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1 PACKAGE BODY igs_ps_gen_008 AS
2 /* $Header: IGSPS08B.pls 120.7 2006/01/31 02:33:55 sommukhe ship $ */
3   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
4   --Change History:
5   -- Who         When            What
6   --ijeddy     Dec 3, 2003        Grade Book Enh build, bug no 3201661
7   -- ijeddy    03-nov-2003    Bug# 3181938; Modified this object as per Summary Measurement Of Attainment TD.
8   --sarakshi   09-sep-2003       Enh#3052452,removed the local function crspl_ins_sub_unit_rel and its call
9   --vvutukur   05-Aug-2003       Enh#3045069.PSP Enh Build. Modified crspl_ins_unit_off_opt,CRSP_INS_UOP_UOO.
10   --vvutukur   24-May-2003       Enh#2831572.Financial Accounting Build. Modified procedure crsp_ins_unit_ver.
11         --
12         -- nalkumar    19-May-2003     Bug# 2829291; Modified the call of IGS_AS_UNITASS_ITEM_PKG.INSERT_ROW;
13         --                             Modifications are as per 'Assessment Item Description' FD;
14         --
15   -- sarakshi    18-Apr-2003     Bug#2910695,modified procedure crspl_ins_unit_off_opt and CRSP_INS_UOP_UOO
16   -- sarakshi    05-Mar-2003     Bug#2768783, modified procedure crsp_ins_uop_uoo and crspl_ins_unit_off_opt,
17   --                             removed local function check_call_number
18   -- shtatiko    06-NOV-2002     Added auditable_ind and audit_permission_ind parameters to
19   --                             insert_row calls of igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_pkg as part of
20   --                             bug# 2636716, EN Integration.
21   -- jbegum      11-Sep-2002     As part of bug#2563596
22   --                             1) The logic of FUNCTION CRSP_INS_UOP_UOO has been modified.
23   --                             2) The PROCEDURE  handle_excp has been modified.
24   --                             3) The exception handling of FUNCTION CRSP_INS_UOP_UOO has been modified
25   -- sarakshi     5-Jun-2002      bug#2332807, changes are mentioned in detail in the code, procedure crsp_ins_uop_uoo.
26   -- prraj       14-Feb-2002     Added column NON_STD_USEC_IND to tbh calls for
27   --                             pkg IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_OPT_PKG (Bug# 2224366)
28   -- ayedubat    30-JAN-2002     Changed the crsp_ins_unit_ver procedure to add the HESA functionality
29   --                             as per the HESA Integration DLD ( Bug # 2201753)
30   -- ddey        01-FEB-2002     Added columns anon_unit_grading_ind  and anon_assess_grading_ind in the calls
31   --                             for the package IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_OPT_PKG
32   -- smadathi    28-AUG-2001     Bug No. 1956374 .The call to igs_ps_val_uoo.genp_val_staff_prsn
33   --                             is changed to igs_ad_val_acai.genp_val_staff_prsn
34   -- nalkumar  02-Jan-2002       Modified the crspl_ins_unit_assmnt_item procedure as per the
35   --                             Calculation of Results Part-1 DLD. Bug# 2162831
36   -- ayedubat    14-Jan-2003     Removed the cursor, cur_uv_obj_exist which checks for the HESA Package existence
37   --                             Also removed the execute immediate and calling the package directly for bug, 3305858
38   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
40         x_rowid                 VARCHAR2(25);
42 PROCEDURE crsp_ins_unit_set(
43   p_old_unit_set_cd IN VARCHAR2 ,
44   p_old_version_number IN NUMBER ,
45   p_new_unit_set_cd IN VARCHAR2 ,
46   p_new_version_number IN NUMBER ,
47   p_message_name OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2 )
48 AS
49         cst_upper_limit_err             NUMBER;
50         cst_lower_limit_err             NUMBER;
51         gv_err_msg_proc_part1           VARCHAR2(255);
52         gv_err_msg_proc_part2           VARCHAR2(255);
53         gv_err_msg_proc1                VARCHAR2(60);
54         gv_err_msg_proc2                VARCHAR2(60);
55         gv_err_msg_proc3                VARCHAR2(60);
56         gv_err_msg_proc4                VARCHAR2(60);
57         gv_err_msg_proc5                VARCHAR2(60);
58         gv_err_msg_proc6                VARCHAR2(60);
59         gv_unit_version_exist           VARCHAR2(1);
62 BEGIN   -- crsp_ins_unit_set
63         -- This module is the procedure responsible for transferring all of
64         -- the details for a nominated IGS_PS_UNIT set over into another IGS_PS_UNIT set
65         -- The logic consists of getting the records from the appropriate
66         -- record types, which are children of the "old" IGS_EN_UNIT_SET and making
67         -- duplicates of them under the "new" IGS_EN_UNIT_SET. Prior to the routine
68         -- being called a new version of the IGS_EN_UNIT_SET record will have been created
70        -- Assigning initial values to local variables which were being initialised using DEFAULT
71        -- clause.Done as part of bug #2563596 to remove GSCC warning.
72        cst_upper_limit_err := -20000;
73        cst_lower_limit_err := -20999;
76         v_message_name          varchar2(30);
77 --------------SUB-PROCEDURE 1---------------
78         FUNCTION crspl_ins_duplicate_note (
79                 p_existing_ref_number           IGS_GE_NOTE.reference_number%TYPE,
80                 p_new_ref_number        OUT NOCOPY      IGS_GE_NOTE.reference_number%TYPE )
82         AS
83         BEGIN
84         DECLARE
85                 CURSOR c_note_seq IS
86                         SELECT IGS_GE_NOTE_RF_NUM_S.nextval
87                         FROM dual;
88                 CURSOR c_note IS
89                         SELECT  IGS_GE_NOTE.s_note_format_type,
90                                 IGS_GE_NOTE.note_text
91                         FROM    IGS_GE_NOTE IGS_GE_NOTE
92                         WHERE   IGS_GE_NOTE.reference_number = p_existing_ref_number;
93                 v_note_rec              c_note%ROWTYPE;
94                 v_note_seq              IGS_GE_NOTE.reference_number%TYPE;
96         BEGIN
97                 -- get next val of reference_number of IGS_GE_NOTE
98                 OPEN c_note_seq;
99                 FETCH c_note_seq INTO v_note_seq;
100                 CLOSE c_note_seq;
101                 --- Get related IGS_GE_NOTE and insert under new reference number
102                 OPEN c_note;
103                 FETCH c_note INTO v_note_rec;
104                 IF c_note%FOUND THEN
105                         x_rowid :=      NULL;
106                         IGS_GE_NOTE_PKG.Insert_Row(
107                                                 X_ROWID               =>        x_rowid,
108                                                 X_REFERENCE_NUMBER    =>        v_note_seq,
109                                                 X_S_NOTE_FORMAT_TYPE  =>        v_note_rec.s_note_format_type,
110                                                 X_NOTE_TEXT           =>        v_note_rec.note_text,
111                                                 X_MODE                =>        'R');
113                                         p_new_ref_number := v_note_seq;
114                         CLOSE c_note;
115                         RETURN TRUE;
116                 END IF;
117                 CLOSE c_note;
118                 RETURN FALSE;
119         EXCEPTION
120                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
121                         IF c_note%ISOPEN THEN
122                                 CLOSE c_note;
123                         END IF;
124                         IF c_note_seq%ISOPEN THEN
125                                 CLOSE c_note_seq;
126                         END IF;
127                         App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
128         END;
129         EXCEPTION
130                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
131                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
132                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
133                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_UNIT_SET';
134                         ELSE
135                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
136                         END IF;
137         END crspl_ins_duplicate_note;
138 --------------SUB-PROCEDURE 2--------------------
139         PROCEDURE crspl_unit_set_note
140         AS
141         BEGIN
142         DECLARE
143                 v_new_reference_number  IGS_GE_NOTE.reference_number%TYPE;
144                 v_new_ref_number        IGS_GE_NOTE.reference_number%TYPE;
145                 v_new_ref_no            IGS_GE_NOTE.reference_number%TYPE;
146                 -- The following cursor excludes notes records with NULL
147                 -- values in the note_text field as this implies that it
148                 -- contains data in the note_ole field which cannot be
149                 -- copied with the current product limitations.
150                 -- i.e. must be copied manually
151                 CURSOR c_usn IS
152                         SELECT  usn.reference_number,
153                                 usn.crs_note_type
154                         FROM    IGS_EN_UNIT_SET_NOTE usn
155                         WHERE   usn.unit_set_cd         = p_old_unit_set_cd     AND
156                                 usn.version_number      = p_old_version_number  AND
157                                 EXISTS (
158                                          SELECT 'x'
159                                          FROM   IGS_GE_NOTE nte
160                                          WHERE  nte.reference_number =
161                                                         usn.reference_number AND
162                                                 nte.note_text IS NOT NULL);
164         BEGIN
165                 FOR v_usn_rec IN c_usn LOOP
166                         IF crspl_ins_duplicate_note(
167                                         v_usn_rec.reference_number,
168                                         v_new_ref_number) = TRUE THEN
169                                 v_new_ref_no := v_new_ref_number;
170                         END IF;
171                         BEGIN
172                                 x_rowid :=      NULL;
173                                 IGS_EN_UNIT_SET_NOTE_PKG.Insert_Row(
174                                                  X_ROWID              =>        x_rowid,
175                                                  X_UNIT_SET_CD        =>        p_new_unit_set_cd,
176                                                  X_VERSION_NUMBER     =>        p_new_version_number,
177                                                  X_REFERENCE_NUMBER   =>        v_new_ref_no,
178                                                  X_CRS_NOTE_TYPE      =>        v_usn_rec.crs_note_type,
179                                                  X_MODE               =>        'R');
181                         EXCEPTION
182                                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
183                                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
184                                                 SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
185                                                         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_UNIT_SET';
186                                         ELSE
187                                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
188                                         END IF;
189                         END;
190                 END LOOP;
191         EXCEPTION
192                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
193                         IF (c_usn%ISOPEN) THEN
194                                 CLOSE c_usn;
195                         END IF;
196                         App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
197         END;
198         EXCEPTION
199                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
200                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
201                                 SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
202                                         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_UNIT_SET';
203                         ELSE
204                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
205                         END IF;
206         END crspl_unit_set_note;
207 ------------SUB-PROCEDURE 3-----------------------
208         PROCEDURE crspl_unit_set_crs_type
209         AS
210         BEGIN
211         DECLARE
212                 CURSOR c_usct IS
213                         SELECT  usct.course_type
214                         FROM    IGS_EN_UNITSETPSTYPE usct
215                         WHERE   usct.unit_set_cd        = p_old_unit_set_cd AND
216                                 usct.version_number     = p_old_version_number;
217         BEGIN
218                 FOR v_usct_rec IN c_usct LOOP
219                         BEGIN
220                                 x_rowid :=      NULL;
221                                 IGS_EN_UNITSETPSTYPE_PKG.Insert_Row(
222                                                         X_ROWID            =>   x_rowid,
223                                                         X_UNIT_SET_CD      =>   p_new_unit_set_cd,
224                                                         X_VERSION_NUMBER   =>   p_new_version_number,
225                                                         X_COURSE_TYPE      =>   v_usct_rec.course_type,
226                                                         X_MODE             =>   'R');
228                         EXCEPTION
229                                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
230                                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
231                                                 SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
232                                                         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_UNIT_SET';
233                                         ELSE
234                                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
235                                         END IF;
236                         END;
237                 END LOOP;
238         EXCEPTION
239                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
240                         IF (c_usct%ISOPEN) THEN
241                                 CLOSE c_usct;
242                         END IF;
243                         App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
244         END;
245         EXCEPTION
246                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
247                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
248                                 SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
249                                         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_UNIT_SET';
250                         ELSE
251                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
252                         END IF;
253         END crspl_unit_set_crs_type;
254 -----------------SUB-PROCEDURE 4-----------------
255         PROCEDURE crspl_crs_off_unit_set
256         AS
257         BEGIN
258         DECLARE
259                 CURSOR c_cous IS
260                         SELECT  cous.course_cd,
261                                 cous.crv_version_number,
262                                 cous.cal_type,
263                                 cous.override_title,
264                                 cous.only_as_sub_ind,
265                                 cous.show_on_official_ntfctn_ind
266                         FROM    IGS_PS_OFR_UNIT_SET cous
267                         WHERE   cous.unit_set_cd        = p_old_unit_set_cd AND
268                                 cous.us_version_number  = p_old_version_number;
269                 CURSOR c_cousr_sup (
270                                 cp_cous_course_cd       IGS_PS_OFR_UNIT_SET.course_cd%TYPE,
271                                 cp_cous_cal_type        IGS_PS_OFR_UNIT_SET.cal_type%TYPE,
272                                 cp_cous_crv_ver_num     IGS_PS_OFR_UNIT_SET.crv_version_number%TYPE) IS
273                         SELECT  cousr.course_cd,
274                                 cousr.crv_version_number,
275                                 cousr.cal_type,
276                                 cousr.sub_unit_set_cd,
277                                 cousr.sub_us_version_number
278                         FROM    IGS_PS_OF_UNT_SET_RL cousr
279                         WHERE   cousr.sup_unit_set_cd           = p_old_unit_set_cd AND
280                                 cousr.sup_us_version_number     = p_old_version_number AND
281                                 cousr.course_cd                 = cp_cous_course_cd AND
282                                 cousr.cal_type                  = cp_cous_cal_type AND
283                                 cousr.crv_version_number        = cp_cous_crv_ver_num;
284                 CURSOR c_cousr_sub (
285                                 cp_cous_course_cd       IGS_PS_OFR_UNIT_SET.course_cd%TYPE,
286                                 cp_cous_cal_type        IGS_PS_OFR_UNIT_SET.cal_type%TYPE,
287                                 cp_cous_crv_ver_num     IGS_PS_OFR_UNIT_SET.crv_version_number%TYPE) IS
288                         SELECT  cousr.course_cd,
289                                 cousr.crv_version_number,
290                                 cousr.cal_type,
291                                 cousr.sup_unit_set_cd,
292                                 cousr.sup_us_version_number
293                         FROM    IGS_PS_OF_UNT_SET_RL cousr
294                         WHERE   cousr.sub_unit_set_cd           = p_old_unit_set_cd AND
295                                 cousr.sub_us_version_number     = p_old_version_number AND
296                                 cousr.course_cd                 = cp_cous_course_cd AND
297                                 cousr.cal_type                  = cp_cous_cal_type AND
298                                 cousr.crv_version_number        = cp_cous_crv_ver_num;
299                 CURSOR c_coous (
300                                 cp_cous_course_cd       IGS_PS_OFR_UNIT_SET.course_cd%TYPE,
301                                 cp_cous_version_number  IGS_PS_OFR_UNIT_SET.crv_version_number%TYPE,
302                                 cp_cous_cal_type        IGS_PS_OFR_UNIT_SET.cal_type%TYPE) IS
303                         SELECT  coous.course_cd,
304                                 coous.crv_version_number,
305                                 coous.cal_type,
306                                 coous.location_cd,
307                                 coous.attendance_mode,
308                                 coous.attendance_type,
309                                 coous.coo_id
310                         FROM    IGS_PS_OF_OPT_UNT_ST coous
311                         WHERE   coous.unit_set_cd        = p_old_unit_set_cd AND
312                 coous.us_version_number  = p_old_version_number AND
313                                 coous.course_cd              = cp_cous_course_cd AND
314                 coous.crv_version_number = cp_cous_version_number AND
315                                 coous.cal_type           = cp_cous_cal_type;
317         BEGIN
318                 FOR v_cous_rec IN c_cous LOOP
319                         BEGIN
320                                 x_rowid :=      NULL;
321                                 IGS_PS_OFR_UNIT_SET_PKG.Insert_Row(
322                                                         X_ROWID                        =>   x_rowid,
323                                                         X_COURSE_CD                    =>       v_cous_rec.course_cd,
324                                                         X_CRV_VERSION_NUMBER           =>       v_cous_rec.crv_version_number,
325                                                         X_CAL_TYPE                     =>       v_cous_rec.cal_type,
326                                                         X_UNIT_SET_CD                  =>       p_new_unit_set_cd,
327                                                         X_US_VERSION_NUMBER            =>       p_new_version_number,
328                                                         X_OVERRIDE_TITLE               =>       v_cous_rec.override_title,
329                                                         X_ONLY_AS_SUB_IND              =>       v_cous_rec.only_as_sub_ind,
330                                                         X_SHOW_ON_OFFICIAL_NTFCTN_IND  =>       v_cous_rec.show_on_official_ntfctn_ind,
331                                                         X_MODE                         =>       'R');
333                                 FOR v_cousr_sub_rec IN c_cousr_sub (
334                                                         v_cous_rec.course_cd,
335                                                         v_cous_rec.cal_type,
336                                                         v_cous_rec.crv_version_number) LOOP
337                                         x_rowid :=      NULL;
338                                         IGS_PS_OF_UNT_SET_RL_PKG.Insert_Row(
339                                                                 X_ROWID                    =>           x_rowid,
340                                                                 X_COURSE_CD                =>           v_cousr_sub_rec.course_cd,
341                                                                 X_CRV_VERSION_NUMBER       =>           v_cousr_sub_rec.crv_version_number,
342                                                                 X_SUP_US_VERSION_NUMBER    =>           v_cousr_sub_rec.sup_us_version_number,
343                                                                 X_SUB_UNIT_SET_CD          =>           p_new_unit_set_cd,
344                                                                 X_SUP_UNIT_SET_CD          =>           v_cousr_sub_rec.sup_unit_set_cd,
345                                                                 X_CAL_TYPE                 =>           v_cousr_sub_rec.cal_type,
346                                                                 X_SUB_US_VERSION_NUMBER    =>           p_new_version_number,
347                                                                 X_MODE                     =>           'R');
350                                 END LOOP; -- cousr
351                                 FOR v_cousr_sup_rec IN c_cousr_sup (
352                                                         v_cous_rec.course_cd,
353                                                         v_cous_rec.cal_type,
354                                                         v_cous_rec.crv_version_number) LOOP
355                                                 x_rowid :=      NULL;
356                                                 IGS_PS_OF_UNT_SET_RL_PKG.Insert_Row(
357                                                                         X_ROWID                        =>       x_rowid,
358                                                                         X_COURSE_CD                    =>       v_cousr_sup_rec.course_cd,
359                                                                         X_CRV_VERSION_NUMBER           =>       v_cousr_sup_rec.crv_version_number,
360                                                                         X_SUP_US_VERSION_NUMBER        =>       p_new_version_number,
361                                                                         X_SUB_UNIT_SET_CD              =>       v_cousr_sup_rec.sub_unit_set_cd,
362                                                                         X_SUP_UNIT_SET_CD              =>       p_new_unit_set_cd,
363                                                                         X_CAL_TYPE                     =>       v_cousr_sup_rec.cal_type,
364                                                                         X_SUB_US_VERSION_NUMBER        =>       v_cousr_sup_rec.sub_us_version_number,
365                                                                         X_MODE                         =>       'R');
367                                 END LOOP; -- cousr
368                                 FOR v_coous_rec IN c_coous (
369                                                 v_cous_rec.course_cd,
370                                                 v_cous_rec.crv_version_number,
371                                                 v_cous_rec.cal_type) LOOP
372                                                 x_rowid :=      NULL;
373                                                 IGS_PS_OF_OPT_UNT_ST_PKG.Insert_Row(
374                                                                         X_ROWID                        =>       x_rowid,
375                                                                         X_COURSE_CD                    =>       v_coous_rec.course_cd,
376                                                                         X_LOCATION_CD                  =>       v_coous_rec.location_cd,
377                                                                         X_ATTENDANCE_MODE              =>       v_coous_rec.attendance_mode,
378                                                                         X_CAL_TYPE                     =>       v_coous_rec.cal_type,
379                                                                         X_CRV_VERSION_NUMBER           =>       v_coous_rec.crv_version_number,
380                                                                         X_ATTENDANCE_TYPE              =>       v_coous_rec.attendance_type,
381                                                                         X_US_VERSION_NUMBER            =>       p_new_version_number,
382                                                                         X_UNIT_SET_CD                  =>       p_new_unit_set_cd,
383                                                                         X_COO_ID                       =>       v_coous_rec.coo_id,
384                                                                         X_MODE                         =>       'R');
386                                 END LOOP; -- coous
387                 EXCEPTION
388                         WHEN OTHERS THEN
389                                 IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
390                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
391                                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_UNIT_SET';
392                                 ELSE
393                                         App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
394                                 END IF;
395                 END;
396         END LOOP; --cous
397         EXCEPTION
399                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
400                         IF (c_cous%ISOPEN) THEN
401                                 CLOSE c_cous;
402                         END IF;
403                         IF (c_cousr_sup%ISOPEN) THEN
404                                 CLOSE c_cousr_sup;
405                         END IF;
406                         IF (c_cousr_sub%ISOPEN) THEN
407                                 CLOSE c_cousr_sub;
408                         END IF;
409                         IF (c_coous%ISOPEN) THEN
410                                 CLOSE c_cousr_sup;
411                         END IF;
412                         App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
413         END;
414         EXCEPTION
415                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
416                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
417                                 SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
418                                         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_UNIT_SET';
419                         ELSE
420                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
421                         END IF;
422         END crspl_crs_off_unit_set;
423 -----------------SUB-PROCEDURE 5-------------------------
424         PROCEDURE crspl_unit_set_rule
425         AS
426         BEGIN
427         DECLARE
428                 v_new_rul_seq_number NUMBER;
429                 CURSOR c_usr IS
430                         SELECT  usr.s_rule_call_cd,
431                                 usr.rul_sequence_number
432                         FROM    IGS_EN_UNIT_SET_RULE usr
433                         WHERE   usr.unit_set_cd         = p_old_unit_set_cd AND
434                                 usr.version_number      = p_old_version_number;
435         BEGIN
436                 FOR v_usr_rec IN c_usr LOOP
437                         BEGIN
438                                 v_new_rul_seq_number := IGS_RU_GEN_003.rulp_ins_copy_rule(
439                                                                 v_usr_rec.s_rule_call_cd,
440                                                                 v_usr_rec.rul_sequence_number);
441                                 x_rowid :=      NULL;
442                                 IGS_EN_UNIT_SET_RULE_PKG.Insert_Row(
443                                                         X_ROWID                  =>             x_rowid,
444                                                         X_UNIT_SET_CD            =>             p_new_unit_set_cd,
445                                                         X_VERSION_NUMBER         =>             p_new_version_number,
446                                                         X_S_RULE_CALL_CD         =>             v_usr_rec.s_rule_call_cd,
447                                                         X_RUL_SEQUENCE_NUMBER    =>             v_new_rul_seq_number,
448                                                         X_MODE                   =>             'R');
450                         EXCEPTION
451                                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
452                                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
453                                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
454                                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_UNIT_SET';
455                                         ELSE
456                                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
457                                         END IF;
458                         END;
459                 END LOOP;
460         EXCEPTION
461                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
462                         IF (c_usr%ISOPEN) THEN
463                                 CLOSE c_usr;
464                         END IF;
465                         App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
466         END;
467         EXCEPTION
468                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
469                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
470                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
471                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_UNIT_SET';
472                         ELSE
473                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
474                         END IF;
475         END crspl_unit_set_rule;
476 ----------------SUB-PROCEDURE 6---------------------
477         PROCEDURE crspl_coo_adm_cat_unit_set
478         AS
479         BEGIN
480         DECLARE
481                 CURSOR c_cacus IS
482                         SELECT  cacus.course_cd,
483                                 cacus.crv_version_number,
484                                 cacus.cal_type,
485                                 cacus.location_cd,
486                                 cacus.attendance_mode,
487                                 cacus.attendance_type,
488                                 cacus.admission_cat
489                         FROM    IGS_PS_COO_AD_UNIT_S cacus
490                         WHERE   cacus.unit_set_cd       = p_old_unit_set_cd AND
491                                 cacus.us_version_number = p_old_version_number;
493         BEGIN
494                 FOR v_cacus_rec IN c_cacus LOOP
495                         BEGIN
496                                 x_rowid :=      NULL;
497                                 IGS_PS_COO_AD_UNIT_S_PKG.Insert_Row(
498                                                         X_ROWID                =>       x_rowid,
499                                                         X_COURSE_CD            =>       v_cacus_rec.course_cd,
500                                                         X_CRV_VERSION_NUMBER   =>       v_cacus_rec.crv_version_number,
501                                                         X_CAL_TYPE             =>       v_cacus_rec.cal_type,
502                                                         X_LOCATION_CD          =>       v_cacus_rec.location_cd,
503                                                         X_ATTENDANCE_MODE      =>       v_cacus_rec.attendance_mode,
504                                                         X_ATTENDANCE_TYPE      =>       v_cacus_rec.attendance_type,
505                                                         X_ADMISSION_CAT        =>       v_cacus_rec.admission_cat,
506                                                         X_UNIT_SET_CD          =>       p_new_unit_set_cd,
507                                                         X_US_VERSION_NUMBER    =>       p_new_version_number,
508                                                         X_MODE                 =>       'R');
510                         EXCEPTION
511                                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
512                                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
513                                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
514                                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_UNIT_SET';
515                                         ELSE
516                                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
517                                         END IF;
518                         END;
519                 END LOOP;
520         EXCEPTION
521                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
522                         IF (c_cacus%ISOPEN) THEN
523                                 CLOSE c_cacus;
524                         END IF;
525                         App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
526         END;
527         EXCEPTION
528                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
529                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
530                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
531                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_UNIT_SET';
532                         ELSE
533                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
534                         END IF;
535         END crspl_coo_adm_cat_unit_set;
536 ----------------- MAIN-------------------------
538         -- initialise msg_no to default indicating that insert was
539         -- successful
540         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_SUCCESS_COPY_UNIT_SET';
541         -- 1. Validate new IGS_EN_UNIT_SET exists using
542         --    IGS_EN_VAL_PUSE.crsp_val_us_exists and
543         --    the 'new' parameters passed in.
