     put_line(' finding alternates for a resource node ');
7478     -- res to res
7479     open c_alt_res_res(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, ll_res_trx_id);
7480     loop -- {
7481       fetch c_alt_res_res into temp_name, temp_id, temp_inst_id, temp_serial_number, alt_number;
7482       exit when c_alt_res_res%notfound;
7483       rowcount := rowcount +1;
7484       put_line(' c_alt_res_res '|| temp_name );
7485       if p_name is not null then -- {
7486         p_name := p_name || field_seperator || temp_name;
7487         p_id := p_id || field_seperator || temp_id || field_seperator
7488 	  ||  temp_inst_id || field_seperator || temp_serial_number
7489 	  || field_seperator || alt_number || field_seperator || l_flag;
7490       else
7491         p_name := temp_name;
7492         p_id := temp_id || field_seperator ||  temp_inst_id || field_seperator
7493 	  || temp_serial_number|| field_seperator || alt_number || field_seperator || l_flag;
7494       end if; -- }
7496       if ( l_query_id <> mbp_null_value ) then
7497         populateResIntoMfq(l_query_id, temp_id, temp_inst_id, temp_serial_number, temp_name, alt_number);
7498       end if;
7500     end loop; -- }
7501     close c_alt_res_res;
7503     -- res to res inst
7504     open c_alt_res_inst(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, ll_res_trx_id);
7505     loop -- {
7506       fetch c_alt_res_inst into temp_name, temp_id, temp_inst_id, temp_serial_number, alt_number;
7507       exit when c_alt_res_inst%notfound;
7508       rowcount := rowcount +1;
7509       put_line(' c_alt_res_inst '|| temp_name );
7510       if p_name is not null then -- {
7511         p_name := p_name || field_seperator || temp_name;
7512         p_id := p_id || field_seperator || temp_id || field_seperator
7513 	  ||  temp_inst_id || field_seperator || temp_serial_number
7514 	  || field_seperator || alt_number || field_seperator || l_flag;
7515       else
7516         p_name := temp_name;
7517         p_id := temp_id || field_seperator ||  temp_inst_id || field_seperator
7518 	  || temp_serial_number|| field_seperator || alt_number || field_seperator || l_flag;
7519       end if; -- }
7521       if ( l_query_id <> mbp_null_value ) then
7522         populateResIntoMfq(l_query_id, temp_id, temp_inst_id, temp_serial_number, temp_name, alt_number);
7523       end if;
7525     end loop; -- }
7526     close c_alt_res_inst;
7528   else
7529     put_line(' finding alternates for a resource instance node ');
7530     -- inst to res
7531     open c_alt_inst_res(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, ll_res_trx_id);
7532     loop -- {
7533       fetch c_alt_inst_res into temp_name, temp_id, temp_inst_id, temp_serial_number, alt_number;
7534       exit when c_alt_inst_res%notfound;
7535       rowcount := rowcount +1;
7536       put_line(' c_alt_inst_res '|| temp_name );
7537       if p_name is not null then -- {
7538         p_name := p_name || field_seperator || temp_name;
7539         p_id := p_id || field_seperator || temp_id || field_seperator
7540 	  ||  temp_inst_id || field_seperator || temp_serial_number
7541 	  || field_seperator || alt_number || field_seperator || l_flag;
7542       else
7543         p_name := temp_name;
7544         p_id := temp_id || field_seperator ||  temp_inst_id || field_seperator
7545 	  || temp_serial_number|| field_seperator || alt_number || field_seperator || l_flag;
7546       end if; -- }
7548       if ( l_query_id <> mbp_null_value ) then
7549         populateResIntoMfq(l_query_id, temp_id, temp_inst_id, temp_serial_number, temp_name, alt_number);
7550       end if;
7552     end loop; -- }
7553     close c_alt_inst_res;
7555     -- inst to inst
7556     open c_alt_inst_inst(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, ll_res_trx_id,
7557 	ll_res_instance_id, ll_serial_number, ll_equipment_item_id);
7558     loop -- {
7559       fetch c_alt_inst_inst into temp_name, temp_id, temp_inst_id, temp_serial_number, alt_number;
7560       exit when c_alt_inst_inst%notfound;
7561       rowcount := rowcount +1;
7562       put_line(' c_alt_inst_inst '|| temp_name );
7563       if p_name is not null then -- {
7564         p_name := p_name || field_seperator || temp_name;
7565         p_id := p_id || field_seperator || temp_id || field_seperator
7566 	  ||  temp_inst_id || field_seperator || temp_serial_number
7567 	  || field_seperator || alt_number || field_seperator || l_flag;
7568       else
7569         p_name := temp_name;
7570         p_id := temp_id || field_seperator ||  temp_inst_id || field_seperator
7571 	  || temp_serial_number|| field_seperator || alt_number || field_seperator || l_flag;
7572       end if; -- }
7574       if ( l_query_id <> mbp_null_value ) then
7575         populateResIntoMfq(l_query_id, temp_id, temp_inst_id, temp_serial_number, temp_name, alt_number);
7576       end if;
7578     end loop; -- }
7579     close c_alt_inst_inst;
7581   end if; -- }
7583   temp_flag := 0;
7584   open flag(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, ll_res_trx_id);
7585   fetch flag into temp_flag;
7586   close flag;
7588   if temp_flag >= 8 then
7589     temp_flag := 0;
7590   end if;
7592   p_name := temp_flag || field_seperator ||to_char(rowcount) || field_seperator || p_name;
7593   p_id := to_char(rowcount) || field_seperator || p_id;
7595   if ( l_query_id <> mbp_null_value ) then
7596     p_id := l_query_id;
7597   end if;
7599   put_line('out getAltResource');
7600 end getAltResource;
7602 procedure getSimuResource(p_plan_id number,
7603   p_transaction_id number, p_instance_id number,
7604   p_name OUT NOCOPY varchar2, p_id OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
7605   p_node_type number default null) IS
7607   cursor c_simu_res_res(p_plan_id number, p_inst_id number, p_trx_id number ) is
7608   select msc_get_name.resource_code(mor.resource_id, mrr.department_id,
7609       mrr.organization_id, mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instance_id) resource_code,
7610     mor.resource_id resource_id,
7611     mbp_null_value res_instance_id,
7612     mbp_null_value_char serial_number
7613   from msc_operation_resources mor,
7614     msc_resource_requirements mrr
7615   where  mrr.plan_id = p_plan_id
7616     and mrr.transaction_id = p_trx_id
7617     and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
7618     and mor.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
7619     and mor.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
7620     and mor.routing_sequence_id = mrr.routing_sequence_id
7621     and mor.operation_sequence_id = mrr.operation_sequence_id
7622     and mor.resource_seq_num = mrr.resource_seq_num
7623     and mor.alternate_number = mrr.alternate_num
7624     and mor.resource_id <> mrr.resource_id;
7626   cursor c_simu_res_inst(p_plan number, p_inst number, p_trx number)is
7627   select mor.alternate_number ||':'||msc_gantt_utils.getDeptResInstCode(mdri.plan_id,
7628     mdri.sr_instance_id, mdri.organization_id, mdri.department_id,
7629     mdri.resource_id, mdri.res_instance_id, mdri.serial_number) resource_code,
7630     mdri.resource_id,
7631     mdri.res_instance_id,
7632     mdri.serial_number
7633   from msc_operation_resources mor,
7634     msc_resource_requirements mrr,
7635     msc_dept_res_instances mdri
7636   where mrr.plan_id = p_plan
7637     and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst
7638     and mrr.transaction_id = p_trx
7639     and mor.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
7640     and mor.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
7641     and mor.routing_sequence_id = mrr.routing_sequence_id
7642     and mor.operation_sequence_id = mrr.operation_sequence_id
7643     and mor.resource_seq_num = mrr.resource_seq_num
7644     and mor.alternate_number = mrr.alternate_num
7645     and mor.resource_id <> mrr.resource_id
7646     and mor.plan_id = mdri.plan_id
7647     and mor.sr_instance_id = mdri.sr_instance_id
7648     and mor.resource_id = mdri.resource_id;
7650   cursor c_simu_inst_res (p_plan number, p_inst number, p_trx number)is
7651   select mor.alternate_number ||':'||msc_get_name.resource_code(mor.resource_id, mrr.department_id,
7652     mrr.organization_id, mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instance_id) resource_code,
7653     mor.resource_id,
7654     mbp_null_value res_instance_id,
7655     mbp_null_value_char serial_number
7656   from msc_operation_resources mor,
7657     msc_resource_requirements mrr
7658   where mrr.plan_id = p_plan
7659     and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst
7660     and mrr.transaction_id = p_trx
7661     and mor.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
7662     and mor.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
7663     and mor.routing_sequence_id = mrr.routing_sequence_id
7664     and mor.operation_sequence_id = mrr.operation_sequence_id
7665     and mor.resource_seq_num = mrr.resource_seq_num
7666     and mor.alternate_number = mrr.alternate_num
7667     and mor.resource_id <> mrr.resource_id;
7669   cursor c_simu_inst_inst (p_plan number, p_inst number, p_trx number)is
7670   select mor.alternate_number ||':'||msc_gantt_utils.getDeptResInstCode(mdri.plan_id,
7671     mdri.sr_instance_id, mdri.organization_id,
7672     mdri.department_id, mdri.resource_id, mdri.res_instance_id, mdri.serial_number) resource_code,
7673     mdri.resource_id,
7674     mdri.res_instance_id,
7675     mdri.serial_number
7676   from msc_operation_resources mor,
7677     msc_resource_requirements mrr,
7678     msc_dept_res_instances mdri
7679   where mrr.plan_id = p_plan
7680     and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst
7681     and mrr.transaction_id = p_trx
7682     and mor.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
7683     and mor.routing_sequence_id = mrr.routing_sequence_id
7684     and mor.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
7685     and mor.operation_sequence_id = mrr.operation_sequence_id
7686     and mor.resource_seq_num = mrr.resource_seq_num
7687     and mor.alternate_number = mrr.alternate_num
7688     and mor.resource_id <> mrr.resource_id
7689     and mor.plan_id = mdri.plan_id
7690     and mor.sr_instance_id = mdri.sr_instance_id
7691     and mor.resource_id = mdri.resource_id;
7693   rowcount number := 0;
7695  ll_res_inst_trx_id number;
7696  ll_res_trx_id number;
7698 begin
7699   --firm the res instance..
7700   if ( p_node_type = RES_INST_NODE ) then -- {
7701     ll_res_inst_trx_id := p_transaction_id;
7702     ll_res_trx_id := get_parent_res_trx_id(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, ll_res_inst_trx_id);
7703   else
7704     ll_res_trx_id := p_transaction_id;
7705   end if; -- }
7707   if ( nvl(p_node_type, RES_NODE) = RES_NODE ) then -- {
7709     for c_simu_res_res_row in c_simu_res_res(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, ll_res_trx_id)
7710     loop -- {
7711       rowcount := rowcount +1;
7712       if p_name is not null then -- {
7713         p_name := p_name || field_seperator || c_simu_res_res_row.resource_code;
7714         p_id := p_id || field_seperator || c_simu_res_res_row.resource_id;
7715 	--|| field_seperator || c_simu_res_res_row.res_instance_id
7716 	--|| field_seperator || c_simu_res_res_row.serial_number;
7717         --4710508, res_instance_id, serial_number is not required by client
7718       else
7719         p_name := c_simu_res_res_row.resource_code;
7720         p_id := c_simu_res_res_row.resource_id;
7721 	  --|| field_seperator || c_simu_res_res_row.res_instance_id
7722   	  --|| field_seperator || c_simu_res_res_row.serial_number;
7723       end if; -- }
7724     end loop; -- }
7726     -- only resources need to be sent to client per pm
7727     /*
7728     for c_simu_res_inst_row in c_simu_res_inst(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, ll_res_trx_id)
7729     loop -- {
7730       rowcount := rowcount +1;
7731       if p_name is not null then -- {
7732         p_name := p_name || field_seperator || c_simu_res_inst_row.resource_code;
7733         p_id := p_id || field_seperator || c_simu_res_inst_row.resource_id
7734 	  || field_seperator || c_simu_res_inst_row.res_instance_id
7735   	  || field_seperator || c_simu_res_inst_row.serial_number;
7736       else
7737         p_name := c_simu_res_inst_row.resource_code;
7738         p_id := c_simu_res_inst_row.resource_id
7739           || field_seperator || c_simu_res_inst_row.res_instance_id
7740   	  || field_seperator || c_simu_res_inst_row.serial_number;
7741       end if; -- }
7742     end loop; -- }
7743     */
7744   else -- instance node
7745     null;
7746     -- only resources need to be sent to client per pm
7747     /*
7748     for c_simu_inst_res_row in c_simu_inst_res(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, ll_res_inst_trx_id)
7749     loop -- {
7750       rowcount := rowcount +1;
7751       if p_name is not null then -- {
7752         p_name := p_name || field_seperator || c_simu_inst_res_row.resource_code;
7753         p_id := p_id || field_seperator || c_simu_inst_res_row.resource_id
7754 	  || field_seperator || c_simu_inst_res_row.res_instance_id
7755   	  || field_seperator || c_simu_inst_res_row.serial_number;
7756       else
7757         p_name := c_simu_inst_res_row.resource_code;
7758         p_id := c_simu_inst_res_row.resource_id
7759           || field_seperator || c_simu_inst_res_row.res_instance_id
7760   	  || field_seperator || c_simu_inst_res_row.serial_number;
7761       end if; -- }
7762     end loop; -- }
7764     for c_simu_inst_inst_row in c_simu_inst_inst(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, ll_res_inst_trx_id)
7765     loop -- {
7766       rowcount := rowcount +1;
7767       if p_name is not null then -- {
7768         p_name := p_name || field_seperator || c_simu_inst_inst_row.resource_code;
7769         p_id := p_id || field_seperator || c_simu_inst_inst_row.resource_id
7770 	  || field_seperator || c_simu_inst_inst_row.res_instance_id
7771   	  || field_seperator || c_simu_inst_inst_row.serial_number;
7772       else
7773         p_name := c_simu_inst_inst_row.resource_code;
7774         p_id := c_simu_inst_inst_row.resource_id
7775           || field_seperator || c_simu_inst_inst_row.res_instance_id
7776   	  || field_seperator || c_simu_inst_inst_row.serial_number;
7777       end if; -- }
7778     end loop; -- }
7779     */
7780   end if; -- }
7782   p_name := to_char(rowcount) || field_seperator || p_name;
7783   p_id := to_char(rowcount) || field_seperator || p_id;
7784 end getSimuResource;
7786 procedure moveSupplyPub (p_plan_id number,
7787   p_supply_id number, p_start_date date, p_end_date date,
7788   p_plan_start_date date, p_plan_end_date date,
7789   p_return_status OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
7790   p_out out NOCOPY varchar2 ) is
7792   l_quan Number;
7793 begin
7795   if p_start_date < p_plan_start_date then
7796     p_return_status := 'ERROR';
7797     p_out := 'START_DATE_LESS_THAN_PLAN_START';
7798     return;
7799   elsif p_end_date > p_plan_end_date then
7800     p_return_status := 'ERROR';
7801     p_out := 'END_DATE_GREATER_THAN_PLAN_END';
7802     return;
7803   end if;
7805   begin
7806     select nvl(new_order_quantity,0)
7807     into l_quan
7808     from msc_supplies
7809     where plan_id = p_plan_id
7810       and transaction_id = p_supply_id
7811     for update of firm_date nowait;
7812   exception
7813     when app_exception.record_lock_exception then
7814       p_return_status := 'ERROR';
7815       return;
7816   end;
7818   -- now update
7819   msc_gantt_utils.updateSupplies(p_plan_id, p_supply_id,
7820     FIRM_ALL_SUPPLY, SYS_YES, p_end_date, l_quan);
7822   p_return_status := 'OK';
7824 end moveSupplyPub;
7826 procedure moveOneResource(p_plan_id number,
7827   p_transaction_id number, p_instance_id number,
7828   p_start_date date, p_end_date date,
7829   p_return_status in OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
7830   p_out in OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
7831   p_node_type number) is
7833    l_firm_flag number;
7834    l_firm_start date;
7835    l_firm_end date;
7836    l_start date;
7837    l_end date;
7838    l_supply_id number;
7840    ll_res_inst_trx_id number;
7841    ll_res_trx_id number;
7842 begin
7843   if ( p_node_type = RES_NODE ) then -- {
7844     ll_res_trx_id := p_transaction_id;
7846     -- lock the mrr and getNewData
7847     msc_gantt_utils.lockReqNGetData(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, ll_res_trx_id,
7848       l_firm_flag, l_supply_id, l_start, l_end, l_firm_start, l_firm_end,
7849       p_return_status, p_out);
7851     l_start := p_start_date;
7852     l_end := p_end_date;
7854     -- update requirement
7855     msc_gantt_utils.updateReq(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, ll_res_trx_id,
7856        l_firm_flag, l_start, l_end, l_firm_start, l_firm_end, MOVE_MRR);
7858     -- update requirement's supply
7859     msc_gantt_utils.updateSupplies(p_plan_id, l_supply_id, TOUCH_SUPPLY);
7861   else
7862    ll_res_inst_trx_id := p_transaction_id;
7864    -- lock the mrr and getNewData
7865    msc_gantt_utils.lockReqInstNGetData(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, ll_res_inst_trx_id,
7866      l_supply_id, l_start, l_end, p_return_status, p_out);
7868    l_start := p_start_date;
7869    l_end := p_end_date;
7871    -- update requirement
7872    msc_gantt_utils.updateReqInst(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, ll_res_inst_trx_id, l_start, l_end);
7874    -- update requirement's supply
7875    msc_gantt_utils.updateSupplies(p_plan_id, l_supply_id, TOUCH_SUPPLY);
7877   end if; -- }
7879 -- when the move is made, no need to update the firm dates...
