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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 6

PROCEDURE val_update_rev_actions( p_ps_id IN NUMBER );
Line: 53

 |    update_reverse_actions                                                 |
 |                                                                           |
 | DESCRIPTION                                                               |
 |    This procedure performs all actions to modify the passed in            |
 |    user defined application record and prepares to update payment schedule|
 |    table                                                                  |
 |                                                                           |
 | SCOPE - PUBLIC                                                            |
 |                                                                           |
 | EXETERNAL PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS ACCESSED -                                 |
 |      arp_ps_pkg.update_p - Update a row in AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES table     |
 |      arp_ps_pkg.fetch_p  - fetch  a row in AR_PAYMENT_SCHEDULES table     |
 |                                                                           |
 | ARGUMENTS  : IN:                                                          |
 |                  p_app_rec - Application Record structure                 |
 |                  p_module_name _ Name of module that called this procedure|
 |                  p_module_version - Version of module that called this    |
 |                                     procedure                             |
 |              OUT:                                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | RETURNS    : NONE                                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | NOTES                                                                     |
 |                                                                           |
 | MODIFICATION HISTORY - Created by Ganesh Vaidee - 04/25/95                |
 | 8/2/1996	Harri Kaukovuo	Bug fix 387827, chargebacks did not get      |
 |				closed when receipt was reversed.            |
 | 03/07/1997   Karen Lawrance  Bug fix #446386. Discounts taken where not   |
 |                              included in reversing calculations, should   |
 |                              affect line total.                           |
 | 05/15/1997   Karen Lawrance  Bug fix #464203.  Added to if constructs     |
 |                              using trx_type AR_APP and AR_CM.             |
 |                              Refer to comments in code.                   |
PROCEDURE update_reverse_actions(
                p_app_rec         IN arp_global.app_rec_type,
                p_module_name     IN VARCHAR2,
                p_module_version  IN VARCHAR2) IS

  l_ps_rec        ar_payment_schedules%ROWTYPE;
Line: 96

       arp_util.debug('val_update_rev_actions: ' ||  'arp_ps_util.update_reverse_actions()+' );
Line: 97

       arp_util.debug('val_update_rev_actions: ' ||  'What is the type?' );
Line: 98

       arp_util.debug('val_update_rev_actions: ' ||  'p_app_rec.trx_type = ' || p_app_rec.trx_type );
Line: 138

        This procedure is called to update the applied transaction as
        well as the Receipt or Credit Memo in payment schedules.

        When we are updating the Receipt, Credit Memo, or the Transaction
        for the Receipt Application, we want to reset to Amount Applied.

        When we are updating the Transaction for the Credit Memo
        Application, we want to reset the Amount Credited.
    -- Update amount_applied
    IF ( p_app_rec.trx_type = 'AR_APP' ) OR
       ( p_app_rec.trx_type IN ('AR_CM','AR_CM_REF') and
         l_ps_rec.class = 'CM' ) THEN
         l_ps_rec.amount_applied := NVL( l_ps_rec.amount_applied, 0) +
                                    NVL( p_app_rec.amount_applied, 0 );
Line: 155

         l_ps_rec.selected_for_receipt_batch_id := NULL;
Line: 249

    arp_ps_pkg.update_p( l_ps_rec );
Line: 252

       arp_util.debug('val_update_rev_actions: ' ||  'arp_ps_util.update_reverse_actions()-' );
Line: 257

                 arp_util.debug('val_update_rev_actions: ' ||
		  'EXCEPTION: arp_ps_util.update_reverse_actions' );
Line: 261

END update_reverse_actions;
Line: 265

 |    val_update_rev_actions                                                 |
 |                                                                           |
 | DESCRIPTION                                                               |
 |    This procedure validated arguments passed to update_reverse_actions    |
 |                                                                           |
 | SCOPE - PRIVATE                                                           |
 |                                                                           |
 |                                                                           |
 | ARGUMENTS  : IN:                                                          |
 |                    p_ps_id - Payment Schedule Id from user define appln   |
 |                              record                                       |
 |              OUT:                                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | RETURNS    : NONE                                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | NOTES                                                                     |
 |                                                                           |
 | MODIFICATION HISTORY - Created by Ganesh Vaidee - 04/25/95                |
 |                                                                           |
PROCEDURE val_update_rev_actions( p_ps_id IN NUMBER ) IS
    IF PG_DEBUG in ('Y', 'C') THEN
       arp_util.debug( 'arp_ps_util.val_update_rev_actions()+' );
Line: 297

       arp_util.debug( 'arp_ps_util.val_update_rev_actions()-' );
Line: 302

                 arp_util.debug('val_update_rev_actions: ' ||
		  'EXCEPTION: arp_ps_util.val_update_rev_actions' );
Line: 306

END val_update_rev_actions;
Line: 310

 |    update_receipt_related_columns                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | DESCRIPTION                                                               |
 |      This procedure updates the receipt related rows of a payment schedule|
 |      The passed in PS ID is assumed to belong to a receipt. The procedure |
 |      sets the gl_date and gl_date_closed and amount applied. The procedure|
 |      should be called whenever a receipt is applied to an invoice.        |
 |      The procedure also return the acctd_amount_applied to populate the   |
 |      acctd_amount_applied_from column during AR_RA row insertion          |
 |                                                                           |
 | SCOPE - PUBLIC                                                            |
 |                                                                           |
 | PARAMETERS :                                                              |
 |         IN : p_payment_schedule_id - payment_schedule_id of payment       |
 |              schedule                                                     |
 |              p_gldate - GL date of the receipt                            |
 |              p_apply_date - Apply Date of the receipt                     |
 |              p_amount_applied - Amount of the receipt applied to the      |
 |                                 invoice.                                  |
 |              p_module_name - Name of module that called this routine      |
 |              p_module_version - Version of module that called this routine|
 |        OUT NOCOPY : p_acctd_amount_applied_out - Accounted amount applied used to|
 |                         populate acctd_amount_applied_from in AR_RA table |
 |                                                                           |
 |        arp_util.calc_acctd_amount and arp_util.debug                      |
 |        arp_ps_pkg.fetch_p and arp_ps_pkg.update_p                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | NOTES - Also Calls populate_closed_dates. This procedure is in this file. |
 |                                                                           |
 | HISTORY - Created By - Ganesh Vaidee - 08/24/1995                         |
 |                                                                           |
PROCEDURE update_receipt_related_columns(
                p_ps_id   IN ar_payment_schedules.payment_schedule_id%TYPE,
                p_amount_applied IN ar_payment_schedules.amount_applied%TYPE,
                p_apply_date IN ar_payment_schedules.gl_date%TYPE,
                p_gl_date IN ar_payment_schedules.gl_date%TYPE,
                p_acctd_amount_applied  OUT NOCOPY
                p_ps_rec IN ar_payment_schedules%ROWTYPE ) IS
l_ps_rec                 ar_payment_schedules%ROWTYPE;
Line: 368