544         -- As part of the bug# 1956374 changed to the below call from  IGS_PS_VAL_US.crsp_val_us_exists
545         IF IGS_EN_VAL_PUSE.crsp_val_us_exists(
546                                         p_new_unit_set_cd,
547                                         p_new_version_number,
548                                         v_message_name) = FALSE THEN
549                 p_message_name := 'IGS_GE_VAL_DOES_NOT_XS';
550                 RETURN;
551         END IF;
552         -- 2. Validate old IGS_EN_UNIT_SET exists using
553         --    IGS_EN_VAL_PUSE.crsp_val_us_exists and
554         --    the 'old' parameters passed in.
555         -- As part of the bug# 1956374 changed to the below call from  IGS_PS_VAL_US.crsp_val_us_exists
556         IF IGS_EN_VAL_PUSE.crsp_val_us_exists(
557                                         p_old_unit_set_cd,
558                                         p_old_version_number,
559                                         v_message_name) = FALSE THEN
560                 p_message_name := 'IGS_GE_VAL_DOES_NOT_XS';
561                 RETURN;
562         END IF;
563         -- 3. For each of the subordinate tables find records using the
564         --    unit_set_cd and version_number as for the values of the
565         --    'old' parameters passed in and insert records,
566         --    substituting values for unit_set_cd and version_number
567         --    with the values of the 'new' parameters passed in.
568         -- IGS_GE_NOTE : An exception handler is raised when an error number is
569         --        found to be in the range -20000 to -20999 (which
570         --        indicates that the exception is user defined
571         --        one of the validation routines within the system).
572         --        If not within this range, it will be raised by
573         --        standard exception handling.
574         -- Check if the IGS_EN_UNIT_SET_NOTE record exists for the old IGS_PS_UNIT
575         -- code and version number.  If so, create the new record
576         -- with the substituted values.
577         crspl_unit_set_note;
578         --- Check if the IGS_EN_UNITSETPSTYPE record exists for
579         --  the old IGS_PS_UNIT code and version number.  If so, create
580         --  the new record with the substituted values.
581         crspl_unit_set_crs_type;
582         -- Check if the IGS_PS_OFR_UNIT_SET record exists
583         --  for the old IGS_PS_UNIT code and version number.  If so,
584         -- create the new record with the substituted values.
585         -- Create new records for child records of cous
586         -- i.e. cousr and coous
587         crspl_crs_off_unit_set;
588         --- Check if the IGS_EN_UNIT_SET_RULE record exists for the old IGS_PS_UNIT code and
589         --- version number.  If so, create the new record with the substituted values.
590         crspl_unit_set_rule;
591         --- Check if the  record exists for the old IGS_PS_UNIT code and
592         --- version number.  If so, create the new record with the substituted values.
593         crspl_coo_adm_cat_unit_set;
594 END;
596         WHEN OTHERS THEN
597                 Fnd_Message.Set_Name('IGS', 'IGS_GE_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION');
598                 Fnd_Message.Set_Token('NAME','IGS_PS_GEN_008.crsp_ins_unit_set');
599                 IGS_GE_MSG_STACK.ADD;
600                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
601 END crsp_ins_unit_set;
603 FUNCTION get_section_status (p_c_src_usec_status igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_all.unit_section_status%TYPE
604                             ) RETURN VARCHAR2 AS
605 /*************************************************************
606      Created By : sarakshi
607      Date Created By :14-Oct-2004
608      Purpose :To get the destination unit section status
609      Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
610      Change History
611      Who             When            What
613      (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
614 ***************************************************************/
615   l_c_usec_status igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_all.unit_section_status%TYPE;
617   IF p_c_src_usec_status  = 'OPEN' THEN
618     l_c_usec_status := 'OPEN';
619   ELSIF p_c_src_usec_status  = 'PLANNED' THEN
620     l_c_usec_status := 'PLANNED';
621   ELSIF p_c_src_usec_status  = 'CANCELLED' THEN
622     l_c_usec_status := 'CANCELLED';
623   ELSIF p_c_src_usec_status  = 'NOT_OFFERED' THEN
624     l_c_usec_status := 'NOT_OFFERED';
625   ELSIF p_c_src_usec_status  = 'CLOSED' THEN
626     l_c_usec_status := 'OPEN';
627   ELSIF p_c_src_usec_status  = 'FULLWAITOK' THEN
628     l_c_usec_status := 'OPEN';
629   ELSIF p_c_src_usec_status  = 'HOLD' THEN
630     l_c_usec_status := 'OPEN';
631   END IF;
633   RETURN l_c_usec_status;
635 END get_section_status;
638 --Private procedure for updating the sup_uo_id and relation_type value of IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_OPT_ALL
639 PROCEDURE update_usec_record (p_uoo_id        igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.uoo_id%TYPE,
640             p_relation_type igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.relation_type%TYPE,
641             p_sup_uoo_id    igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.sup_uoo_id%TYPE,
642 	    p_default_enroll_flag igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.default_enroll_flag%TYPE) IS
643  /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
644   ||  Created By :sarakshi
645   ||  Created On :17-oct-2003
646   ||  Purpose :For updating the sup_uo_id and relation_type value of IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_OPT_ALL from multiple places in this package
647   ||  Known limitations, enhancements or remarks :
648   ||  Change History :
649   ||  Who             When            What
650   ||  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
651   ||  sarakshi   17-Nov-2005  Bug#4726940,changed the signature by adding p_default_enroll_flag
652   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
654   CURSOR cur_usec(cp_uoo_id   igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.uoo_id%TYPE) IS
655   SELECT *
656   FROM   igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt
657   WHERE  uoo_id=cp_uoo_id;
658   l_cur_usec  cur_usec%ROWTYPE;
661   OPEN cur_usec(p_uoo_id);
662   FETCH cur_usec INTO l_cur_usec;
663   CLOSE cur_usec;
665   igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_pkg.update_row(  x_rowid                       =>l_cur_usec.row_id,
666                x_unit_cd                     =>l_cur_usec.unit_cd,
667                x_version_number              =>l_cur_usec.version_number,
668                x_cal_type                    =>l_cur_usec.cal_type,
669                x_ci_sequence_number          =>l_cur_usec.ci_sequence_number,
670                x_location_cd                 =>l_cur_usec.location_cd,
671                x_unit_class                  =>l_cur_usec.unit_class,
672                x_uoo_id                      =>l_cur_usec.uoo_id,
673                x_ivrs_available_ind          =>l_cur_usec.ivrs_available_ind,
674                x_call_number                 =>l_cur_usec.call_number,
675                x_unit_section_status         =>l_cur_usec.unit_section_status,
676                x_unit_section_start_date     =>l_cur_usec.unit_section_start_date,
677                x_unit_section_end_date       =>l_cur_usec.unit_section_end_date,
678                x_enrollment_actual           =>l_cur_usec.enrollment_actual,
679                x_waitlist_actual             =>l_cur_usec.waitlist_actual,
680                x_offered_ind                 =>l_cur_usec.offered_ind,
681                x_state_financial_aid         =>l_cur_usec.state_financial_aid,
682                x_grading_schema_prcdnce_ind  =>l_cur_usec.grading_schema_prcdnce_ind,
683                x_federal_financial_aid       =>l_cur_usec.federal_financial_aid,
684                x_unit_quota                  =>l_cur_usec.unit_quota,
685                x_unit_quota_reserved_places  =>l_cur_usec.unit_quota_reserved_places,
686                x_institutional_financial_aid =>l_cur_usec.institutional_financial_aid,
687                x_grading_schema_cd           =>l_cur_usec.grading_schema_cd,
688                x_gs_version_number           =>l_cur_usec.gs_version_number,
689                x_unit_contact                =>l_cur_usec.unit_contact,
690                x_mode                        =>'R',
691                x_ss_enrol_ind                => l_cur_usec.ss_enrol_ind,
692                x_owner_org_unit_cd           => l_cur_usec.owner_org_unit_cd,
693                x_attendance_required_ind     => l_cur_usec.attendance_required_ind,
694                x_reserved_seating_allowed    => l_cur_usec.reserved_seating_allowed,
695                x_ss_display_ind              => l_cur_usec.ss_display_ind,
696                x_special_permission_ind      => l_cur_usec.special_permission_ind,
697                x_rev_account_cd              => l_cur_usec.rev_account_cd ,
698                x_anon_unit_grading_ind       => l_cur_usec.anon_unit_grading_ind,
699                x_anon_assess_grading_ind     => l_cur_usec.anon_assess_grading_ind ,
700                x_non_std_usec_ind            => l_cur_usec.non_std_usec_ind,
701                x_auditable_ind               => l_cur_usec.auditable_ind,
702                x_audit_permission_ind        => l_cur_usec.audit_permission_ind,
703                x_not_multiple_section_flag   => l_cur_usec.not_multiple_section_flag,
704                x_sup_uoo_id                  => p_sup_uoo_id,
705                x_relation_type               => p_relation_type,
706                x_default_enroll_flag         => NVL(p_default_enroll_flag,l_cur_usec.default_enroll_flag),
707 	       x_abort_flag                  => l_cur_usec.abort_flag
708               );
710 END update_usec_record;
713 PROCEDURE crsp_ins_unit_ver(
714   p_old_unit_cd IN VARCHAR2 ,
715   p_old_version_number IN NUMBER ,
716   p_new_unit_cd IN VARCHAR2 ,
717   p_new_version_number IN NUMBER ,
718   p_message_name OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
719   p_c_message_superior  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2) AS
720  /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
721   ||  Created By :
722   ||  Created On :
723   ||  Purpose :
724   ||  Known limitations, enhancements or remarks :
725   ||  Change History :
726   ||  Who             When            What
727   ||  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
728   ||  sarakshi    03-Jun-2004     Bug#3655650, modified procedure crspl_ins_unit_assmnt_item to rollover the unit assessment items group records.Also modified the procedure crspl_uofr_wlist_details
729   ||  sarakshi    17-oct-2003     Enh#3168650,Added procedure crspl_upd_usec_relation
730   ||  vvutukur    24-May-2003     Enh#2831572.Financial Accounting Build. Removed the local procedure CRSP_INS_UNIT_REVSEG and its related call.
731   ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
733         cst_upper_limit_err             NUMBER;
734         cst_lower_limit_err             NUMBER;
735         gv_unit_version_exist           VARCHAR2(1);
736         PROCEDURE crspl_ins_duplicate_note (
737                 p_existing_ref_number           IGS_GE_NOTE.reference_number%TYPE,
738                 p_new_ref_number        OUT NOCOPY      IGS_GE_NOTE.reference_number%TYPE )
739         AS
740                 CURSOR SGN_CUR IS
741                                 SELECT *
742                                 FROM IGS_GE_NOTE
743                                 WHERE   reference_number = p_existing_ref_number;
744         BEGIN
745                 --- Get new reference number
746                 SELECT  IGS_GE_NOTE_RF_NUM_S.nextval
747                 INTO    p_new_ref_number
748                 FROM    dual;
749                 --- Get related IGS_GE_NOTE and insert under new reference number
751                 For SGN_Rec In SGN_CUR
752                 Loop
753                         x_rowid :=      NULL;
754                         IGS_GE_NOTE_PKG.Insert_Row(
755                                         X_ROWID                 => x_rowid,
756                                         X_REFERENCE_NUMBER      => p_new_ref_number,
757                                         X_S_NOTE_FORMAT_TYPE    => SGN_Rec.s_note_format_type,
758                                         X_NOTE_TEXT             => SGN_Rec.Note_Text,
759                                         X_MODE                  => 'R');
760                 End Loop;
762         EXCEPTION
763                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
764                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
765                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
766                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_PRGVERDETAIL';
767                         ELSE
768                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
769                         END IF;
770         END crspl_ins_duplicate_note;
772         PROCEDURE crspl_ins_unit_ver_note (
773                 p_unit_cd               IN      IGS_PS_UNIT_VER.unit_cd%TYPE,
774                 p_version_number        IN      IGS_PS_UNIT_VER.version_number%TYPE )
775         AS
776                 v_unit_ver_note_rec             IGS_PS_UNIT_VER_NOTE%ROWTYPE;
777                 v_new_ref_number                IGS_GE_NOTE.reference_number%TYPE;
778                 --- The following cursor excludes notes records with NULL values in the
779                 --- note_text field as this implies that it contains data in the note_ole
780                 --- field which cannot be copied with the current product limitations.
781                 CURSOR  c_unit_ver_note_rec IS
782                         SELECT  *
783                         FROM    IGS_PS_UNIT_VER_NOTE uvn
784                         WHERE   uvn.unit_cd = p_unit_cd                 AND
785                                 uvn.version_number = p_version_number   AND
786                                 EXISTS (
787                                         SELECT  'x'
788                                         FROM    IGS_GE_NOTE nte
789                                         WHERE   nte.reference_number = uvn.reference_number AND
790                                                 nte.note_text IS NOT NULL );
791         BEGIN
792                 FOR v_unit_ver_note_rec IN c_unit_ver_note_rec LOOP
793                         crspl_ins_duplicate_note(
794                                 v_unit_ver_note_rec.reference_number,
795                                 v_new_ref_number);
796                         BEGIN
797                                 x_rowid :=      NULL;
798                                 IGS_PS_UNIT_VER_NOTE_PKG.Insert_Row(
799                                                         X_ROWID              => x_rowid,
800                                                         X_UNIT_CD            => p_new_unit_cd,
801                                                         X_REFERENCE_NUMBER   => v_new_ref_number,
802                                                         X_VERSION_NUMBER     => p_new_version_number,
803                                                         X_CRS_NOTE_TYPE      => v_unit_ver_note_rec.crs_note_type,
804                                                         X_MODE               => 'R');
806                         EXCEPTION
807                                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
808                                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
809                                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
810                                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_PRGVERDETAIL';
811                                         ELSE
812                                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
813                                         END IF;
814                         END;
815                 END LOOP;
816         EXCEPTION
817                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
818                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err OR SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
819                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_PRGVERDETAIL';
820                         ELSE
821                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
822                         END IF;
823         END crspl_ins_unit_ver_note;
824         PROCEDURE crspl_ins_unit_offer_note (
825                 p_unit_cd               IN      IGS_PS_UNIT_VER.unit_cd%TYPE,
826                 p_version_number        IN      IGS_PS_UNIT_VER.version_number%TYPE )
827         AS
828                 v_unit_offer_note_rec           IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_NOTE%ROWTYPE;
829                 v_new_ref_number                IGS_GE_NOTE.reference_number%TYPE;
830                 --- The following cursor excludes notes records with NULL values in the
831                 --- note_text field as this implies that it contains data in the note_ole
832                 --- field which cannot be copied with the current product limitations.
833                 CURSOR  c_unit_offer_note_rec IS
834                         SELECT  *
835                         FROM    IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_NOTE uon
836                         WHERE   uon.unit_cd = p_unit_cd                 AND
837                                 uon.version_number = p_version_number   AND
838                                 EXISTS (
839                                         SELECT  'x'
840                                         FROM    IGS_GE_NOTE nte
841                                         WHERE   nte.reference_number = uon.reference_number AND
842                                                 nte.note_text IS NOT NULL );
844         BEGIN
845                 FOR v_unit_offer_note_rec IN c_unit_offer_note_rec LOOP
846                         crspl_ins_duplicate_note(
847                                 v_unit_offer_note_rec.reference_number,
848                                 v_new_ref_number);
849                         BEGIN
850                                 x_rowid :=      NULL;
851                                 IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_NOTE_PKG.Insert_Row(
852                                                  X_ROWID                =>      x_rowid,
853                                                  X_UNIT_CD              =>      p_new_unit_cd,
854                                                  X_VERSION_NUMBER       =>      p_new_version_number,
855                                                  X_CAL_TYPE             =>      v_unit_offer_note_rec.cal_type,
856                                                  X_REFERENCE_NUMBER     =>      v_new_ref_number,
857                                                  X_CRS_NOTE_TYPE        =>      v_unit_offer_note_rec.crs_note_type,
858                                                  X_MODE                 =>      'R');
859                         EXCEPTION
860                                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
861                                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
862                                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
863                                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_PRGVERDETAIL';
864                                         ELSE
865                                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
866                                         END IF;
867                         END;
868                 END LOOP;
869         EXCEPTION
870                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
871                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
872                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
873                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_PRGVERDETAIL';
874                         ELSE
875                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
876                         END IF;
877         END crspl_ins_unit_offer_note;
878         PROCEDURE crspl_ins_teach_resp (
879                 p_unit_cd               IN      IGS_PS_UNIT_VER.unit_cd%TYPE,
880                 p_version_number        IN      IGS_PS_UNIT_VER.version_number%TYPE )
881         AS
882                 v_teach_resp_rec                IGS_PS_TCH_RESP%ROWTYPE;
883                 CURSOR  c_teach_resp_rec IS
884                         SELECT  *
885                         FROM    IGS_PS_TCH_RESP
886                         WHERE   unit_cd = p_unit_cd AND
887                                 version_number = p_version_number;
889         BEGIN
890                 FOR v_teach_resp_rec IN c_teach_resp_rec LOOP
891                         BEGIN
892                         x_rowid :=      NULL;
893                         IGS_PS_TCH_RESP_PKG.Insert_Row(
894                                                 X_ROWID             =>          x_rowid,
895                                                 X_UNIT_CD           =>          p_new_unit_cd,
896                                                 X_VERSION_NUMBER    =>          p_new_version_number,
897                                                 X_OU_START_DT       =>          v_teach_resp_rec.ou_start_dt,
898                                                 X_ORG_UNIT_CD       =>          v_teach_resp_rec.org_unit_cd,
899                                                 X_PERCENTAGE        =>          v_teach_resp_rec.percentage,
900                                                 X_MODE              =>          'R');
901                         EXCEPTION
902                                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
903                                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
904                                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
905                                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_PRGVERDETAIL';
906                                         ELSE
907                                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
908                                         END IF;
909                         END;
910                 END LOOP;
911         EXCEPTION
912                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
913                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
914                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
915                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_PRGVERDETAIL';
916                         ELSE
917                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
918                         END IF;
919         END crspl_ins_teach_resp;
920         PROCEDURE crspl_ins_unit_discipline (
921                 p_unit_cd               IN      IGS_PS_UNIT_VER.unit_cd%TYPE,
922                 p_version_number        IN      IGS_PS_UNIT_VER.version_number%TYPE )
923         AS
924                 v_unit_discipline_rec           IGS_PS_UNIT_DSCP%ROWTYPE;
925                 CURSOR  c_unit_discipline_rec IS
926                         SELECT  *
927                         FROM    IGS_PS_UNIT_DSCP
928                         WHERE   unit_cd = p_unit_cd AND
929                                 version_number = p_version_number;
931         BEGIN
932                 FOR v_unit_discipline_rec IN c_unit_discipline_rec LOOP
933                         BEGIN
934                                 x_rowid :=      NULL;
935                                 IGS_PS_UNIT_DSCP_PKG.Insert_Row(
936                                                         X_ROWID               => x_rowid,
937                                                         X_UNIT_CD             => p_new_unit_cd,
938                                                         X_VERSION_NUMBER      => p_new_version_number,
939                                                         X_DISCIPLINE_GROUP_CD => v_unit_discipline_rec.discipline_group_cd,
940                                                         X_PERCENTAGE          => v_unit_discipline_rec.percentage,
941                                                         X_MODE                => 'R');
942                         EXCEPTION
943                                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
944                                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
945                                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
946                                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_PRGVERDETAIL';
947                                         ELSE
948                                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
949                                         END IF;
950                         END;
951                 END LOOP;
952         EXCEPTION
953                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
954                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
955                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
956                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_PRGVERDETAIL';
957                         ELSE
958                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
959                         END IF;
960         END crspl_ins_unit_discipline;
961         PROCEDURE crspl_ins_unit_categorisation (
962                 p_unit_cd               IN      IGS_PS_UNIT_VER.unit_cd%TYPE,
963                 p_version_number        IN      IGS_PS_UNIT_VER.version_number%TYPE )
964         AS
965                 v_unit_cat_rec                  IGS_PS_UNIT_CATEGORY%ROWTYPE;
966                 CURSOR  c_unit_cat_rec IS
967                         SELECT  *
968                         FROM    IGS_PS_UNIT_CATEGORY
969                         WHERE   unit_cd = p_unit_cd AND
970                                 version_number = p_version_number;
972                         l_org_id                        NUMBER(15);
974         BEGIN
975                 FOR v_unit_cat_rec IN c_unit_cat_rec LOOP
976                         BEGIN
977                                 x_rowid :=      NULL;
978                                 l_org_id := igs_ge_gen_003.get_org_id;
980                                 IGS_PS_UNIT_CATEGORY_PKG.Insert_Row(
981                                                         X_ROWID              => x_rowid,
982                                                         X_UNIT_CD            => p_new_unit_cd,
983                                                         X_VERSION_NUMBER     => p_new_version_number,
984                                                         X_UNIT_CAT           => v_unit_cat_rec.unit_cat,
985                                                         X_MODE               => 'R',
986                                                         X_ORG_ID             => l_org_id);
988                         EXCEPTION
989                                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
990                                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
991                                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
992                                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_PRGVERDETAIL';
993                                         ELSE
994                                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
995                                         END IF;
996                         END;
997                 END LOOP;
998         EXCEPTION
999                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1000                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
1001                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
1002                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_PRGVERDETAIL';
1003                         ELSE
1004                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1005                         END IF;
1006         END crspl_ins_unit_categorisation;
1007         PROCEDURE crspl_ins_crs_unit_lvl (
1008                 p_unit_cd               IN      IGS_PS_UNIT_VER.unit_cd%TYPE,
1009                 p_version_number        IN      IGS_PS_UNIT_VER.version_number%TYPE )
1010         AS
1011                 v_crs_unit_lvl_rec              IGS_PS_UNIT_LVL%ROWTYPE;
1012                 CURSOR  c_crs_unit_lvl_rec IS
1013                         SELECT  *
1014                         FROM    IGS_PS_UNIT_LVL
1015                         WHERE   unit_cd = p_unit_cd AND
1016                                 version_number = p_version_number;
1018         l_org_id                        NUMBER(15);
1020         BEGIN
1021                 FOR v_crs_unit_lvl_rec IN c_crs_unit_lvl_rec LOOP
1022                         BEGIN
1023                                 x_rowid :=      NULL;
1025                                 l_org_id := igs_ge_gen_003.get_org_id;
1026   -- ijeddy, Bug# 3181938 removed course_type from the parameters.
1027                                 IGS_PS_UNIT_LVL_PKG.Insert_Row(
1028                                                         X_ROWID                   =>   x_rowid,
1029                                                         X_UNIT_CD                 =>   p_new_unit_cd,
1030                                                         X_VERSION_NUMBER          =>   p_new_version_number,
1031                                                         X_UNIT_LEVEL              =>   v_crs_unit_lvl_rec.unit_level,
1032                                                         X_WAM_WEIGHTING           =>   v_crs_unit_lvl_rec.wam_weighting,
1033                                                         X_MODE                    =>   'R',
1034                                                         X_ORG_ID                  =>    l_org_id,
1035                                                         X_COURSE_CD               =>   v_crs_unit_lvl_rec.course_cd,
1036                                                         X_COURSE_VERSION_NUMBER   =>   v_crs_unit_lvl_rec.course_version_number
1037                                                         );
1039                         EXCEPTION
1040                                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1041                                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
1042                                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
1043                                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_PRGVERDETAIL';
1044                                         ELSE
1045                                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1046                                         END IF;
1047                         END;
1048                 END LOOP;
1049         EXCEPTION
1050                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1051                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
1052                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
1053                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_PRGVERDETAIL';
1054                         ELSE
1055                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1056                         END IF;
1057         END crspl_ins_crs_unit_lvl;
1058         PROCEDURE crspl_ins_unit_ref_cd (
1059                 p_unit_cd               IN      IGS_PS_UNIT_VER.unit_cd%TYPE,
1060                 p_version_number        IN      IGS_PS_UNIT_VER.version_number%TYPE )
1061         AS
1062                 v_unit_ref_cd_rec               IGS_PS_UNIT_REF_CD%ROWTYPE;
1063                 CURSOR  c_unit_ref_cd_rec IS
1064                         SELECT  *
1065                         FROM    IGS_PS_UNIT_REF_CD
1066                         WHERE   unit_cd = p_unit_cd AND
1067                                 version_number = p_version_number;
1068         BEGIN
1069                 FOR v_unit_ref_cd_rec IN c_unit_ref_cd_rec LOOP
1070                         BEGIN
1071                                 x_rowid :=NULL;
1072                                 IGS_PS_UNIT_REF_CD_PKG.Insert_Row(
1073                                                 X_ROWID              => x_rowid,
1074                                                 X_UNIT_CD            => p_new_unit_cd,
1075                                                 X_VERSION_NUMBER     => p_new_version_number,
1076                                                 X_REFERENCE_CD_TYPE  => v_unit_ref_cd_rec.reference_cd_type,
1077                                                 X_REFERENCE_CD       => v_unit_ref_cd_rec.reference_cd,
1078                                                 X_DESCRIPTION        => v_unit_ref_cd_rec.description,
1079                                                 X_MODE               => 'R');
1081                         EXCEPTION
1082                                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1083                                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
1084                                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
1085                                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_PRGVERDETAIL';
1086                                         ELSE
1087                                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1088                                         END IF;
1089                         END;
1090                 END LOOP;
1091         EXCEPTION
1092                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1093                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
1094                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
1095                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_PRGVERDETAIL';
1096                         ELSE
1097                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1098                         END IF;
1099         END crspl_ins_unit_ref_cd;
1100         PROCEDURE crspl_ins_unit_off_opt_note (
1101                 p_exist_uoo_id          IN      IGS_PS_UNT_OFR_OPT_N.uoo_id%TYPE,
1102                 p_new_uoo_id            IN      IGS_PS_UNT_OFR_OPT_N.uoo_id%TYPE )
1103         AS
1104                 v_unit_offer_opt_note_rec       IGS_PS_UNT_OFR_OPT_N%ROWTYPE;
1105                 v_new_ref_number                IGS_PS_UNT_OFR_OPT_N.reference_number%TYPE;
1106                 v_uoo_id                        IGS_PS_UNT_OFR_OPT_N.uoo_id%TYPE;
1107                 --- The following cursor excludes notes records with NULL values in the
1108                 --- note_text field as this implies that it contains data in the note_ole
1109                 --- field which cannot be copied with the current product limitations.