7880 /*
7881   if (l_end - l_start) = ( p_end_date - p_start_date ) then -- {
7882     if l_firm_flag in (NO_FIRM, FIRM_START) or l_firm_flag is null then -- {
7883       l_firm_flag := FIRM_START;
7884     elsif l_firm_flag in (FIRM_END, FIRM_START_END) THEN
7885       l_firm_flag := FIRM_START_END;
7886     elsif l_firm_flag in (FIRM_RESOURCE, FIRM_START_RES) THEN
7887       l_firm_flag := FIRM_START_RES;
7888     elsif l_firm_flag in (FIRM_END_RES,FIRM_ALL) THEN
7889       l_firm_flag := FIRM_ALL;
7890     else
7891       l_firm_flag := FIRM_START;
7892     end if; -- }
7893   else
7895       l_firm_flag := FIRM_ALL;
7896     else
7897       l_firm_flag := FIRM_START_END;
7898     end if; -- }
7899   end if; -- }
7901   if l_firm_flag in (NO_FIRM,FIRM_START,FIRM_RESOURCE,FIRM_START_RES) then -- {
7902     l_firm_end := to_date(null);
7903   else
7904     l_firm_end := p_end_date;
7905   end if; -- }
7906   l_firm_start := p_start_date;
7907 */
7908 end moveOneResource;
7910 procedure moveResourceBatch(p_plan_id number,
7911   p_transaction_id number, p_instance_id number,
7912   p_start_date date, p_end_date date,
7913   p_plan_start_date date, p_plan_end_date date,
7914   p_return_status OUT NOCOPY varchar2, p_out OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
7915   p_validate_flag boolean, p_node_type number) is
7917   l_start date;
7918   l_end date;
7919   l_firm_flag number;
7920   l_firm_start date;
7921   l_firm_end date;
7922   l_batch_number number;
7923   l_group_sequence_id number;
7924   l_group_sequence_number number;
7926   ll_res_inst_trx_id number;
7927   ll_res_trx_id number;
7928 begin
7929   put_line(' moveResourceBatch in ');
7931 /*
7932   if ( p_validate_flag ) then -- {
7933     validateTime(p_plan_id, p_transaction_id, p_instance_id, p_start_date, p_end_date,
7934       p_plan_start_date, p_plan_end_date, p_return_status, p_out, p_node_type);
7936     if p_return_status = 'ERROR' then
7937       return ;
7938     end if;
7939   end if; -- }
7940 */
7942   if ( p_node_type = RES_NODE ) then -- {
7944     -- in both the cases, res or res inst move, move the simultaneous res req
7945     open res_req_info(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, p_transaction_id);
7946     fetch res_req_info into l_firm_flag, l_firm_start, l_firm_end,
7947       l_batch_number, l_group_sequence_id, l_group_sequence_number;
7948     close res_req_info;
7950     msc_gantt_utils.updateBatchReq(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, l_batch_number,
7951       p_start_date, p_end_date, l_firm_flag, MOVE_MRR, p_return_status, p_out);
7953   else
7955     open res_inst_req_info(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, p_instance_id);
7956     fetch res_inst_req_info into l_batch_number;
7957     close res_inst_req_info;
7959     msc_gantt_utils.updateBatchInstReq(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, l_batch_number,
7960       p_start_date, p_end_date, l_firm_flag, MOVE_MRR, p_return_status, p_out);
7962   end if; -- }
7964   put_line(' moveResourceBatch out ');
7965 end moveResourceBatch;
7967 procedure moveResourceSeq(p_plan_id number,
7968   p_transaction_id number, p_instance_id number,
7969   p_duration varchar2, p_plan_start_date date, p_plan_end_date date,
7970   p_return_status OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
7971   p_out OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
7972   p_validate_flag boolean,
7973   p_node_type number) IS
7975   l_start date;
7976   l_end date;
7977   l_firm_flag number;
7978   l_firm_start date;
7979   l_firm_end date;
7980   l_batch_number number;
7981   l_group_sequence_id number;
7982   l_group_sequence_number number;
7984   ll_res_inst_trx_id number;
7985   ll_res_trx_id number;
7987 begin
7988   put_line('moveResourceSeq in ');
7989     if ( p_node_type = RES_INST_NODE ) then -- {
7990       ll_res_inst_trx_id := p_transaction_id;
7991       ll_res_trx_id := get_parent_res_trx_id(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, ll_res_inst_trx_id);
7992     else
7993       ll_res_trx_id := p_transaction_id;
7994     end if; -- }
7996     -- in both the cases, res or res inst move, move the simultaneous res req
7997     open res_req_info(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, ll_res_trx_id);
7998     fetch res_req_info into l_firm_flag, l_firm_start, l_firm_end,
7999       l_batch_number, l_group_sequence_id, l_group_sequence_number;
8000     close res_req_info;
8002     if ( l_group_sequence_id is null or l_group_sequence_number is null ) then
8003       p_return_status := 'ERROR';
8004       p_out := 'RES_REQ_NOT_IN_FIRM_SEQ';
8005       return;
8006     end if;
8008     if (p_duration is not null) then
8009       msc_gantt_utils.updateResSeq(p_plan_id, p_instance_id,
8010         l_group_sequence_id, p_duration, p_plan_start_date, p_plan_end_date,
8011         p_return_status, p_out, p_validate_flag, p_node_type);
8012     end if;
8014   put_line('moveResourceSeq out ');
8015 end moveResourceSeq;
8018 procedure moveResourcePub(p_plan_id number,
8019   p_transaction_id number, p_instance_id number,
8020   p_start_date date, p_end_date date,
8021   p_duration varchar2,
8022   p_plan_start_date date, p_plan_end_date date,
8023   p_return_status OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
8024   p_out OUT NOCOPY varchar2,
8025   p_validate_flag boolean,
8026   p_res_firm_seq boolean,
8027   p_batched_res_act boolean,
8028   p_node_type number) IS
8030    row_count number;
8031    v_transaction_id number;
8032    v_instance_id number;
8034   l_start date;
8035   l_end date;
8036   l_firm_flag number;
8037   l_firm_start date;
8038   l_firm_end date;
8039   l_batch_number number;
8040   l_group_sequence_id number;
8041   l_group_sequence_number number;
8043   ll_res_inst_trx_id number;
8044   ll_res_trx_id number;
8046 begin
8047   put_line(' moveResourcePub in ');
8048     p_return_status := 'OK';
8050     -- res/res inst firm seq move logic and batched res/res inst move logic
8051     if ( p_res_firm_seq ) then
8052       put_line(' before moveResourceSeq');
8053       msc_gantt_utils.moveResourceSeq(p_plan_id, p_transaction_id, p_instance_id,
8054         p_duration, p_plan_start_date, p_plan_end_date,
8055 	p_return_status, p_out, p_validate_flag, p_node_type);
8056       return; --end this process here itself..
8057     elsif ( p_batched_res_act ) then
8058       put_line(' before moveResourceBatch');
8059       msc_gantt_utils.moveResourceBatch(p_plan_id, p_transaction_id, p_instance_id,
8060         p_start_date, p_end_date, p_plan_start_date, p_plan_end_date,
8061 	p_return_status, p_out, p_validate_flag, p_node_type);
8062       return; --end this process here itself..
8063     end if; -- }
8064     -- res/res inst firm seq move logic and batched res/res inst move logic
8066     -- res/res inst normal move ......
8068     if ( p_validate_flag ) then -- {
8069       put_line(' before validateTime');
8070       validateTime(p_plan_id, p_transaction_id, p_instance_id, p_start_date, p_end_date,
8071         p_plan_start_date, p_plan_end_date, p_return_status, p_out, p_node_type);
8072       if p_return_status = 'ERROR' then
8073         return ;
8074       end if;
8075     end if; -- }
8077     if ( p_node_type = RES_INST_NODE ) then -- {
8078       ll_res_inst_trx_id := p_transaction_id;
8079       ll_res_trx_id := get_parent_res_trx_id(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, ll_res_inst_trx_id);
8080     else
8081       ll_res_trx_id := p_transaction_id;
8082       ll_res_inst_trx_id := get_child_res_trx_id(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, ll_res_trx_id);
8083     end if; -- }
8085    put_line('ll_res_trx_id ll_res_inst_trx_id '||ll_res_trx_id||' - '||ll_res_inst_trx_id);
8087     -- in both the cases, res or res inst move, move the simultaneous res req
8088     open res_req_info(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, ll_res_trx_id);
8089     fetch res_req_info into l_firm_flag, l_firm_start, l_firm_end,
8090       l_batch_number, l_group_sequence_id, l_group_sequence_number;
8091     close res_req_info;
8093     l_start := p_start_date;
8094     l_end := p_end_date;
8096     if ( nvl(l_firm_flag,0) <> 0 ) then
8097       p_return_status := 'ERROR';
8098       p_out := 'REQ_IS_FIRMED';
8099       return;
8100     end if;
8102     if ( p_node_type = RES_INST_NODE ) then -- {
8103       -- move res inst node
8104       msc_gantt_utils.moveOneResource(p_plan_id, ll_res_inst_trx_id, p_instance_id, p_start_date, p_end_date,
8105         p_return_status, p_out, RES_INST_NODE);
8106       if p_return_status = 'ERROR' then
8107         return;
8108       end if;
8109       -- move res node also
8110       msc_gantt_utils.moveOneResource(p_plan_id, ll_res_trx_id, p_instance_id, p_start_date, p_end_date,
8111         p_return_status, p_out, RES_NODE);
8112       if p_return_status = 'ERROR' then
8113         return;
8114       end if;
8115     else
8116       -- move res node only
8117       msc_gantt_utils.moveOneResource(p_plan_id, ll_res_trx_id, p_instance_id, p_start_date, p_end_date,
8118         p_return_status, p_out, RES_NODE);
8119       if p_return_status = 'ERROR' then
8120         return;
8121       end if;
8122       -- move all the res instance if the resource is moved.
8123       msc_gantt_utils.moveOneResource(p_plan_id, ll_res_inst_trx_id, p_instance_id,
8124         l_start, l_end, p_return_status, p_out, RES_INST_NODE);
8125       if p_return_status = 'ERROR' then
8126         return;
8127        end if;
8128     end if; -- }
8130   -- update the simultaneous resource for a given res trans id
8131   msc_gantt_utils.updateReqSimu(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, ll_res_trx_id,
8132     l_firm_flag, l_start, l_end, l_firm_start, l_firm_end, MOVE_MRR, p_return_status, p_out);
8133   -- in both the cases, res or res inst move, move the simultaneous res req ends
8136   put_line(' moveResourcePub out');
8137 end moveResourcePub;
8139 -- property +
8140 procedure getProperty(p_plan_id number, p_instance_id number,
8141   p_transaction_id number, p_type number, p_view_type number, p_end_demand_id number,
8142   v_pro out NOCOPY varchar2, v_demand out NOCOPY varchar2) is
8144   l_buy_text varchar2(2000) := fnd_message.get_string('MSC','BUY_TEXT');
8145   l_make_text varchar2(2000) := fnd_message.get_string('MSC','MAKE_TEXT');
8146   l_transfer_text varchar2(2000) := fnd_message.get_string('MSC','TRANSFER_TEXT');
8148   cursor job_cur is
8149   select msi.item_name item,
8150     ms.new_order_quantity qty,
8151     nvl(to_char(ms.firm_date,format_mask), null_space) firm_date,
8152     to_char(ms.new_schedule_date,format_mask) sugg_due_date,
8153     nvl(to_char(ms.need_by_date,format_mask), null_space) needby,
8154     nvl(ms.unit_number,null_space) unit_number,
8155     nvl(msc_get_name.project(ms.project_id,ms.organization_id,
8156       ms.plan_id, ms.sr_instance_id), null_space) project,
8157     nvl(msc_get_name.task(ms.task_id, ms.project_id, ms.organization_id,
8158       ms.plan_id, ms.sr_instance_id),null_space) task,
8159     msc_get_name.org_code(ms.organization_id, ms.sr_instance_id) org,
8160     decode(ms.order_type,
8161       5, decode(ms.order_number,
8162            null, to_char(ms.transaction_id),
8163            replace(ms.order_number,'~','^')||' '||to_char(ms.transaction_id)),
8164       nvl(replace(ms.order_number,'~','^'), to_char(ms.transaction_id))) job_name,
8165     ms.firm_planned_type,
8166     nvl(ms.alternate_bom_designator, null_space) alternate_bom_designator,
8167     nvl(ms.alternate_routing_designator, null_space) alternate_routing_designator,
8168     ms.organization_id org_id,
8169     nvl(to_char(msi.planning_time_fence_date, format_mask),null_space) time_fence,
8170     nvl(msc_get_name.supply_type(ms.transaction_id, p_plan_id), null_space) supply_type,
8171     decode(msc_gantt_utils.getSupplyType(ms.order_type, msi.planning_make_buy_code,
8172       ms.organization_id, ms.source_organization_id),
8173       BUY_SUPPLY, l_buy_text,
8174       TRANSFER_SUPPLY, l_transfer_text,
8175       MAKE_SUPPLY, l_make_text) item_type,
8176     msi.description,
8177     nvl(msc_get_name.supplier(nvl(ms.source_supplier_id, ms.supplier_id)), null_space) supplier,
8178     nvl(msc_get_name.org_code(ms.source_organization_id, ms.source_sr_instance_id),null_space) source_org,
8179     nvl(ms.ship_method, null_space) ship_method,
8180     msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('SYS_YES_NO', decode(ms.supply_is_shared,1,1,2)) share_supply,
8181     nvl(to_char(ms.EARLIEST_START_DATE,format_mask),null_space) EPSD,
8182     nvl(to_char(ms.EARLIEST_COMPLETION_DATE,format_mask),null_space) EPCD,
8183     nvl(to_char(ms.UEPSD,format_mask),null_space) UEPSD,
8184     nvl(to_char(ms.UEPCD,format_mask),null_space) UEPCD,
8185     nvl(to_char(ms.ULPSD,format_mask),null_space) ULPSD,
8186     nvl(to_char(ms.ULPCD,format_mask),null_space) ULPCD
8187     from msc_supplies ms,
8188       msc_system_items msi
8189     where ms.plan_id = p_plan_id
8190       and ms.transaction_id = p_transaction_id
8191       and ms.sr_instance_id = p_instance_id
8192       and msi.plan_id = ms.plan_id
8193       and msi.organization_id = ms.organization_id
8194       and msi.sr_instance_id = ms.sr_instance_id
8195       and msi.inventory_item_id = ms.inventory_item_id;
8197   cursor res_cur is
8198   select msc_get_name.item_name(mrr.assembly_item_id,null,null,null) item,
8199     nvl(mrr.operation_seq_num,0) op_seq,
8200     msc_get_name.org_code(mrr.organization_id, mrr.sr_instance_id) org,
8201     msc_get_name.department_code(decode(mrr.resource_id, -1, 1,2),
8202       mrr.department_id, mrr.organization_id, mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instance_id) dept_code,
8203     nvl(msc_get_name.job_name(mrr.supply_id, p_plan_id), to_char(mrr.supply_id)) job_name,
8204     nvl(mrr.assigned_units,0) assigned_units,
8205     msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('RESOURCE_FIRM_TYPE', nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0)) firm_flag,
8206     nvl(mrr.alternate_num,0) alternate_num,
8207     nvl(mrr.resource_seq_num,0) res_seq_num,
8208     nvl(msc_get_name.resource_code(mrr.resource_id, mrr.department_id,
8209       mrr.organization_id, mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instance_id), null_space) res_code,
8210     nvl(mrr.resource_hours,0) resource_hours,
8211     ms.organization_id org_id,
8212     ms.transaction_id trans_id,
8213     0 mtq_time, -- getMTQTime(p_transaction_id, p_plan_id, p_instance_id) mtq_time,
8214     nvl(mdr.batchable_flag,2) batchable,
8215     nvl(to_char(mrr.batch_number), null_space) batch_number,
8216     nvl(mdr.unit_of_measure,null_space) uom,
8217     nvl(decode(mrr.basis_type,
8218       null, null_space,
8219       msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MSC_RES_BASIS_TYPE',mrr.basis_type)),null_space) basis_type,
8220     nvl(decode(mrr.schedule_flag,
8221       null, null_space,
8222       msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('BOM_RESOURCE_SCHEDULE_TYPE',mrr.schedule_flag)),null_space) schedule_flag,
8223     nvl(to_char(mrr.EARLIEST_START_DATE,format_mask),null_space) EPSD,
8224     nvl(to_char(mrr.EARLIEST_COMPLETION_DATE,format_mask),null_space) EPCD,
8225     nvl(to_char(mrr.UEPSD,format_mask),null_space) UEPSD,
8226     nvl(to_char(mrr.UEPCD,format_mask),null_space) UEPCD,
8227     nvl(to_char(mrr.ULPSD,format_mask),null_space) ULPSD,
8228     nvl(to_char(mrr.ULPCD,format_mask),null_space) ULPCD
8229   from  msc_resource_requirements mrr,
8230     msc_supplies ms,
8231     msc_department_resources mdr
8232   where  mrr.plan_id = p_plan_id
8233     and mrr.transaction_id = p_transaction_id
8234     and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_instance_id
8235     and ms.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
8236     and ms.plan_id = p_plan_id
8237     and ms.transaction_id = mrr.supply_id
8238     and mdr.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
8239     and mdr.organization_id = mrr.organization_id
8240     and mdr.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
8241     and mdr.department_id = mrr.department_id
8242     and mdr.resource_id = mrr.resource_id;
8244    job_cur_rec job_cur%ROWTYPE;
8245    res_cur_rec res_cur%ROWTYPE;
8247    p_end_peg_id number;
8249    cursor alloc_cur is
8250     select sum(decode(mfp.demand_id, -1, mfp.allocated_quantity, 0)),
8251            sum(mfp.allocated_quantity)
8252       from msc_full_pegging mfp
8253      where mfp.plan_id = p_plan_id
8254        AND mfp.transaction_id = p_transaction_id
8255        and mfp.end_pegging_id = p_end_peg_id;
8257    v_end_peg_id number_arr;
8258    a number;
8259    v_qty1 number;
8260    v_qty2 number;
8261    v_excess_qty number :=0;
8262    v_alloc_qty number :=0;
8264 begin
8265   if p_type in (JOB_NODE, COPROD_NODE) then -- {
8267     -- calculate alloc_qty, excess_qty, and short_qty
8268     select mfp.end_pegging_id
8269     bulk collect into v_end_peg_id
8270     from msc_full_pegging mfp
8271     where mfp.plan_id = p_plan_id
8272       and mfp.demand_id = p_end_demand_id
8273       and mfp.pegging_id = mfp.end_pegging_id;
8275     for a in 1..v_end_peg_id.count
8276     loop -- {
8277       p_end_peg_id := v_end_peg_id(a);
8278       v_qty1 :=0;
8279       v_qty2 :=0;
8281       open alloc_cur;
8282       fetch alloc_cur into v_qty1,v_qty2;
8283       close alloc_cur;
