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2 /* $Header: ARPLSTXB.pls 120.8 2005/09/02 02:32:07 sachandr ship $     */
4 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
5  |                                                                         |
6  | PRIVATE EXCEPTIONS                                                      |
7  |                                                                         |
8  +-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
13 compile_error EXCEPTION;
14 PRAGMA EXCEPTION_INIT(compile_error, -6550);
16 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
17  |                                                                         |
18  | PRIVATE VARIABLES                                                       |
19  |                                                                         |
20  +-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
22 TYPE find_tax_exempt_info_rec_type IS RECORD
23 (
24   bill_to_customer_id      NUMBER,
25   ship_to_customer_id      NUMBER,
26   ship_to_site_id          NUMBER,
27   tax_code                 VARCHAR2(50),
28   inventory_item_id        NUMBER,
29   trx_date                 DATE,
30   tax_exempt_flag          VARCHAR2(1),
31   insert_allowed           VARCHAR2(10),
32   reason_code              VARCHAR2(30),
33   certificate              VARCHAR2(80),
34   percent_exempt           NUMBER,
35   inserted_flag            VARCHAR2(1),
36   tax_exemption_id         NUMBER,
37   exemption_type           VARCHAR2(30),
38   hash_string              VARCHAR2(1000)
39 );
41 find_tax_exempt_info_rec find_tax_exempt_info_rec_type;
43 TYPE find_tax_exempt_info_tbl_type is TABLE of find_tax_exempt_info_rec_type index by
44 binary_integer;
46 find_tax_exempt_info_tbl find_tax_exempt_info_tbl_type;
48 pg_max_index            BINARY_INTEGER :=0;
49 TABLE_SIZE              BINARY_INTEGER := 65636;
50 cached_org_id                integer;
51 cached_org_append            varchar2(100);
53 /* Bugfix887926 */
54 c_get_exempt                 integer;
56  --PG_DEBUG varchar2(1) := NVL(FND_PROFILE.value('TAX_DEBUG_FLAG'), 'N');
57  PG_DEBUG varchar2(1) := NVL(FND_PROFILE.value('AFLOG_ENABLED'), 'N');
60 /* private procedures */
62 procedure std_other_error( cursor_id in out NOCOPY number,
63                            sql_statement in varchar2 ) is
64 stmt_len integer;
65 loop_var integer;
66 begin
67   null;
68 end std_other_error;
70 procedure std_compile_error( cursor_id in out NOCOPY number,
71                              sql_statement in varchar2 ) is
72 begin
73   null;
74 end std_compile_error;
76 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
77  | PUBLIC  FUNCTION                                                        |
78  |   ins_sales_tax                                                         |
79  |                                                                         |
80  | DESCRIPTION                                                             |
81  |   This function generates a new record in the table: AR_SALES_TAX       |
82  |   and returns the SALES_TAX_ID of this new record                   |
83  |                                                                         |
84  | REQUIRES                                                                |
85  |   location_id            CCID of this Location                          |
86  |   location_structure_id  Multiflex structure ID in use                  |
87  |   total_tax_rate         sum of all components of the tax rate          |
88  |   location1_rate         Tax rate for segment 1 of the location         |
89  |   location2_rate         Tax rate for segment 2 of the location         |
90  |   location3_rate         Tax rate for segment 3 of the location         |
91  |   location4_rate         Tax rate for segment 4 of the location         |
92  |   location5_rate         Tax rate for segment 5 of the location         |
93  |   location6_rate         Tax rate for segment 6 of the location         |
94  |   location7_rate         Tax rate for segment 7 of the location         |
95  |   location8_rate         Tax rate for segment 8 of the location         |
96  |   location9_rate         Tax rate for segment 9 of the location         |
97  |   location10_rate        Tax rate for segment 10 of the location        |
98  |   from_postal_code       The same location may have multiple rates      |
99  |   to_postal_code         assigned to it, depending upon postal code     |
100  |   start_date             and transaction date.                          |
101  |   end_date                                                              |
102  |                                                                         |
103  | RETURNS                                                                 |
104  |   SALES_TAX_ID of the new record                                    |
105  |                                                                         |
106  | EXCEPTIONS RAISED                                                       |
107  |                                                                         |
108  | NOTES                                                                   |
109  |                                                                         |
110  | EXAMPLE                                                                 |
111  |                                                                         |
