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The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 124

 |     Procedure to create a deduction claim in Trade Management and  update
 |     receivable applications, appropriately with  Deduction ID, deduction
 |     number and customer reason code. Handles Non Trx realted claims
 |     and On Transaction related claims (short pays).
 |     This procedure is initiated by the Post Batch process.
 |     arccbp.lpc (Postbatch)
 |     arp_process_application.create_claim
 |     app_exception.invalid_argument
 |        IN :  p_request_id
 |              p_matched_claim_creation_flag
 |              p_matched_claim_excl_cm_flag
 |       OUT :  x_return_status
 |     This procedure will not create Cross Currency Claims.
 |     This procedure should only do claim creation for those records
 |     which have been created by postbatch during this request id,
 |     Since the receipt api is called during the postbatch process, it
 |     is possible that the receipt api will create 'OTHER ACC' (Claim
 |     Investigation Applications), however we do not want to create
 |     a claim for those records.  To deal with this, we are explicitly
 |     looking for claims created with an application rule = 90 (ie.
 |     OTHER ACC records which have come from postbatch)
 | Date         Author            Description of Changes
 | 19-DEC-2002  cthangai          Created
 | 07-FEB-2003  cthangai          Added parameters customer_reason,
 |                                x_claim_reason_name to the routine call
 |                                arp_process_application.create_claim
 |                                Also modified the cursors to fetch RA info
 |                                and associated composite data structures
 | 17-FEB-2003  cthangai          Added qualifier to exclude claim processing
 |                                for class = 'PMT'
 | 24-FEB-2003  cthangai          Qualified cursor get_ra_info by request_id
 | 26-FEB-2003  cthangai          Pass amount_applied to TM for claim creation
 | 27-FEB-2003  cthangai          Added OUT parameter x_return_status
 | 03-MAR-2003  cthangai          Qualified the update that stamps TRX based claims
 |                                with claim info by applied_payment_schedule_id
 |                                and applied_customer_trx_id
 |                                Qaulified the get_trx_app_info cursor by request_id
 | 05-MAR-2003  cthangai          Fail Recover - Full recover when the initial UNAPP
 |                                amount_applied is less than the sum of
 |                                amount applied for the paired UNAPP records
 |                                else partial recover.
 | 14-OCT-2005  jbeckett	  Bug 4565758 - AR/TM legal entity uptake
PROCEDURE claim_creation
  (p_request_id  IN ar_receivable_applications.request_id%TYPE DEFAULT NULL
  ,p_matched_claim_creation_flag IN ar_system_parameters.matched_claim_creation_flag%TYPE
  ,p_matched_claim_excl_cm_flag IN ar_system_parameters.matched_claim_excl_cm_flag%TYPE
  ,x_return_status OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2

  --Primary cursor for processing Non TRX based claims
  CURSOR get_claim_rec IS
          ,NULL           -- x_return_status
          ,NULL           -- x_msg_count
          ,NULL           -- x_msg_data
          ,NULL           -- x_claim_reason_name
          ,apply_date     -- bug 5495310
    FROM   ar_receivable_applications  ra
    WHERE  ra.application_ref_type = 'CLAIM'
    AND    ra.status = 'OTHER ACC'
    AND    ra.application_ref_num IS NULL
    AND    ra.application_rule = 90
    AND    ra.request_id = p_request_id;
Line: 235

          ,NULL           -- x_return_status
          ,NULL           -- x_msg_count
          ,NULL           -- x_msg_data
          ,NULL           -- x_claim_reason_name
    FROM   ar_receivable_applications   ra
    WHERE  ra.applied_payment_schedule_id = p_trx_ps_id
    AND    ra.request_id = p_request_id
    AND    ra.display = 'Y'
    AND    ra.receivable_application_id = (
                select max(ra1.receivable_application_id)
                from   ar_receivable_applications ra1
                where  ra1.applied_payment_schedule_id
                     = ra.applied_payment_schedule_id);
Line: 279

