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Line 43: from ghr_pa_requests par

39: pre.remark_id = p_remark_id and
40: nre.remark_id = pre.remark_id and
41: (nre.nature_of_action_id =
42: (select par.first_noa_id
43: from ghr_pa_requests par
44: where pa_request_id = p_pa_request_id
45: ) or
46: nre.nature_of_action_id =
47: (select par.second_noa_id

Line 48: from ghr_pa_requests par

44: where pa_request_id = p_pa_request_id
45: ) or
46: nre.nature_of_action_id =
47: (select par.second_noa_id
48: from ghr_pa_requests par
49: where pa_request_id = p_pa_request_id
50: )
51: )
52: and

Line 344: ghr_pa_requests par

340: Cursor C_remark_reqd1 is
341: select 1
342: from ghr_noac_remarks nre,
343: ghr_pa_remarks pre,
344: ghr_pa_requests par
345: where pre.pa_remark_id = p_pa_remark_id
346: and par.pa_request_id = pre.pa_request_id
347: and nre.remark_id = pre.remark_id
348: and nre.nature_of_action_id = par.first_noa_id

Line 363: ghr_pa_requests par

359: Cursor C_remark_reqd2 is
360: select 1
361: from ghr_noac_remarks nre,
362: ghr_pa_remarks pre,
363: ghr_pa_requests par
364: where pre.pa_remark_id = p_pa_remark_id
365: and par.pa_request_id = pre.pa_request_id
366: and nre.remark_id = pre.remark_id
367: and nre.nature_of_action_id = par.second_noa_id