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1 package body OE_BIS_ALERTS AS
2 --$Header: OEXALRTB.pls 115.1 99/07/27 19:10:28 porting shi $
4 /* The Calculate_Actual function calculates the actual on-time shipment percentage or the return percentage
5    depending upon the target level that is being calculated for. There are four target levels seeded in
6    Release 11i for the Customer Satisfaction report ie. SHIPVALUE_TOP, SHIPVALUE_ALL, RETVALUE_TOP and RETVALUE_ALL.
7    The code supports the calculation of only these four target levels. If additional target levels are added - we
8    would need to add code in the calculate_actual function to handle the same */
10 /* Seeded Target Levels Definition
11    SHIPVALUE_ALL :- On Time Shipment percentage for the following combination
12    (Set of Books id * Year * All Sales Channel's * All Product Categories * All Geographical Area's)
13    SHIPVALUE_TOP :- On Time Shipment percentage for the following combination
14    (Set of Books id * Year * Sales Channel * Product Category * Geographical Area)
15    RETVALUE_ALL :- Return percentage for the following combination
16    (Set of Books id * Year * All Sales Channel's * All Product Categories * All Geographical Area's)
17    RETVALUE_TOP :- Return percentage for the following combination
18    (Set of Books id * Year * Sales Channel * Product Category * Geographical Area) */
21 FUNCTION Calculate_Actual
22 (
23   p_set_of_books_id         VARCHAR2,
24   p_sales_channel           VARCHAR2,
25   p_prod_catg               VARCHAR2,
26   p_area                    VARCHAR2,
27   p_period_set_Name         VARCHAR2,
28   p_time_period             VARCHAR2,
29   p_target_level_short_name VARCHAR2
30 )
33 IS
34 l_actual_value NUMBER;
35 l_time_period VARCHAR2(80);
38    l_actual_value := 0;
40    if p_target_level_short_name = 'SHIPVALUE_TOP' then
41       begin
42         select year_period, decode(sum(net_sales),0,0,sum(del_sales)/sum(net_sales) * 100)
43         into l_time_period, l_actual_value
44         from oe_bis_cust_sat_v
45         where set_of_books_id = p_set_of_books_id
46         and sales_channel_code = p_sales_channel
47         and category_id = p_prod_catg
48         and area = p_area
49         and   period_set_name || '+' || year_period = p_period_set_name
50         group by year_period;
51       exception
52       when no_data_found then
53         l_actual_value := -1;
54       when others then
55         l_actual_value := -2;
56       end;
57    elsif p_target_level_short_name = 'RETVALUE_TOP' then
58       begin
59         select year_period, decode(sum(net_sales),0,0,sum(ret_sales)/sum(net_sales) * 100)
60 	   into l_time_period, l_actual_value
61         from oe_bis_cust_sat_v
62         where set_of_books_id = p_set_of_books_id
63         and sales_channel_code = p_sales_channel
64         and category_id = P_prod_catg
65         and area = p_area
66         and   period_set_name || '+' || year_period = p_period_set_name
67         group by year_period;
68       exception
69       when others then
70         l_actual_value := 0;
71       end;
72    elsif p_target_level_short_name = 'SHIPVALUE_ALL' then
73       begin
74         select year_period, decode(sum(net_sales),0,0,sum(del_sales)/sum(net_sales) * 100)
75         into l_time_period, l_actual_value
76         from oe_bis_cust_sat_v
77         where set_of_books_id = p_set_of_books_id
78         and   period_set_name || '+' || year_period = p_period_set_name
79         group by year_period;
80       exception
81       when others then
82         l_actual_value := 0;
83       end;
84    elsif p_target_level_short_name = 'RETVALUE_ALL' then
85       begin
86         select year_period, decode(sum(net_sales),0,0,sum(ret_sales)/sum(net_sales) * 100)
87         into l_time_period, l_actual_value
88         from oe_bis_cust_sat_v
89         where set_of_books_id = p_set_of_books_id
90         and   period_set_name || '+' || year_period = p_period_set_name
91         group by year_period;
92       exception
93       when others then
94         l_actual_value := 0;
95       end;
96    end if;
98    RETURN l_actual_value;
102     l_actual_value := -1;
104 END Calculate_Actual;
106 /* Procedure process_alerts is called from the alert run by the alert manager responsibility. The two parameters
