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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 58

select  distinct b.meaning, e.ss_no, f.description, h.organization_code,
        e.scheduled_start_date, g.concatenated_segments item_no,
        g.description item_desc1, e.revision, i.organization_code plant_code,
        a.sample_qty, a.sample_quantity_uom,
        c.recipe_no, c.recipe_version, e.owner,e.ss_id -- Bug#3374906
 from   gmd_ss_material_sources a,
        gmd_Qc_status b,
        gmd_recipes c,
        gmd_stability_studies_b e ,
        gmd_stability_studies_tl f ,
        mtl_system_items_kfv g,
        mtl_parameters h,
        mtl_parameters i
 where  a.source_id = l_event_key
       and a.ss_id = e.ss_id
       and e.ss_id = f.ss_id
       and c.recipe_id(+) = a.recipe_id
       and e.inventory_item_id = g.inventory_item_id
       and e.organization_id = g.organization_id
       and b.entity_type = 'STABILITY'
       and b.status_code = e.status
       and h.organization_id = e.organization_id
       and i.organization_id = a.source_organization_id
       and f.language = userenv('LANG') ;
Line: 84

     select nvl( text, '')
	from wf_Resources
              where name = 'WF_ADMIN_ROLE'   --RLNAGARA B5654562 Changed from WF_ADMIN to WF_ADMIN_ROLE
              and language = userenv('LANG'); --Bug# 4594306. Added this condition.
Line: 110

         select application_id into l_application_id
           from fnd_application where application_short_name='GMD';
Line: 144

      			  select user_name into l_user from fnd_user
        			 where user_id = l_owner;
Line: 152

      				  select user_name into l_user from fnd_user
        				 where user_id=Approver.user_id;
Line: 155

	       		  select user_name into l_user from fnd_user
        	             where user_id=ame_util.PERSONIDTOUSERID(Approver.person_id);
Line: 258

	        	  ame_api.updateApprovalStatus(applicationIdIn => l_application_id,
                                       transactionIdIn => l_event_key,
                                       approverIn => Approver,
                                       transactionTypeIn => l_transaction_type,
                                       forwardeeIn => ame_util.emptyApproverRecord);
Line: 315

         select application_id into l_application_id
           from fnd_application where application_short_name='GMD';
Line: 329

         select user_name into l_user from fnd_user
           where user_id=Approver.user_id;
Line: 332

         select user_name into l_user from fnd_user
          where user_id=ame_util.PERSONIDTOUSERID(Approver.person_id);
Line: 344

          ame_api.updateApprovalStatus(applicationIdIn => l_application_id,
                                       transactionIdIn => l_event_key,
                                       approverIn => Approver,
                                       transactionTypeIn => l_transaction_type,
                                       forwardeeIn => ame_util.emptyApproverRecord);