    arp_util.debug( 'arp_ps_util.update_receipt_related_columns()+' );
Line: 422

    l_ps_rec.selected_for_receipt_batch_id := NULL;
Line: 432

       gl_date and receipt_confirmed_flag also needs to be updated */
    /* Bug fix 3721519
       The WHO columns should be updated as in arp_ps_pkg.update_p */

    /* Bug 5569488, do not update payment schedule if the receipt requires
       confirmation. Added the If condition */
    IF NVL(l_ps_rec.receipt_confirmed_flag,'Y') <> 'N' THEN
      UPDATE ar_payment_schedules
      set acctd_amount_due_remaining = l_ps_rec.acctd_amount_due_remaining,
         amount_due_remaining = l_ps_rec.amount_due_remaining,
         amount_applied = l_ps_rec.amount_applied,
         selected_for_receipt_batch_id = l_ps_rec.selected_for_receipt_batch_id,
         status = l_ps_rec.status,
         reserved_type = l_ps_rec.reserved_type,
         reserved_value = l_ps_rec.reserved_value,
         gl_date_closed = l_ps_rec.gl_date_closed,
         actual_date_closed = l_ps_rec.actual_date_closed ,
         gl_date = l_ps_rec.gl_date,
         receipt_confirmed_flag = l_ps_rec.receipt_confirmed_flag,
         last_updated_by = arp_global.last_updated_by,
         last_update_date = SYSDATE,
         last_update_login = NVL(arp_standard.profile.last_update_login,l_ps_rec.last_update_login ),
         request_id = NVL(arp_standard.profile.request_id,l_ps_rec.request_id),
         program_application_id = NVL(arp_standard.profile.program_application_id,
                                      l_ps_rec.program_application_id ),
         program_id = NVL(arp_standard.profile.program_id, l_ps_rec.program_id),
         program_update_date = DECODE(arp_standard.profile.program_id,
                                      NULL, l_ps_rec.program_update_date,SYSDATE)
         payment_schedule_id = l_ps_rec.payment_schedule_id;
Line: 463

    arp_util.debug( 'arp_ps_util.update_receipt_related_columns()-' );
Line: 468

		  'EXCEPTION: arp_ps_util.update_receipt_related_columns' );
Line: 477

 |      Validate arguments passed to update_receipt_related_cols,            |
 |      update_cm_related_cols and update_adj_related_cols procedure         |
 |                                                                           |
 | SCOPE - PUBLIC                                                            |
 |                                                                           |
 | PARAMETERS : p_payment_schedule_id - payment_schedule_id of payment       |
 |              schedule                                                     |
 |              p_amount_applied - Inout applied amount                      |
 |              p_gldate - GL date of the receipt                            |
 |              p_apply_date - Apply Date of the receipt                     |
 |                                                                           |
 | HISTORY - Created By - Ganesh Vaidee - 08/24/1995                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | NOTES -                                                                   |
 |                                                                           |
PROCEDURE validate_args_upd_rel_cols(
                p_ps_id   IN ar_payment_schedules.payment_schedule_id%TYPE,
                p_amount_applied IN ar_payment_schedules.amount_applied%TYPE,
                p_apply_date IN ar_payment_schedules.gl_date%TYPE,
                p_gl_date IN ar_payment_schedules.gl_date%TYPE ) IS
    IF PG_DEBUG in ('Y', 'C') THEN
       arp_util.debug( 'arp_ps_util.validate_args_upd_rel_cols()+' );
Line: 523

