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1 PACKAGE BODY igf_sl_dl_orig AS
2 /* $Header: IGFSL03B.pls 120.2 2006/04/17 04:59:46 akomurav noship $ */
4 PROCEDURE dl_originate(errbuf          OUT      NOCOPY    VARCHAR2,
5                        retcode         OUT      NOCOPY    NUMBER,
6                        p_award_year    VARCHAR2,
7                        p_dl_loan_catg  igf_lookups_view.lookup_code%TYPE,
8                        p_loan_number   igf_sl_loans_all.loan_number%TYPE,
9                        p_org_id        IN   NUMBER,
10                        school_type   IN   VARCHAR2,
11                        p_school_code IN   VARCHAR2)
12 AS
13 --
14 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
15 --
16 --   Created By : venagara
17 --   Date Created On : 2000/11/13
18 --   Purpose :
19 --   Know limitations, enhancements or remarks
20 --   Change History:
21 --   Procedure dl_originate :
22 --   User inputs are
23 --   Award year (required) : Consists of Cal_type and sequence_number concatenated
24 --   DL_LOAN_TYPE          : Valid values are DL_STAFFORD/DL_PLUS.
25 --                           Lookup_type = 'IGF_SL_DL_LOAN_CATG' for the above
26 --   LOAN_NUMBER           : Can be a particular Loan_number or can be NULL, if the
27 --                           user wants to select all loan_numbers.
28 --
29 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
30 --   Who        When             What
31 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
32 --  akomurav    17-Apr-2006      Build FA161 and 162
33 --                               TBH Impact change in igf_sl_lor_loc_pkg.insert_row()
34 --                               and igf_sl_lor_pkg.update_row().
35 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
36 --  museshad    20-Feb-2005     Bug 5045452 - SQL Repository Issue.
37 --                              Modified the cursor c_loans for better performance
38 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
39 -- pssahni      22-Dec-2004    Bug# 4081177 This process runs only for phase_in_participant
40 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
41 -- svuppala     4-Nov-2004      #3416936 FA 134 TBH impacts for newly added columns
43 --  veramach   04-May-2004     bug 3603289
44 --                             modified cursor c_fabase to select only dependency_status from ISIR.Other details
45 --                             are derived from igf_sl_gen.get_person_details
46 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
47 --  ugummall   23-OCT-2003     Bug 3102439. FA 126 Multiple FA Offices.
48 --                             Modified the cursor cur_loan_details to include the clause which
49 --                             filter only the loans having the school id matched with parameter p_school_code.
50 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
51 --  ugummall   17-OCT-2003     Bug 3102439. FA 126 Multiple FA Offices.
52 --                             1. Added two new parameters to dl_originate process.
53 --                             2. Passed the parameter p_school_code to DLHeader_cur
54 --                                as extra parameter
55 --                             3. Processed only those students whose associated org unit
56 --                                has an alternate identifier of Direct Loan School Code and it
57 --                                is matching with the supplied p_school_code parameter.
58 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
59 --  sjadhav    7-Oct-2003      Bug 3104228 FA 122 Added cur loan details loop
60 --                             Removed ref to obsolete columns
61 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
62 --  bkkumar    06-oct-2003     Bug 3104228 FA 122 Loans Enhancements
63 --                             a) Impact of adding the relationship_cd
64 --                             in igf_sl_lor_all table and obsoleting
65 --                             BORW_LENDER_ID, DUNS_BORW_LENDER_ID,
66 --                             GUARANTOR_ID, DUNS_GUARNT_ID,
67 --                             LENDER_ID, DUNS_LENDER_ID
68 --                             LEND_NON_ED_BRC_ID, RECIPIENT_ID
69 --                             RECIPIENT_TYPE,DUNS_RECIP_ID
70 --                             RECIP_NON_ED_BRC_ID columns.
71 --                             b) Also the DUNS_BORW_LENDER_ID
72 --                             DUNS_GUARNT_ID
73 --                             DUNS_LENDER_ID
74 --                             DUNS_RECIP_ID columns are osboleted from the
75 --                             igf_sl_lor_loc_all table.
76 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
77 --  bkkumar    30-sep-2003     Bug 3104228 FA 122 Loans Enhancements
78 --                             Changed the cursor c_tbh_cur
79 --                             containing igf_sl_lor_dtls_v with simple
80 --                             joins and got the details of student and parent
81 --                             from igf_sl_gen.get_person_details.
82 --                             Added the debugging log messages.
83 --                             OBSOLETED FIELDS ::
84 --                             A) Obsoleted lend_apprv_denied_code,lend_apprv_denied_date,cl_rec_status_last_update,
85 --                             cl_rec_status,mpn_confirm_code,appl_loan_phase_code_chg,appl_loan_phase_code,
86 --                             p_ssn_chg_date,p_dob_chg_date,s_ssn_chg_date,s_dob_chg_date,s_local_addr_chg_date,
87 --                             chg_batch_id,appl_send_error_codes from igf_sl_lor
88 --                             B) Obsoleted lend_apprv_denied_code,lend_apprv_denied_date,cl_rec_status_last_update,
89 --                             cl_rec_status,mpn_confirm_code,appl_loan_phase_code_chg,appl_loan_phase_code,
90 --                             p_ssn_chg_date,p_dob_chg_date,s_ssn_chg_date,s_dob_chg_date,s_local_addr_chg_date,
91 --                             chg_batch_id from igf_sl_lor_loc
92 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
93 --   gmuralid   03-07-2003    Bug 2995944 - Legacy Part 3 - FFELP Import
94 --                            Added legacy record flag as parameter to
95 --                            igf_sl_loans_pkg
96 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
97 --   sjadhav    26-Mar-2003      Bug 2863960
98 --                               Modified routine to populate disb gross
99 --                               amount in the igf_sl_awd_disb_loc table with
100 --                               disb accepted amount
101 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
102 --   masehgal   # 2593215        removed begin/end dates fetching functions
103 --                               used procedure get_acad_cal_dtls instead
104 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
105 --   mesriniv   1-jul-2002       Added code for inserting Student Phone/Parent Phone.
106 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
107 --   mesriniv   21-jun-2002      Bug :- 2426609 SSN Format  Incorrect in Output File
108 --                               While inserting Student SSN/Parent SSN
109 --                               formatting and substr of 9 chars is done.
110 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
111 --   mesriniv   23-APR-2002      Bug No:2332668 Desc:LOAN ORIGINATION PROCESS NOT
112 --                               RUNNING SUCCESSFULLY.
113 --                               Added code to display the Parameters Passed
114 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
115 --   agairola   15-Mar-2002      Modified the Update Row call of the IGF_SL_LOANS_PKG
116 --                               to include Borrower Determination as part of
117 --                               Refunds 2144600
118 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
119 --   adhawan    19th feb 2002    Bug:2216956
120 --                               added elec_mpn_ind , borr_sign_ind ,
121 --                               stud_sign_ind, borr_credit_auth_code
122 --                               in the call to igf_sl_lor tbh
123 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------------
124 --
125    lv_cal_type       igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE;
126    lv_cal_seq_num    igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE;
127    lv_dl_version     igf_lookups_view.lookup_code%TYPE;
128    lv_dbth_id        igf_sl_dl_batch.dbth_id%TYPE;
129    lv_batch_id       igf_sl_dl_batch.batch_id%TYPE;
130    lv_mesg_class     igf_sl_dl_batch.message_class%TYPE;
132    lv_data_record    VARCHAR2(4000);
133    lv_data_header_record VARCHAR2(4000);
135    lv_orig_award_id  igf_aw_award.award_id%TYPE;
136    lv_orig_loan_id   igf_sl_loans.loan_id%TYPE;
137    lv_orig_loan_num  igf_sl_loans.loan_number%TYPE;
138    lv_num_of_rec     NUMBER := 0;
139    lv_acad_begin_dt  igs_ca_inst.start_dt%TYPE := NULL;
140    lv_acad_end_dt    igs_ca_inst.end_dt%TYPE := NULL;
141    l_i               NUMBER(1);
142    l_alternate_code  igs_ca_inst.alternate_code%TYPE;
143    l_display         VARCHAR2(1) := 'N';
145    -- masehgal     # 2593215   added variables to retrieve values
146    lv_acad_cal_type  igs_ps_ofr_inst.cal_type%TYPE := NULL;
147    lv_acad_seq_num   igs_ps_ofr_inst.ci_sequence_number%TYPE := NULL;
148    lv_message        VARCHAR2(100) := NULL ;
151    l_para_rec l_parameters;
154    -- REF Cursor Record Types.