    SELECT distinct ra.applied_payment_schedule_id
    FROM   ar_receivable_applications   ra
    WHERE  ra.applied_payment_schedule_id NOT IN (-4,-1)
    AND    ra.status = 'APP'
    AND    ra.display = 'Y'
    AND    ra.request_id = p_request_id;
Line: 291

         SELECT ct.customer_trx_id          --customer_trx_id
               ,ct.trx_number               --trx_number
               ,ct.cust_trx_type_id         --trx_type_id
               ,ct.invoice_currency_code    --currency_code
               ,ct.exchange_rate_type       --exchange_rate_type
               ,ct.exchange_date            --exchange_date
               ,ct.exchange_rate            --exchange_rate
               ,ct.bill_to_customer_id      --customer_id
               ,ct.bill_to_site_use_id      --bill_to_site_use_id
               ,ct.ship_to_site_use_id      --ship_to_site_use_id
               ,ct.primary_salesrep_id      --salesrep_id
               ,ps.amount_due_remaining     --amount_due_remaining
               ,ps.amount_due_original      --amount_due_original
               ,ps.class                    --class
               ,ps.active_claim_flag        --active_claim_flag
         FROM   ra_customer_trx ct
               ,ar_payment_schedules ps
         WHERE  ct.customer_trx_id     = ps.customer_trx_id
         AND    ps.payment_schedule_id = p_trx_ps_id
         AND    ps.class              <> 'PMT';
Line: 317

         SELECT ps.cash_receipt_id          --cash_receipt_id
               ,cr.receipt_number           --receipt_number
               ,cr.currency_code            --currency_code
               ,cr.exchange_rate_type       --exchange_rate_type
               ,cr.exchange_date            --exchange_date
               ,cr.exchange_rate            --exchange_rate
               ,cr.pay_from_customer        --customer_id
               ,cr.customer_site_use_id     --bill_to_site_use_id
               ,NULL                        --ship_to_site_use_id
         FROM   ar_payment_schedules        ps
               ,ar_cash_receipts            cr
               ,ar_cash_receipt_history     crh
         WHERE  ps.payment_schedule_id      = p_receipt_ps_id
         AND    cr.cash_receipt_id          = ps.cash_receipt_id
         AND    crh.cash_receipt_id         = cr.cash_receipt_id
         AND    crh.current_record_flag     = 'Y';
Line: 339

         SELECT ps.cash_receipt_id          --cash_receipt_id
               ,cr.receipt_number           --receipt_number
         FROM   ar_payment_schedules        ps
               ,ar_cash_receipts            cr
         WHERE  ps.payment_schedule_id      = p_receipt_ps_id
         AND    cr.cash_receipt_id          = ps.cash_receipt_id;
Line: 350

    SELECT SUM(ra.amount_applied), MAX(ra.apply_date)
    FROM   ar_receivable_applications   ra
    WHERE  ra.applied_payment_schedule_id = p_trx_ps_id
    AND    ra.request_id = p_request_id
    AND    ra.status = 'APP'
    AND    ra.display = 'Y';
Line: 361

    select ra.amount_applied
    from   ar_receivable_applications ra
          ,ar_distributions ard
    where  ra.cash_receipt_id = p_cr_id
    and    ra.status = 'UNAPP'
    and    nvl(ra.confirmed_flag,'Y') = 'Y'
    and    ra.receivable_application_id = ard.source_id
    and    ard.source_table = 'RA'
    and    ard.source_id_secondary IS NULL;
Line: 375

    select sum(ra.amount_applied)
    from   ar_receivable_applications ra
          ,ar_distributions ard
    where  ra.cash_receipt_id = p_cr_id
    and    ra.status = 'UNAPP'
    and    nvl(ra.confirmed_flag,'Y') = 'Y'
    and    ra.receivable_application_id = ard.source_id
    and    ard.source_table = 'RA'
    and    ard.source_id_secondary IS NOT NULL;
Line: 389

    select ra.receivable_application_id
    from   ar_receivable_applications ra
    where  ra.cash_receipt_id = p_cr_id
    and    ra.status <> 'UNAPP'
    and    nvl(ra.confirmed_flag,'Y') = 'Y';
Line: 807

                       p_cash_receipt_id => l_cash_receipt_id,
                       x_return_status => jg_return_status);
Line: 813

                arp_standard.debug('Error from jg_ar_receivable_applications.delete_interst_adjustment');
Line: 835