107    that are passed are the target level short name for eg. SHIPVALUE_ALL and the time period is the accounting year
108    for eg. Accounting+FY-99 */
110 /* User selected KPI's from the BIS home page are also updated with the actual values. BIS provided API's are used
111    to retreive user selections and to post the actuals on the home page */
113 PROCEDURE process_alerts
114 ( p_target_level_short_name    VARCHAR2,
115   p_time_period                VARCHAR2
116 )
117 IS
118 l_period_set_name          VARCHAR2(30);
119 l_period_name              VARCHAR2(30);
120 l_target_short_name        VARCHAR2(30);
121 l_target_level_rec         BIS_TARGET_LEVEL_PUB.target_Level_Rec_Type;
122 l_error_tbl                BIS_UTILITIES_PUB.Error_Tbl_Type;
123 l_actual                   VARCHAR2(240);
124 l_period                   VARCHAR2(240);
125 actual                     NUMBER;
126 l_target                   VARCHAR2(240);
127 target                     NUMBER;
128 l_Target_Rec               BIS_TARGET_PUB.Target_Rec_Type;
129 l_Actual_Tbl               BIS_ACTUAL_PUB.Actual_Tbl_Type;
130 l_user_selection_tbl       BIS_INDICATOR_REGION_PUB.Indicator_Region_Tbl_Type;
131 l_workflow_process         VARCHAR2(30);
132 l_notify_resp              VARCHAR2(100);
133 l_responsibility_ID        NUMBER;
134 l_message                  VARCHAR2(1000);
135 l_param                    VARCHAR2(1000);
136 l_set_of_books_id          VARCHAR2(250);
137 l_organization_id          VARCHAR2(250);
138 l_sales_channel            VARCHAR2(80);
139 l_prod_catg                VARCHAR2(250);
140 l_area                     VARCHAR2(80);
141 l_msg_data                 VARCHAR2(250);
142 l_subject                  VARCHAR2(250);
143 l_return_status            VARCHAR2(1);
144 l_msg_count                NUMBER;
145 l_report_name              VARCHAR2(250);
146 l_exception_message        VARCHAR2(250);
147 l_org_name                 VARCHAR2(250);
148 l_catg_name                VARCHAR2(250);
149 l_start_date               VARCHAR2(15);
150 l_end_date                 VARCHAR2(15);
151 status                     VARCHAR2(30);
152 dim1_name                  VARCHAR2(80);
153 dim2_name                  VARCHAR2(80);
154 dim3_name                  VARCHAR2(80);
155 i                          NUMBER := 0;
157 CURSOR cr_set_of_books IS
158   SELECT distinct set_of_books_id
159   FROM   oe_bis_cust_sat_v;
161 CURSOR cr_target IS
162   SELECT  tv.target_level_short_name
163         , tv.target_level_name
164         , tv.target_level_id
165         , tv.plan_name
166         , tv.org_level_value_id
167         , tv.time_level_value_id
168         , tv.dim1_level_value_id
169         , tv.dim2_level_value_id
170         , tv.dim3_level_value_id
171         , tv.target
172         , tv.range1_low
173         , tv.range1_high
174         , tv.range2_low
175         , tv.range2_high
176         , tv.range3_low
177         , tv.range3_high
178         , tv.notify_resp1_id
179         , tv.notify_resp1_short_name
180         , tv.notify_resp2_id
181         , tv.notify_resp2_short_name
182         , tv.notify_resp3_id
183         , tv.notify_resp3_short_name
185   WHERE tv.target_level_short_name = p_target_level_short_name
186   AND tv.time_level_value_id = p_time_period;
190   l_target_level_rec.target_Level_Short_Name
191     := p_target_Level_Short_Name;
193   SELECT workflow_process_short_name
194   INTO l_workflow_process
195   FROM bisfv_target_levels
196   WHERE target_level_short_name = p_target_Level_Short_Name;
199 -- Get the KPIs users have selected to monitor on their homepage
200   BIS_ACTUAL_PUB.Retrieve_User_Selections
201   ( p_api_version                  => 1.0
202    ,p_Target_Level_Rec             => l_Target_Level_Rec
203    ,x_Indicator_Region_Tbl         => l_user_selection_Tbl
204    ,x_return_status                => l_return_status
205    ,x_msg_count                    => l_msg_count
206    ,x_msg_data                     => l_msg_data
207    ,x_error_Tbl                    => l_error_tbl
208   );
210   -- Calculate Actual for Set of Books
211   FOR cr in cr_set_of_books LOOP
213     l_organization_id := cr.set_of_books_id;
215     -- Post actual value for only those KPIs users have selected.