 |    update_invoice_related_columns                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | DESCRIPTION                                                               |
 |      This procedure updates the invoice related rows of a payment schedule|
 |      The passed in PS ID is assumed to belong to a invoice. The procedure |
 |      sets the gl_date and gl_date_closed and amount(s) applied. The       |
 |      procedure should be called whenever a receipt is applied to an       |
 |      invoice. The procedure also returns the acctd_amount_applied,        |
 |      acctd_earned_discount_taken, acctd_unearned_discount_taken columns,  |
 |      line_applied, tax_applied, freight_applied, charges_applied columns  |
 |      to populate the RA columns during AR_RA row insertion                |
 |      insertion          						     |
 |                                                                           |
 | SCOPE - PUBLIC                                                            |
 |                                                                           |
 | PARAMETERS :                                                              |
 |    IN : p_app_type            - Indicates the type of application         |
 |                                 Valid values are CASH for receipt         |
 |                                 application and CM fro credit memo appln. |
 |         p_payment_schedule_id - payment_schedule_id of payment            |
 |                                 schedule                                  |
 |         p_gldate              - GL date of the receipt                    |
 |         p_apply_date          - Apply Date of the receipt                 |
 |         p_amount_applied      - Amount of the receipt applied to the      |
 |                                 invoice                                   |
 |         p_discount_taken_earned   - Earned discount taken(NULL if CM      |
 |                                     appln                                 |
 |         p_discount_taken_unearned - Unearned discount taken(NULL if CM    |
 |                                     appln                                 |
 |         p_ps_rec                  - Payment Schedule record, If this field|
 |                                     is not null, the PS record is not     |
 |                                     fetched using p_ps_id. This PS record |
 |                                     is used                               |
 |   OUT NOCOPY : p_acctd_amount_applied     - Accounted amount applied used to     |
 |                                      populate acctd_amount_applied_from in|
 |                                      AR_RA table                          |
 |         p_acctd_discount_taken_earned - Accounted discount taken earned to|
 |                                      populate acctd_discount_taken_earned |
 |                                      AR_RA table. This field is not       |
 |                                      populated if application is of type  |
 |                                      CM. It is NULL is app. type is CM.   |
 |         p_acctd_disc_taken_unearned - Accounted discount taken unearned to|
 |                                      populate acctd_discount_taken_uneard |
 |                                      AR_RA table. This field is not       |
 |                                      populated if application is of type  |
 |                                      CM. It is NULL is app. type is CM.   |
 |         p_tax_applied              - Part of the applied amount applied to|
 |                                      tax                                  |
 |         p_freight_applied          - Part of the applied amount applied to|
 |                                      freight                              |
 |         p_line_applied             - Part of the applied amount applied to|
 |                                      lines                                |
 |         p_charges_applied          - Part of the applied amount applied to|
 |                                      receivable charges                   |
 |                                                                           |
 |        arp_util.calc_acctd_amount and arp_util.debug                      |
 |        arp_ps_pkg.fetch_p and arp_ps_pkg.update_p                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | NOTES - Also Calls populate_closed_dates. This procedure is in this file. |
 |                                                                           |
 | HISTORY - Created By - Ganesh Vaidee - 08/24/1995                         |
 | 06/23/1998   Guat Eng Tan    Bug fix #658876. Added IF conditions before  |
 |                              the three calls to calc_acctd_amount.        |
 |                                                                           |
 | 08/29/2005  M Raymond      4566510 - Modified for etax.  Made discount
 |                              parameters IN/OUT and modified calls
 |                              to calc_amount_and_remaining so that they
 |                              would only happen if discounts were not
 |                              already prorated.
 | 12/18/2006  M Raymond      5677984 - Update l_line_remaining and
 |                              l_tax_remaining after skipping
 |                              calc_applied_and_remaining
PROCEDURE update_invoice_related_columns(
                p_app_type  IN VARCHAR2,
                p_ps_id     IN ar_payment_schedules.payment_schedule_id%TYPE,
                p_amount_applied          IN ar_payment_schedules.amount_applied%TYPE,
                p_discount_taken_earned   IN ar_payment_schedules.discount_taken_earned%TYPE,
                p_discount_taken_unearned IN ar_payment_schedules.discount_taken_unearned%TYPE,
                p_apply_date              IN ar_payment_schedules.gl_date%TYPE,
                p_gl_date                 IN ar_payment_schedules.gl_date%TYPE,
                p_acctd_amount_applied    OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications.acctd_amount_applied_to%TYPE,
                p_acctd_earned_discount_taken OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications.earned_discount_taken%TYPE,
                p_acctd_unearned_disc_taken   OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications.acctd_unearned_discount_taken%TYPE,
                p_line_applied     OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications.line_applied%TYPE,
                p_tax_applied      OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications.tax_applied%TYPE,
                p_freight_applied  OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications.freight_applied%TYPE,
                p_charges_applied  OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications.receivables_charges_applied%TYPE,
                p_line_ediscounted IN OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications.line_applied%TYPE,
                p_tax_ediscounted  IN OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications.tax_applied%TYPE,
                p_freight_ediscounted  OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications.freight_applied%TYPE,
                p_charges_ediscounted  OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications.receivables_charges_applied%TYPE,
                p_line_uediscounted   IN OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications.line_applied%TYPE,
                p_tax_uediscounted    IN OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications.tax_applied%TYPE,
                p_freight_uediscounted OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications.freight_applied%TYPE,
                p_charges_uediscounted OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications.receivables_charges_applied%TYPE,
                p_rule_set_id          OUT NOCOPY number,
                p_ps_rec               IN  ar_payment_schedules%ROWTYPE) IS