           (p_ps_id        => claim_tbl.payment_schedule_id(i)
           ,p_claim_status => l_claim_status
Line: 848

        arp_standard.debug('Bulk Update RA with DED No, ID and translated oracle reason');
Line: 851

      UPDATE ar_receivable_applications
      SET    secondary_application_ref_id = claim_tbl.secondary_application_ref_id(i)
            ,application_ref_num          = claim_tbl.application_ref_num(i)
      WHERE  rowid = claim_tbl.l_rowid(i);
Line: 1153

             (p_claim_id              => claim_rec.secondary_application_ref_id
             ,p_claim_number          => claim_rec.application_ref_num
             ,p_amount                => l_claim_amount
             ,p_currency_code         => l_currency_code
             ,p_exchange_rate_type    => l_exchange_rate_type
             ,p_exchange_rate_date    => l_exchange_date
             ,p_exchange_rate         => l_exchange_rate
             ,p_customer_trx_id       => l_customer_trx_id
             ,p_invoice_ps_id         => claim_rec.applied_payment_schedule_id
             ,p_cust_trx_type_id      => l_cust_trx_type_id
             ,p_trx_number            => l_trx_number
             ,p_cust_account_id       => l_customer_id
             ,p_bill_to_site_id       => l_bill_to_site_use_id
             ,p_ship_to_site_id       => l_ship_to_site_use_id
             ,p_salesrep_id           => l_salesrep_id
             ,p_customer_ref_date     => NULL
             ,p_customer_ref_number   => claim_rec.customer_reference
             ,p_cash_receipt_id       => l_cash_receipt_id
             ,p_receipt_number        => l_receipt_number
             ,p_reason_id             => to_number(claim_rec.application_ref_reason)
             ,p_comments              => claim_rec.comments
             ,p_attribute_category    => claim_rec.attribute_category
             ,p_attribute1            => claim_rec.attribute1
             ,p_attribute2            => claim_rec.attribute2
             ,p_attribute3            => claim_rec.attribute3
             ,p_attribute4            => claim_rec.attribute4
             ,p_attribute5            => claim_rec.attribute5
             ,p_attribute6            => claim_rec.attribute6
             ,p_attribute7            => claim_rec.attribute7
             ,p_attribute8            => claim_rec.attribute8
             ,p_attribute9            => claim_rec.attribute9
             ,p_attribute10           => claim_rec.attribute10
             ,p_attribute11           => claim_rec.attribute11
             ,p_attribute12           => claim_rec.attribute12
             ,p_attribute13           => claim_rec.attribute13
             ,p_attribute14           => claim_rec.attribute14
             ,p_attribute15           => claim_rec.attribute15
             ,p_applied_date          => l_applied_date
             ,p_applied_action_type   => l_applied_action_type
             ,p_amount_applied        => l_amount_applied
             ,p_applied_receipt_id    => l_applied_receipt_id
             ,p_applied_receipt_number=> l_applied_receipt_number
             ,x_return_status         => claim_rec.return_status
             ,x_msg_count             => claim_rec.msg_count
             ,x_msg_data              => claim_rec.msg_data
             ,x_object_version_number => l_object_version_number
             ,x_claim_reason_code_id  => l_claim_reason_code_id
             ,x_claim_reason_name     => l_claim_reason_name
             ,x_claim_id              => claim_rec.secondary_application_ref_id
             ,x_claim_number          => claim_rec.application_ref_num
Line: 1303

                arp_standard.debug('Update PS with active_claim_flag = C');
Line: 1305

               (p_ps_id        => claim_rec.applied_payment_schedule_id
               ,p_claim_status => l_claim_status
Line: 1321

                arp_standard.debug('Update RA with Ded No,Ded ID,Type,receivables_trx_id');
Line: 1323