1110                 CURSOR c_unit_off_opt_note_rec IS
1111                         SELECT  *
1112                         FROM    IGS_PS_UNT_OFR_OPT_N uoon
1113                         WHERE   uoon.uoo_id = p_exist_uoo_id            AND
1114                                 EXISTS (
1115                                         SELECT  'x'
1116                                         FROM    IGS_GE_NOTE nte
1117                                         WHERE   nte.reference_number = uoon.reference_number AND
1118                                                 nte.note_text IS NOT NULL );
1119         BEGIN
1120                 FOR v_unit_offer_opt_note_rec IN c_unit_off_opt_note_rec LOOP
1121                         crspl_ins_duplicate_note(
1122                                 v_unit_offer_opt_note_rec.reference_number,
1123                                 v_new_ref_number);
1124                         BEGIN
1125                                 x_rowid :=      NULL;
1126                                 v_uoo_id := p_new_uoo_id;
1127                                 IGS_PS_UNT_OFR_OPT_N_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
1128                                         X_ROWID                 =>      x_rowid,
1129                                         X_UNIT_CD               =>      p_new_unit_cd,
1130                                         X_VERSION_NUMBER        =>      p_new_version_number,
1131                                         X_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER    =>      v_unit_offer_opt_note_rec.ci_sequence_number,
1132                                         X_UNIT_CLASS            =>      v_unit_offer_opt_note_rec.unit_class,
1133                                         X_REFERENCE_NUMBER      =>      v_new_ref_number,
1134                                         X_LOCATION_CD           =>      v_unit_offer_opt_note_rec.location_cd,
1135                                         X_CAL_TYPE              =>      v_unit_offer_opt_note_rec.cal_type,
1136                                         X_UOO_ID                =>      v_uoo_id,
1137                                         X_CRS_NOTE_TYPE         =>      v_unit_offer_opt_note_rec.crs_note_type,
1138                                         X_MODE                  =>      'R'
1139                                         );
1140                         EXCEPTION
1141                                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1142                                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
1143                                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
1144                                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_PRGVERDETAIL';
1145                                         ELSE
1146                                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1147                                         END IF;
1148                         END;
1149                 END LOOP;
1150         EXCEPTION
1151                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1152                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
1153                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
1154                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_PRGVERDETAIL';
1155                         ELSE
1156                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1157                         END IF;
1158         END crspl_ins_unit_off_opt_note;
1159         PROCEDURE crspl_ins_teach_resp_ovrd(
1160                 p_unit_cd               IN      IGS_PS_UNIT_VER.unit_cd%TYPE,
1161                 p_version_number        IN      IGS_PS_UNIT_VER.version_number%TYPE,
1162                 p_cal_type              IN      IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_OPT.cal_type%TYPE,
1163                 p_ci_sequence_number    IN      IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_OPT.ci_sequence_number%TYPE,
1164                 p_location_cd           IN      IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_OPT.location_cd%TYPE,
1165                 p_unit_class            IN      IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_OPT.unit_class%TYPE,
1166                 p_new_uoo_id            IN      IGS_PS_UNT_OFR_OPT_N.uoo_id%TYPE)
1167         AS
1168                 CURSOR c_tro IS
1169                         SELECT  tro.location_cd,
1170                                 tro.unit_class,
1171                                 tro.org_unit_cd,
1172                                 tro.ou_start_dt,
1173                                 tro.percentage
1174                         FROM    IGS_PS_TCH_RESP_OVRD tro
1175                         WHERE   tro.unit_cd             = p_unit_cd             AND
1176                                 tro.version_number      = p_version_number      AND
1177                                 tro.cal_type            = p_cal_type            AND
1178                                 tro.ci_sequence_number  = p_ci_sequence_number  AND
1179                                 tro.location_cd         = p_location_cd         AND
1180                                 tro.unit_class          = p_unit_class;
1182                 l_org_id                        NUMBER(15);
1183         BEGIN
1184                 FOR c_tro_rec in c_tro LOOP
1185                         -- copy old IGS_PS_UNIT_VER IGS_PS_TCH_RESP_OVRD details to
1186                         -- new IGS_PS_UNIT-version
1187                         BEGIN
1188                                 x_rowid :=      NULL;
1190                                 l_org_id := igs_ge_gen_003.get_org_id;
1192                                 IGS_PS_TCH_RESP_OVRD_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
1193                                         X_ROWID                =>               x_rowid,
1194                                         X_UNIT_CD              =>               p_new_unit_cd,
1195                                         X_VERSION_NUMBER       =>               p_new_version_number,
1196                                         X_LOCATION_CD          =>               c_tro_rec.location_cd,
1197                                         X_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER   =>               p_ci_sequence_number,
1198                                         X_CAL_TYPE             =>               p_cal_type,
1199                                         X_UNIT_CLASS           =>               c_tro_rec.unit_class,
1200                                         X_OU_START_DT          =>               c_tro_rec.ou_start_dt,
1201                                         X_ORG_UNIT_CD          =>               c_tro_rec.org_unit_cd,
1202                                         X_UOO_ID               =>               p_new_uoo_id,
1203                                         X_PERCENTAGE           =>               c_tro_rec.percentage,
1204                                         X_MODE                 =>               'R',
1205                                         X_ORG_ID               =>                l_org_id);
1206                         EXCEPTION
1207                                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1208                                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
1209                                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
1210                                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_PRGVERDETAIL';
1211                                         ELSE
1212                                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1213                                         END IF;
1214                         END;
1215                 END LOOP;
1216         EXCEPTION
1217                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1218                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
1219                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
1220                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_PRGVERDETAIL';
1221                         ELSE
1222                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1223                         END IF;
1224         END crspl_ins_teach_resp_ovrd;
1227         PROCEDURE crspl_upd_usec_relation( p_old_uoo_id   igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_all.uoo_id%TYPE,
1228                    p_new_uoo_id   igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_all.uoo_id%TYPE) AS
1229         /*----------------------------------------------------------------------------
1230         ||  Created By :sarakshi
1231         ||  Created On :17-oct-2003
1232         ||  Purpose :For Rolling over the unit section relationship
1233         ||  Known limitations, enhancements or remarks :
1234         ||  Change History :
1235         ||  Who             When            What
1236         ||  (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
1237 	||  sarakshi   13-Jan-2006  Bug#4926548, modified cursor c_new_sub and c_new_sup performance issue
1238         ||  sarakshi   17-Nov-2005  Bug#4726940, impact of change of signature of the update_usec_record
1239         ----------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
1240           l_c_none        VARCHAR2(10);
1241           l_c_superior    VARCHAR2(10);
1242           l_c_subordinate VARCHAR2(15);
1243           l_c_active      VARCHAR2(10);
1244           l_c_planned     VARCHAR2(10);
1246     CURSOR c_old_sub IS
1247     SELECT *
1248     FROM   igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt
1249     WHERE  relation_type = l_c_subordinate
1250     AND    sup_uoo_id = p_old_uoo_id;
1252     CURSOR c_old_sup IS
1253     SELECT *
1254     FROM   igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt
1255     WHERE  relation_type = l_c_superior
1256     AND    uoo_id  = (SELECT sup_uoo_id
1257           FROM igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt
1258           WHERE uoo_id = p_old_uoo_id
1259          );
1261     CURSOR c_new_sub(cp_cal_type            igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_all.cal_type%TYPE,
1262          cp_ci_sequence_number  igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_all.ci_sequence_number%TYPE,
1263          cp_location_cd         igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_all.location_cd%TYPE,
1264          cp_unit_class          igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_all.unit_class%TYPE,
1265          cp_unit_cd             igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_all.unit_cd%TYPE,
1266          cp_version_number      igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_all.version_number%TYPE
1267         )IS
1268     SELECT uoo.*
1269     FROM  igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_all uoo,igs_ps_unit_ver_all  uv, igs_ps_unit_stat us
1270     WHERE uoo.cal_type           = cp_cal_type
1271     AND   uoo.ci_sequence_number = cp_ci_sequence_number
1272     AND   uoo.location_cd        = cp_location_cd
1273     AND   uoo.unit_class         = cp_unit_class
1274     AND   uoo.unit_cd            = cp_unit_cd
1275     AND   uoo.version_number     > cp_version_number
1276     AND   uoo.unit_cd=uv.unit_cd
1277     AND   uoo.version_number=uv.version_number
1278     AND   uv.unit_status = us.unit_status
1279     AND   us.s_unit_status IN (l_c_active,l_c_planned)
1280     AND   uoo.relation_type = l_c_none
1281     AND   uoo_id NOT IN (SELECT uoo_id FROM igs_en_su_attempt)
1282     ORDER BY uoo.unit_cd,uoo.version_number ASC;
1284     CURSOR c_new_sup(cp_cal_type            igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_all.cal_type%TYPE,
1285          cp_ci_sequence_number  igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_all.ci_sequence_number%TYPE,
1286          cp_location_cd         igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_all.location_cd%TYPE,
1287          cp_unit_class          igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_all.unit_class%TYPE,
1288          cp_unit_cd             igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_all.unit_cd%TYPE,
1289          cp_version_number      igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_all.version_number%TYPE
1290         )IS
1291     SELECT uoo.*
1292     FROM   igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_all uoo,igs_ps_unit_ver_all  uv, igs_ps_unit_stat us
1293     WHERE uoo.cal_type           = cp_cal_type
1294     AND   uoo.ci_sequence_number = cp_ci_sequence_number
1295     AND   uoo.location_cd        = cp_location_cd
1296     AND   uoo.unit_class         = cp_unit_class
1297     AND   uoo.unit_cd            = cp_unit_cd
1298     AND   uoo.version_number     > cp_version_number
1299     AND   uoo.unit_cd=uv.unit_cd
1300     AND   uoo.version_number=uv.version_number
1301     AND   uv.unit_status = us.unit_status
1302     AND   us.s_unit_status IN (l_c_active,l_c_planned)
1303     AND   uoo_id NOT IN (SELECT uoo_id FROM igs_en_su_attempt)
1304     AND   uoo.relation_type IN (l_c_superior,l_c_none)
1305     ORDER BY uoo.unit_cd,uoo.version_number ASC;
1307     l_c_new_sub  c_new_sub%ROWTYPE;
1308       l_c_new_sup  c_new_sup%ROWTYPE;
1310   BEGIN
1311     --Initilizing this as it was giving gscc warning File.Sql.35
1312     l_c_none        := 'NONE';
1313     l_c_superior    := 'SUPERIOR';
1314     l_c_subordinate := 'SUBORDINATE';
1315     l_c_active      := 'ACTIVE';
1316     l_c_planned     := 'PLANNED';
1318     --Process all subordinates that is fetched from above cursor c_old_sub
1319     FOR l_old_sub_rec IN c_old_sub LOOP
1321       --A cursor to get the new version of  subordinate record
1322       OPEN c_new_sub(l_old_sub_rec.cal_type,l_old_sub_rec.ci_sequence_number,l_old_sub_rec.location_cd,l_old_sub_rec.unit_class,l_old_sub_rec.unit_cd,l_old_sub_rec.version_number);
1323       FETCH c_new_sub INTO l_c_new_sub;
1324       IF c_new_sub%FOUND THEN
1325         CLOSE c_new_sub;
1327         --Update the new subordinate unit section record
1328         update_usec_record (p_uoo_id        =>  l_c_new_sub.uoo_id,
1329           p_relation_type =>  l_c_subordinate,
1330           p_sup_uoo_id    =>  p_new_uoo_id,
1331 	  p_default_enroll_flag => l_old_sub_rec.default_enroll_flag);
1333         --Update the new superior unit section record
1334         update_usec_record (p_uoo_id        =>  p_new_uoo_id,
1335           p_relation_type => l_c_superior,
1336           p_sup_uoo_id    =>  NULL,
1337 	  p_default_enroll_flag => NULL);
1338       ELSE
1339         CLOSE c_new_sub;
1340         --Add the unsuccessful unit section's unit to the out variable to display it in the form
1341         IF p_c_message_superior IS NOT NULL THEN
1342             p_c_message_superior := p_c_message_superior ||','||l_old_sub_rec.unit_cd;
1343         ELSE
1344                 p_c_message_superior := l_old_sub_rec.unit_cd;
1345               END IF;
1346       END IF;
1348     END LOOP;
1350     --Process all superior that is fetched from above cursor c_old_sup
1351     FOR l_old_sup_rec IN c_old_sup LOOP
1353       --A cursor to get the new version of  subordinate record
1354       OPEN c_new_sup(l_old_sup_rec.cal_type,l_old_sup_rec.ci_sequence_number,l_old_sup_rec.location_cd,l_old_sup_rec.unit_class,l_old_sup_rec.unit_cd,l_old_sup_rec.version_number);
1355       FETCH c_new_sup INTO l_c_new_sup;
1356       IF c_new_sup%FOUND THEN
1357         CLOSE c_new_sup;
1359             --Update the new superior unit section record
1360         update_usec_record (p_uoo_id        =>  l_c_new_sup.uoo_id,
1361           p_relation_type =>  l_c_superior,
1362           p_sup_uoo_id    =>  NULL ,
1363 	  p_default_enroll_flag => NULL);
1365         --Update the new subordinate unit section record
1366         update_usec_record (p_uoo_id        =>  p_new_uoo_id,
1367           p_relation_type =>  l_c_subordinate,
1368           p_sup_uoo_id    =>  l_c_new_sup.uoo_id,
1369 	  p_default_enroll_flag => NULL );
1370       ELSE
1371         CLOSE c_new_sup;
1372         --Add the unsuccessful unit section's unit to the out variable to display it in the form
1373         IF p_c_message_superior IS NOT NULL THEN
1374             p_c_message_superior := p_c_message_superior ||','||l_old_sup_rec.unit_cd;
1375         ELSE
1376                 p_c_message_superior := l_old_sup_rec.unit_cd;
1377               END IF;
1378       END IF;
1380     END LOOP;
1382   END crspl_upd_usec_relation;
1385         PROCEDURE crspl_ins_unit_off_opt (
1386                 p_unit_cd               IN      IGS_PS_UNIT_VER.unit_cd%TYPE,
1387                 p_version_number        IN      IGS_PS_UNIT_VER.version_number%TYPE,
1388                 p_cal_type              IN      IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_OPT.cal_type%TYPE,
1389                 p_ci_sequence_number    IN      IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_OPT.ci_sequence_number%TYPE )
1390         AS
1391         /*
1392         WHO      WHEN        WHAT
1393 	sarakshi 14-oct-2004 Bug#3945817, passsing unit section status as mentioned in the bug.
1394 	sarakshi 31-AUG-2004 Bug#3864738,passed unit_section_status as OPEN in the insert row call of IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_OPT
1395 	sarakshi 13-Apr-2004 Bug#3555871, removed the logic of getting the call number for AUTO profile option.
1396         sarakshi 17-oct-2003 Enh#3168650,Added call to the procedure crspl_upd_usec_relation
1397         sarakshi 23-sep-2003 Enh#3052452,Added column sup_uoo_id,relation_type,default_enroll_flag to the call of igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_pkg.insert_row
1398         vvutukur 05-aug-2003 Enh#3045069.PSP Enh Build. Modified the call to igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_pkg.insert_row to added new column not_multiple_section_flag.
1399         sarakshi 18-Apr-2003 Bug#2910695,passed actual_enrollment and actual_waitlist null in the table IGS_PS_OFR_OPT_ALL
1400         sarakshi 05-Mar-2003 bug#2768783,added logic for checking/generating the call number
1401         */
1402                 v_unit_offer_opt_rec            IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_OPT%ROWTYPE;
1403                 v_new_uoo_id                    IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_OPT.uoo_id%TYPE;
1404                 v_latest_gs_version             IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_OPT.gs_version_number%TYPE;
1405                 CURSOR  c_unit_offer_opt_rec IS
1406                         SELECT  *
1407                         FROM    IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_OPT
1408                         WHERE   unit_cd         = p_unit_cd             AND
1409                                 version_number  = p_version_number      AND
1410                                 cal_type        = p_cal_type            AND
1411                                 ci_sequence_number = p_ci_sequence_number;
1412                 CURSOR c_latest_gs_version (
1413                                 cp_gs_cd                IGS_AS_GRD_SCHEMA.grading_schema_cd%TYPE) IS
1414                         SELECT  MAX(gs.version_number)
1415                         FROM    IGS_AS_GRD_SCHEMA       gs
1416                         WHERE   gs.grading_schema_cd    = cp_gs_cd;
1418                         l_org_id        NUMBER(15);
1419                         l_c_usec_status igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_all.unit_section_status%TYPE;
1420         BEGIN
1421                 FOR v_unit_offer_opt_rec IN c_unit_offer_opt_rec LOOP
1422                         -- get the last version number for grading schema cd
1423                         OPEN c_latest_gs_version (
1424                                         v_unit_offer_opt_rec.grading_schema_cd);
1425                         FETCH c_latest_gs_version INTO v_latest_gs_version;
1426                         CLOSE c_latest_gs_version;
1427                         BEGIN
1428                                 SELECT  IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_OPT_UOO_ID_S.nextval
1429                                 INTO    v_new_uoo_id
1430                                 FROM    dual;
1431                                 x_rowid :=      NULL;
1433                                 l_org_id := igs_ge_gen_003.get_org_id;
1434                                 -- Added auditable_ind, audit_permission_ind parameters to the following call to insert_row
1435                                 -- as part of Bug# 2636716, EN Integration by shtatiko.
1437                                 --bug#2768783, added the validate/generate call number logic
1439                                 -- Validate/generate Call Number
1440                                 IF fnd_profile.value('IGS_PS_CALL_NUMBER') IN ('AUTO','NONE') THEN
1441                                    v_unit_offer_opt_rec.call_number:=NULL;
1442                                 ELSIF ( fnd_profile.value('IGS_PS_CALL_NUMBER') = 'USER_DEFINED' ) THEN
1444                                   IF v_unit_offer_opt_rec.call_number IS NOT NULL THEN
1445                                     IF NOT igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_pkg.check_call_number ( p_teach_cal_type     => v_unit_offer_opt_rec.cal_type,
1446                                                                                        p_teach_sequence_num => v_unit_offer_opt_rec.ci_sequence_number,
1447                                                                                        p_call_number        => v_unit_offer_opt_rec.call_number,
1448                                                                                        p_rowid              => x_rowid ) THEN
1449                                        v_unit_offer_opt_rec.call_number:=NULL;
1450                                     END IF;
1451                                   END IF;
1453 				END IF;
1455                                 l_c_usec_status := get_section_status(v_unit_offer_opt_rec.unit_section_status);
1457                                 IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_OPT_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
1458                                         X_ROWID                       =>        x_rowid,
1459                                         X_UNIT_CD                     =>        p_new_unit_cd,
1460                                         X_VERSION_NUMBER              =>        P_new_version_number,
1461                                         X_CAL_TYPE                    =>        v_unit_offer_opt_rec.cal_type,
1462                                         X_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER          =>        v_unit_offer_opt_rec.ci_sequence_number,
1463                                         X_LOCATION_CD                 =>        v_unit_offer_opt_rec.location_cd,
1464                                         X_UNIT_CLASS                  =>        v_unit_offer_opt_rec.unit_class,
1465                                         X_UOO_ID                      =>        v_new_uoo_id,
1466                                         X_IVRS_AVAILABLE_IND          =>        v_unit_offer_opt_rec.ivrs_available_ind,
1467                                         X_CALL_NUMBER                 =>        v_unit_offer_opt_rec.call_number,
1468                                         X_UNIT_SECTION_STATUS         =>        l_c_usec_status,
1469                                         X_UNIT_SECTION_START_DATE     =>        v_unit_offer_opt_rec.unit_section_start_date,
1470                                         X_UNIT_SECTION_END_DATE       =>        v_unit_offer_opt_rec.unit_section_end_date,
1471                                         X_ENROLLMENT_ACTUAL           =>        NULL,
1472                                         X_WAITLIST_ACTUAL             =>        NULL,
1473                                         X_OFFERED_IND                 =>        v_unit_offer_opt_rec.offered_ind,
1474                                         X_STATE_FINANCIAL_AID         =>        v_unit_offer_opt_rec.state_financial_aid,
1475                                         X_GRADING_SCHEMA_PRCDNCE_IND  =>        v_unit_offer_opt_rec.grading_schema_prcdnce_ind,
1476                                         X_FEDERAL_FINANCIAL_AID       =>        v_unit_offer_opt_rec.federal_financial_aid,
1477                                         X_UNIT_QUOTA                  =>        v_unit_offer_opt_rec.unit_quota,
1478                                         X_UNIT_QUOTA_RESERVED_PLACES  =>        v_unit_offer_opt_rec.unit_quota_reserved_places,
1479                                         X_INSTITUTIONAL_FINANCIAL_AID =>        v_unit_offer_opt_rec.institutional_financial_aid,
1480                                         X_GRADING_SCHEMA_CD           =>        v_unit_offer_opt_rec.grading_schema_cd,
1481                                         X_GS_VERSION_NUMBER           =>        v_latest_gs_version,
1482                                         X_UNIT_CONTACT                =>        v_unit_offer_opt_rec.unit_contact,
1483                                         X_MODE                        =>        'R',
1484                                         X_ORG_ID                      =>        l_org_id,
1485                                         x_ss_enrol_ind                =>        v_unit_offer_opt_rec.ss_enrol_ind,
1486                                         x_ss_display_ind              =>        v_unit_offer_opt_rec.ss_display_ind, --Added by apelleti as per the DLD PSP001-US
1487                                         X_OWNER_ORG_UNIT_CD           =>        v_unit_offer_opt_rec.owner_org_unit_cd,  -- Added By Pradhakr as per DLD PSP001-US
1488                                         X_ATTENDANCE_REQUIRED_IND     =>        v_unit_offer_opt_rec.attendance_required_ind,
1489                                         X_RESERVED_SEATING_ALLOWED    =>        v_unit_offer_opt_rec.reserved_seating_allowed,
1490                                         X_SPECIAL_PERMISSION_IND      =>        v_unit_offer_opt_rec.special_permission_ind,
1491                                         X_DIR_ENROLLMENT              =>        v_unit_offer_opt_rec.dir_enrollment,  -- The following three fields were added by Pradhakr
1492                                         X_ENR_FROM_WLST               =>        v_unit_offer_opt_rec.enr_from_wlst,   -- as part of Enrollment Build process (Enh.Bug# 1832130)
1493                                         X_INQ_NOT_WLST                =>        v_unit_offer_opt_rec.inq_not_wlst,
1494 -- msrinivi 16 Aug,2001 : Added the following col according to bug 1882122
1495                                         x_rev_account_cd              =>        v_unit_offer_opt_rec.rev_account_cd ,
1496                                         x_anon_unit_grading_ind       =>        v_unit_offer_opt_rec.anon_unit_grading_ind ,
1497                                         x_anon_assess_grading_ind     =>        v_unit_offer_opt_rec.anon_assess_grading_ind ,
1498                                         x_non_std_usec_ind            =>        v_unit_offer_opt_rec.non_std_usec_ind,
1499                                         x_auditable_ind               =>        v_unit_offer_opt_rec.auditable_ind,
1500                                         x_audit_permission_ind        =>        v_unit_offer_opt_rec.audit_permission_ind,
1501                                         x_not_multiple_section_flag   =>        v_unit_offer_opt_rec.not_multiple_section_flag,
1502                                         x_sup_uoo_id                  =>        NULL,
1503                                         x_relation_type               =>        'NONE',
1504                                         x_default_enroll_flag         =>        v_unit_offer_opt_rec.default_enroll_flag,
1505 				        x_abort_flag                  =>        'N'
1506                                         );
1508                                 crspl_upd_usec_relation(v_unit_offer_opt_rec.uoo_id,v_new_uoo_id);
1510                                 crspl_ins_unit_off_opt_note(
1511                                                 v_unit_offer_opt_rec.uoo_id,
1512                                                 v_new_uoo_id);
1513                                 crspl_ins_teach_resp_ovrd(
1514                                                 v_unit_offer_opt_rec.unit_cd,
1515                                                 v_unit_offer_opt_rec.version_number,
1516                                                 v_unit_offer_opt_rec.cal_type,
1517                                                 v_unit_offer_opt_rec.ci_sequence_number,
1518                                                 v_unit_offer_opt_rec.location_cd,
1519                                                 v_unit_offer_opt_rec.unit_class,
1520                                                 v_new_uoo_id);
1521                         EXCEPTION
1522                                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1523                                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
1524                                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
1525                                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_PRGVERDETAIL';
1526                                         ELSE
1527                                                 IF (c_latest_gs_version%ISOPEN) THEN
1528                                                         CLOSE c_latest_gs_version;
1529                                                 END IF;
1530                                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1531                                         END IF;
1532                         END;
1533                 END LOOP;
1534         EXCEPTION
1535                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1536                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
1537                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
1538                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_PRGVERDETAIL';
1539                         ELSE
1540                                 IF (c_latest_gs_version%ISOPEN) THEN
1541                                         CLOSE c_latest_gs_version;
1542                                 END IF;
1543                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1544                         END IF;
1545         END crspl_ins_unit_off_opt;
1547         PROCEDURE crspl_ins_unit_assmnt_item (
1548                 p_unit_cd               IN      IGS_AS_UNITASS_ITEM.unit_cd%TYPE,
1549                 p_version_number        IN      IGS_AS_UNITASS_ITEM.version_number%TYPE,
1550                 p_cal_type              IN      IGS_AS_UNITASS_ITEM.cal_type%TYPE,
1551                 p_ci_sequence_number    IN      IGS_AS_UNITASS_ITEM.ci_sequence_number%TYPE )
1552         AS
1553                 v_assessment_unit_rec           IGS_AS_UNITASS_ITEM%ROWTYPE;
1554                 v_new_sequence_number           IGS_AS_UNITASS_ITEM.sequence_number%TYPE;
1556 		CURSOR cur_unit_ass_group(cp_unit_cd            igs_as_unit_ai_grp.unit_cd%TYPE,
1557                                           cp_version_number     igs_as_unit_ai_grp.version_number%TYPE,
1558 			                  cp_cal_type           igs_as_unit_ai_grp.cal_type%TYPE,
1559 			                  cp_ci_sequence_number igs_as_unit_ai_grp.ci_sequence_number%TYPE) IS
1560                 SELECT  *
1561                 FROM    igs_as_unit_ai_grp
1562                 WHERE   unit_cd=cp_unit_cd
1563                 AND     version_number=cp_version_number
1564                 AND     cal_type = cp_cal_type
1565                 AND     ci_sequence_number=cp_ci_sequence_number;
1567                 CURSOR  c_unit_assessment_item(cp_unit_ass_item_group_id igs_as_unitass_item.unit_ass_item_group_id%TYPE) IS
1568                         SELECT  *
1569                         FROM    IGS_AS_UNITASS_ITEM     uai
1570                         WHERE   uai.unit_cd             = p_unit_cd                    AND
1571                                 uai.version_number      = p_version_number             AND
1572                                 uai.cal_type            = p_cal_type                   AND
1573                                 uai.ci_sequence_number  = p_ci_sequence_number         AND
1574 				uai.unit_ass_item_group_id = cp_unit_ass_item_group_id AND
1575                                 uai.logical_delete_dt   IS NULL;
1576                 CURSOR cur_latest_gs_ver (cp_grad_schema_cd IGS_AS_GRD_SCHEMA.grading_schema_cd%TYPE) IS
1577                 SELECT max(gs.version_number) maxm
1578                 FROM igs_as_grd_schema gs
1579                 WHERE gs.grading_schema_cd = cp_grad_schema_cd;
1581                 l_message_name  fnd_new_messages.message_name%TYPE;
1582                 v_latest_gs_ver cur_latest_gs_ver%ROWTYPE;
1583                 l_unit_ass_item_id igs_as_unitass_item_all.unit_ass_item_id%TYPE;
1585         BEGIN
1586                 -- Assigning initial values to local variables which were being initialised using DEFAULT
1587                 -- clause.Done as part of bug #2563596 to remove GSCC warning.