112  +-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
115 FUNCTION      ins_sales_tax(
116               location_id in number,
117               location_structure_id in number,
118               total_tax_rate in number,
119                         location1_rate        in number,
120                         location2_rate        in number,
121                         location3_rate        in number,
122                         location4_rate        in number,
123                         location5_rate        in number,
124                         location6_rate        in number,
125                         location7_rate        in number,
126                         location8_rate        in number,
127                         location9_rate        in number,
128                         location10_rate       in number,
129               from_postal_code in varchar2,
130               to_postal_code in varchar2,
131               start_date in date,
132               end_date in date) return number IS
134   sales_tax_id number;
135   c			integer;
136   rows_processed	integer;
137   statement		varchar2(1000);
140   -- Stubbed out for R12
141  null;
143 end ins_sales_tax;
145 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
146  | PUBLIC  PROCEDURE                                                       |
147  |   implement_transfer_rates                                              |
148  |                                                                         |
149  | CALLED BY TRIGGER        AR_LOCATION_RATES_ASIU                         |
150  |                                                                         |
151  | REQUIRES                                                                |
152  |                                                                         |
153  |   PL/SQL table: LOCATION_SEGMENT_ID to be populated with the            |
154  |   location_segment_id of each row that has changed in the table         |
155  |   AR_LOCATION_RATES.                                                    |
156  |                                                                         |
157  |   The PUBLIC variable: loc_rate is a count of the number of rows in     |
158  |   the PL/SQL table: location_segment_id that we can expect and is       |
159  |   maintained by the trigger: AR_LOCATION_RATES_BRIU                     |
160  |                                                                         |
161  | DESCRIPTION                                                             |
162  |                                                                         |
163  |   Will take each distinct location_segment_id used during updates or    |
164  |   inserts to the table: AR_LOCATION_RATES and propogate these sales     |
165  |   tax rate changes into the table: AR_SALES_TAX                         |
166  |                                                                         |
167  |   This procedures fires the cursor: sel_cc to find each Location Code   |
168  |   Combination that uses a particular location_segment_id and then       |
169  |   updates each of the rows in ar_sales_tax for that specific location.  |
170  |                                                                         |
171  |   To optimise performance of the code a note of every code combination  |
172  |   is made so that the same set of records in ar_sales_tax is only ever  |
173  |   visited once.                                                         |
174  |                                                                         |
175  | EXAMPLE                                                                 |
176  |                                                                         |
177  |   If the following Code Combinations were active on a system:           |
178  |      CA.SAN MATEO.BELMONT      CCID: 1000,   LOCATIONS: 4.6.8           |
179  |      CA.SAN MATEO.FOSTER CITY  CCID: 1001,   LOCATIONS: 4.6.10          |
180  |      CA.FREEMONT.FREEMONT      CCID: 1002,   LOCATIONS: 4.12.14         |
181  |      FL.MIAMI.MIAMI            CCID: 1003,   LOCATIONS: 16.18.20        |
182  |                                                                         |
183  |   And the user updates AR_LOCATION_RATES for ( CA, and SAN MATEO )      |
184  |   There would be two rows set up by the TRIGGER: AR_LOCATION_RATES_BRIU |
185  |   in the PL/SQL table: location_segment_id, these rows would be:        |
186  |      location_segment_id(0) = 4                                         |
187  |      location_segment_id(1) = 6                                         |
188  |   This procedure would fire the cursor: sel_cc which for location 4     |
189  |   would return: 3 rows, CCIDS: 1000, 10001, and 1002.                   |
190  |   Sales Tax Rate records would then be regenerated for all 3 different  |
191  |   location code combinations.                                           |
192  |   Cursor sel_cc would then be re-fired for location 6 and return the    |
193  |   following two rows: 1000, 1001. Since both of these rows have already |
194  |   been updated no further work is required and the procedure completes. |
195  |                                                                         |
196  | MODIFICATION HISTORY                                                    |
197  |    22-Jan-93  Nigel Smith        Created.                               |
