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Line 1: package body wip_flowResCharge as

1: package body wip_flowResCharge as
2: /* $Header: wipfsrcb.pls 120.6.12010000.2 2008/08/15 00:47:32 kboonyap ship $ */
4: procedure chargePhantomResource(p_txnTempID in number,
5: p_orgID in number,

Line 121: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_flowResCharge.chargeResourceAndOverhead',

117: l_params(1).paramName := 'p_txnTempID';
118: l_params(1).paramValue := p_txnTempID;
119: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success;
120: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
121: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_flowResCharge.chargeResourceAndOverhead',
122: p_params => l_params,
123: x_returnStatus => x_returnStatus);
124: if(x_returnStatus <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) then
125: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;

Line 165: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_flowResCharge.chargeResourceAndOverhead',

162: chargePhantomResource(p_txnTempID, l_orgID, l_effDate, false, x_returnStatus);
164: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
165: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_flowResCharge.chargeResourceAndOverhead',
166: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
167: p_msg => 'No routing, tried to charge phantom',
168: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard logging return status
169: end if;

Line 614: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_flowResCharge.chargeResourceAndOverhead',

610: -- now charge the phantom routing is applicable
611: chargePhantomResource(p_txnTempID, l_orgID, l_effDate, true, x_returnStatus);
613: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
614: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_flowResCharge.chargeResourceAndOverhead',
615: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
616: p_msg => 'Exit resource charge either successfully or failed in charging phantom!',
617: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus); --discard logging return status
618: end if;

Line 623: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_flowResCharge.chargeResourceAndOverhead',

619: exception
620: when others then
621: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
622: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
623: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_flowResCharge.chargeResourceAndOverhead',
624: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
625: p_msg => 'unexpected error: ' || SQLERRM,
626: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
627: end if;

Line 716: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_flowResCharge.chargePhantomResource',

712: else
713: l_params(3).paramValue := 'False';
714: end if;
715: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
716: wip_logger.entryPoint(p_procName => 'wip_flowResCharge.chargePhantomResource',
717: p_params => l_params,
718: x_returnStatus => x_returnStatus);
719: if(x_returnStatus <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success) then
720: raise fnd_api.g_exc_unexpected_error;

Line 776: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_flowResCharge.chargePhantomResource',

772: exception
773: when others then
774: x_returnStatus := fnd_api.g_ret_sts_unexp_error;
775: if (l_logLevel <= wip_constants.trace_logging) then
776: wip_logger.exitPoint(p_procName => 'wip_flowResCharge.chargePhantomResource',
777: p_procReturnStatus => x_returnStatus,
778: p_msg => 'unexpected error: ' || SQLERRM,
779: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
780: end if;

Line 783: end wip_flowResCharge;

779: x_returnStatus => l_returnStatus);
780: end if;
781: end chargePhantomResource;
783: end wip_flowResCharge;