1588                 l_message_name := NULL;
1590                 FOR cur_unit_ass_group_rec  IN  cur_unit_ass_group(p_unit_cd,p_version_number,p_cal_type,p_ci_sequence_number) LOOP
1591                   DECLARE
1592                     l_rowid                         VARCHAR2(25);
1593                     l_unit_ass_item_group_id        NUMBER;
1594                   BEGIN
1595                     l_rowid :=NULL;
1596                     l_unit_ass_item_group_id := NULL;
1598                     igs_as_unit_ai_grp_pkg.insert_row(
1599                        x_rowid                   => l_rowid,
1600                        x_unit_ass_item_group_id  => l_unit_ass_item_group_id,
1601                        x_unit_cd                 => p_new_unit_cd,
1602                        x_version_number          => p_new_version_number,
1603                        x_cal_type                => cur_unit_ass_group_rec.cal_type,
1604                        x_ci_sequence_number      => cur_unit_ass_group_rec.ci_sequence_number,
1605                        x_group_name              => cur_unit_ass_group_rec.group_name,
1606                        x_midterm_formula_code    => cur_unit_ass_group_rec.midterm_formula_code,
1607                        x_midterm_formula_qty     => cur_unit_ass_group_rec.midterm_formula_qty,
1608                        x_midterm_weight_qty      => cur_unit_ass_group_rec.midterm_weight_qty,
1609                        x_final_formula_code      => cur_unit_ass_group_rec.final_formula_code,
1610                        x_final_formula_qty       => cur_unit_ass_group_rec.final_formula_qty,
1611                        x_final_weight_qty        => cur_unit_ass_group_rec.final_weight_qty
1612                     );
1615                     FOR v_unit_assessment_item_rec IN c_unit_assessment_item(cur_unit_ass_group_rec.unit_ass_item_group_id) LOOP
1616                         BEGIN
1617                                 --
1618                                 -- If grading schema is in the current or future,
1619                                 -- continue validation
1620                                 --
1621                                 l_message_name := NULL;
1622                                 OPEN cur_latest_gs_ver(v_unit_assessment_item_rec.grading_schema_cd);
1623                                 FETCH cur_latest_gs_ver INTO v_latest_gs_ver;
1624                                 CLOSE cur_latest_gs_ver;
1625                                 IF (IGS_AS_VAL_GSG.assp_val_gs_cur_fut(
1626                                         v_unit_assessment_item_rec.grading_schema_cd,
1627                                         v_latest_gs_ver.maxm,
1628                                         l_message_name) = TRUE) THEN
1629                                   --
1630                                   --  End of the latest version check of Grading Schema.
1631                                   --
1632                                   SELECT        IGS_AS_UNITASS_ITEM_SEQ_NUM_S.nextval
1633                                   INTO  v_new_sequence_number
1634                                   FROM  dual;
1635                                   x_rowid       :=      NULL;
1636                                   l_unit_ass_item_id := NULL;
1638                                   IGS_AS_UNITASS_ITEM_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
1639                                     X_ROWID                         => x_rowid,
1640                                     X_UNIT_CD                       => p_new_unit_cd,
1641                                     X_VERSION_NUMBER                => p_new_version_number,
1642                                     X_CAL_TYPE                      => v_unit_assessment_item_rec.cal_type,
1643                                     X_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER            => v_unit_assessment_item_rec.ci_sequence_number,
1644                                     X_ASS_ID                        => v_unit_assessment_item_rec.ass_id,
1645                                     X_SEQUENCE_NUMBER               => v_new_sequence_number,
1646                                     X_CI_START_DT                   => v_unit_assessment_item_rec.ci_start_dt,
1647                                     X_CI_END_DT                     => v_unit_assessment_item_rec.ci_end_dt,
1648                                     X_UNIT_CLASS                    => v_unit_assessment_item_rec.unit_class,
1649                                     X_UNIT_MODE                     => v_unit_assessment_item_rec.unit_mode,
1650                                     X_LOCATION_CD                   => v_unit_assessment_item_rec.location_cd,
1651                                     X_DUE_DT                        => v_unit_assessment_item_rec.due_dt,
1652                                     X_REFERENCE                     => v_unit_assessment_item_rec.reference,
1653                                     X_DFLT_ITEM_IND                 => v_unit_assessment_item_rec.dflt_item_ind,
1654                                     X_LOGICAL_DELETE_DT             => v_unit_assessment_item_rec.logical_delete_dt,
1655                                     X_ACTION_DT                     => v_unit_assessment_item_rec.action_dt,
1656                                     X_EXAM_CAL_TYPE                 => v_unit_assessment_item_rec.exam_cal_type,
1657                                     X_EXAM_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER       => v_unit_assessment_item_rec.exam_ci_sequence_number,
1658                                     X_MODE                          => 'R',
1659                                     X_ORG_ID                        => igs_ge_gen_003.get_org_id,
1660                                     X_GRADING_SCHEMA_CD             => v_unit_assessment_item_rec.grading_schema_cd,
1661                                     X_GS_VERSION_NUMBER             => v_unit_assessment_item_rec.gs_version_number,
1662                                     X_RELEASE_DATE                  => v_unit_assessment_item_rec.release_date,
1663                                     X_UNIT_ASS_ITEM_ID              => l_unit_ass_item_id, --out parameter
1664                                     X_DESCRIPTION                   => v_unit_assessment_item_rec.description,
1665                                     x_unit_ass_item_group_id        => l_unit_ass_item_group_id,
1666                                     x_midterm_mandatory_type_code   => v_unit_assessment_item_rec.midterm_mandatory_type_code,
1667                                     x_midterm_weight_qty            => v_unit_assessment_item_rec.midterm_weight_qty,
1668                                     x_final_mandatory_type_code     => v_unit_assessment_item_rec.final_mandatory_type_code,
1669                                     x_final_weight_qty              => v_unit_assessment_item_rec.final_weight_qty
1670                                   );
1671                                 END IF;
1672                         EXCEPTION
1673                                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1674                                         IF cur_latest_gs_ver%ISOPEN THEN
1675                                                 CLOSE cur_latest_gs_ver;
1676                                         ELSIF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err    AND
1677                                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
1678                                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_PRGVERDETAIL';
1679                                         ELSE
1680                                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1681                                         END IF;
1682                         END;
1683                     END LOOP;
1685                   EXCEPTION
1686                     WHEN OTHERS THEN
1687                        IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err    AND
1688                           SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
1689                           p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_PRGVERDETAIL';
1690                        ELSE
1691                           App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1692                        END IF;
1693                   END;
1694                 END LOOP;
1697         EXCEPTION
1698                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1699                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
1700                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
1701                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_PRGVERDETAIL';
1702                         ELSE
1703                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1704                         END IF;
1705         END crspl_ins_unit_assmnt_item;
1706         PROCEDURE crspl_ins_unit_off_pat_note(
1707                 p_unit_cd               IN      IGS_PS_UNT_OFR_PAT_N.unit_cd%TYPE,
1708                 p_version_number        IN      IGS_PS_UNT_OFR_PAT_N.version_number%TYPE,
1709                 p_cal_type              IN      IGS_PS_UNT_OFR_PAT_N.cal_type%TYPE,
1710                 p_ci_sequence_number    IN      IGS_PS_UNT_OFR_PAT_N.ci_sequence_number%TYPE )
1711         AS
1712                 v_unit_offer_pat_note_rec       IGS_PS_UNT_OFR_PAT_N%ROWTYPE;
1713                 v_new_ref_number                IGS_PS_UNT_OFR_PAT_N.reference_number%TYPE;
1714                 --- The following cursor excludes notes records with NULL values in the
1715                 --- note_text field as this implies that it contains data in the note_ole
1716                 --- field which cannot be copied with the current product limitations.
1717                 CURSOR c_unit_off_pat_note_rec IS
1718                         SELECT  *
1719                         FROM    IGS_PS_UNT_OFR_PAT_N uopn
1720                         WHERE   uopn.unit_cd            = p_unit_cd             AND
1721                                 uopn.version_number     = p_version_number      AND
1722                                 uopn.cal_type           = p_cal_type            AND
1723                                 uopn.ci_sequence_number = p_ci_sequence_number  AND
1724                                 EXISTS (
1725                                         SELECT  'x'
1726                                         FROM    IGS_GE_NOTE nte
1727                                         WHERE   nte.reference_number    = uopn.reference_number AND
1728                                                 nte.note_text           IS NOT NULL );
1729         BEGIN
1730                 FOR v_unit_offer_pat_note_rec IN c_unit_off_pat_note_rec LOOP
1731                         crspl_ins_duplicate_note(
1732                                 v_unit_offer_pat_note_rec.reference_number,
1733                                 v_new_ref_number);
1734                         BEGIN
1735                                 x_rowid :=      NULL ;
1736                                 IGS_PS_UNT_OFR_PAT_N_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
1737                                         X_ROWID              =>         x_rowid,
1738                                         X_UNIT_CD            =>         p_new_unit_cd,
1739                                         X_REFERENCE_NUMBER   =>         v_new_ref_number,
1740                                         X_VERSION_NUMBER     =>         p_new_version_number,
1741                                         X_CAL_TYPE           =>         v_unit_offer_pat_note_rec.cal_type,
1742                                         X_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER =>         v_unit_offer_pat_note_rec.ci_sequence_number,
1743                                         X_CRS_NOTE_TYPE      =>         v_unit_offer_pat_note_rec.crs_note_type,
1744                                         X_MODE               =>         'R'
1745                                         );
1746                         EXCEPTION
1747                                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1748                                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
1749                                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
1750                                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_PRGVERDETAIL';
1751                                         ELSE
1752                                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1753                                         END IF;
1754                         END;
1755                 END LOOP;
1756         EXCEPTION
1757                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1758                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
1759                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
1760                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_PRGVERDETAIL';
1761                         ELSE
1762                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1763                         END IF;
1764         END crspl_ins_unit_off_pat_note;
1766         /* Procedure     : crspl_uofr_wlst_details
1767          * Purpose       : To copy the waitlist details of the previous unit version offering to the new unit version that is being
1768          *                 created via the duplication record method.
1769          * Creation Date : 25 Aug 2000
1770          * Created By    : Sreenivas.Bonam
1771          */
1772         PROCEDURE crspl_uofr_wlist_details(
1773                 p_unit_cd        IN     igs_ps_unit_ver.unit_cd%TYPE,
1774                 p_version_number IN     igs_ps_unit_ver.version_number%TYPE,
1775 		p_cal_type       IN     igs_ps_unit_ofr_pat.cal_type%TYPE,
1776 		p_ci_sequence_number IN igs_ps_unit_ofr_pat.ci_sequence_number%TYPE)
1777         AS
1779           CURSOR c_uofr_wlst_pri_det IS
1780             SELECT *
1781             FROM igs_ps_uofr_wlst_pri
1782             WHERE unit_cd = p_unit_cd
1783             AND   version_number = p_version_number
1784 	    AND   calender_type = p_cal_type
1785 	    AND   ci_sequence_number= p_ci_sequence_number;
1787           v_unit_ofr_wlist_pri_id  igs_ps_uofr_wlst_pri.unit_ofr_waitlist_priority_id%TYPE;
1789           CURSOR c_uofr_wlst_prf_det(cp_unit_ofr_wlst_priority_id igs_ps_uofr_wlst_prf.unit_ofr_waitlist_priority_id%TYPE)  IS
1790             SELECT *
1791             FROM igs_ps_uofr_wlst_prf
1792             WHERE unit_ofr_waitlist_priority_id = cp_unit_ofr_wlst_priority_id;
1793           v_unit_ofr_wlist_prf_id  igs_ps_uofr_wlst_prf.unit_ofr_waitlist_pref_id%TYPE;
1796         BEGIN
1798                 FOR c_uofr_wlst_pri_rec IN c_uofr_wlst_pri_det
1799                 LOOP
1800                         x_rowid :=      NULL;
1801 			v_unit_ofr_wlist_pri_id := NULL;
1802                         igs_ps_uofr_wlst_pri_pkg.Insert_Row(
1803                                         x_rowid                   => x_rowid,
1804                                         x_unit_ofr_wl_priority_id => v_unit_ofr_wlist_pri_id,
1805                                         x_unit_cd                 => p_new_unit_cd,
1806                                         x_version_number          => p_new_version_number,
1807                                         x_calender_type           => c_uofr_wlst_pri_rec.calender_type,
1808                                         x_ci_sequence_number      => c_uofr_wlst_pri_rec.ci_sequence_number,
1809                                         x_priority_number         => c_uofr_wlst_pri_rec.priority_number,
1810                                         x_priority_value          => c_uofr_wlst_pri_rec.priority_value,
1811                                         X_MODE                    => 'R');
1812                         FOR c_uofr_wlst_prf_rec IN c_uofr_wlst_prf_det(c_uofr_wlst_pri_rec.unit_ofr_waitlist_priority_id)
1813                         LOOP
1814 			  x_rowid := NULL;
1815 			  v_unit_ofr_wlist_prf_id := NULL;
1816                           igs_ps_uofr_wlst_prf_pkg.Insert_Row(
1817                                         x_rowid                   => x_rowid,
1818                                         x_unit_ofr_wl_pref_id     => v_unit_ofr_wlist_prf_id,
1819                                         x_unit_ofr_wl_priority_id => v_unit_ofr_wlist_pri_id,
1820                                         x_preference_order        => c_uofr_wlst_prf_rec.preference_order,
1821                                         x_preference_code         => c_uofr_wlst_prf_rec.preference_code,
1822                                         x_preference_version      => c_uofr_wlst_prf_rec.preference_version,
1823                                         X_MODE                    => 'R');
1824                         END LOOP;
1825                 END LOOP;
1827         EXCEPTION
1828                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1829                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
1830                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
1831                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_PRGVERDETAIL';
1832                         ELSE
1833                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1834                         END IF;
1835         END crspl_uofr_wlist_details;
1837         PROCEDURE crspl_ins_unit_off_pat (
1838                 p_unit_cd               IN      IGS_PS_UNIT_VER.unit_cd%TYPE,
1839                 p_version_number        IN      IGS_PS_UNIT_VER.version_number%TYPE,
1840                 p_cal_type              IN      IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR.cal_type%TYPE )
1841         AS
1842                 v_unit_offer_pat_rec            IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_PAT%ROWTYPE;
1843                 --- This cursor is used to select the IGS_PS_UNIT offering pattern with the latest
1844                 --- calendar instance (the join between the two tables is based on having
1845                 --- similar IGS_CA_TYPE).
1846                 CURSOR  c_unit_offer_pat_rec IS
1847                         SELECT  *
1848                         FROM    IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_PAT UOP
1849                         WHERE   UOP.unit_cd     = p_unit_cd                     AND
1850                                 UOP.version_number = p_version_number           AND
1851                                 UOP.cal_type    = p_cal_type                    AND
1852 				UOP.delete_flag = 'N'                           AND
1853                                 UOP.ci_end_dt   = (
1854                                                         SELECT  MAX(ci_end_dt)
1855                                                         FROM    IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_PAT UOP2
1856                                                         WHERE   UOP2.unit_cd            = UOP.unit_cd   AND
1857                                                                 UOP2.version_number     = UOP.version_number AND
1858                                       				UOP2.delete_flag        = 'N'                AND
1859                                                                 UOP2.cal_type           = UOP.cal_type)
1860                         ORDER BY UOP.ci_end_dt DESC, UOP.ci_start_dt DESC;
1862         l_org_id  NUMBER(15);
1864         BEGIN
1865                 OPEN c_unit_offer_pat_rec;
1866                 FETCH c_unit_offer_pat_rec INTO v_unit_offer_pat_rec;
1867                 --- If the record cannot be found, then exit.
1868                 IF c_unit_offer_pat_rec%NOTFOUND THEN
1869                         CLOSE c_unit_offer_pat_rec;
1870                         RETURN;
1871                 END IF;
1872                 CLOSE c_unit_offer_pat_rec;
1873                 x_rowid :=      NULL;
1875                 l_org_id := igs_ge_gen_003.get_org_id;
1877                 IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_PAT_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
1878                         X_ROWID               =>        x_rowid,
1879                         X_UNIT_CD             =>        p_new_unit_cd,
1880                         X_VERSION_NUMBER      =>        p_new_version_number,
1881                         X_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER  =>        v_unit_offer_pat_rec.ci_sequence_number,
1882                         X_CAL_TYPE            =>        v_unit_offer_pat_rec.cal_type,
1883                         X_CI_START_DT         =>        v_unit_offer_pat_rec.ci_start_dt,
1884                         X_CI_END_DT           =>        v_unit_offer_pat_rec.ci_end_dt,
1885                         X_WAITLIST_ALLOWED    =>      v_unit_offer_pat_rec.waitlist_allowed,
1886                         X_MAX_STUDENTS_PER_WAITLIST => v_unit_offer_pat_rec.max_students_per_waitlist,
1887                         X_MODE                =>        'R',
1888                         X_ORG_ID              => l_org_id,
1889 			X_DELETE_FLAG         => v_unit_offer_pat_rec.delete_flag ,
1890 			x_abort_flag          => 'N'
1891                         );
1892                 --- Create the relevant notes for this IGS_PS_UNIT offering pattern.
1893                 crspl_ins_unit_off_pat_note(
1894                                         p_unit_cd,
1895                                         p_version_number,
1896                                         v_unit_offer_pat_rec.cal_type,
1897                                         v_unit_offer_pat_rec.ci_sequence_number );
1898                 --- Check if the IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_OPT exists for the old IGS_PS_UNIT code and
1899                 --- version number.  If it does exist, create the new record with the
1900                 --- substituted values.
1901                 crspl_ins_unit_off_opt(
1902                         p_unit_cd,
1903                         p_version_number,
1904                         v_unit_offer_pat_rec.cal_type,
1905                         v_unit_offer_pat_rec.ci_sequence_number );
1906                 --- Check if the unit_asessment_item exists for the old IGS_PS_UNIT code and
1907                 --- version number.  If it does exist, create the new record with the
1908                 --- substituted values.
1909                 crspl_ins_unit_assmnt_item(
1910                         p_unit_cd,
1911                         p_version_number,
1912                         v_unit_offer_pat_rec.cal_type,
1913                         v_unit_offer_pat_rec.ci_sequence_number );
1914                --Check if the unit offering pattern waitlist exists then roll the data
1915                crspl_uofr_wlist_details( p_unit_cd,
1916 	                                 p_version_number,
1917  	                                 v_unit_offer_pat_rec.cal_type,
1918                                          v_unit_offer_pat_rec.ci_sequence_number);
1920         EXCEPTION
1921                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1922                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
1923                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
1924                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_PRGVERDETAIL';
1925                         ELSE
1926                                 IF (c_unit_offer_pat_rec%ISOPEN) THEN
1927                                         CLOSE c_unit_offer_pat_rec;
1928                                 END IF;
1929                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1930                         END IF;
1931         END crspl_ins_unit_off_pat;
1932         PROCEDURE crspl_ins_unit_offer (
1933                 p_unit_cd               IN      IGS_PS_UNIT_VER.unit_cd%TYPE,
1934                 p_version_number        IN      IGS_PS_UNIT_VER.version_number%TYPE )
1935         AS
1936                 v_unit_offer_rec                IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR%ROWTYPE;
1937                 CURSOR  c_unit_offer_rec IS
1938                         SELECT  *
1939                         FROM    IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR
1940                         WHERE   unit_cd         = p_unit_cd AND
1941                                 version_number  = p_version_number;
1942         BEGIN
1943                 FOR v_unit_offer_rec IN c_unit_offer_rec LOOP
1944                         BEGIN
1945                                 x_rowid :=      NULL;
1946                                 IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_PKG.INSERT_ROW(
1947                                         X_ROWID             =>                  x_rowid,
1948                                         X_UNIT_CD           =>                  p_new_unit_cd,
1949                                         X_VERSION_NUMBER    =>                  p_new_version_number,
1950                                         X_CAL_TYPE          =>                  v_unit_offer_rec.cal_type,
1951                                         X_MODE              =>                  'R'
1952                                         );
1953                                 --- Check if the IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_PAT exists for the old IGS_PS_UNIT code and
1954                                 --- version number. If it does exist, create the new record with the
1955                                 --- substituted values.
1956                                 crspl_ins_unit_off_pat(
1957                                         p_unit_cd,
1958                                         p_version_number,
1959                                         v_unit_offer_rec.cal_type);
1960                         EXCEPTION
1961                                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1962                                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
1963                                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
1964                                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_PRGVERDETAIL';
1965                                         ELSE
1966                                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1967                                         END IF;
1968                         END;
1969                 END LOOP;
1970         EXCEPTION
1971                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
1972                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
1973                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
1974                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_PRGVERDETAIL';
1975                         ELSE
1976                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
1977                         END IF;
1978         END crspl_ins_unit_offer;
1981         /* Procedure     : crspl_ins_location_details
1982          * Purpose       : To copy the location details of the previous unit version to the new unit version that is being
1983          *                 created via the duplication record method.
