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1 package body FND_CURRENCY_CACHE as
2 /* $Header: AFMLCUCB.pls 120.2 2005/11/02 14:05:46 fskinner noship $ */
6 /* These variables are used to cache the last format mask so */
7 /* that multiple requests for the same format mask won't require */
8 /* it to be recomputed. */
10 /* Cache for BUILD_FORMAT_MASK */
11  bfm_old_format_mask     VARCHAR2(100) := NULL;
12  bfm_old_field_length    NUMBER := NULL;
13  bfm_old_precision       NUMBER := NULL;
14  bfm_old_min_acct_unit   NUMBER := NULL;
15  bfm_old_disp_grp_sep    BOOLEAN := NULL;
16  bfm_old_neg_format      VARCHAR2(30) := NULL;
17  bfm_old_pos_format      VARCHAR2(30) := NULL;
19 /* Cache for GET_FORMAT_MASK */
20  gfm_old_format_mask     VARCHAR2(100) := NULL;
21  gfm_old_currency_code   VARCHAR2(30) := NULL;
22  gfm_old_field_length    NUMBER := NULL;
24 /* Cache for GET_INFO */
25  gi_old_precision        NUMBER := NULL;
26  gi_old_ext_precision    NUMBER := NULL;
27  gi_old_min_acct_unit    NUMBER := NULL;
28  gi_old_currency_code    VARCHAR2(15) := NULL;
30 /* GET_FORMAT_MASK- get the format mask for a particular currency.
31 **
32 ** Creates a currency format mask to be used with the forms
33 ** SET_ITEM_PROPERTY(item_name, FORMAT_MASK, new_format_mask)
34 ** built-in call, or the PLSQL to_char() routine,
35 ** based on the currency code passed in.
36 **
37 */
38  function GET_FORMAT_MASK( currency_code   IN VARCHAR2,
39                            field_length    IN NUMBER)
40   return VARCHAR2
41   is
42     return_mask    VARCHAR2(100);
43     precision      NUMBER; /* number of digits to right of decimal*/
44     ext_precision  NUMBER; /* precision where more precision is needed*/
45     min_acct_unit  NUMBER; /* minimum value by which amt can vary */
47  begin
48      /* Check to see if the values are already cached */
49      if (((gfm_old_currency_code = currency_code)
50         OR ((gfm_old_currency_code is NULL)
51            AND (currency_code IS NULL)))
52         AND ((gfm_old_field_length  = field_length)
53            OR ((gfm_old_field_length is NULL)
54               AND (field_length IS NULL)))
55         AND (gfm_old_format_mask is not NULL)) then
56         return gfm_old_format_mask;
57      end if;
59     return_mask := NULL;   /* initialize return_mask */
61     /* Check whether field_length exceeds maximum length of return_mask
62        or if currency_code is NULL. */
63     if (field_length > 100) OR (currency_code is NULL) then
64        return gfm_old_format_mask;
65     end if;
66     /* Get the precision information for a currency code */
67     get_info(currency_code, precision, ext_precision, min_acct_unit);
69     /* Create the format mask for the given currency value */
70     build_format_mask(return_mask, field_length, precision, min_acct_unit);
72     gfm_old_currency_code := currency_code;
73     gfm_old_field_length  := field_length;
74     gfm_old_format_mask   := return_mask;
75     return return_mask;
77  end;
79 /*
80 ** GET_INFO- get the precision information for a currency code
81 **
82 ** returns information about a currency code, based on the
83 ** cache of currency information from the FND db table.
