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Line 6909: fnd_lookup_values fnd

6905: cap.annual_salary_cap / l_no_units_per_year / l_tp_no_of_work_days daily_cap_rate,
6906: funding_source_code,
6907: annual_salary_cap
6908: from psp_salary_cap_overrides cap,
6909: fnd_lookup_values fnd
6910: where cap.start_date < l_tp_end_date
6911: and cap.end_date > l_tp_start_date
6912: and cap.funding_source_code = fnd.lookup_code
6913: and fnd.lookup_type = 'PSP_SPONSOR_NAMES'

Line 6927: fnd_lookup_values fnd2

6923: cap2.annual_salary_cap / l_no_units_per_year / l_tp_no_of_work_days daily_cap_rate,
6924: funding_source_code,
6925: annual_salary_cap
6926: from psp_salary_caps cap2,
6927: fnd_lookup_values fnd2
6928: where cap2.start_date < l_tp_end_date
6929: and cap2.end_date > l_tp_start_date
6930: and fnd2.enabled_flag = 'Y'
6931: and l_tp_start_date between fnd2.start_date_active and nvl(fnd2.end_date_active, fnd_date.canonical_to_date('4000/01/31'))

Line 6972: from fnd_lookup_values

6968: and p_funding_source_code = funding_source_code;
6970: cursor get_funding_source_codes(p_tp_start_date date) is
6971: select distinct lookup_code
6972: from fnd_lookup_values
6973: where lookup_type = 'PSP_SPONSOR_NAMES'
6974: and language = userenv('LANG')
6975: and enabled_flag = 'Y'
6976: and p_tp_start_date between start_date_active and nvl(end_date_active, fnd_date.canonical_to_date('4000/01/31'));

Line 8486: from fnd_lookup_values

8482: and ptp.time_period_id = ppc.time_period_id;
8484: cursor get_sponsor_codes(p_begin_date date) is
8485: select distinct lookup_code, meaning
8486: from fnd_lookup_values
8487: where lookup_type = 'PSP_SPONSOR_NAMES'
8488: and language = 'US'
8489: and p_begin_date between start_date_active and nvl(end_date_active, fnd_date.canonical_to_date('4000/01/31'))
8490: and enabled_flag = 'Y';