              UPDATE ar_receivable_applications
              SET    secondary_application_ref_id = claim_rec.secondary_application_ref_id
                    ,application_ref_num          = claim_rec.application_ref_num
                    ,application_ref_type         = 'CLAIM'
                    ,receivables_trx_id           = ARP_DEDUCTION.GET_RECEIVABLES_TRX_ID(l_cash_receipt_id)
              WHERE  applied_payment_schedule_id  = claim_rec.applied_payment_schedule_id
              AND    applied_customer_trx_id      = claim_rec.applied_customer_trx_id;
Line: 1448

 |    update_claim                                                           |
 |                                                                           |
 | DESCRIPTION                                                               |
 |    Calls iClaim group API to update a deduction claim.                    |
 |                                                                           |
 | SCOPE - PUBLIC                                                            |
 |                                                                           |
 | EXETERNAL PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS ACCESSED -                                 |
 |      OZF_Claim_GRP.Update_Deduction - Group API to update a claim from AR |
 |                                                                           |
 | ARGUMENTS  : IN:                                                          |
 |              OUT: X_RETURN_STATUS ('S' for success, 'E' or 'U' for Error  |
 |                                                                           |
 | RETURNS    : NONE                                                         |
 |                                                                           |
 |                                                                           |
 | MODIFICATION HISTORY                                                      |
 |   CTHANGAI    03-FEB-2003  Created                                        |
 |   CTHANGAI    27-FEB-2003  Added OUT parameters x_claim_id,x_claim_number |
PROCEDURE update_claim
            ( p_claim_id               IN NUMBER
            , p_claim_number           IN VARCHAR2
            , p_amount                 IN  NUMBER
            , p_currency_code          IN  VARCHAR2
            , p_exchange_rate_type     IN  VARCHAR2
            , p_exchange_rate_date     IN  DATE
            , p_exchange_rate          IN  NUMBER
            , p_customer_trx_id        IN  NUMBER
            , p_invoice_ps_id          IN  NUMBER
            , p_cust_trx_type_id       IN  NUMBER
            , p_trx_number             IN  VARCHAR2
            , p_cust_account_id        IN  NUMBER
            , p_bill_to_site_id        IN  NUMBER
            , p_ship_to_site_id        IN  NUMBER
            , p_salesrep_id            IN  NUMBER
            , p_customer_ref_date      IN  DATE
            , p_customer_ref_number    IN  VARCHAR2
            , p_cash_receipt_id        IN  NUMBER
            , p_receipt_number         IN  VARCHAR2
            , p_reason_id              IN  NUMBER
            , p_comments               IN  VARCHAR2
            , p_attribute_category     IN  VARCHAR2
            , p_attribute1             IN  VARCHAR2
            , p_attribute2             IN  VARCHAR2
            , p_attribute3             IN  VARCHAR2
            , p_attribute4             IN  VARCHAR2
            , p_attribute5             IN  VARCHAR2
            , p_attribute6             IN  VARCHAR2
            , p_attribute7             IN  VARCHAR2
            , p_attribute8             IN  VARCHAR2
            , p_attribute9             IN  VARCHAR2
            , p_attribute10            IN  VARCHAR2
            , p_attribute11            IN  VARCHAR2
            , p_attribute12            IN  VARCHAR2
            , p_attribute13            IN  VARCHAR2
            , p_attribute14            IN  VARCHAR2
            , p_attribute15            IN  VARCHAR2
            , p_applied_date           IN  DATE
            , p_applied_action_type    IN  VARCHAR2
            , p_amount_applied         IN  NUMBER
            , p_applied_receipt_id     IN  NUMBER
            , p_applied_receipt_number IN  VARCHAR2
            , x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
            , x_msg_count              OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
            , x_msg_data               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
            , x_object_version_number  OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
            , x_claim_reason_code_id   OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
            , x_claim_reason_name      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
            , x_claim_id               OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
            , x_claim_number           OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
            ) IS

  l_claim_rec               OZF_Claim_GRP.Deduction_Rec_Type;
Line: 1525

  l_last_update_login       NUMBER;
Line: 1532

     arp_standard.debug('update_action: ' ||  'arp_deduction.update_claim()+' );
Line: 1586