  l_ra_app_id NUMBER;
Line: 632

Line: 661

END update_invoice_related_columns;
Line: 665

 |    update_invoice_related_columns                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | DESCRIPTION                                                               |
 |      This procedure updates the invoice related rows of a payment schedule|
 |      The passed in PS ID is assumed to belong to a invoice. The procedure |
 |      sets the gl_date and gl_date_closed and amount(s) applied. The       |
 |      procedure should be called whenever a receipt is applied to an       |
 |      invoice. The procedure also returns the acctd_amount_applied,        |
 |      acctd_earned_discount_taken, acctd_unearned_discount_taken columns,  |
 |      line_applied, tax_applied, freight_applied, charges_applied columns  |
 |      to populate the RA columns during AR_RA row insertion                |
 |      insertion          						     |
 |                                                                           |
 | SCOPE - PUBLIC                                                            |
 |                                                                           |
 | PARAMETERS :                                                              |
 |    IN : p_app_type            - Indicates the type of application         |
 |                                 Valid values are CASH for receipt         |
 |                                 application and CM fro credit memo appln. |
 |         p_payment_schedule_id - payment_schedule_id of payment            |
 |                                 schedule                                  |
 |         p_gldate              - GL date of the receipt                    |
 |         p_apply_date          - Apply Date of the receipt                 |
 |         p_amount_applied      - Amount of the receipt applied to the      |
 |                                 invoice                                   |
 |         p_discount_taken_earned   - Earned discount taken(NULL if CM      |
 |                                     appln                                 |
 |         p_discount_taken_unearned - Unearned discount taken(NULL if CM    |
 |                                     appln                                 |
 |         p_ps_rec                  - Payment Schedule record, If this field|
 |                                     is not null, the PS record is not     |
 |                                     fetched using p_ps_id. This PS record |
 |                                     is used                               |
 |   OUT NOCOPY : p_acctd_amount_applied     - Accounted amount applied used to     |
 |                                      populate acctd_amount_applied_from in|
 |                                      AR_RA table                          |
 |         p_acctd_discount_taken_earned - Accounted discount taken earned to|
 |                                      populate acctd_discount_taken_earned |
 |                                      AR_RA table. This field is not       |
 |                                      populated if application is of type  |
 |                                      CM. It is NULL is app. type is CM.   |
 |         p_acctd_disc_taken_unearned - Accounted discount taken unearned to|
 |                                      populate acctd_discount_taken_uneard |
 |                                      AR_RA table. This field is not       |
 |                                      populated if application is of type  |
 |                                      CM. It is NULL is app. type is CM.   |
 |         p_tax_applied              - Part of the applied amount applied to|
 |                                      tax                                  |
 |         p_freight_applied          - Part of the applied amount applied to|
 |                                      freight                              |
 |         p_line_applied             - Part of the applied amount applied to|
 |                                      lines                                |
 |         p_charges_applied          - Part of the applied amount applied to|
 |                                      receivable charges                   |
 |                                                                           |
 |        arp_util.calc_acctd_amount and arp_util.debug                      |
 |        arp_ps_pkg.fetch_p and arp_ps_pkg.update_p                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | NOTES - Also Calls populate_closed_dates. This procedure is in this file. |
 |                                                                           |
 | HISTORY - Created By - Ganesh Vaidee - 08/24/1995                         |
 | 06/23/1998   Guat Eng Tan    Bug fix #658876. Added IF conditions before  |
 |                              the three calls to calc_acctd_amount.        |
 |                                                                           |
 | 08/29/2005  M Raymond      4566510 - Modified for etax.  Made discount
 |                              parameters IN/OUT and modified calls
 |                              to calc_amount_and_remaining so that they
 |                              would only happen if discounts were not
 |                              already prorated.
 | 12/18/2006  M Raymond      5677984 - Update l_line_remaining and
 |                              l_tax_remaining after skipping
 |                              calc_applied_and_remaining
PROCEDURE update_invoice_related_columns(
                p_app_type  IN VARCHAR2,
                p_ps_id     IN ar_payment_schedules.payment_schedule_id%TYPE,
                p_amount_applied          IN ar_payment_schedules.amount_applied%TYPE,
                p_discount_taken_earned   IN ar_payment_schedules.discount_taken_earned%TYPE,
                p_discount_taken_unearned IN ar_payment_schedules.discount_taken_unearned%TYPE,
                p_apply_date              IN ar_payment_schedules.gl_date%TYPE,
                p_gl_date                 IN ar_payment_schedules.gl_date%TYPE,
                p_acctd_amount_applied    OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications.acctd_amount_applied_to%TYPE,
                p_acctd_earned_discount_taken OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications.earned_discount_taken%TYPE,
                p_acctd_unearned_disc_taken   OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications.acctd_unearned_discount_taken%TYPE,
                p_line_applied     OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications.line_applied%TYPE,
                p_tax_applied      OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications.tax_applied%TYPE,
                p_freight_applied  OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications.freight_applied%TYPE,
                p_charges_applied  OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications.receivables_charges_applied%TYPE,
                p_line_ediscounted IN OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications.line_applied%TYPE,
                p_tax_ediscounted  IN OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications.tax_applied%TYPE,
                p_freight_ediscounted  OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications.freight_applied%TYPE,
                p_charges_ediscounted  OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications.receivables_charges_applied%TYPE,
                p_line_uediscounted   IN OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications.line_applied%TYPE,
                p_tax_uediscounted    IN OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications.tax_applied%TYPE,
                p_freight_uediscounted OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications.freight_applied%TYPE,
                p_charges_uediscounted OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications.receivables_charges_applied%TYPE,
                p_rule_set_id          OUT NOCOPY number,
                p_ps_rec               IN  ar_payment_schedules%ROWTYPE,
                p_cash_receipt_id      IN ar_receivable_applications_all.cash_receipt_id%TYPE,
                p_ra_app_id            OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications.receivable_application_id%TYPE,
                p_gt_id                OUT NOCOPY NUMBER) IS

-- Temp variables
l_ps_rec                   ar_payment_schedules%ROWTYPE;
Line: 831

       arp_util.debug( 'arp_ps_util.update_invoice_related_columns()+' );
Line: 894

             SELECT customer_trx_id
             INTO   l_ebt_customer_trx_id
             FROM   ar_payment_schedules
             WHERE  payment_schedule_id = p_ps_id;
Line: 958

                SELECT customer_trx_id
                INTO   l_ebt_customer_trx_id
                FROM   ar_payment_schedules
                WHERE  payment_schedule_id = p_ps_id;
Line: 1187

    /* Bug 5569488, do not update payment schedule if the receipt requires
       confirmation. Added the If condition */
    IF p_ps_rec.cash_receipt_id IS NOT NULL THEN
      Select receipt_confirmed_flag
      into   l_receipt_confirmed_flag
      from   ar_payment_schedules_all
      where  cash_receipt_id = p_ps_rec.cash_receipt_id ;
Line: 1196