198  |                                                                         |
199  +-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
201 PROCEDURE Implement_Transfer_Rates is
202   l_transfer_rates_initialised varchar2(5);
203   l_transfer_rates_manual varchar2(5);
204   c			integer;
205   rows_processed	integer;
206   statement		varchar2(1000);
209   -- Stubbed out for R12
210   null;
211 end implement_transfer_rates;
213 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
214  | PUBLIC PROCEDURE                                                        |
215  |   enable_triggers / disable_triggers                                    |
216  |                                                                         |
217  | DESCRIPTION                                                             |
218  |                                                                         |
219  |    Control the execution of database triggers associated with the sales |
220  |    tax functions, enabling or disabling there actions.                  |
221  |                                                                         |
222  |    This is used to enhance performance of certain batch operations      |
223  |    such as the Sales Tax Interface programs, when the row by row        |
224  |    nature of database triggers would degrade performance of the system  |
225  |                                                                         |
226  | MODIFIES                                                                |
227  |                                                                         |
228  | ARP_STAX.triggers_enabled                                               |
229  |                                                                         |
230  | EXCEPTIONS RAISED                                                       |
231  |                                                                         |
232  | NOTES                                                                   |
233  |                                                                         |
234  | EXAMPLE                                                                 |
235  |                                                                         |
236  +-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
238 procedure enable_triggers is
239   c			integer;
240   rows_processed	integer;
241   statement		varchar2(1000);
245   -- Stubbed out for R12
246   null;
247 END enable_triggers;
249 procedure disable_triggers is
250   c			integer;
251   rows_processed	integer;
252   statement		varchar2(1000);
256   -- Stubbed out for R12
257   null;
258 END disable_triggers;
260 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
261  | PUBLIC FUNCTION                                                         |
262  |   Site_Use_Sales_Tax                                                    |
263  |                                                                         |
264  | CALLED BY TRIGGER        RA_SITE_USES_BRIU                              |
265  |                                                                         |
266  | DESCRIPTION                                                             |
267  |                                                                         |
268  | Find the location CCID for the address used by this site use, and all   |
269  | of the segment id's in use by this locaiton code combination.           |
270  |                                                                         |
271  | Re-Populates AR_SALES_TAX with rate information.                        |
272  |                                                                         |
273  | MODIFIES                                                                |
274  |                                                                         |
275  | EXCEPTIONS RAISED                                                       |
276  |                                                                         |
277  | NOTES                                                                   |
278  |                                                                         |
279  | EXAMPLE                                                                 |
280  |                                                                         |
281  +-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
284 PROCEDURE Site_Use_Sales_Tax( address_id in number ) IS
285   c			integer;
286   rows_processed	integer;
287   statement		varchar2(1000);
290   -- Stubbed out for R12
291   null;
292 end site_use_sales_tax;
294 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
295  | PUBLIC FUNCTION                                                         |
296  |   Initialise_Transfer_Rates                                             |
297  |                                                                         |
298  | CALLED BY TRIGGER        AR_LOCATION_RATES_BSIU                         |
299  |                                                                         |
300  | DESCRIPTION                                                             |
301  |                                                                         |
302  | Initialise the public variable: location_rates_transfer_id with the     |
303  | value from the sequence: AR_LOCATION_RATES_TRASNFER_S                   |
