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1 PACKAGE BODY pay_void_payments AS
2 -- $Header: pyvoidpy.pkb 120.0 2005/05/29 10:15:58 appldev noship $
3 --
4 --==============================================================================
6 --
7 --
8 --==============================================================================
9 PROCEDURE void_run (p_errmsg            OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2,
10                     p_errcode           OUT NOCOPY NUMBER,
11                     p_payroll_action_id NUMBER,
12                     p_effective_date    VARCHAR2,
13                     p_reason            VARCHAR2,
14                     p_start_cheque      NUMBER default null,
15                     p_end_cheque        NUMBER default null,
16                     p_start_assignment  NUMBER default null,
17                     p_end_assignment    NUMBER default null
18                     ) IS
20   l_effective_date  DATE;
21 --
22      l_start_cheque       number;
23      l_end_cheque         number;
24      l_start_assignment   number;
25      l_end_assignment     number;
26 --
27   CURSOR overlap_csr IS
28     SELECT void_pa.effective_date,
29            fnd_number.canonical_to_number(chq_or_mag_aa.serial_number) cheque_number,
30            chq_or_mag_aa.assignment_action_id
31       FROM pay_assignment_actions chq_or_mag_aa,
32            pay_action_interlocks,
33            pay_assignment_actions void_aa,
34            pay_payroll_actions    void_pa
35       WHERE chq_or_mag_aa.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
36         AND ((l_start_cheque is not null
37               AND l_end_cheque is not null
38               AND fnd_number.canonical_to_number(chq_or_mag_aa.serial_number)
39                    BETWEEN l_start_cheque AND l_end_cheque)
40              OR (l_start_cheque is null and l_start_cheque is null))
41         AND ((l_start_assignment is not null
42               AND l_end_assignment is not null
43               AND chq_or_mag_aa.assignment_action_id
44                    BETWEEN l_start_assignment AND l_end_assignment)
45               OR (l_start_assignment is null and l_end_assignment is null))
46         AND locked_action_id = chq_or_mag_aa.assignment_action_id
47         AND locking_action_id = void_aa.assignment_action_id
48         AND void_pa.payroll_action_id = void_aa.payroll_action_id
49         AND void_pa.action_type = 'D';
50 --
51   CURSOR void_csr IS
52     SELECT act.assignment_action_id,
53            act.assignment_id,
54            fnd_number.canonical_to_number(act.serial_number) cheque_number,
55            act.object_version_number,
56            act.action_status,
57            act.tax_unit_id,
58            -- nvl((select distinct 'Y'
59            --       from pay_ce_reconciled_payments prp
60            --      where prp.assignment_action_id = act.assignment_action_id)
61            --    ,'N') recon_exists,
62            nvl(pos.final_process_date, hr_general.end_of_time) final_process_date
63       FROM pay_assignment_actions act,
64            per_assignments_f asg,
65            per_periods_of_service pos
66       WHERE act.payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id
67         AND ((l_start_assignment is null and l_end_assignment is null)
68               OR
69              (l_start_assignment is not null
70               and l_end_assignment is not null
71               and act.assignment_action_id between
72                         l_start_assignment and l_end_assignment))
73         AND ((l_start_cheque is not null
74              and l_end_cheque is not null
75              and fnd_number.canonical_to_number(act.serial_number)
76                    BETWEEN l_start_cheque AND l_end_cheque)
77              or
78              (l_start_cheque is null and l_end_cheque is null))
79         AND act.assignment_id = asg.assignment_id
80         AND pos.period_of_service_id = asg.period_of_service_id
81         AND l_effective_date BETWEEN asg.effective_start_date
82                      AND asg.effective_end_date ;
83 --
84   CURSOR csr_payment_reconciled (v_asg_act_id number) IS
85     SELECT 'Y'
86       FROM pay_ce_reconciled_payments prp
87      WHERE prp.assignment_action_id = v_asg_act_id;
88   --
89   l_dummy varchar2(1);
90 --
91   overlap_row     overlap_csr%ROWTYPE;
92   void_row        void_csr%ROWTYPE;
93   bgid            pay_payroll_actions.business_group_id%TYPE;
94   csid            pay_payroll_actions.consolidation_set_id%TYPE;
95   pid             pay_payroll_actions.payroll_id%TYPE;
96   ovn             pay_payroll_actions.object_version_number%TYPE;
97   action_type     pay_payroll_actions.action_type%TYPE;
99   hr_utility.set_location ('void_run',1);
100 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
101 -- Convert date. NB: This will have to change to generic data format in 10.7
102 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
103   l_effective_date := trunc(fnd_date.canonical_to_date (p_effective_date));
104 --
105   if p_start_assignment is not null then
106      l_start_cheque := null;
107      l_end_cheque := null;
108      l_start_assignment := p_start_assignment;
109      l_end_assignment := p_end_assignment;
110   else
111      l_start_assignment := null;
112      l_end_assignment := null;
113      l_start_cheque := p_start_cheque;
114      l_end_cheque := p_end_cheque;
115   end if;
116 --
117   hr_utility.set_location ('void_run',2);
118 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
119 -- Get template information from source payroll action
120 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
121   SELECT business_group_id,
122          consolidation_set_id,
123          payroll_id,
124          object_version_number,
125          action_type
