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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 68

         select count(1)
         into l_count
         from wf_items
         where item_type  = OE_GLOBALS.G_WFI_NGO
         and item_key     = to_char(p_header_id);
Line: 77

            oe_order_wf_util.update_flow_status_code (
                                P_HEADER_ID => p_header_id,
                                P_LINE_ID => null,
                                P_FLOW_STATUS_CODE => l_flow_status_code,
                                P_ITEM_TYPE => l_item_type,
                                P_SALES_DOCUMENT_TYPE_CODE => l_sales_doc_type_code,
                                X_RETURN_STATUS => x_return_status );
Line: 96

         oe_order_wf_util.update_flow_status_code (
                                P_HEADER_ID => p_header_id,
                                P_LINE_ID   => null,
                                P_FLOW_STATUS_CODE => l_flow_status_code,
                                P_ITEM_TYPE => l_item_type,
                                P_SALES_DOCUMENT_TYPE_CODE => l_sales_doc_type_code,
                                X_RETURN_STATUS => x_return_status );
Line: 146

l_Last_Updated_By  number; --bug6627904
Line: 206

           l_Last_Updated_By  := Nvl(To_Number(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('USER_ID')),-1);--bug6627904
Line: 207

     update oe_blanket_headers
     set lock_control = lock_control + 1,
         Last_Updated_By = l_Last_Updated_By,
         LAST_UPDATE_DATE = sysdate
     where header_id = p_header_id;
Line: 262

   select flow_status_code
     into l_status
     from oe_blanket_headers
    where header_id = p_header_id;
Line: 427

       SELECT  'TRUE'
       INTO    l_dumy
       FROM    oe_order_headers
       WHERE   blanket_number = p_blanket_number
       AND     open_flag = 'Y'
       AND     ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 440

          SELECT 'TRUE'
          INTO  l_dumy
          FROM oe_order_lines
          WHERE blanket_number = p_blanket_number
          AND     open_flag = 'Y'
          AND ROWNUM = 1;
Line: 678

l_Last_Updated_By  number;
Line: 681

select line_id from oe_blanket_lines
where header_id = p_header_id;
Line: 709

                               (p_operation => OE_PC_GLOBALS.UPDATE_OP
                               ,p_column_name => 'TRANSACTION_PHASE_CODE'
                               ,p_record => l_rowtype_rec
                               ,x_on_operation_action => l_action
Line: 776

     l_Last_Updated_By  := Nvl(To_Number(FND_PROFILE.VALUE('USER_ID')),-1);
Line: 777

     update oe_blanket_headers
         lock_control = lock_control + 1,
         Last_Updated_By = l_Last_Updated_By,
         LAST_UPDATE_DATE = sysdate
     where header_id = p_header_id;
Line: 785

/* Call the lines and loop around for the lock and update the transaction Phase */

     OPEN c_get_lines(l_header_id);
Line: 812

        update oe_blanket_lines
            lock_control = lock_control + 1,
            Last_Updated_By = l_Last_Updated_By,
            LAST_UPDATE_DATE = sysdate
        where header_id = l_header_id and line_id = l_line_id;
Line: 819

           oe_debug_pub.ADD('Entering OE_BLANKET_WF_UTIL.Complete_Negotiation after UPDATE'