155    Header_Rec        igf_sl_dl_record.DLHeaderType;
156    Orig_Rec          igf_sl_dl_record.DLOrigType;
157    Trailer_Rec       igf_sl_dl_record.DLTrailerType;
160    lv_loan_id        igf_sl_loans.loan_id%TYPE;
161    lv_bool           BOOLEAN;
162    no_loan_data      EXCEPTION;
163    yr_full_participant  EXCEPTION;
165    CURSOR cur_loan_details (
166                 cp_cal_type         igs_ca_inst.cal_type%TYPE,
167                 cp_seq_number       igs_ca_inst.sequence_number%TYPE,
168                 cp_fed_fund_1       igf_aw_fund_cat.fed_fund_code%TYPE,
169                 cp_fed_fund_2       igf_aw_fund_cat.fed_fund_code%TYPE,
170                 cp_loan_status      igf_sl_loans.loan_status%TYPE,
171                 cp_active           igf_sl_loans.active%TYPE,
172                 cp_dl_loan_number   igf_sl_loans.loan_number%TYPE
173                 )
174    IS
175    SELECT
176     loans.loan_number,
177     fabase.base_id
178    FROM
179     igf_sl_loans       loans,
180     igf_sl_lor         lor,
181     igf_aw_award       awd,
182     igf_aw_fund_mast   fmast,
183     igf_aw_fund_cat    fcat,
184     igf_ap_fa_base_rec fabase,
185     igf_ap_isir_matched isr
186    WHERE
187     fabase.ci_cal_type        = cp_cal_type     AND
188     fabase.ci_sequence_number = cp_seq_number   AND
189     fabase.base_id            = awd.base_id     AND
190     awd.fund_id               = fmast.fund_id   AND
191     fabase.base_id            = isr.base_id     AND
192 --    fabase.payment_isir_id    = isr.isir_id     AND
193     isr.payment_isir          = 'Y'             AND
194     isr.system_record_type    = 'ORIGINAL'      AND
195     fmast.fund_code           = fcat.fund_code  AND
196     (fcat.fed_fund_code       = cp_fed_fund_1   OR    fcat.fed_fund_code =  cp_fed_fund_2) AND
197     loans.award_id            = awd.award_id    AND
198     loans.loan_number         LIKE NVL(cp_dl_loan_number,loans.loan_number) AND
199     loans.loan_id             = lor.loan_id     AND
200     loans.loan_status         = cp_loan_status  AND
201     loans.active              = cp_active       AND
202     substr(loans.loan_number, 13, 6) = p_school_code;
204     loan_details_rec cur_loan_details%ROWTYPE;
206    l_fed_fund_1 igf_aw_fund_cat.fed_fund_code%TYPE;
207    l_fed_fund_2 igf_aw_fund_cat.fed_fund_code%TYPE;
210    CURSOR c_loans IS
211     SELECT  loan.loan_id
212     FROM    igf_sl_loans_all loan,
213             igf_aw_award_all awd,
214             igf_aw_fund_mast_all fmast,
215             igf_aw_fund_cat_all fcat
216     WHERE
217             loan.award_id = awd.award_id AND
218             awd.fund_id = fmast.fund_id AND
219             fcat.fund_code = fmast.fund_code AND
220             fmast.ci_cal_type = lv_cal_type AND
221             fmast.ci_sequence_number = lv_cal_seq_num AND
222             loan.loan_number LIKE DECODE(p_loan_number, NULL, '%', p_loan_number) AND
223             fcat.fed_fund_code in
224             (SELECT lookup_code FROM igf_lookups_view
225              WHERE lookup_type = decode(p_dl_loan_catg,
226                                         'DL_STAFFORD', 'IGF_SL_DL_STAFFORD',
227                                          'DL_PLUS', 'IGF_SL_DL_PLUS') AND
228                    enabled_flag = 'Y') AND
229             loan.loan_status = 'V' AND     -- "Valid and Ready to Send"
230             loan.active = 'Y';
232 --Cursor to fetch the Meaning for displaying parameters passed
233 --Used UNION ALL here since individual select clauses
234 --have the same cost
235 --Bug 2332668
237 CURSOR cur_get_parameters IS
238 SELECT meaning FROM igf_lookups_view
239 WHERE  lookup_type='IGF_SL_DL_LOAN_CATG' AND lookup_code=p_dl_loan_catg AND enabled_flag = 'Y'
243 SELECT  meaning FROM igf_lookups_view
244 WHERE  lookup_type='IGF_GE_PARAMETERS' AND lookup_code IN ('AWARD_YEAR','LOAN_CATG','LOAN_ID','PARAMETER_PASS') AND enabled_flag = 'Y';
246 --Cursor to get the alternate code for the calendar instance
247 --Bug 2332668
248 CURSOR cur_alternate_code IS
249 SELECT ca.alternate_code FROM igs_ca_inst ca
250 WHERE  ca.cal_type =lv_cal_type
251 AND    ca.sequence_number = lv_cal_seq_num;
253 -- Get the details of school meaning from lookups to print in the log file
254 CURSOR c_get_sch_code IS
255   SELECT meaning
256     FROM igs_lookups_view
257    WHERE lookup_type = 'OR_SYSTEM_ID_TYPE'
258      AND lookup_code = 'DL_SCH_CD'
259      AND enabled_flag = 'Y';
260   c_get_sch_code_rec c_get_sch_code%ROWTYPE;
264   retcode := 0;
265   igf_aw_gen.set_org_id(p_org_id);
266   lv_cal_type    := rtrim(substr(p_award_year,1,10));
267   lv_cal_seq_num := rtrim(substr(p_award_year,11));
269  -- Check whether the award year is full participant
270    IF  (igf_sl_dl_validation.check_full_participant (lv_cal_type, lv_cal_seq_num,'DL') ) THEN
271      -- Log an error message
272       fnd_message.set_name('IGF','IGF_SL_COD_NO_ORIG');
273        fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get);
274         raise yr_full_participant;
275     END IF;
278   --Get the alternate code
279   OPEN cur_alternate_code;
280   FETCH cur_alternate_code INTO l_alternate_code;
281   IF cur_alternate_code%NOTFOUND THEN
282      CLOSE cur_alternate_code;
283      fnd_message.set_name('IGF','IGF_SL_NO_CALENDAR');
285      fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get);
287      app_exception.raise_exception;
288    END IF;
289      CLOSE cur_alternate_code;
291   --Write the details of Parameters Passed into LOG File.
292   --Bug 2332668
293     l_i:=0;
294     OPEN cur_get_parameters;
295      LOOP
296       l_i:=l_i+1;
297      FETCH cur_get_parameters INTO l_para_rec(l_i);
298      EXIT WHEN cur_get_parameters%NOTFOUND;
299      END LOOP;
300      CLOSE cur_get_parameters;
302      OPEN c_get_sch_code; FETCH c_get_sch_code INTO c_get_sch_code_rec; CLOSE c_get_sch_code;
304         --Show the parameters passed
305         fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,RPAD(l_para_rec(5),50,' '));
306         fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,RPAD(l_para_rec(2),50,' ')||':'||RPAD(' ',4,' ')||l_alternate_code);
307         fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,RPAD(l_para_rec(3),50,' ')||':'||RPAD(' ',4,' ')||l_para_rec(1));
308         IF (p_loan_number IS NOT NULL) THEN
309           fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,RPAD(l_para_rec(4),50,' ')||':'||RPAD(' ',4,' ')||p_loan_number);
310         END IF;
311         fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,RPAD(c_get_sch_code_rec.meaning,50,' ')||':'||RPAD(' ',4,' ')||p_school_code);
313   -- Get the Direct Loan File Spec Version
314   --Bug :-2490289 DL Header and Trailer Formatting Error.
