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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 16

   G_WF_EVT_KHR_UPDATED CONSTANT VARCHAR2(41) := 'oracle.apps.okl.la.lease_contract.updated';
Line: 27

	    select a.attribute_label_long
	 from ak_region_items ri, ak_regions r, ak_attributes_vl a
	 where ri.region_code = r.region_code
	 and ri.region_application_id = r.region_application_id
	 and ri.attribute_code = a.attribute_code
	 and ri.attribute_application_id = a.attribute_application_id
	 and ri.region_code  =  p_ak_region
	 and ri.attribute_code = p_ak_attribute
Line: 179

    	SELECT chr.start_date, khr.term_duration
	FROM okl_k_headers khr,
         okc_k_headers_b chr
    WHERE khr.id = chr.id
	AND chr.id = l_chr_id;
Line: 187

    Select scs_code
    From   okc_k_headers_b
    where  id = p_source_chr_id;
Line: 236

	         p_api_version    => p_api_version,
	         p_init_msg_list  => p_init_msg_list,
	         x_return_status  => x_return_status,
	         x_msg_count      => x_msg_count,
	         x_msg_data       => x_msg_data,
	         p_chrv_rec       => lp_chrv_rec,
	         p_khrv_rec       => lp_khrv_rec,
	         x_chrv_rec       => lx_chrv_rec,
	         x_khrv_rec       => lx_khrv_rec);
Line: 273

    Select scs_code
    From   okc_k_headers_b
    where  id = p_source_chr_id;
Line: 362

	    FROM okc_k_party_roles_B
	    WHERE dnz_chr_id = p_chr_id
	    AND chr_id = p_chr_id
	    AND rle_code = G_RLE_CODE
	    AND object1_id1 = p_customer_id1
	    AND object1_id2 = p_customer_id2
Line: 372

    SELECT  access_level
    WHERE rle_code = p_rle_code
    AND     buy_or_sell = 'S';
Line: 387

     SELECT id, object_version_number, sfwt_flag,
            cpl_id, chr_id, cle_id,
            rle_code, dnz_chr_id, object1_id1,
            object1_id2, jtot_object1_code, cognomen,
            code, facility, minority_group_lookup_code,
            small_business_flag, women_owned_flag, alias,
            attribute_category, attribute1, attribute2,
            attribute3, attribute4, attribute5,
            attribute6, attribute7, attribute8,
            attribute9, attribute10, attribute11,
            attribute12, attribute13, attribute14,
            attribute15, created_by, creation_date,
            last_updated_by, last_update_date, last_update_login,
            cust_acct_id, bill_to_site_use_id
     FROM okc_k_party_roles_v cplv
     WHERE cplv.rle_code = G_LEASE_VENDOR
     AND cplv.chr_id = p_source_id; -- vendor program id
Line: 435

    lp_chrv_rec.deleted_yn := 'N';
Line: 654

       SELECT CHR.id
       FROM okc_k_headers_b CHR
       , okc_k_party_roles_b prl
       WHERE prl.dnz_chr_id = CHR.id
       AND prl.chr_id = CHR.id
       AND CHR.scs_code = p_scs_code
       AND CHR.chr_type = 'CYA'
       AND NVL(chr.template_yn,'N') = p_temp_yn
       AND prl.rle_code = G_RLE_CODE
       AND prl.object1_id1 = p_object1_id1
       AND prl.object1_id2 = p_object1_id2
       AND prl.jtot_object1_code = p_customer_code
       AND CHR.contract_number = p_source_contract_number;
Line: 670

       SELECT CHR.id
       FROM okc_k_headers_b CHR,
            okl_k_headers khr
          , okc_k_party_roles_b prl
       WHERE chr.id = khr.id
       AND prl.dnz_chr_id = CHR.id
       AND prl.chr_id = CHR.id
       AND CHR.scs_code = p_scs_code
       AND CHR.chr_type = 'CYA'
       AND NVL(CHR.template_yn,'N') = p_temp_yn
       AND prl.rle_code = G_RLE_CODE
       AND prl.object1_id1 = p_object1_id1
       AND prl.object1_id2 = p_object1_id2
       AND prl.jtot_object1_code = p_customer_code
       AND CHR.contract_number = p_source_contract_number
       AND exists( select 1 from okl_vp_associations vpaso
                   where vpaso.chr_id = l_prog_id);
Line: 690

       SELECT CHR.id
       FROM okc_k_headers_b CHR,
            okl_k_headers khr
       WHERE chr.id = khr.id
       AND CHR.scs_code = p_scs_code
       AND CHR.chr_type = 'CYA'
       AND NVL(CHR.template_yn,'N') = p_temp_yn
       AND CHR.contract_number = p_source_contract_number
       AND exists( select 1 from okl_vp_associations vpaso
                   where vpaso.chr_id = l_prog_id);
Line: 702

       SELECT CHR.id
       FROM okc_k_headers_b CHR
       WHERE CHR.scs_code = p_scs_code
       AND CHR.chr_type = 'CYA'
       AND CHR.template_yn = p_temp_yn
       AND CHR.contract_number = p_source_contract_number;
Line: 711

       SELECT chr.id
       FROM okl_k_headers_full_v chr
       WHERE chr.scs_code = 'PROGRAM'
       AND nvl(chr.template_yn, 'N') = 'N'
       AND chr.sts_code = 'ACTIVE'
       AND chr.authoring_org_id = p_org_id
       AND NVL(chr.start_date,p_effective_from) <= p_effective_from
       AND NVL(chr.end_date,p_effective_from) >= p_effective_from
       AND chr.contract_number = p_program_name;
Line: 1038

      p_api_version    => p_api_version,
      p_init_msg_list  => p_init_msg_list,
      x_return_status  => x_return_status,
      x_msg_count      => x_msg_count,
      x_msg_data       => x_msg_data,
      p_chrv_rec       => lp_chrv_rec,
      p_khrv_rec       => lp_khrv_rec,
      x_chrv_rec       => lx_chrv_rec,
      x_khrv_rec       => lx_khrv_rec);
Line: 1074

      p_api_version    => p_api_version,
      p_init_msg_list  => p_init_msg_list,
      x_return_status  => x_return_status,
      x_msg_count      => x_msg_count,
      x_msg_data       => x_msg_data,
      p_chrv_rec       => lp_chrv_rec,
      p_khrv_rec       => lp_khrv_rec,
      x_chrv_rec       => lx_chrv_rec,
      x_khrv_rec       => lx_khrv_rec);
Line: 1133

PROCEDURE update_deal(
      p_api_version                  IN NUMBER,
      p_init_msg_list                IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT OKC_API.G_FALSE,
      x_return_status                OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
      x_msg_count                    OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
      x_msg_data                     OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
      p_durv_rec                     IN  upd_deal_rec_type,
      x_durv_rec                     OUT NOCOPY upd_deal_rec_type
    ) AS

    l_api_name	       VARCHAR2(30) := 'update_deal';
Line: 1173

				 p_event_name     => G_WF_EVT_KHR_UPDATED,
				 p_parameters     => l_parameter_list);
Line: 1219

        p_api_version    	=> p_api_version,
        p_init_msg_list  	=> p_init_msg_list,
        x_return_status  	=> x_return_status,
        x_msg_count      	=> x_msg_count,
        x_msg_data       	=> x_msg_data,
        p_restricted_update     => 'F',
        p_chrv_rec       	=> lp_chrv_rec,
        p_khrv_rec       	=> lp_khrv_rec,
        x_chrv_rec       	=> lx_chrv_rec,
        x_khrv_rec       	=> lx_khrv_rec);