8285       v_excess_qty := v_excess_qty + nvl(v_qty1,0);
8286       v_alloc_qty := v_alloc_qty + nvl(v_qty2,0);
8287     end loop;  -- }
8289     open job_cur;
8290     fetch job_cur into job_cur_rec;
8291     close job_cur;
8293     v_pro := job_cur_rec.item || field_seperator || job_cur_rec.qty
8294       || field_seperator || job_cur_rec.firm_date || field_seperator || job_cur_rec.sugg_due_date
8295       || field_seperator || job_cur_rec.needby || field_seperator || job_cur_rec.unit_number
8296       || field_seperator || job_cur_rec.project || field_seperator || job_cur_rec.task
8297       || field_seperator || job_cur_rec.org || field_seperator || job_cur_rec.job_name
8298       || field_seperator || job_cur_rec.firm_planned_type
8299       || field_seperator || job_cur_rec.alternate_bom_designator
8300       || field_seperator || job_cur_rec.alternate_routing_designator
8301       || field_seperator || job_cur_rec.time_fence || field_seperator || job_cur_rec.supply_type
8302       ||field_seperator || job_cur_rec.item_type || field_seperator || job_cur_rec.description
8303       || field_seperator || nvl(to_char(v_alloc_qty), null_space)
8304       || field_seperator || nvl(to_char(v_excess_qty), null_space)
8305       || field_seperator || job_cur_rec.supplier || field_seperator ||job_cur_rec.source_org
8306       || field_seperator || job_cur_rec.ship_method || field_seperator || job_cur_rec.share_supply
8307       || field_seperator || job_cur_rec.EPSD || field_seperator ||job_cur_rec.EPCD
8308       || field_seperator || job_cur_rec.UEPSD || field_seperator || job_cur_rec.UEPCD
8309       || field_seperator || job_cur_rec.ULPSD || field_seperator || job_cur_rec.ULPCD ;
8311     demandPropertyData(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, p_transaction_id,
8312       job_cur_rec.org_id, p_end_demand_id, v_demand);
8314   elsif p_type = RES_NODE then
8316      open res_cur;
8317      fetch res_cur into res_cur_rec;
8318      close res_cur;
8320      resPropertyData(p_plan_id, p_transaction_id, p_instance_id, p_end_demand_id, v_pro, v_demand);
8322       demandPropertyData(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, res_cur_rec.trans_id,
8323         res_cur_rec.org_id, p_end_demand_id, v_demand);
8325   elsif p_type = END_DEMAND_NODE then
8326       demandPropertyData(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, null,
8327         null, p_transaction_id, v_demand);
8328   end if; -- }
8330 end getProperty;
8332 procedure resPropertyData(p_plan_id number,
8333   p_transaction_id number, p_instance_id number, p_end_demand_id number,
8334   v_job OUT NOCOPY varchar2, v_demand OUT NOCOPY varchar2) IS
8336  cursor property is
8337  select msc_get_name.item_name(ms.inventory_item_id,null,null,null) item,
8338    mrr.operation_seq_num,
8339    ms.new_order_quantity qty,
8340    nvl(to_char(ms.firm_date,format_mask),null_space) firm_date,
8341    to_char(ms.new_schedule_date,format_mask) sugg_due_date,
8342    nvl(to_char(ms.need_by_date,format_mask),null_space) needby,
8343    nvl(ms.unit_number,null_space) unit_number,
8344    nvl(msc_get_name.project(ms.project_id,ms.organization_id,
8345      ms.plan_id, ms.sr_instance_id), null_space) project,
8346    nvl(msc_get_name.task(ms.task_id, ms.project_id, ms.organization_id,
8347      ms.plan_id, ms.sr_instance_id),null_space) task,
8348    ms.transaction_id,
8349    ms.organization_id,
8350    msc_get_name.org_code(mdr.organization_id, mdr.sr_instance_id) org,
8351    mdr.department_code,
8352    decode(ms.order_type,
8353      5, decode(ms.order_number,
8354        null,to_char(ms.transaction_id),
8355        replace(ms.order_number,'~','^')||' '||to_char(ms.transaction_id)),
8356      nvl(replace(ms.order_number,'~','^'),to_char(ms.transaction_id))) job_name,
8357    mrr.assigned_units,
8358    nvl(msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('RESOURCE_FIRM_TYPE',nvl(mrr.firm_flag,NO_FIRM)),
8359      msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('RESOURCE_FIRM_TYPE',0))
8360    firm_flag,
8361    ms.firm_planned_type,
8362    nvl(mrr.alternate_num,0) alternate_num,
8363    mrr.resource_seq_num,
8364    nvl(mdr.resource_code, null_space) resource_code,
8365    mrr.resource_hours,
8366    nvl(msc_get_name.alternate_bom(pe.plan_id, pe.sr_instance_id,
8367      pe.bill_sequence_id),null_space) alternate_bom_designator,
8368    nvl(msc_get_name.alternate_bom(pe.plan_id, pe.sr_instance_id,
8369      pe.bill_sequence_id),null_space) alternate_routing_designator,
8370    nvl(to_char(msi.planning_time_fence_date, format_mask),null_space) time_fence,
8371    0 mtq_time, --getMTQTime(p_transaction_id, p_plan_id, p_instance_id) mtq_time,
8372    nvl(mdr.batchable_flag, 2) batchable,
8373    nvl(to_char(mrr.batch_number), null_space) batch_number,
8374    nvl(mdr.unit_of_measure,null_space) uom,
8375    nvl(decode(to_char(mrr.basis_type),
8376      null, null_space,
8377      msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MSC_RES_BASIS_TYPE',mrr.basis_type)),null_space) basis_type,
8378    nvl(decode(to_char(mrr.schedule_flag),
8379      null, null_space,
8380      msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('BOM_RESOURCE_SCHEDULE_TYPE',mrr.schedule_flag)),null_space) schedule_flag,
8381    nvl(to_char(mrr.EARLIEST_START_DATE,format_mask),null_space) EPSD,
8382    nvl(to_char(mrr.EARLIEST_COMPLETION_DATE,format_mask),null_space) EPCD,
8383    nvl(to_char(mrr.UEPSD,format_mask),null_space) UEPSD,
8384    nvl(to_char(mrr.UEPCD,format_mask),null_space) UEPCD,
8385    nvl(to_char(mrr.ULPSD,format_mask),null_space) ULPSD,
8386    nvl(to_char(mrr.ULPCD,format_mask),null_space) ULPCD
8387  from msc_supplies ms,
8388    msc_resource_requirements mrr,
8389    msc_department_resources mdr,
8390    msc_system_items msi,
8391    msc_process_effectivity pe
8392  where pe.plan_id(+) = ms.plan_id
8393    and pe.sr_instance_id(+) = ms.sr_instance_id
8394    and pe.process_sequence_id(+) = ms.process_seq_id
8395    and mrr.plan_id = p_plan_id
8396    and mrr.transaction_id = p_transaction_id
8397    and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_instance_id
8398    and ms.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
8399    and ms.transaction_id = mrr.supply_id
8400    and ms.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
8401    and mdr.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
8402    and mdr.organization_id = mrr.organization_id
8403    and mdr.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
8404    and mdr.department_id = mrr.department_id
8405    and mdr.resource_id = mrr.resource_id
8406    and msi.plan_id = ms.plan_id
8407    and msi.organization_id = ms.organization_id
8408    and msi.sr_instance_id = ms.sr_instance_id
8409    and msi.inventory_item_id = ms.inventory_item_id;
8411  pro_record  property%ROWTYPE;
8413 begin
8415   open property;
8416   fetch property into pro_record;
8417   close property;
8419   v_job := pro_record.item || field_seperator ||pro_record.operation_seq_num
8420     || field_seperator || pro_record.qty
8421     || field_seperator || pro_record.firm_date
8422     || field_seperator || pro_record.sugg_due_date || field_seperator || pro_record.needby
8423     || field_seperator || pro_record.unit_number || field_seperator || pro_record.project
8424     || field_seperator || pro_record.task || field_seperator || pro_record.department_code
8425     || field_seperator || pro_record.job_name || field_seperator || pro_record.org
8426     || field_seperator || pro_record.assigned_units
8427     || field_seperator || pro_record.firm_flag
8428     || field_seperator || pro_record.firm_planned_type || field_seperator || pro_record.alternate_num
8429     || field_seperator || pro_record.resource_seq_num || field_seperator || pro_record.resource_code
8430     || field_seperator || pro_record.resource_hours
8431     || field_seperator || pro_record.alternate_bom_designator
8432     || field_seperator || pro_record.alternate_routing_designator
8433     || field_seperator || pro_record.time_fence ||  field_seperator || pro_record.mtq_time
8434     || field_seperator || pro_record.batchable ||  field_seperator || pro_record.batch_number
8435     || field_seperator || pro_record.uom ||  field_seperator || pro_record.basis_type
8436     || field_seperator || pro_record.schedule_flag || field_seperator || pro_record.EPSD
8437     || field_seperator || pro_record.EPCD || field_seperator || pro_record.UEPSD
8438     || field_seperator || pro_record.UEPCD || field_seperator || pro_record.ULPSD
8439     || field_seperator || pro_record.ULPCD;
8441   if pro_record.transaction_id is not null then -- {
8442      demandPropertyData(p_plan_id, p_instance_id, pro_record.transaction_id,
8443         pro_record.organization_id, p_end_demand_id, v_demand);
8444   end if; -- }
8446 end resPropertyData;
8448 procedure demandPropertyData( p_plan_id number,
8449   p_instance_id number, v_transaction_id number,
8450   v_org_id number, p_end_demand_id number,
8451   v_demand out NOCOPY varchar2) IS
8453   v_instance_id number;
8454   v_demand_id number;
8455   v_pegging_id number;
8456   v_pegged_qty number;
8457   v_days_late varchar2(3000);
8458   v_demand_quantity  number;
8459   v_item_id  number;
8460   v_demand_date  date;
8462   cursor pegging is
8463   select mfp2.demand_id, mfp2.sr_instance_id,
8464     sum(nvl(mfp1.allocated_quantity,0)),
8465     mfp2.demand_quantity,
8466     mfp2.demand_date,
8467     mfp2.inventory_item_id
8468   from msc_full_pegging mfp1,
8469     msc_full_pegging mfp2
8470   where mfp1.plan_id = p_plan_id
8471     and mfp1.organization_id = v_org_id
8472     and mfp1.sr_instance_id = p_instance_id
8473     and mfp1.transaction_id = v_transaction_id
8474     and mfp2.plan_id = mfp1.plan_id
8475     and mfp2.sr_instance_id = mfp1.sr_instance_id
8476     and mfp2.pegging_id = mfp1.end_pegging_id
8477   group by mfp2.demand_id,
8478     mfp2.sr_instance_id,
8479     mfp2.demand_quantity,
8480     mfp2.demand_date,
8481     mfp2.inventory_item_id;
8483   cursor other_demand is
8484   select nvl(v_demand_quantity,0) qty,
8485     nvl(to_char(v_demand_date,format_mask), null_space) demand_date,
8486     msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_FLP_SUPPLY_DEMAND_TYPE', v_demand_id) type,
8487     item_name item
8488   from msc_items
8489   where inventory_item_id = v_item_id;
8491   cursor demand is
8492   select md.using_requirement_quantity qty,
8493     to_char(md.using_assembly_demand_date, format_mask) demand_date,
8494     msc_get_name.demand_order_number (md.plan_id,md.sr_instance_id,md.demand_id) name,
8495     msc_get_name.lookup_meaning('MRP_DEMAND_ORIGINATION', md.origination_type) type,
8496     msc_get_name.item_name(md.inventory_item_id, null,null,null) item,
8497     nvl(md.demand_priority,0) priority,
8498     nvl(replace(msc_get_name.customer(md.customer_id),'&','*'), null_space) customer,
8499     nvl(replace(msc_get_name.customer_site(md.customer_site_id),'&','*'), null_space) customer_site,
8500     nvl(to_char(md.dmd_satisfied_date,format_mask), null_space) satisfied_date,
8501     decode(sign(md.dmd_satisfied_date - md.using_assembly_demand_date),
8502       1, GREATEST(round(md.dmd_satisfied_date - md.using_assembly_demand_date,2), 0.01), 0) days_late,
8503     nvl(to_char(md.quantity_by_due_date),null_space) qty_by_due_date,
8504     msc_get_name.org_code(md.organization_id, md.sr_instance_id) org,
8505     nvl(md.demand_class,null_space) demand_class
8506   from msc_demands md
8507   where md.plan_id = p_plan_id
8508     and md.demand_id = v_demand_id
8509     and md.sr_instance_id = v_instance_id;
8511   demand_rec demand%ROWTYPE;
8512   other_demand_rec other_demand%ROWTYPE;
8513   rowcount number;
8515 begin
8516   --for demand node only
8517   rowcount :=0;
8518   if (p_end_demand_id is not null) then
8519     v_instance_id := p_instance_id;
8520     v_demand_id := p_end_demand_id;
8522     open demand;
8523     fetch demand into demand_rec;
8524     close demand;
8526     v_days_late := demand_rec.days_late;
8527     if v_days_late = 0 then -- {
8528       v_days_late := null_space;
8529     end if; -- }
8531     v_demand :=  demand_rec.qty
8532           || field_seperator || demand_rec.demand_date
8533           || field_seperator || demand_rec.name || field_seperator || demand_rec.type
8534 	  || field_seperator || demand_rec.item || field_seperator || demand_rec.priority
8535 	  || field_seperator || demand_rec.customer || field_seperator || demand_rec.customer_site
8536 	  || field_seperator || demand_rec.satisfied_date  || field_seperator || null_space
8537 	  || field_seperator || v_days_late || field_seperator || demand_rec.qty_by_due_date
8538 	  || field_seperator || demand_rec.org || field_seperator || demand_rec.demand_class ;
8540     rowcount := rowcount +1;
8541     v_demand := to_char(rowcount) || record_seperator || v_demand;
8542     return;
8543   end if;
8545   rowcount :=0;
8547   open pegging;
8548   loop -- {
8549     fetch pegging into v_demand_id, v_instance_id, v_pegged_qty,
8550       v_demand_quantity, v_demand_date, v_item_id;
8551     exit when pegging%notfound or nvl(length(v_demand),0) > 31000;
8553     rowcount := rowcount +1;
8555     if v_demand_id not in (-1,-2,-3,18) then -- {
8557       open demand;
8558       fetch demand into demand_rec;
8559       close demand;
8561       v_days_late := demand_rec.days_late;
8562       if v_days_late = 0 then -- {
8563         v_days_late := null_space;
8564       end if; -- }
8566       if v_demand is not null then -- {
8567         if v_demand_id = p_end_demand_id then -- {
8568           v_demand := demand_rec.qty
8569             || field_seperator || demand_rec.demand_date
8570 	    || field_seperator || demand_rec.name || field_seperator || demand_rec.type
8571 	    || field_seperator || demand_rec.item || field_seperator || demand_rec.priority
8572 	    || field_seperator || demand_rec.customer || field_seperator || demand_rec.customer_site
8573 	    || field_seperator || demand_rec.satisfied_date
8574 	    || field_seperator || v_pegged_qty
8575 	    || field_seperator || v_days_late
8576             || field_seperator || demand_rec.qty_by_due_date
8577 	    || field_seperator || demand_rec.org || field_seperator || demand_rec.demand_class
8578 	    || record_seperator ||v_demand;
8579         else
8580           v_demand := v_demand || record_seperator
8581             || demand_rec.qty
8582 	    || field_seperator || demand_rec.demand_date || field_seperator || demand_rec.name
8583 	    || field_seperator || demand_rec.type ||  field_seperator || demand_rec.item
8584 	    || field_seperator || demand_rec.priority || field_seperator || demand_rec.customer
8585 	    || field_seperator || demand_rec.customer_site  || field_seperator || demand_rec.satisfied_date
8586 	    || field_seperator || v_pegged_qty
8587             || field_seperator || v_days_late
8588 	    || field_seperator || demand_rec.qty_by_due_date || field_seperator || demand_rec.org
8589 	    || field_seperator || demand_rec.demand_class;
8590         end if; -- }
8591        else
8592         v_demand :=  demand_rec.qty
8593           || field_seperator || demand_rec.demand_date
8594 	  || field_seperator || demand_rec.name || field_seperator || demand_rec.type
8595 	  || field_seperator || demand_rec.item || field_seperator || demand_rec.priority
8596 	  || field_seperator || demand_rec.customer || field_seperator || demand_rec.customer_site
8597 	  || field_seperator || demand_rec.satisfied_date
8598           || field_seperator || v_pegged_qty
8599 	  || field_seperator || v_days_late
8600           || field_seperator || demand_rec.qty_by_due_date
8601 	  || field_seperator || demand_rec.org || field_seperator || demand_rec.demand_class ;
8602        end if; -- }
8603     else
8604       open other_demand;
8605       fetch other_demand into other_demand_rec;
8606       close other_demand;
8608       if v_demand is not null then -- {
8609         v_demand := v_demand
8610           || record_seperator || other_demand_rec.qty
8611 	  || field_seperator || other_demand_rec.demand_date || field_seperator || null_space
8612 	  || field_seperator || other_demand_rec.type ||  field_seperator || other_demand_rec.item
8613 	  || field_seperator || null_space || field_seperator || null_space
8614 	  || field_seperator || null_space || field_seperator || null_space
8615 	  || field_seperator || v_pegged_qty
8616           || field_seperator || null_space
8617 	  || field_seperator || null_space || field_seperator || null_space
8618 	  || field_seperator || null_space ;
8619        else
8620          v_demand :=  other_demand_rec.qty
8621            || field_seperator || other_demand_rec.demand_date
8622 	   || field_seperator || null_space || field_seperator || other_demand_rec.type
8623 	   || field_seperator || other_demand_rec.item || field_seperator || null_space
8624 	   || field_seperator || null_space || field_seperator || null_space
8625 	   || field_seperator || null_space
8626            || field_seperator || v_pegged_qty
8627 	   || field_seperator || null_space || field_seperator || null_space
8628 	   || field_seperator || null_space || field_seperator || null_space;
8629       end if; -- }
8630     end if;  -- }
8631   end loop; -- }
8632   close pegging;
8633   v_demand := to_char(rowcount) || record_seperator || v_demand;
8635 end demandPropertyData;
8636 -- property data -
8638 procedure rescheduleData(p_plan_id number,