84 **
85 */
86  procedure GET_INFO(
87     currency_code IN  VARCHAR2, /* currency code */
88     precision      OUT nocopy NUMBER,  /* number of digits to right of decimal */
89     ext_precision  OUT nocopy NUMBER,  /* precision where more precision is needed */
90     min_acct_unit  OUT nocopy NUMBER   /* minimum value by which amt can vary */
91  ) is
92 begin
93    if gi_old_currency_code = currency_code then
94      precision := gi_old_precision;
95      ext_precision := gi_old_ext_precision;
96      min_acct_unit := gi_old_min_acct_unit;
97    else
98      gi_old_currency_code := currency_code;
101      into gi_old_precision, gi_old_ext_precision, gi_old_min_acct_unit
102      from FND_CURRENCIES c
103      where gi_old_currency_code = c.CURRENCY_CODE;
105      /* Precision should never be NULL; this is just so it works w/ bad data*/
106      if (gi_old_precision is NULL) then /* Default precision to 2 if nec. */
107        precision := 2;
108      else
109        precision := gi_old_precision;
110      end if;
112      /* Ext Precision should never be NULL; this is so it works w/ bad data*/
113      if (gi_old_ext_precision is NULL) then /* Default ext_precision if nec. */
114        ext_precision := 5;
115      else
116        ext_precision := gi_old_ext_precision;
117      end if;
118    end if;
120    exception
121       when NO_DATA_FOUND then
122          gi_old_precision := 0;
123          gi_old_ext_precision := 0;
124          gi_old_min_acct_unit := 0;
125 end;
128 /* BUILD_FORMAT_MASK- create a format mask for a currency value
129 **
130 ** Creates a currency format mask to be used with forms
131 ** SET_ITEM_PROPERTY(item_name, FORMAT_MASK, new_format_mask)
132 ** built-in call, or the PLSQL to_char() routine,
133 ** based on the currency parameters passed in.
134 **
135 ** Note that if neg_format is '-XXX', then pos_format must
136 ** be '+XXX' or 'XXX'.
137 **
138 ** If the last three parameters are left off, their values will
139 ** default from the profile value system.
140 */
141  procedure BUILD_FORMAT_MASK(
142     format_mask    OUT nocopy VARCHAR2,
143     field_length   IN  NUMBER,  /* maximum number of char in dest field */
144     precision      IN  NUMBER,  /* number of digits to right of decimal*/
145     min_acct_unit  IN  NUMBER,  /* minimum value by which amt can vary */
146     disp_grp_sep   IN  BOOLEAN default NULL,
148     neg_format     IN  VARCHAR2 default NULL,
149 	 /* '-XXX', 'XXX-', '<XXX>', */
150 	 /* NULL=from profile CURRENCY:NEGATVE_FORMAT */
151     pos_format     IN  VARCHAR2 default NULL
152 	 /* 'XXX', '+XXX', 'XXX-', */
153 	 /* NULL=from profile CURRENCY:POSITIVE_FORMAT*/
154  ) is
156    mask            VARCHAR2(100);
157    whole_width     NUMBER; /* number of characters to left of decimal */
158    decimal_width   NUMBER;  /* width of decimal and numbers rt of dec */
159    sign_width      NUMBER;  /* width of pos/neg sign */
160    profl_val       VARCHAR2(80);
161    x_disp_grp_sep  BOOLEAN;
162    x_pos_format    VARCHAR2(30);
163    x_neg_format    VARCHAR2(30);
165 begin
166     /* Check to see if values are already cached */
167     if ((bfm_old_precision = precision)
168 	AND ((bfm_old_field_length = field_length)
169              OR(   (bfm_old_field_length is NULL)
170                 AND(field_length IS NULL)))
171  	AND ((bfm_old_min_acct_unit = min_acct_unit)
172              OR(   (bfm_old_min_acct_unit is NULL)
173                 AND(min_acct_unit IS NULL)))
174  	AND ((bfm_old_disp_grp_sep = disp_grp_sep)
175              OR(   (bfm_old_disp_grp_sep is NULL)
176                 AND(disp_grp_sep IS NULL)))
177  	AND ((bfm_old_neg_format = neg_format)
178              OR(   (bfm_old_neg_format is NULL)
179                 AND(neg_format IS NULL)))
180  	AND ((bfm_old_pos_format = pos_format)
181              OR(   (bfm_old_pos_format is NULL)
182                 AND(pos_format IS NULL)))
183  	AND (bfm_old_format_mask is not NULL)) then
184        format_mask := bfm_old_format_mask;
185        return;
186     end if;
187     format_mask := '';
189    /* process the arguments, defaulting in profile values if necessary*/
191    if(disp_grp_sep is NULL) then
