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Line 40: update amw_process_organization

36: -- does not have any approved revision.
37: prod_err_unapr_obj_ass_ex (p_process_id, p_org_id, approv_choice, 'Y', dummy1, dummy2);
39: -- assuming that the process is in Draft status, otherwise you can't submit it for approval.
40: update amw_process_organization
41: set approval_status = 'PA'
42: where process_id = p_process_id
43: and organization_id = p_org_id
44: and end_date is null;

Line 197: from amw_process_organization

193: APPROV_TXN_DATE := sysdate;
194: -- check if the process is already approved, in that case, return
195: select approval_status
196: into curr_app_status
197: from amw_process_organization
198: where process_id = p_process_id
199: and organization_id = p_org_id
200: and end_date is null;

Line 214: update amw_process_organization

210: delete from amw_process_locks
211: where organization_id = p_org_id
212: and locking_process_id = p_process_id;
214: update amw_process_organization
215: set approval_status = 'A',
216: approval_date = APPROV_TXN_DATE
217: where process_id = p_process_id
218: and organization_id = p_org_id

Line 223: update amw_process_organization

219: and end_date is null
220: returning revision_number into rev_num;
222: if rev_num > 1 then
223: update amw_process_organization
224: set approval_end_date = APPROV_TXN_DATE
225: where process_id = p_process_id
226: and organization_id = p_org_id
227: and revision_number = (rev_num-1);

Line 251: update amw_process_organization

248: for c2_rec in c2(p_process_id, p_org_id) loop
249: exit when c2%notfound;
251: update amw_process_organization
252: set approval_status = 'A',
253: approval_date = APPROV_TXN_DATE
254: where process_id = c2_rec.parent_child_id
255: and organization_id = p_org_id

Line 260: update amw_process_organization

256: and end_date is null
257: returning revision_number into rev_num;
259: if rev_num > 1 then
260: update amw_process_organization
261: set approval_end_date = APPROV_TXN_DATE
262: where process_id = c2_rec.parent_child_id
263: and organization_id = p_org_id
264: and revision_number = (rev_num-1);

Line 303: update amw_process_organization

299: if (approv_choice = 'B') then
301: for c1_rec in c1(p_process_id, p_org_id) loop
302: exit when c1%notfound;
303: update amw_process_organization
304: set approval_status = 'A',
305: approval_date = APPROV_TXN_DATE
306: where process_id = c1_rec.parent_child_id
307: and organization_id = p_org_id

Line 312: update amw_process_organization

308: and end_date is null
309: returning revision_number into rev_num;
311: if rev_num > 1 then
312: update amw_process_organization
313: set approval_end_date = APPROV_TXN_DATE
314: where process_id = c1_rec.parent_child_id
315: and organization_id = p_org_id
316: and revision_number = (rev_num-1);

Line 348: update amw_process_organization

344: -- change status D and unlock
345: procedure reject (p_process_id in number, p_org_id in number) is
347: begin
348: update amw_process_organization
349: set approval_status = 'D'
350: where process_id = p_process_id
351: and organization_id = p_org_id
352: and end_date is null;

Line 373: from amw_process_organization a

370: begin
371: select 1 --parent_child_id, a.approval_status
372: into l_dummy
373: from amw_process_organization a
374: where a.organization_id = p_org_id
375: and a.end_date is null
376: and a.approval_status <> 'A'
377: and a.process_id in ( select alh.child_id

Line 385: from amw_org_hierarchy_denorm d, amw_process_organization a

381: --ko replacing the below clause...
382: /*
383: select 1 --parent_child_id, a.approval_status
384: into l_dummy
385: from amw_org_hierarchy_denorm d, amw_process_organization a
386: where d.process_id = p_process_id
387: and d.organization_id = p_org_id
388: and up_down_ind = 'D'
389: and hierarchy_type = 'L'

Line 436: from amw_process_organization a

432: p_out_mesg := null;
433: begin
434: select 1 --parent_child_id, a.approval_status
435: into l_dummy
436: from amw_process_organization a
437: where a.organization_id = p_org_id
438: and a.end_date is null
439: and a.approval_status <> 'A'
440: and a.process_id in ( select alh.child_id

Line 448: from amw_org_hierarchy_denorm d, amw_process_organization a

444: --ko replacing the below clause...
445: /*
446: select 1 --parent_child_id, a.approval_status
447: into l_dummy
448: from amw_org_hierarchy_denorm d, amw_process_organization a
449: where d.process_id = p_process_id
450: and d.organization_id = p_org_id
451: and up_down_ind = 'D'
452: and hierarchy_type = 'L'

Line 1222: from amw_process_organization pp

1218: cursor c_all_latest_links_org(l_org_id in number) is
1219: select ah.parent_id , ah.child_id, AH.CHILD_ORDER_NUMBER
1220: from amw_latest_hierarchies ah
1221: where ah.parent_id =(select pp.process_id
1222: from amw_process_organization pp
1223: where pp.organization_id = ah.organization_id
1224: and pp.process_id = ah.parent_id
1225: and pp.end_date is null
1226: and pp.APPROVAL_STATUS ='A')

Line 1228: from amw_process_organization Cp

1224: and pp.process_id = ah.parent_id
1225: and pp.end_date is null
1226: and pp.APPROVAL_STATUS ='A')
1227: and ah.child_id = ( select Cp.process_id
1228: from amw_process_organization Cp
1229: where Cp.organization_id = ah.organization_id
1230: and Cp.process_id = ah.child_id
1231: and Cp.end_date is null
1232: and Cp.APPROVAL_STATUS ='A')

Line 1239: from amw_process_organization pp

1235: cursor c_all_approved_links_org(l_org_id in number) is
1236: select ah.parent_id , ah.child_id
1237: from amw_approved_hierarchies ah
1238: where ah.parent_id =(select pp.process_id
1239: from amw_process_organization pp
1240: where pp.organization_id = ah.organization_id
1241: and pp.process_id = ah.parent_id
1242: and pp.approval_date is not null
1243: and pp.approval_end_date is null

Line 1246: from amw_process_organization Cp

1242: and pp.approval_date is not null
1243: and pp.approval_end_date is null
1244: and pp.deletion_date is null)
1245: and ah.child_id = ( select Cp.process_id
1246: from amw_process_organization Cp
1247: where Cp.organization_id = ah.organization_id
1248: and Cp.process_id = ah.child_id
1249: and Cp.approval_date is not null
1250: and Cp.approval_end_date is null

Line 1324: from amw_process_organization pp

1320: cursor c_all_approved_links_org(l_org_id in number) is
1321: select ah.parent_id , ah.child_id
1322: from amw_approved_hierarchies ah
1323: where ah.parent_id =(select pp.process_id
1324: from amw_process_organization pp
1325: where pp.organization_id = ah.organization_id
1326: and pp.process_id = ah.parent_id
1327: and pp.approval_date is not null
1328: and pp.approval_end_date is null

Line 1331: from amw_process_organization Cp

1327: and pp.approval_date is not null
1328: and pp.approval_end_date is null
1329: and pp.deletion_date is null)
1330: and ah.child_id = ( select Cp.process_id
1331: from amw_process_organization Cp
1332: where Cp.organization_id = ah.organization_id
1333: and Cp.process_id = ah.child_id
1334: and Cp.approval_date is not null
1335: and Cp.approval_end_date is null