             (p_api_version_number    => 1.0
             ,p_init_msg_list         => FND_API.G_TRUE
             ,p_commit                => FND_API.G_FALSE
             ,x_return_status         => l_return_status
             ,x_msg_count             => x_msg_count
             ,x_msg_data              => x_msg_data
             ,p_deduction             => l_claim_rec
             ,x_object_version_number => x_object_version_number
             ,x_claim_reason_code_id  => x_claim_reason_code_id
             ,x_claim_reason_name     => x_claim_reason_name
             ,x_claim_id              => x_claim_id
             ,x_claim_number          => x_claim_number
Line: 1610

        arp_standard.debug('insert_trx_notes: arp_deduction.update_claim');
Line: 1617

      l_last_update_login := arp_standard.profile.last_update_login;
Line: 1620

        p_note_type              => 'MAINTAIN',
        p_text                   => l_text,
        p_customer_call_id       => NULL,
        p_customer_call_topic_id => NULL,
        p_call_action_id         => NULL,
        p_customer_trx_id        => p_customer_trx_id,
        p_note_id                => l_note_id,
        p_last_updated_by        => l_user_id,
        p_last_update_date       => l_sysdate,
        p_last_update_login      => l_last_update_login,
        p_created_by             => l_user_id,
        p_creation_date          => l_sysdate);
Line: 1635

        arp_standard.debug('insert_trx_notes: Note ID = '||to_char(l_note_id));
Line: 1642

        arp_standard.debug('put_trx_in_dispute: arp_deduction.update_claim');
Line: 1644

       ,'Y'              --p_active_claim
Line: 1661

    arp_standard.debug('update_action: arp_deduction.update_claim()-');
Line: 1667

      arp_standard.debug('update_action: EXCEPTION: arp_deduction.update_claim');
Line: 1671

END update_claim;
Line: 1680

 |    Insert 2 RA rows - One as -ve UNAPP row and the second as 'OTHER ACC'  |
 |    The on-account ACC row is similar to the 'OTHER ACC'.                  |
 |    This new procedure is introduced for creating special applications like|
 |    claim.The RA records for 'ACC' or 'OTHER ACC' are created first along  |
 |    with thier corresponding distributions records. After which the        |
 |    negative UNAPP record is created along with its PAIRED distribution    |
 |    record.                                                                |
 |                                                                           |
 | SCOPE - PUBLIC                                                            |
 |                                                                           |
 | EXETERNAL PROCEDURES/FUNCTIONS ACCESSED -                                 |
 |   arp_app_pkg.insert_p - Insert a row into RA table                       |
 |   arp_acct_main.Create_Acct_Entry - Insert a row into Distributions table |
 |                                                                           |
 | ARGUMENTS  : IN:                                                          |
 |                                                                           |
 |              OUT: x_return_status (S=Success; E=Error/Failure             |
Line: 1726