      arp_ps_pkg.update_p( l_ps_rec );
Line: 1226

       arp_util.debug( 'arp_ps_util.update_invoice_related_columns()-' );
Line: 1233

		  'EXCEPTION: arp_ps_util.update_invoice_related_columns' );
Line: 1236

END update_invoice_related_columns;
Line: 1244

 |      Validate arguments passed to update_receipt_related_cols procedure   |
 |                                                                           |
 | SCOPE - PUBLIC                                                            |
 |                                                                           |
 | PARAMETERS : p_payment_schedule_id - payment_schedule_id of payment       |
 |              schedule                                                     |
 |              p_amount_applied - Inout amount applied                      |
 |              p_earned_discount - Earned discount                          |
 |              p_unearned_discount - Unearned discount                      |
 |              p_gldate - GL date of the receipt                            |
 |              p_apply_date - Apply Date of the receipt                     |
 |                                                                           |
 | HISTORY - Created By - Ganesh Vaidee - 08/24/1995                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | NOTES -                                                                   |
 |                                                                           |
PROCEDURE validate_args_upd_inv_rel_cols(
                p_ps_id   IN ar_payment_schedules.payment_schedule_id%TYPE,
                p_amount_applied IN ar_payment_schedules.amount_applied%TYPE,
                p_earned_discount IN
                p_unearned_discount IN
                p_apply_date IN ar_payment_schedules.gl_date%TYPE,
                p_gl_date IN ar_payment_schedules.gl_date%TYPE ) IS
    IF PG_DEBUG in ('Y', 'C') THEN
       arp_util.debug( 'arp_ps_util.validate_args_upd_inv_rel_cols()+' );
Line: 1302

 |    update_cm_related_columns                                              |
 |                                                                           |
 | DESCRIPTION                                                               |
 |      This procedure updates the CM      related rows of a payment schedule|
 |      The passed in PS ID is assumed to belong to a CM. The procedure      |
 |      sets the gl_date and gl_date_closed and amount(s) applied. The       |
 |      procedure should be called whenever a receipt is applied to an       |
 |      invoice. 							     |
 |                                                                           |
 | SCOPE - PUBLIC                                                            |
 |                                                                           |
 | PARAMETERS :                                                              |
 |    IN : p_payment_schedule_id - payment_schedule_id of Credir Memo        |
 |         p_gldate              - GL date of the receipt                    |
 |         p_apply_date          - Apply Date of the receipt                 |
 |         p_amount_applied      - Amount of the CM      applied to the      |
 |                                 invoice                                   |
 |         p_ps_rec                  - Payment Schedule record, If this field|
 |                                     is not null, the PS record is not     |
 |                                     fetched using p_ps_id. This PS record |
 |                                     is used                               |
 |         p_update_credit_flag  - For CM refunds, to indicate if amount     |
 |				   credited should be updated                |
 |   OUT NOCOPY : p_acctd_amount_applied     - Accounted amount applied used to     |
 |                                      populate acctd_amount_applied_from in|
 |                                      AR_RA table                          |
 |         p_tax_applied              - Part of the applied amount applied to|
 |                                      tax, This field will populate        |
 |                                      TAX_REMAINING in RA table            |
 |         p_freight_applied          - Part of the applied amount applied to|
 |                                      freight, This field will populate    |
 |                                      FREIGHT_REMAINING in RA table        |
 |         p_line_applied             - Part of the applied amount applied to|
 |                                      lines, This field will populate      |
 |                                      LINE_REMAINING in RA table           |
 |         p_charges_applied          - Part of the applied amount applied to|
 |                                      receivable charges, This field will  |
 |                                      populate CHARGES_REMAINING in RA     |
 |                                      table                                |
 |                                                                           |
 |        arp_util.calc_acctd_amount and arp_util.debug                      |
 |        arp_ps_pkg.fetch_p and arp_ps_pkg.update_p                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | NOTES - Also Calls populate_closed_dates. This procedure is in this file. |
 |                                                                           |
 | HISTORY - Created By - Ganesh Vaidee - 08/24/1995                         |
 |                                                                           |
PROCEDURE update_cm_related_columns(
                p_ps_id   IN ar_payment_schedules.payment_schedule_id%TYPE,
                p_amount_applied IN ar_payment_schedules.amount_applied%TYPE,
                p_line_applied IN ar_receivable_applications.line_applied%TYPE,
                p_tax_applied IN ar_receivable_applications.tax_applied%TYPE,
                p_freight_applied IN
                p_charges_applied  IN
                p_apply_date IN ar_payment_schedules.gl_date%TYPE,
                p_gl_date IN ar_payment_schedules.gl_date%TYPE,
                p_acctd_amount_applied  OUT NOCOPY
                p_ps_rec IN ar_payment_schedules%ROWTYPE,
	   	p_update_credit_flag IN VARCHAR2 ) IS
l_ps_rec                   ar_payment_schedules%ROWTYPE;
Line: 1384

       arp_util.debug( 'arp_ps_util.update_cm_related_columns()+' );
Line: 1388

       arp_util.debug('update_cm_related_columns: ' ||  'PS ID                 : '||p_ps_id );
Line: 1389

       arp_util.debug('update_cm_related_columns: ' ||  'Amount Applied        : '||p_amount_applied );
Line: 1390

       arp_util.debug('update_cm_related_columns: ' ||  'Apply Date            : '||TO_CHAR( p_apply_date ) );
Line: 1391

       arp_util.debug('update_cm_related_columns: ' ||  'GL Date               : '||TO_CHAR( p_gl_date ) );
Line: 1461

    IF ( NVL(p_update_credit_flag,'N') = 'Y' ) THEN
        l_ps_rec.amount_credited  := NVL( l_ps_rec.amount_credited, 0 ) +
                                     p_amount_applied ;
Line: 1473

    arp_ps_pkg.update_p( l_ps_rec );
Line: 1476

       arp_util.debug( 'arp_ps_util.update_cm_related_columns()-' );
Line: 1482

                 arp_util.debug('update_cm_related_columns: ' ||
		  'EXCEPTION: arp_ps_util.update_cm_related_columns' );
Line: 1486

