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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 19

                                Added new functions fisp_lock_records , fisp_insert_record
  abshriva      17-May-2006     Bug 5113295 - Modified assess_fees_pvt: Added invocation of function chk_unit_prg_transfer
  abshriva      12-MAy-2006     Bug 5217319 Amount precision change in assess_fees_pvt
  abshriva       5 May-2006     Bug 5178077: Modification done in assess_fees
  uudayapr     14-Sep-2005      Bug 4609164 - Modfied call_charges_api to passes the Unit level values
  svuppala     04-AUG-2005      Enh 3392095 - Tution Waivers build
                                Impact of Charges API version Number change
                                Modified igs_fi_charges_api_pvt.create_charge - version 2.0 and x_waiver_amount
  svuppala     29-MAR-05        Bug 4240402 Timezone impact; Truncating the time part in calling place of the table handlers
Line: 124

  SELECT description
  FROM  igs_fi_fee_type
  WHERE fee_type = cp_v_fee_type;
Line: 133

  SELECT  org_unit_cd ,location_cd
  FROM    igs_en_su_attempt su
  WHERE   su.person_id = cp_person_id
  AND     su.course_cd = cp_course_cd
  AND     su.uoo_id   = cp_uoo_id;
Line: 142

  SELECT owner_org_unit_cd
  FROM   igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt uoo
  WHERE  uoo_id = cp_uoo_id;
Line: 149

  SELECT uv.unit_type_id,
  FROM igs_ps_unit_ver uv,
       igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt_all uoo,
       igs_as_unit_class asuc
  WHERE uv.unit_cd = uoo.unit_cd
  AND   uv.version_number = uoo.version_number
  AND asuc.unit_class = uoo.unit_class
  AND uoo.uoo_id = cp_uoo_id;
Line: 274

                         Modified cursor cur_sua_status - selected dcnt_reason_cd
 abshriva   12-May-2006  Bug 5217319:- Amount Precision change, added API call to allow correct precison into DB
 rmaddipa    20-Sep-04    Enh#3880438 Retention Enhancement. Modified to incorporate
                                      teaching period level, unit section level, Complete withdrawal retention rules.
 rmaddipa    26-July-04   Enh#3787816
                         Modified to prevent re-assessment of manually
                         reversed charges.
                         Obsoleted the cursor CUR_FEE_DECLINED

TYPE sp_fees_rec_type IS RECORD( person_id               hz_parties.party_id%TYPE,
                                 course_cd               igs_ps_ver.course_cd%TYPE,
                                 uoo_id                  igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.uoo_id%TYPE,
                                 fee_type                igs_fi_fee_type.fee_type%TYPE,
                                 fee_cal_type            igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst.fee_cal_type%TYPE,
                                 fee_ci_sequence_number  igs_fi_f_typ_ca_inst.fee_ci_sequence_number%TYPE,
                                 old_amount              igs_fi_special_fees.fee_amt%TYPE,
                                 new_amount              igs_fi_special_fees.fee_amt%TYPE,
                                 invoice_id              igs_fi_inv_int.invoice_id%TYPE);
Line: 307

  SELECT fee_type,
         SUM(fee_amt) fee_amt
  FROM  igs_fi_special_fees
  WHERE person_id = cp_n_person_id
  AND   course_cd = cp_v_course_cd
  AND   uoo_id    = cp_n_uoo_id
  AND   fee_cal_type = cp_v_fee_cal_type
  AND   fee_ci_sequence_number = cp_n_fee_ci_sequence_number
  AND   s_transaction_type_code <> cp_v_transaction_type_cd
  GROUP BY fee_type, invoice_id;
Line: 325

  SELECT sua.cal_type,
         sua.ci_sequence_number, sua.discontinued_dt,
         sua.administrative_unit_status, sua.unit_attempt_status,
  FROM   igs_en_su_attempt sua,
         igs_lookups_view lkp
  WHERE sua.person_id = cp_n_person_id
  AND   sua.course_cd = cp_v_course_cd
  AND   sua.uoo_id = cp_n_uoo_id
  AND   lkp.lookup_type = cp_v_unit_att_status
  AND   lkp.fee_ass_ind = cp_v_fee_ass_ind
  AND   sua.unit_attempt_status = lkp.lookup_code;
Line: 342