1984          * Creation Date : 25 Aug 2000
1985          * Created By    : Sreenivas.Bonam
1986          */
1987         PROCEDURE crspl_ins_location_details(
1988                 p_unit_cd        IN     igs_ps_unit_ver.unit_cd%TYPE,
1989                 p_version_number IN     igs_ps_unit_ver.version_number%TYPE )
1990         AS
1991           CURSOR c_unit_loc_det IS
1992             SELECT *
1993             FROM igs_ps_unit_location
1994             WHERE unit_code = p_unit_cd
1995               AND unit_version_number = p_version_number;
1996           v_unit_location_id  igs_ps_unit_location.unit_location_id%TYPE;
1997         BEGIN
1999                 FOR c_unit_loc_rec IN c_unit_loc_det
2000                 LOOP
2001                         x_rowid :=      NULL;
2002                         igs_ps_unit_location_pkg.Insert_Row(
2003                                         x_rowid                 => x_rowid,
2004                                         x_unit_location_id      => v_unit_location_id,
2005                                         x_unit_code             => p_new_unit_cd,
2006                                         x_unit_version_number   => p_new_version_number,
2007                                         x_location_code         => c_unit_loc_rec.location_code,
2008                                         x_building_id           => c_unit_loc_rec.building_id,
2009                                         x_room_id               => c_unit_loc_rec.room_id,
2010                                         X_MODE                  => 'R');
2011                 END LOOP;
2013         EXCEPTION
2014                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
2015                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
2016                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
2017                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_PRGVERDETAIL';
2018                         ELSE
2019                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
2020                         END IF;
2021         END crspl_ins_location_details;
2023         /* Procedure     : crspl_ins_facility_details
2024          * Purpose       : To copy the facility details of the previous unit version to the new unit version that is being
2025          *                 created via the duplication record method.
2026          * Creation Date : 25 Aug 2000
2027          * Created By    : Sreenivas.Bonam
2028          */
2029         PROCEDURE crspl_ins_facility_details(
2030                 p_unit_cd        IN     igs_ps_unit_ver.unit_cd%TYPE,
2031                 p_version_number IN     igs_ps_unit_ver.version_number%TYPE )
2032         AS
2033           CURSOR c_unit_fac_det IS
2034             SELECT *
2035             FROM igs_ps_unit_facility
2036             WHERE unit_code = p_unit_cd
2037               AND unit_version_number = p_version_number;
2038           v_unit_media_id  igs_ps_unit_facility.unit_media_id%TYPE;
2039         BEGIN
2041                 FOR c_unit_fac_rec IN c_unit_fac_det
2042                 LOOP
2043                         x_rowid :=      NULL;
2044                         igs_ps_unit_facility_pkg.Insert_Row(
2045                                         x_rowid                 => x_rowid,
2046                                         x_unit_media_id         => v_unit_media_id,
2047                                         x_unit_code             => p_new_unit_cd,
2048                                         x_unit_version_number   => p_new_version_number,
2049                                         x_media_code            => c_unit_fac_rec.media_code,
2050                                         X_MODE                  => 'R');
2051                 END LOOP;
2053         EXCEPTION
2054                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
2055                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
2056                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
2057                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_PRGVERDETAIL';
2058                         ELSE
2059                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
2060                         END IF;
2061         END crspl_ins_facility_details;
2063         /* Procedure     : crspl_ins_cros_ref_details
2064          * Purpose       : To copy the cros reference details of the previous unit version to the new unit version that is being
2065          *                 created via the duplication record method.
2066          * Creation Date : 25 Aug 2000
2067          * Created By    : Sreenivas.Bonam
2068          */
2069         PROCEDURE crspl_ins_cros_ref_details(
2070                 p_unit_cd        IN     igs_ps_unit_ver.unit_cd%TYPE,
2071                 p_version_number IN     igs_ps_unit_ver.version_number%TYPE )
2072         AS
2073           CURSOR c_unit_cros_ref_det IS
2074             SELECT *
2075             FROM igs_ps_unit_cros_ref
2076             WHERE parent_unit_code = p_unit_cd
2077               AND parent_unit_version_number = p_version_number;
2078           v_unit_cross_reference_id  igs_ps_unit_cros_ref.unit_cross_reference_id%TYPE;
2079         BEGIN
2081                 FOR c_unit_cros_ref_rec IN c_unit_cros_ref_det
2082                 LOOP
2083                         x_rowid :=      NULL;
2084                         igs_ps_unit_cros_ref_pkg.Insert_Row(
2085                                         x_rowid                      => x_rowid,
2086                                         x_unit_cross_reference_id    => v_unit_cross_reference_id,
2087                                         x_parent_unit_code           => p_new_unit_cd,
2088                                         x_parent_unit_version_number => p_new_version_number,
2089                                         x_child_unit_code            => c_unit_cros_ref_rec.child_unit_code,
2090                                         x_child_unit_version_number  => c_unit_cros_ref_rec.child_unit_version_number,
2091                                         X_MODE                       => 'R');
2092                 END LOOP;
2094         EXCEPTION
2095                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
2096                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
2097                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
2098                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_PRGVERDETAIL';
2099                         ELSE
2100                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
2101                         END IF;
2102         END crspl_ins_cros_ref_details;
2105         /* Procedure     : crspl_ins_grd_schm_details
2106          * Purpose       : To copy the grading schema details of the previous unit version to the new unit version that is being
2107          *                 created via the duplication record method.
2108          * Creation Date : 25 Aug 2000
2109          * Created By    : Sreenivas.Bonam
2110          */
2111         PROCEDURE crspl_ins_grd_schm_details(
2112                 p_unit_cd        IN     igs_ps_unit_ver.unit_cd%TYPE,
2113                 p_version_number IN     igs_ps_unit_ver.version_number%TYPE )
2114         AS
2115           CURSOR c_unit_grd_schm_det IS
2116             SELECT *
2117             FROM igs_ps_unit_grd_schm
2118             WHERE unit_code = p_unit_cd
2119               AND unit_version_number = p_version_number;
2120           v_unit_grading_schema_id  igs_ps_unit_grd_schm.unit_grading_schema_id%TYPE;
2121         BEGIN
2123                 FOR c_unit_grd_schm_rec IN c_unit_grd_schm_det
2124                 LOOP
2125                         x_rowid :=      NULL;
2126                         igs_ps_unit_grd_schm_pkg.Insert_Row(
2127                                         x_rowid                   => x_rowid,
2128                                         x_unit_grading_schema_id  => v_unit_grading_schema_id,
2129                                         x_unit_code               => p_new_unit_cd,
2130                                         x_unit_version_number     => p_new_version_number,
2131                                         x_grading_schema_code     => c_unit_grd_schm_rec.grading_schema_code,
2132                                         x_grd_schm_version_number => c_unit_grd_schm_rec.grd_schm_version_number,
2133                                         x_default_flag            => c_unit_grd_schm_rec.default_flag,
2134                                         X_MODE                    => 'R');
2135                 END LOOP;
2137         EXCEPTION
2138                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
2139                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
2140                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
2141                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_PRGVERDETAIL';
2142                         ELSE
2143                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
2144                         END IF;
2145         END crspl_ins_grd_schm_details;
2148         /* Procedure     : crspl_ins_unt_fld_details
2149          * Purpose       : To copy the field of Study details of the previous unit version to the new unit version that is being
2150          *                 created via the duplication record method.
2151          * Creation Date : 25 Aug 2000
2152          * Created By    : Sreenivas.Bonam
2153          */
2154         PROCEDURE crspl_ins_unt_fld_details(
2155                 p_unit_cd        IN     igs_ps_unit_ver.unit_cd%TYPE,
2156                 p_version_number IN     igs_ps_unit_ver.version_number%TYPE )
2157         AS
2158           CURSOR c_unit_fld_stdy_det IS
2159             SELECT *
2160             FROM igs_ps_unit_fld_stdy
2161             WHERE unit_code = p_unit_cd
2162               AND version_number = p_version_number;
2163           v_unit_field_of_study_id  igs_ps_unit_fld_stdy.unit_field_of_study_id%TYPE;
2164         BEGIN
2166                 FOR c_unit_fld_stdy_rec IN c_unit_fld_stdy_det
2167                 LOOP
2168                         x_rowid :=      NULL;
2169                         igs_ps_unit_fld_stdy_pkg.Insert_Row(
2170                                         x_rowid                  => x_rowid,
2171                                         x_unit_field_of_study_id => v_unit_field_of_study_id,
2172                                         x_unit_code              => p_new_unit_cd,
2173                                         x_version_number         => p_new_version_number,
2174                                         x_field_of_study         => c_unit_fld_stdy_rec.field_of_study,
2175                                         X_MODE                   => 'R');
2176                 END LOOP;
2178         EXCEPTION
2179                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
2180                         IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err       AND
2181                                         SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
2182                                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_PRGVERDETAIL';
2183                         ELSE
2184                                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
2185                         END IF;
2186         END crspl_ins_unt_fld_details;
2188         --removed the procedure CRSP_INS_UNIT_REVSEG by vvutukur as part of enh#2831572.
2190         /* Procedure     : crsp_ins_appr_ass_itm_grd
2191          * Purpose       : To roll the Approved Assessment Item Grading Schemas
2192          *                 for the Unit from its existing unit version number
2193          *                 to next new version number.
2194          *
2195          * Creation Date : 03 Jan 2002
2196          * Created By    : Nishikant
2197          */
2198         PROCEDURE crsp_ins_appr_ass_itm_grd(
2199                 p_unit_cd        IN     igs_ps_unit_ver.unit_cd%TYPE,
2200                 p_version_number IN     igs_ps_unit_ver.version_number%TYPE
2201         )
2202         AS
2203         CURSOR c_appr_grd_sch IS
2204           SELECT  *
2205           FROM    igs_as_appr_grd_sch
2206           WHERE   unit_cd = p_unit_cd AND
2207                   version_number = p_version_number AND
2208                   closed_ind = 'N';
2209         CURSOR c_max_ver_grd_sch(
2210                   p_grading_schema_cd  igs_as_appr_grd_sch.grading_schema_cd%TYPE)
2211         IS
2212           SELECT  MAX(version_number)
2213           FROM    igs_as_grd_schema
2214           WHERE   grading_schema_cd = p_grading_schema_cd;
2215         l_appr_grd_sch       igs_as_appr_grd_sch%ROWTYPE;
2216         l_max_ver_grd_sch    igs_as_grd_schema.version_number%TYPE;
2217         l_message_name       fnd_new_messages.message_name%TYPE;
2218         l_rowid              VARCHAR(30);
2220         BEGIN
2221           FOR l_appr_grd_sch  IN c_appr_grd_sch
2222           LOOP
2223               OPEN  c_max_ver_grd_sch(l_appr_grd_sch.grading_schema_cd);
2224               FETCH c_max_ver_grd_sch INTO l_max_ver_grd_sch;
2225               CLOSE c_max_ver_grd_sch;
2226           -- The function assp_val_gs_cur_fut checks for the new version of
2227           -- the Grading Schema is current or future and retrns a boolean value.
2228           -- When call to the following function returns TRUE it inserts the
2229           -- Approved Grading Schema with the new Unit Version and new Grading
2230           -- Schema Version if available. Otherwise it should not insert the
2231           -- Grading Schema for the Unit Version.
2232                   IF igs_as_val_gsg.assp_val_gs_cur_fut(
2233                                      l_appr_grd_sch.grading_schema_cd,
2234                                      l_max_ver_grd_sch,
2235                                      l_message_name)  THEN
2236                          l_rowid := NULL;
2237                          igs_as_appr_grd_sch_pkg.insert_row(
2238                                x_rowid             => l_rowid,
2239                                x_unit_cd           => p_new_unit_cd,
2240                                x_version_number    => p_new_version_number,
2241                                x_assessment_type   => l_appr_grd_sch.assessment_type,
2242                                x_grading_schema_cd => l_appr_grd_sch.grading_schema_cd,
2243                                x_gs_version_number => l_max_ver_grd_sch,
2244                                x_default_ind       => l_appr_grd_sch.default_ind,
2245                                x_closed_ind        => 'N',
2246                                x_mode              => 'R' );
2247                   END IF;
2248           END LOOP;
2249         EXCEPTION
2250           WHEN OTHERS THEN
2251              IF SQLCODE >= cst_lower_limit_err  AND
2252                 SQLCODE <= cst_upper_limit_err THEN
2253                        p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_FAIL_COPY_PRGVERDETAIL';
2254              ELSE
2255                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
2256              END IF;
2257         END crsp_ins_appr_ass_itm_grd;
2259 BEGIN
2260         --- The purpose of this procedure is to perform a rollover function by
2261         --- duplicating the details from one IGS_PS_UNIT code / version number combination
2262         --- to a new IGS_PS_UNIT code / version number combination.  Each local procedure
2263         --- handles the duplication of data for a table (or group of related tables).
2264         --- Each local procedure contains an anonymous block around the insert
2265         --- statement. This is to trap 'acceptable' errors within the defined range
2266         --- and to continue. This is also the case for the exception handling area
2267         --- for the whole procedure. Errors outside of this are handled in the usual
2268         --- way by GENP_LOG_ERROR().
2270         -- Assigning initial values to local variables which were being initialised using DEFAULT
2271         -- clause.Done as part of bug #2563596 to remove GSCC warning.
2272         cst_upper_limit_err := -20000;
2273         cst_lower_limit_err := -20999;
2275         DECLARE
2277                 CURSOR  c_new_unit_vers_rec (
2278                         cp_new_unit_cd          IGS_PS_UNIT_VER.unit_cd%TYPE,
2279                         cp_new_version_number   IGS_PS_UNIT_VER.version_number%TYPE ) IS
2280                         SELECT  'x'
2281                         FROM    IGS_PS_UNIT_VER
2282                         WHERE   unit_cd         = cp_new_unit_cd AND
2283                                 version_number  = cp_new_version_number;
2284                 CURSOR  c_old_unit_vers_rec (
2285                         cp_old_unit_cd          IGS_PS_UNIT_VER.unit_cd%TYPE,
2286                         cp_old_version_number   IGS_PS_UNIT_VER.version_number%TYPE ) IS
2287                         SELECT  'x'
2288                         FROM    IGS_PS_UNIT_VER
2289                         WHERE   unit_cd         = cp_old_unit_cd AND
2290                                     version_number      = cp_old_version_number;
2291                l_status NUMBER;
2293         BEGIN
2294                 --- Set default message number
2295                 p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_SUCCESS_COPY_PRG_VER';
2296                 -- Check if the new IGS_PS_UNIT version exists
2297                 OPEN c_new_unit_vers_rec(
2298                                 p_new_unit_cd,
2299                                 p_new_version_number);
2300                 FETCH c_new_unit_vers_rec INTO gv_unit_version_exist;
2301                 IF c_new_unit_vers_rec%NOTFOUND THEN
2302                         p_message_name := 'IGS_GE_VAL_DOES_NOT_XS';
2303                         CLOSE c_new_unit_vers_rec;
2304                         RETURN;
2305                 END IF;
2306                 CLOSE c_new_unit_vers_rec;
2307                 --- Check if the old IGS_PS_UNIT version exists
2308                 OPEN c_old_unit_vers_rec(
2309                                 p_old_unit_cd,
2310                                 p_old_version_number);
2311                 FETCH c_old_unit_vers_rec INTO gv_unit_version_exist;
2312                 IF c_old_unit_vers_rec%NOTFOUND THEN
2313                         p_message_name := 'IGS_GE_VAL_DOES_NOT_XS';
2314                         CLOSE c_old_unit_vers_rec;
2315                         RETURN;
2316                 END IF;
2317                 CLOSE c_old_unit_vers_rec;
2318                 --- Check if the IGS_PS_UNIT_VER_NOTE record exists for the old IGS_PS_UNIT code and
2319                 --- version number. If it does exist, create the new record with the
2320                 --- substituted values. A new IGS_GE_NOTE record must be created as well.
2321                 crspl_ins_unit_ver_note(
2322                                 p_old_unit_cd,
2323                                 p_old_version_number);
2324                 --- Check if the IGS_PS_TCH_RESP record exists for the old IGS_PS_UNIT code
2325                 --- and version number. If it does exist, create the new record with the
2326                 --- substituted values.
2327                 crspl_ins_teach_resp(
2328                                 p_old_unit_cd,
2329                                 p_old_version_number);
2330                 --- Check if the IGS_PS_UNIT_DSCP record exists for the old IGS_PS_UNIT code and
2331                 --- version number. If it does exist, create the new record with the
2332                 --- substituted values.
2333                 crspl_ins_unit_discipline(
2334                                 p_old_unit_cd,
2335                                 p_old_version_number);
2336                 --- Check if the IGS_PS_UNIT_CATEGORY record exists for the old IGS_PS_UNIT code and
2337                 --- version number. If it does exist, create the new record with the
2338                 --- substituted values.
2339                 crspl_ins_unit_categorisation(
2340                                 p_old_unit_cd,
2341                                 p_old_version_number);
2342                 --- Check if the IGS_PS_UNIT_LVL record exists for the old IGS_PS_UNIT code and
2343                 --- version number. If it does exist, create the new record with the
2344                 --- substituted values.
2345                 crspl_ins_crs_unit_lvl(
2346                                 p_old_unit_cd,
2347                                 p_old_version_number);
2348                 --- Check if the IGS_PS_UNIT_REF_CD exists for the old IGS_PS_UNIT code and version
2349                 --- number. If it does exist, create the new record with the substituted
2350                 --- values.
2351                 crspl_ins_unit_ref_cd(
2352                                 p_old_unit_cd,
2353                                 p_old_version_number);
2354                 --- Check if the IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR exists for the old IGS_PS_UNIT code and version
2355                 --- number. If it does exist, create the new record with the substituted
2356                 --- values.
2357                 crspl_ins_unit_offer(
2358                                 p_old_unit_cd,
2359                                 p_old_version_number);
2360                 --- Check if the IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_NOTE record exists for the old IGS_PS_UNIT code and
2361                 --- version number. If it does exist, create the new record with the
2362                 --- substituted values. A new IGS_GE_NOTE record must be created as well.
2363                 crspl_ins_unit_offer_note(
2364                                 p_old_unit_cd,
2365                                 p_old_version_number);
2367                 -- The following calls have been added to copy details related to new forms added in 11.5
2368                 -- The code for each of these procedures has been declared above locally
2369                 crspl_ins_location_details(
2370                                 p_old_unit_cd,
2371                                 p_old_version_number);
2372                 crspl_ins_facility_details(
2373                                 p_old_unit_cd,
2374                                 p_old_version_number);
2375                 crspl_ins_cros_ref_details(
2376                                 p_old_unit_cd,
2377                                 p_old_version_number);
2378                 crspl_ins_grd_schm_details(
2379                                 p_old_unit_cd,
2380                                 p_old_version_number);
2381                 crspl_ins_unt_fld_details(
2382                                 p_old_unit_cd,
2383                                 p_old_version_number);
2384                  --Added by manu according to bug # 1882122, 1 Aug, 2001
2385                  --removed the call to crsp_ins_unit_revseg by vvutukur as part of enh#2831572.
2386                 -- Added by Nishikant due to the enhancement bug#2162831
2387                 crsp_ins_appr_ass_itm_grd(
2388                                 p_old_unit_cd,
2389                                 p_old_version_number);
2391                 -- Added by Ayedubat as part of the HESA Integration DLD ( Eh Bug # 2201753)
2393                 -- Check the Profile value of Country Code for OSS.
2395                 IF fnd_profile.value('OSS_COUNTRY_CODE') = 'GB' THEN
2397                     -- Call the Procedure to copy the HESA related information old Unit to the New Unit
2398                     IGS_HE_UV_PKG.COPY_UNIT_VERSION
2399                       (p_old_unit_cd,
2400                        p_old_version_number,
2401                        p_new_unit_cd,
2402                        p_new_version_number,
2403                        l_status,
2404                        p_message_name) ;
2406                     -- If the Procedure has returned an error , then display the error message and abort the process
2407                     IF l_status = 2 THEN -- ie. The procedure call has resulted in error.
2409                        fnd_message.set_name('IGS', p_message_name);
2410                        IGS_GE_MSG_STACK.ADD;
2411                        app_exception.raise_exception;
2413                     END IF;
2415                 END IF;
2416                 -- End of the code added by ayedubat
2418                 EXCEPTION
2419                 WHEN OTHERS THEN
2420                         IF (c_new_unit_vers_rec%ISOPEN) THEN
2421                                 CLOSE c_new_unit_vers_rec;
2422                         END IF;
2423                         IF (c_old_unit_vers_rec%ISOPEN) THEN
2424                                 CLOSE c_old_unit_vers_rec;
2425                         END IF;
2426                         App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
2427         END;
2429         WHEN OTHERS THEN
2430                 Fnd_Message.Set_Name('IGS', 'IGS_GE_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION');
2431                 Fnd_Message.Set_Token('NAME','IGS_PS_GEN_008.crsp_ins_unit_ver');
2432                 IGS_GE_MSG_STACK.ADD;
2433                 App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
2434 END crsp_ins_unit_ver;
2439   p_unit_cd IN VARCHAR2 ,
2440   p_version_number IN NUMBER ,
2441   p_cal_type IN VARCHAR2 ,
2442   p_source_ci_sequence_number IN NUMBER ,
2443   p_dest_ci_sequence_number IN NUMBER ,
2444   p_source_cal_type IN VARCHAR2,
2445   p_message_name OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
2446   p_log_creation_date DATE )
2449 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2450 --Change History:
2451 --Who       When         What
2452 --sarakshi  17-Oct-2005  Bug#4657596, added fnd logging
2453 --sarakshi  14-oct-2004  Bug#3945817, passsing unit section status as mentioned in the bug.
2454 --sarakshi  14-Sep-2004  Enh#3888835, added cursor c_teach_date and it's related logic.
2455 --sarakshi  31-AUG-2004  Bug#3864738,passed unit_section_status as OPEN in the insert row call of IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_OPT
2456 --sarakshi  12-Jul-2004  Bug#3729462, Added the predicate DELETE_FLAG='N' to the cursor c_uop_dest_rec
2457 --sarakshi  02-Jun-2004  Bug#3655650,modified cursor c_uai_source_rec and its usage, also added logic to rollover the unit assessment items groups
2458 --sarakshi  13-Apr-2004  Bug#3555871, removed the logic of getting the call number for AUTO profile option.
2459 --sarakshi  23-sep-2003  ENh#3052452,created local procedure crspl_upd_usec_relation and the call of the same .Also added column sup_uoo_id,relation_type,default_enroll_flag to the call of igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_pkg.insert_row
2460 --sarakhsi  29-Aug-2003  Bug#3076021,shifted teh local function crspl_ins_teach_resp_ovrd to IGSPS01B.pls(only logic),also set the value of unit_section_status,unit section start_dt and unit_section_end_dt appropriately
2461 --vvutukur  05-Aug-2003  Enh#3045069.PSP Enh Build. Modified call to igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_pkg.insert_row to include new parameter not_multiple_section_flag.
2462 --sarakshi  18-Apr-2003  Bug#2910695,passed null to actual_enrollment,actual_waitlist to IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_OPT_ALL
2463 --sarakshi  05-Mar-2003  Bug#2768783,replaced the local function call check_call_number with
2464 --                       igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_pkg.check_call_number.Also coded logic for validating/generating call_number
2465 --sarakshi  18-sep-2002  changed the variable name p_message_name to l_message_name,bug#2563596
2466 --sarakshi  06-Jun-2002  Local procedure to handle the exception condition ,bug#2332807
2467 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2470   --This cursor added by sarakshi,bug#2332807
2471   CURSOR cur_check(cp_creation_dt igs_ge_s_log_entry.creation_dt%TYPE)  IS
2472   SELECT  'X'
2473   FROM    igs_ge_s_log_entry
2474   WHERE   s_log_type='USEC-ROLL'
2475   AND     creation_dt=cp_creation_dt;
2478   --This cursor added by jbegum for Bug#2563596
2479   CURSOR cur_check_log(cp_creation_dt igs_ge_s_log.creation_dt%TYPE)  IS
2480   SELECT  rowid
2481   FROM    igs_ge_s_log
2482   WHERE   s_log_type='USEC-ROLL'
2483   AND     creation_dt=cp_creation_dt;
2485   l_var                   VARCHAR2(1);
2486   l_var_log               cur_check_log%ROWTYPE;
2487   l_rowid                 VARCHAR2(25);
2488   x_rowid                 VARCHAR2(25);
2489   l_old_uoo_id            igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.uoo_id%TYPE;
2490   v_new_uoo_id            igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.uoo_id%TYPE;
2493 BEGIN   -- crsp_ins_uop_uoo
2494         -- Copy the IGS_PS_UNIT offering options and IGS_PS_UNIT assessment patterns from
2495         -- the source IGS_PS_UNIT offering pattern to the destination IGS_PS_UNIT offering pattern.