END update_cm_related_columns;
Line: 1490

 |    update_adj_related_columns                                             |
 |                                                                           |
 | DESCRIPTION                                                               |
 |      This procedure updates the Adjustments related rows of a PS record   |
 |      The passed in PS ID is assumed to belong to an adjustment. Procedure |
 |      sets the gl_date and gl_date_closed and amount(s) applied. The       |
 |      procedure should be called whenever an invoice is adjusted.          |
 |      In case of an invoice adjustment, the procedure also calculates the  |
 |      line_adjusted, tax_adjusted, charges_adjusted and freight_adjusted   |
 |      amounts.                                                             |
 |                                                                           |
 | SCOPE - PUBLIC                                                            |
 |                                                                           |
 | PARAMETERS :                                                              |
 |   IN :  p_payment_schedule_id - payment_schedule_id of payment            |
 |                                 schedule                                  |
 |         p_type                - Adjustment type - valid values are        |
 |                                 'INVOICE', 'FREIGHT', 'TAX', 'LINE',      |
 |                                 'CHARGES', NULL(In case of pendings only) |
 |                                 There is no explicit check to make sure   |
 |                                 that the type value is one of the above   |
 |         p_gldate              - GL date of the receipt                    |
 |         p_apply_date          - Apply Date of the receipt                 |
 |         p_amount_adjusted     - Amount adjusted if type is not 'INVOICE'  |
 |         p_amount_adjusted_pending - Amount adjusted pending if any.       |
 |   IN :  p_line_adjusted       - Line adjusted - In case of INVOICE adj.   |
 |         p_tax_adjusted        - Tax  adjusted - In case of INVOICE adj.   |
 |         p_charges_adjusted    - charges adjusted - In case of INVOICE adj.|
 |         p_freight_adjusted    - freight adjusted - In case of INVOICE adj.|
 |                                                                           |
 |        arp_util.calc_acctd_amount and arp_util.debug                      |
 |        arp_ps_pkg.fetch_p and arp_ps_pkg.update_p                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | NOTES - Also Calls populate_closed_dates. This procedure is in this file. |
 |         At present this is an overloaded procedure                        |
 | 8/24/1995	Ganesh Vaidee		Created
 | 4/17/1996	Harri Kaukovuo		Added functionality to handle
 |					chargebacks properly.
 | 02/02/2000   Saloni Shah             Modified the parameter p_freight_Adjusted
 |                                      to IN OUT NOCOPY parameter.
 |                                      Changes made for reverse adjustment:
 |                                      when called from create_adjustments
 |                                      the p_type being sent from create_adjustment
 |                                      is set to REVERSE while updating the
 |                                      payment schedules. When the value is set
 |                                      to 'REVERSE' the amounts being passed
 |                                      for p_amount_adjusted, p_tax_adjusted,
 |                                      p_freight_adjusted and p_line_adjusted
 |                                      should not be modified, they should be
 |                                      set to the values passed by create_adjustment.
 | 06/15/00    Satheesh Nambiar         Bug 1290698- When partial amount is passed,
 |                                      default the line,tax,freight,charges adjusted
 |                                      to actual values instead of taking the full
 |                                      amounts from PS if the those values are not null
 |                                      or zero.
 | 02/13/03    Ajay Pandit              Made the p_ps_rec an IN OUT parameter.
 | 07/21/04    Ravi Sharma              Receivables_charges_charged should be gross charges
 |                                      inclusive of tax component in case of Activity of type
 |					Finance Charges having tax code source attached.
PROCEDURE update_adj_related_columns(
                p_ps_id           IN ar_payment_schedules.payment_schedule_id%TYPE,
                p_type            IN ar_adjustments.type%TYPE,
                p_amount_adjusted IN ar_payment_schedules.amount_adjusted%TYPE,
                p_amount_adjusted_pending IN ar_payment_schedules.amount_adjusted_pending%TYPE,
                p_line_adjusted    IN OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications.line_applied%TYPE,
                p_tax_adjusted     IN OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications.tax_applied%TYPE,
                p_freight_adjusted IN OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications.freight_applied%TYPE,
                p_charges_adjusted IN OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications.receivables_charges_applied%TYPE,
                p_apply_date       IN     ar_payment_schedules.gl_date%TYPE,
                p_gl_date          IN     ar_payment_schedules.gl_date%TYPE,
                p_acctd_amount_adjusted OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications.acctd_amount_applied_to%TYPE,
                p_ps_rec           IN  OUT NOCOPY   ar_payment_schedules%ROWTYPE) IS
-- deleted 'DEFAULT NULL' for p_ps_rec Rowtype attribute -bug460979 for Oracle8

l_ps_rec              ar_payment_schedules%ROWTYPE;
Line: 1592

       arp_util.debug( 'arp_ps_util.update_adj_related_columns()+' );
Line: 1596

       arp_util.debug('update_adj_related_columns: ' ||  'PS ID                 : '||p_ps_id );
Line: 1597

       arp_util.debug('update_adj_related_columns: ' ||  'PS REC ID             : '||to_char(p_ps_rec.payment_schedule_id));
Line: 1598

       arp_util.debug('update_adj_related_columns: ' ||  'Type                  : '||p_type );
Line: 1599

       arp_util.debug('update_adj_related_columns: ' ||  'Amount adjusted       : '||p_amount_adjusted );
Line: 1600

       arp_util.debug('update_adj_related_columns: ' ||  'Amount Adjusted Pend  : '||p_amount_adjusted_pending );
Line: 1601

       arp_util.debug('update_adj_related_columns: ' ||  'Line Adjusted         : '||p_line_adjusted);
Line: 1602

       arp_util.debug('update_adj_related_columns: ' ||  'Tax Adjusted          : '||p_tax_adjusted);
Line: 1603

       arp_util.debug('update_adj_related_columns: ' ||  'Freight Adjusted      : '||p_freight_adjusted);
Line: 1604

       arp_util.debug('update_adj_related_columns: ' ||  'Charges Adjusted      : '||p_charges_adjusted);
Line: 1605

       arp_util.debug('update_adj_related_columns: ' ||  'Apply Date            : '||TO_CHAR( p_apply_date ) );
Line: 1606

       arp_util.debug('update_adj_related_columns: ' ||  'GL Date               : '||TO_CHAR( p_gl_date ) );
Line: 1828

       arp_util.debug('update_adj_related_columns: ' ||  'Line Adjusted         : '||p_line_adjusted );
Line: 1829

       arp_util.debug('update_adj_related_columns: ' ||  'TAx  Adjusted         : '||p_tax_adjusted );
Line: 1830

       arp_util.debug('update_adj_related_columns: ' ||  'Freight Adjusted      : '||p_freight_adjusted );
Line: 1831

       arp_util.debug('update_adj_related_columns: ' ||  'Charges Adjusted      : '||p_charges_adjusted );
Line: 1834

