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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 61

          SELECT  NVL(spat.class_standing_id,spa.igs_pr_class_std_id) igs_pr_class_std_id,
          FROM    IGS_EN_STDNT_PS_ATT             spa,
                  IGS_PS_VER                      pv,
                  IGS_PS_TYPE                     pt,
                  IGS_PR_CS_SCHDL                 css,
                  IGS_EN_SPA_TERMS                spat
          WHERE   spa.person_id = p_person_id
          AND     spa.course_cd = p_course_cd
          AND     spa.course_cd = pv.course_cd
          AND     spa.version_number = pv.version_number
          AND     spa.course_attempt_status IN
          AND     pv.course_type = pt.course_type
          AND     pt.course_type = css.course_type (+)
          AND     TRUNC(css.start_dt (+) ) <= TRUNC(SYSDATE)
          AND     TRUNC(NVL(css.end_dt (+),SYSDATE) ) >= TRUNC(SYSDATE)
          AND     spat.person_id(+) = spa.person_id
          AND     spat.program_cd(+) = spa.course_cd
          AND     spat.term_cal_type(+) = p_load_cal_type
          AND     spat.term_sequence_number(+) = p_load_ci_sequence_number;
Line: 87

                SELECT  class_standing
                FROM    igs_pr_class_std
                WHERE   igs_pr_class_std_id = cp_igs_pr_class_std_id;
Line: 94

                SELECT  COUNT(*)
                FROM    igs_pr_css_class_std
                WHERE   igs_pr_cs_schdl_id = cp_igs_pr_cs_schdl_id
                AND     min_cp IS NOT NULL;
Line: 99

                SELECT  COUNT(*)
                FROM    igs_pr_css_class_std
                WHERE   igs_pr_cs_schdl_id = cp_igs_pr_cs_schdl_id
                AND     acad_year IS NOT NULL;
Line: 107

        SELECT  COUNT(*)
        FROM    igs_ca_type     ct1,
                igs_ca_inst ci1
        WHERE   ct1.s_cal_cat = 'ACADEMIC'
        AND     ct1.cal_type = ci1.cal_type
        AND     0  < (SELECT   COUNT(*)
                     FROM    igs_ca_inst     ci2a,
                             igs_ca_inst     ci2b,
                             igs_ca_type     ct2,
                             igs_ca_inst_rel cir2
                     WHERE   ci2a.cal_type = cp_load_cal_type
                     AND     ci2a.sequence_number = cp_load_ci_sequence_number
                     AND     TRUNC(ci2a.end_dt) >= TRUNC(ci2b.end_dt)
                     AND     cir2.sub_cal_type = ci2b.cal_type
                     AND     cir2.sub_ci_sequence_number = ci2b.sequence_number
                     AND     cir2.sup_cal_type = ci1.cal_type
                     AND     cir2.sup_ci_sequence_number = ci1.sequence_number
                     AND     ci2b.cal_type = ct2.cal_type
                     AND     ct2.s_cal_cat = 'LOAD')
                     AND     0 < (SELECT        COUNT(*)
                                 FROM  igs_en_su_attempt       sua3,
                                       igs_ca_inst_rel cir3
                                 WHERE sua3.person_id = p_person_id
                                 AND     sua3.course_cd = p_course_cd
                                 AND     sua3.unit_attempt_status NOT IN
                                                ('UNCONFIRM', 'DROPPED','DISCONTIN', 'WAITLISTED')
                                 AND     sua3.cal_type = cir3.sub_cal_type
                                 AND     sua3.ci_sequence_number = cir3.sub_ci_sequence_number
                                 AND     cir3.sup_cal_type = ci1.cal_type
                                 AND     cir3.sup_ci_sequence_number = ci1.sequence_number);
Line: 138

    /* Cursor to  Select Class Standing matching the Period Range */
        CURSOR C_Get_Cs_for_acad_yr(cp_igs_pr_cs_schdl_id   igs_pr_cs_schdl.igs_pr_cs_schdl_id%TYPE,
                                    cp_acad_year   igs_pr_css_class_std.acad_year%TYPE ) IS
                SELECT  ipcs.class_standing
                FROM    igs_pr_css_class_std    ipccs,
                        igs_pr_class_std                ipcs
                WHERE   ipccs.igs_pr_cs_schdl_id = cp_igs_pr_cs_schdl_id
                AND     ipccs.acad_year = cp_acad_year
                AND     ipccs.igs_pr_class_std_id = ipcs.igs_pr_class_std_id;
Line: 150

             SELECT  ci.cal_type,
             FROM    igs_ca_type ct,
                     igs_ca_inst ci
             WHERE   ct.s_cal_cat = 'LOAD'
             AND     ct.cal_type = ci.cal_type
             AND     ((cp_consider_changes = 'IMMEDIATELY'
             AND       ((TRUNC(ci.start_dt) <= TRUNC(NVL(p_effective_dt, SYSDATE))
             AND         p_load_cal_type IS NULL)
             OR         (ci.cal_type = p_load_cal_type
             AND         ci.sequence_number = p_load_ci_sequence_number
             AND         p_load_cal_type IS NOT NULL)))
             OR       (cp_consider_changes = 'BYPERIOD'
             AND       (TRUNC(ci.end_dt) <= TRUNC(NVL(p_effective_dt, SYSDATE))
             OR         (p_load_cal_type IS NOT NULL
             AND         ci.cal_type = p_load_cal_type
             AND         ci.sequence_number = p_load_ci_sequence_number
             AND         TRUNC(ci.end_dt) <= TRUNC(SYSDATE)))))
            ORDER BY ci.end_dt DESC;
Line: 173

                SELECT  sup_cal_type,
                FROM    igs_ca_type     ct,
                        igs_ca_inst_rel cir
                WHERE   cir.sub_cal_type = cp_load_cal_type
                AND     cir.sub_ci_sequence_number = cp_load_ci_sequence_number
                AND     cir.sup_cal_type = ct.cal_type
                AND     ct.s_cal_cat = 'ACADEMIC';
Line: 182

  /*Cursor to SELECT Class Standing matching the CP RANGE */
    CURSOR C_Get_cs_cp_range( cp_igs_pr_cs_schdl_id igs_pr_cs_schdl.igs_pr_cs_schdl_id%TYPE,
                              cp_cp  igs_pr_css_class_std.min_cp%TYPE )  IS
         SELECT ipcs.class_standing
         FROM   igs_pr_css_class_std    ipccs,
                igs_pr_class_std            ipcs
         WHERE  ipccs.igs_pr_cs_schdl_id = cp_igs_pr_cs_schdl_id
         AND    ipccs.min_cp <= cp_cp
         AND    ipccs.max_cp >= cp_cp
         AND    ipccs.igs_pr_class_std_id = ipcs.igs_pr_class_std_id;
Line: 381

        /*  Select Class Standing matching the Period Range */
        OPEN C_Get_Cs_for_acad_yr(l_igs_pr_cs_schdl_id, l_acad_year) ;
Line: 469

        /* SELECT Class Standing matching the CP RANGE */
        OPEN  C_Get_cs_cp_range( l_igs_pr_cs_schdl_id, l_cp);