2497   cst_exam      CONSTANT        VARCHAR2(4) := 'EXAM';
2498   v_uoo_inserted_cnt            NUMBER(4);
2499   v_uai_inserted_cnt            NUMBER(4);
2500   v_uai_fetched_cnt             NUMBER(4);
2501   v_message_name                VARCHAR2(30);
2502   v_uop_exists                  VARCHAR2(1);
2503   v_uoo_error                   BOOLEAN ;
2504   v_uai_error                   BOOLEAN ;
2505   v_tro_recs_skipped            BOOLEAN ;
2506   v_uai_continue                BOOLEAN ;
2507   v_ret_val                     BOOLEAN ;
2508   v_successful_pattern_mbr      BOOLEAN ;
2509   v_exam_cal_type               igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE;
2510   v_exam_ci_sequence_number     igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE;
2511   v_latest_gs_version           igs_as_grd_schema.version_number%TYPE;
2512   v_unit_contact                igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.unit_contact%TYPE;
2513   v_assessment_type             igs_as_assessmnt_typ.assessment_type%TYPE;
2514   v_reference                   igs_as_unitass_item.reference%TYPE;
2515   v_uai_seq_num                 igs_as_unitass_item.sequence_number%TYPE;
2516   l_org_id                      NUMBER(15);
2517   l_unit_ass_item_id            igs_as_unitass_item_all.unit_ass_item_id%TYPE;
2520   CURSOR c_uop_dest_rec IS
2521   SELECT 'x'
2522   FROM   igs_ps_unit_ofr_pat     uop
2523   WHERE  uop.unit_cd             = p_unit_cd
2524   AND    uop.version_number      = p_version_number
2525   AND    uop.cal_type            = p_cal_type
2526   AND    uop.ci_sequence_number  = p_dest_ci_sequence_number
2527   AND    uop.delete_flag         = 'N';
2529   CURSOR c_uoo_source_rec IS
2530   SELECT *
2531   FROM   igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt     uoo
2532   WHERE  uoo.unit_cd             = p_unit_cd
2533   AND    uoo.version_number      = p_version_number
2534   AND    uoo.cal_type            = p_source_cal_type
2535   AND    uoo.ci_sequence_number  = p_source_ci_sequence_number;
2536   v_uoo_rec             c_uoo_source_rec%ROWTYPE;
2538   CURSOR c_latest_gs_version (cp_grad_schema_cd        igs_as_grd_schema.grading_schema_cd%TYPE) IS
2539   SELECT MAX(gs.version_number)
2540   FROM   igs_as_grd_schema  gs
2541   WHERE  gs.grading_schema_cd = cp_grad_schema_cd;
2544   CURSOR cur_unit_ass_group(cp_unit_cd            igs_as_unit_ai_grp.unit_cd%TYPE,
2545                             cp_version_number     igs_as_unit_ai_grp.version_number%TYPE,
2546 			    cp_cal_type           igs_as_unit_ai_grp.cal_type%TYPE,
2547 			    cp_ci_sequence_number igs_as_unit_ai_grp.ci_sequence_number%TYPE) IS
2548    SELECT  *
2549    FROM    igs_as_unit_ai_grp
2550    WHERE   unit_cd=cp_unit_cd
2551    AND     version_number=cp_version_number
2552    AND     cal_type = cp_cal_type
2553    AND     ci_sequence_number=cp_ci_sequence_number;
2555   -- Only undeleted record to be selected
2556   CURSOR c_uai_source_rec(
2557          cp_unit_cd                      igs_ps_unit_ofr_pat.unit_cd%TYPE,
2558          cp_version_number               igs_ps_unit_ofr_pat.version_number%TYPE,
2559          cp_source_cal_type              igs_ps_unit_ofr_pat.cal_type%TYPE,
2560          cp_source_ci_sequence_number    igs_ps_unit_ofr_pat.ci_sequence_number%TYPE,
2561 	 cp_unit_ass_item_group_id       igs_as_unitass_item.unit_ass_item_group_id%TYPE) IS
2562   SELECT *
2563   FROM   igs_as_unitass_item     uai
2564   WHERE  uai.logical_delete_dt   IS NULL
2565   AND    uai.unit_cd             = cp_unit_cd
2566   AND    uai.version_number      = cp_version_number
2567   AND    uai.cal_type            = cp_source_cal_type
2568   AND    uai.ci_sequence_number  = cp_source_ci_sequence_number
2569   AND    uai.unit_ass_item_group_id = cp_unit_ass_item_group_id
2570   ORDER BY uai.exam_cal_type, uai.exam_ci_sequence_number;
2571   v_uai_rec             c_uai_source_rec%ROWTYPE;
2573   CURSOR c_uoo_rec_exists(
2574          cp_unit_cd                      IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_PAT.unit_cd%TYPE,
2575          cp_version_number               IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_PAT.version_number%TYPE,
2576          cp_cal_type                     IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_PAT.cal_type%TYPE,
2577          cp_dest_ci_sequence_number      IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_PAT.ci_sequence_number%TYPE,
2578          cp_location_cd                  IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_OPT.location_cd%TYPE,
2579          cp_unit_class                   IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_PAT.unit_cd%TYPE) IS
2580   SELECT *
2581   FROM   igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt     uoo
2582   WHERE  uoo.unit_cd             = cp_unit_cd
2583   AND    uoo.version_number      = cp_version_number
2584   AND    uoo.cal_type            = cp_cal_type
2585   AND    uoo.ci_sequence_number  = cp_dest_ci_sequence_number
2586   AND    uoo.location_cd         = cp_location_cd
2587   AND    uoo.unit_class          = cp_unit_class;
2588   v_uoo_rec_exists                   c_uoo_rec_exists%ROWTYPE;
2590   CURSOR        c_uoo_seq_num IS
2592   FROM  DUAL;
2594   CURSOR        c_uai_seq_num IS
2596   FROM  DUAL;
2598   CURSOR c_teach_date(cp_cal_type igs_ca_inst_all.cal_type%TYPE ,cp_seq_num  igs_ca_inst_all.sequence_number%TYPE) IS
2599   SELECT start_dt,end_dt
2600   FROM   igs_ca_inst_all
2601   WHERE  cal_type = cp_cal_type
2602   AND    sequence_number = cp_seq_num;
2603   l_d_src_teach_cal_start_dt  DATE;
2604   l_d_src_teach_cal_end_dt    DATE;
2605   l_d_dst_teach_cal_start_dt  DATE;
2606   l_d_dst_teach_cal_end_dt    DATE;
2607   l_n_num_st_days             NUMBER;
2608   l_n_num_end_days            NUMBER;
2609   l_d_us_dest_start_dt        DATE;
2610   l_d_us_dest_end_dt          DATE;
2612   l_c_usec_status igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_all.unit_section_status%TYPE;
2614   -- jbegum As part of bug#2563596 the call to IGS_GE_GEN_003.genp_ins_log_entry was modified .
2615   -- The concatenated string being passed to parameter p_key has the substring FND_MESSAGE.GET_STRING('IGS', l_message_name)
2616   -- removed as this was causing the TBH procedure IGS_GE_S_LOG_ENTRY_PKG.INSERT_ROW to throw up an invalid value error,which
2617   -- was in turn causing function IGS_PS_GEN_008.crsp_ins_uop_uoo to throw up an unhandled exception.
2618   -- Also the concatenated string being passed to parameter p_text has only l_message_name concatenated to it instead of
2619   -- FND_MESSAGE.GET_STRING('IGS', l_message_name)
2623   PROCEDURE  handle_excp( p_old_uoo_id        igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.uoo_id%TYPE ) AS
2624   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2625   --Change History:
2626   --Who       When         What
2627   --
2628   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2629     CURSOR cur_org_unit (cp_uoo_id IN NUMBER) IS
2630     SELECT   owner_org_unit_cd
2631     FROM     igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt
2632     WHERE    uoo_id = cp_uoo_id;
2633     lcur_org_unit cur_org_unit%rowtype;
2634     l_message_name fnd_new_messages.message_text%TYPE;
2635   BEGIN
2636     --l_message_name should contain error messasges from tbh while insertion, if any other error is occured
2637     --that is fetched by using sqlerrm and stored in l_message_name
2638     l_message_name:=fnd_message.get;
2639     IF l_message_name IS NULL THEN
2640       l_message_name:=sqlerrm;
2641     END IF;
2643     OPEN cur_org_unit (p_old_uoo_id);
2644     FETCH cur_org_unit INTO lcur_org_unit;
2645     CLOSE cur_org_unit;
2647     igs_ge_gen_003.genp_ins_log_entry (
2648     'USEC-ROLL' ,            --This s_log_type
2649     p_log_creation_date,     -- This will be accepted AS parameter AND defaulted TO NULL;
2650     lcur_org_unit.owner_org_unit_cd || ',' || p_old_uoo_id || ',' || p_source_cal_type ||
2651     ',' || p_source_ci_sequence_number,  --This is the key
2652     NULL, --This is message name
2653     --This is the message text
2654     lcur_org_unit.owner_org_unit_cd || ',' || p_old_uoo_id || ',' || p_source_cal_type || ',' ||p_source_ci_sequence_number || ',' || l_message_name);
2656   END handle_excp;
2659   PROCEDURE crspl_upd_usec_relation (p_src_cal_type igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE,
2660                                      p_src_sequence_num igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE,
2661                                      p_dst_cal_type igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE,
2662                                      p_dst_sequence_num igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE
2663                                      ) AS
2664     /*************************************************************
2665      Created By : sarakshi
2666      Date Created By :23-Sep-2003
2667      Purpose :To create relationship between the unit section that has been rolled over.
2668      Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
2669      Change History
2670      Who             When            What
2671      sarakshi   18-Jan-2006  Bug#4926548, modified cursor c_new_sub_us and c_new_sup_us1 to address the performance issue. Created local procedures and functions.
2672      sarakshi   17-Nov-2005  Bug#4726940, impact of change of signature of the update_usec_record, passing the default enroll flag
2673                              value from the source to the destination for the subordinate section. Also removed variable l_usec_roll
2674 			     as relationship logic needs to be called irrespective of whether a single unit ssection has been rolled or not
2675      (reverse chronological order - newest change first)
2676     ***************************************************************/
2678     l_c_none        VARCHAR2(10) := 'NONE';
2679     l_c_superior    VARCHAR2(10) := 'SUPERIOR';
2680     l_c_subordinate VARCHAR2(15) := 'SUBORDINATE';
2681     l_c_notoffered  VARCHAR2(15) := 'NOT_OFFERED';
2682     l_c_inactive    VARCHAR2(10) :=  'INACTIVE';
2684     --Cursor to get list the subordinate unit sections whose superior unit sections have been rolled over
2685     CURSOR c_get_sub_us_list IS
2686     SELECT *
2687     FROM igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt
2688     WHERE  sup_uoo_id IN ( SELECT uoo_id
2689                            FROM igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt
2690                            WHERE cal_type = p_src_cal_type
2691                            AND   ci_sequence_number = p_src_sequence_num
2692          AND   unit_cd = p_unit_cd
2693          AND   version_number = p_version_number
2694                           );
2696     --Cursor to get unit_cd,version_number, location_code and unit_class for  SUP_UOO_ID
2697     CURSOR c_get_old_uoo_det(cp_uoo_id  igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.uoo_id%TYPE) IS
2698     SELECT unit_cd,version_number,location_cd,unit_class
2699     FROM   igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt
2700     WHERE  uoo_id = cp_uoo_id;
2702     --Cursor to get the new UOO_ID for the old SUP_UOO_ID
2703     CURSOR c_new_sup_uoo_id(cp_unit_cd        igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.unit_cd%TYPE,
2704                             cp_version_number igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.version_number%TYPE,
2705                             cp_location_cd    igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.location_cd%TYPE,
2706                             cp_unit_class     igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.unit_class%TYPE) IS
2707     SELECT uoo_id
2708     FROM   igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt
2709     WHERE  unit_cd            = cp_unit_cd
2710     AND    version_number     = cp_version_number
2711     AND    cal_type           = p_dst_cal_type
2712     AND    ci_sequence_number = p_dst_sequence_num
2713     AND    location_cd        = cp_location_cd
2714     AND    unit_class         = cp_unit_class;
2716     --Cursor to get the new subordinate unit sections
2717     CURSOR c_new_sub_us (cp_unit_cd        igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.unit_cd%TYPE,
2718                          cp_version_number igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.version_number%TYPE,
2719                          cp_location_cd    igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.location_cd%TYPE,
2720                          cp_unit_class     igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.unit_class%TYPE) IS
2721     SELECT uoo.*
2722     FROM  igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt uoo,
2723           igs_ps_unit_ver_all uv,
2724           igs_ps_unit_stat   us
2725     WHERE uoo.unit_cd         = cp_unit_cd
2726     AND   uoo.version_number  = cp_version_number
2727     AND   uoo.location_cd     = cp_location_cd
2728     AND   uoo.unit_class      = cp_unit_class
2729     AND   uoo.relation_type   = l_c_none
2730     AND   uoo.unit_section_status <> l_c_notoffered
2731     AND   uoo.unit_cd = uv.unit_cd
2732     AND   uoo.version_number = uv.version_number
2733     AND   uv.unit_status   = us.unit_status
2734     AND   us.s_unit_status <> l_c_inactive
2735     AND   uoo.uoo_id NOT IN (SELECT uoo_id FROM igs_ps_usec_x_grpmem);
2738     --Cursor to get list the subordiante unit sections have been rolled over
2739     CURSOR c_get_sub_us_list1 IS
2740     SELECT *
2741     FROM   igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt
2742     WHERE  cal_type           = p_src_cal_type
2743     AND    ci_sequence_number = p_src_sequence_num
2744     AND    unit_cd = p_unit_cd
2745     AND    version_number = p_version_number
2746     AND    relation_type      = l_c_subordinate;
2748     --Cursor to get from the new  subordinate unit section details
2749     CURSOR c_get_new_sub (cp_unit_cd        igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.unit_cd%TYPE,
2750                           cp_version_number igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.version_number%TYPE,
2751                           cp_location_cd    igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.location_cd%TYPE,
2752                           cp_unit_class     igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.unit_class%TYPE) IS
2753     SELECT *
2754     FROM   igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt
2755     WHERE  unit_cd            = cp_unit_cd
2756     AND    version_number     = cp_version_number
2757     AND    location_cd        = cp_location_cd
2758     AND    unit_class         = cp_unit_class
2759     AND    cal_type           = p_dst_cal_type
2760     AND    ci_sequence_number = p_dst_sequence_num;
2762     --Cursor to get the old superior unit section details
2763     CURSOR c_get_old_sup_det (cp_uoo_id igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.uoo_id%TYPE) IS
2764     SELECT *
2765     FROM   igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt
2766     WHERE  uoo_id = cp_uoo_id;
2769     --Cursor to get the new superior unit sections
2770     CURSOR c_new_sup_us(cp_unit_cd        igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.unit_cd%TYPE,
2771                         cp_version_number igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.version_number%TYPE,
2772                         cp_location_cd    igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.location_cd%TYPE,
2773                         cp_unit_class     igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.unit_class%TYPE) IS
2774     SELECT uoo.uoo_id,uoo.sup_uoo_id
2775     FROM   igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt uoo,
2776            igs_ps_unit_ver_all uv,
2777            igs_ps_unit_stat   us
2778     WHERE  uoo.unit_cd        = cp_unit_cd
2779     AND    uoo.version_number = cp_version_number
2780     AND    uoo.location_cd    = cp_location_cd
2781     AND    uoo.unit_class     = cp_unit_class
2782     AND    uoo.relation_type IN (l_c_superior,l_c_none)
2783     AND    uoo.cal_type           = p_dst_cal_type
2784     AND    uoo.ci_sequence_number = p_dst_sequence_num
2785     AND    uoo.unit_cd = uv.unit_cd
2786     AND    uoo.version_number = uv.version_number
2787     AND    uv.unit_status   = us.unit_status
2788     AND    us.s_unit_status <> l_c_inactive
2789     AND    uoo.uoo_id NOT IN (SELECT uoo_id FROM igs_ps_usec_x_grpmem)
2790     AND    uoo.unit_section_status <> l_c_notoffered;
2792     CURSOR c_new_sup_us1 (cp_unit_cd        igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.unit_cd%TYPE,
2793                           cp_version_number igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.version_number%TYPE,
2794                           cp_location_cd    igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.location_cd%TYPE,
2795                           cp_unit_class     igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.unit_class%TYPE) IS
2796     SELECT uoo_id,sup_uoo_id,cal_type,ci_sequence_number
2797     FROM   igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt
2798     WHERE  unit_cd        = cp_unit_cd
2799     AND    version_number = cp_version_number
2800     AND    location_cd    = cp_location_cd
2801     AND    unit_class     = cp_unit_class
2802     AND    relation_type IN (l_c_superior,l_c_none)
2803     AND    uoo_id NOT IN (SELECT uoo_id FROM igs_ps_usec_x_grpmem)
2804     AND    unit_section_Status <> l_c_notoffered;
2806     l_c_get_old_uoo_det  c_get_old_uoo_det%ROWTYPE;
2807     l_c_new_sup_uoo_id   c_new_sup_uoo_id%ROWTYPE;
2808     l_c_get_new_sub      c_get_new_sub%ROWTYPE;
2809     l_c_get_old_sup_det  c_get_old_sup_det%ROWTYPE;
2810     l_c_new_sup_us       c_new_sup_us%ROWTYPE;
2811     l_c_new_sup_us1      c_new_sup_us1%ROWTYPE;
2812     l_b_var1             BOOLEAN := FALSE;
2814 --- added as a part of performance activity ---
2815     TYPE teach_cal_rec IS RECORD(
2816 				 cal_type igs_ca_inst_all.cal_type%TYPE,
2817 				 sequence_number igs_ca_inst_all.sequence_number%TYPE
2818 				 );
2819     TYPE teachCalendar IS TABLE OF teach_cal_rec INDEX BY BINARY_INTEGER;
2820     teachCalendar_tbl teachCalendar;
2821     l_n_counter NUMBER(10);
2822     l_c_proceed BOOLEAN ;
2825     PROCEDURE createCalendar  IS
2827     CURSOR cur_cal_teach(cp_load_cal igs_ca_teach_to_load_v.load_cal_type%TYPE,
2828                          cp_load_seq igs_ca_teach_to_load_v.load_ci_sequence_number%TYPE) IS
2829     SELECT teach_cal_type,teach_ci_sequence_number
2830     FROM   igs_ca_teach_to_load_v
2831     WHERE  load_cal_type = cp_load_cal
2832     AND    load_ci_sequence_number = cp_load_seq;
2834     CURSOR cur_cal_load IS
2835     SELECT load_cal_type,load_ci_sequence_number
2836     FROM   igs_ca_load_to_teach_v
2837     WHERE  teach_cal_type=p_dst_cal_type
2838     AND    teach_ci_sequence_number=p_dst_sequence_num;
2840     BEGIN
2841        --populate the pl-sql table with the teaching calendar's by mapping the load calendars.
2842        l_n_counter :=1;
2843        FOR rec_cur_cal_load IN cur_cal_load LOOP
2844            FOR rec_cur_cal_teach IN cur_cal_teach(rec_cur_cal_load.load_cal_type ,rec_cur_cal_load.load_ci_sequence_number) LOOP
2845 	      teachCalendar_tbl(l_n_counter).cal_type :=rec_cur_cal_teach.teach_cal_type;
2846 	      teachCalendar_tbl(l_n_counter).sequence_number :=rec_cur_cal_teach.teach_ci_sequence_number;
2847 	      l_n_counter:=l_n_counter+1;
2848 	   END LOOP;
2849        END LOOP;
2851     END createCalendar;
2853     FUNCTION testCalendar(cp_cal_type igs_ca_inst_all.cal_type%TYPE,
2854                           cp_sequence_number igs_ca_inst_all.sequence_number%TYPE)  RETURN BOOLEAN AS
2855     BEGIN
2856       IF teachCalendar_tbl.EXISTS(1) THEN
2857         FOR i IN 1..teachCalendar_tbl.last LOOP
2858 	     IF cp_cal_type=teachCalendar_tbl(i).cal_type AND
2859 		cp_sequence_number=teachCalendar_tbl(i).sequence_number THEN
2861 	     END IF;
2862 	END LOOP;
2863       END IF;
2864       RETURN FALSE;
2865     END testCalendar;
2867 --- added as a part of performance activity ---
2869   BEGIN
2870     --Store the teaching calendars in a pl-sql tables for the input teaching calendars
2871     createCalendar;
2872     --Fetch all the superior unit section from the source calendar instance
2873     FOR rec_get_sub_us_list IN c_get_sub_us_list LOOP
2875       l_b_var1 :=FALSE;
2876       --This cursor capture the details of old sup_uoo_id
2877       OPEN c_get_old_uoo_det (rec_get_sub_us_list.sup_uoo_id);
2878       FETCH c_get_old_uoo_det INTO l_c_get_old_uoo_det;
2879       CLOSE c_get_old_uoo_det;
2882       --This cursor fetches the new sup_uoo_id record
2883       OPEN c_new_sup_uoo_id  (l_c_get_old_uoo_det.unit_cd,l_c_get_old_uoo_det.version_number,l_c_get_old_uoo_det.location_cd,l_c_get_old_uoo_det.unit_class);
2884       FETCH c_new_sup_uoo_id INTO l_c_new_sup_uoo_id;
2885       CLOSE c_new_sup_uoo_id;
2887       --This cursor fetches the new uoo_id for the old uoo_id
2889       FOR rec_new_sub_us  IN  c_new_sub_us (rec_get_sub_us_list.unit_cd,rec_get_sub_us_list.version_number,rec_get_sub_us_list.location_cd,rec_get_sub_us_list.unit_class) LOOP
2890         IF testCalendar(rec_new_sub_us.cal_type ,rec_new_sub_us.ci_sequence_number ) THEN
2891   	  --update the new unit sections record, relation_type and sup_uoo_id column value
2892           update_usec_record(rec_new_sub_us.uoo_id,l_c_subordinate,l_c_new_sup_uoo_id.uoo_id,rec_get_sub_us_list.default_enroll_flag);
2893           l_b_var1 :=TRUE;
2894 	END IF;
2895       END LOOP;
2897       --update the new unit sections relation_type for the superior record.
2898       IF l_b_var1 THEN
2899         update_usec_record(l_c_new_sup_uoo_id.uoo_id,l_c_superior,NULL,NULL);
2900       END IF;
2901     END LOOP;
2903     --Fetch all the records from the below cursor and process
2904     FOR rec_get_sub_us_list1 IN c_get_sub_us_list1 LOOP
2906       --capture the new uoo_id
2907       OPEN c_get_new_sub (rec_get_sub_us_list1.unit_cd,rec_get_sub_us_list1.version_number,rec_get_sub_us_list1.location_cd,rec_get_sub_us_list1.unit_class);
2908       FETCH c_get_new_sub INTO l_c_get_new_sub;
2909       CLOSE c_get_new_sub;
2911       --capture the details of sup_uoo_id
2912       OPEN c_get_old_sup_det (rec_get_sub_us_list1.sup_uoo_id);
2913       FETCH c_get_old_sup_det INTO l_c_get_old_sup_det;
2914       CLOSE c_get_old_sup_det;
2916       OPEN c_new_sup_us  (l_c_get_old_sup_det.unit_cd,l_c_get_old_sup_det.version_number,l_c_get_old_sup_det.location_cd,l_c_get_old_sup_det.unit_class);
2917       FETCH c_new_sup_us INTO l_c_new_sup_us;
2918       IF c_new_sup_us%FOUND THEN
2919         --update the new unit sections relation_type and sup_uoo_id column value
2920         update_usec_record(l_c_get_new_sub.uoo_id,l_c_subordinate,l_c_new_sup_us.uoo_id,rec_get_sub_us_list1.default_enroll_flag);
2921         CLOSE c_new_sup_us;
2922         --update the new unit sections relation_type
2923         update_usec_record(l_c_new_sup_us.uoo_id,l_c_superior,NULL,NULL);
2924       ELSE
2925 	FOR l_c_new_sup_us1 IN c_new_sup_us1(l_c_get_old_sup_det.unit_cd,l_c_get_old_sup_det.version_number,l_c_get_old_sup_det.location_cd,l_c_get_old_sup_det.unit_class) LOOP
2926 	  IF testCalendar(l_c_new_sup_us1.cal_type ,l_c_new_sup_us1.ci_sequence_number ) THEN
2927 	    --update the new unit sections relation_type and sup_uoo_id column value
2928 	    update_usec_record(l_c_get_new_sub.uoo_id,l_c_subordinate,l_c_new_sup_us1.uoo_id,rec_get_sub_us_list1.default_enroll_flag);
2930 	    --update the new unit sections relation_type
2931 	    update_usec_record(l_c_new_sup_us1.uoo_id,l_c_superior,NULL,NULL);
2932 	    EXIT;
2933 	  END IF;
2934         END LOOP;
2935       END IF;
2937     END LOOP;
2939     IF teachCalendar_tbl.EXISTS(1) THEN
2940       teachCalendar_tbl.DELETE;
2941     END IF;
2943   END crspl_upd_usec_relation;
2946   PROCEDURE crspl_get_new_exam_cal (
2947     p_old_exam_cal_type                 igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE,
2948     p_old_exam_seq_num                  igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE,
2949     p_new_exam_cal_type OUT NOCOPY      igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE,
2950     p_new_exam_seq_num  OUT NOCOPY      igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE,
2951     p_uoo_id                            NUMBER) AS
2952   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2953   --Change History:
2954   --Who       When         What
2955   --sommukhe  01-SEP-2005  Bug#4538540,Added cursor cur_ass_item .