216     -- These user selected KPI's are picked up from the bis_user_ind_selections table
218     FOR i IN 1..l_user_selection_Tbl.COUNT LOOP
219       IF l_user_selection_tbl(i).org_level_value_id = l_organization_id THEN
220         l_Actual_Tbl(i).target_Level_Short_Name
221           := l_user_selection_tbl(i).target_level_short_name;
222         l_Actual_Tbl(i).Org_Level_value_ID := l_organization_id;
223         l_Actual_Tbl(i).time_Level_value_ID := p_time_period;
224         l_Actual_Tbl(i).dim1_Level_value_ID := l_user_selection_tbl(i).dim1_Level_value_ID;
225         l_Actual_Tbl(i).dim2_Level_value_ID := l_user_selection_tbl(i).dim2_Level_value_ID;
226         l_Actual_Tbl(i).dim3_Level_value_ID := l_user_selection_tbl(i).dim3_level_value_ID;
228         actual := Calculate_Actual
229               ( p_set_of_books_id  => l_organization_id,
230                 p_sales_channel    => l_user_selection_tbl(i).dim1_level_value_ID,
231                 p_prod_catg        => l_user_selection_tbl(i).dim2_level_value_ID,
232                 p_area             => l_user_selection_tbl(i).dim3_level_value_ID,
233                 p_period_set_Name  => p_time_period,
234                 p_time_period      => p_time_period,
235                 p_target_level_short_name => p_target_level_short_name
236               );
238         l_Actual_Tbl(i).Actual := actual;
241         ( p_api_version       => 1.0
242          ,p_Actual_Rec        => l_actual_Tbl(i)
243          ,x_return_status     => l_return_status
244          ,x_msg_count         => l_msg_count
245          ,x_msg_data          => l_msg_data
246          ,x_error_tbl         => l_error_tbl
247         );
249       END IF;
250     END LOOP;
252   END LOOP;
254   for cr in cr_target
255    loop
257       target := cr.target;
259       actual := Calculate_Actual
260               ( p_set_of_books_id  => cr.org_level_value_id,
261                 p_sales_channel    => cr.dim1_level_value_id,
262                 p_prod_catg        => cr.dim2_level_value_id,
263                 p_area             => cr.dim3_level_value_id,
264                 p_period_set_Name  => p_time_period,
265                 p_time_period      => p_time_period,
266                 p_target_level_short_name => p_target_level_short_name
267               );
270       postactual( cr.target_level_id,
271                   cr.org_level_value_id,
272                   p_time_period,
273                   cr.dim1_level_value_id,
274                   cr.dim2_level_value_id,
275                   cr.dim3_level_value_id,
276                   actual,
277                   p_time_period);
279       l_report_name := 'OEXCUSSA';
282       begin
283         select name into l_org_name
284         from   gl_sets_of_books
285         where  set_of_books_id = cr.org_level_value_id ;
286       exception
287 	 when others then
288 	   l_org_name := null;
289       end;
291       begin
292         select distinct category_desc into l_catg_name
293         from   oe_bis_cust_sat_v
294         where  category_id =  cr.dim2_level_value_id ;
295       exception
296 	 when others then
297 	   l_catg_name := null;
298       end;
301       begin
302         select to_char(start_date, 'DD-MON-YYYY'), to_char(end_date + 1,'DD-MON-YYYY')
303                into l_start_date , l_end_date
304         from   bis_years_v
305         where period_set_name = substr(p_time_period, 1, instr(p_time_period,'+')-1) and
306 		    period_name = substr(p_time_period,instr(p_time_period,'+')+1, length(p_time_period)) and
307               rownum = 1;
308       exception
309 	 when others then
310 	   l_start_date := null;
311 	   l_end_date := null;
312       end;
314       -- This is for the description to appear in the notifications that are sent.
316       if cr.dim1_level_value_id = '-1' then
317          dim1_name := 'All Sales Channels';
318       else
319          dim1_name := cr.dim1_level_value_id;
320       end if;
322       if cr.dim2_level_value_id = '-1' then
323          dim2_name := 'All Product Categories';
324       else
325          dim2_name := cr.dim2_level_value_id;
326       end if;
328       if cr.dim3_level_value_id = '-1' then
329          dim3_name := 'All Areas';
330       else
331          dim3_name := cr.dim3_level_value_id;
332       end if;
334       -- Messages are seeded using Oracle Apps screens - so that customer can change the heading on the messages
335       -- as per requirements
337       l_subject := fnd_message.get_string('OE', 'OE_BIS_SUBJECT') || ' - ' || cr.target_level_name;
338       l_set_of_books_id := fnd_message.get_string('OE', 'OE_BIS_SET_OF_BOOKS') || ': ' || cr.org_level_value_id ||
339 					  ' -  ' || l_org_name;
340       l_area := fnd_message.get_string('OE', 'OE_BIS_AREA') || ': ' || dim3_name;
341       l_prod_catg := fnd_message.get_string('OE', 'OE_BIS_PROD_CATEGORY') || ': ' || dim2_name;
342       l_sales_channel := fnd_message.get_string('OE', 'OE_BIS_SALES_CHANNEL') || ': ' || dim1_name;
343       l_period := fnd_message.get_string('OE', 'OE_BIS_PERIOD')|| ': ' || p_time_period;
344       l_actual := fnd_message.get_string('OE', 'OE_BIS_ACTUAL')|| ': ' || round(actual, 2);
345       l_target := fnd_message.get_string('OE', 'OE_BIS_TARGET')|| ': ' || round(target, 2);
347       -- Reverting back because the report needs to be called with the right parameters.