315   --Handled the NO_DATA_FOUND exception if the DL Setup record
316   --is not available
317   BEGIN
319           lv_dl_version := igf_sl_gen.get_dl_version(lv_cal_type, lv_cal_seq_num);
321           EXCEPTION
324           fnd_message.set_name('IGF','IGF_DB_DL_VERSION_FALSE');
325           fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get);
327           RAISE NO_DATA_FOUND;
328  END;
331   -- Validate the Loans, with Status "Ready to Send" before origination.
332   -- If the Loan is Valid, then dl_lar_validate procedure will set the Loan to
333   -- an intermediate status "Valid and Ready to Send". These records only be
334   -- Originated. Further, if any exception occurs while processing, then
335   -- this intermadiate status needs to be rolledback.
337   lv_bool := igf_sl_dl_validation.dl_lar_validate(lv_cal_type, lv_cal_seq_num,
338                                                   p_dl_loan_catg, p_loan_number, 'JOB', p_school_code);
341   -- Create an origination File only if there are ACTIVE loan records
342   -- with Status="Valid and Ready to Send".
343   OPEN c_loans;
344   FETCH c_loans INTO lv_loan_id;
345   IF c_loans%NOTFOUND THEN
346       CLOSE c_loans;
347       RAISE no_loan_data;
348   END IF;
349   CLOSE c_loans;
352   -- Initialise the Data Record field
353   lv_data_record := NULL;
354   lv_data_header_record := NULL;
357   -- Using REF CURSORS.
358   -- Header Record specifications, for each Direct Loan Version
359   -- is specified in the igf_sl_dl_record.DLHeader_cur procedure.
360   -- By calling this procedure, the following are done
361   --   1. Computes Batch ID
362   --   2. Inserts the Batch ID details in igf_sl_dl_batch
363   --   3. For the specified version, Opens a REF CURSOR, having
364   --      header file Specs.
365   igf_sl_dl_record.DLHeader_cur(lv_dl_version, p_dl_loan_catg,
366                                 lv_cal_type, lv_cal_seq_num, 'DL_ORIG_SEND', p_school_code,
367                                 lv_dbth_id, lv_batch_id, lv_mesg_class, Header_Rec);
368   FETCH Header_Rec into lv_data_header_record;
369   IF Header_Rec%NOTFOUND THEN
370      fnd_message.set_name ('IGF', 'IGF_GE_HDR_CREATE_ERROR');
371      igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
372      app_exception.raise_exception;
373   END IF;
375 -- FA 122 Debug log messages
377          FND_LOG.STRING(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_dl_orig.dl_originate.debug','loan_number passed to igf_sl_dl_record.get_acad_cal_dtls:'|| p_loan_number);
378     END IF;
379   -- Get Academic Dates for the Award Year.
380   -- masehgal   # 2593215   removed begin/end dates fetching functions
381   --                       used procedure get_acad_cal_dtls instead
382   igf_sl_dl_record.get_acad_cal_dtls ( p_loan_number,
383                                        lv_acad_cal_type,
384                                        lv_acad_seq_num,
385                                        lv_acad_begin_dt,
386                                        lv_acad_end_dt,
387                                        lv_message ) ;
389       FND_LOG.STRING(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_dl_orig.dl_originate.debug','lv_message got from igf_sl_dl_record.get_acad_cal_dtls:'|| lv_message);
390       FND_LOG.STRING(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_dl_orig.dl_originate.debug','lv_acad_begin_date got from igf_sl_dl_record.get_acad_cal_dtls:'|| lv_acad_begin_dt);
391       FND_LOG.STRING(FND_LOG.LEVEL_STATEMENT,'igf.plsql.igf_sl_dl_orig.dl_originate.debug','lv_acad_end_date got from igf_sl_dl_record.get_acad_cal_dtls:'|| lv_acad_end_dt);
392     END IF;
394   -- Opening REF Cursor for Transaction Record specification
396   IF p_dl_loan_catg = 'DL_STAFFORD' THEN
397     l_fed_fund_1 := 'DLS';
398     l_fed_fund_2 := 'DLU';
399   ELSIF p_dl_loan_catg = 'DL_PLUS' THEN
400     l_fed_fund_1 := 'DLP';
401     l_fed_fund_2 := 'DLP';
402   END IF;
404   FOR  loan_details_rec IN  cur_loan_details(lv_cal_type,lv_cal_seq_num,l_fed_fund_1,l_fed_fund_2,'V','Y',p_loan_number)
405   LOOP
407     igf_sl_dl_record.DLOrig_cur(lv_dl_version,  p_dl_loan_catg,
408                                 lv_cal_type,    lv_cal_seq_num, loan_details_rec.loan_number,
409                                 lv_batch_id,    p_school_code,     Orig_Rec);
410           LOOP
411               -- Initialise the Data Record field
412               lv_data_record := NULL;
414               FETCH Orig_Rec INTO lv_orig_award_id, lv_orig_loan_id,
415                               lv_orig_loan_num, lv_data_record;
416               IF Orig_Rec%NOTFOUND THEN
417                   -- If all the Transaction records are written to the File, then Exit.
418                   EXIT;
419               END IF;
421               IF (substr(lv_data_record, 13, 6) = p_school_code) THEN
422                 lv_num_of_rec := lv_num_of_rec + 1;
423                 IF(lv_num_of_rec = 1)THEN
424                   -- Write the Header Record into the Output file only there is atleast one record to process
425                   -- write header only once.
426                   fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, lv_data_header_record);
427                 END IF;
429                 -- Write the Transaction Record into the Output File.
430                 fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, lv_data_record);
434                 -- Delete this loan record in IGF_SL_LOR_LOC
435                 DECLARE
436                     lv_row_id  VARCHAR2(25);
437                     CURSOR c_tbh_cur IS
438                     SELECT row_id row_id FROM igf_sl_lor_loc
439                     WHERE loan_id = lv_orig_loan_id FOR UPDATE OF igf_sl_lor_loc.sch_cert_date NOWAIT;
440                 BEGIN
441                     FOR tbh_rec in c_tbh_cur LOOP
442                       igf_sl_lor_loc_pkg.delete_row (tbh_rec.row_id);
443                     END LOOP;
444                 END;
446                 -- Delete this loan record in IGF_SL_AWD_DISB_LOC.