304  |                                                                         |
305  | For each set of inserted or updateed rows in the table AR_LOCATION_RATES|
309  | records across into the table: AR_SALES_TAX                             |
306  | a distinct value is placed in the column: AR_TRANSFER_CONTROL_ID        |
307  | When all records have been inserted or updated, the after statement     |
308  | trigger: AR_LOCATION_RATES_ASIU fires, and refetchs each of these new   |
310  |                                                                         |
311  | This works around the kernel limitation of MUTATING tables.             |
312  |                                                                         |
313  | MODIFIES                                                                |
314  |   Public variable: LOCATION_RATES_TRANSFER_ID                           |
315  |                                                                         |
316  | EXCEPTIONS RAISED                                                       |
317  |                                                                         |
318  | NOTES                                                                   |
319  |                                                                         |
320  | EXAMPLE                                                                 |
321  |                                                                         |
322  +-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
325 PROCEDURE Initialise_Transfer_Rates is
326   c			integer;
327   rows_processed	integer;
328   statement		varchar2(1000);
330 begin
332   -- Stubbed out for R12
333   null;
334 end initialise_transfer_rates;
336 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
337  | PUBLIC FUNCTION                                                         |
338  |   Populate_Sales_Tax                                                    |
339  |                                                                         |
341  |                                                                         |
342  | DESCRIPTION                                                             |
343  |                                                                         |
344  | Generate records in the table: AR_SALES_TAX for the new location_CCID   |
345  | These records will be derived from multiple records in the table        |
346  | AR_LOCATION_RATES.                                                      |
347  |                                                                         |
348  | For each enabled segment in the "Tax Location Flexfield", find          |
349  | every sales tax rate, zip and date range. Note if two rates             |
350  | have different, mutually exclusive date or zip code ranges              |
351  | then reject this record.                                                |
352  |                                                                         |
353  | Example:-                                                               |
354  |                                                                         |
355  | Segment         From    To      Start           End             Tax     |
356  | Value           Zip     Zip     Date            Date            Rate    |
357  | ------------    -----   ------  ---------       ----------      -----   |
358  | CA              A       C       01-JAN-90       31-DEC-90       5       |
359  | CA              D       Z       01-JAN-90       31-DEC-90       10      |
360  | CA              A       Z       01-JAN-91       31-JAN-91       12      |
361  |                                                                         |
362  | San Mateo       A       Z       01-JAN-91       31-JAN-91       2       |
363  | San Mateo       A       Z       07-JUL-90       07-JUL-90       0       |
364  |                                                                         |
365  | Foster City     A       Z       01-JAN-91       31-JAN-91       1       |
366  | Belmont         A       Z       01-JAN-90       31-JAN-91       3       |
367  |                                                                         |
368  | If the following flexfield combinations were created, the               |
369  | sales tax rate assignments generated would be:-                         |
370  |                                                                         |
371  | Flexfield Combination    Rate   Start      End        From   To         |
372  |                                 Date       Date       Zip    Zip        |
373  | ------------------------ -----  ---------  ---------  -----  ------     |
374  | CA.San Mateo.Foster City 12+2+1 01-jan-91  31-jan-91  A      Z          |
375  | CA.San Mateo.Belmont     12+2+3 01-jan-91  31-jan-91  A      Z          |
376  | CA.San Matro.Belmont     5+0+3  07-jul-90  07-jul-90  A      C          |
377  | CA.San Matro.Belmont     10+0+3 07-jul-90  07-jul-90  D      Z          |
378  |                                                                         |
379  | Note.                                                                   |
380  |                                                                         |
381  | Because CA has two different tax rates in 1990, the first               |
382  | for zip codes ( A-C ), the second for zip codes ( D-Z )                 |
