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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 58

    SELECT  inventory_item_id
    ,       organization_id
    ,       process_revision
    -- ,       implementation_date
    ,       effectivity_date
    ,       attribute_category
    ,       attribute1
    ,       attribute2
    ,       attribute3
    ,       attribute4
    ,       attribute5
    ,       attribute6
    ,       attribute7
    ,       attribute8
    ,       attribute9
    ,       attribute10
    ,       attribute11
    ,       attribute12
    ,       attribute13
    ,       attribute14
    ,       attribute15
    INTO l_rtg_rev_unexp_rec.assembly_item_id
    ,       l_rtg_rev_unexp_rec.organization_id
    ,       l_rtg_revision_rec.revision
    ,       l_rtg_revision_rec.start_effective_date
    ,       l_rtg_revision_rec.attribute_category
    ,       l_rtg_revision_rec.attribute1
    ,       l_rtg_revision_rec.attribute2
    ,       l_rtg_revision_rec.attribute3
    ,       l_rtg_revision_rec.attribute4
    ,       l_rtg_revision_rec.attribute5
    ,       l_rtg_revision_rec.attribute6
    ,       l_rtg_revision_rec.attribute7
    ,       l_rtg_revision_rec.attribute8
    ,       l_rtg_revision_rec.attribute9
    ,       l_rtg_revision_rec.attribute10
    ,       l_rtg_revision_rec.attribute11
    ,       l_rtg_revision_rec.attribute12
    ,       l_rtg_revision_rec.attribute13
    ,       l_rtg_revision_rec.attribute14
    ,       l_rtg_revision_rec.attribute15
    FROM  mtl_rtg_item_revisions
    WHERE inventory_item_id = p_assembly_item_id
    AND organization_id = p_organization_id
    AND process_revision = p_revision;
Line: 121

  * Procedure     : Insert_Row
  * Parameters IN : rtg Revisioner exposed column record
  *                 rtg Revisioner unexposed column record
  * Parameters out: Message Token Table
  *                 Return Status
  * Purpose       : Procedure will perfrom an insert into the
  *                 rtg_Bill_Of_Materials table thus creating a new bill
  PROCEDURE Insert_Row
  (  p_rtg_revision_rec   IN  Bom_Rtg_Pub.rtg_revision_Rec_Type
   , p_rtg_rev_unexp_rec  IN  Bom_Rtg_Pub.rtg_rev_Unexposed_Rec_Type
   , x_mesg_token_Tbl     IN OUT NOCOPY Error_Handler.Mesg_Token_Tbl_Type
   , x_return_Status      IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
    l_start_effectivity_date DATE;
Line: 168

    INSERT INTO mtl_rtg_item_revisions
    (  inventory_item_id
    ,       organization_id
    ,       process_revision
    ,       implementation_date
    ,       effectivity_date
    ,       attribute_category
    ,       attribute1
    ,       attribute2
    ,       attribute3
    ,       attribute4
    ,       attribute5
    ,       attribute6
    ,       attribute7
    ,       attribute8
    ,       attribute9
    ,       attribute10
    ,       attribute11
    ,       attribute12
    ,       attribute13
    ,       attribute14
    ,       attribute15
    ,       creation_date
    ,       created_by
    ,       last_update_date
    ,       last_updated_by
    ,       last_update_login
    ,       request_id
    ,       program_id
    ,       program_application_id
    ,       program_update_date
    (  p_rtg_rev_unexp_rec.assembly_item_id
     , p_rtg_rev_unexp_rec.organization_id
     , p_rtg_revision_rec.revision
     , l_start_effectivity_date
     , l_start_effectivity_date
     , p_rtg_revision_rec.attribute_category
     , p_rtg_revision_rec.attribute1
     , p_rtg_revision_rec.attribute2
     , p_rtg_revision_rec.attribute3
     , p_rtg_revision_rec.attribute4
     , p_rtg_revision_rec.attribute5
     , p_rtg_revision_rec.attribute6
     , p_rtg_revision_rec.attribute7
     , p_rtg_revision_rec.attribute8
     , p_rtg_revision_rec.attribute9
     , p_rtg_revision_rec.attribute10
     , p_rtg_revision_rec.attribute11
     , p_rtg_revision_rec.attribute12
     , p_rtg_revision_rec.attribute13
     , p_rtg_revision_rec.attribute14
     , p_rtg_revision_rec.attribute15
     , SYSDATE
     , BOM_Rtg_Globals.Get_User_Id
     , SYSDATE
     , BOM_Rtg_Globals.Get_User_Id
     , BOM_Rtg_Globals.Get_User_Id
     , Fnd_Global.Conc_Request_Id
     , Fnd_Global.Conc_Program_Id
     , Fnd_Global.Prog_Appl_Id
     , SYSDATE
Line: 239

         ' :Inserting Record ' ||
         , x_mesg_token_Tbl     => x_mesg_token_tbl
Line: 245