8639   p_instance_id number, p_org_id number,
8640   p_dept_id number, p_res_id number,
8641   p_time varchar2,
8642   p_plan_end_date date,
8643   v_require_data OUT NOCOPY varchar2) IS
8645   oneRecord varchar2(32000);
8646   rowCount number;
8648   cursor req is
8649   select
8650     to_char(msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
8651       mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date,mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied), format_mask) start_date,
8652     to_char(msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0), mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date,
8653       mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied), format_mask) end_date,
8654     nvl(msc_get_name.job_name(mrr.supply_id, p_plan_id), to_char(mrr.supply_id)) job_name,
8655     msc_get_name.supply_type(mrr.supply_id, mrr.plan_id) supply_type,
8656     mrr.assigned_units,
8657     mrr.transaction_id,
8658     mrr.sr_instance_id
8659   from msc_resource_requirements mrr
8660   where mrr.sr_instance_id = p_instance_id
8661     and mrr.plan_id = p_plan_id
8662     and mrr.organization_id = p_org_id
8663     and mrr.end_date is not null
8664     and nvl(mrr.parent_id,2) =2
8665     and nvl(mrr.firm_start_date,mrr.start_date) <= p_plan_end_date
8666     and mrr.department_id = p_dept_id
8667     and mrr.resource_id = p_res_id
8668     and to_date(p_time, format_mask)
8669       between msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
8670 	mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied)
8671       and msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
8672 	mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date, mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied)
8673   order by start_date;
8675   l_req_data req%ROWTYPE;
8677 begin
8679   rowCount :=0;
8680   open req;
8681   loop -- {
8682     fetch req into l_req_data;
8683     exit when req%notfound;
8685     if oneRecord is not null then -- {
8686       oneRecord := oneRecord || record_seperator || l_req_data.job_name
8687         || field_seperator || l_req_data.start_date || field_seperator || l_req_data.end_date
8688 	|| field_seperator || l_req_data.supply_type
8689         || field_seperator || l_req_data.assigned_units
8690 	|| field_seperator || l_req_data.transaction_id || field_seperator || l_req_data.sr_instance_id ;
8691     else
8692       oneRecord :=  l_req_data.job_name || field_seperator || l_req_data.start_date
8693         || field_seperator || l_req_data.end_date || field_seperator || l_req_data.supply_type
8694 	|| field_seperator || l_req_data.assigned_units
8695         || field_seperator || l_req_data.transaction_id
8696 	|| field_seperator || l_req_data.sr_instance_id ;
8697     end if; -- }
8698     rowCount := rowCount+1;
8699    end loop; -- }
8700    close req;
8702    v_require_data :=  rowCount || record_seperator || oneRecord;
8704 end rescheduleData;
8706 procedure rescheduleData(p_plan_id number,
8707   p_instance_id number, p_transaction_id number,
8708   p_plan_end_date date,
8709   v_require_data OUT NOCOPY varchar2) IS
8711   oneRecord varchar2(32000);
8712   rowCount number;
8714   cursor req is
8715     select
8716       to_char(msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
8717         mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date,mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied), format_mask) start_date,
8718       to_char(msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0), mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date,
8719         mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied), format_mask) end_date,
8720       nvl(msc_get_name.job_name(mrr.supply_id, p_plan_id), to_char(mrr.supply_id)) job_name,
8721       msc_get_name.supply_type(mrr.supply_id, mrr.plan_id) supply_type,
8722       mrr.assigned_units,
8723       mrr.transaction_id,
8724       mrr.sr_instance_id
8725     from msc_resource_requirements mrr
8726     where mrr.sr_instance_id = p_instance_id
8727       and mrr.plan_id = p_plan_id
8728       and mrr.transaction_id = p_transaction_id
8729       and mrr.end_date is not null
8730       and mrr.department_id <> -1
8731       and nvl(mrr.parent_id,2) =2
8732       and nvl(mrr.firm_start_date,mrr.start_date) <= p_plan_end_date
8733     order by start_date;
8735    l_req_data req%ROWTYPE;
8737 begin
8738   rowCount :=0;
8739   open req;
8740   loop  -- {
8741     fetch req into l_req_data;
8742     exit when req%notfound;
8744     if oneRecord is not null then -- {
8745       oneRecord := oneRecord || record_seperator || l_req_data.job_name
8746         || field_seperator || l_req_data.start_date || field_seperator || l_req_data.end_date
8747 	|| field_seperator || l_req_data.supply_type
8748         || field_seperator || l_req_data.assigned_units
8749 	|| field_seperator || l_req_data.transaction_id || field_seperator || l_req_data.sr_instance_id ;
8750     else
8751       oneRecord :=  l_req_data.job_name || field_seperator || l_req_data.start_date
8752         || field_seperator || l_req_data.end_date || field_seperator || l_req_data.supply_type
8753 	|| field_seperator || l_req_data.assigned_units
8754         || field_seperator || l_req_data.transaction_id
8755 	|| field_seperator || l_req_data.sr_instance_id ;
8756     end if; -- }
8757     rowCount := rowCount+1;
8758    end loop; -- }
8759    close req;
8761    v_require_data :=  rowCount || record_seperator ||oneRecord;
8763 end rescheduleData;
8765 function getDependencyType(p_plan_id number, p_trans_id number, p_inst_id number,
8766   p_op_seq_id number, p_op_seq_num number, p_res_seq_num number,
8767   c_trans_id number, c_inst_id number,
8768   c_op_seq_id number, c_op_seq_num number, c_res_seq_num number) return number is
8770   cursor c_intra_rtg is
8771   select distinct mon.dependency_type
8772   from msc_resource_requirements mrr,
8773     msc_operation_networks mon
8774   where mrr.plan_id = p_plan_id
8775     and mrr.sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
8776     and mrr.supply_id = p_trans_id
8777     and mon.plan_id = mrr.plan_id
8778     and mon.sr_instance_id = mrr.sr_instance_id
8779     and mon.routing_sequence_id = mrr.routing_sequence_id
8780     and mon.transition_type = 1
8781     and nvl(mon.from_op_seq_id, MBP_NULL_VALUE) = nvl(p_op_seq_id, MBP_NULL_VALUE)
8782     and nvl(mon.to_op_seq_id, MBP_NULL_VALUE) = nvl(c_op_seq_id, MBP_NULL_VALUE);
8784   cursor c_inter_rtg is
8785   select mjon.dependency_type
8786   from msc_job_operation_networks mjon
8787   where mjon.plan_id = p_plan_id
8788     and mjon.sr_instance_id = p_inst_id
8789     and mjon.transaction_id = p_trans_id
8790     and mjon.to_transaction_id = c_trans_id
8791     and mjon.transition_type = 1
8792     and nvl(mjon.from_op_seq_id, MBP_NULL_VALUE) = nvl(p_op_seq_id, MBP_NULL_VALUE)
8793     and nvl(mjon.to_op_seq_id, MBP_NULL_VALUE) = nvl(c_op_seq_id, MBP_NULL_VALUE);
8795   l_dependency_type number;
8797 begin
8798   if ( p_inst_id = c_inst_id and p_trans_id = c_trans_id ) then --{
8799     --intra-routing
8800     open c_intra_rtg;
8801     fetch c_intra_rtg into l_dependency_type;
8802     close c_intra_rtg;
8804     return nvl(l_dependency_type,-1);
8806   else
8807     --inter-routing
8808     open c_inter_rtg;
8809     fetch c_inter_rtg into l_dependency_type;
8810     close c_inter_rtg;
8812     return nvl(l_dependency_type,-1);
8813   end if; -- }
8815   return -1;
8816  exception
8817    when others then
8818      return -1;
8819 end getDependencyType;
8822 procedure segmentPegging(p_query_id number, p_plan_id number,
8823   p_trx_list varchar2, p_out_data IN OUT NOCOPY msc_gantt_utils.maxCharTbl) is
8825   i number := 1;
8827   l_len number;
8828   l_inst_id number;
8829   l_trx_id number;
8830   l_node_type number;
8831   l_one_record varchar2(100);
8833   c_trans_id number_arr;
8834   c_inst_id number_arr;
8835   seg_start date_arr;
8836   seg_end date_arr;
8837   seg_qty number_arr;
8838   c_start date_arr;
8839   c_end date_arr;
8841   v_one_record varchar2(300);
8842   oneBigRecord maxCharTbl := maxCharTbl(0);
8843   v_max_len number;
8844   reqCount number;
8846   cursor c_seg_peg (p_plan number, p_inst number, p_trx number) is
8847   select producer_trans_id,
8848     producer_sr_instance_id,
8849     from_operation_seq_id,
8850     from_operation_sequence,
8851     from_resource_sequence,
8852     consumer_trans_id,
8853     consumer_sr_instance_id,
8854     to_operation_seq_id,
8855     to_operation_sequence,
8856     to_resource_sequence,
8857     from_start_date,
8858     from_end_date,
8859     from_quantity,
8860     to_start_date,
8861     to_end_date,
8862     -23453 allocation_type,
8863     nvl(dependency_type_id, -1) dependency_type,
8864    minimum_time_offset,
8865    maximum_time_offset,
8866    actual_time_offset
8867   from msc_material_flow_details_v
8868   where plan_id = p_plan
8869     and ( ( producer_sr_instance_id = p_inst and producer_trans_id = p_trx )
8870     or ( consumer_sr_instance_id = p_inst and consumer_trans_id = p_trx ) );
8872   l_producer_trans_id msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
8873   l_producer_sr_instance_id msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
8874   l_producer_op_seq_id msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
8875   l_producer_op_seq_num msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
8876   l_producer_res_seq_num msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
8877   l_consumer_trans_id msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
8878   l_consumer_sr_instance_id msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
8879   l_consumer_op_seq_id msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
8880   l_consumer_op_seq_num msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
8881   l_consumer_res_seq_num msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
8882   l_segment_start_date msc_gantt_utils.date_arr;
8883   l_segment_end_date msc_gantt_utils.date_arr;
8884   l_segment_quantity msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
8885   l_consumer_start_date msc_gantt_utils.date_arr;
8886   l_consumer_end_date msc_gantt_utils.date_arr;
8887   l_allocation_type msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
8888   l_dependency_type msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
8889   l_minimum_time_offset msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
8890   l_maximum_time_offset msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
8891   l_actual_time_offset msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
8893 begin
8894     l_len := length(p_trx_list);
8895     while l_len > 0 loop
8896       l_one_record := substr(p_trx_list,instr(p_trx_list,'(',1,i)+1,
8897         instr(p_trx_list,')',1,i)-instr(p_trx_list,'(',1,i)-1);
8898       l_inst_id := to_number(substr(l_one_record,1,instr(l_one_record,',')-1));
8899       l_node_type := to_number(substr(l_one_record,instr(l_one_record,',',1,1)+1,
8900         instr(l_one_record,',',1,2)-instr(l_one_record,',',1,1)-1));
8901       l_trx_id := to_number(substr(l_one_record,instr(l_one_record,',',1,2)+1));
8903       if (l_node_type = res_node) then
8904         null;
8905       elsif (l_node_type in (JOB_NODE, COPROD_NODE) ) then
8906         open c_seg_peg(p_plan_id, l_inst_id, l_trx_id);
8907         fetch c_seg_peg bulk collect into l_producer_trans_id, l_producer_sr_instance_id,
8908 	  l_producer_op_seq_id, l_producer_op_seq_num, l_producer_res_seq_num,
8909 	  l_consumer_trans_id, l_consumer_sr_instance_id,
8910 	  l_consumer_op_seq_id, l_consumer_op_seq_num, l_consumer_res_seq_num,
8911 	  l_segment_start_date, l_segment_end_date, l_segment_quantity,
8912 	  l_consumer_start_date, l_consumer_end_date, l_allocation_type, l_dependency_type,
8913 	  l_minimum_time_offset, l_maximum_time_offset, l_actual_time_offset;
8914         close c_seg_peg;
8916       sendSegmentPegStream(SEGMENT_PEG_ROW_TYPE, i, 1,
8917         l_producer_trans_id, l_producer_sr_instance_id,
8918         l_producer_op_seq_id, l_producer_op_seq_num, l_producer_res_seq_num,
8919 	l_consumer_trans_id, l_consumer_sr_instance_id,
8920 	l_consumer_op_seq_id, l_consumer_op_seq_num, l_consumer_res_seq_num,
8921 	l_segment_start_date, l_segment_end_date, l_segment_quantity,
8922 	l_consumer_start_date, l_consumer_end_date, l_allocation_type, l_dependency_type,
8923         l_minimum_time_offset, l_maximum_time_offset, l_actual_time_offset,
8924 	p_out_data);
8926       end if;
8927       i := i+1;
8928       l_len := l_len - length(l_one_record)-3;
8929     end loop;
8930 end segmentPegging;
8932 procedure resCharges(p_query_id number, p_plan_id number,
8933   p_trx_list varchar2, p_out_data IN OUT NOCOPY msc_gantt_utils.maxCharTbl) is
8935   v_start_date msc_gantt_utils.date_arr;
8936   v_end_date msc_gantt_utils.date_arr;
8937   v_qty msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
8939   i number := 1;
8941   l_len number;
8942   l_inst_id number;
8943   l_trx_id number;
8944   l_one_record varchar2(100);
8946   l_index number :=0;
8947 begin
8948   l_len := length(p_trx_list);
8949   while l_len > 0 loop -- {
8950     l_one_record := substr(p_trx_list,instr(p_trx_list,'(',1,i)+1,
8951       instr(p_trx_list,')',1,i)-instr(p_trx_list,'(',1,i)-1);
8952     l_inst_id := to_number(substr(l_one_record,1,instr(l_one_record,',')-1));
8953     l_trx_id := to_number(substr(l_one_record,instr(l_one_record,',',1,1)+1));
8955     l_index := l_index + 1;
8957     select charge_start_datetime, charge_end_datetime, charge_quantity
8958     bulk collect into v_start_date, v_end_date, v_qty
8959     from msc_resource_charges
8960     where plan_id = p_plan_id
8961       and sr_instance_id = l_inst_id
8962       and res_transaction_id = l_trx_id
8963     order by 1;
8965     sendResReqAvailSuppStream(RES_CHARGES_ROW_TYPE, l_index, 1,
8966       v_start_date, v_end_date, v_qty, v_qty, v_qty, p_out_data);
8968     i := i+1;
8969     l_len := l_len - length(l_one_record)-3;
8971   end loop; -- }
8972 end resCharges;
8974 procedure setRowFlag(p_query_id number, p_node_id number, p_row_flag number) is
8975 begin
8976   update msc_gantt_query
8977     set row_flag = p_row_flag
8978   where query_id = p_query_id
8979     and row_index = p_node_id;
8980 end setRowFlag;
8983 procedure sendSupplierNames(p_query_id number,
8984   p_from_index number, p_to_index number,
8985   p_name_data IN OUT NOCOPY msc_gantt_utils.maxCharTbl,
8986   p_sort_column varchar2 default null,
8987   p_sort_order varchar2 default null) is
8989   l_node_id char_arr;
8990   l_supp char_arr;
8991   l_supp_site char_arr;
8992   l_org char_arr;
8993   l_item char_arr;
8994   l_buyer char_arr;
8995   l_planner char_arr;
8997   l_inst_id number_arr;
8998   l_org_id number_arr;
8999   l_supp_id number_arr;
9000   l_supp_site_id number_arr;
9001   l_item_id number_arr;
9003   i number := 1;
9004   j number := 0;
9005   k number := 0;
9007   v_one_record varchar2(300);
9008   oneBigRecord maxCharTbl := maxCharTbl(0);
9009   v_max_len number;
9010   reqCount number;
9012   TYPE GanttCurTyp IS REF CURSOR;
9013   the_cursor GanttCurTyp;
9014   sql_stmt varchar2(32000);
9015 begin
9017   sql_stmt := ' select distinct mgq.row_index,
9018     mis.supplier_id,
9019     mis.supplier_site_id,
9020     mis.inventory_item_id,
9021     mtp.partner_name SUPPLIER,
9022     mtps.tp_site_code SUPPLIER_SITE,
9023     --mtp2.organization_code ORGANIZATION,
9024     null ORGANIZATION,
9025     msi.item_name ITEM,
9026     null BUYER,
9027     null PLANNER
9028   FROM msc_trading_partners mtp,
9029     --msc_trading_partners mtp2,
9030     msc_trading_partner_sites mtps,
9031     msc_system_items msi,
9032     msc_item_suppliers mis,
9033     msc_gantt_query mgq
9034   WHERE mgq.query_id = :p_query_id
9035     and mis.plan_id = mgq.plan_id
9036     and mis.supplier_id = mgq.supplier_id
9037     and mis.supplier_site_id = mgq.supplier_site_id
9038     and mis.inventory_item_id = mgq.inventory_item_id
9039     and mis.plan_id = msi.plan_id
9040     and mis.organization_id = msi.organization_id
9041     and mis.sr_instance_id = msi.sr_instance_id
9042     and mis.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
9043     and mtp.partner_id = mis.supplier_id
9044     and mtp.partner_type = 1
9045     and mtps.partner_id(+) = mis.supplier_id
9046     and mtps.partner_site_id(+) = mis.supplier_site_id
9047     --and mtp2.sr_tp_id = mis.organization_id
9048     --and mtp2.sr_instance_id = mis.sr_instance_id
9049     --and mtp2.partner_type = 3
9050    ';
9052   if ( p_sort_column is not null ) then
9053     sql_stmt := sql_stmt ||' order by '||p_sort_column||' '||p_sort_order;
9054   else
9055     sql_stmt := sql_stmt ||' order by mgq.row_index ';
9056   end if;
9058   --put_line('sql-stmt' ||sql_stmt);
9060   open the_cursor for sql_stmt using p_query_id;
9061   fetch the_cursor bulk collect into l_node_id, l_supp_id,
9062     l_supp_site_id, l_item_id, l_supp, l_supp_site, l_org, l_item, l_buyer, l_planner;
9063   close the_cursor;
9065   put_line('sendSupplierNames: names: '||l_node_id.count);
9067     j := 1;
9068     reqCount := 0;
9069     p_name_data.delete;
9070     oneBigRecord.delete;
9071     oneBigRecord.extend;
9072     for i in 1..l_node_id.count loop -- {
9073       if ( i >= p_from_index) then -- {
9074         put_line(' supList '||l_node_id(i)||null_space||l_supp(i));
9076         v_one_record := l_node_id(i)
9077           || field_seperator || mbp_null_value_char
