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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 30

    SELECT 'N'
    INTO   l_status
    FROM   sys.dual
    WHERE  exists (SELECT 'Y'
    FROM   per_all_people_f  pp
    WHERE (p_person_id IS NULL
       OR  p_person_id <> pp.person_id)
    AND    pp.business_group_id  +0 = p_business_group_id
    AND    pp.applicant_number      = p_person_number);
Line: 47

    SELECT 'N'
    INTO   l_status
    FROM   sys.dual
    WHERE  exists (select 'Y'
    FROM   per_all_people_f  pp
    WHERE (p_person_id IS NULL
       OR  p_person_id <> pp.person_id)
    AND    pp.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
    AND   (pp.employee_number   = p_person_number
       OR  (pp.npw_number       = p_person_number
             (SELECT null
              FROM   per_business_groups pbg
              WHERE  pbg.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
              AND    NVL(method_of_generation_cwk_num,hr_api.g_varchar2) = 'E'))));
Line: 67

    SELECT 'N'
    INTO   l_status
    FROM   sys.dual
    WHERE  exists (select 'Y'
    FROM   per_all_people_f  pp
    WHERE (p_person_id IS NULL
       OR  p_person_id <> pp.person_id)
    AND    pp.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
    AND   (pp.npw_number        = p_person_number
       OR  (pp.employee_number  = p_person_number
             (SELECT null
              FROM   per_business_groups pbg
              WHERE  pbg.business_group_id = p_business_group_id
              AND    NVL(method_of_generation_cwk_num,hr_api.g_varchar2) = 'E'))));
Line: 121

    select fnd.effective_date
      from fnd_sessions fnd
     where fnd.session_id = userenv('sessionid');
Line: 197

        SELECT next_value
        ,      rowid
        INTO   l_person_number
        ,      l_rowid
        FROM   per_number_generation_controls
        WHERE  business_group_id = p_business_group_id
        AND    type              = p_person_type
        FOR UPDATE OF next_value ;
Line: 236

           UPDATE per_number_generation_controls
           SET    next_value = l_person_number + 1
           WHERE  rowid      = l_rowid ;
Line: 331

  SELECT pbg.method_of_generation_apl_num
  ,      pbg.legislation_code
  INTO   l_method_of_generation
  ,      l_legislation_code
  FROM   per_business_groups pbg
  WHERE  pbg.business_group_id = p_business_group_id;
Line: 344

       select person_id
       into   l_person_id
       from   per_people_f ppf
       where  ppf.applicant_number = p_applicant_number
           and ppf.business_group_id  +0 = p_business_group_id
           and rownum = 1;
Line: 370

       select null
       into   p_applicant_number
       from   sys.dual
       where  (p_person_id is not null
                   and not exists (select '1'
                                   from per_assignments_f paf
                                   where assignment_type = 'A'
                                   and   paf.person_id = p_person_id
Line: 387

     select applicant_number into p_applicant_number
       from per_people_f
      where person_id = p_person_id
        and applicant_number is not null
        and rownum = 1;
Line: 468

  SELECT pbg.method_of_generation_emp_num
  ,      pbg.legislation_code
  INTO   l_method_of_generation
  ,      l_legislation_code
  FROM   per_business_groups pbg
  WHERE  pbg.business_group_id  = p_business_group_id;
Line: 481

       select person_id
       into   l_person_id
       from   per_people_f ppf
       where  ppf.employee_number = p_employee_number
           and ppf.business_group_id  +0 = p_business_group_id
           and rownum = 1;
Line: 506

       select null
       into   p_employee_number
       from   sys.dual
       where  (p_person_id is not null
                   and not exists (select '1'
                                   from per_assignments_f paf
                                   where assignment_type = 'E'
                                   and   paf.person_id = p_person_id
Line: 596

  SELECT pbg.method_of_generation_cwk_num
  ,      pbg.method_of_generation_emp_num
  ,      pbg.legislation_code
  INTO   l_method_of_generation
  ,      l_method_of_gen_emp
  ,      l_legislation_code
  FROM   per_business_groups pbg
  WHERE  pbg.business_group_id  = p_business_group_id;
Line: 613

       select person_id
       into   l_person_id
       from   per_people_f ppf
       where  ppf.npw_number = p_npw_number
           and ppf.business_group_id  +0 = p_business_group_id
           and rownum = 1;
Line: 641

       select null
       into   p_npw_number
       from   sys.dual
       where  (p_person_id is not null
                   and not exists (select '1'
                                   from per_assignments_f paf
                                   where assignment_type = 'C'
                                   and   paf.person_id = p_person_id
Line: 789

      select p.employee_number
      ,      p.applicant_number
      ,      p.npw_number
      into   p_employee_number
      ,      p_applicant_number
      ,      p_npw_number
      from   per_people p
      where p.person_id = p_person_id;
Line: 897

     select '1'
     from user_objects
     where object_name = p_pkg
     and object_type = 'PACKAGE';
Line: 903

  select legislation_code
  from per_business_groups_perf -- #3907786 - Changed to per_business_groups_perf
  where business_group_id =  p_business_group_id;
Line: 926