349       if cr.dim1_level_value_id = '-1' then
350          dim1_name := '0';
351       else
352          dim1_name := cr.dim1_level_value_id;
353       end if;
355       if cr.dim2_level_value_id = '-1' then
356          dim2_name := '0';
357       else
358          dim2_name := cr.dim2_level_value_id;
359       end if;
361       if cr.dim3_level_value_id = '-1' then
362          dim3_name := '0';
363       else
364          dim3_name := cr.dim3_level_value_id;
365       end if;
367       -- setting up the parameter list for the url formulation
369       l_param := 'P_PARAM_DATE_FROM=' || l_start_date ||
370                 '*P_PARAM_DATE_TO=' || l_end_date ||
371                 '*P_PARAM_ORG_LEVEL=1'||
372                 '*P_PARAM_ORGANIZATION=' || cr.org_level_value_id ||
373                 '*P_PARAM_CUST_LEVEL=1' ||
374                 '*P_PARAM_CUSTOMER=' || dim1_name ||
375                 '*P_PARAM_GEO_LEVEL=1' ||
376                 '*P_PARAM_GEOGRAPHY=' || dim3_name ||
377                 '*P_PARAM_PROD_LEVEL=1' ||
378                 '*P_PARAM_PRODUCT=' || dim2_name ||
379                 '*P_PARAM_VIEW_BY=1' ||
380                 '*paramform=NO' ||
381                 '*paramform=NO*';
383       -- Actuals are compared to the targets that are set and depending upon the ranges that they fall in
384       -- respective responsibities are contacted.
386       IF actual < target THEN
388         -- Check if actual is Within the first range
389         IF actual < target - cr.range1_low
390         THEN
391            l_notify_resp := cr.Notify_Resp1_short_name;
392            l_responsibility_id := cr.Notify_Resp1_ID;
393 		 if cr.target_level_short_name in ('SHIPVALUE_TOP','SHIPVALUE_ALL') then
394               l_exception_message := 'A PMF target has been set to monitor Customer Satisfaction Percentages.' ||
395 						    ' This target has fallen short for the following :';
396            else
397               l_exception_message := 'A PMF target has been set to monitor Customer Satisfaction Percentages.' ||
398 						    ' We have exceeded the returns target for the following :';
399 		 end if;
401            oe_strt_wf_process(
402 		 p_exception_message => l_exception_message,
403            p_subject => l_subject,
404            p_sob => l_set_of_books_id,
405            p_area => l_area,
406            p_prod_cat => l_prod_catg,
407            p_sales_channel => l_sales_channel,
408            p_period => l_period,
409            p_target => l_target,
410            p_actual => l_actual,
411            p_wf_process => l_workflow_process,
412            p_role => l_notify_resp,
413            p_resp_id => l_responsibility_id,
414            p_report_name => l_report_name,
415            p_report_param => l_param,
416            x_return_status => status);
418         -- Check if actual is within the second range
419         ELSIF actual < target - cr.range2_low
420         THEN
421            l_notify_resp := cr.Notify_Resp2_short_name;
422            l_responsibility_id := cr.Notify_Resp2_ID;
423 		 if cr.target_level_short_name in ('SHIPVALUE_TOP','SHIPVALUE_ALL') then
424               l_exception_message := 'A PMF target has been set to monitor Customer Satisfaction Percentages.' ||
425 						    ' This target has fallen short for the following :';
426            else
427               l_exception_message := 'A PMF target has been set to monitor Customer Satisfaction Percentages.' ||
428 						    ' We have exceeded the returns target for the following :';
429 		 end if;
431            oe_strt_wf_process(
432 		 p_exception_message => l_exception_message,
433            p_subject => l_subject,
434            p_sob => l_set_of_books_id,
435            p_area => l_area,
436            p_prod_cat => l_prod_catg,
437            p_sales_channel => l_sales_channel,
438            p_period => l_period,
439            p_target => l_target,
440            p_actual => l_actual,
441            p_wf_process => l_workflow_process,
442            p_role => l_notify_resp,
443            p_resp_id => l_responsibility_id,
444            p_report_name => l_report_name,
445            p_report_param => l_param,
446            x_return_status => status);
448            l_notify_resp := cr.Notify_Resp1_short_name;
449            l_responsibility_id := cr.Notify_Resp1_ID;
451            oe_strt_wf_process(
452 		 p_exception_message => l_exception_message,
453            p_subject => l_subject,
454            p_sob => l_set_of_books_id,
455            p_area => l_area,
456            p_prod_cat => l_prod_catg,
457            p_sales_channel => l_sales_channel,
458            p_period => l_period,
459            p_target => l_target,