9078           || field_seperator || mbp_null_value_char
9079           || field_seperator || l_supp_id(i)
9080           || field_seperator || nvl(to_char(l_supp_site_id(i)), mbp_null_value_char)
9081           || field_seperator || l_item_id(i)
9082           || field_seperator || escapeSplChars(l_supp(i))
9083           || field_seperator || escapeSplChars(l_supp_site(i))
9084   	  || field_seperator || escapeSplChars(nvl(l_org(i),mbp_null_value_char))
9085   	  || field_seperator || escapeSplChars(l_item(i))
9086 	  || field_seperator || nvl(escapeSplChars(l_buyer(i)), null_space)
9087 	  || field_seperator || nvl(escapeSplChars(l_planner(i)), null_space);
9089         reqCount := reqCount + 1;
9090         v_max_len := nvl(length(oneBigRecord(j)),0) + nvl(length(v_one_record),0);
9091         if v_max_len > 30000 then
9092           j := j+1;
9093           oneBigRecord.extend;
9094         end if;
9095         if ( oneBigRecord(j) is null ) then
9096           oneBigRecord(j) := record_seperator || v_one_record;
9097         else
9098           oneBigRecord(j) := oneBigRecord(j) || record_seperator ||v_one_record;
9099         end if;
9100         setRowFlag(p_query_id, l_node_id(i), SYS_YES);
9101       end if; -- }
9102       exit when i >= p_to_index;
9103     end loop; -- }
9105     p_name_data.extend;
9106     k := k+1;
9107     j := 1;
9108     p_name_data(k) := reqCount || oneBigRecord(1);
9110     for j in 2.. oneBigRecord.count loop -- {
9111       p_name_data.extend;
9112       k := k+1;
9113       p_name_data(k) := oneBigRecord(j);
9114     end loop; -- }
9116 end sendSupplierNames;
9118 procedure sendResourceNames(p_query_id number,
9119   p_from_index number, p_to_index number,
9120   p_name_data IN OUT NOCOPY msc_gantt_utils.maxCharTbl,
9121   p_sort_column varchar2 default null,
9122   p_sort_order varchar2 default null) is
9124   l_node_id char_arr;
9125   l_org char_arr;
9126   l_dept char_arr;
9127   l_owning_dept char_arr;
9128   l_resource_code char_arr;
9129   l_resource_type char_arr;
9130   l_res_inst char_arr;
9132   l_inst_id number_arr;
9133   l_org_id number_arr;
9134   l_dept_id number_arr;
9135   l_res_id number_arr;
9136   l_res_instance_id number_arr;
9137   l_serial_number char_arr;
9139   i number := 1;
9140   j number := 0;
9141   k number := 0;
9143   v_one_record varchar2(300);
9144   oneBigRecord maxCharTbl := maxCharTbl(0);
9145   v_max_len number;
9146   reqCount number;
9148   TYPE GanttCurTyp IS REF CURSOR;
9149   the_cursor GanttCurTyp;
9150   sql_stmt varchar2(32000);
9151 begin
9153   sql_stmt := ' select mgq.row_index,
9154     mgq.sr_instance_id,
9155     mgq.organization_id,
9156     mgq.department_id,
9157     mgq.resource_id,
9158     mgq.res_instance_id,
9159     mgq.serial_number,
9160     msc_get_name.org_code(res.organization_id, res.sr_instance_id) ORGANIZATION,
9161     res.department_code DEPARTMENT,
9162     decode(res.resource_id,-1, null,
9163       msc_get_name.department_code(2, res.owning_department_id,
9164       res.organization_id, res.plan_id,res.sr_instance_id)) OWN_DEPT,
9165     res.resource_code RESOURCE_CODE,
9166     msc_get_name.lookup_meaning(''BOM_RESOURCE_TYPE'',res.resource_type) RES_TYPE,
9167     msc_gantt_utils.getDeptResInstCode(res.plan_id, res.sr_instance_id, res.organization_id,
9168       res.department_id, res.resource_id, mgq.res_instance_id, mgq.serial_number) EQUIP_NUMBER
9169   from msc_department_resources res,
9170     msc_gantt_query mgq
9171   where mgq.query_id = :p_query_id
9172     and res.plan_id = mgq.plan_id
9173     and res.sr_instance_id = mgq.sr_instance_id
9174     and res.organization_id = mgq.organization_id
9175     and res.department_id = mgq.department_id
9176     and res.resource_id = mgq.resource_id ';
9178   if ( p_sort_column is not null ) then
9179     sql_stmt := sql_stmt ||' order by '||p_sort_column||' '||p_sort_order;
9180   else
9181     sql_stmt := sql_stmt ||' order by mgq.row_index ';
9182   end if;
9184   open the_cursor for sql_stmt using p_query_id;
9185   fetch the_cursor bulk collect into l_node_id, l_inst_id, l_org_id,
9186     l_dept_id, l_res_id, l_res_instance_id, l_serial_number, l_org, l_dept, l_owning_dept,
9187     l_resource_code, l_resource_type, l_res_inst;
9188   close the_cursor;
9190   put_line('sendResourceNames: names: '||l_node_id.count);
9192     j := 1;
9193     reqCount := 0;
9194     p_name_data.delete;
9195     oneBigRecord.delete;
9196     oneBigRecord.extend;
9197     for i in 1..l_node_id.count loop -- {
9199       if ( i >= p_from_index) then -- {
9200         put_line(' resList '||l_node_id(i)||null_space||l_resource_code(i));
9202         v_one_record := l_node_id(i)
9203           || field_seperator || l_inst_id(i)
9204           || field_seperator || l_org_id(i)
9205           || field_seperator || l_dept_id(i)
9206           || field_seperator || l_res_id(i)
9207           || field_seperator || nvl(l_res_instance_id(i), mbp_null_value_char)
9208           || field_seperator || nvl(l_serial_number(i), mbp_null_value_char)
9209           || field_seperator || escapeSplChars(l_org(i))
9210     	  || field_seperator || escapeSplChars(l_dept(i))
9211 	  || field_seperator || nvl(escapeSplChars(l_owning_dept(i)), null_space)
9212 	  || field_seperator || escapeSplChars(l_resource_code(i))
9213 	  || field_seperator || escapeSplChars(l_resource_type(i))
9214 	  || field_seperator || nvl(escapeSplChars(l_res_inst(i)), null_space);
9216         reqCount := reqCount + 1;
9217         v_max_len := nvl(length(oneBigRecord(j)),0) + nvl(length(v_one_record),0);
9218         if v_max_len > 30000 then
9219           j := j+1;
9220           oneBigRecord.extend;
9221         end if;
9222         if ( oneBigRecord(j) is null ) then
9223           oneBigRecord(j) := record_seperator || v_one_record;
9224         else
9225           oneBigRecord(j) := oneBigRecord(j) || record_seperator ||v_one_record;
9226         end if;
9227         setRowFlag(p_query_id, l_node_id(i), SYS_YES);
9228       end if; -- }
9229       exit when i >= p_to_index;
9230     end loop; -- }
9232     p_name_data.extend;
9233     k := k+1;
9234     j := 1;
9235     if (reqCount = 0) then
9236       p_name_data(k) := reqCount;
9237       return;
9238     end if;
9240     p_name_data(k) := reqCount || oneBigRecord(1);
9241     for j in 2.. oneBigRecord.count loop
9242       p_name_data.extend;
9243       k := k+1;
9244       p_name_data(k) := oneBigRecord(j);
9245     end loop;
9246 end sendResourceNames;
9248 function countStrOccurence (p_string_in in varchar2,
9249   p_substring_in in varchar2) return number is
9250   search_loc number := 1;
9251   substring_len number := length (p_substring_in);
9252   check_again boolean := true;
9253   return_value number := 1;
9254 begin
9255   if p_string_in is not null and p_substring_in is not null then
9256     while check_again
9257     loop
9258       search_loc := INSTR (p_string_in, p_substring_in, search_loc, 1);
9259       check_again := search_loc > 0;
9260       if check_again then
9261         return_value := return_value + 1;
9262         search_loc := search_loc + substring_len;
9263       end if;
9264      end loop;
9265   end if;
9266   return return_value;
9267 END countStrOccurence;
9269 function getResBatchNodeLabel(p_res_req_type varchar2, p_org varchar2,
9270   p_batch_qty varchar2, p_batch_number varchar2, p_batch_util_pct varchar2) return varchar2 is
9272   l_node_label1 varchar2(500);
9273   l_node_label2 varchar2(500);
9274   l_node_label3 varchar2(500);
9276 begin
9277   if ( g_gantt_batches_label_1 = g_batch_none_lbl ) then -- {
9278     l_node_label1 := null;
9279   elsif ( g_gantt_batches_label_1 = g_batch_setup_lbl ) then
9280     l_node_label1 := p_res_req_type;
9281   elsif ( g_gantt_batches_label_1 = g_batch_org_lbl ) then
9282     l_node_label1 := p_org;
9283   elsif ( g_gantt_batches_label_1 = g_batch_qty_lbl ) then
9284     l_node_label1 := p_batch_qty;
9285   elsif ( g_gantt_batches_label_1 = g_batch_num_lbl ) then
9286     l_node_label1 := p_batch_number;
9287   elsif ( g_gantt_batches_label_1 = g_batch_util_pct_lbl ) then
9288     l_node_label1 := p_batch_util_pct * 100;
9289   end if; -- }
9291   if ( g_gantt_batches_label_2 = g_batch_none_lbl ) then -- {
9292     l_node_label2 := null;
9293   elsif ( g_gantt_batches_label_2 = g_batch_setup_lbl ) then
9294     l_node_label2 := p_res_req_type;
9295   elsif ( g_gantt_batches_label_2 = g_batch_org_lbl ) then
9296     l_node_label2 := p_org;
9297   elsif ( g_gantt_batches_label_2 = g_batch_qty_lbl ) then
9298     l_node_label2 := p_batch_qty;
9299   elsif ( g_gantt_batches_label_2 = g_batch_num_lbl ) then
9300     l_node_label2 := p_batch_number;
9301   elsif ( g_gantt_batches_label_2 = g_batch_util_pct_lbl ) then
9302     l_node_label2 := p_batch_util_pct * 100;
9303   end if; -- }
9305   if ( g_gantt_batches_label_3 = g_batch_none_lbl ) then -- {
9306     l_node_label3 := null;
9307   elsif ( g_gantt_batches_label_3 = g_batch_setup_lbl ) then
9308     l_node_label3 := p_res_req_type;
9309   elsif ( g_gantt_batches_label_3 = g_batch_org_lbl ) then
9310     l_node_label3 := p_org;
9311   elsif ( g_gantt_batches_label_3 = g_batch_qty_lbl ) then
9312     l_node_label3 := p_batch_qty;
9313   elsif ( g_gantt_batches_label_3 = g_batch_num_lbl ) then
9314     l_node_label3 := p_batch_number;
9315   elsif ( g_gantt_batches_label_3 = g_batch_util_pct_lbl ) then
9316     l_node_label3 := p_batch_util_pct * 100;
9317   end if; -- }
9319   if ( l_node_label1 is null and l_node_label2 is null and l_node_label3 is null ) then
9320     return null_space;
9321   end if;
9323   return substr(nvl(l_node_label1,null_space),1,80) || COLON_SEPARATOR ||
9324     substr(nvl(l_node_label2,null_space),1,80) || COLON_SEPARATOR ||
9325     substr(nvl(l_node_label3,null_space),1,80);
9327 end getResBatchNodeLabel;
9329 function getResActResNodeLabelLocal(p_label number,
9330   res_label_rec c_res_node_label%rowtype) return varchar2 is
9331   l_node_label1 varchar2(500);
9332 begin
9333   if ( p_label = g_res_none_lbl ) then -- {
9334     l_node_label1 := null;
9335   elsif ( p_label = g_res_act_item_lbl ) then
9336     l_node_label1 := res_label_rec.item_name;
9337   elsif ( p_label = g_res_act_setup_lbl ) then
9338     l_node_label1 := res_label_rec.setup_type;
9339   elsif ( p_label = g_res_act_org_lbl ) then
9340     l_node_label1 := res_label_rec.org_code;
9341   elsif ( p_label = g_res_act_qty_lbl ) then
9342     l_node_label1 := res_label_rec.qty;
9343   elsif ( p_label = g_res_act_batch_lbl ) then
9344     l_node_label1 := res_label_rec.batch_number;
9345   elsif ( p_label = g_res_act_alt_flag_lbl ) then
9346     l_node_label1 := res_label_rec.alt_rtg;
9347   elsif ( p_label = g_res_act_units_lbl ) then
9348     l_node_label1 := res_label_rec.assigned_units;
9349   elsif ( p_label = g_res_act_order_type_lbl ) then
9350     l_node_label1 := res_label_rec.order_type;
9351   elsif ( p_label = g_res_act_op_sdesc_lbl ) then
9352     l_node_label1 := res_label_rec.op_sdesc;
9353   elsif ( p_label = g_res_act_op_seq_lbl ) then
9354     l_node_label1 := res_label_rec.operation_seq_num;
9355   elsif ( p_label = g_res_act_req_comp_date_lbl ) then
9356     l_node_label1 := to_char(res_label_rec.req_comp_date, format_mask);
9357   elsif ( p_label = g_res_act_order_number_lbl ) then
9358     l_node_label1 := res_label_rec.order_number;
9359   end if; -- }
9360   return l_node_label1;
9361 end getResActResNodeLabelLocal;
9363 function getResActResNodeLabel(p_plan_id number, p_inst_id number, p_trx_id number) return varchar2 is
9365   res_label_rec c_res_node_label%rowtype;
9366   l_node_label1 varchar2(500);
9367   l_node_label2 varchar2(500);
9368   l_node_label3 varchar2(500);
9369 begin
9370   open c_res_node_label(p_plan_id, p_inst_id, p_trx_id);
9371   fetch c_res_node_label into res_label_rec;
9372   close c_res_node_label;
9374   l_node_label1 := getResActResNodeLabelLocal(g_gantt_act_label_1, res_label_rec);
9375   l_node_label2 := getResActResNodeLabelLocal(g_gantt_act_label_2, res_label_rec);
9376   l_node_label3 := getResActResNodeLabelLocal(g_gantt_act_label_3, res_label_rec);
9378   if ( l_node_label1 is null and l_node_label2 is null and l_node_label3 is null ) then
9379     return null_space;
9380   end if;
9382   return substr(nvl(l_node_label1,null_space),1,80) || COLON_SEPARATOR ||
9383     substr(nvl(l_node_label2,null_space),1,80) || COLON_SEPARATOR ||
9384     substr(nvl(l_node_label3,null_space),1,80);
9386 end getResActResNodeLabel;
9388 function getOrderViewResNodeLabelLocal(p_label number,
9389   res_label_rec c_res_node_label%rowtype) return varchar2 is
9390   l_node_label1 varchar2(500);
9391 begin
9392   if ( p_label = g_res_none_lbl ) then -- {
9393     l_node_label1 := null;
9394   elsif ( p_label = g_res_seq_lbl ) then
9395     l_node_label1 := res_label_rec.resource_seq_num;
9396   elsif ( p_label = g_res_dept_lbl ) then
9397     l_node_label1 := res_label_rec.department_code;
9398   elsif ( p_label = g_res_lbl ) then
9399     l_node_label1 := res_label_rec.resource_code;
9400   elsif ( p_label = g_res_setup_lbl ) then
9401     l_node_label1 := res_label_rec.setup_type;
9402   elsif ( p_label = g_res_batch_lbl ) then
9403     l_node_label1 := res_label_rec.batch_number;
9404   elsif ( p_label = g_res_alt_flag_lbl ) then
9405     l_node_label1 := res_label_rec.alt_rtg;
9406   elsif ( p_label = g_res_units_lbl ) then
9407     l_node_label1 := res_label_rec.assigned_units;
9408   end if; -- }
9409   return l_node_label1;
9410 end getOrderViewResNodeLabelLocal;
9412 function getOrderViewResNodeLabel(p_plan_id number, p_inst_id number,
9413   p_trx_id number) return varchar2 is
9415   l_node_label1 varchar2(500);
9416   l_node_label2 varchar2(500);
9417   l_node_label3 varchar2(500);
9419   res_label_rec c_res_node_label%rowtype;
9420 begin
9421   open c_res_node_label(p_plan_id, p_inst_id, p_trx_id);
9422   fetch c_res_node_label into res_label_rec;
9423   close c_res_node_label;
9425   l_node_label1 := getOrderViewResNodeLabelLocal(g_gantt_res_act_label_1, res_label_rec);
9426   l_node_label2 := getOrderViewResNodeLabelLocal(g_gantt_res_act_label_2, res_label_rec);
9427   l_node_label3 := getOrderViewResNodeLabelLocal(g_gantt_res_act_label_3, res_label_rec);
9429   if ( l_node_label1 is null and l_node_label2 is null and l_node_label3 is null ) then
9430     return null_space;
9431   end if;
9433   return substr(nvl(l_node_label1,null_space),1,80) || COLON_SEPARATOR ||
9434     substr(nvl(l_node_label2,null_space),1,80) || COLON_SEPARATOR ||
9435     substr(nvl(l_node_label3,null_space),1,80);
9437 end getOrderViewResNodeLabel;
9439 function getOpNodeLabel(p_op_seq varchar2,
9440   p_dept varchar2, p_op_desc varchar2, p_plan_id number) return varchar2 is
9442   l_node_label1 varchar2(500);
9443   l_node_label2 varchar2(500);
9444   l_node_label3 varchar2(500);
9446   cursor c_dept (p_plan number, p_supply number) is
9447   select distinct department_line_code
9448   from msc_resource_requirements_v
9449   where plan_id = p_plan
9450   and source_transaction_id = p_supply;
9452   l_dept varchar2(240);
9453 begin
9454   if ( g_gantt_oper_label_1 = g_op_dept_lbl or
9455     g_gantt_oper_label_2 = g_op_dept_lbl or
9456     g_gantt_oper_label_3 = g_op_dept_lbl) then
9457     open c_dept(p_plan_id, p_dept);
9458     fetch c_dept into l_dept;
9459     close c_dept;
9460   end if;
9462   if ( g_gantt_oper_label_1 = g_op_none_lbl ) then -- {
9463     l_node_label1 := null;
9464   elsif ( g_gantt_oper_label_1 = g_op_seq_lbl ) then
9465     l_node_label1 := p_op_seq;
9466   elsif ( g_gantt_oper_label_1 = g_op_dept_lbl ) then
9467     l_node_label1 := l_dept;
9468   elsif ( g_gantt_oper_label_1 = g_op_desc_lbl ) then
9469     l_node_label1 := p_op_desc;
9470   end if; -- }
9472   if ( g_gantt_oper_label_2 = g_op_none_lbl ) then -- {
9473     l_node_label2 := null;
9474   elsif ( g_gantt_oper_label_2 = g_op_seq_lbl ) then
9475     l_node_label2 := p_op_seq;
9476   elsif ( g_gantt_oper_label_2 = g_op_dept_lbl ) then
9477     l_node_label2 := l_dept;
9478   elsif ( g_gantt_oper_label_2 = g_op_desc_lbl ) then
9479     l_node_label2 := p_op_desc;
9480   end if; -- }
9482   if ( g_gantt_oper_label_3 = g_op_none_lbl ) then -- {
9483     l_node_label3 := null;
9484   elsif ( g_gantt_oper_label_3 = g_op_seq_lbl ) then
9485     l_node_label3 := p_op_seq;
9486   elsif ( g_gantt_oper_label_3 = g_op_dept_lbl ) then
9487     l_node_label3 := l_dept;
9488   elsif ( g_gantt_oper_label_3 = g_op_desc_lbl ) then
9489     l_node_label3 := p_op_desc;
9490   end if; -- }
9492   if ( l_node_label1 is null and l_node_label2 is null and l_node_label3 is null ) then
9493     return null_space;
9494   end if;
9496   return substr(nvl(l_node_label1,null_space),1,80) || COLON_SEPARATOR ||
9497     substr(nvl(l_node_label2,null_space),1,80) || COLON_SEPARATOR ||
9498     substr(nvl(l_node_label3,null_space),1,80);
9500 end getOpNodeLabel;
9502 function getJobNodeLabel(p_item_name varchar2, p_org_code varchar2,
9503   p_order_number varchar2, p_order_type varchar2, p_qty number) return varchar2 is
9504   l_node_label1 varchar2(500);
9505   l_node_label2 varchar2(500);
9506   l_node_label3 varchar2(500);
9507 begin
9508   if ( g_gantt_supply_orders_label_1 = g_job_none_lbl ) then -- {
9509     l_node_label1 := null;
9510   elsif ( g_gantt_supply_orders_label_1 = g_job_item_lbl ) then
9511     l_node_label1 := p_item_name;
9512   elsif ( g_gantt_supply_orders_label_1 = g_job_org_lbl ) then
