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1 package body WF_NTF_RULES_PKG as
2 /* $Header: WFNTFRLB.pls 120.3 2005/12/15 22:06:24 hgandiko noship $ */
4 --Private Variables
5 type txt_tbl_type is table of varchar2(240) index by binary_integer;
6 type num_tbl_type is table of number index by binary_integer;
9 --Private Function
10 procedure fetch_custom_level(x_owner_tag in varchar2,
11                              x_rule_name in varchar2,
12  			     x_customization_level out nocopy varchar2)
13 is
14 begin
15     select customization_level
16     into   x_customization_level
17     from   wf_ntf_rules
18     where owner_tag = x_owner_tag
19     and   rule_name = x_rule_name;
21 exception
22 when no_data_found then
23    raise no_data_found;
24 when others then
25    raise;
26 end fetch_custom_level;
29 procedure insert_row(x_owner_tag           in varchar2,
30 		     x_rule_name           in varchar2,
31 		     x_user_rule_name      in varchar2,
32 		     x_description         in varchar2,
33 		     x_customization_level in varchar2,
34 		     x_phase               in number,
35 		     x_status              in varchar2)
36 is
37 begin
38   insert into wf_ntf_rules (
39     owner_tag,
40     creation_date,
41     rule_name,
42     customization_level,
43     phase,
44     status
45   ) values (
46     x_owner_tag,
47     sysdate,
48     x_rule_name,
49     x_customization_level,
50     x_phase,
51     x_status);
53   insert into wf_ntf_rules_tl (
54     rule_name,
55     user_rule_name,
56     description,
57     language,
58     source_lang,
59     creation_date)
60   select x_rule_name,
61          x_user_rule_name,
62 	 x_description,
63 	 l.code,
64 	 userenv('LANG'),
65          sysdate
66       from wf_languages l
67   where l.installed_flag = 'Y'
68   and not exists
69     (select null
70      from   wf_ntf_rules_tl t
71      where  t.rule_name = x_rule_name
72      and    t.language = l.code);
73 exception
74   when others then
75     wf_core.context('Wf_ntf_rules_pkg', 'Insert_Row', x_owner_tag, x_rule_name);
76     raise;
77 end insert_row;
79 procedure delete_row(x_owner_tag  in varchar2,
80 		     x_rule_name  in varchar2)
81 is
82 begin
84   delete from wf_ntf_rules_tl
85   where rule_name = x_rule_name;
87   if (sql%notfound) then
88     raise no_data_found;
89   end if;
91   delete from wf_ntf_rules
92   where owner_tag = x_owner_tag
93   and   rule_name = x_rule_name;
95   if (sql%notfound) then
96     raise no_data_found;
97   end if;
99 exception
100   when others then
101     wf_core.context('Wf_ntf_rules_pkg', 'Delete_Row', x_owner_tag, x_rule_name);
102     raise;
103 end delete_row;
105 procedure update_row(x_owner_tag           in varchar2,
106 		     x_rule_name           in varchar2,
107 		     x_user_rule_name      in varchar2,
108 		     x_description         in varchar2,
109 		     x_customization_level in varchar2,
110 		     x_phase               in number,
111 		     x_status              in varchar2)
112 is
113  l_custom_level varchar2(10);
114  l_update_allowed     varchar2(1);
115 begin
116   fetch_custom_level(x_owner_tag,x_rule_name,l_custom_level);
117   l_update_allowed := is_update_allowed(x_customization_level,l_custom_level);
119   if g_mode = 'FORCE' then
120     update wf_ntf_rules
121     set status              = x_status,
122 	customization_level = x_customization_level,
123         phase               = x_phase
124     where owner_tag = x_owner_tag
125     and   rule_name = x_rule_name;
127     update wf_ntf_rules_tl
128     set user_rule_name = x_user_rule_name,
129         description    = x_description,
130 	source_lang    = userenv('LANG')
131     where rule_name = x_rule_name
132     and userenv('LANG') in (language, source_lang);
133   else
134     -- User is not seed
135     if l_update_allowed = 'N' then
136        wf_core.context('WF_NTF_RULES_PKG','UPDATE_ROW',
137                         x_rule_name,
138                         l_custom_level,
139                         X_CUSTOMIZATION_LEVEL);
140        return;
141     end if;
143     if  x_customization_level ='L' then
144          update wf_ntf_rules
145 	 set status = x_status
146 	 where owner_tag = x_owner_tag
147 	 and   rule_name = x_rule_name;
149     elsif x_customization_level = 'U' then
150       if g_mode ='CUSTOM' then
151          update wf_ntf_rules
152          set status = x_status,
153 	     customization_level = x_customization_level,
154 	     phase = x_phase
155 	 where owner_tag = x_owner_tag
156 	 and   rule_name = x_rule_name;
158          update wf_ntf_rules_tl
159          set user_rule_name = x_user_rule_name,
160              description    = x_description,
161     	     source_lang    = userenv('LANG')
162          where rule_name = x_rule_name
163          and userenv('LANG') in (language, source_lang);
164       end if;
166     elsif x_customization_level <> 'C' then
167              -- Raise error..