383  | it must have two separate entries in the sales tax rates table          |
384  | whenever assignments are created for 1990.                              |
385  |                                                                         |
386  | Rate assignments for 1990 are not available for Foster City             |
387  | because the city component has no tax rate for this date range          |
391  | days in 1990, the County of San Mateo only has a valid rate             |
388  | even though the State and County both have tax rates available.         |
389  |                                                                         |
390  | Even though CA and Belmont have tax rates available across many         |
392  | for the 7th July, 1990 so the combined rate assignment is only          |
393  | valid for 07-Jul-1990.                                                  |
394  |                                                                         |
395  | The Same set of restrictions also applies to Zip code ranges.           |
396  |                                                                         |
397  | Location_ID column to the Code Combinations ID applicable to this       |
398  | address.                                                                |
399  |                                                                         |
400  | In order to do this, it may be necessary to insert new items into       |
401  | the tables: AR_LOCATION_VALUES and AR_LOCATION_COMBINATIONS             |
402  |                                                                         |
403  | REQUIRES                                                                |
404  |    Location_CCID         Location ID for ths entry in Sales Tax         |
405  |    location_id_segments  1 .. 10, Location_segment_id for each segment  |
406  |                          in the location flexfield structure.           |
407  |                                                                         |
408  | STATEMENT_TYPE                                                          |
409  |                                                                         |
410  |    INSERT                New Location CCID Created, there will be *NO*  |
411  |                          pre-existing sales tax data for this location  |
412  |    DELETE                A Locatoin Code Combination has been deleted   |
413  |                          purge ununsed sales tax rates.                 |
414  |    UPDATE                Existing Data May Exist, some of whic may now  |
415  |                          be invalid. Purge Invalid data, creating new   |
416  |                          valid data in its place.                       |
417  | EXCEPTIONS RAISED                                                       |
418  |                                                                         |
419  | NOTES                                                                   |
420  |                                                                         |
421  | EXAMPLE                                                                 |
422  |                                                                         |
423  +-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
425 PROCEDURE Populate_Sales_Tax(   statement_type                   in varchar2,
426                                 location_ccid          in number,
427                                 p_location_id_segment_1  in number,
428                                 p_location_id_segment_2  in number,
429                                 p_location_id_segment_3  in number,
430                                 p_location_id_segment_4  in number,
431                                 p_location_id_segment_5  in number,
432                                 p_location_id_segment_6  in number,
433                                 p_location_id_segment_7  in number,
434                                 p_location_id_segment_8  in number,
435                                 p_location_id_segment_9  in number,
436                                 p_location_id_segment_10 in number ) is
437   c			integer;
438   rows_processed	integer;
439   statement		varchar2(1000);
443   -- Stubbed out for R12
444   null;
445 end populate_sales_tax;
448 PROCEDURE propogate_sales_tax IS
449   c			integer;
450   rows_processed	integer;
451   statement		varchar2(1000);
453 begin
455   -- Stubbed out for R12
456   null;
457 end propogate_sales_tax;
460 PROCEDURE Purge_Sales_Tax IS
461   c			integer;
462   rows_processed	integer;
463   statement		varchar2(1000);
465 begin
467   -- Stubbed out for R12
468   null;
469 end purge_sales_tax;
471 /*-------------------------------------------------------------------------+
472  | PUBLIC PROCEDURE                                                        |
473  |   renumber_tax_lines( customer_trx_id in number )                       |
474  |                                                                         |
475  | CALLED BY USER EXIT: #AR SALESTAX MODE=UPDATE                           |
476  |                                                                         |
477  | DESCRIPTION                                                             |
478  |   Will renumber each Tax line belonging to an invoice so that duplicate |
479  |   line numbers no longer exist.                                         |
480  |   For Example:- if Original Invoice had the following lines, this       |