9513     l_node_label1 := p_org_code;
9514   elsif ( g_gantt_supply_orders_label_1 = g_job_order_number_lbl ) then
9515     l_node_label1 := p_order_number;
9516   elsif ( g_gantt_supply_orders_label_1 = g_job_order_type_lbl ) then
9517     l_node_label1 := p_order_type;
9518   elsif ( g_gantt_supply_orders_label_1 = g_job_qty_lbl ) then
9519     l_node_label1 := to_char(p_qty);
9520   end if; -- }
9522   if ( g_gantt_supply_orders_label_2 = g_job_none_lbl ) then -- {
9523     l_node_label2 := null;
9524   elsif ( g_gantt_supply_orders_label_2 = g_job_item_lbl ) then
9525     l_node_label2 := p_item_name;
9526   elsif ( g_gantt_supply_orders_label_2 = g_job_org_lbl ) then
9527     l_node_label2 := p_org_code;
9528   elsif ( g_gantt_supply_orders_label_2 = g_job_order_number_lbl ) then
9529     l_node_label2 := p_order_number;
9530   elsif ( g_gantt_supply_orders_label_2 = g_job_order_type_lbl ) then
9531     l_node_label2 := p_order_type;
9532   elsif ( g_gantt_supply_orders_label_2 = g_job_qty_lbl ) then
9533     l_node_label2 := to_char(p_qty);
9534   end if; -- }
9536   if ( g_gantt_supply_orders_label_3 = g_job_none_lbl ) then -- {
9537     l_node_label3 := null;
9538   elsif ( g_gantt_supply_orders_label_3 = g_job_item_lbl ) then
9539     l_node_label3 := p_item_name;
9540   elsif ( g_gantt_supply_orders_label_3 = g_job_org_lbl ) then
9541     l_node_label3 := p_org_code;
9542   elsif ( g_gantt_supply_orders_label_3 = g_job_order_number_lbl ) then
9543     l_node_label3 := p_order_number;
9544   elsif ( g_gantt_supply_orders_label_3 = g_job_order_type_lbl ) then
9545     l_node_label3 := p_order_type;
9546   elsif ( g_gantt_supply_orders_label_3 = g_job_qty_lbl ) then
9547     l_node_label3 := to_char(p_qty);
9548   end if; -- }
9550   if ( l_node_label1 is null and l_node_label2 is null and l_node_label3 is null ) then
9551     return null_space;
9552   end if;
9554   return substr(nvl(l_node_label1,null_space),1,80) || COLON_SEPARATOR ||
9555     substr(nvl(l_node_label2,null_space),1,80) || COLON_SEPARATOR ||
9556     substr(nvl(l_node_label3,null_space),1,80);
9558 end getJobNodeLabel;
9560 procedure getUserPref(p_pref_id number) is
9562   cursor c_pref_values (p_user number, p_pref_id number, p_plan_type number, p_from_flag number)is
9563   select mupv.key pref_key, nvl(mupv.value, mupk.default_value) pref_value
9564   from msc_user_preferences mup,
9565     msc_user_preference_keys mupk,
9566     msc_user_preference_values mupv
9567   where p_from_flag <> 0
9568     and mup.user_id = p_user
9569     and mup.preference_id = p_pref_id
9570     and mup.preference_id = mupv.preference_id
9571     and mupv.key = mupk.preference_key
9572     and mupk.plan_type = 1 -- look at only p_plan_type 1, per emily
9573     and mupv.key in ('CATEGORY_SET_ID',
9577       'GANTT_OPR_LBL_1', 'GANTT_OPR_LBL_2', 'GANTT_OPR_LBL_3',
9581    union all
9582    select mupk.preference_key pref_key,
9583      mupk.default_value pref_value
9584    from  msc_user_preference_keys mupk
9585    where p_from_flag = 0
9586      and mupk.plan_type = 1 -- look at only p_plan_type 1, per emily
9587      and mupk.preference_key in ('CATEGORY_SET_ID',
9591       'GANTT_OPR_LBL_1', 'GANTT_OPR_LBL_2', 'GANTT_OPR_LBL_3',
9596   cursor c_rows (p_pref_id number) is
9597   select count(*)
9598   from msc_user_preference_values mupv
9599   where mupv.preference_id = p_pref_id;
9601   l_from_flag number;
9603   cursor c_default_cat is
9604   select category_set_id
9605   from msc_category_sets
9606   where default_flag = 1;
9608   l_dflt_cat_set_id number;
9610 begin
9611   -- order view
9612   -- supply bar : 0 none, 1 item, 2 org, 3 order number, 4 order type, 5 qty
9613   -- op bar : 0 none, 1 op seq, 2 dept, 3 op desc
9614   -- res bar : 0 none, 1 res seq, 2 dept, 3 res, 4 setup type, 5 batch no, 6 alt flag, 7 assgned units
9616   -- res activities view
9617   -- res bar : same as above
9618   -- batch bar : 0 none, 1 setup type, 2 org, 3 batch qty, 4 batch no, 5 batch util %
9620   if ( g_pref_id is null or g_pref_id <> p_pref_id ) then -- {
9621     if (p_pref_id is null) then
9622       g_pref_id := mbp_null_value;
9623     else
9624       g_pref_id := p_pref_id;
9625     end if;
9627     open c_rows(g_pref_id);
9628     fetch c_rows into l_from_flag;
9629     close c_rows;
9630     for c_user_pref_row in c_pref_values(fnd_global.user_id, g_pref_id, g_plan_type, l_from_flag)
9631     loop -- {
9632       if ( c_user_pref_row.pref_key = 'CATEGORY_SET_ID' ) then -- {
9633         if ( rtrim(ltrim(c_user_pref_row.pref_value)) is null) then
9634 	  open c_default_cat;
9635 	  fetch c_default_cat into l_dflt_cat_set_id;
9636 	  close c_default_cat;
9637 	  if ( l_dflt_cat_set_id is null ) then
9638 	    l_dflt_cat_set_id := fnd_profile.value('MSC_SRA_CATEGORY_SET');
9639 	  end if;
9640           g_category_set_id := l_dflt_cat_set_id;
9641 	else
9642           g_category_set_id := c_user_pref_row.pref_value;
9643 	end if;
9644       elsif ( c_user_pref_row.pref_key = 'GANTT_RA_ACT_LBL_1' ) then
9645         g_gantt_act_label_1 := c_user_pref_row.pref_value;
9646       elsif ( c_user_pref_row.pref_key = 'GANTT_RA_ACT_LBL_2' ) then
9647         g_gantt_act_label_2 := c_user_pref_row.pref_value;
9648       elsif ( c_user_pref_row.pref_key = 'GANTT_RA_ACT_LBL_3' ) then
9649         g_gantt_act_label_3 := c_user_pref_row.pref_value;
9650       elsif ( c_user_pref_row.pref_key = 'GANTT_RA_BATCH_LBL_1' ) then
9651         g_gantt_batches_label_1 := c_user_pref_row.pref_value;
9652       elsif ( c_user_pref_row.pref_key = 'GANTT_RA_BATCH_LBL_2' ) then
9653         g_gantt_batches_label_2 := c_user_pref_row.pref_value;
9654       elsif ( c_user_pref_row.pref_key = 'GANTT_RA_BATCH_LBL_3' ) then
9655         g_gantt_batches_label_3 := c_user_pref_row.pref_value;
9656       elsif ( c_user_pref_row.pref_key = 'GANTT_SUP_ORD_LBL_1' ) then
9657         g_gantt_supply_orders_label_1 := c_user_pref_row.pref_value;
9658       elsif ( c_user_pref_row.pref_key = 'GANTT_SUP_ORD_LBL_2' ) then
9659         g_gantt_supply_orders_label_2 := c_user_pref_row.pref_value;
9660       elsif ( c_user_pref_row.pref_key = 'GANTT_SUP_ORD_LBL_3' ) then
9661         g_gantt_supply_orders_label_3 := c_user_pref_row.pref_value;
9662       elsif ( c_user_pref_row.pref_key = 'GANTT_OPR_LBL_1' ) then
9663         g_gantt_oper_label_1 := c_user_pref_row.pref_value;
9664       elsif ( c_user_pref_row.pref_key = 'GANTT_OPR_LBL_2' ) then
9665         g_gantt_oper_label_2 := c_user_pref_row.pref_value;
9666       elsif ( c_user_pref_row.pref_key = 'GANTT_OPR_LBL_3' ) then
9667         g_gantt_oper_label_3 := c_user_pref_row.pref_value;
9668       elsif ( c_user_pref_row.pref_key = 'GANTT_RES_ACT_LBL_1' ) then
9669         g_gantt_res_act_label_1 := c_user_pref_row.pref_value;
9670       elsif ( c_user_pref_row.pref_key = 'GANTT_RES_ACT_LBL_2' ) then
9671         g_gantt_res_act_label_2 := c_user_pref_row.pref_value;
9672       elsif ( c_user_pref_row.pref_key = 'GANTT_RES_ACT_LBL_3' ) then
9673        g_gantt_res_act_label_3 := c_user_pref_row.pref_value;
9674       elsif ( c_user_pref_row.pref_key = 'GANTT_RA_TOL_DAYS_EARLY' ) then
9675        g_gantt_ra_toler_days_early := c_user_pref_row.pref_value;
9676       elsif ( c_user_pref_row.pref_key = 'GANTT_RA_TOL_DAYS_LATE' ) then
9677        g_gantt_ra_toler_days_late := c_user_pref_row.pref_value;
9678       elsif ( c_user_pref_row.pref_key = 'GANTT_RH_TOL_DAYS_EARLY' ) then
9679        g_gantt_rh_toler_days_early := c_user_pref_row.pref_value;
9680       elsif ( c_user_pref_row.pref_key = 'GANTT_RH_TOL_DAYS_LATE' ) then
9681        g_gantt_rh_toler_days_late := c_user_pref_row.pref_value;
9682       elsif ( c_user_pref_row.pref_key = 'SUMMARY_DECIMAL_PLACES' ) then
9683        if ( c_user_pref_row.pref_value is null) then
9684          round_factor := 2;
9685        else
9686          round_factor :=  c_user_pref_row.pref_value;
9687        end if;
9688       end if; -- }
9689     end loop; -- }
9690   end if; -- }
9691 end getUserPref;
9693 procedure addToOutStream(p_one_record varchar2,
9694   p_out_data_index in out nocopy number,
9695   p_out_data in out nocopy msc_gantt_utils.maxchartbl) is
9696 begin
9697   if (nvl(length(p_out_data(1)),0) = 1) then -- {
9698     p_out_data(1) := p_one_record;
9699   elsif ( nvl(length(p_out_data(p_out_data_index)),0) + length(p_one_record) < 31000 ) then
9700     p_out_data(p_out_data_index) := p_out_data(p_out_data_index) || RECORD_SEPERATOR || p_one_record;
9701   else
9702     p_out_data_index := p_out_data_index + 1;
9703     p_out_data.extend;
9704     p_out_data(p_out_data_index) := RECORD_SEPERATOR || p_one_record;
9705   end if; -- }
9707 end addToOutStream;
9709 procedure parseParentLink(p_list varchar2, pQueryId in number) is
9710   occurrence NUMBER := 1;
9711   stringstart NUMBER := 1;
9712   stringend NUMBER := 1;
9713   pos NUMBER;
9714   token NUMBER;
9715 begin
9716   loop
9717     pos := INSTR(p_list, ',', 1, occurrence);
9718     occurrence := occurrence + 1;
9719     IF pos = 0 THEN
9720       stringend := LENGTH(p_list);
9721       token := to_number(SUBSTR(p_list, stringstart, stringend - stringstart + 1));
9722       if token is not null then
9723         insert into msc_form_query(
9724           query_id, last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by,
9725           last_update_login, number1)
9726         values (
9727           pQueryId, trunc(sysdate), -1, trunc(sysdate), -1, -1, token );
9728       end if;
9729       exit;
9730     end if;
9731     stringend := pos - 1;
9732     token := to_number(substr(p_list, stringstart, stringend - stringstart + 1));
9733     if token is not null then
9734       insert into msc_form_query(
9735         query_id, last_update_date, last_updated_by, creation_date, created_by,
9736         last_update_login, number1)
9737       values (
9738         pQueryId, trunc(sysdate), -1, trunc(sysdate), -1, -1, token);
9739     end if;
9740     stringstart := stringend + 2;
9741   end loop;
9742 end parseParentLink;
9744 function getParentLinkRec(p_query_id number, p_plan_id number,
9745   p_trx number, p_parent_link varchar2) return varchar2 is
9747   cursor c_alloc_qty (p_plan number, p_trx number,
9748     p_mfq_query_id number, p_mgq_query_id number) is
9749    select mgq.row_index,
9750      sum(nvl(mfp1.allocated_quantity,0)) allocated_quantity
9751    from msc_full_pegging mfp1,
9752      msc_full_pegging mfp2,
9753      msc_gantt_query mgq,
9754      msc_form_query mfq
9755    where mfp1.plan_id = p_plan
9756      and mfp1.transaction_id = p_trx
9757      and mfq.query_id = p_mfq_query_id
9758      and mgq.query_id = p_mgq_query_id
9759      and mgq.row_index = mfq.number1
9760      and mfp2.plan_id = mfp1.plan_id
9761      and mfp2.end_pegging_id = mfp1.end_pegging_id
9762      and mfp2.transaction_id = mgq.transaction_id
9763      group by mgq.row_index
9764    union all
9765    select mgq.row_index,
9766      nvl(mfp1.allocated_quantity,0) allocated_quantity
9767    from msc_full_pegging mfp1,
9768      msc_gantt_query mgq,
9769      msc_form_query mfq
9770    where mfp1.plan_id = p_plan
9771      and mfp1.transaction_id = p_trx
9772      and mfq.query_id = p_mfq_query_id
9773      and mgq.query_id = p_mgq_query_id
9774      and mgq.row_index = mfq.number1
9775      and mfp1.demand_id = mgq.transaction_id ;
9777   l_mfq_query_id number;
9778   l_row_count number := 0;
9779   l_parent_link_rec varchar2(2000);
9780 begin
9782   l_mfq_query_id := getMFQSequence(l_mfq_query_id);
9783   l_parent_link_rec := null;
9784   parseParentLink(p_parent_link, l_mfq_query_id);
9786   put_line(' getParentLinkRec '
9787     ||' p_plan_id '|| p_plan_id
9788     ||' p_trx '|| p_trx
9789     ||' l_mfq_query_id '|| l_mfq_query_id
9790     ||' p_query_id '||p_query_id);
9792   for c_alloc_qty_cur in c_alloc_qty (p_plan_id, p_trx, l_mfq_query_id, p_query_id)
9793   loop
9794     if (l_parent_link_rec is null) then
9795       l_parent_link_rec := c_alloc_qty_cur.row_index
9796 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(fnd_number.number_to_canonical(c_alloc_qty_cur.allocated_quantity)), null_space);
9797     else
9798       l_parent_link_rec := l_parent_link_rec|| FIELD_SEPERATOR ||
9799       c_alloc_qty_cur.row_index
9800       || FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(fnd_number.number_to_canonical(c_alloc_qty_cur.allocated_quantity)), null_space);
9801     end if;
9802     l_row_count := l_row_count + 1;
9803   end loop;
9804   l_parent_link_rec := l_row_count || FIELD_SEPERATOR || l_parent_link_rec;
9806   return l_parent_link_rec;
9807 end getParentLinkRec;
9809 function getResult(p_query_id number,
9810   p_from_index number, p_to_index number, p_plan_id number,
9811   p_out_data in out nocopy msc_gantt_utils.maxchartbl,
9812   p_node_level number default null,
9813   p_sort_node number default null,
9814   p_sort_column varchar2 default null,
9815   p_sort_order varchar2 default null,
9816   p_res_nodes_only varchar2 default null) return number is
9818   i number;
9820   l_row_index msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
9821   l_item_prompt msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9822   l_node_type msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
9823   l_node_path msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9824   l_parent_link msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9825   l_start_date msc_gantt_utils.date_arr;
9826   l_start_date_char msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9827   l_end_date msc_gantt_utils.date_arr;
9828   l_priority msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
9830  l_from_setup_code char_arr;
9831  l_to_setup_code char_arr;
9832  l_std_op_code char_arr;
9833  l_changeover_time char_arr;
9834  l_changeover_penalty char_arr;
9836   l_critical_flag msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
9837   l_item_name msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9838   l_org_code msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9839   l_order_type msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9840   l_order_type_text msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9841   l_order_number msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9842   l_qty msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
9843   l_cepst msc_gantt_utils.date_arr;
9844   l_cepct msc_gantt_utils.date_arr;
9845   l_ulpst msc_gantt_utils.date_arr;
9846   l_ulpct msc_gantt_utils.date_arr;
9847   l_uepst msc_gantt_utils.date_arr;
9848   l_uepct msc_gantt_utils.date_arr;
9849   l_min_start_time msc_gantt_utils.date_arr;
9850   l_eacd  msc_gantt_utils.date_arr;
9851   l_req_start_date msc_gantt_utils.date_arr;
9852   l_req_end_date msc_gantt_utils.date_arr;
9853   l_req_due_date msc_gantt_utils.date_arr;
9854   l_item_type msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9855   l_res_req_type msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9856   l_supply_firm_type msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
9857   l_res_firm_type msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
9858   l_status msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
9859   l_applied msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
9860   l_supplier_id msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
9861   l_supplier_site_id msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
9862   l_item_desc msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9863   l_assy_item_desc msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9864   l_category_name msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9865   l_prod_family msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9866   l_planner_code msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9867   l_planning_group msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9868   l_project msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9869   l_task msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9870   l_sugg_ship_date msc_gantt_utils.date_arr;
9871   l_sugg_due_date msc_gantt_utils.date_arr;
9872   l_sugg_order_date msc_gantt_utils.date_arr;
9873   l_sugg_start_date msc_gantt_utils.date_arr;
9874   l_sugg_dock_date msc_gantt_utils.date_arr;
9875   l_ship_method msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9876   l_transaction_id msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
9877   l_res_transaction_id msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
9878   l_customer msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9879   l_customer_site msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9880   l_source_org msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9881   l_supplier msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9882   l_supplier_site msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9883   l_sched_group msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9884   l_actual_start_date msc_gantt_utils.date_arr;
9886   l_sr_instance_id msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
9887   l_organization_id msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
9888   l_inventory_item_id msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
9889   l_dept_id msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
9890   l_res_id msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