  ,p_last_updated_by        IN  ar_receivable_applications.last_updated_by%TYPE
  ,p_program_application_id IN  ar_receivable_applications.program_application_id%TYPE
  ,p_program_id             IN  ar_receivable_applications.program_id%TYPE
  ,p_request_id             IN  ar_receivable_applications.request_id%TYPE
  ,p_sob_id                 IN  ar_receivable_applications.set_of_books_id%TYPE
  ,p_apply_date             IN  ar_receivable_applications.apply_date%TYPE
  ,p_ussgl_transaction_code IN  ar_receivable_applications.ussgl_transaction_code%TYPE
  ,p_receipt_ps_id          IN  ar_receivable_applications.payment_schedule_id%TYPE
  ,p_unapp_application_rule IN  ar_receivable_applications.application_rule%TYPE
  ,p_other_application_rule IN  ar_receivable_applications.application_rule%TYPE
  ,p_acc_application_rule   IN  ar_receivable_applications.application_rule%TYPE
  ,p_on_account_customer    IN  ar_receivable_applications.on_account_customer%TYPE
  ,p_receivables_trx_id     IN  ar_receivable_applications.receivables_trx_id%TYPE
  ,p_customer_reference     IN  ar_receivable_applications.customer_reference%TYPE
  ,p_customer_reason        IN  ar_receivable_applications.customer_reason%TYPE
  ,p_attribute_category     IN  ar_receivable_applications.attribute_category%TYPE
  ,p_attribute1             IN  ar_receivable_applications.attribute1%TYPE
  ,p_attribute2             IN  ar_receivable_applications.attribute2%TYPE
  ,p_attribute3             IN  ar_receivable_applications.attribute3%TYPE
  ,p_attribute4             IN  ar_receivable_applications.attribute4%TYPE
  ,p_attribute5             IN  ar_receivable_applications.attribute5%TYPE
  ,p_attribute6             IN  ar_receivable_applications.attribute6%TYPE
  ,p_attribute7             IN  ar_receivable_applications.attribute7%TYPE
  ,p_attribute8             IN  ar_receivable_applications.attribute8%TYPE
  ,p_attribute9             IN  ar_receivable_applications.attribute9%TYPE
  ,p_attribute10            IN  ar_receivable_applications.attribute10%TYPE
  ,p_attribute11            IN  ar_receivable_applications.attribute11%TYPE
  ,p_attribute12            IN  ar_receivable_applications.attribute12%TYPE
  ,p_attribute13            IN  ar_receivable_applications.attribute13%TYPE
  ,p_attribute14            IN  ar_receivable_applications.attribute14%TYPE
  ,p_attribute15            IN  ar_receivable_applications.attribute15%TYPE
  ,x_return_status          OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
  ) IS

  l_ra_rec                 ar_receivable_applications%ROWTYPE;
Line: 1793

    l_ra_rec.last_updated_by           := p_last_updated_by;
Line: 1794

    l_ra_rec.last_update_date          := SYSDATE;
Line: 1797

    l_ra_rec.program_update_date       := SYSDATE;
Line: 1851

    arp_app_pkg.insert_p( l_ra_rec, l_ra_rec.receivable_application_id );
Line: 1872

            p_rec_app_id       =>  l_ra_rec.receivable_application_id);
Line: 1897

    l_ra_rec.receivable_application_id   := NULL; --Sequence generated while insert
Line: 1915

    arp_app_pkg.insert_p( l_ra_rec, l_ra_rec.receivable_application_id );
Line: 1981

 |     records for the claim are deleted. The payment schedule amounts are
 |     updated appropriately.
 |     claim_creation
 |     arp_app_pkg.delete_p
 |     arp_acct_main.Delete_Acct_Entry(l_ae_doc_rec);
Line: 2019

    select ra.*     --'APP' OR 'OTHER ACC'
    from   ar_receivable_applications ra
    where  ra.receivable_application_id = p_rapp_id
    and    nvl(ra.confirmed_flag,'Y') = 'Y'
    and exists (select 'x'
                from  ar_distributions_all ard
                where ard.source_table = 'RA'
                and   ard.source_id    = ra.receivable_application_id)
    select ra.*     --'UNAPP'
    from   ar_receivable_applications ra
         , ar_distributions ard
    where  ra.receivable_application_id = ard.SOURCE_ID
    and    nvl(ra.confirmed_flag,'Y') = 'Y'
    and    ard.source_table = 'RA'
    and    ard.source_id_secondary =
         ( select ra1.receivable_application_id
           from   ar_receivable_applications ra1
           where  ra1.receivable_application_id = p_rapp_id );
Line: 2079