      SELECT meaning
      INTO   l_title_meaning
      FROM   hr_lookups
      WHERE  lookup_type = 'TITLE'
      AND    p_title     = lookup_code;
Line: 943

  SELECT rtrim(substrb(DECODE(p_pre_name_adjunct,'','',p_pre_name_adjunct||' ')||
                      ' '||l_title_meaning)||DECODE(p_first_name,'','',
                      ' '||p_first_name)||DECODE(p_middle_names,'','',
                      ' '||p_middle_names)||
                      DECODE(p_suffix,'','',' '||p_suffix)||
                      ' ('||p_known_as||')'),1,240))
  INTO  l_full_name
  FROM sys.dual ;
Line: 988

l_proc_call := 'SELECT rtrim(substrb( '|| l_package_name ||'.'||l_procedure_name||'(:p_first_name,:p_middle_names,:p_last_name,:p_known_as,:p_title,';
Line: 1133

    SELECT 'Y'
    INTO   l_status
    FROM   sys.dual
    WHERE  EXISTS (SELECT 'Duplicate Person Exists'
    FROM   per_all_people_f pp
    WHERE  /* Perform case insensitive check on last name */
           /* trying to use the index on last name        */
           upper(pp.last_name)  = upper(p_last_name)
    AND   (    pp.last_name like l_ul_check
            OR pp.last_name like l_lu_check
            OR pp.last_name like l_uu_check
            OR pp.last_name like l_ll_check
    AND   (upper(pp.first_name) = upper(p_first_name)
           OR p_first_name IS NULL
           OR pp.first_name IS NULL)
    AND   (pp.date_of_birth = p_date_of_birth
           OR p_date_of_birth IS NULL
           OR pp.date_of_birth IS NULL)
    AND   ((p_person_id IS NOT NULL
        AND p_person_id <> pp.person_id)
         OR p_person_id IS NULL)
    AND    pp.business_group_id  +0 = p_business_group_id);
Line: 1379

  SELECT org_information9
  INTO   l_legislation_code
  FROM   hr_organization_information
  WHERE  org_information_context = 'Business Group Information'
  AND    organization_id         = p_business_group_id;
Line: 1388

  INTO   l_status
  FROM   sys.dual
  WHERE  exists(SELECT '1'
		 FROM   per_all_people_f pp
		 WHERE (p_person_id IS NULL
		    OR  p_person_id <> pp.person_id)
		 AND    p_national_identifier = pp.national_identifier
		 AND    pp.business_group_id   +0 = p_business_group_id
Line: 1455

  SELECT org_information9
  INTO   l_legislation_code
  FROM   hr_organization_information
  WHERE  org_information_context = 'Business Group Information'
  AND    organization_id         = p_business_group_id;
Line: 1789

      Validates whether a person can be deleted from the HR database.
      This is the weak validation performed prior to delete using the
      Delete Person form.
  PROCEDURE weak_predel_validation (p_person_id		IN number,
				    p_session_date	IN date)
    -- Fix for bug 3908271. replace hr_person_delete with hr_person_internal.
Line: 1817

      If additional data is found then the delete of this person from
      the calling module is invalid as it is beyond its scope. The Delete
      Person form should therefore be used (which only performs
      weak_predel_validation) if a delete really is required.
	p_person_mode  -  'A' check for applicants
			  'E' check for employees
			  'O' check for other types

      No validation is required for security (PER_PERSON_LIST* tables) as
      this is implicit for the person via assignment criteria. The
      rows in these tables can just be deleted.
  PROCEDURE strong_predel_validation (p_person_id	IN number,
				      p_session_date	IN date)
    -- Fix for bug 3908271. replace hr_person_delete with hr_person_internal.
Line: 1853

      then delete this contact also. Otherwise do nothing.
      p_person_id		non-contact in relationship
      p_contact_person_id	contact in this relationship - the person
				who the check is performed against.
      p_contact_relationship_id relationship which is currently being
				considered for this contact.
  PROCEDURE check_contact (p_person_id		IN number,
			   p_contact_person_id	IN number,
			   p_contact_relationship_id IN number,
			   p_session_date	IN date)
    -- Fix for bug 3908271. replace hr_person_delete with hr_person_internal.
Line: 1882

      Validates whether a person can be deleted from the HR database.
      It is assumed that weak_predel_validation and the other application
      *_delete_person.*_predel_valdation procedures have been successfully
      completed first.
      Cascades are all performed according to the locking ladder.
      P_FORM_CALL is set to 'Y' if this procedure is called from a forms
      module. In this case, the deletes are performed post-delete and a
      row therefore may not exist in per_people_f (for this person_id).
      For this reason the existance check will be ignored.
  PROCEDURE delete_a_person (p_person_id		IN number,
			     p_form_call		IN boolean,
			     p_session_date		IN date)
    -- Fix for bug 3908271. replace hr_person_delete with hr_person_internal.
                            -- p_form_call,
Line: 1908