9892   l_dept_code msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9893   l_res_code msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9894   l_res_desc msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9895   l_op_seq msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9896   l_op_desc msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9897   l_adjusted_res_hours msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
9898   l_schedule_qty msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
9899   l_batch_number msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9900   l_assigned_units msc_gantt_utils.number_arr;
9901   l_alternate_flag msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9902   l_res_seq msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9903   l_wip_status_text msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9904   l_setup_type_text msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9905   l_alternate_num msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9907   l_demand_class msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9908   l_material_avail_date msc_gantt_utils.date_arr;
9909   l_bar_text msc_gantt_utils.char_arr;
9911   l_one_record varchar2(4000);
9912   l_out_data_index number := 1;
9914   l_mfq_query_id number;
9916   TYPE GanttCurTyp IS REF CURSOR;
9917   the_cursor GanttCurTyp;
9918   sql_stmt varchar2(32000);
9919   sort_columns varchar2(1000);
9920   node_level_stmt varchar2(200);
9922   l_parent_link_rec varchar2(2000);
9924 begin
9925   put_line('getResult in ');
9933   if ( p_sort_column is not null and ( instr(sort_columns, upper(p_sort_column)) <= 0) ) then
9934     put_line(' error in sort option');
9935     return SYS_NO;
9936   end if;
9938   if ( p_node_level is not null ) then
9939     node_level_stmt := node_level_stmt ||' and mgq.node_level between '
9940 	||' (-1 * abs('||p_node_level||')) and abs('||p_node_level||') ';
9941   else
9942     node_level_stmt := null_space;
9943   end if;
9946   --Demand Node Info
9947   sql_stmt := ' select mgq.row_index,
9948     msc_get_name.demand_order_number ( md.plan_id, md.sr_instance_id, md.demand_id )
9949       ||'' for ''||msi.item_name ||'' in '' || mtp.organization_code  ORDERS,
9950     mgq.node_type,
9951     mgq.node_path,
9952     mgq.parent_link,
9953     nvl(mgq.critical_flag,0) critical_flag,
9954     msi.item_name ITEM,
9955     mtp.organization_code ORGANIZATION,
9956     md.origination_type order_type_id,
9957     msc_get_name.lookup_meaning(''MRP_DEMAND_ORIGINATION'', md.origination_type) ORDER_TYPE,
9958     msc_get_name.demand_order_number ( md.plan_id, md.sr_instance_id, md.demand_id )
9959       ORDER_NUMBER,
9960    decode(md.customer_id, null,
9961      msc_get_name.get_other_customers(md.plan_id, md.schedule_designator_id),
9962      msc_get_name.customer(md.customer_id)) CUSTOMER,
9963    decode(md.customer_site_id, null,
9964      msc_get_name.get_other_customers(md.plan_id,md.schedule_designator_id),
9965      msc_get_name.customer_site(md.customer_site_id)) CUSTOMER_SITE,
9966    md.using_assembly_demand_date start_date,
9967    nvl(md.dmd_satisfied_date,md.using_assembly_demand_date) end_date,
9968    demand_priority,
9969    --md.quantity_by_due_date QUANTITY,
9970    md.using_requirement_quantity QUANTITY,
9971    msi.description ITEM_DESC,
9972    mic.category_name ITEM_CATEGORY,
9973    msc_get_name.item_name(msi.product_family_id,null,null,null) PRODUCT_FAMILY,
9974    msi.planner_code PLANNER,
9975    md.planning_group PLN_GROUP,
9976    decode(md.project_id, null, null, msc_get_name.project(md.project_id,
9977      md.organization_id, md.plan_id, md.sr_instance_id)) PROJECT,
9978    decode(md.task_id, null, null, msc_get_name.task(md.task_id,
9979      md.project_id,md.organization_id, md.plan_id, md.sr_instance_id)) TASK,
9980    md.planned_ship_date SUGG_SHIP_DATE,
9981    md.using_assembly_demand_date SUGG_DUE_DATE,
9982    md.ship_method SHIP_METHOD,
9983    md.demand_id transaction_id,
9984    md.sr_instance_id,
9985    md.organization_id,
9986    md.inventory_item_id,
9987    md.demand_class,
9988    md.dmd_satisfied_date material_avail_date
9989   from  msc_demands md,
9990     msc_system_items msi,
9991     msc_item_categories mic,
9992     msc_trading_partners mtp,
9993     msc_gantt_query mgq
9994   where mgq.query_id = :p_query_id
9995     and mgq.node_type = :END_DEMAND_NODE
9996     and mgq.row_index between :p_from_index and :p_to_index
9997     and md.plan_id = :p_plan_id
9998     and md.sr_instance_id = mgq.sr_instance_id
9999     and md.demand_id = mgq.transaction_id
10000     and md.plan_id = msi.plan_id
10001     and md.sr_instance_id = msi.sr_instance_id
10002     and md.organization_id = msi.organization_id
10003     and md.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
10004     and msi.sr_instance_id = mic.sr_instance_id
10005     and msi.organization_id = mic.organization_id
10006     and msi.inventory_item_id = mic.inventory_item_id
10007     and mic.category_set_id = :g_category_set_id
10008     and mtp.partner_type = 3
10009     and mtp.sr_tp_id = md.organization_id
10010     and mtp.sr_instance_id = md.sr_instance_id ';
10012   sql_stmt := sql_stmt || node_level_stmt;
10013   --node level logic
10015 put_line(' g_category_set_id '||g_category_set_id);
10017   if ( p_sort_column is not null and nvl(p_sort_node, END_DEMAND_NODE) = END_DEMAND_NODE )  then
10018     sql_stmt := sql_stmt ||' order by '||p_sort_column||' '||p_sort_order;
10019   end if;
10021   open the_cursor for sql_stmt
10022     using p_query_id, END_DEMAND_NODE, p_from_index, p_to_index, p_plan_id, g_category_set_id;
10023   fetch the_cursor bulk collect into l_row_index, l_item_prompt, l_node_type, l_node_path, l_parent_link,
10024     l_critical_flag, l_item_name, l_org_code, l_order_type, l_order_type_text,
10025     l_order_number, l_customer, l_customer_site, l_start_date, l_end_date, l_priority,
10026     l_qty, l_item_desc, l_category_name, l_prod_family, l_planner_code, l_planning_group,
10027     l_project, l_task, l_sugg_ship_date, l_sugg_due_date, l_ship_method, l_transaction_id,
10028     l_sr_instance_id, l_organization_id, l_inventory_item_id,
10029     l_demand_class, l_material_avail_date;
10030   close the_cursor;
10032   put_line(' demands count '||l_row_index.count);
10033   for i in 1..l_row_index.count
10034   loop -- {
10035       l_one_record := l_row_index(i)
10036         || FIELD_SEPERATOR || escapeSplChars(l_item_prompt(i))
10037         || FIELD_SEPERATOR || l_node_type(i)
10038 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || l_node_path(i)
10039         || FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(l_parent_link(i), null_space)
10040 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_critical_flag(i)), 0)
10041 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || escapeSplChars(l_item_name(i))
10042 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || escapeSplChars(l_org_code(i))
10043 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || l_order_type(i)
10044 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || escapeSplChars(l_order_type_text(i))
10045 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(l_order_number(i)),null_space)
10046 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(l_customer(i)), null_space)
10047 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(l_customer_site(i)), null_space)
10048 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_start_date(i),format_mask), null_space)
10049 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_end_date(i),format_mask), null_space)
10050 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_priority(i)),null_space)
10051 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || to_char(round(nvl(fnd_number.number_to_canonical(l_qty(i)),0), round_factor))
10052 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(l_item_desc(i)),null_space)
10053 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(l_category_name(i)),null_space)
10054 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(l_prod_family(i)),null_space)
10055 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(l_planner_code(i)),null_space)
10056 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(l_planning_group(i)),null_space)
10057 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(l_project(i)),null_space)
10058 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(l_task(i)),null_space)
10059         || FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_sugg_ship_date(i),format_mask), null_space)
10060 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_sugg_due_date(i),format_mask), null_space)
10061 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(l_ship_method(i)), null_space)
10062 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || l_transaction_id(i)
10063 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || null_space
10064 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || l_sr_instance_id(i)
10065 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || l_organization_id(i)
10066 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || l_inventory_item_id(i)
10067 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(l_demand_class(i)), null_space)
10068 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_material_avail_date(i),format_mask), null_space);
10070     addToOutStream(l_one_record, l_out_data_index, p_out_data);
10072     put_line(l_row_index(i) || FIELD_SEPERATOR || l_item_prompt(i));
10073   end loop; -- }
10075   --Supply/Co-prod Node Info
10076   sql_stmt := ' select mgq.row_index,
10077     decode(ms.order_type, 18, msc_get_name.lookup_meaning(''MRP_ORDER_TYPE'', 18),
10078     msc_get_name.supply_order_number(ms.order_type, ms.order_number, ms.plan_id,
10079       ms.sr_instance_id, ms.transaction_id, ms.disposition_id)) ||'' for ''||
10080       msi.item_name ||'' in '' || mtp.organization_code ||''(''|| round(ms.new_order_quantity,:round_factor)||'')'' ORDERS,
10081     mgq.node_type,
10082     mgq.node_path,
10083     mgq.parent_link,
10084     mgq.critical_flag,
10085     msi.item_name ITEM,
10086     mtp.organization_code ORGANIZATION,
10087     to_char(least(to_date(msc_gantt_utils.getActualStartDate(ms.order_type, msi.planning_make_buy_code,
10088        ms.organization_id, ms.source_organization_id, ms.new_dock_date,
10089        ms.new_wip_start_date, ms.new_ship_date,ms.new_schedule_date, ms.source_supplier_id), :format_mask),
10090       nvl(ms.firm_date, ms.new_schedule_date)),:format_mask) start_date,
10091     nvl(ms.firm_date, ms.new_schedule_date) end_date,
10092     ms.order_type order_type_id,
10093     mfg.meaning ORDER_TYPE,
10094     msc_get_name.supply_order_number(ms.order_type, ms.order_number, ms.plan_id,
10095       ms.sr_instance_id, ms.transaction_id, ms.disposition_id) order_number,
10096     ms.new_order_quantity QUANTITY,
10097     ms.earliest_start_date,
10098     ms.earliest_completion_date,
10099     ms.ulpsd,
10100     ms.ulpcd,
10101     ms.uepsd,
10102     ms.uepcd,
10103     ms.min_start_date,
10104     ms.requested_start_date REQ_START_DATE,
10105     ms.requested_completion_date REQ_COMPL_DATE,
10106     msi.planning_make_buy_code item_type,
10107     nvl(ms.firm_planned_type,2) supply_firm_type,
10108     nvl(ms.status, 0) status,
10109     nvl(ms.applied, 0) applied,
10110     nvl(ms.supplier_id, 0) supplier_id,
10111     nvl(ms.supplier_site_id, 0) supplier_site_id,
10112     msi.description ITEM_DESC,
10113     mic.category_name ITEM_CATEGORY,
10114     msc_get_name.item_name(msi.product_family_id,null,null,null) PRODUCT_FAMILY,
10115     msi.planner_code PLANNER,
10116     ms.planning_group PLN_GROUP,
10117     decode(ms.project_id, null, null, msc_get_name.project(ms.project_id,
10118       ms.organization_id, ms.plan_id, ms.sr_instance_id)) PROJECT,
10119     decode(ms.task_id, null, null, msc_get_name.task(ms.task_id,
10120       ms.project_id, ms.organization_id, ms.plan_id, ms.sr_instance_id)) TASK,
10121     ms.new_order_placement_date SUGG_ORDER_DATE,
10122     ms.new_wip_start_date SUGG_START_DATE,
10123     ms.new_ship_date SUGG_SHIP_DATE,
10124     ms.new_dock_date SUGG_DOCK_DATE,
10125     ms.new_schedule_date SUGG_DUE_DATE,
10126     msc_get_name.org_code(ms.source_organization_id, ms.source_sr_instance_id) SR_ORG,
10127     msc_get_name.supplier(ms.supplier_id) SUPPLIER,
10128     msc_get_name.supplier_site(ms.supplier_site_id) SUPPLIER_SITE,
10129     ms.ship_method SHIP_METHOD,
10130     ms.schedule_group_name SCHEDULE_GROUP,
10131     ms.transaction_id transaction_id,
10132     ms.sr_instance_id,
10133     ms.organization_id,
10134     ms.inventory_item_id,
10135     ms.schedule_priority,
10136     msi.description,
10137     msc_get_name.lookup_meaning(''WIP_JOB_STATUS'', ms.wip_status_code) wip_status_text,
10138     ms.new_schedule_date,
10139     ms.actual_start_date
10140   from  msc_supplies ms,
10141     msc_system_items msi,
10142     msc_item_categories mic,
10143     msc_trading_partners mtp,
10144     mfg_lookups mfg,
10145     msc_gantt_query mgq
10146   where mgq.query_id = :p_query_id
10147     and mgq.node_type in (:JOB_NODE, :COPROD_NODE)
10148     and mgq.row_index between :p_from_index and :p_to_index
10149     and ms.plan_id = :p_plan_id
10150     and ms.sr_instance_id = mgq.sr_instance_id
10151     and ms.transaction_id = mgq.transaction_id
10152     and ms.plan_id = msi.plan_id
10153     and ms.organization_id = msi.organization_id
10154     and ms.sr_instance_id = msi.sr_instance_id
10155     and ms.inventory_item_id = msi.inventory_item_id
10156     and msi.sr_instance_id = mic.sr_instance_id
10157     and msi.organization_id = mic.organization_id
10158     and msi.inventory_item_id = mic.inventory_item_id
10159     and mic.category_set_id = :g_category_set_id
10160     and mfg.lookup_type = ''MRP_ORDER_TYPE''
10161     and mfg.lookup_code = ms.order_type
10162     and mtp.partner_type = 3
10163     and mtp.sr_tp_id = ms.organization_id
10164     and mtp.sr_instance_id = ms.sr_instance_id ';
10166   sql_stmt := sql_stmt || node_level_stmt;
10167   --node level logic
10169   if ( p_sort_column is not null and nvl(p_sort_node, JOB_NODE) in (JOB_NODE, COPROD_NODE) )  then
10170     sql_stmt := sql_stmt ||' order by '||p_sort_column||' '||p_sort_order;
10171   else
10172     sql_stmt := sql_stmt ||' order by mgq.row_index ';
10173   end if;
10175   open the_cursor for sql_stmt
10176     using round_factor, format_mask, format_mask, p_query_id, JOB_NODE ,COPROD_NODE, p_from_index, p_to_index, p_plan_id, g_category_set_id;
10177   fetch the_cursor bulk collect into l_row_index, l_item_prompt, l_node_type, l_node_path, l_parent_link,
10178     l_critical_flag, l_item_name, l_org_code, l_start_date_char, l_end_date,
10179     l_order_type, l_order_type_text, l_order_number, l_qty,
10180     l_cepst, l_cepct, l_ulpst, l_ulpct, l_uepst, l_uepct, l_min_start_time,
10181     l_req_start_date, l_req_end_date, l_item_type,
10182     l_supply_firm_type, l_status, l_applied, l_supplier_id, l_supplier_site_id,
10183     l_item_desc, l_category_name, l_prod_family, l_planner_code, l_planning_group, l_project,
10184     l_task, l_sugg_order_date, l_sugg_start_date, l_sugg_ship_date, l_sugg_dock_date,
10185     l_sugg_due_date, l_source_org, l_supplier, l_supplier_site, l_ship_method,
10186     l_sched_group, l_transaction_id, l_sr_instance_id, l_organization_id, l_inventory_item_id,
10187     l_priority, l_item_desc, l_wip_status_text, l_req_end_date, l_actual_start_date;
10188   close the_cursor;
10190   put_line(' supplies count '||l_row_index.count);
10191   for i in 1..l_row_index.count
10192   loop -- {
10193     l_parent_link_rec := null;
10194     -- find allocated quantity
10195     if (l_parent_link(i) is not null) then
10196       l_parent_link_rec := getParentLinkRec(p_query_id, p_plan_id, l_transaction_id(i), l_parent_link(i));
10197       put_line(' parent link for '||l_transaction_id(i)|| '  ' || l_parent_link_rec);
10198     end if;
10200       l_one_record := l_row_index(i)
10201         || FIELD_SEPERATOR || escapeSplChars(l_item_prompt(i))
10202         || FIELD_SEPERATOR || l_node_type(i)
10203 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || l_node_path(i)
10204         || FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_parent_link_rec), null_space)
10205 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_critical_flag(i)), 0)
10206 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || escapeSplChars(l_item_name(i))
10207 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(l_start_date_char(i), null_space)
10208 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_end_date(i),format_mask),null_space)
10209 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || escapeSplChars(l_org_code(i))
10210 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || l_order_type(i)
10211 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || escapeSplChars(l_order_type_text(i))
10212 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(l_order_number(i)), null_space)
10213 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || to_char(round(nvl(fnd_number.number_to_canonical(l_qty(i)),0), round_factor))
10214 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_cepst(i),format_mask),null_space)
10215 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_cepct(i),format_mask),null_space)
10216 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_ulpst(i),format_mask),null_space)
10217 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_ulpct(i),format_mask),null_space)
