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1 PACKAGE CS_Service_Billing_Engine_PVT as
2 /*$Header: csxvsbes.pls 120.1 2005/08/18 16:48:57 mviswana noship $*/
4 -- Service Billing Engine Record Type
6   (incident_id                  NUMBER,
7    business_process_id          NUMBER,
8    transaction_type_id          NUMBER,
9    txn_billing_type_id          NUMBER,
10    line_category_code           VARCHAR2(6),
11    contract_id                  NUMBER,
12    contract_line_id             NUMBER,
13    price_list_id                NUMBER,
14    currency_code                VARCHAR2(15),
15    service_date                 DATE,
16    labor_start_date_time        DATE,
17    labor_end_date_time          DATE,
18    inventory_item_id            NUMBER,
19    serial_number                VARCHAR2(50),
20    item_revision                VARCHAR2(3),
21    unit_of_measure_code         VARCHAR2(3),
22    quantity                     NUMBER,
23    after_warranty_cost          NUMBER,
24    return_reason_code           VARCHAR2(30),
25    installed_cp_return_by_date  DATE,
26    customer_product_id          NUMBER,
27    transaction_inventory_org_id NUMBER,
28    transaction_sub_inventory    VARCHAR2(10),
29    original_source_id           NUMBER,
30    original_source_code         VARCHAR2(10),
31    source_id                    NUMBER,
32    source_code                  VARCHAR2(10)
33   );
35 G_MISS_SBE_REC  SBE_Rec_Type;
38 -- Get the inventory item's primary unit of measurement.
39 Procedure Get_Primary_UOM(
40    p_inventory_item_id      IN NUMBER,
41    x_unit_of_measure_code   OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
42   );
45 -------------------------------------------------------------------------
46 -- Procedure: create_charges
47 -- Purpose  : This create_charges api can only be evoked from:
48 --            - Service Debrief
49 --              Generate either in progress charges or final charges for a service debrief line.
50 --              Service Debrief should pass in debrief_line_id, p_commit set to false, and p_final_charge_flag
51 --              set to TRUE or FALSE based on the task assignment status.
52 --              p_commit set to FALSE is because SD can roll back all changes in case of failure occurs
53 --              so it can roll back.
54 --
55 --              p_api_version_number: Standard Version of API : Required
56 --              p_init_msg_list: Optional
57 --              p_commit: Indicates whether API should commit : Optional
58 --              p_sbe_record: record type parameter
59 --              p_final_charge_flag: indicating either 'in progress' charges or 'actual' charges will be generated.
60 --              x_return_status: Return Status of API : Required OUT Param
61 --                               Status in 'S','U','E'.
62 --                               'S' is Success
63 --                               'U' is Unexpected Error
64 --                               'E' is Expected Error
65 --              x_msg_count: Number  OUT Param
66 --              x_msg_data: Varchar2(2000) OUT Param : Contains the msg_data generated by API
68 PROCEDURE Create_Charges(
69    P_Api_Version_Number    IN NUMBER,
70    P_Init_Msg_List         IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
71    P_Commit                IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
72    p_sbe_record            IN SBE_Rec_Type,
73    p_final_charge_flag     IN VARCHAR2,
74    x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
75    x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
76    x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
77    );
79 PROCEDURE Delete_In_Progress_Charges(
80    P_Api_Version_Number    IN NUMBER,
81    P_Init_Msg_List         IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
82    P_Commit                IN VARCHAR2 := FND_API.G_FALSE,
83    p_incident_id           IN NUMBER,
84    p_debrief_header_id     IN NUMBER := NULL,
85    p_debrief_line_id       IN NUMBER := NULL,
86    x_return_status         OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
87    x_msg_count             OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
88    x_msg_data              OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
89    );
91 END CS_Service_Billing_Engine_PVT;