447                 DECLARE
448                     lv_row_id  VARCHAR2(25);
449                     CURSOR c_tbh_cur IS
450                     SELECT row_id row_id FROM igf_sl_awd_disb_loc
451                     WHERE award_id = lv_orig_award_id FOR UPDATE OF igf_sl_awd_disb_loc.disb_date NOWAIT;
452                 BEGIN
453                     FOR tbh_rec in c_tbh_cur LOOP
454                       igf_sl_awd_disb_loc_pkg.delete_row (tbh_rec.row_id);
455                     END LOOP;
456                 END;
459                 -- Insert the Origination Data being sent to LOC, into "_LOC" tables
460                 DECLARE
462                     lv_row_id  VARCHAR2(25);
463                     lv_base_id igf_ap_fa_base_rec.base_id%TYPE;
465                     student_dtl_cur igf_sl_gen.person_dtl_cur;
466                     parent_dtl_cur  igf_sl_gen.person_dtl_cur;
467                     student_dtl_rec  igf_sl_gen.person_dtl_rec;
468                     parent_dtl_rec   igf_sl_gen.person_dtl_rec;
470       -- FA 122 Loan Enhancements added this cursor to remove the cursor based on the obsolete view igf_sl_lor_dtls_v
472                     CURSOR c_tbh_cur IS
473                     SELECT loans.rowid row_id,
474                      loans.loan_id,
475                      loans.loan_number,
476                      loans.award_id,
477                      awd.offered_amt,
478                      awd.accepted_amt,
479                      loans.loan_per_begin_date,
480                      loans.loan_per_end_date,
481                      loans.loan_status,
482                      loans.loan_status_date,
483                      loans.loan_chg_status,
484                      loans.loan_chg_status_date,
485                      loans.active,
486                      loans.active_date,
487                      lor.orig_fee_perct,
488                      lor.pnote_print_ind,
489                      lor.s_default_status,
490                      lor.p_default_status,
491                      lor.p_person_id,
492                      lor.sch_cert_date,
493                      lor.prc_type_code,
494                      lor.anticip_compl_date,
495                      lor.cl_loan_type,
496                      lor.borw_interest_ind,
497                      lor.grade_level_code,
498                      lor.enrollment_code,
499                      lor.req_serial_loan_code,
500                      lor.lend_non_ed_brc_id,
501                      lor.pnote_delivery_code,
502                      lor.s_signature_code,
503                      lor.p_signature_code,
504                      lor.borw_outstd_loan_code,
505                      lor.cl_seq_number,
506                      lor.rec_type_ind,
507                      lor.p_signature_date,
508                      lor.borr_sign_ind,
509                      lor.stud_sign_ind,
510                      lor.borr_credit_auth_code,
511                      lor.origination_id,
512                      lor.act_serial_loan_code,
513                      lor.orig_status_flag,
514                      lor.orig_batch_id,
515                      lor.orig_batch_date,
516                      lor.orig_ack_date,
517                      lor.credit_override,
518                      lor.credit_decision_date,
519                      lor.pnote_status,
520                      lor.pnote_status_date,
521                      lor.pnote_id,
522                      lor.pnote_accept_amt,
523                      lor.pnote_accept_date,
524                      lor.borw_confirm_ind,
525                      lor.unsub_elig_for_heal,
526                      lor.disclosure_print_ind,
527                      lor.unsub_elig_for_depnt,
528                      lor.guarantee_amt,
529                      lor.guarantee_date,
530                      lor.guarnt_adj_ind,
531                      lor.guarnt_amt_redn_code,
532                      lor.guarnt_status_code,
533                      lor.guarnt_status_date,
534                      lor.lend_status_code,
535                      lor.lend_status_date,
536                      lor.last_resort_lender,
537                      lor.alt_prog_type_code,
538                      lor.alt_appl_ver_code,
539                      lor.resp_to_orig_code,
540                      lor.tot_outstd_stafford,
541                      lor.tot_outstd_plus,
542                      lor.alt_borw_tot_debt,
543                      lor.act_interest_rate,
544                      lor.service_type_code,
545                      lor.rev_notice_of_guarnt,
546                      lor.sch_refund_amt,
547                      lor.sch_refund_date,
548                      lor.uniq_layout_vend_code,
549                      lor.uniq_layout_ident_code,
550                      lor.pnote_batch_id,
551                      lor.pnote_ack_date,
552                      lor.pnote_mpn_ind,
553                      fabase.person_id student_id,
554                      fabase.base_id,
555                      fmast.fund_code loan_type,
556                      lor.interest_rebate_percent_num,
557                     lor.cps_trans_num,
558                     lor.atd_entity_id_txt,
559                     lor.rep_entity_id_txt,
560                     lor.crdt_decision_status,
561                     lor.note_message,
562                     lor.book_loan_amt,
563                     lor.book_loan_amt_date,
564                     lor.pymt_servicer_amt,
565                     lor.pymt_servicer_date,
566                     lor.external_loan_id_txt,
567                     lor.deferment_request_code,
568                     lor.eft_authorization_code,
569                     lor.requested_loan_amt,
570                     lor.actual_record_type_code,
571                     lor.reinstatement_amt,
572                     lor.school_use_txt,
573                     lor.lender_use_txt,
574                     lor.guarantor_use_txt,
575                     lor.fls_approved_amt,
576                     lor.flu_approved_amt,
577                     lor.flp_approved_amt,
578                     lor.alt_approved_amt,
579                     lor.loan_app_form_code,
580                     lor.override_grade_level_code,
581 		    lor.b_alien_reg_num_txt,
582                     lor.esign_src_typ_cd,
583                     lor.acad_begin_date,
584                     lor.acad_end_date
585                     FROM igf_sl_loans_all loans,
586                     igf_sl_lor_all lor,
587                     igf_aw_award_all  awd,
588                     igf_ap_fa_base_rec_all fabase,
589                     igf_aw_fund_mast_all fmast
590                     WHERE loans.loan_id = lv_orig_loan_id
591                     AND   loans.loan_id = lor.loan_id
592                     AND   loans.award_id = awd.award_id
593                     AND   awd.base_id = fabase.base_id
594                     AND   fmast.fund_id = awd.fund_id;
596                     CURSOR c_fabase IS
597                     SELECT isr.dependency_status     dependency_status
598                     FROM IGF_AP_FA_BASE_REC fabase,
599                          IGF_AP_ISIR_MATCHED isr
600                     WHERE
601                         fabase.base_id   = isr.base_id
602                         AND isr.payment_isir = 'Y'
603                         AND isr.system_record_type = 'ORIGINAL'
604                         AND fabase.base_id = lv_base_id;
606                     -- Get the Student Phone
607                     CURSOR cur_get_s_phone IS select
608                     DECODE(igf_sl_gen.get_person_phone(igf_gr_gen.get_person_id(lv_base_id)),'N/A',LPAD(' ',10,' '),LPAD(igf_sl_gen.get_person_phone(igf_gr_gen.get_person_id(lv_base_id)),10,0))
609                     FROM DUAL;
611                     -- Get the Parent Phone
612                     CURSOR cur_get_p_phone(p_per_id igf_ap_fa_base_rec.person_id%TYPE) IS
613                     SELECT DECODE(igf_sl_gen.get_person_phone(p_per_id),'N/A',LPAD(' ',10,' '),LPAD(igf_sl_gen.get_person_phone(p_per_id),10,0))
614                     FROM DUAL;
616                     l_p_phone VARCHAR2(80);
617                     l_s_phone VARCHAR2(80);
619                     c_fabase_rec     c_fabase%ROWTYPE;
621                 BEGIN
622                   FOR tbh_rec in c_tbh_cur LOOP
624                    -- FA 122 Loan Enhancements Use the igf_sl_gen.get_person_details for getting the student as
625                    -- well as parent details.
626                    -- get the student details
627                    igf_sl_gen.get_person_details(tbh_rec.student_id,student_dtl_cur);
628                    FETCH student_dtl_cur INTO student_dtl_rec;
630                    -- get the parent details
631                    igf_sl_gen.get_person_details(tbh_rec.p_person_id,parent_dtl_cur);
632                    FETCH parent_dtl_cur INTO parent_dtl_rec;
634                    CLOSE student_dtl_cur;
635                    CLOSE parent_dtl_cur;
637                     lv_base_id := tbh_rec.base_id;
639                     --Removed the RAISE for NO_DATA_FOUND as it is not required .
640                     --If there were no ISIR Matched then the DL Validation Process would make the Loan Status as
641                     ---Not Ready
642                     --Bug :-2490289 DL Header and Trailer Formatting Error.
643                     -- Get Additional Information from FABASE Record.