192       profl_val:= fnd_profile.value_specific('CURRENCY:THOUSANDS_SEPARATOR');
193       if (profl_val = 'Y') then
194          x_disp_grp_sep := TRUE;
195       else
196          x_disp_grp_sep := FALSE;
197       end if;
198    else
199       x_disp_grp_sep := disp_grp_sep;
200    end if;
202    if(neg_format is NULL) then
203       profl_val := fnd_profile.value_specific('CURRENCY:NEGATIVE_FORMAT');
204       if(profl_val = '0' or profl_val = '1' or profl_val = '2') then
205          x_neg_format := '<XXX>';
206       elsif (profl_val <> '4') then /* '3' or default gives leading sign*/
207          x_neg_format := '-XXX';
208       else                          /* '4' gives trailing sign */
209          x_neg_format := 'XXX-';
210       end if;
211    else
212       x_neg_format := neg_format;
213    end if;
215    if(pos_format is NULL) then
216       profl_val := fnd_profile.value_specific('CURRENCY:POSITIVE_FORMAT');
217       if(profl_val = '1') then
218          x_pos_format := '+XXX';
219       elsif (profl_val = '2') then
220          x_pos_format := 'XXX+';
221       else                          /* '0' or default gives no pos. */
222          x_pos_format := 'XXX';
223       end if;
224    else
225       x_pos_format := pos_format;
226    end if;
228    /* NULL precision can mean that GET_INFO failed to find info for currency*/
229    if (precision is NULL) then
230        format_mask := '';
231        return;
232    end if;
234    if (precision > 0) then /* If there is a decimal portion */
235       decimal_width := 1 + precision;
236    else
237       decimal_width := 0;
238    end if;
240    if (x_neg_format = '<XXX>') then
241       sign_width := 2;
242    else
243       sign_width := 1;
244    end if;
246    /* Determine the length of the portion to the left of decimal.
247     * This value has been adjusted by subtracting 1 to account for
248     * the addition of the string 'FM' which prevents leading spaces.
249     * Without the adjustment, the resulting format mask can be larger
250     * than the alotted maximum length for format_mask.  This would
251     * result in ORA-6502 PL/SQL: numeric or value error: character string
252     * buffer too small.  See bug 1580374.
253     */
254    whole_width := field_length - decimal_width - sign_width - 1;
256    if (whole_width < 0) then
257        format_mask := '';
258        return;
259    end if;
261    /* build up the portion to the left of decimal, e.g. 99G999G990 */
263    mask := '0' || mask;  /* Start the format with 0 */
265    if (whole_width > 1) then
267 	 for i in 2..whole_width loop
269 	 /* If there is a thousands separator, need to mark it. */
270          if (x_disp_grp_sep) AND (mod(i, 4) = 0) then
271             if (i < whole_width - 1) then         /* don't start with */
272                mask := 'G' || mask;               /* group separator */
273             end if;
274          /* Else, add 9 to the format as long as we have not reached
275 	  * the maximum length of whole numbers.  This was added due
276 	  * to bug 1580374 to ensure that ORA-6502 is not obtained.
277 	  */
278          elsif (i <> whole_width) then
279             mask := '9' || mask;
280          end if;
282       end loop;
284    end if;
286    /* build up the portion to the right of the decimal e.g. .0000 */
287    if (precision > 0) then
288       mask := mask || 'D';
289       for i in 1..precision loop
290          mask := mask || '0';
291       end loop;
292    end if;
294    -- Add the FM mask element to keep from getting leading spaces
295    mask := 'FM' || mask;
298    /* Add the appropriate sign */
299    if (x_neg_format = 'XXX-') then
300       mask := mask || 'MI';
301    elsif (x_neg_format = '<XXX>') then
302       mask := mask || 'PR';
303    elsif (x_pos_format = '+XXX') then
304       mask := 'S' || mask;
305    end if;
307    format_mask := mask;
309    bfm_old_precision := precision;
310    bfm_old_field_length := field_length;
311    bfm_old_min_acct_unit := min_acct_unit;
312    bfm_old_disp_grp_sep := disp_grp_sep;
313    bfm_old_neg_format := neg_format;
314    bfm_old_pos_format := pos_format;
315    bfm_old_format_mask := format_mask;
317 end;