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Line 472: mtl_supply ms,

468: ms.to_org_primary_quantity,
469: prl.need_by_date
470: from po_requisition_headers prh,
471: po_requisition_lines prl,
472: mtl_supply ms,
473: po_vendors pov,
474: po_vendor_sites pvs
475: where ms.to_organization_id = x_organization_id
476: and ms.supply_type_code = 'REQ'

Line 525: -- DEBUG. Pri A. verify that mtl_supply stores primary unit of measure

522: -- Calculate the purchasing quantity based on conversion rate
523: -- from primary to purchasing that was passed in.
525: -- DEBUG. Pri A. verify that mtl_supply stores primary unit of measure
526: -- rather than primary unit of measure code. The table has
527: -- length of 25.
529: -- DEBUG. Pri C. Why do we need a cursor her. He should be able to do

Line 641: vendor site. This will use better indexes on the PO_HEADERS and MTL_SUPPLY

637: /* Bug - 993145 - Added the need_by_date is NOT NULL condition in the
638: ** WHERE clause to avoid loading the NON Planned items. */
640: /* Bug 1769274 Added +0 to the poh.vendor_id to diable the index on vendor and
641: vendor site. This will use better indexes on the PO_HEADERS and MTL_SUPPLY
642: tables and hence will improve the performance.
643: */
644: /* Bug 4618577 fixed. Added format mask to to_date function */
645: /* Bug 5075549 fixed. Removed the to_date function to date columns */

Line 655: mtl_supply ms

651: ms.to_org_primary_quantity,
652: ms.to_org_primary_uom,
653: ms.need_by_date
654: from po_headers poh,
655: mtl_supply ms
656: where ms.to_organization_id = x_organization_id
657: and ms.supply_type_code in ('PO','SHIPMENT')
658: and ms.po_header_id = poh.po_header_id
659: and ms.item_id = x_item_id