644                     OPEN c_fabase;
645                     FETCH c_fabase INTO c_fabase_rec;
646                     CLOSE c_fabase;
649                     l_p_phone:=NULL;
650                     l_s_phone:=NULL;
651                     IF  p_dl_loan_catg='DL_STAFFORD' THEN
652                         OPEN cur_get_s_phone;
653                         FETCH cur_get_s_phone INTO l_s_phone;
654                         CLOSE cur_get_s_phone;
655                     ELSIF p_dl_loan_catg='DL_PLUS' THEN
656                         OPEN cur_get_p_phone(tbh_rec.p_person_id);
657                         FETCH cur_get_p_phone INTO l_p_phone;
658                         CLOSE cur_get_p_phone;
660                     END IF;
662                -- FA 122 Loan Enhancemnets inserted the obsolted fields with NULL
663                -- student details fetched from student_dtl_rec
664                -- parent details fetched from parent_dtl_rec
666                     igf_sl_lor_loc_pkg.insert_row (
667                       X_Mode                              => 'R',
668                       x_rowid                             => lv_row_id,
669                       x_loan_id                           => tbh_rec.loan_id,
670                       x_origination_id                    => tbh_rec.origination_id,
671                       x_loan_number                       => tbh_rec.loan_number,
672                       x_loan_type                         => tbh_rec.loan_type,
673                       x_loan_amt_offered                  => tbh_rec.offered_amt ,
674                       x_loan_amt_accepted                 => tbh_rec.accepted_amt ,
675                       x_loan_per_begin_date               => tbh_rec.loan_per_begin_date,
676                       x_loan_per_end_date                 => tbh_rec.loan_per_end_date,
677                       x_acad_yr_begin_date                => lv_acad_begin_dt,
678                       x_acad_yr_end_date                  => lv_acad_end_dt,
679                       x_loan_status                       => tbh_rec.loan_status,
680                       x_loan_status_date                  => tbh_rec.loan_status_date,
681                       x_loan_chg_status                   => tbh_rec.loan_chg_status,
682                       x_loan_chg_status_date              => tbh_rec.loan_chg_status_date,
683                       x_req_serial_loan_code              => tbh_rec.req_serial_loan_code,
684                       x_act_serial_loan_code              => tbh_rec.act_serial_loan_code,
685                       x_active                            => tbh_rec.active,
686                       x_active_date                       => tbh_rec.active_date,
687                       x_sch_cert_date                     => tbh_rec.sch_cert_date,
688                       x_orig_status_flag                  => tbh_rec.orig_status_flag,
689                       x_orig_batch_id                     => tbh_rec.orig_batch_id,
690                       x_orig_batch_date                   => tbh_rec.orig_batch_date,
691                       x_chg_batch_id                      => NULL,
692                       x_orig_ack_date                     => tbh_rec.orig_ack_date,
693                       x_credit_override                   => tbh_rec.credit_override,
694                       x_credit_decision_date              => tbh_rec.credit_decision_date,
695                       x_pnote_delivery_code               => tbh_rec.pnote_delivery_code,
696                       x_pnote_status                      => tbh_rec.pnote_status,
697                       x_pnote_status_date                 => tbh_rec.pnote_status_date,
698                       x_pnote_id                          => tbh_rec.pnote_id,
699                       x_pnote_print_ind                   => tbh_rec.pnote_print_ind,
700                       x_pnote_accept_amt                  => tbh_rec.pnote_accept_amt,
701                       x_pnote_accept_date                 => tbh_rec.pnote_accept_date,
702                       x_p_signature_code                  => tbh_rec.p_signature_code,
703                       x_p_signature_date                  => tbh_rec.p_signature_date,
704                       x_s_signature_code                  => tbh_rec.s_signature_code,
705                       x_unsub_elig_for_heal               => tbh_rec.unsub_elig_for_heal,
706                       x_disclosure_print_ind              => tbh_rec.disclosure_print_ind,
707                       x_orig_fee_perct                    => tbh_rec.orig_fee_perct,
708                       x_borw_confirm_ind                  => tbh_rec.borw_confirm_ind,
709                       x_borw_interest_ind                 => tbh_rec.borw_interest_ind,
710                       x_unsub_elig_for_depnt              => tbh_rec.unsub_elig_for_depnt,
711                       x_guarantee_amt                     => tbh_rec.guarantee_amt,
712                       x_guarantee_date                    => tbh_rec.guarantee_date,
713                       x_guarnt_adj_ind                    => tbh_rec.guarnt_adj_ind,
714                       x_guarnt_amt_redn_code              => tbh_rec.guarnt_amt_redn_code,
715                       x_guarnt_status_code                => tbh_rec.guarnt_status_code,
716                       x_guarnt_status_date                => tbh_rec.guarnt_status_date,
717                       x_lend_apprv_denied_code            => NULL,
718                       x_lend_apprv_denied_date            => NULL,
719                       x_lend_status_code                  => tbh_rec.lend_status_code,
720                       x_lend_status_date                  => tbh_rec.lend_status_date,
721                       x_grade_level_code                  => tbh_rec.grade_level_code,
722                       x_enrollment_code                   => tbh_rec.enrollment_code,
723                       x_anticip_compl_date                => tbh_rec.anticip_compl_date,
724                       x_borw_lender_id                    => NULL,
725                       x_duns_borw_lender_id               => NULL,
726                       x_guarantor_id                      => NULL,
727                       x_duns_guarnt_id                    => NULL,
728                       x_prc_type_code                     => tbh_rec.prc_type_code,
729                       x_rec_type_ind                      => tbh_rec.rec_type_ind,
730                       x_cl_loan_type                      => tbh_rec.cl_loan_type,
731                       x_cl_seq_number                     => tbh_rec.cl_seq_number,
732                       x_last_resort_lender                => tbh_rec.last_resort_lender,
733                       x_lender_id                         => NULL,
734                       x_duns_lender_id                    => NULL,
735                       x_lend_non_ed_brc_id                => NULL,
736                       x_recipient_id                      => NULL,
737                       x_recipient_type                    => NULL,
738                       x_duns_recip_id                     => NULL,
739                       x_recip_non_ed_brc_id               => NULL,
740                       x_cl_rec_status                     => NULL,
741                       x_cl_rec_status_last_update         => NULL,
742                       x_alt_prog_type_code                => tbh_rec.alt_prog_type_code,
743                       x_alt_appl_ver_code                 => tbh_rec.alt_appl_ver_code,
744                       x_borw_outstd_loan_code             => tbh_rec.borw_outstd_loan_code,
745                       x_mpn_confirm_code                  => NULL,
746                       x_resp_to_orig_code                 => tbh_rec.resp_to_orig_code,
747                       x_appl_loan_phase_code              => NULL,
748                       x_appl_loan_phase_code_chg          => NULL,
749                       x_tot_outstd_stafford               => tbh_rec.tot_outstd_stafford,
750                       x_tot_outstd_plus                   => tbh_rec.tot_outstd_plus,
751                       x_alt_borw_tot_debt                 => tbh_rec.alt_borw_tot_debt,
752                       x_act_interest_rate                 => tbh_rec.act_interest_rate,
753                       x_service_type_code                 => tbh_rec.service_type_code,
754                       x_rev_notice_of_guarnt              => tbh_rec.rev_notice_of_guarnt,
755                       x_sch_refund_amt                    => tbh_rec.sch_refund_amt,
756                       x_sch_refund_date                   => tbh_rec.sch_refund_date,
757                       x_uniq_layout_vend_code             => tbh_rec.uniq_layout_vend_code,
758                       x_uniq_layout_ident_code            => tbh_rec.uniq_layout_ident_code,
759                       x_p_person_id                       => tbh_rec.p_person_id,
760                       x_p_ssn                             => parent_dtl_rec.p_ssn,
761                       x_p_ssn_chg_date                    => NULL,
762                       x_p_last_name                       => parent_dtl_rec.p_last_name,
763                       x_p_first_name                      => parent_dtl_rec.p_first_name,
764                       x_p_middle_name                     => parent_dtl_rec.p_middle_name,
765                       x_p_permt_addr1                     => parent_dtl_rec.p_permt_addr1,
766                       x_p_permt_addr2                     => parent_dtl_rec.p_permt_addr2,
767                       x_p_permt_city                      => parent_dtl_rec.p_permt_city,
768                       x_p_permt_state                     => parent_dtl_rec.p_permt_state,
769                       x_p_permt_zip                       => parent_dtl_rec.p_permt_zip,