126     INTO bgid,csid,pid,ovn,action_type
127     FROM pay_payroll_actions
128     WHERE payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id;
129 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
130 -- For chequewriter : Check there is no overlap with another void run
131 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
132    OPEN overlap_csr;
133    FETCH overlap_csr INTO overlap_row;
134 --
135    hr_utility.set_location ('void_run',3);
136 --
137    IF overlap_csr%FOUND THEN
138      hr_utility.set_location ('void_run',31);
139      IF action_type = 'H' THEN
140        p_errmsg := 'Overlap detected. Cheque #' || overlap_row.cheque_number ||
141                    ' already voided in run performed on ' ||
142                    fnd_date.date_to_canonical(overlap_row.effective_date);
143        p_errcode := 2; -- Error
144      ELSIF action_type = 'M' THEN
145        p_errmsg := 'Overlap detected. MagTape Assignment Action #' ||
146                    overlap_row.assignment_action_id ||
147                    ' already voided in run performed on ' ||
148                    fnd_date.date_to_canonical(overlap_row.effective_date);
149        p_errcode := 2; -- Error
150      END IF;
151        RETURN;
152    END IF;
153 --
154   hr_utility.set_location ('void_run',4);
155   CLOSE overlap_csr;
156 --
157   hr_utility.set_location ('void_run',5);
158 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
159 -- Create new payroll action for void run
160 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
161   INSERT INTO pay_payroll_actions
162     ( payroll_action_id,
163       action_type,
164       business_group_id,
165       consolidation_set_id,
166       payroll_id,
167       target_payroll_action_id,
168       action_population_status,
169       action_status,
170       effective_date,
172       start_cheque_number,
173       end_cheque_number,
174       request_id,
175       object_version_number ) VALUES
176     ( pay_payroll_actions_s.nextval,  -- payroll_action_id
177       'D',                            -- action_type
178       bgid,                           -- business_group_id
179       csid,                           -- consolidation_set_id
180       pid,                            -- payroll_id
181       p_payroll_action_id,            -- target_payroll_action_id
182       'C',                            -- action_population_status
183       'C',                            -- action_status
184       l_effective_date,               -- effective_date
185       p_reason,                       -- comments
186       l_start_cheque,                 -- start_cheque_number
187       l_end_cheque,                   -- end_cheque_number
188       fnd_profile.value('REQUEST_ID'),-- request_id
189       ovn );                          -- object_version_number
190 --
191   hr_utility.set_location ('void_run',6);
192 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
193 -- Loop through assignment actions
194 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
195   FOR void_row IN void_csr LOOP
196     hr_utility.set_location ('void_run',61);
197     IF action_type = 'H' THEN
198 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
199 -- Check the cheque is complete
200 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
201       IF void_row.action_status NOT IN ('C', 'S') THEN
202         p_errmsg := 'Cheque #' || void_row.cheque_number || ' status is ' ||
203                     void_row.action_status;
204         p_errcode := 2; -- Error
205         RETURN;
206       END IF;
207 --
208       hr_utility.set_location ('void_run',62);
209 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
210 -- Check whether the cheque is reconcilled.
211 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
212       open csr_payment_reconciled(void_row.assignment_action_id);
213       fetch csr_payment_reconciled into l_dummy;
214       IF csr_payment_reconciled%found THEN
215         close csr_payment_reconciled;
216         p_errmsg := 'Cheque #' || void_row.cheque_number || ' is reconcilled.';
217         p_errcode := 2; -- Error
218         RETURN;
219       END IF;
220       close csr_payment_reconciled;
221 --
222     END IF;
223     hr_utility.set_location ('void_run',63);
224 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
225 -- Create new assignment action for void
226 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
227     INSERT INTO pay_assignment_actions
228       ( assignment_action_id,
229         assignment_id,
230         payroll_action_id,
231         action_status,
232         serial_number,
233         object_version_number,
234         action_sequence,
235         tax_unit_id ) VALUES
236       ( pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval,   -- assignment_action_id
237         void_row.assignment_id,           -- assignment_id
238         pay_payroll_actions_s.currval,      -- payroll_action_id
239         'C',                                -- action_status
240         void_row.cheque_number,           -- serial_number
241         void_row.object_version_number,   -- object_version_number
242         pay_assignment_actions_s.nextval,
243         void_row.tax_unit_id ); -- action_sequence
244 --
245     hr_utility.set_location ('void_run',63);
246 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
247 -- Create interlock from void aa to cheque aa
248 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------
249     INSERT INTO pay_action_interlocks
250       ( locking_action_id, locked_action_id )
251     VALUES
252       ( pay_assignment_actions_s.currval,void_row.assignment_action_id );
253 --
254     hr_utility.set_location ('void_run',64);
255   END LOOP;
256 --
257   hr_utility.set_location ('void_run',7);
258   COMMIT;
259 END void_run;
260 --
261 END pay_void_payments;