2956   --sarakshi  24-dec-2002  Bug#2689625,removed the exception section
2957   -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
2958     v_old_specific_occurrence   NUMBER(4) ;
2959     v_old_total_occurrence      NUMBER(4) ;
2960     v_new_total_occurrence      NUMBER(4) ;
2962     CURSOR c_exam_cal_type (
2963            cp_exam_cal_type             igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE,
2964            cp_teach_cal_type            igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE,
2965            cp_teach_seq_num             igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE) IS
2966     SELECT  ci.cal_type,
2967             ci.sequence_number
2968     FROM    igs_ca_type                     ct,
2969             igs_ca_inst                     ci,
2970             igs_ca_inst_rel cir
2971     WHERE   cir.sup_ci_sequence_number      = ci.sequence_number
2972     AND     cir.sup_cal_type                = ci.cal_type
2973     AND     ct.cal_type                     = ci.cal_type
2974     AND     ct.s_cal_cat                    = cst_exam
2975     AND     cir.sub_cal_type                = cp_teach_cal_type
2976     AND     cir.sub_ci_sequence_number      = cp_teach_seq_num
2977     AND     ci.cal_type                     = cp_exam_cal_type
2978     ORDER BY ci.start_dt;
2979     v_exam_cal_rec          c_exam_cal_type%ROWTYPE;
2981     CURSOR c_exam_cal_count (
2982                                 cp_exam_cal_type                IGS_CA_INST.cal_type%TYPE,
2983                                 cp_teach_cal_type               IGS_CA_INST.cal_type%TYPE,
2984                                 cp_teach_seq_num                IGS_CA_INST.sequence_number%TYPE) IS
2985     SELECT  COUNT(ci.cal_type)
2986     FROM    IGS_CA_TYPE                     ct,
2987             IGS_CA_INST                     ci,
2988             IGS_CA_INST_REL cir
2989     WHERE   cir.sup_ci_sequence_number      = ci.sequence_number
2990     AND     cir.sup_cal_type                = ci.cal_type
2991     AND     ct.cal_type                     = ci.cal_type
2992     AND     ct.s_cal_cat                    = cst_exam
2993     AND     cir.sub_cal_type                = cp_teach_cal_type
2994     AND     cir.sub_ci_sequence_number      = cp_teach_seq_num
2995     AND     ci.cal_type                     = cp_exam_cal_type;
2997   BEGIN
2999     -- Assigning initial values to local variables which were being initialised using DEFAULT
3000     -- clause.Done as part of bug #2563596 to remove GSCC warning.
3002     v_old_specific_occurrence       := 0;
3003     v_old_total_occurrence          := 0;
3004     v_new_total_occurrence          := 0;
3006     IF p_old_exam_cal_type IS NOT NULL THEN
3007       IF p_old_exam_seq_num IS NULL THEN
3008         -- check for all exam periods for the new teaching calendar instance.
3009         OPEN c_exam_cal_type(
3010                              p_old_exam_cal_type,
3011                              p_cal_type,
3012                              p_dest_ci_sequence_number);
3013         FETCH c_exam_cal_type INTO v_exam_cal_rec;
3014         IF c_exam_cal_type%FOUND THEN
3015           p_new_exam_cal_type := p_old_exam_cal_type;
3016           p_new_exam_seq_num := NULL;
3017         ELSE
3018           p_new_exam_cal_type := NULL;
3019           p_new_exam_seq_num := NULL;
3020         END IF;
3021         CLOSE c_exam_cal_type;
3022       ELSE
3023         -- p_old_exam_seq_num is NOT NULL
3024         -- get the total occurrence of the exam period for this particular
3025         -- IGS_PS_UNIT assessment item for the old teaching calendar instance.
3026         OPEN c_exam_cal_count(
3027                               p_old_exam_cal_type,
3028                               p_source_cal_type,
3029                               p_source_ci_sequence_number);
3030         FETCH c_exam_cal_count INTO v_old_total_occurrence;
3031         CLOSE c_exam_cal_count;
3032         -- get the total occurrence of the exam period for this particular
3033         -- IGS_PS_UNIT assessment item for the new teaching calendar instance.
3034         OPEN c_exam_cal_count(
3035                               p_old_exam_cal_type,
3036                               p_cal_type,
3037                               p_dest_ci_sequence_number);
3038         FETCH c_exam_cal_count INTO v_new_total_occurrence;
3039         CLOSE c_exam_cal_count;
3040         IF v_new_total_occurrence >0 AND
3041           v_new_total_occurrence = v_old_total_occurrence THEN
3042           -- get the occurrence of the exam period for this particular
3043           -- IGS_PS_UNIT assessment item for the old teaching calendar instance.
3044           FOR v_old_exam_cal_rec IN c_exam_cal_type(
3045                                                     p_old_exam_cal_type,
3046                                                     p_source_cal_type,
3047                                                     p_source_ci_sequence_number) LOOP
3048             IF v_old_exam_cal_rec.sequence_number = p_old_exam_seq_num THEN
3049               v_old_specific_occurrence := c_exam_cal_type%ROWCOUNT;
3050               EXIT;
3051             END IF;
3052           END LOOP;
3053           IF v_old_specific_occurrence>0 THEN
3054             -- get the sequence number, which has the same occurrence as the
3055             -- old exam period, for this particular IGS_PS_UNIT assessment item for
3056             -- the new teaching calendar instance.
3057             FOR v_new_exam_cal_rec IN c_exam_cal_type(
3058                                                       p_old_exam_cal_type,
3059                                                       p_cal_type,
3060                                                       p_dest_ci_sequence_number) LOOP
3061               IF c_exam_cal_type%ROWCOUNT = v_old_specific_occurrence THEN
3062                 p_new_exam_seq_num := v_new_exam_cal_rec.sequence_number;
3063                 EXIT;
3064               END IF;
3065             END LOOP;
3066             p_new_exam_cal_type := p_old_exam_cal_type;
3067           ELSE
3068             p_new_exam_cal_type := NULL;
3069             p_new_exam_seq_num := NULL;
3070           END IF;
3071         ELSE    -- total occurrence for old and new teaching calendar are not equal
3072           p_new_exam_cal_type := NULL;
3073           p_new_exam_seq_num := NULL;
3074         END IF;
3075       END IF; -- p_old_exam_seq_number is NULL
3076     ELSE    -- p_old_exam_cal_type is NULL
3077        p_new_exam_cal_type := NULL;
3078        p_new_exam_seq_num  := NULL;
3079     END IF; -- p_old_exam_cal_type is NOT NULL
3081   END crspl_get_new_exam_cal;
3082 BEGIN
3083   -- Main unit section rollover procedure
3084   -- Assigning initial values to local variables which were being initialised using DEFAULT
3085   -- clause.Done as part of bug #2563596 to remove GSCC warning.
3087   v_uoo_inserted_cnt              := 0;
3088   v_uai_inserted_cnt              := 0;
3089   v_uai_fetched_cnt               := 0;
3090   v_uoo_error                     := FALSE;
3091   v_uai_error                     := FALSE;
3092   v_tro_recs_skipped              := FALSE;
3093   v_uai_continue                  := FALSE;
3094   v_ret_val                       := TRUE;
3095   l_d_src_teach_cal_start_dt      := NULL;
3097   -- Set default value
3098   p_message_name := NULL;
3099   v_message_name := NULL;
3100   v_successful_pattern_mbr := TRUE;
3102   -- Validate the destination parent record(uop) exists.
3103   OPEN c_uop_dest_rec;
3104   FETCH c_uop_dest_rec INTO v_uop_exists;
3105   IF (c_uop_dest_rec%NOTFOUND) THEN
3106     p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_DEST_UOP_NOT_EXIST';
3107     CLOSE c_uop_dest_rec;
3108     RETURN FALSE;
3109   END IF;
3110   CLOSE c_uop_dest_rec;
3112   -- Added by jbegum as part of bug #2563596
3113   -- The package IGS_PS_GEN_006 has a call to IGS_PS_GEN_008.crsp_ins_uop_uoo.Before this call in the package IGS_PS_GEN_006
3114   -- an insert is happening into igs_ge_s_log table thru a call to IGS_GE_GEN_003.genp_ins_log.The same creation date is being
3115   -- passed to the call of IGS_PS_GEN_008.crsp_ins_uop_uoo.Hence added code here to check for existence of the record in
3116   -- igs_ge_s_log table before inserting into it.Thus preventing the error 'Record already exists' being thrown up as unhandled
3117   -- exception by the procedure IGS_PS_GEN_006.crsp_ins_ci_uop_uoo
3120   OPEN cur_check_log(p_log_creation_date);
3121   FETCH cur_check_log INTO l_var_log;
3122   IF  cur_check_log%NOTFOUND THEN
3124     --Added by sarakshi, as a part of bug#2332807
3125     --If any error condition occurs , from the exception handlers we are inserting to igs_ge_s_log_entry table
3126     --which is child table so here inserting in the parent table  first which is to be deleted if no child
3127     --entries are found
3128     igs_ge_s_log_pkg.insert_row( x_rowid => l_rowid ,
3129                                  x_s_log_type => 'USEC-ROLL',
3130                                  x_creation_dt =>p_log_creation_date,
3131                                  x_key =>NULL,
3132                                  x_mode => 'R' );
3133   ELSE
3134     l_rowid := l_var_log.rowid;
3135   END IF;
3136   CLOSE cur_check_log;
3139   -- Select the source IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_OPT records.
3140   OPEN c_uoo_source_rec;
3141   LOOP
3142     BEGIN
3143       FETCH c_uoo_source_rec INTO v_uoo_rec;
3144       EXIT WHEN c_uoo_source_rec%NOTFOUND;
3145       -- all of the below conditions must be true for the
3146       -- insert to proceed, else don't insert this particular
3147       -- IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_OPT record
3148       -- get the max version number for grading schema
3150       -- lpriyadh  for enhancement bug# 1516959
3151       l_old_uoo_id := v_uoo_rec.uoo_id;
3154       OPEN c_latest_gs_version (v_uoo_rec.grading_schema_cd);
3155       FETCH c_latest_gs_version INTO v_latest_gs_version;
3156       CLOSE c_latest_gs_version;
3158       IF      -- if location_cd is open or = 'CAMPUS', continue validation
3159          (igs_ps_val_uoo.crsp_val_loc_cd (
3160                          v_uoo_rec.location_cd,
3161                          p_message_name) = TRUE
3162          )       AND
3163          -- if IGS_AS_UNIT_CLASS is open, continue validation
3164          (igs_ps_val_uoo.crsp_val_uoo_uc (
3165                          v_uoo_rec.unit_class,
3166                          p_message_name) = TRUE
3167          )       AND
3168          -- if grading schema is in the current or future,
3169          -- continue validation
3170          (igs_as_val_gsg.assp_val_gs_cur_fut(
3171                  v_uoo_rec.grading_schema_cd,
3172                  v_latest_gs_version,
3173                  p_message_name) = TRUE) THEN
3175          -- Validate IGS_PS_UNIT contact is a staff member
3176          IF igs_ad_val_acai.genp_val_staff_prsn(v_uoo_rec.unit_contact,
3177                                                 v_message_name) = TRUE THEN
3178            v_unit_contact := v_uoo_rec.unit_contact;
3179          ELSE
3180            v_unit_contact := NULL;
3181          END IF;
3183          OPEN  c_uoo_rec_exists(p_unit_cd,
3184                                 p_version_number,
3185                                 p_cal_type,
3186                                 p_dest_ci_sequence_number,
3187                                 v_uoo_rec.location_cd,
3188                                 v_uoo_rec.unit_class);
3189          FETCH c_uoo_rec_exists INTO v_uoo_rec_exists;
3190          -- checking that no other IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_OPT record exists
3191          IF (c_uoo_rec_exists%NOTFOUND) THEN
3192            CLOSE c_uoo_rec_exists;
3194            -- get the next IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_OPT_UOO_ID_S from the system
3195            OPEN  c_uoo_seq_num;
3196            FETCH c_uoo_seq_num INTO v_new_uoo_id;
3197            CLOSE c_uoo_seq_num;
3199            -- insert the IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_OPT record, with this next uoo_id
3200            x_rowid := NULL;
3201            l_org_id := igs_ge_gen_003.get_org_id;
3204            --bug#2768783, added the validate/generate call number logic
3206            -- Validate/generate Call Number
3207            IF fnd_profile.value('IGS_PS_CALL_NUMBER') IN ('AUTO','NONE') THEN
3208               v_uoo_rec.call_number:=NULL;
3209            ELSIF ( fnd_profile.value('IGS_PS_CALL_NUMBER') = 'USER_DEFINED' ) THEN
3211              IF v_uoo_rec.call_number IS NOT NULL THEN
3212                IF NOT igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_pkg.check_call_number ( p_teach_cal_type     => p_cal_type,
3213                                                                   p_teach_sequence_num => p_dest_ci_sequence_number,
3214                                                                   p_call_number        => v_uoo_rec.call_number,
3215                                                                   p_rowid              => x_rowid ) THEN
3216                  v_uoo_rec.call_number:=NULL;
3217                END IF;
3218              END IF;
3220            END IF;
3222            IF l_d_src_teach_cal_start_dt IS NULL THEN
3223              OPEN c_teach_date(p_source_cal_type,p_source_ci_sequence_number);
3224   	     FETCH c_teach_date INTO l_d_src_teach_cal_start_dt,l_d_src_teach_cal_end_dt;
3225 	     CLOSE c_teach_date;
3227              OPEN c_teach_date(p_cal_type,p_dest_ci_sequence_number);
3228 	     FETCH c_teach_date INTO l_d_dst_teach_cal_start_dt,l_d_dst_teach_cal_end_dt;
3229 	     CLOSE c_teach_date;
3230            END IF;
3232 	   IF v_uoo_rec.unit_section_start_date IS NOT NULL THEN
3233              l_n_num_st_days  :=  v_uoo_rec.unit_section_start_date - l_d_src_teach_cal_start_dt;
3234              l_d_us_dest_start_dt := l_d_dst_teach_cal_start_dt + l_n_num_st_days;
3235            ELSE
3236              l_d_us_dest_start_dt := NULL;
3237            END IF;
3240 	   IF v_uoo_rec.unit_section_end_date IS NOT NULL THEN
3241 	     l_n_num_end_days := v_uoo_rec.unit_section_end_date   - l_d_src_teach_cal_end_dt;
3242              l_d_us_dest_end_dt   := l_d_dst_teach_cal_end_dt + l_n_num_end_days;
3243            ELSE
3244              l_d_us_dest_end_dt   := NULL;
3245 	   END IF;
3247            --Unit section start date must not be gretaer than the teaching calendar end date
3248            IF l_d_us_dest_start_dt IS NOT NULL AND l_d_us_dest_start_dt > NVL(l_d_us_dest_end_dt, l_d_dst_teach_cal_end_dt)  THEN
3249              l_d_us_dest_start_dt := l_d_dst_teach_cal_start_dt;
3250            END IF;
3252            --Unit section end date must not be less than the teaching calendar start date
3253            IF l_d_us_dest_end_dt IS NOT NULL AND l_d_us_dest_end_dt <  NVL(l_d_us_dest_start_dt,l_d_dst_teach_cal_start_dt) THEN
3254               l_d_us_dest_end_dt := l_d_dst_teach_cal_end_dt;
3255            END IF;
3258            l_c_usec_status := get_section_status(v_uoo_rec.unit_section_status);
3260            -- Added auditable_ind and audit_permission_ind parameters to the following insert_row call
3261            -- as part of Bug# 2636716, EN Integration by shtatiko
3262            igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_pkg.insert_row(
3263              x_rowid                        =>       x_rowid,
3264              x_unit_cd                      =>       v_uoo_rec.unit_cd,
3265              x_version_number               =>       v_uoo_rec.version_number,
3266              x_cal_type                     =>       p_cal_type,
3267              x_ci_sequence_number           =>       p_dest_ci_sequence_number,
3268              x_location_cd                  =>       v_uoo_rec.location_cd,
3269              x_unit_class                   =>       v_uoo_rec.unit_class,
3270              x_uoo_id                       =>       v_new_uoo_id,
3271              x_ivrs_available_ind           =>       v_uoo_rec.ivrs_available_ind,
3272              x_call_number                  =>       v_uoo_rec.call_number,
3273              x_unit_section_status          =>       l_c_usec_status,
3274              x_unit_section_start_date      =>       l_d_us_dest_start_dt,
3275              x_unit_section_end_date        =>       l_d_us_dest_end_dt,
3276              x_enrollment_actual            =>       NULL,
3277              x_waitlist_actual              =>       NULL,
3278              x_offered_ind                  =>       v_uoo_rec.offered_ind,
3279              x_state_financial_aid          =>       v_uoo_rec.state_financial_aid,
3280              x_grading_schema_prcdnce_ind   =>       v_uoo_rec.grading_schema_prcdnce_ind,
3281              x_federal_financial_aid        =>       v_uoo_rec.federal_financial_aid,
3282              x_unit_quota                   =>       v_uoo_rec.unit_quota,
3283              x_unit_quota_reserved_places   =>       v_uoo_rec.unit_quota_reserved_places,
3284              x_institutional_financial_aid  =>       v_uoo_rec.institutional_financial_aid,
3285              x_grading_schema_cd            =>       v_uoo_rec.grading_schema_cd,
3286              x_gs_version_number            =>       v_latest_gs_version,
3287              x_unit_contact                 =>       v_unit_contact,
3288              x_mode                         =>       'R',
3289              x_org_id                       =>       l_org_id,
3290              x_ss_enrol_ind                 =>       v_uoo_rec.SS_ENROL_ind,
3291              x_ss_display_ind               =>       v_uoo_rec.ss_display_ind,  --Added by apelleti as per DLD PSP001-US on 14-JUN-01
3292              x_owner_org_unit_cd            =>       v_uoo_rec.owner_org_unit_cd,
3293              x_attendance_required_ind      =>       v_uoo_rec.attendance_required_ind,
3294              x_reserved_seating_allowed     =>       v_uoo_rec.reserved_seating_allowed,
3295              x_special_permission_ind       =>       v_uoo_rec.special_permission_ind,
3296              x_dir_enrollment               =>       v_uoo_rec.dir_enrollment,  --The following three fields were added by Pradhakr
3297              x_enr_from_wlst                =>       v_uoo_rec.enr_from_wlst,   -- as part of Enrollment Build process (Enh.Bug# 1832130)
3298              x_inq_not_wlst                 =>       v_uoo_rec.inq_not_wlst,
3299              --Added the following col according to bug 1882122
3300              x_rev_account_cd              =>        v_uoo_rec.rev_account_cd , -- lpriyadh for enhacement bug # 1516959
3301              x_anon_unit_grading_ind       =>        v_uoo_rec.anon_unit_grading_ind ,
3302              x_anon_assess_grading_ind     =>        v_uoo_rec.anon_assess_grading_ind,
3303              x_non_std_usec_ind            =>        v_uoo_rec.non_std_usec_ind,
3304              x_auditable_ind               =>        v_uoo_rec.auditable_ind,
3305              x_audit_permission_ind        =>        v_uoo_rec.audit_permission_ind,
3306              x_not_multiple_section_flag   =>        v_uoo_rec.not_multiple_section_flag,
3307              x_sup_uoo_id                  =>        NULL,
3308              x_relation_type               =>        'NONE',
3309              x_default_enroll_flag         =>        v_uoo_rec.default_enroll_flag,
3310              x_abort_flag                  =>        'N'
3311              );
3314            --Procedure to insert the unit section detail records
3315            igs_ps_gen_001.crsp_ins_unit_section(l_old_uoo_id ,
3316                                                 v_new_uoo_id ,
3317                                                 p_message_name,
3318                                                 p_log_creation_date );
3320            -- passing p_log_creation_date parameter enhancement bug 1800179 pmarada
3322            -- increment count to reflect that a successful insert of a IGS_PS_UNIT_OFR_OPT record occurred
3323            v_uoo_inserted_cnt := v_uoo_inserted_cnt + 1;
3325          ELSE
3326            -- if uoo record already exists not perform insert.
3327            -- lpriyadh enhancement bug# 1516959
3329            v_new_uoo_id := v_uoo_rec_exists.uoo_id;
3331            igs_ps_gen_001.crsp_ins_unit_section(l_old_uoo_id ,
3332                                                 v_new_uoo_id ,
3333                                                 p_message_name ,
3334                                                 p_log_creation_date);
3335            CLOSE c_uoo_rec_exists;
3336          END IF;  -- checking no other destination record exists with this dest_ci_sequence_number.
3338        END IF; -- if location_cd, IGS_AS_UNIT_CLASS, grading schema validation is TRUE
3339     EXCEPTION
3341 	--Fnd log implementation
3342 	IF (fnd_log.level_exception >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
3343 	  fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_exception, 'igs.plsql.igs_ps_gen_008.crsp_ins_uop_uoo.in_exception_section_OTHERS.err_msg',
3344 	  SUBSTRB('Unit Section:'||v_uoo_rec.uoo_id||'  '||
3345 	  NVL(fnd_message.get,SQLERRM),1,4000));
3346 	END IF;
3347 	--This exception handler has been added as a part of bug#2332807
3348         handle_excp(l_old_uoo_id);
3349     END;
3350   END LOOP;       -- c_uoo_source_rec
3352   BEGIN
3354       --Call the below procedure for creating the unit section relationship.