770                       x_p_permt_addr_chg_date             => NULL,
771                       x_p_permt_phone                     => l_p_phone,
772                       x_p_email_addr                      => parent_dtl_rec.p_email_addr,
773                       x_p_date_of_birth                   => parent_dtl_rec.p_date_of_birth,
774                       x_p_dob_chg_date                    => NULL,
775                       x_p_license_num                     => parent_dtl_rec.p_license_num,
776                       x_p_license_state                   => parent_dtl_rec.p_license_state,
777                       x_p_citizenship_status              => parent_dtl_rec.p_citizenship_status,
778                       x_p_alien_reg_num                   => parent_dtl_rec.p_alien_reg_num,
779                       x_p_default_status                  => tbh_rec.p_default_status,
780                       x_p_foreign_postal_code             => NULL,
781                       x_p_state_of_legal_res              => parent_dtl_rec.p_state_of_legal_res,
782                       x_p_legal_res_date                  => parent_dtl_rec.p_legal_res_date,
783                       x_s_ssn                             => student_dtl_rec.p_ssn,
784                       x_s_ssn_chg_date                    => NULL,
785                       x_s_last_name                       => student_dtl_rec.p_last_name,
786                       x_s_first_name                      => student_dtl_rec.p_first_name,
787                       x_s_middle_name                     => student_dtl_rec.p_middle_name,
788                       x_s_permt_addr1                     => student_dtl_rec.p_permt_addr1,
789                       x_s_permt_addr2                     => student_dtl_rec.p_permt_addr2,
790                       x_s_permt_city                      => student_dtl_rec.p_permt_city,
791                       x_s_permt_state                     => student_dtl_rec.p_permt_state,
792                       x_s_permt_zip                       => student_dtl_rec.p_permt_zip,
793                       x_s_permt_addr_chg_date             => NULL,
794                       x_s_permt_phone                     => l_s_phone,
795                       x_s_local_addr1                     => student_dtl_rec.p_local_addr1,
796                       x_s_local_addr2                     => student_dtl_rec.p_local_addr2,
797                       x_s_local_city                      => student_dtl_rec.p_local_city,
798                       x_s_local_state                     => student_dtl_rec.p_local_state,
799                       x_s_local_zip                       => student_dtl_rec.p_local_zip,
800                       x_s_local_addr_chg_date             => NULL,
801                       x_s_email_addr                      => student_dtl_rec.p_email_addr,
802                       x_s_date_of_birth                   => student_dtl_rec.p_date_of_birth,
803                       x_s_dob_chg_date                    => NULL,
804                       x_s_license_num                     => student_dtl_rec.p_license_num,
805                       x_s_license_state                   => student_dtl_rec.p_license_state,
806                       x_s_depncy_status                   => c_fabase_rec.dependency_status,
807                       x_s_default_status                  => tbh_rec.s_default_status,
808                       x_s_citizenship_status              => student_dtl_rec.p_citizenship_status,
809                       x_s_alien_reg_num                   => student_dtl_rec.p_alien_reg_num,
810                       x_s_foreign_postal_code             => NULL,
811                       x_pnote_batch_id                    => tbh_rec.pnote_batch_id,
812                       x_pnote_ack_date                    => tbh_rec.pnote_ack_date,
813                       x_pnote_mpn_ind                     => tbh_rec.pnote_mpn_ind,
814    --Added fields
815                       x_award_id                          => tbh_rec.award_id,
816                       x_base_id                           => tbh_rec.base_id,
817                       x_document_id_txt                   => NULL,
818                       x_loan_key_num                      => NULL,
819                       x_interest_rebate_percent_num       => tbh_rec.interest_rebate_percent_num,
820                       x_fin_award_year                    => NULL,
821                       x_cps_trans_num                     => tbh_rec.cps_trans_num,
822                       x_atd_entity_id_txt                 => tbh_rec.atd_entity_id_txt,
823                       x_rep_entity_id_txt                 => tbh_rec.rep_entity_id_txt,
824                       x_source_entity_id_txt              => NULL,
825                       x_pymt_servicer_amt                 => tbh_rec.pymt_servicer_amt,
826                       x_pymt_servicer_date                => tbh_rec.pymt_servicer_date,
827                       x_book_loan_amt                     => tbh_rec.book_loan_amt,
828                       x_book_loan_amt_date                => tbh_rec.book_loan_amt_date,
829                       x_s_chg_birth_date                  => NULL,
830                       x_s_chg_ssn                         => NULL,
831                       x_s_chg_last_name                   => NULL,
832                       x_b_chg_birth_date                  => NULL,
833                       x_b_chg_ssn                         => NULL,
834                       x_b_chg_last_name                   => NULL,
835                       x_note_message                      => tbh_rec.note_message,
836                       x_full_resp_code                    => NULL,
837                       x_s_permt_county                    => NULL,
838                       x_b_permt_county                    => NULL,
839                       x_s_permt_country                   => NULL,
840                       x_b_permt_country                   => NULL,
841                       x_crdt_decision_status              => tbh_rec.crdt_decision_status,
842                       x_external_loan_id_txt              => tbh_rec.external_loan_id_txt,
843                       x_deferment_request_code            => tbh_rec.deferment_request_code,
844                       x_eft_authorization_code            => tbh_rec.eft_authorization_code,
845                       x_requested_loan_amt                => tbh_rec.requested_loan_amt,
846                       x_actual_record_type_code           => tbh_rec.actual_record_type_code,
847                       x_reinstatement_amt                 => tbh_rec.reinstatement_amt,
848                       x_lender_use_txt                    => tbh_rec.lender_use_txt,
849                       x_guarantor_use_txt                 => tbh_rec.guarantor_use_txt,
850                       x_fls_approved_amt                  => tbh_rec.fls_approved_amt,
851                       x_flu_approved_amt                  => tbh_rec.flu_approved_amt,
852                       x_flp_approved_amt                  => tbh_rec.flp_approved_amt,
853                       x_alt_approved_amt                  => tbh_rec.alt_approved_amt,
854                       x_loan_app_form_code                => tbh_rec.loan_app_form_code,
855                       x_alt_borrower_ind_flag             => NULL,
856                       x_school_id_txt                     => NULL,
857                       x_cost_of_attendance_amt            => NULL,
858                       x_established_fin_aid_amount        => NULL,
859                       x_student_electronic_sign_flag      => NULL,
860                       x_mpn_type_flag                     => NULL,
861                       x_school_use_txt                    => tbh_rec.school_use_txt,
862                       x_expect_family_contribute_amt      => NULL,
863                       x_borower_electronic_sign_flag      => NULL,
864                       x_borower_credit_authoriz_flag      => NULL,
865 		      x_esign_src_typ_cd                  => NULL
867                     );
870                   END LOOP;
871                 END;
874                 -- Insert the Origination Data being sent to LOC, into "_LOC" tables
875                 DECLARE
876                     lv_row_id  VARCHAR2(25);
877                     CURSOR c_tbh_cur IS
878                     SELECT * FROM igf_aw_awd_disb
879                     WHERE award_id = lv_orig_award_id;
880                 BEGIN
881                   FOR tbh_rec in c_tbh_cur LOOP
882                     igf_sl_awd_disb_loc_pkg.insert_row (
883                       X_Mode                              => 'R',
884                       x_rowid                             => lv_row_id,
885                       x_award_id                          => tbh_rec.award_id,
886                       x_disb_num                          => tbh_rec.disb_num,
887                       x_disb_gross_amt                    => tbh_rec.disb_accepted_amt,
888                       x_fee_1                             => tbh_rec.fee_1,
889                       x_fee_2                             => tbh_rec.fee_2,
890                       x_disb_net_amt                      => tbh_rec.disb_net_amt,
891                       x_disb_date                         => tbh_rec.disb_date,
892                       x_hold_rel_ind                      => tbh_rec.hold_rel_ind,
893                       x_fee_paid_1                        => tbh_rec.fee_paid_1,
894                       x_fee_paid_2                        => tbh_rec.fee_paid_2
895                     );
896                   END LOOP;
897                 END;
899                 IF l_display <> 'Y' THEN
900                    --Display mesg in LOG File that Records have been originated and an Output file has been created.