Line: 1851

       arp_util.debug( 'arp_ps_util.update_adj_related_columns()-' );
Line: 1857

                 arp_util.debug('update_adj_related_columns: ' ||
                  'EXCEPTION: arp_ps_util.update_adj_related_columns' );
Line: 1861

END update_adj_related_columns;
Line: 1868

 |      Validate arguments passed to update_receipt_related_cols procedure   |
 |                                                                           |
 | SCOPE - PUBLIC                                                            |
 |                                                                           |
 | PARAMETERS :                                                              |
 |   IN :  p_payment_schedule_id - payment_schedule_id of payment            |
 |                                 schedule                                  |
 |         p_gldate              - GL date of the receipt                    |
 |         p_apply_date          - Apply Date of the receipt                 |
 |                                                                           |
 | HISTORY - Created By - Ganesh Vaidee - 08/24/1995                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | NOTES - At present this is an overloaded procedure                        |
 |                                                                           |
PROCEDURE validate_args_upd_adj_rel_cols(
                p_ps_id   IN ar_payment_schedules.payment_schedule_id%TYPE,
                p_apply_date IN ar_payment_schedules.gl_date%TYPE,
                p_gl_date IN ar_payment_schedules.gl_date%TYPE ) IS
    IF PG_DEBUG in ('Y', 'C') THEN
       arp_util.debug('update_adj_related_columns: ' ||  'arp_ps_util.validate_args_upd_adj_rel_cols()+' );
Line: 1898

       arp_util.debug('update_adj_related_columns: ' ||  'arp_util.validate_args_upd_adj_rel_cols()-' );
Line: 1903

                 arp_util.debug('update_adj_related_columns: ' ||
                  'EXCEPTION: arp_ps_util.validate_args_upd_adj_rel_cols' );
Line: 1911

 |    update_adj_related_columns                                             |
 |                                                                           |
 | DESCRIPTION                                                               |
 |      This procedure updates the Adjustments related rows of a PS record   |
 |      The passed in PS ID is assumed to belong to an adjustment. Procedure |
 |      sets the gl_date and gl_date_closed and amount(s) applied. The       |
 |      procedure should be called whenever an invoice is adjusted.          |
 |                                                                           |
 | SCOPE - PUBLIC                                                            |
 |                                                                           |
 | PARAMETERS :                                                              |
 |   IN :  p_payment_schedule_id - payment_schedule_id of payment            |
 |                                 schedule                                  |
 |         p_gldate              - GL date of the receipt                    |
 |         p_apply_date          - Apply Date of the receipt                 |
 |         p_tax_adjusted        - Part of the adjusted amount to be applied |
 |                                 to tax                                    |
 |         p_freight_applied     - Part of the adjusted amount to be applied |
 |                                 to freight                                |
 |         p_line_applied        - Part of the adjusted amount to be applied |
 |                                 to lines                                  |
 |         p_charges_applied     - Part of the adjusted amount to be applied |
 |                                 to receivable charges                     |
 |         p_amount_adjusted_pending - Amount adjsuted pending if any.       |
 |                                                                           |
 |        arp_util.calc_acctd_amount and arp_util.debug                      |
 |        arp_ps_pkg.fetch_p and arp_ps_pkg.update_p                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | NOTES - Also Calls populate_closed_dates. This procedure is in this file. |
 |                                                                           |
 | HISTORY - Created By - Ganesh Vaidee - 08/24/1995                         |
 |                                                                           |
 |02/13/03    Ajay Pandit              Made the p_ps_rec an IN OUT parameter |

PROCEDURE update_adj_related_columns(
                p_ps_id                   IN  ar_payment_schedules.payment_schedule_id%TYPE,
                p_line_adjusted           IN  ar_receivable_applications.line_applied%TYPE,
                p_tax_adjusted            IN  ar_receivable_applications.tax_applied%TYPE,
                p_freight_adjusted        IN  ar_receivable_applications.freight_applied%TYPE,
                p_charges_adjusted        IN  ar_receivable_applications.receivables_charges_applied%TYPE,
                p_amount_adjusted_pending IN  ar_payment_schedules.amount_adjusted_pending%TYPE,
                p_apply_date              IN  ar_payment_schedules.gl_date%TYPE,
                p_gl_date                 IN  ar_payment_schedules.gl_date%TYPE,
                p_acctd_amount_adjusted   OUT NOCOPY ar_receivable_applications.acctd_amount_applied_to%TYPE,
                p_ps_rec                  IN  OUT NOCOPY ar_payment_schedules%ROWTYPE) IS
-- deleted 'DEFAULT NULL' for p_ps_rec Rowtype attribute -bug460979 for Oracle8

 l_ps_rec                   ar_payment_schedules%ROWTYPE;
Line: 1980

       arp_util.debug( 'arp_ps_util.update_adj_related_columns()+' );
Line: 1984

       arp_util.debug('update_adj_related_columns: ' ||  'PS ID                 : '||p_ps_id );
Line: 1985

       arp_util.debug('update_adj_related_columns: ' ||  'Line Adjusted         : '||p_line_adjusted );
Line: 1986

       arp_util.debug('update_adj_related_columns: ' ||  'TAx  Adjusted         : '||p_tax_adjusted );
Line: 1987

