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Line 2308: find out the SECURITY_GROUP_ID using table FND_SECURITY_GROUPS_VL.

2304: Takes as an input the role name which is assumed to be a responsibility.
2305: The role name is of the form FND_RESP|HRI|PKP_QAHRI2|8338. This API
2306: will parse this role name to get the SECURITY_GROUP_KEY which is the
2307: last part of the role name. Using this SECURITY_GROUP_KEY value we will
2308: find out the SECURITY_GROUP_ID using table FND_SECURITY_GROUPS_VL.
2309: */
2310: FUNCTION get_sec_grp_id_for_resp_role (
2311: p_role_resp IN VARCHAR2
2312: )

Line 2322: FROM fnd_security_groups

2318: l_index NUMBER;
2320: CURSOR c_sec_grp_id IS
2321: SELECT security_group_id
2322: FROM fnd_security_groups
2323: WHERE security_group_key = l_sec_grp_key;
2324: BEGIN
2325: l_sec_grp_id := -1;
2326: l_role_name := p_role_resp;