3355       crspl_upd_usec_relation (p_src_cal_type     => p_source_cal_type ,
3356                                p_src_sequence_num => p_source_ci_sequence_number,
3357                                p_dst_cal_type     => p_cal_type,
3358                                p_dst_sequence_num => p_dest_ci_sequence_number );
3362        NULL;
3363   END;
3367   /**** Roll Over the Unit Assessment items ******/
3368   --select the unit assessment items group
3369   FOR cur_unit_ass_group_rec  IN  cur_unit_ass_group(p_unit_cd,p_version_number,p_source_cal_type,p_source_ci_sequence_number) LOOP
3370     DECLARE
3371       CURSOR cur_unitassgrp_new (cp_unit_cd            igs_as_unit_ai_grp.unit_cd%TYPE,
3372                                  cp_version_number     igs_as_unit_ai_grp.version_number%TYPE,
3373 				 cp_cal_type           igs_as_unit_ai_grp.cal_type%TYPE,
3374 				 cp_ci_sequence_number igs_as_unit_ai_grp.ci_sequence_number%TYPE,
3375                                  cp_group_name         igs_as_unit_ai_grp.group_name%TYPE) IS
3376       SELECT unit_ass_item_group_id
3377       FROM   igs_as_unit_ai_grp
3378       WHERE  unit_cd = cp_unit_cd
3379       AND    version_number = cp_version_number
3380       AND    cal_type = cp_cal_type
3381       AND    ci_sequence_number= cp_ci_sequence_number
3382       AND    group_name = cp_group_name;
3383       l_rowid1                         VARCHAR2(25);
3384       l_unit_ass_item_group_id        NUMBER;
3386       CURSOR cur_ass_item(cp_unit_cd                igs_as_unitass_item_all.unit_cd%TYPE,
3387                           cp_version_number         igs_as_unitass_item_all.version_number%TYPE,
3388 			  cp_cal_type               igs_as_unitass_item_all.cal_type%TYPE,
3389 			  cp_ci_sequence_number     igs_as_unitass_item_all.ci_sequence_number%TYPE,
3390 			  cp_unit_ass_item_group_id igs_as_unitass_item_all.unit_ass_item_group_id%TYPE) IS
3391       SELECT 'X'
3392       FROM   igs_as_unitass_item_all
3393       WHERE  unit_cd = cp_unit_cd
3394       AND    version_number = cp_version_number
3395       AND    cal_type = cp_cal_type
3396       AND    ci_sequence_number = cp_ci_sequence_number
3397       AND    unit_ass_item_group_id = cp_unit_ass_item_group_id;
3398       l_c_var  VARCHAR2(1);
3399     BEGIN
3400       l_rowid1 :=NULL;
3401       l_unit_ass_item_group_id := NULL;
3403       OPEN cur_unitassgrp_new(p_unit_cd,p_version_number,p_cal_type,p_dest_ci_sequence_number,cur_unit_ass_group_rec.group_name);
3404       FETCH cur_unitassgrp_new INTO l_unit_ass_item_group_id;
3405       IF cur_unitassgrp_new%NOTFOUND THEN
3406         igs_as_unit_ai_grp_pkg.insert_row(
3407 	  x_rowid                   => l_rowid1,
3408           x_unit_ass_item_group_id  => l_unit_ass_item_group_id,
3409           x_unit_cd                 => p_unit_cd,
3410           x_version_number          => p_version_number,
3411           x_cal_type                => p_cal_type,
3412           x_ci_sequence_number      => p_dest_ci_sequence_number,
3413           x_group_name              => cur_unit_ass_group_rec.group_name,
3414           x_midterm_formula_code    => cur_unit_ass_group_rec.midterm_formula_code,
3415           x_midterm_formula_qty     => cur_unit_ass_group_rec.midterm_formula_qty,
3416           x_midterm_weight_qty      => cur_unit_ass_group_rec.midterm_weight_qty,
3417           x_final_formula_code      => cur_unit_ass_group_rec.final_formula_code,
3418           x_final_formula_qty       => cur_unit_ass_group_rec.final_formula_qty,
3419           x_final_weight_qty        => cur_unit_ass_group_rec.final_weight_qty
3420 	  );
3421       END IF;
3422       CLOSE  cur_unitassgrp_new;
3424       --Rollover asssessmnet items if there is none for the section and group combination
3425       OPEN cur_ass_item(p_unit_cd,p_version_number,p_cal_type,p_dest_ci_sequence_number,l_unit_ass_item_group_id);
3426       FETCH cur_ass_item INTO l_c_var;
3427       IF cur_ass_item%NOTFOUND THEN
3428 	FOR v_uai_rec IN c_uai_source_rec(p_unit_cd,p_version_number,p_source_cal_type,p_source_ci_sequence_number,cur_unit_ass_group_rec.unit_ass_item_group_id) LOOP
3429 	  BEGIN
3430 	    v_uai_fetched_cnt := v_uai_fetched_cnt +1;
3431 	    -- all of the below conditions must be true for the
3432 	    -- insert to proceed, else don't insert this particular
3433 	    -- IGS_AS_UNITASS_ITEM record
3435 	  -- Validate reference is valid in destination pattern's UAI records
3436 	  v_reference := v_uai_rec.reference;
3438 	  -- This call fetches the assessment type for the assessment Id
3439 	  v_assessment_type := igs_as_gen_001.assp_get_ai_a_type(v_uai_rec.ass_id);
3441 	  -- check if the assessment item is examinable
3442 	  IF igs_as_gen_002.assp_get_atyp_exmnbl(v_assessment_type) = 'Y' THEN
3443 	    -- Validate reference number is unique for examinable items
3444 	    IF igs_as_val_uai.assp_val_uai_uniqref(
3445 						   v_uai_rec.unit_cd,
3446 						   v_uai_rec.version_number,
3447 						   v_uai_rec.cal_type,
3448 						   p_dest_ci_sequence_number,
3449 						   v_uai_rec.sequence_number,
3450 						   v_reference,
3451 						   v_uai_rec.ass_id,
3452 						   v_message_name) = TRUE THEN
3453 	      v_uai_continue := TRUE;
3454 	    ELSE
3455 	      v_uai_continue := FALSE;
3456 	      v_uai_error := TRUE;
3457 	    END IF;
3458 	  ELSE
3459 	    v_uai_continue := TRUE;
3460 	    -- Validate reference number is unique for non-examinable items
3461 	    IF igs_as_val_uai.assp_val_uai_opt_ref(
3462 						  v_uai_rec.unit_cd,
3463 						  v_uai_rec.version_number,
3464 						  v_uai_rec.cal_type,
3465 						  p_dest_ci_sequence_number,
3466 						  v_uai_rec.sequence_number,
3467 						  v_reference,
3468 						  v_uai_rec.ass_id,
3469 						  v_assessment_type,
3470 						  v_message_name) = FALSE THEN
3472 	      IF  igs_as_gen_002.assp_get_ai_s_type ( v_uai_rec.ass_id) <> 'ASSIGNMENT' THEN
3473 		v_uai_continue  := TRUE;
3474 		v_reference     := NULL;
3475 	      ELSE
3476 		v_uai_continue  := FALSE;
3477 		v_uai_error     := TRUE;
3478 	      END IF;
3480 	    ELSE
3481 	      IF  NVL(v_reference, 'NULL') = 'NULL' AND
3482 		igs_as_gen_002.assp_get_ai_s_type ( v_uai_rec.ass_id) = 'ASSIGNMENT' THEN
3483 		v_uai_continue  := FALSE;
3484 		v_uai_error     := TRUE;
3485 	      END IF;
3486 	    END IF;
3487 	  END IF; -- if examinable
3490 	  IF v_uai_continue = TRUE THEN
3491 	    crspl_get_new_exam_cal(
3492 				   v_uai_rec.exam_cal_type,
3493 				   v_uai_rec.exam_ci_sequence_number,
3494 				   v_exam_cal_type,
3495 				   v_exam_ci_sequence_number,l_old_uoo_id);
3496 	    OPEN c_uai_seq_num;
3497 	    FETCH c_uai_seq_num INTO v_uai_seq_num;
3498 	    CLOSE c_uai_seq_num;
3500 	    -- Perform insert uai record
3501 	    x_rowid :=      NULL;
3502 	    l_unit_ass_item_id := NULL;
3504 	    igs_as_unitass_item_pkg.insert_row(
3505 		x_rowid                       => x_rowid,
3506 		x_unit_cd                     => p_unit_cd,
3507 		x_version_number              => p_version_number,
3508 		x_cal_type                    => p_cal_type,
3509 		x_ci_sequence_number          => p_dest_ci_sequence_number,
3510 		x_ass_id                      => v_uai_rec.ass_id,
3511 		x_sequence_number             => v_uai_seq_num,
3512 		x_ci_start_dt                 => v_uai_rec.ci_start_dt,
3513 		x_ci_end_dt                   => v_uai_rec.ci_end_dt,
3514 		x_unit_class                  => v_uai_rec.unit_class,
3515 		x_unit_mode                   => v_uai_rec.unit_mode,
3516 		x_location_cd                 => v_uai_rec.location_cd,
3517 		x_due_dt                      => NULL,
3518 		x_reference                   => v_reference,
3519 		x_dflt_item_ind               => v_uai_rec.dflt_item_ind,
3520 		x_logical_delete_dt           => NULL,
3521 		x_action_dt                   => NULL,
3522 		x_exam_cal_type               => v_exam_cal_type,
3523 		x_exam_ci_sequence_number     => v_exam_ci_sequence_number,
3524 		x_mode                        => 'R',
3525 		x_org_id                      => igs_ge_gen_003.get_org_id,
3526 		x_grading_schema_cd           => v_uai_rec.grading_schema_cd,
3527 		x_gs_version_number           => v_uai_rec.gs_version_number,
3528 		x_release_date                => v_uai_rec.release_date,
3529 		x_unit_ass_item_id            => l_unit_ass_item_id, --out parameter
3530 		x_description                 => v_uai_rec.description,
3531 		x_unit_ass_item_group_id      => l_unit_ass_item_group_id,
3532 		x_midterm_mandatory_type_code => v_uai_rec.midterm_mandatory_type_code,
3533 		x_midterm_weight_qty          => v_uai_rec.midterm_weight_qty,
3534 		x_final_mandatory_type_code   => v_uai_rec.final_mandatory_type_code,
3535 		x_final_weight_qty            => v_uai_rec.final_weight_qty
3536 		);
3538 	   v_uai_inserted_cnt := v_uai_inserted_cnt + 1;
3539 	END IF; -- v_uai_continue
3543 	    --Fnd log implementation
3544 	    IF (fnd_log.level_exception >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
3545 	      fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_exception, 'igs.plsql.igs_ps_gen_008.crsp_ins_uop_uoo.in_exception_section_OTHERS.err_msg',
3546 	      SUBSTRB('unit ass item id-Pattern:'||v_uai_rec.unit_ass_item_id||'  '||
3547 	      NVL(fnd_message.get,SQLERRM),1,4000));
3548             END IF;
3549 	END;
3550       END LOOP; -- c_uai_source_rec
3551     END IF;
3552     CLOSE cur_ass_item;
3555     EXCEPTION
3557 	--Fnd log implementation
3558 	IF (fnd_log.level_exception >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
3559 	  fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_exception, 'igs.plsql.igs_ps_gen_008.crsp_ins_uop_uoo.in_exception_section_OTHERS.err_msg',
3560 	  SUBSTRB('Unit Ass Item Group Id-Pattern:'||cur_unit_ass_group_rec.unit_ass_item_group_id||'  '||
3561 	  NVL(fnd_message.get,SQLERRM),1,4000));
3562         END IF;
3564         IF cur_unitassgrp_new%ISOPEN THEN
3565           CLOSE  cur_unitassgrp_new;
3566         END IF;
3567     END;
3568   END LOOP; -- cur_unit_ass_group
3571   -- The following block of code covers all possible cases described
3572   -- in the "outcome grid" of the specification document.
3573   -- ie, (6 rows * 6 cols) = 36 cases.  From Left->Right; Top->Down;
3574   -- ref spec: row 1 in the outcome grid.
3575   -- no uoo records were selected
3577   IF (c_uoo_source_rec%ROWCOUNT = 0) THEN
3578     -- no uai records were selected
3579     IF (v_uai_fetched_cnt = 0) THEN
3580       p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_NO_UOO_AND_UAI_ROLLED';
3581       v_ret_val := TRUE;
3582     -- no uai inserted, uai error NOT flagged
3583     ELSIF   (v_uai_inserted_cnt = 0 AND v_uai_error    = FALSE) THEN
3584       p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_UOO_NO_UOO_TOBE_ROLLED';
3585       v_ret_val := TRUE;
3586     -- no uai inserted, uai error flagged
3587     ELSIF   (v_uai_inserted_cnt = 0 AND v_uai_error    = TRUE) THEN
3588       p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_INV_NO_UOO_ROLLED';
3589       v_ret_val := FALSE;
3590     -- partial uai inserted, uai error NOT flagged
3591     ELSIF   (v_uai_inserted_cnt < v_uai_fetched_cnt AND v_uai_error    = FALSE) THEN
3592       IF v_successful_pattern_mbr = FALSE THEN
3593         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_PARTIALROLL_UOO_USI';
3594       ELSE
3595         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_PARROLL_UOO_UAI';
3596       END IF;
3597       v_ret_val := TRUE;
3598     -- partial uai inserted, uai error flagged
3599     ELSIF   (v_uai_inserted_cnt < v_uai_fetched_cnt AND v_uai_error    = TRUE)  THEN
3600       IF v_successful_pattern_mbr = FALSE THEN
3601         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_PARTILROLL_USI';
3602       ELSE
3603         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_PRINV_NO_UOO_ROLLED';
3604       END IF;
3605       v_ret_val := FALSE;
3606     -- all uai inserted
3607     ELSIF   (v_uai_inserted_cnt = v_uai_fetched_cnt) THEN
3608       IF v_successful_pattern_mbr = FALSE THEN
3609         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_SUCCESS_ROLL_UOO_UAI';
3610       ELSE
3611         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_SUCCESSROLL_UOO_UAI';
3612       END IF;
3613       v_ret_val := TRUE;
3614     END IF;
3615   -- ref spec: row 2 in the outcome grid.
3616   -- no uoo inserted, uoo error NOT flagged
3617   ELSIF ( v_uoo_inserted_cnt = 0 AND v_uoo_error = FALSE)    THEN
3618     -- no uai records were selected
3619     IF (v_uai_fetched_cnt = 0)      THEN
3620       p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_UOO_NO_UAI_TOBE_ROLLED';
3621       v_ret_val := TRUE;
3622     -- no uai inserted, uai error NOT flagged
3623     ELSIF   (v_uai_inserted_cnt = 0 AND v_uai_error    = FALSE) THEN
3624       p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_NO_UOO_UAI_ROLLED';
3625       v_ret_val := TRUE;
3626     -- no uai inserted, uai error flagged
3627     ELSIF   (v_uai_inserted_cnt = 0 AND v_uai_error    = TRUE)  THEN
3628       p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_INV_UOO_ROLLED';
3629       v_ret_val := FALSE;
3630     -- partial uai inserted, uai error NOT flagged
3631     ELSIF   (v_uai_inserted_cnt < v_uai_fetched_cnt AND v_uai_error    = FALSE) THEN
3632       IF v_successful_pattern_mbr = FALSE THEN
3633         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_PARTIALROLL_UOO_USI';
3634       ELSE
3635         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_PARROLL_UOO_UAI';
3636       END IF;
3637       v_ret_val := TRUE;
3638     -- partial uai inserted, uai error flagged
3639     ELSIF   (v_uai_inserted_cnt < v_uai_fetched_cnt AND v_uai_error    = TRUE)  THEN
3640       IF v_successful_pattern_mbr = FALSE THEN
3641         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_PARROLL_UAI_INVLD_DATA';
3642       ELSE
3643         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_PRINV_NO_UOO_OBS_DATA';
3644       END IF;
3645       v_ret_val := FALSE;
3646     -- all uai inserted
3647     ELSIF   (v_uai_inserted_cnt = v_uai_fetched_cnt) THEN
3648       IF v_successful_pattern_mbr = FALSE THEN
3649         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_PARTIALROLL_UOO_USI';
3650       ELSE
3651         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_PARROLL_UOO_UAI';
3652       END IF;
3653       v_ret_val := TRUE;
3654     END IF;
3655   -- ref spec: row 3 in the outcome grid.
3656   -- no uoo inserted, uoo error flagged
3657   ELSIF ( v_uoo_inserted_cnt = 0 AND v_uoo_error = TRUE) THEN
3658     -- no uai records were selected
3659     IF (v_uai_fetched_cnt = 0)      THEN
3660       p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_INV_NO_UAI_TOBE_ROLLED';
3661       v_ret_val := FALSE;
3662     -- no uai inserted, uai error NOT flagged
3663     ELSIF   (v_uai_inserted_cnt = 0 AND v_uai_error    = FALSE) THEN
3664       p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_INV_NO_UAI_OBS_DATA';
3665       v_ret_val := FALSE;
3666     -- no uai inserted, uai error flagged
3667     ELSIF   (v_uai_inserted_cnt = 0 AND v_uai_error    = TRUE) THEN
3668       p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_INV_NO_UAI_OBS_DATA';
3669       v_ret_val := FALSE;
3670     -- partial uai inserted, uai error NOT flagged
3671     ELSIF   (v_uai_inserted_cnt < v_uai_fetched_cnt AND v_uai_error = FALSE) THEN
3672       IF v_successful_pattern_mbr = FALSE THEN
3673         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_INVALID_DATA';
3674       ELSE
3675         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_INV_UAI_PAR_ROLL';
3676       END IF;
3677       v_ret_val := FALSE;
3678     -- partial uai inserted, uai error flagged
3679     ELSIF   (v_uai_inserted_cnt < v_uai_fetched_cnt AND v_uai_error = TRUE)  THEN
3680       IF v_successful_pattern_mbr = FALSE THEN
3681         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_PARROLL_USI_INVALID';
3682       ELSE
3683         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_PRINV_NO_UOO_INVALID';
3684       END IF;
3685       v_ret_val := FALSE;
3686     -- all uai inserted
3687     ELSIF   (v_uai_inserted_cnt = v_uai_fetched_cnt) THEN
3688       IF v_successful_pattern_mbr = FALSE THEN
3689         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_NOTROLLED_INVALID_DATA';
3690       ELSE
3691         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_INV_ALL_UAI_ROLLED';
3692       END IF;
3693       v_ret_val := FALSE;
3694     END IF;
3695   -- ref spec: row 4 in the outcome grid.
3696   -- partial uoo inserted, uoo error NOT flagged
3697   ELSIF ((v_uoo_inserted_cnt < c_uoo_source_rec%ROWCOUNT OR v_tro_recs_skipped = TRUE) AND v_uoo_error = FALSE) THEN
3698     -- no uai records were selected
3699     IF (v_uai_fetched_cnt = 0)      THEN
3700       p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_PARROLL_UOO_UAI';
3701       v_ret_val := TRUE;
3702     -- no uai inserted, uai error NOT flagged
3703     ELSIF   (v_uai_inserted_cnt = 0 AND v_uai_error    = FALSE) THEN
3704       p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_PARROLL_UOO_UAI';
3705       v_ret_val := TRUE;
3706     -- no uai inserted, uai error flagged
3707     ELSIF   (v_uai_inserted_cnt = 0 AND v_uai_error    = TRUE)          THEN
3708       p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_INV_PARROLL_UOO_OBSDAT';
3709       v_ret_val := FALSE;
3710     -- partial uai inserted, uai error NOT flagged
3711     ELSIF   (v_uai_inserted_cnt < v_uai_fetched_cnt AND v_uai_error    = FALSE) THEN
3712       IF v_successful_pattern_mbr = FALSE THEN
3713         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_PARTIALROLL_UOO_USI';
3714       ELSE
3715         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_PARROLL_UOO_UAI';
3716       END IF;
3717       v_ret_val := TRUE;
3718     -- partial uai inserted, uai error flagged
3719     ELSIF   (v_uai_inserted_cnt < v_uai_fetched_cnt AND v_uai_error    = TRUE)  THEN
3720       IF v_successful_pattern_mbr = FALSE THEN
3721         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_PARTIALROLL_UAI';
3722       ELSE
3723         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_PRINV_PARROL_UOO_OBS';
3724       END IF;
3725       v_ret_val := FALSE;
3726     -- all uai inserted
3727     ELSIF   (v_uai_inserted_cnt = v_uai_fetched_cnt) THEN
3728       IF v_successful_pattern_mbr = FALSE THEN
3729         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_PARTIALROLL_UOO_USI';
3730       ELSE
3731         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_PARROLL_UOO_UAI';
3732       END IF;
3733       v_ret_val := TRUE;
3734     END IF;
3735   -- ref spec: row 5 in the outcome grid.
3736   -- partial uoo inserted, uoo error flagged
3737   ELSIF ((v_uoo_inserted_cnt < c_uoo_source_rec%ROWCOUNT OR v_tro_recs_skipped = TRUE) AND v_uoo_error = TRUE) THEN
3738     -- no uai records were selected
3739     IF (v_uai_fetched_cnt = 0)      THEN
3740       p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_PRINV_PARROL_UOO_OBS';
3741       v_ret_val := FALSE;
3742     -- no uai inserted, uai error NOT flagged
3743     ELSIF   (v_uai_inserted_cnt = 0 AND v_uai_error    = FALSE) THEN
3744       p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_PRINV_NO_UAI_ROL_OBS';
3745       v_ret_val := FALSE;
3746     -- no uai inserted, uai error flagged
3747     ELSIF   (v_uai_inserted_cnt = 0 AND v_uai_error    = TRUE)          THEN
3748       p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_PRINV_NO_UAI_INVALID';
3749       v_ret_val := FALSE;
3750     -- partial uai inserted, uai error NOT flagged
3751     ELSIF   (v_uai_inserted_cnt < v_uai_fetched_cnt AND v_uai_error    = FALSE) THEN
3752       IF v_successful_pattern_mbr = FALSE THEN
3753         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_PARTIALROLL_UOO_INVALI';
3754       ELSE
3755         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_PRINV_PARROLL_UAI';
3756       END IF;
3757       v_ret_val := FALSE;
3758     -- partial uai inserted, uai error flagged
3759     ELSIF   (v_uai_inserted_cnt < v_uai_fetched_cnt AND v_uai_error    = TRUE)  THEN
3760       IF v_successful_pattern_mbr = FALSE THEN
3761         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_PARROLL_UOO_AND_UAI';
3762       ELSE
3763         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_PRINV_UOO_UAI';
3764       END IF;
3765       v_ret_val := FALSE;
3766     -- all uai inserted
3767     ELSIF   (v_uai_inserted_cnt = v_uai_fetched_cnt) THEN
3768       IF v_successful_pattern_mbr = FALSE THEN
3769         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_PARTIALROLL_UOO_INVDAT';
3770       ELSE
3771         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_PRINV_ALL_UAI_ROLLED';
3772       END IF;
3773       v_ret_val := FALSE;
3774     END IF;
3775   -- ref spec: row 6 in the outcome grid.
3776   -- all uoo inserted
3777   ELSIF (v_uoo_inserted_cnt = c_uoo_source_rec%ROWCOUNT) THEN
3778     -- no uai records were selected
3779     IF (v_uai_fetched_cnt = 0)      THEN
3780       p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_SUCCESSROLL_UOO_UAI';
3781       v_ret_val := TRUE;
3782     -- no uai inserted, uai error NOT flagged
3783     ELSIF   (v_uai_inserted_cnt = 0 AND v_uai_error    = FALSE) THEN
3784       p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_PARROLL_UOO_UAI';
3785       v_ret_val := TRUE;
3786     -- no uai inserted, uai error flagged
3787     ELSIF   (v_uai_inserted_cnt = 0 AND v_uai_error    = TRUE)          THEN
3788       p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_INV_ALL_UOO_ROLLED';
3789       v_ret_val := FALSE;
3790     -- partial uai inserted, uai error NOT flagged
3791     ELSIF   (v_uai_inserted_cnt < v_uai_fetched_cnt AND v_uai_error    = FALSE) THEN
3792       IF v_successful_pattern_mbr = FALSE THEN
3793         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_PARTIALROLL_UOO_USI';
3794       ELSE
3795         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_PARROLL_UOO_UAI';
3796       END IF;
3797       v_ret_val := TRUE;
3798     -- partial uai inserted, uai error flagged
3799     ELSIF   (v_uai_inserted_cnt < v_uai_fetched_cnt AND v_uai_error    = TRUE)  THEN
3800       IF v_successful_pattern_mbr = FALSE THEN
3801         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_PARTIALROLL_UAI_UAIINV';
3802       ELSE
3803         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_PRINV_ALL_UOO_ROLLED';
3804       END IF;
3805       v_ret_val := FALSE;
3806     -- all uai inserted
3807     ELSIF   (v_uai_inserted_cnt = v_uai_fetched_cnt) THEN
3808       IF v_successful_pattern_mbr = FALSE THEN
3809         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_SUCCESS_ROLL_UOO_UAI';
3810       ELSE
3811         p_message_name := 'IGS_PS_SUCCESSROLL_UOO_UAI';
3812       END IF;
3813       v_ret_val := TRUE;
3814     END IF;
3815   END IF;
3817   IF c_uoo_source_rec%ISOPEN THEN
3818      CLOSE c_uoo_source_rec;
3819   END IF;
3821   --Added by sarakshi, as a part of bug#2332807
3822   --If no record has been entered in details table igs_ge_s_loog_entry
3823   --then delete the parent record.
3824   OPEN cur_check(p_log_creation_date);
3825   FETCH cur_check INTO l_var;
3826   IF  cur_check%NOTFOUND THEN
3827     igs_ge_s_log_pkg.delete_row(x_rowid=>l_rowid);
3828   END IF;
3829   CLOSE cur_check;
3831   RETURN v_ret_val;
3835     IF c_uoo_source_rec%ISOPEN THEN
3836       CLOSE c_uoo_source_rec;
3837     END IF;
3838     IF c_uop_dest_rec%ISOPEN THEN
3839       CLOSE c_uop_dest_rec;
3840     END IF;
3841     IF c_uai_source_rec%ISOPEN THEN
3842       CLOSE c_uai_source_rec;
3843     END IF;
3844     IF c_uoo_rec_exists%ISOPEN THEN
3845       CLOSE c_uoo_rec_exists;
3846     END IF;
3847     IF c_latest_gs_version%ISOPEN THEN
3848       CLOSE c_latest_gs_version;
3849     END IF;
3850     IF c_uoo_seq_num%ISOPEN THEN
3851       CLOSE c_uoo_seq_num;
3852     END IF;
3853     App_Exception.Raise_Exception;
3854 END;
3856  -- jbegum As part of bug#2563596 the call to IGS_GE_GEN_003.genp_ins_log_entry was modified .
3857  -- The concatenated string being passed to parameter p_key has the substring FND_MESSAGE.GET_STRING('IGS', p_message_name)
3858  -- removed as this was causing the TBH procedure IGS_GE_S_LOG_ENTRY_PKG.INSERT_ROW to throw up an invalid value error,which
3859  -- was in turn causing function IGS_PS_GEN_008.crsp_ins_uop_uoo to throw up an unhandled exception.
3860  -- Also the concatenated string being passed to parameter p_text has only p_message_name concatenated to it instead of
3861  -- FND_MESSAGE.GET_STRING('IGS', p_message_name)
3863 --Enhancement bug 1800179, pmarada
3864 -- insert record into log entry table
3868     DECLARE
3869       CURSOR cur_org_unit (cp_uoo_id IN NUMBER) IS
3870       SELECT   owner_org_unit_cd
3871       FROM     igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt
3872       WHERE    uoo_id = cp_uoo_id;
3873       lcur_org_unit cur_org_unit%rowtype;
3874     BEGIN
3875       --Fnd log implementation
3876       IF (fnd_log.level_exception >= fnd_log.g_current_runtime_level) THEN
3877 	fnd_log.string( fnd_log.level_exception, 'igs.plsql.igs_ps_gen_008.crsp_ins_uop_uoo.in_exception_section_OTHERS.err_msg',
3878 	SUBSTRB('From the Main Exception of crsp_ins_uop_uoo'||'  '||
3879 	NVL(fnd_message.get,SQLERRM),1,4000));
3880       END IF;
3882       OPEN cur_org_unit (l_old_uoo_id);
3883       FETCH cur_org_unit INTO lcur_org_unit;
3885       IGS_GE_GEN_003.genp_ins_log_entry (
3886       'USEC-ROLL' ,
3887       p_log_creation_date,     -- This will be accepted AS parameter AND defaulted TO NULL;
3888       lcur_org_unit.owner_org_unit_cd || ',' || l_old_uoo_id || ',' || p_source_cal_type ||
3889       ',' || p_source_ci_sequence_number,
3890       NULL,
3891       lcur_org_unit.owner_org_unit_cd || ',' || l_old_uoo_id || ',' || p_source_cal_type ||
3892       ',' || p_source_ci_sequence_number || ',' || p_message_name);
3894       CLOSE cur_org_unit;
3895     END;
3896 END crsp_ins_uop_uoo;
3898 END igs_ps_gen_008;