460            p_actual => l_actual,
461            p_wf_process => l_workflow_process,
462            p_role => l_notify_resp,
463            p_resp_id => l_responsibility_id,
464            p_report_name => l_report_name,
465            p_report_param => l_param,
466            x_return_status => status);
468         -- Check if actual is within the third range
469         ELSIF actual < target - cr.range3_low
470         THEN
471            l_notify_resp := cr.Notify_Resp3_short_name;
472            l_responsibility_id := cr.Notify_Resp3_ID;
473 		 if cr.target_level_short_name in ('SHIPVALUE_TOP','SHIPVALUE_ALL') then
474               l_exception_message := 'A PMF target has been set to monitor Customer Satisfaction Percentages.' ||
475 						    ' This target has fallen short for the following :';
476            else
477               l_exception_message := 'A PMF target has been set to monitor Customer Satisfaction Percentages.' ||
478 						    ' We have exceeded the returns target for the following :';
479 		 end if;
481            oe_strt_wf_process(
482 		 p_exception_message => l_exception_message,
483            p_subject => l_subject,
484            p_sob => l_set_of_books_id,
485            p_area => l_area,
486            p_prod_cat => l_prod_catg,
487            p_sales_channel => l_sales_channel,
488            p_period => l_period,
489            p_target => l_target,
490            p_actual => l_actual,
491            p_wf_process => l_workflow_process,
492            p_role => l_notify_resp,
493            p_resp_id => l_responsibility_id,
494            p_report_name => l_report_name,
495            p_report_param => l_param,
496            x_return_status => status);
498            l_notify_resp := cr.Notify_Resp2_short_name;
499            l_responsibility_id := cr.Notify_Resp2_ID;
501            oe_strt_wf_process(
502 		 p_exception_message => l_exception_message,
503            p_subject => l_subject,
504            p_sob => l_set_of_books_id,
505            p_area => l_area,
506            p_prod_cat => l_prod_catg,
507            p_sales_channel => l_sales_channel,
508            p_period => l_period,
509            p_target => l_target,
510            p_actual => l_actual,
511            p_wf_process => l_workflow_process,
512            p_role => l_notify_resp,
513            p_resp_id => l_responsibility_id,
514            p_report_name => l_report_name,
515            p_report_param => l_param,
516            x_return_status => status);
518            l_notify_resp := cr.Notify_Resp1_short_name;
519            l_responsibility_id := cr.Notify_Resp1_ID;
521            oe_strt_wf_process(
522 		 p_exception_message => l_exception_message,
523            p_subject => l_subject,
524            p_sob => l_set_of_books_id,
525            p_area => l_area,
526            p_prod_cat => l_prod_catg,
527            p_sales_channel => l_sales_channel,
528            p_period => l_period,
529            p_target => l_target,
530            p_actual => l_actual,
531            p_wf_process => l_workflow_process,
532            p_role => l_notify_resp,
533            p_resp_id => l_responsibility_id,
534            p_report_name => l_report_name,
535            p_report_param => l_param,
536            x_return_status => status);
538         ELSE
539         -- if targets have not been set by the user then resp1 is notified
540            l_notify_resp := cr.Notify_Resp1_short_name;
541            l_responsibility_id := cr.Notify_Resp1_ID;
542 		 if cr.target_level_short_name in ('SHIPVALUE_TOP','SHIPVALUE_ALL') then
543               l_exception_message := 'A PMF target has been set to monitor Customer Satisfaction Percentages.' ||
544 						    ' This target has fallen short for the following :';
545            else
546               l_exception_message := 'A PMF target has been set to monitor Customer Satisfaction Percentages.' ||
547 						    ' We have exceeded the returns target for the following :';
548 		 end if;
550            oe_strt_wf_process(
551 		 p_exception_message => l_exception_message,
552            p_subject => l_subject,
553            p_sob => l_set_of_books_id,
554            p_area => l_area,
555            p_prod_cat => l_prod_catg,
556            p_sales_channel => l_sales_channel,
557            p_period => l_period,
558            p_target => l_target,
559            p_actual => l_actual,
560            p_wf_process => l_workflow_process,
561            p_role => l_notify_resp,
562            p_resp_id => l_responsibility_id,
563            p_report_name => l_report_name,
564            p_report_param => l_param,
565            x_return_status => status);
567         END IF;
569       -- We're more on target....