168                 Wf_Core.Token('REASON','Invalid Customization Level:' ||
169                 l_custom_level);
170                 Wf_Core.Raise('WFSQL_INTERNAL');
171     end if;
172   end if;
173 exception
174   when others then
175     wf_core.context('Wf_ntf_rules_pkg', 'Update_Row', x_owner_tag, x_rule_name);
176     raise;
177 end update_row;
179 procedure load_row(x_owner_tag           in varchar2,
180 		   x_rule_name           in varchar2,
181 		   x_user_rule_name      in varchar2,
182 		   x_description         in varchar2,
183 		   x_customization_level in varchar2,
184 		   x_phase               in number,
185 		   x_status              in varchar2,
186 		   x_custom_mode         in varchar2)
187 is
188 begin
189   if x_customization_level = 'C' or x_customization_level = 'L' then
190     wf_ntf_rules_pkg.g_mode := 'FORCE';
191   else
192     wf_ntf_rules_pkg.g_mode := x_custom_mode;
193   end if;
195   if wf_ntf_rules_pkg.g_mode = 'FORCE' then
196     wf_ntf_rules_pkg.update_row(x_owner_tag,
197 		                x_rule_name,
198 		 	        x_user_rule_name,
199 		 	        x_description,
200 		 	        x_customization_level,
201 		 	        x_phase,
202 		 	        x_status);
203   end if;
204 exception
205  when others then
206       wf_ntf_rules_pkg.insert_row(x_owner_tag,
207 	 	                  x_rule_name,
208 		 	          x_user_rule_name,
209 		 	          x_description,
210 		 	          x_customization_level,
211 		 	          x_phase,
212 		 	          x_status);
213 end load_row;
215 procedure FWKsetMode
216 is
217  uname varchar2(320);
218 begin
219  if g_Mode is null then
220         uname  := wfa_sec.GetFWKUserName;
221  end if;
223  if uname = g_SeedUser then
224         g_Mode := 'FORCE';
225  else
226         g_Mode := 'CUSTOM';
227  end if;
228 end FWKsetMode;
230 function is_update_allowed(X_CUSTOM_LEVEL_NEW in varchar2,
231                            X_CUSTOM_LEVEL_OLD in varchar2) return varchar2
232 is
233 begin
235   -- Cannot overwrite data with a higher customization level
236   if X_CUSTOM_LEVEL_NEW = 'U' then
237         if X_CUSTOM_LEVEL_OLD in ('C','L') then
238                 -- Error will be logged
239                 return ('N');
240         elsif X_CUSTOM_LEVEL_OLD = 'U' then
241                 -- Return Y. Update is based on the caller
242                 return ('Y');
243         end if;
244   elsif X_CUSTOM_LEVEL_NEW = 'L' then
245         if X_CUSTOM_LEVEL_OLD = 'C' then
246                 -- Error will be logged
247                 return('N');
248         elsif X_CUSTOM_LEVEL_OLD = 'U' then
249                 -- Override it
250                 return('Y');
251         else
252                 -- Customization Level is L
253                 return('Y');
254         end if;
255   elsif X_CUSTOM_LEVEL_NEW = 'C' then
256         -- Override the values in the database irrespective of the value
257         -- Return Y. Update is based on the caller
258         return('Y');
259   end if;
260 end is_update_allowed;
262 procedure add_language
263 is
264 begin
265    insert into wf_ntf_rules_tl (
266     rule_name,
267     user_rule_name,
268     description,
269     language,
270     source_lang,
271     creation_date
272   ) select
273     b.rule_name,
274     b.user_rule_name,
275     b.description,
276     l.code,
277     b.source_lang,
278     sysdate
279   from WF_ntf_rules_tl b, wf_languages l
280   where l.installed_flag = 'Y'
281   and b.language = userenv('LANG')
282   and (b.rule_name,l.code) not in
283       (select /*+ hash_aj index_ffs(T,WF_NTF_RULES_TL_PK) */
284        t.rule_name,t.language
285       from wf_ntf_rules_tl t) ;
286 exception
287   when others then
288     wf_core.context('Wf_ntf_rules_Pkg', 'Add_Language');
289     raise;
290 end add_language;
292 procedure translate_row(x_rule_name           in varchar2,
293                         x_user_rule_name      in varchar2,
294                         x_description         in varchar2)
295 is
296 begin
297    update wf_ntf_rules_tl
298    set user_rule_name=x_user_rule_name,
299        description=x_description,
300        source_lang=userenv('LANG')
301    where rule_name=x_rule_name
302    and   userenv('LANG') in (language, source_lang);
303 exception
304   when others then
305     wf_core.context('Wf_NTF_Rules_Pkg', 'Translate_Row');
306     raise;
307 end translate_row;