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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 31

      SELECT paf.person_id resource_id, paf.assignment_id,
             paf.business_group_id, paf.assignment_number,
             aeiv.hxt_rotation_plan rtp_id, aeiv.hxt_earning_policy egp_id,
             egp.hcl_id, aeiv.hxt_rotation_plan
        FROM per_assignments_f paf,
             hxt_per_aei_ddf_v aeiv,
             hxt_earning_policies egp,
             per_assignment_status_types typ
       WHERE aeiv.assignment_id = paf.assignment_id
         AND egp.id = aeiv.hxt_earning_policy
         AND paf.effective_start_date <= p_stop_time
         AND paf.effective_end_date >= p_start_time
         AND aeiv.effective_start_date <= p_stop_time
         AND aeiv.effective_end_date >= p_start_time
         AND paf.person_id = p_resource_id
         AND paf.primary_flag = 'Y'
         AND paf.assignment_status_type_id = typ.assignment_status_type_id
         AND typ.per_system_status = 'ACTIVE_ASSIGN';
Line: 97

            p_app_attributes (l).updated := NULL;
Line: 100

Line: 130

Line: 347

         SELECT sht.standard_start, sht.standard_stop, sht.hours
           FROM hxt_shifts sht,
                hxt_weekly_work_schedules wws,
                hxt_work_shifts wsh
          WHERE wsh.week_day =   hxt_util.get_week_day(p_date)--p_weekday --to_char(p_date,'DY')
            AND wws.id = wsh.tws_id
            AND p_date BETWEEN wws.date_from AND NVL (wws.date_to, p_date)
            AND wws.id = p_work_id
            AND sht.id = wsh.sht_id;
Line: 368

      /*SELECT lookup_code
        INTO l_lookup_code
        FROM fnd_lookup_values --hr_lookups
       WHERE lookup_type = 'HXT_DAY_OF_WEEK'
         AND UPPER (RTRIM (meaning)) = UPPER (RTRIM (TO_CHAR (p_date, 'DAY')));
Line: 437

         SELECT egr.element_type_id
           FROM hxt_earning_rules egr, hxt_add_elem_info_f aei
          WHERE egr.egp_id = p_earning_policy_id
            AND aei.element_type_id = egr.element_type_id
            AND aei.earning_category = 'REG';
Line: 442

      l_update_flag varchar2(1) := 'N';
Line: 450

      l_update_flag := 'N';
Line: 568

                  l_update_flag := 'Y';
Line: 645

         IF i = 0 and l_update_flag = 'N'
            if g_debug then
            	hr_utility.TRACE (
            	   '---------- Entering TIMECARD Scope -------------------'
Line: 834

            p_app_attributes (l_next_index).updated := NULL;
Line: 923

         SELECT   rt1.tws_id tws_id,
                  -- Use the latest of rotation plan start dates or assignment start date
                  TRUNC (
                     DECODE (
                        SIGN (  rt1.start_date
                              - p_start),
                        -1, p_start,
                  ) start_date,
                  -- simplification of the above code as follows:
                  -- reverting back this change since teh cursor returns wrong
                  -- start_date when rt1.start_date is NULL
               /* greatest(rt1.start_date,p_start) start_date,*/
                  -- Use the earliest of rotation plan end dates or assignment end date
                  NVL (
                     TRUNC (
                        DECODE (
                           SIGN (  MIN (  rt2.start_date
                                        - 1)
                                 - p_end),
                           -1, MIN (  rt2.start_date
                                    - 1),
                  ) end_date
                  -- simplification of the above code as follows:
                  -- reverting back this change since the cursor returns wrong
                  -- end_date when rt2.start_date is NULL
                  /* NVL(least(min(rt2.start_date-1),p_end)
                       ,hr_general.end_of_time ) end_date*/
             FROM hxt_rotation_schedules rt1, hxt_rotation_schedules rt2
            WHERE rt1.rtp_id = rt2.rtp_id(+)
              AND rt2.start_date(+) > rt1.start_date
              AND rt1.rtp_id = p_rtp_id
              AND p_end >= rt1.start_date
         GROUP BY rt1.tws_id, rt1.start_date
           HAVING p_start <=
                      NVL (  MIN (rt2.start_date)
                           - 1, hr_general.end_of_time)
         ORDER BY rt1.start_date;
Line: 1036

         SELECT DECODE (hhd.hours, NULL, NULL, hcl.element_type_id), hhd.hours
           FROM hxt_holiday_calendars hcl, hxt_holiday_days hhd
          WHERE hhd.holiday_date = p_date
            AND hcl.id = hhd.hcl_id
            AND p_date BETWEEN hcl.effective_start_date
                           AND hcl.effective_end_date
            AND hcl.id = p_hcl_id;