570       ELSIF actual > target THEN
572         -- Check if actual is within the first range
573         IF actual > target + cr.range1_high
574         THEN
575            l_notify_resp := cr.Notify_Resp1_short_name;
576            l_responsibility_id := cr.Notify_Resp1_ID;
577 		 if cr.target_level_short_name in ('SHIPVALUE_TOP','SHIPVALUE_ALL') then
578               l_exception_message := 'A PMF target has been set to monitor Customer Satisfaction Percentages.' ||
579 						    ' This target has been exceeded for the following :';
580            else
581               l_exception_message := 'A PMF target has been set to monitor Customer Satisfaction Percentages.' ||
582 						    ' We have done well to fall short of the allowed returns for the following :';
583 		 end if;
584            oe_strt_wf_process(
585 		 p_exception_message => l_exception_message,
586            p_subject => l_subject,
587            p_sob => l_set_of_books_id,
588            p_area => l_area,
589            p_prod_cat => l_prod_catg,
590            p_sales_channel => l_sales_channel,
591            p_period => l_period,
592            p_target => l_target,
593            p_actual => l_actual,
594            p_wf_process => l_workflow_process,
595            p_role => l_notify_resp,
596            p_resp_id => l_responsibility_id,
597            p_report_name => l_report_name,
598            p_report_param => l_param,
599            x_return_status => status);
601         -- Check if actual is within the second range
602         ELSIF actual > target + cr.range2_high
603         THEN
604            l_notify_resp := cr.Notify_Resp2_short_name;
605            l_responsibility_id := cr.Notify_Resp2_ID;
606 		 if cr.target_level_short_name in ('SHIPVALUE_TOP','SHIPVALUE_ALL') then
607               l_exception_message := 'A PMF target has been set to monitor Customer Satisfaction Percentages.' ||
608 						    ' This target has been exceeded for the following :';
609            else
610               l_exception_message := 'A PMF target has been set to monitor Customer Satisfaction Percentages.' ||
611 						    ' We have done well to fall short of the allowed returns for the following :';
612 		 end if;
614            oe_strt_wf_process(
615 		 p_exception_message => l_exception_message,
616            p_subject => l_subject,
617            p_sob => l_set_of_books_id,
618            p_area => l_area,
619            p_prod_cat => l_prod_catg,
620            p_sales_channel => l_sales_channel,
621            p_period => l_period,
622            p_target => l_target,
623            p_actual => l_actual,
624            p_wf_process => l_workflow_process,
625            p_role => l_notify_resp,
626            p_resp_id => l_responsibility_id,
627            p_report_name => l_report_name,
628            p_report_param => l_param,
629            x_return_status => status);
631            l_notify_resp := cr.Notify_Resp1_short_name;
632            l_responsibility_id := cr.Notify_Resp1_ID;
635            oe_strt_wf_process(
636 		 p_exception_message => l_exception_message,
637            p_subject => l_subject,
638            p_sob => l_set_of_books_id,
639            p_area => l_area,
640            p_prod_cat => l_prod_catg,
641            p_sales_channel => l_sales_channel,
642            p_period => l_period,
643            p_target => l_target,
644            p_actual => l_actual,
645            p_wf_process => l_workflow_process,
646            p_role => l_notify_resp,
647            p_resp_id => l_responsibility_id,
648            p_report_name => l_report_name,
649            p_report_param => l_param,
650            x_return_status => status);
652         -- Check if actual is within the third range
653         ELSIF actual > target + cr.range3_high
654         THEN
655            l_notify_resp := cr.Notify_Resp3_short_name;
656            l_responsibility_id := cr.Notify_Resp3_ID;
657 		 if cr.target_level_short_name in ('SHIPVALUE_TOP','SHIPVALUE_ALL') then
658               l_exception_message := 'A PMF target has been set to monitor Customer Satisfaction Percentages.' ||
659 						    ' This target has been exceeded for the following :';
660            else
661               l_exception_message := 'A PMF target has been set to monitor Customer Satisfaction Percentages.' ||
662 						    ' We have done well to fall short of the allowed returns for the following :';
663 		 end if;
665            oe_strt_wf_process(
666 		 p_exception_message => l_exception_message,
667            p_subject => l_subject,
668            p_sob => l_set_of_books_id,
669            p_area => l_area,
670            p_prod_cat => l_prod_catg,
671            p_sales_channel => l_sales_channel,
672            p_period => l_period,
673            p_target => l_target,
674            p_actual => l_actual,
675            p_wf_process => l_workflow_process,
676            p_role => l_notify_resp,
677            p_resp_id => l_responsibility_id,