901                    fnd_file.new_line(fnd_file.log,2);
902                    fnd_message.set_name('IGF','IGF_SL_LOAN_ORIGINATED');
903                    fnd_message.set_token('LOAN_CATEG',l_para_rec(1));
904                    fnd_message.set_token('FILE_VERSION',lv_dl_version);
905                    fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get);
906                    fnd_file.new_line(fnd_file.log,2);
907                    l_display :='Y';
908                 END IF;
911                 -- Update LOAN_STATUS, LOAN_STATUS_DATE to SENT, Current Date
912                 DECLARE
913                     lv_row_id  VARCHAR2(25);
914                     CURSOR c_tbh_cur IS
915                     SELECT igf_sl_loans.* FROM igf_sl_loans
916                     WHERE loan_id = lv_orig_loan_id FOR UPDATE OF igf_sl_loans.loan_status NOWAIT;
917                 BEGIN
918                   FOR tbh_rec in c_tbh_cur LOOP
920           -- Modified the update row call to include the Borrower Determination as part of
921           -- Refunds DLD 2144600
922                     igf_sl_loans_pkg.update_row (
923                       X_Mode                              => 'R',
924                       x_rowid                             => tbh_rec.row_id,
925                       x_loan_id                           => tbh_rec.loan_id,
926                       x_award_id                          => tbh_rec.award_id,
927                       x_seq_num                           => tbh_rec.seq_num,
928                       x_loan_number                       => tbh_rec.loan_number,
929                       x_loan_per_begin_date               => tbh_rec.loan_per_begin_date,
930                       x_loan_per_end_date                 => tbh_rec.loan_per_end_date,
931                       x_loan_status                       => 'S',
932                       x_loan_status_date                  => TRUNC(SYSDATE),
933                       x_loan_chg_status                   => tbh_rec.loan_chg_status,
934                       x_loan_chg_status_date              => tbh_rec.loan_chg_status_date,
935                       x_active                            => tbh_rec.active,
936                       x_active_date                       => tbh_rec.active_date,
937                       x_borw_detrm_code                   => tbh_rec.borw_detrm_code,
938                       x_legacy_record_flag                => NULL,
939                       x_external_loan_id_txt              => tbh_rec.external_loan_id_txt
941                     );
943                   END LOOP;
944                 END;
946                 -- Update the BATCH ID and BATCH_DATE
947                 DECLARE
948                     lv_row_id  VARCHAR2(25);
949                     CURSOR c_tbh_cur IS
950                     SELECT igf_sl_lor.* FROM igf_sl_lor
951                     WHERE loan_id = lv_orig_loan_id FOR UPDATE OF igf_sl_lor.sch_cert_date NOWAIT;
952                 BEGIN
954                  -- FA 122 Loan Enhancemnets updated the obsolted fields with NULL
956                   FOR tbh_rec in c_tbh_cur LOOP
957                     igf_sl_lor_pkg.update_row (
958                       X_Mode                              => 'R',
959                       x_rowid                             => tbh_rec.row_id,
960                       x_origination_id                    => tbh_rec.origination_id,
961                       x_loan_id                           => tbh_rec.loan_id,
962                       x_sch_cert_date                     => tbh_rec.sch_cert_date,
963                       x_orig_status_flag                  => tbh_rec.orig_status_flag,
964                       x_orig_batch_id                     => lv_batch_id,
965                       x_orig_batch_date                   => TRUNC(SYSDATE),
966                       x_chg_batch_id                      => NULL,
967                       x_orig_ack_date                     => tbh_rec.orig_ack_date,
968                       x_credit_override                   => tbh_rec.credit_override,
969                       x_credit_decision_date              => tbh_rec.credit_decision_date,
970                       x_req_serial_loan_code              => tbh_rec.req_serial_loan_code,
971                       x_act_serial_loan_code              => tbh_rec.act_serial_loan_code,
972                       x_pnote_delivery_code               => tbh_rec.pnote_delivery_code,
973                       x_pnote_status                      => tbh_rec.pnote_status,
974                       x_pnote_status_date                 => tbh_rec.pnote_status_date,
975                       x_pnote_id                          => tbh_rec.pnote_id,
976                       x_pnote_print_ind                   => tbh_rec.pnote_print_ind,
977                       x_pnote_accept_amt                  => tbh_rec.pnote_accept_amt,
978                       x_pnote_accept_date                 => tbh_rec.pnote_accept_date,
979                       x_unsub_elig_for_heal               => tbh_rec.unsub_elig_for_heal,
980                       x_disclosure_print_ind              => tbh_rec.disclosure_print_ind,
981                       x_orig_fee_perct                    => tbh_rec.orig_fee_perct,
982                       x_borw_confirm_ind                  => tbh_rec.borw_confirm_ind,
983                       x_borw_interest_ind                 => tbh_rec.borw_interest_ind,
984                       x_borw_outstd_loan_code             => tbh_rec.borw_outstd_loan_code,
985                       x_unsub_elig_for_depnt              => tbh_rec.unsub_elig_for_depnt,
986                       x_guarantee_amt                     => tbh_rec.guarantee_amt,
987                       x_guarantee_date                    => tbh_rec.guarantee_date,
988                       x_guarnt_amt_redn_code              => tbh_rec.guarnt_amt_redn_code,
989                       x_guarnt_status_code                => tbh_rec.guarnt_status_code,
990                       x_guarnt_status_date                => tbh_rec.guarnt_status_date,
991                       x_lend_apprv_denied_code            => NULL,
992                       x_lend_apprv_denied_date            => NULL,
993                       x_lend_status_code                  => tbh_rec.lend_status_code,
994                       x_lend_status_date                  => tbh_rec.lend_status_date,
995                       x_guarnt_adj_ind                    => tbh_rec.guarnt_adj_ind,
996                       x_grade_level_code                  => tbh_rec.grade_level_code,
997                       x_enrollment_code                   => tbh_rec.enrollment_code,
998                       x_anticip_compl_date                => tbh_rec.anticip_compl_date,
999                       x_borw_lender_id                    => NULL,
1000                       x_duns_borw_lender_id               => NULL,
1001                       x_guarantor_id                      => NULL,
1002                       x_duns_guarnt_id                    => NULL,
1003                       x_prc_type_code                     => tbh_rec.prc_type_code,
1004                       x_cl_seq_number                     => tbh_rec.cl_seq_number,
1005                       x_last_resort_lender                => tbh_rec.last_resort_lender,
1006                       x_lender_id                         => NULL,
1007                       x_duns_lender_id                    => NULL,
1008                       x_lend_non_ed_brc_id                => NULL,
1009                       x_recipient_id                      => NULL,
1010                       x_recipient_type                    => NULL,
1011                       x_duns_recip_id                     => NULL,
1012                       x_recip_non_ed_brc_id               => NULL,
1013                       x_rec_type_ind                      => tbh_rec.rec_type_ind,
1014                       x_cl_loan_type                      => tbh_rec.cl_loan_type,
1015                       x_cl_rec_status                     => NULL,
1016                       x_cl_rec_status_last_update         => NULL,
1017                       x_alt_prog_type_code                => tbh_rec.alt_prog_type_code,
