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APPS.IGS_PR_GEN_006 dependencies on FND_GLOBAL

Line 1504: v_rend := INSTR(p_rule_text, fnd_global.local_chr(10), v_rstart);

1500: EXIT;
1501: END IF;
1502: -- Determine if the rule text and rule messages need to be split up.
1503: -- The rules and messages are separated by carriage returns.
1504: v_rend := INSTR(p_rule_text, fnd_global.local_chr(10), v_rstart);
1505: v_mend := INSTR(p_message_text, fnd_global.local_chr(10), v_mstart);
1506: IF v_rend = 0 THEN
1507: v_sub_rule_text := SUBSTR(p_rule_text, v_rstart);
1508: v_sub_message_text := SUBSTR(p_message_text, v_mstart);

Line 1505: v_mend := INSTR(p_message_text, fnd_global.local_chr(10), v_mstart);

1501: END IF;
1502: -- Determine if the rule text and rule messages need to be split up.
1503: -- The rules and messages are separated by carriage returns.
1504: v_rend := INSTR(p_rule_text, fnd_global.local_chr(10), v_rstart);
1505: v_mend := INSTR(p_message_text, fnd_global.local_chr(10), v_mstart);
1506: IF v_rend = 0 THEN
1507: v_sub_rule_text := SUBSTR(p_rule_text, v_rstart);
1508: v_sub_message_text := SUBSTR(p_message_text, v_mstart);
1509: --Get the substring of the rule and message text fields.

Line 2576: WHERE u.user_id = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID

2572: CURSOR c_pe IS
2573: SELECT p.party_id person_id
2574: FROM hz_parties p,
2575: fnd_user u
2576: WHERE u.user_id = FND_GLOBAL.USER_ID
2577: AND u.person_party_id = p.party_id
2578: AND SUBSTR (igs_en_gen_003.get_staff_ind (p.party_id), 1, 1) = 'Y';
2579: CURSOR c_pen IS
2580: SELECT pen.expiry_dt