Line: 2086

Line: 2094

             p_event_mode        => 'DELETE',
             p_table_name        => 'AR_RECEIVABLE_APPLICATIONS',
             p_mode              => 'SINGLE',
             p_key_value         => ln_ra_id);
Line: 2102

Line: 2110

             p_event_mode        => 'DELETE',
             p_table_name        => 'AR_RECEIVABLE_APPLICATIONS',
             p_mode              => 'SINGLE',
             p_key_value         => ln_ra_id);
Line: 2164

  SELECT gl.currency_code
  INTO   l_currency_code
  FROM   gl_sets_of_books gl
        ,ar_system_parameters ar
  WHERE  gl.set_of_books_id = ar.set_of_books_id;
Line: 2220

  SELECT rt.receivables_trx_id
  INTO   l_receivables_trx_id
  FROM   ar_receivables_trx rt
  WHERE  rt.receivables_trx_id = (
    SELECT rma.claim_receivables_trx_id
    FROM   ar_receipt_method_accounts rma, ar_cash_receipts cr
    WHERE  rma.receipt_method_id = cr.receipt_method_id
    AND    cr.cash_receipt_id = p_cash_receipt_id
    AND    rma.primary_flag = 'Y' );
Line: 2247

 |      This function is called to update ar_payment_schedules,
 |      active_claim_flag column with the appropriate claim status returned
 |      from TM
 |         IN : p_ps_id         --payment_schedule_id
 |              p_claim_status  --claim status
 |         OUT:    NONE
 | NOTES      :
 | Date		Author	Description of Changes
 | 21-JAN-2003	cthangai    Update ar_payment_schdeules.active_claim_flag
 |                            based on the claim status in TM
 | DD-MON-YYYY    Name        Bug #####, modified amount ..
 (p_ps_id        IN ar_payment_schedules.payment_schedule_id%type
 ,p_claim_status IN ar_payment_schedules.active_claim_flag%type
 ) IS


  -- Update claim status
  UPDATE ar_payment_schedules
  SET    active_claim_flag = p_claim_status
  WHERE  payment_schedule_id = p_ps_id;
Line: 2290

Line: 2294

Line: 2420

     SELECT amount_applied
     INTO   ln_amount_applied
     FROM   ar_receivable_applications
     WHERE  receivable_application_id = p_rapp_id;
Line: 2427

     SELECT sum(amount_applied)
     INTO   ln_amount_applied
     FROM   ar_receivable_applications
     WHERE  cash_receipt_id = p_cr_id
     AND    status = 'UNAPP';
Line: 2526

   ' SELECT rc.name FROM ozf_reason_codes_vl rc, ozf_claims c '||
   ' WHERE  c.reason_code_id = rc.reason_code_id '||
   ' AND    c.claim_id       = :claim_id ';
Line: 2625

