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Line 3932: --see if all tables are in any DS

3928: end if;
3929: end loop;
3930: end if;
3931: --
3932: --see if all tables are in any DS
3933: if p_ds_parameters.count=0 then --more involved search..
3934: for i in 1..l_ds_parameters.count loop
3935: l_ds_tables.delete;
3936: l_flag:=true;

Line 4301: all_tables bsc_aw_utility.all_tables_tb;

4297: End;
4299: /*tries to get this load count. if the stats are old, returns -1 */
4300: function get_table_load_count(p_table varchar2,p_change_vector number) return number is
4301: all_tables bsc_aw_utility.all_tables_tb;
4302: table_count number;
4303: Begin
4304: all_tables:=bsc_aw_utility.get_db_table_parameters(p_table,bsc_aw_utility.get_table_owner(p_table));
4305: if all_tables(1).last_analyzed is null or (sysdate-all_tables(1).last_analyzed)>30 then

Line 4304: all_tables:=bsc_aw_utility.get_db_table_parameters(p_table,bsc_aw_utility.get_table_owner(p_table));

4300: function get_table_load_count(p_table varchar2,p_change_vector number) return number is
4301: all_tables bsc_aw_utility.all_tables_tb;
4302: table_count number;
4303: Begin
4304: all_tables:=bsc_aw_utility.get_db_table_parameters(p_table,bsc_aw_utility.get_table_owner(p_table));
4305: if all_tables(1).last_analyzed is null or (sysdate-all_tables(1).last_analyzed)>30 then
4306: return -1;/*no stats or too old stats. cannot get count */
4307: end if;
4308: if p_change_vector is null or p_change_vector=1 then /*for initial load, just get the table row count */

Line 4305: if all_tables(1).last_analyzed is null or (sysdate-all_tables(1).last_analyzed)>30 then

4301: all_tables bsc_aw_utility.all_tables_tb;
4302: table_count number;
4303: Begin
4304: all_tables:=bsc_aw_utility.get_db_table_parameters(p_table,bsc_aw_utility.get_table_owner(p_table));
4305: if all_tables(1).last_analyzed is null or (sysdate-all_tables(1).last_analyzed)>30 then
4306: return -1;/*no stats or too old stats. cannot get count */
4307: end if;
4308: if p_change_vector is null or p_change_vector=1 then /*for initial load, just get the table row count */
4309: return nvl(all_tables(1).NUM_ROWS,-1);

Line 4309: return nvl(all_tables(1).NUM_ROWS,-1);

4305: if all_tables(1).last_analyzed is null or (sysdate-all_tables(1).last_analyzed)>30 then
4306: return -1;/*no stats or too old stats. cannot get count */
4307: end if;
4308: if p_change_vector is null or p_change_vector=1 then /*for initial load, just get the table row count */
4309: return nvl(all_tables(1).NUM_ROWS,-1);
4310: else
4311: /*assume there is bitmap on the change vector */
4312: table_count:=bsc_aw_utility.get_table_count(p_table,'change_vector='||p_change_vector);
4313: return nvl(table_count,-1);