678            p_report_name => l_report_name,
679            p_report_param => l_param,
680            x_return_status => status);
683            l_notify_resp := cr.Notify_Resp2_short_name;
684            l_responsibility_id := cr.Notify_Resp2_ID;
686            oe_strt_wf_process(
687 		 p_exception_message => l_exception_message,
688            p_subject => l_subject,
689            p_sob => l_set_of_books_id,
690            p_area => l_area,
691            p_prod_cat => l_prod_catg,
692            p_sales_channel => l_sales_channel,
693            p_period => l_period,
694            p_target => l_target,
695            p_actual => l_actual,
696            p_wf_process => l_workflow_process,
697            p_role => l_notify_resp,
698            p_resp_id => l_responsibility_id,
699            p_report_name => l_report_name,
700            p_report_param => l_param,
701            x_return_status => status);
704            l_notify_resp := cr.Notify_Resp1_short_name;
705            l_responsibility_id := cr.Notify_Resp1_ID;
707            oe_strt_wf_process(
708 		 p_exception_message => l_exception_message,
709            p_subject => l_subject,
710            p_sob => l_set_of_books_id,
711            p_area => l_area,
712            p_prod_cat => l_prod_catg,
713            p_sales_channel => l_sales_channel,
714            p_period => l_period,
715            p_target => l_target,
716            p_actual => l_actual,
717            p_wf_process => l_workflow_process,
718            p_role => l_notify_resp,
719            p_resp_id => l_responsibility_id,
720            p_report_name => l_report_name,
721            p_report_param => l_param,
722            x_return_status => status);
725         ELSE
726         -- if targets have not been set by the user then resp1 is notified
727            l_notify_resp := cr.Notify_Resp1_short_name;
728            l_responsibility_id := cr.Notify_Resp1_ID;
729 		 if cr.target_level_short_name in ('SHIPVALUE_TOP','SHIPVALUE_ALL') then
730               l_exception_message := 'A PMF target has been set to monitor Customer Satisfaction Percentages.' ||
731 						    ' This target has been exceeded for the following :';
732            else
733               l_exception_message := 'A PMF target has been set to monitor Customer Satisfaction Percentages.' ||
734 						    ' We have done well to fall short of the allowed returns for the following :';
735 		 end if;
737            oe_strt_wf_process(
738 		 p_exception_message => l_exception_message,
739            p_subject => l_subject,
740            p_sob => l_set_of_books_id,
741            p_area => l_area,
742            p_prod_cat => l_prod_catg,
743            p_sales_channel => l_sales_channel,
744            p_period => l_period,
745            p_target => l_target,
746            p_actual => l_actual,
747            p_wf_process => l_workflow_process,
748            p_role => l_notify_resp,
749            p_resp_id => l_responsibility_id,
750            p_report_name => l_report_name,
751            p_report_param => l_param,
752            x_return_status => status);
754         END IF;
755       END IF;
757     END LOOP;  -- ends loop to check targets
761   l_message := 'Exception in Alert Procedure.';
765 -- Calls the BIS post_actual API
767 PROCEDURE postactual( target_level_id        in number,
768                       org_level_value        in varchar2,
769                       time_level_value       in varchar2,
770                       dimension1_level_value In varchar2,
771                       dimension2_level_value in varchar2,
772                       dimension3_level_value in varchar2,
773                       actual                 in number,
774                       period_set_name        in varchar2) IS
776   actual_rec BIS_ACTUAL_PUB.Actual_Rec_Type;
777   x_return_status VARCHAR2(30);
778   x_msg_count     NUMBER;
779   x_msg_data      VARCHAR2(30);
780   x_error_Tbl     BIS_UTILITIES_PUB.Error_Tbl_Type;
783   actual_rec.Target_Level_ID := target_level_id;
784   actual_rec.Time_Level_Value_ID := time_level_value;
785   actual_rec.Org_Level_value_ID := org_level_value;
786   actual_rec.Dim1_Level_Value_ID := dimension1_level_value;
787   actual_rec.Dim2_Level_Value_ID := dimension2_level_value;
788   actual_rec.Dim3_Level_Value_ID := dimension3_level_value;
789   actual_rec.Actual := actual;
791   BIS_ACTUAL_PUB.Post_Actual( p_api_version => 1,
792                               p_commit => FND_API.G_TRUE,
793                               p_Actual_Rec => actual_rec,
794                               x_return_status => x_return_status,
795                               x_msg_count => x_msg_count,
796                               x_msg_data => x_msg_data,
797                               x_error_Tbl => x_error_Tbl);
800 END PostActual;
802 -- starting the Oracle Workflow Builder process to initiate the workflow notification process.