 |      updates to payment schedules and the synch up with Trade management
 |      if necessary.
 |      This function will write messages to the concurrent request output file
 |         IN :    p_cash_receipt_id
 |                 p_applied_payment_schedule_id
 |                 p_open_rec_app_id
 |                 p_amount_applied
 |                 p_attribute_category
 |                 p_attribute1
 |                 p_attribute2
 |                 p_attribute3
 |                 p_attribute4
 |                 p_attribute5
 |                 p_attribute6
 |                 p_attribute7
 |                 p_attribute8
 |                 p_attribute9
 |                 p_attribute10
 |                 p_attribute11
 |                 p_attribute12
 |                 p_attribute13
 |                 p_attribute14
 |                 p_attribute15
 |         OUT:    X_RETURN_STAUS (S=success, E=Error, U=Unidentified Error)
 |                 x_receipt_number
 |                 X_APPLY_TYPE (F=Full, P=Partial)
 |    This routine currently does not support receipt to receipt applications
 |    which are in a currency other then functional currency.
 | Date		Author	       Description of Changes
 | 19-FEB-2003	cthangai       Created
 |                             Modify get_open_cr_id cursor to include receipt
 |                             number by joining to ar_cash_receipts
 |                             Modify cursor c1_validate to get amount_applied
 |                             Modify cursor c2_validate to get
 |                             sum(amount_applied)
 |                             Amount_applied retreived is used in determining
 |                             Full or Partial payment
 |                             Add OUT parameters x_return_status, x_apply_type
 | 03-MAR-2003  Debbie Jancis  Added Comments and formatting. Fixed how
 |                             x_apply_type was figuring out whether
 |                             application was full or partial.  For a
 |                             receipt to receipt application, the sign
 |                             of the the p_amount_applied variable will
 |                             always be the opposite sign of the
 |                             l_amount_applied value retrieved from the
 |                             receivable apps record of the applied receipt.
 | 07-MAR-2003	cthangai       Added OUT parameter x_application_ref_num
 |                             for the TM API call to apply_open_receipt
 |                             local variable l_application_ref_num
PROCEDURE apply_open_receipt_cover
 (p_cash_receipt_id             IN ar_cash_receipts.cash_receipt_id%TYPE,
  p_applied_payment_schedule_id IN ar_payment_schedules.payment_schedule_id%TYPE
 ,p_open_rec_app_id             IN
 ,p_amount_applied              IN
 ,p_attribute_category          IN
 ,p_attribute1                  IN  ar_receivable_applications.attribute1%TYPE
 ,p_attribute2                  IN  ar_receivable_applications.attribute2%TYPE
 ,p_attribute3                  IN  ar_receivable_applications.attribute3%TYPE
 ,p_attribute4                  IN  ar_receivable_applications.attribute4%TYPE
 ,p_attribute5                  IN  ar_receivable_applications.attribute5%TYPE
 ,p_attribute6                  IN  ar_receivable_applications.attribute6%TYPE
 ,p_attribute7                  IN  ar_receivable_applications.attribute7%TYPE
 ,p_attribute8                  IN  ar_receivable_applications.attribute8%TYPE
 ,p_attribute9                  IN  ar_receivable_applications.attribute9%TYPE
 ,p_attribute10                 IN  ar_receivable_applications.attribute10%TYPE
 ,p_attribute11                 IN  ar_receivable_applications.attribute11%TYPE
 ,p_attribute12                 IN  ar_receivable_applications.attribute12%TYPE
 ,p_attribute13                 IN  ar_receivable_applications.attribute13%TYPE
 ,p_attribute14                 IN  ar_receivable_applications.attribute14%TYPE
 ,p_attribute15                 IN  ar_receivable_applications.attribute15%TYPE
 ,x_return_status               OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
 ,x_receipt_number              OUT NOCOPY ar_cash_receipts.receipt_number%TYPE
 ,x_apply_type                  OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
 ) IS

  --Fetch open_cash_receipt_id
  CURSOR get_open_cr_id
   (p_applied_ps_id ar_payment_schedules.payment_schedule_id%TYPE) IS
    SELECT ps.cash_receipt_id, cr.receipt_number
    FROM   ar_payment_schedules ps
          ,ar_cash_receipts cr
    WHERE  ps.payment_schedule_id = p_applied_ps_id
    AND    ps.cash_receipt_id = cr.cash_receipt_id;
Line: 2731

     SELECT amount_applied --'Y'
     FROM   ar_receivable_applications
     WHERE  receivable_application_id = p_rapp_id
     AND    display = 'Y';
Line: 2740

     SELECT sum(amount_applied)
     FROM   ar_receivable_applications
     WHERE  cash_receipt_id = p_cr_id
     AND    status = 'UNAPP'
     HAVING sum(amount_applied) >= p_amount_applied;
Line: 2769

    arp_standard.debug('update_action: arp_deduction.apply_open_receipt_cover()+');
Line: 2945

    arp_standard.debug('update_action: ARP_DEDUCTION.apply_open_receipt_cover()-');
Line: 3006

  SELECT nvl(active_claim_flag,'N')
  INTO   l_active_claim_flag
  FROM   ar_payment_schedules
  WHERE  payment_schedule_id = p_payment_schedule_id;