  END delete_a_person;
Line: 1914

      Delete routine for deleting information set up as default when people
      are created. Used primarily for delete on PERPEEPI (Enter Person).
      The strong_predel_validation should first be performed to ensure that
      no additional info (apart from default) has been entered.
      See delete_a_person for p_form_call details. Further, p_form_call is
      set to TRUE when this procedure is called from check_contact as
      there is no need to check the existance of the contact.
  PROCEDURE people_default_deletes (p_person_id	IN number,
				    p_form_call	IN boolean)
    -- Fix for bug 3908271. replace hr_person_delete with hr_person_internal.
Line: 1939

  END people_default_deletes;
Line: 1945

      Delete routine for deleting information set up as default when
      applicants are entered.  Used primarily for delete on PERREAQE
      (Applicant Quick Entry). The strong_predel_validation should first be
      performed to ensure that no additional info (apart from default) has
      been entered.
      See delete_a_person for p_form_call details.
  PROCEDURE applicant_default_deletes (p_person_id IN number,
				       p_form_call IN boolean)
    -- Fix for bug 3908271. replace hr_person_delete with hr_person_internal.
Line: 1967

  END applicant_default_deletes;
Line: 2014

	select 'Y'
	into p_test_func
        from sys.dual
        where exists(
        select 'Future Person Type exists'
	from per_people_f ppf
	,per_person_types ppt
	,per_startup_person_types pst
	where  ppf.person_type_id = ppt.person_type_id
	and  ppf.person_id = p_person_id
	and  ppf.business_group_id +0 = ppt.business_group_id+0
	and  ppf.business_group_id +0 = p_business_group_id
	and  (((p_effective_start_date < ppf.effective_start_date)
              and p_check_all = 'Y')
	 or  (p_effective_start_date = ppf.effective_start_date))
	and  ppt.system_person_type <> pst.system_person_type
	and  pst.system_person_type = p_system_person_type
        select 'Future Person Type exists'
        from   per_periods_of_service pps
        where  pps.person_id = p_person_id
        and    p_effective_start_date < pps.date_start
	union --fix for bug 6730008
        select 'Future Person Type exists'
        from   per_periods_of_placement pps
        where  p_system_person_type='OTHER'
        and    pps.person_id = p_person_id
        and    p_effective_start_date < nvl(pps.actual_termination_date,p_effective_start_date)
Line: 2088

select 'Y'
  into p_test_func
  from sys.dual
 where exists
        -- code change start  for bug 3957689
 select 'Previous Person type exists'
   from per_all_people_f ppf ,
        per_person_types ppt ,
        per_startup_person_types pst ,
        per_person_type_usages_f ptu
  where ppf.person_id = p_person_id
    and ppf.business_group_id +0= p_business_group_id
    and ppf.business_group_id +0= ppt.business_group_id +0
    and pst.system_person_type = p_system_person_type
    and ppt.system_person_type <> pst.system_person_type
    and ppf.person_id = ptu.person_id
    and ptu.person_type_id = ppt.person_type_id
/*  and p_effective_start_date between
         ptu.effective_start_date and ptu.effective_end_date --- fix for bug 6161469  */
 select 'Previous Person type exists'
   from per_periods_of_service pps
  where pps.person_id = p_person_id
    and p_effective_start_date > nvl(pps.actual_termination_date,
 select 'Previous Person type exists'
   from per_periods_of_placement ppp
  where ppp.person_id = p_person_id
     and p_effective_start_date > nvl(ppp.actual_termination_date,
					    p_effective_start_date)); --fix for bug 5961371.
Line: 2123

        select 'Previous Person type exists'
	from per_people_f ppf
	,per_person_types ppt
	,per_startup_person_types pst
	where  ppf.person_type_id = ppt.person_type_id
	and  ppf.person_id = p_person_id
	and  ppf.business_group_id +0= ppt.business_group_id +0
	and  ppf.business_group_id +0= p_business_group_id
	and  p_effective_start_date > ppf.effective_start_date
	and  ppt.system_person_type <> pst.system_person_type
	and  pst.system_person_type = p_system_person_type
        select 'Previous Person type exists'
        from per_periods_of_service pps
        where pps.person_id = p_person_id
        and p_effective_start_date > nvl(pps.actual_termination_date,
Line: 2190

  select 'Error : Primary address exists'
  into   v_dummy
  from   sys.dual
  where  exists (select 'address exists'
                   from   per_addresses pa
                   where  pa.person_id = p_person_id
                   and    pa.business_group_id  +0 = p_business_group_id
                   and   (pa.address_id <> p_address_id
                       or p_address_id is null)
                   and    pa.primary_flag = l_primary_flag
                   and   (p_date_from  between pa.date_from
                          and nvl(pa.date_to,p_end_of_time)
                       or nvl(p_date_to,p_end_of_time) between
                         pa.date_from and nvl(pa.date_to,p_end_of_time))