1018                       x_alt_appl_ver_code                 => tbh_rec.alt_appl_ver_code,
1019                       x_mpn_confirm_code                  => NULL,
1020                       x_resp_to_orig_code                 => tbh_rec.resp_to_orig_code,
1021                       x_appl_loan_phase_code              => NULL,
1022                       x_appl_loan_phase_code_chg          => NULL,
1023                       x_appl_send_error_codes             => NULL,
1024                       x_tot_outstd_stafford               => tbh_rec.tot_outstd_stafford,
1025                       x_tot_outstd_plus                   => tbh_rec.tot_outstd_plus,
1026                       x_alt_borw_tot_debt                 => tbh_rec.alt_borw_tot_debt,
1027                       x_act_interest_rate                 => tbh_rec.act_interest_rate,
1028                       x_service_type_code                 => tbh_rec.service_type_code,
1029                       x_rev_notice_of_guarnt              => tbh_rec.rev_notice_of_guarnt,
1030                       x_sch_refund_amt                    => tbh_rec.sch_refund_amt,
1031                       x_sch_refund_date                   => tbh_rec.sch_refund_date,
1032                       x_uniq_layout_vend_code             => tbh_rec.uniq_layout_vend_code,
1033                       x_uniq_layout_ident_code            => tbh_rec.uniq_layout_ident_code,
1034                       x_p_person_id                       => tbh_rec.p_person_id,
1035                       x_p_ssn_chg_date                    => NULL,
1036                       x_p_dob_chg_date                    => NULL,
1037                       x_p_permt_addr_chg_date             => NULL,
1038                       x_p_default_status                  => tbh_rec.p_default_status,
1039                       x_p_signature_code                  => tbh_rec.p_signature_code,
1040                       x_p_signature_date                  => tbh_rec.p_signature_date,
1041                       x_s_ssn_chg_date                    => NULL,
1042                       x_s_dob_chg_date                    => NULL,
1043                       x_s_permt_addr_chg_date             => NULL,
1044                       x_s_local_addr_chg_date             => NULL,
1045                       x_s_default_status                  => tbh_rec.s_default_status,
1046                       x_s_signature_code                  => tbh_rec.s_signature_code,
1047                       x_pnote_batch_id                    => tbh_rec.pnote_batch_id,
1048                       x_pnote_ack_date                    => tbh_rec.pnote_ack_date,
1049                       x_pnote_mpn_ind                     => tbh_rec.pnote_mpn_ind ,
1050                       x_elec_mpn_ind                      => tbh_rec.elec_mpn_ind         ,
1051                       x_borr_sign_ind                     => tbh_rec.borr_sign_ind        ,
1052                       x_stud_sign_ind                     => tbh_rec.stud_sign_ind        ,
1053                       x_borr_credit_auth_code             => tbh_rec.borr_credit_auth_code ,
1054                       x_relationship_cd                   => tbh_rec.relationship_cd,
1055                       x_interest_rebate_percent_num       => tbh_rec.interest_rebate_percent_num,
1056                       x_cps_trans_num                     => tbh_rec.cps_trans_num,
1057                       x_atd_entity_id_txt                 => tbh_rec.atd_entity_id_txt ,
1058                       x_rep_entity_id_txt                 => tbh_rec.rep_entity_id_txt,
1059                       x_crdt_decision_status              => tbh_rec.crdt_decision_status,
1060                       x_note_message                      => tbh_rec.note_message,
1061                       x_book_loan_amt                     => tbh_rec.book_loan_amt ,
1062                       x_book_loan_amt_date                => tbh_rec.book_loan_amt_date,
1063                       x_pymt_servicer_amt                 => tbh_rec.pymt_servicer_amt,
1064                       x_pymt_servicer_date                => tbh_rec.pymt_servicer_date,
1065                       x_requested_loan_amt                => tbh_rec.requested_loan_amt,
1066                       x_eft_authorization_code            => tbh_rec.eft_authorization_code,
1067                       x_external_loan_id_txt              => tbh_rec.external_loan_id_txt,
1068                       x_deferment_request_code            => tbh_rec.deferment_request_code ,
1069                       x_actual_record_type_code           => tbh_rec.actual_record_type_code,
1070                       x_reinstatement_amt                 => tbh_rec.reinstatement_amt,
1071                       x_school_use_txt                    => tbh_rec.school_use_txt,
1072                       x_lender_use_txt                    => tbh_rec.lender_use_txt,
1073                       x_guarantor_use_txt                 => tbh_rec.guarantor_use_txt,
1074                       x_fls_approved_amt                  => tbh_rec.fls_approved_amt,
1075                       x_flu_approved_amt                  => tbh_rec.flu_approved_amt,
1076                       x_flp_approved_amt                  => tbh_rec.flp_approved_amt,
1077                       x_alt_approved_amt                  => tbh_rec.alt_approved_amt,
1078                       x_loan_app_form_code                => tbh_rec.loan_app_form_code,
1079                       x_override_grade_level_code         => tbh_rec.override_grade_level_code,
1080 		      x_b_alien_reg_num_txt               => tbh_rec.b_alien_reg_num_txt,
1081                       x_esign_src_typ_cd                  => tbh_rec.esign_src_typ_cd,
1082                       x_acad_begin_date                   => tbh_rec.acad_begin_date,
1083                       x_acad_end_date                     => tbh_rec.acad_end_date
1084                     );
1086                   END LOOP;
1087                 END;
1088               END IF;
1089           END LOOP; -- loop for ref cursor records
1090  END LOOP; -- loop for loan details cursor
1091   -- Initialise the Data Record field
1092   lv_data_record := NULL;
1093   IF(lv_num_of_rec > 0)THEN
1094      -- Write the Trailer Record
1095      igf_sl_dl_record.DLTrailer_cur(lv_dl_version, lv_num_of_rec, Trailer_Rec);
1096      FETCH Trailer_Rec into lv_data_record;
1097      IF Header_Rec%NOTFOUND THEN
1098        fnd_message.set_name ('IGF', 'IGF_GE_TRL_CREATE_ERROR');
1099        igs_ge_msg_stack.add;
1100        app_exception.raise_exception;
1101      END IF;
1102      -- Write the Trailer Record into the Output file.
1103      fnd_file.put_line(FND_FILE.OUTPUT, lv_data_record);
1104   ELSE
1105     fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get_string('IGF','IGF_SL_NO_LOAN_ORIG_DATA'));
1106 --MN 27-Dec-2004  In case there are no records getting generated, the V state will be reverted back.
1107     ROLLBACK;
1108   END IF;
1110 COMMIT;
1114     WHEN no_data_found THEN
1115     NULL;
1117     WHEN no_loan_data THEN
1118        -- Please Note that this is NOT an exception. It is a Valid and proper way of
1119        -- of exiting a process if there is not Data.
1120        COMMIT;  -- Commit is done here, so that the "Validation reject details" get committed.
1121        retcode := 0;
1122        errbuf  := NULL;
1123        fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,fnd_message.get_string('IGF','IGF_SL_NO_LOAN_ORIG_DATA'));
1125        WHEN yr_full_participant THEN
1126         NULL;
1129     WHEN app_exception.record_lock_exception THEN
1131        ROLLBACK;
1133        IF c_loans%ISOPEN THEN
1134          CLOSE c_loans;
1135        END IF;
1137        retcode := 2;
1138        errbuf  := fnd_message.get_string('IGF','IGF_GE_LOCK_ERROR');
1139        igs_ge_msg_stack.conc_exception_hndl;
1142        ROLLBACK;
1143        IF c_loans%ISOPEN THEN
1144          CLOSE c_loans;
1145        END IF;
1146        retcode := 2;
1147        errbuf := fnd_message.get_string('IGS','IGS_GE_UNHANDLED_EXCEPTION');
1148        fnd_file.put_line(fnd_file.log,SQLERRM);
1149        igs_ge_msg_stack.conc_exception_hndl;
1150 END dl_originate;
1153 END igf_sl_dl_orig;