       arp_util.debug('update_adj_related_columns: ' ||  'Freight Adjusted      : '||p_freight_adjusted );
Line: 1988

       arp_util.debug('update_adj_related_columns: ' ||  'Charges Adjusted      : '||p_charges_adjusted );
Line: 1989

       arp_util.debug('update_adj_related_columns: ' ||  'Amount Adjusted Pend  : '||p_amount_adjusted_pending );
Line: 1990

       arp_util.debug('update_adj_related_columns: ' ||  'Apply Date            : '||TO_CHAR( p_apply_date ) );
Line: 1991

       arp_util.debug('update_adj_related_columns: ' ||  'GL Date               : '||TO_CHAR( p_gl_date ) );
Line: 2081

    arp_ps_pkg.update_p( l_ps_rec );
Line: 2088

       arp_util.debug( 'arp_ps_util.update_adj_related_columns()-' );
Line: 2094

                 arp_util.debug('update_adj_related_columns: ' ||
                  'EXCEPTION: arp_ps_util.update_adj_related_columns' );
Line: 2098

END update_adj_related_columns;
Line: 2105

 |      Validate arguments passed to update_receipt_related_cols procedure   |
 |                                                                           |
 | SCOPE - PUBLIC                                                            |
 |                                                                           |
 | PARAMETERS :                                                              |
 |   IN :  p_payment_schedule_id - payment_schedule_id of payment            |
 |                                 schedule                                  |
 |         p_gldate              - GL date of the receipt                    |
 |         p_apply_date          - Apply Date of the receipt                 |
 |         p_tax_adjusted        - Part of the adjusted amount to be applied |
 |                                 to tax                                    |
 |         p_freight_applied     - Part of the adjusted amount to be applied |
 |                                 to freight                                |
 |         p_line_applied        - Part of the adjusted amount to be applied |
 |                                 to lines                                  |
 |         p_charges_applied     - Part of the adjusted amount to be applied |
 |                                 to receivable charges                     |
 |         p_amount_adjusted_pending - Amount adjsuted pending if any.       |
 |                                                                           |
 | HISTORY - Created By - Ganesh Vaidee - 08/24/1995                         |
 |                                                                           |
 | NOTES -                                                                   |
 |                                                                           |
PROCEDURE validate_args_upd_adj_rel_cols(
                p_ps_id   IN ar_payment_schedules.payment_schedule_id%TYPE,
                p_line_adjusted  IN
                p_tax_adjusted  IN
                p_freight_adjusted  IN
                p_charges_adjusted  IN
                p_amount_adjusted_pending IN
                p_apply_date IN ar_payment_schedules.gl_date%TYPE,
                p_gl_date IN ar_payment_schedules.gl_date%TYPE ) IS
    IF PG_DEBUG in ('Y', 'C') THEN
       arp_util.debug( 'arp_ps_util.validate_args_upd_adj_rel_cols()+' );
Line: 2274

 |      will be less than the correct ones because this function selects     |
 |      only from ar_receivable_applications, ar_adjustments and the input   |
 |      "current" dates.
 |                                                                           |
 |                                                                           |
 | SCOPE - PUBLIC                                                            |
 |                                                                           |
 | PARAMETERS : p_payment_schedule_id - payment_schedule_id of payment       |
 |              schedule                                                     |
 |              p_gl_reversal_date - gl_date of current uncommitted          |
 |                                   transaction                             |
 |              p_reversal_date - apply date of current uncommitted xtion    |
 |              p_gl_date_closed - greatest of ar_adjustments.gl_date,       |
 |                                ar_receivable_applications.gl_date, and    |
 |                                current_gl_date.                           |
 |              p_actual_date_closed - (output) greatest of                  |
 |                                   ar_adjustments.apply_date,              |
 |                                   ar_receivable_applications.apply_date,  |
 |                                   and current_apply_date.                 |
 |                                                                           |
 | MODIFICATION HISTORY -                                                    |
 |                                                                           |
 | 08/18/98    Sushama Borde       Fixed bug 705906. Modified select statment|
 |                                 that gets the max gl_date and apply_date  |
 |                                 from ar_receivable_applications. Now check|
 |                                 s the reversal_gl_date, while selecting   |
 |                                 apply_date, and excludes applications that|
 |                                 have been reversed.
 | 07/04/04    S.A.P.N.Sarma	   The actual_date_closed and gl_date_Closed |
 |				   values have to be retrieved only for those|
 |				   txns whose payment_Schedule_id > 0. We    |
 | 				   need not retrieve the values for activity |
 |				   aplications. Bug 3382570.		     |
PROCEDURE get_closed_dates( p_ps_id IN NUMBER,
                           p_gl_reversal_date IN DATE,
                           p_reversal_date IN DATE,
                           p_gl_date_closed OUT NOCOPY DATE,
                           p_actual_date_closed OUT NOCOPY DATE ,
                           p_app_type IN CHAR ) IS
l_gl_adj                        DATE;
Line: 2335

    SELECT MAX(DECODE(reversal_gl_date, NULL, gl_date, NULL)),  /* Bug 5858538 */
           MAX(DECODE(reversal_gl_date, NULL, apply_date, NULL)) -- Bug 705906: Not to include
                                                                 -- application reversals while
                                                                 -- getting the max apply_date.
    INTO l_gl_app,
    FROM ar_receivable_applications
    WHERE ( applied_payment_schedule_id = p_ps_id -- "Trx" that was applied

            or payment_schedule_id = p_ps_id )    -- "Payment" or "Credit Memo" being
                                                  -- applied.
    AND  nvl( confirmed_flag, 'Y' ) = 'Y';
Line: 2349

       arp_util.debug('get_closed_dates: ' || ' after select appln' );
Line: 2359

         SELECT MAX(gl_date),
         INTO   l_gl_adj,
         FROM   ar_adjustments
         WHERE  status = 'A'
         AND    payment_schedule_id = p_ps_id;