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Line 18: asbala 15-JAN-2004 3349171: Incorrect usage of fnd_lookup_values view

14: Known limitations/enhancements/remarks:
16: Change History: (who, when, what: NO CREATION RECORDS HERE!)
17: Who When What
18: asbala 15-JAN-2004 3349171: Incorrect usage of fnd_lookup_values view
19: *******************************************************************************/
20: --Local variable to Identify the the Line Break Character.
21: l_line_break VARCHAR2(10);

Line 27: cp_lookup_type fnd_lookup_values.lookup_type%TYPE,

23: --
24: -- Cursor for selection of the person name in seperate parts to allow construction based on the user preferences.
25: --
26: CURSOR cur_person_name ( cp_person_id IN NUMBER,
27: cp_lookup_type fnd_lookup_values.lookup_type%TYPE,
28: cp_view_application_id fnd_lookup_values.view_application_id%TYPE,
29: cp_security_group_id fnd_lookup_values.security_group_id%TYPE) IS
30: SELECT NVL (lkup.meaning, per.person_title) ||
31: DECODE (per.person_first_name, NULL, NULL, ' ' ||

Line 28: cp_view_application_id fnd_lookup_values.view_application_id%TYPE,

24: -- Cursor for selection of the person name in seperate parts to allow construction based on the user preferences.
25: --
26: CURSOR cur_person_name ( cp_person_id IN NUMBER,
27: cp_lookup_type fnd_lookup_values.lookup_type%TYPE,
28: cp_view_application_id fnd_lookup_values.view_application_id%TYPE,
29: cp_security_group_id fnd_lookup_values.security_group_id%TYPE) IS
30: SELECT NVL (lkup.meaning, per.person_title) ||
31: DECODE (per.person_first_name, NULL, NULL, ' ' ||
32: per.person_first_name) ||

Line 29: cp_security_group_id fnd_lookup_values.security_group_id%TYPE) IS

25: --
26: CURSOR cur_person_name ( cp_person_id IN NUMBER,
27: cp_lookup_type fnd_lookup_values.lookup_type%TYPE,
28: cp_view_application_id fnd_lookup_values.view_application_id%TYPE,
29: cp_security_group_id fnd_lookup_values.security_group_id%TYPE) IS
30: SELECT NVL (lkup.meaning, per.person_title) ||
31: DECODE (per.person_first_name, NULL, NULL, ' ' ||
32: per.person_first_name) ||
33: DECODE (per.person_middle_name, NULL, NULL, ' ' ||

Line 40: fnd_lookup_values lkup

36: per.person_last_name) ||
37: DECODE (per.person_name_suffix, NULL, NULL, ' ' ||
38: per.person_name_suffix) person_name
39: FROM hz_parties per,
40: fnd_lookup_values lkup
41: WHERE per.party_id = cp_person_id
42: AND per.person_pre_name_adjunct = lkup.lookup_code (+)
43: AND lkup.lookup_type (+) = cp_lookup_type
44: AND lkup.language(+) = USERENV('LANG')