  SELECT sua.unit_attempt_status,
  FROM igs_en_su_attempt sua
  WHERE sua.person_id = cp_n_person_id
  AND sua.uoo_id = cp_n_uoo_id
  AND sua.course_cd = cp_v_course_cd;
Line: 352

  SELECT sp_fee_amt,
  FROM   igs_ps_usec_sp_fees
  WHERE  uoo_id = cp_n_uoo_id
  AND    closed_flag = g_v_no;
Line: 391

    SELECT optional_payment_ind
    FROM igs_fi_fee_type
    WHERE fee_type = cp_fee_type;
Line: 646

                              igs_fi_special_fees_pkg.insert_row ( x_rowid                    => l_rowid,
                                                                   x_special_fee_id           => l_n_special_fee_id,
                                                                   x_person_id                => l_sp_fees_tbl(l_n_tbl_cnt).person_id,
                                                                   x_course_cd                => l_sp_fees_tbl(l_n_tbl_cnt).course_cd,
                                                                   x_uoo_id                   => l_sp_fees_tbl(l_n_tbl_cnt).uoo_id,
                                                                   x_fee_type                 => l_sp_fees_tbl(l_n_tbl_cnt).fee_type,
                                                                   x_fee_cal_type             => l_sp_fees_tbl(l_n_tbl_cnt).fee_cal_type,
                                                                   x_fee_ci_sequence_number   => l_sp_fees_tbl(l_n_tbl_cnt).fee_ci_sequence_number,
                                                                   x_fee_amt                  => igs_fi_gen_gl.get_formatted_amount(l_n_retention_amt),
                                                                   x_transaction_date         => TRUNC(SYSDATE),
                                                                   x_s_transaction_type_code  => g_v_retention,
                                                                   x_invoice_id               => l_n_invoice_id,
                                                                   x_mode                     => 'R'
Line: 699

                   igs_fi_special_fees_pkg.insert_row ( x_rowid                    => l_rowid,
                                                        x_special_fee_id           => l_n_special_fee_id,
                                                        x_person_id                => l_sp_fees_tbl(l_n_tbl_cnt).person_id,
                                                        x_course_cd                => l_sp_fees_tbl(l_n_tbl_cnt).course_cd,
                                                        x_uoo_id                   => l_sp_fees_tbl(l_n_tbl_cnt).uoo_id,
                                                        x_fee_type                 => l_sp_fees_tbl(l_n_tbl_cnt).fee_type,
                                                        x_fee_cal_type             => l_sp_fees_tbl(l_n_tbl_cnt).fee_cal_type,
                                                        x_fee_ci_sequence_number   => l_sp_fees_tbl(l_n_tbl_cnt).fee_ci_sequence_number,
                                                        x_fee_amt                  => igs_fi_gen_gl.get_formatted_amount(l_n_net_amount),
                                                        x_transaction_date         => TRUNC(SYSDATE),
                                                        x_s_transaction_type_code  => g_v_special,
                                                        x_invoice_id               => NVL(l_n_invoice_id,l_n_source_invoice_id),
                                                        x_mode                     => 'R'
Line: 840

SELECT person_number
WHERE person_id = cp_person_id;
Line: 847

 FROM igs_pe_persid_group_v
 WHERE group_id = cp_person_grp_id
 AND   closed_ind = 'N';
Line: 1017

    SELECT alternate_code, description
    FROM igs_ca_inst
    WHERE cal_type = cp_v_cal_type
    AND   sequence_number = cp_n_sequence_number;
Line: 1024

    SELECT group_cd
    FROM  igs_pe_persid_group_v
    WHERE group_id = c_group_id;
Line: 1276

  SELECT igs_pe_std_todo.rowid , igs_pe_std_todo.*
  FROM igs_pe_std_todo
  WHERE (person_id = cp_n_person_id OR cp_n_person_id IS NULL)
  AND    s_student_todo_type = cp_v_todo_type
  AND    logical_delete_dt is NULL;
Line: 1288

      SELECT tref.rowid , tref.*
      FROM igs_pe_std_todo_ref tref
      WHERE tref.person_id = cp_n_person_id
      AND   tref.sequence_number = cp_n_sequence_number
      AND   tref.s_student_todo_type = cp_v_todo_type
      AND   tref.logical_delete_dt IS NULL
      AND   (
             (tref.cal_type = cp_v_ld_cal_type)
             (cp_v_ld_cal_type IS NULL)
           ( tref.ci_sequence_number = cp_n_ld_seq_number
             (cp_n_ld_seq_number IS NULL)
Line: 1308