481  |   procedure would update each of the line numbers to be:-               |
482  |                                                                         |
483  |             OLD INVOICE                    NEW_INVOICE                  |
484  |   1 ITEM LINE                       1 ITEM LINE                         |
485  |     1 TAX LINE                        1 TAX LINE                        |
486  |     2 TAX LINE                        2 TAX LINE                        |
487  |     1 TAX LINE                        3 TAX LINE                        |
491  |  recalculated.                                                          |
488  |                                                                         |
489  |  Duplicate Line numbers can occur when a header level change is made    |
490  |  for an invoice and all but Adhoc Tax lines are deleted and then        |
492  |                                                                         |
493  | REQUIRES: CUSTOMER_TRX_ID                                               |
494  |                                                                         |
495  | MODIFIES: RA_CUSTOMER_TRX_LINES.LINE_NUMBER                             |
496  |                                                                         |
497  +-------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
499 PROCEDURE renumber_tax_lines( customer_trx_id in number,
500                               trx_type in varchar2 default 'TAX' ) is
501   c			integer;
502   rows_processed	integer;
503   statement		varchar2(1000);
505 begin
507   -- Stubbed out for R12
508  null;
509 end renumber_tax_lines;
511 FUNCTION FIND_HASH ( TAB_INDEX in out NOCOPY binary_integer, VALUE IN varchar2, nameTable in find_tax_exempt_info_tbl_type) return boolean is
512         HASH_VALUE binary_integer;
514     begin
516   -- Stubbed out for R12
517      null;
519 end FIND_HASH;
521 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------+
522  | PUBLIC PROCEDURE                                                       |
523  |   find_tax_exemption_id                                                |
524  |                                                                        |
525  | CALLED BY sales tax engine                                             |
526  |                                                                        |
527  | DESCRIPTION                                                            |
528  |   Each transaction line may be forced exempt from taxes by the user.   |
529  |   When exempted; "find_tax_exemption_id" is called, passing in the     |
530  |   Exemption Certificate Number and Reason Code. If no "Unapproved",    |
531  |   "Manual" or "Primary" Exemption exists for this Customer, Location,  |
532  |   Tax Code and Reason this routine will optionally create an Automatic |
533  |   exemption with a status of "Unapproved" and a location that matches  |
534  |   the flexfield qualifier: "EXEMPT_LEVEL".                             |
535  |                                                                        |
536  | REQUIRES                                                               |
537  |    BILL TO_CUSTOMER_ID	Bill To Customer ID (mandatory)           |
538  |    SHIP_TO_CUSTOMER_ID	Ship To Customer ID                       |
539  |    SHIP_TO_SITE_ID           Identifies the ship to site from which we |
540  |                              can deduce the State, County and City     |
541  |                              Or other segments applicable to the sales |
542  |                              tax location flexfield.                   |
543  |    INVENTORY_ITEM_ID         Item exemptions are if found, used        |
544  |    TRX_DATE                  Tax Date for this transaction             |
545  |    TAX_CODE                  Tax Code for this transaction             |
546  |    TAX_EXEMPT_FLAG           "S"tandard; "E"xempt or "R"equire         |
547  |    REASON_CODE               Mandatory for all Exempt transactions     |
548  |    CERTIFICATE               Optional, used in Exempt transactions     |
549  |    PERCENT_EXEMPT            Exemption, Percentage of Tax that is      |
550  |                              Exempt; or NULL if no Exemption is        |
551  |                              applicable.                               |
552  |    INSERT_ALLOWED            If False and "E" is called but not        |
553  |                              valid exemption is on file; this routine  |
554  |                              will return an error.                     |
555  | RETURNS                                                                |
556  |    TAX_EXEMPTION_ID          Foreign Key to "RA_TAX_EXEMPTIONS"        |
557  |                              If NULL, this transaction is NOT exempt   |
558  |    CERTIFICATE               Certificate Number                        |
559  |    REASON                    Reason Code for exemption                 |
560  |    INSERTED_FLAG             TRUE if this call forced an insert        |
561  |    EXEMPTION_TYPE            CUSTOMER or ITEM                          |
562  |                                                                        |
563  | DATABASE REQUIREMENTS                                                  |
564  |    View: TAX_EXEMPTIONS_QP_V This view must be installed before        |