10218 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_uepst(i),format_mask),null_space)
10219 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_uepct(i),format_mask),null_space)
10220 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_min_start_time(i),format_mask),null_space)
10221 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || escapeSplChars(l_item_type(i))
10222 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || l_supply_firm_type(i)
10223 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || l_status(i)
10224 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || l_applied(i)
10225 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || l_supplier_id(i)
10226 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || l_supplier_site_id(i)
10227 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(l_item_desc(i)),null_space)
10228 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(l_category_name(i)),null_space)
10229 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(l_prod_family(i)),null_space)
10230 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(l_planner_code(i)),null_space)
10231 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(l_planning_group(i)),null_space)
10232 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(l_project(i)),null_space)
10233 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(l_task(i)),null_space)
10234 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_sugg_order_date(i),format_mask),null_space)
10235 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_sugg_start_date(i),format_mask),null_space)
10236 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_sugg_ship_date(i),format_mask),null_space)
10237         || FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_sugg_dock_date(i),format_mask),null_space)
10238 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_sugg_due_date(i),format_mask),null_space)
10239         || FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(l_source_org(i)),null_space)
10240 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(l_supplier(i)),null_space)
10241 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(l_supplier_site(i)),null_space)
10242 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(l_ship_method(i)),null_space)
10243 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(l_sched_group(i)),null_space)
10244 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || l_transaction_id(i)
10245         || FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_req_start_date(i),format_mask),null_space)
10246 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_req_end_date(i),format_mask),null_space)
10247 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || escapeSplChars(msc_gantt_utils.getJobNodeLabel(l_item_name(i), l_org_code(i),
10248 	  l_order_number(i), l_order_type_text(i), l_qty(i)))
10249 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || l_sr_instance_id(i)
10250 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || l_organization_id(i)
10251 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || l_inventory_item_id(i)
10252 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_priority(i)), null_space)
10253 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(l_item_desc(i)), null_space)
10254 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_req_end_date(i),format_mask),null_space)
10255 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_wip_status_text(i)),null_space)
10256 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_actual_start_date(i),format_mask),null_space);
10258     addToOutStream(l_one_record, l_out_data_index, p_out_data);
10260     put_line(l_row_index(i) || FIELD_SEPERATOR || l_item_prompt(i));
10261   end loop; -- }
10263   --Op Node Info
10264   sql_stmt := ' select mgq.row_index,
10265     mgq.op_seq_num,
10266     mgq.node_type,
10267     mgq.node_path,
10268     decode(mgq.dependency_type,
10269       null, null,
10270       mgq.dependency_type||:FIELD_SEPERATOR || mgq.parent_link),
10271     mgq.op_desc,
10272     mgq.transaction_id
10273   from msc_gantt_query mgq
10274   where mgq.query_id = :p_query_id
10275     and mgq.node_type = :OP_NODE
10276     and substr(mgq.node_path ,1, instr(mgq.node_path, :COLON_SEPARATOR)-1)
10277       between :p_from_index and :p_to_index  '|| node_level_stmt || '
10278     order by to_number(substr(mgq.node_path ,1, instr(mgq.node_path, :COLON_SEPARATOR)-1)),
10279       to_number(substr(mgq.node_path , instr(mgq.node_path, :COLON_SEPARATOR)+1))';
10281   open the_cursor for sql_stmt
10282     using FIELD_SEPERATOR, p_query_id, OP_NODE, COLON_SEPARATOR, p_from_index, p_to_index, COLON_SEPARATOR, COLON_SEPARATOR;
10283   fetch the_cursor bulk collect into l_row_index, l_item_prompt, l_node_type,
10284     l_node_path, l_parent_link, l_op_desc, l_transaction_id;
10285   close the_cursor;
10287   put_line(' op count '||l_row_index.count);
10288   for i in 1..l_row_index.count
10289   loop -- {
10290       l_one_record := l_row_index(i)
10291         || FIELD_SEPERATOR || escapeSplChars(l_item_prompt(i))
10292         || FIELD_SEPERATOR || l_node_type(i)
10293 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || l_node_path(i)
10294         || FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(l_parent_link(i), null_space)
10295 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(l_op_desc(i)), null_space)
10296 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || escapeSplChars(msc_gantt_utils.getOpNodeLabel(l_item_prompt(i), l_transaction_id(i),
10297 	  l_op_desc(i), p_plan_id));
10299     addToOutStream(l_one_record, l_out_data_index, p_out_data);
10301     put_line(l_row_index(i) || FIELD_SEPERATOR || l_item_prompt(i));
10302   end loop; -- }
10304   --Resource Node Info
10305   sql_stmt := ' select mgq.row_index,
10306       to_char(mrr.operation_seq_num)||''/''||to_char(mrr.resource_seq_num)||
10307         ''(''||msc_get_name.department_resource_code(mrr.resource_id,
10308         mrr.department_id, mrr.organization_id, mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instance_id)||'')'',
10309       mgq.node_type,
10310       mgq.node_path,
10311       mgq.parent_link,
10312       mdr.department_code,
10313       mdr.resource_code,
10314       msc_gantt_utils.getResReqStartDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0),
10315         mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date,mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) start_date,
10316       msc_gantt_utils.getResReqEndDate(nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0), mrr.start_date, mrr.end_date,
10317         mrr.firm_start_date, mrr.firm_end_date, mrr.status, mrr.applied) end_date,
10318       ms.new_order_quantity QUANTITY,
10319       mrr.resource_hours adjusted_res_hours,
10320       mrr.batch_number,
10321       mrr.assigned_units,
10322       msc_get_name.alternate_rtg(mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instance_id, mrr.routing_sequence_id),
10323       msc_get_name.lookup_meaning(''WIP_JOB_STATUS'', ms.wip_status_code) wip_status_text,
10324       nvl(ms.firm_planned_type,2) supply_firm_type,
10325       nvl(mrr.firm_flag,0) res_firm_type,
10326       nvl(mrr.status, 0) status,
10327       nvl(mrr.applied, 0) applied,
10328       msc_gantt_utils.getResReqType(mrr.plan_id, mrr.schedule_flag, mrr.parent_seq_num, mrr.setup_id) res_req_type,
10329       mrr.supply_id transaction_id,
10330       mrr.transaction_id res_transaction_id,
10331       mrr.resource_seq_num,
10332       decode(mrr.setup_id, to_number(null), null,
10333       msc_gantt_utils.getSetupCode(mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instance_id, mrr.resource_id, mrr.setup_id)),
10334       mrr.earliest_start_date,
10335       mrr.earliest_completion_date,
10336       mrr.ulpsd,
10337       mrr.ulpcd,
10338       mrr.uepsd,
10339       mrr.uepcd,
10340       mrr.eacd,
10341       mrr.sr_instance_id,
10342       mrr.organization_id,
10343       mrr.department_id,
10344       mrr.resource_id,
10345       ms.inventory_item_id,
10346       msc_get_name.supply_order_number(ms.order_type, ms.order_number, ms.plan_id,
10347         ms.sr_instance_id, ms.transaction_id, ms.disposition_id) order_number,
10348       mrr.operation_seq_num,
10349       mdr.resource_description,
10350       mi.item_name item,
10351       mi2.description assembly_item_desc,
10352       decode(mrr.resource_hours, 0, to_number(null),
10353         nvl(mrr.cummulative_quantity,ms.new_order_quantity)) schedule_qty,
10354       msc_gantt_utils.getOrderViewResNodeLabel(mrr.plan_id, mrr.sr_instance_id,
10355         mrr.transaction_id) bar_text,
10356       mrr.alternate_num,
10357       mrr.actual_start_date,
10358       mgq.critical_flag
10359     from msc_resource_requirements mrr,
10360       msc_department_resources mdr,
10361       msc_supplies ms,
10362       msc_items mi,
10363       msc_items mi2,
10364       msc_trading_partners mtp,
10365       msc_gantt_query mgq
10366     where mgq.query_id = :p_query_id
10367       and mgq.node_type = :RES_NODE
10368       and ( ( nvl(:p_res_nodes_only,2) = 2
10369 	    and substr(mgq.node_path ,1, instr(mgq.node_path, :COLON_SEPARATOR)-1)
10370         		between :p_from_index and :p_to_index)
10371            or ( nvl(:p_res_nodes_only,2) = 1
10372 	    and mgq.row_index between :p_from_index and :p_to_index)
10373           )
10374       and mrr.plan_id = :p_plan_id
10375       and mrr.sr_instance_id = mgq.sr_instance_id
10376       and mrr.organization_id = mgq.organization_id
10377       and mrr.transaction_id = mgq.transaction_id
10378       and mrr.parent_id = 2
10379       and mrr.end_date is not null
10380       and mrr.department_id <> -1
10381       and mrr.plan_id = mdr.plan_id
10382       and mrr.organization_id = mdr.organization_id
10383       and mrr.sr_instance_id = mdr.sr_instance_id
10384       and mrr.department_id = mdr.department_id
10385       and mrr.resource_id = mdr.resource_id
10386       and mrr.plan_id = ms.plan_id
10387       and mrr.supply_id = ms.transaction_id
10388       and mrr.sr_instance_id = ms.sr_instance_id
10389       and mtp.partner_type = 3
10390       and mtp.sr_tp_id = ms.organization_id
10391       and mtp.sr_instance_id = ms.sr_instance_id
10392       and ms.inventory_item_id = mi.inventory_item_id
10393       and mrr.assembly_item_id = mi2.inventory_item_id '|| node_level_stmt || '
10394     order by to_number(substr(mgq.node_path ,1, instr(mgq.node_path, :COLON_SEPARATOR)-1)),
10395       to_number(substr(mgq.node_path, instr(mgq.node_path, :COLON_SEPARATOR,1,1)+1,
10396         instr(mgq.node_path, :COLON_SEPARATOR,1,2)-instr(mgq.node_path, :COLON_SEPARATOR,1,1)-1)),
10397       to_number(substr(mgq.node_path , instr(mgq.node_path,:COLON_SEPARATOR,1,2)+1)) ';
10399   open the_cursor for sql_stmt
10400     using p_query_id, RES_NODE, p_res_nodes_only, COLON_SEPARATOR, p_from_index, p_to_index,
10401     p_res_nodes_only, p_from_index, p_to_index,
10402     p_plan_id,
10405   fetch the_cursor bulk collect into l_row_index, l_item_prompt, l_node_type,
10406     l_node_path, l_parent_link, l_dept_code, l_res_code, l_start_date, l_end_date,
10407     l_qty, l_adjusted_res_hours, l_batch_number, l_assigned_units, l_alternate_flag,
10408     l_wip_status_text, l_supply_firm_type, l_res_firm_type, l_status, l_applied,
10409     l_res_req_type, l_transaction_id, l_res_transaction_id, l_res_seq, l_setup_type_text,
10410     l_cepst, l_cepct, l_ulpst, l_ulpct, l_uepst, l_uepct, l_eacd, l_sr_instance_id,
10411     l_organization_id, l_dept_id, l_res_id, l_inventory_item_id, l_order_number,
10412     l_op_seq, l_res_desc, l_item_name, l_assy_item_desc, l_schedule_qty, l_bar_text,
10413     l_alternate_num, l_actual_start_date, l_critical_flag;
10414   close the_cursor;
10416   put_line(' res count '||l_row_index.count);
10417   for i in 1..l_row_index.count
10418   loop -- {
10419       if( nvl(p_res_nodes_only,sys_no) = sys_yes) then
10420       l_one_record := l_row_index(i)
10421 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_start_date(i), format_mask), null_space)
10422 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_end_date(i), format_mask), null_space);
10423       else
10424       l_one_record := l_row_index(i)
10425         || FIELD_SEPERATOR || escapeSplChars(l_item_prompt(i))
10426         || FIELD_SEPERATOR || l_node_type(i)
10427 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || l_node_path(i)
10428         || FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_parent_link(i)), null_space)
10429         || FIELD_SEPERATOR || escapeSplChars(l_dept_code(i))
10430 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || escapeSplChars(l_res_code(i))
10431 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_start_date(i), format_mask), null_space)
10432 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_end_date(i), format_mask), null_space)
10433 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(round(nvl(fnd_number.number_to_canonical(l_qty(i)),0),round_factor)), null_space)
10434 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(fnd_number.number_to_canonical(l_adjusted_res_hours(i))), null_space)
10435 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_batch_number(i)), null_space)
10436 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(fnd_number.number_to_canonical(l_assigned_units(i))), null_space)
10437 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(to_char(l_alternate_flag(i))), null_space)
10438 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(l_wip_status_text(i)), null_space)
10439 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || l_supply_firm_type(i)
10440 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || l_res_firm_type(i)
10441 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || l_status(i)
10442 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || l_applied(i)
10443 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || l_res_req_type(i)
10444 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || l_transaction_id(i)
10445 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || l_res_transaction_id(i)
10446 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || escapeSplChars(l_bar_text(i))
10447 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || null_space
10448 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_cepst(i), format_mask), null_space)
10449 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_cepct(i), format_mask), null_space)
10450 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_ulpst(i), format_mask), null_space)
10451 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_ulpct(i), format_mask), null_space)
10452 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_uepst(i), format_mask), null_space)
10453         || FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_uepct(i), format_mask), null_space)
10454 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_eacd(i), format_mask), null_space)
10455 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_sr_instance_id(i)), null_space)
10456 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_organization_id(i)), null_space)
10457         || FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_dept_id(i)), null_space)
10458         || FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_res_id(i)), null_space)
10459         || FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_inventory_item_id(i)), null_space)
10460         || FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_res_seq(i)), null_space)
10461 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(l_order_number(i)), null_space)
10462 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(to_char(l_op_seq(i))), null_space)
10463 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(l_res_desc(i)), null_space)
10464 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(l_item_name(i)), null_space)
10465 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(escapeSplChars(l_assy_item_desc(i)), null_space)
10466 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(fnd_number.number_to_canonical(l_schedule_qty(i))), null_space)
10467 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || null_space
10468 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || null_space
10469 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || null_space
10470 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || null_space
10471 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || null_space
10472 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || null_space
10473 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || null_space
10474 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || null_space
10475 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || null_space
10476 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || null_space
10477 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || null_space
10478 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_alternate_num(i)), null_space)
10479 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_actual_start_date(i), format_mask), null_space)
10480 	|| FIELD_SEPERATOR || nvl(to_char(l_critical_flag(i)), null_space);
10481      end if;
10483     addToOutStream(l_one_record, l_out_data_index, p_out_data);
10485     put_line(l_row_index(i) || FIELD_SEPERATOR || l_item_prompt(i));
10486   end loop; -- }
10487   put_line('getResult out ');
10489  return SYS_YES;
10490 End getResult;