804 PROCEDURE oe_strt_wf_process(
805        p_exception_message IN varchar2,
806        p_subject          IN varchar2,
807        p_sob              IN varchar2,
808        p_area             IN varchar2,
809        p_prod_cat         IN varchar2,
810        p_sales_channel    IN varchar2,
811        p_period           IN varchar2,
812        p_target           IN varchar2,
813        p_actual           IN varchar2,
814        p_wf_process       IN varchar2,
815        p_role             IN varchar2,
816        p_resp_id          IN number,
817        p_report_name      IN varchar2,
818        p_report_param     IN varchar2,
819        x_return_status    OUT varchar2
820 ) IS
821 l_wf_item_key       Number;
822 l_item_type         Varchar2(30) := 'OEBISWF';
823 l_report_link       Varchar2(500);
824 l_role_name         Varchar2(80);
825 l_url1              Varchar2(2000);
827 cursor c_role_name is
828    select name from wf_roles
829    where name = p_role;
834    x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_SUCCESS;
835    if p_wf_process is null
836       or p_role is null then
837       x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_ERROR;
838       return;
839    end if;
841    open c_role_name;
842    fetch c_role_name into l_role_name;
843    if c_role_name%NOTFOUND then
844       x_return_status := FND_API.G_RET_STS_UNEXP_ERROR;
845       return;
846    end if;
848    select bis_excpt_wf_s.nextval
849    into l_wf_item_key
850    from dual;
852    l_report_link  := FND_PROFILE.value('ICX_REPORT_LINK');
854    if p_report_name is not null then
855       l_url1 := l_report_link ||  'OracleOASIS.RunReport?report='|| p_report_name|| '¶meters='
856                               || p_report_param || '&responsibility_id=' || p_resp_id;
857    end if;
860    -- create a new workflow process
861    wf_engine.CreateProcess(itemtype=>l_item_type
862                            ,itemkey =>l_wf_item_key
863                            ,process =>p_wf_process);
865    -- set the workflow attributes
866    wf_engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype=>l_item_type
867                              ,itemkey =>l_wf_item_key
868                              ,aname=>'L_ROLE_NAME'
869                              ,avalue=>L_ROLE_NAME);
870    wf_engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype=>l_item_type
871                              ,itemkey =>l_wf_item_key
872                              ,aname=>'L_EXCEPTION_MESSAGE'
873                              ,avalue=>p_exception_message);
874    wf_engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype=>l_item_type
875                              ,itemkey =>l_wf_item_key
876                              ,aname=>'L_SUBJECT'
877                              ,avalue=>p_subject);
878    wf_engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype=>l_item_type
879                              ,itemkey =>l_wf_item_key
880                              ,aname=>'L_SOB'
881                              ,avalue=>p_sob);
882    wf_engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype=>l_item_type
883                              ,itemkey =>l_wf_item_key
884                              ,aname=>'L_AREA'
885                              ,avalue=>p_area);
886    wf_engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype=>l_item_type
887                              ,itemkey =>l_wf_item_key
888                              ,aname=>'L_PROD_CAT'
889                              ,avalue=>p_prod_cat);
890    wf_engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype=>l_item_type
891                              ,itemkey =>l_wf_item_key
892                              ,aname=>'L_SALES_CHANNEL'
893                              ,avalue=>p_sales_channel);
894    wf_engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype=>l_item_type
895                              ,itemkey =>l_wf_item_key
896                              ,aname=>'L_PERIOD'
897                              ,avalue=>p_period);
898    wf_engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype=>l_item_type
899                              ,itemkey =>l_wf_item_key
900                              ,aname=>'L_TARGET'
901                              ,avalue=>p_target);
902    wf_engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype=>l_item_type
903                              ,itemkey =>l_wf_item_key
904                              ,aname=>'L_ACTUAL'
905                              ,avalue=>p_actual);
906    if l_url1 is not null then
907        wf_engine.SetItemAttrText(itemtype=>l_item_type
908                                  ,itemkey =>l_wf_item_key
909                                  ,aname=>'L_URL1'
910                                  ,avalue=>l_url1);
911    end if;
913    -- start the process
914    wf_engine.StartProcess(itemtype=>l_item_type
915                           ,itemkey => l_wf_item_key);
917 END oe_strt_wf_process;