    SELECT alternate_code,description
    FROM igs_ca_inst
    WHERE cal_type = cp_v_cal_type
    AND   sequence_number = cp_n_sequence_number;
Line: 1315

    SELECT 'X'
    FROM igs_pe_std_todo_ref tref
    WHERE tref.person_id = cp_n_person_id
    AND   tref.s_student_todo_type = cp_v_todo_type
    AND   tref.sequence_number = cp_n_sequence_number
    AND   logical_delete_dt is NULL;
Line: 1469

                                      igs_pe_std_todo_ref_pkg.update_row  (x_rowid                  =>l_c_get_todo_ref_recs.rowid,
                                                                           x_person_id              =>l_c_get_todo_ref_recs.person_id,
                                                                           x_s_student_todo_type    =>l_c_get_todo_ref_recs.s_student_todo_type,
                                                                           x_sequence_number        =>l_c_get_todo_ref_recs.sequence_number,
                                                                           x_reference_number       =>l_c_get_todo_ref_recs.reference_number,
                                                                           x_cal_type               =>l_c_get_todo_ref_recs.cal_type,
                                                                           x_ci_sequence_number     =>l_c_get_todo_ref_recs.ci_sequence_number,
                                                                           x_course_cd              =>l_c_get_todo_ref_recs.course_cd,
                                                                           x_unit_cd                =>l_c_get_todo_ref_recs.unit_cd,
                                                                           x_other_reference        =>l_c_get_todo_ref_recs.other_reference,
                                                                           x_logical_delete_dt      =>SYSDATE,
                                                                           x_uoo_id                 =>l_c_get_todo_ref_recs.uoo_id );
Line: 1512

                           igs_pe_std_todo_pkg.update_row(x_rowid                 =>l_c_get_todo_recs.rowid,
                                                          x_person_id             =>l_c_get_todo_recs.person_id,
                                                          x_s_student_todo_type   =>l_c_get_todo_recs.s_student_todo_type,
                                                          x_sequence_number       =>l_c_get_todo_recs.sequence_number,
                                                          x_todo_dt               =>l_c_get_todo_recs.todo_dt ,
                                                          x_logical_delete_dt     =>SYSDATE );
Line: 1554

FUNCTION fisp_insert_record(p_n_person_id                  IN igs_fi_spa_fee_prds.person_id%TYPE,
                             p_v_course_cd                 IN igs_fi_spa_fee_prds.course_cd%TYPE,
                             p_v_fee_cal_type              IN igs_fi_spa_fee_prds.fee_cal_type%TYPE,
                             p_n_fee_ci_sequence_number    IN igs_fi_spa_fee_prds.fee_ci_sequence_number%TYPE)
Line: 1581

   igs_fi_spa_fee_prds_pkg.insert_row ( x_rowid                   => l_rowid,
                                        x_person_id               => p_n_person_id,
                                        x_course_cd               => p_v_course_cd,
                                        x_fee_cal_type            => p_v_fee_cal_type,
                                        x_fee_ci_sequence_number  => p_n_fee_ci_sequence_number,
                                        x_mode                    => 'R',
                                        x_transaction_type        => 'SPECIAL'
Line: 1598

        fnd_log.string(fnd_log.level_unexpected, 'igs.patch.115.sql.igs_fi_prc_sp_fees.fisp_insert_record',SQLERRM);
Line: 1602

END fisp_insert_record;
Line: 1629

  SELECT 'x'
  FROM igs_fi_spa_fee_prds
  WHERE person_id = cp_person_id
  AND course_cd = cp_course_cd
  AND fee_cal_type = cp_fee_cal_type
  AND fee_ci_sequence_number = cp_fee_ci_sequence_number
  AND transaction_type = cp_transaction_type
Line: 1638

l_v_dummy  VARCHAR2(2) := NULL;   -- Dummy variable to hold the value selected in cur_fee_spa
Line: 1652

       IF fisp_insert_record(p_n_person_id,
                              p_n_fee_ci_sequence_number) THEN
         -- After insertion (if insertion was successful), lock the record
         OPEN cur_fee_spa(p_n_person_id,