  END Insert_Row;
Line: 248

  * Procedure     : Update_Row
  * Parameters IN : RTG Revisioner exposed column record
  *                 RTG Revisioner unexposed column record
  * Parameters out: Message Token Table
  *                 Return Status
  * Purpose       : Procedure will perfrom an Update into the
  *                 rtg_Bill_Of_Materials table.
  PROCEDURE Update_Row
  (  p_RTG_revision_rec   IN  Bom_Rtg_Pub.RTG_Revision_Rec_Type
   , p_RTG_rev_unexp_rec  IN  Bom_Rtg_Pub.RTG_Rev_Unexposed_Rec_Type
   , x_mesg_token_Tbl     IN OUT NOCOPY Error_Handler.Mesg_Token_Tbl_Type
   , x_return_Status      IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
    p_start_effective_date DATE;
Line: 277

    UPDATE  mtl_rtg_item_revisions
    SET effectivity_date =
    , implementation_date =
    , last_update_date =  SYSDATE
    , last_updated_by = BOM_Rtg_Globals.Get_User_Id
    , last_update_login = BOM_Rtg_Globals.Get_User_Id
    , attribute_category =p_rtg_revision_rec.attribute_category                     , attribute1 = p_rtg_revision_rec.attribute1
    , attribute2 = p_rtg_revision_rec.attribute2
    , attribute3 = p_rtg_revision_rec.attribute3
    , attribute4 = p_rtg_revision_rec.attribute4
    , attribute5 = p_rtg_revision_rec.attribute5
    , attribute6 = p_rtg_revision_rec.attribute6
    , attribute7 = p_rtg_revision_rec.attribute7
    , attribute8 = p_rtg_revision_rec.attribute8
    , attribute9 = p_rtg_revision_rec.attribute9
    , attribute10= p_rtg_revision_rec.attribute10
    , attribute11= p_rtg_revision_rec.attribute11
    , attribute12= p_rtg_revision_rec.attribute12
    , attribute13= p_rtg_revision_rec.attribute13
    , attribute14= p_rtg_revision_rec.attribute14
    , attribute15= p_rtg_revision_rec.attribute15
    , request_id = Fnd_Global.Conc_Request_Id
    , program_id = Fnd_Global.Conc_Program_Id
    , program_application_id = Fnd_Global.Prog_Appl_Id
    , program_update_date = SYSDATE
    WHERE inventory_item_id = p_rtg_rev_unexp_rec.assembly_item_id                  AND organization_id = p_rtg_rev_unexp_rec.organization_id
    AND process_revision = p_rtg_revision_rec.revision;
Line: 308

  END Update_Row;
Line: 312

  * Procedure     : Delete_Row
  * Parameters IN : rtg Revisioner exposed column record
  *                 rtg Revisioner unexposed column record
  * Parameters out: Message Token Table
  *                 Return Status
  * Purpose       : Procedure will perfrom an Delete from the
  *                 rtg_Bill_Of_Materials by creating a delete Group.
  PROCEDURE Delete_Row
  (  p_rtg_revision_rec     IN  Bom_Rtg_Pub.rtg_revision_Rec_Type
   , p_rtg_rev_unexp_rec    IN  Bom_Rtg_Pub.rtg_rev_Unexposed_Rec_Type
   , x_mesg_token_Tbl       IN OUT NOCOPY Error_Handler.Mesg_Token_Tbl_Type
   , x_return_Status        IN OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
    l_rtg_rev_unexp_rec  Bom_Rtg_Pub.rtg_rev_Unexposed_Rec_Type
    := p_rtg_rev_unexp_rec;
Line: 336

      Error_Handler.Write_Debug('Delete routing revision '
      || p_rtg_revision_rec.revision);
Line: 340

    DELETE FROM mtl_rtg_item_revisions
    WHERE inventory_item_id = p_rtg_rev_unexp_rec.assembly_item_id
    AND organization_id = p_rtg_rev_unexp_rec.organization_id
    AND process_revision = p_rtg_revision_rec.revision;
Line: 349

         , p_Message_Text  => 'ERROR in Delete Routing Revision' ||
         substr(SQLERRM, 1, 100) || ' '    ||
         , p_Mesg_Token_Tbl     => l_Mesg_Token_Tbl
         , x_Mesg_Token_Tbl     => x_Mesg_Token_Tbl
Line: 358

  END Delete_Row;
Line: 382

      (  p_rtg_revision_rec   => p_rtg_revision_rec
       , p_rtg_rev_unexp_rec  => p_rtg_rev_unexp_rec
       , x_mesg_token_Tbl     => l_mesg_token_tbl
       , x_return_Status      => l_return_status
Line: 389

          BOM_Rtg_Globals.G_OPR_UPDATE THEN
      (  p_rtg_revision_rec   => p_rtg_revision_rec
       , p_rtg_rev_unexp_rec => p_rtg_rev_unexp_rec
       , x_mesg_token_Tbl     => l_mesg_token_tbl
       , x_return_Status      => l_return_status
Line: 398

          BOM_Rtg_Globals.G_OPR_DELETE THEN
      (  p_rtg_revision_rec   => p_rtg_revision_rec
       , p_rtg_rev_unexp_rec => p_rtg_rev_unexp_rec
       , x_mesg_token_Tbl     => l_mesg_token_tbl
       , x_return_Status      => l_return_status