565  |                              this database package can be installed    |
566  |                                                                        |
567  | MODIFICATION HISTORY                                                   |
568  |                                                                        |
569  |  17-May-94  Nigel Smith      Created.                                  |
570  |  3 Aug, 94  Nigel Smith      BUGFIX: 228807, Exemptions are now        |
571  |                              managed by Bill To Customer and Ship      |
572  |                              To Site.                                  |
573  |    13 Oct 94  Nigel Smith    Bugfix: 227953, Exemptions with No        |
574  |                              certificate number were not shown by Order|
575  |                              Entry.                                    |
579  |                              exempt.                                   |
576  |    19 Oct 94  Nigel Smith    Bugfix: 244306, Error Validating Address  |
577  |                              during order entry; or invoice creation on|
578  |                              export orders/invoices that are marked as |
580  |                                                                        |
581  +------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
584 PROCEDURE find_tax_exemption_id(
585 	bill_to_customer_id	in number,
586         ship_to_customer_id     in number,
587         ship_to_site_id         in number,
588         tax_code                in varchar2,
589         inventory_item_id       in number,
590         trx_date                in date,
591         tax_exempt_flag         in varchar2,
592         insert_allowed          in varchar2 default 'TRUE',
593         reason_code             in out NOCOPY varchar2,
594         certificate             in out NOCOPY varchar2,
595         percent_exempt          out NOCOPY number,
596         inserted_flag           out NOCOPY varchar2,
597         tax_exemption_id        out NOCOPY number,
598         exemption_type          out NOCOPY varchar2
599                                ) is
600   dummy_number          number;
601   dummy_varchar2        varchar2(2);
602   rows_processed	integer;
603   statement		varchar2(1000);
604   found_in_cache        boolean := FALSE;
605   hash_string           varchar2(1000);
606   TABLEIDX              binary_integer;
608 begin
609   -- Stubbed out for R12
610   null;
611 end find_tax_exemption_id;
613 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------+
614  | PUBLIC PROCEDURE                                                       |
615  |   combine_tax_rates                                                    |
616  |                                                                        |
617  | CALLED BY package upgrade_sales_tax                                    |
618  |                                                                        |
619  | DESCRIPTION                                                            |
620  |   The tax rates will be combined and stored as the sales tax during    |
621  |   the upgrade.  The rates are taken from the AR_LOCATION_RATES table   |
622  |   and combined as the combination is defined in AR_LOCATION_           |
623  |   COMBINATIONS                                                         |
624  |                                                                        |
625  |                                                                        |
626  |                                                                        |
627  |   REQUIRES:   no arguments                                             |
628  |                                                                        |
629  |   MODIFIES:   inserts combined rates into AR_SALES_TAX                 |
630  |                                                                        |
631  +------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
633 PROCEDURE combine_tax_rates IS
634   c			integer;
635   rows_processed	integer;
636   statement		varchar2(1000);
638 begin
640   -- Stubbed out for R12
641   null;
642 end combine_tax_rates;
645 PROCEDURE populate_segment_array( loc_segment_id in number ) is
646   c			integer;
647   rows_processed	integer;
648   statement		varchar2(1000);
650 begin
652   -- Stubbed out for R12
653   null;
654 end populate_segment_array;
656 /*------------------------------------------------------------------------+
657  | PUBLIC PROCEDURE                                                       |
658  |   close_open_cusor                                                     |
659  |                                                                        |
660  | CALLED BY package arp_process_tax.calculate_tax_f_sql                  |
661  |                                                                        |
662  | DESCRIPTION                                                            |
663  |    Close all open cursor opened in this file before the end of tax     |
664  |    calculation.                                                        |
665  |                                                                        |
666  +------------------------------------------------------------------------*/
667 PROCEDURE close_open_cursor IS
669   -- Stubbed out for R12
670   null;
671 END close_open_cursor;
673 /* global package initialization */
676   -- Stubbed out for R12
677   null;