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1 PACKAGE BODY igs_as_cgr_wf_pkg AS
2 /* $Header: IGSAS54B.pls 120.1 2006/07/11 07:04:11 sepalani noship $ */
4 /* ***********************************************************************************************************/
5   -- Procedure : Select_Approver
6   --This Procedure relates to selecting an Approver (Admin or Lead Instructor), to whom this
7   --Notification of Change Grade Request Submission has to be sent. This notification requires a
8   --response from  Approver/ Admin/ Lead Instructor ( who ever is it, based upon the Organization
9   --hierarchy set by the  Institute or Organization). Approver can Reject OR Approve the
10   --notification OR ask for More Information.
11 /* **********************************************************************************************************/
12   PROCEDURE select_approver (
13     itemtype                       IN     VARCHAR2,
14     itemkey                        IN     VARCHAR2,
15     actid                          IN     NUMBER,
16     funcmode                       IN     VARCHAR2,
17     resultout                      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
18   ) IS
19     l_api_name CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30) := 'Select_Approver';
20     l_return_status     VARCHAR2 (1);
21     l_uoo_id            NUMBER (7) := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (
22                                         itemtype,
23                                         itemkey,
24                                         'UOO_ID'
25                                       );
26     l_requester_id      NUMBER (15) := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (
27                                          itemtype,
28                                          itemkey,
29                                          'REQUESTER_ID'
30                                        );
31     l_instructor_id     igs_ps_usec_tch_resp.instructor_id%TYPE;
32     l_user_name_app     fnd_user.user_name%TYPE;
33     l_user_name_req     fnd_user.user_name%TYPE;
34     CURSOR cur_user (lv_requester_id fnd_user.person_party_id%TYPE) IS
35       SELECT user_name
36       FROM   fnd_user
37       WHERE  person_party_id = lv_requester_id;
38     CURSOR cur_instruct (lv_uoo_id igs_ps_unit_ofr_opt.uoo_id%TYPE) IS
39       SELECT instructor_id
40       FROM   igs_ps_usec_tch_resp
41       WHERE  lead_instructor_flag = 'Y'
42       AND    uoo_id = lv_uoo_id;
43     CURSOR cur_user1 (lv_instructor_id fnd_user.person_party_id%TYPE) IS
44       SELECT user_name
45       FROM   fnd_user
46       WHERE  person_party_id = lv_instructor_id;
47   BEGIN
48     SAVEPOINT select_approver;
49     IF (funcmode = 'RUN') THEN
50       /* Requester User Name */
51       BEGIN
52         OPEN cur_user (l_requester_id);
53         FETCH cur_user INTO l_user_name_req;
54         CLOSE cur_user;
55         wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype, itemkey, 'REQUESTER_USER_NAME', l_user_name_req);
56       EXCEPTION
58           resultout := 'FAILURE';
59           RETURN;
60       END;
61       /* Finding Lead Instructor and corresponding User Name */
62       BEGIN
63         OPEN cur_instruct (l_uoo_id);
64         FETCH cur_instruct INTO l_instructor_id;
65         CLOSE cur_instruct;
66         wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype, itemkey, 'TO_USER_ID', l_instructor_id);
67       EXCEPTION
69           resultout := 'FAILURE';
70           RETURN;
71       END;
72       /* Approver User Name */
73       BEGIN
74         OPEN cur_user1 (l_instructor_id);
75         FETCH cur_user1 INTO l_user_name_app;
76         CLOSE cur_user1;
77         wf_engine.setitemattrtext (itemtype, itemkey, 'TO_USER', l_user_name_app);
78       EXCEPTION
80           resultout := 'FAILURE';
81           RETURN;
82       END;
83       IF l_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
84         RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
85       END IF;
86       /* ########################################################################
87       Consulting Solution : Organizations / Institutions will set their organization's hierarchy, to
88       whom this notification has to be sent .
89       ######################################################################## */
90       resultout := 'SUCCESS';
91       RETURN;
92     END IF;
93     IF (funcmode = 'CANCEL') THEN
94       resultout := 'FAILURE';
95       RETURN;
96     END IF;
97     IF (funcmode NOT IN ('RUN', 'CANCEL')) THEN
98       resultout := 'FAILURE';
99       RETURN;
100     END IF;
102     WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
103       --If execution error, rollback all database changes, generate message text
104       --and return failure status to the WF
105       ROLLBACK TO select_approver;
106       resultout := 'FAILURE';
107       RETURN;
109       resultout := 'FAILURE';
110       RETURN;
112       RAISE;
113   END select_approver;
115   PROCEDURE approve_request (
116     itemtype                       IN     VARCHAR2,
117     itemkey                        IN     VARCHAR2,
118     actid                          IN     NUMBER,
119     funcmode                       IN     VARCHAR2,
120     resultout                      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
121   ) IS
122     l_api_name        CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30)                    := 'Approve_Request';
123     l_return_status            VARCHAR2 (1);
124     l_rowid                    VARCHAR2 (25);
125     l_org_id                   igs_as_su_stmptout.org_id%TYPE;
126     l_person_id                NUMBER (15)                     := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (
127                                                                     itemtype,
128                                                                     itemkey,
129                                                                     'PERSON_ID'
130                                                                   );
131     l_unit_code                VARCHAR2 (10)                   := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (
132                                                                     itemtype,
133                                                                     itemkey,
134                                                                     'UNIT_CODE'
135                                                                   );
136     l_course_cd                VARCHAR2 (6)                    := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (
137                                                                     itemtype,
138                                                                     itemkey,
139                                                                     'COURSE_CD'
140                                                                   );
141     l_cal_type                 VARCHAR2 (10)                    := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (
142                                                                      itemtype,
143                                                                      itemkey,
144                                                                      'CAL_TYPE'
145                                                                    );
146     l_ci_sequence_number       NUMBER (6)             := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (
147                                                            itemtype,
148                                                            itemkey,
149                                                            'CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER'
150                                                          );
151     l_ci_start_dt              DATE                          := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (
152                                                                   itemtype,
153                                                                   itemkey,
154                                                                   'CI_START_DT'
155                                                                 );
156     l_ci_end_dt                DATE                            := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (
157                                                                     itemtype,
158                                                                     itemkey,
159                                                                     'CI_END_DT'
160                                                                   );
161     l_grading_schema           VARCHAR2 (10)              := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (
162                                                                itemtype,
163                                                                itemkey,
164                                                                'GRADING_SCHEMA'
165                                                              );
166     l_change_grade_version_num NUMBER (6)       := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (
167                                                      itemtype,
168                                                      itemkey,
169                                                      'CHANGE_GRADE_VERSION_NUM'
170                                                    );
171     l_change_grade             VARCHAR2 (5)                 := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (
172                                                                  itemtype,
173                                                                  itemkey,
174                                                                  'CHANGE_GRADE'
175                                                                );
176     l_change_mark              NUMBER (6, 3)                 := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (
177                                                                   itemtype,
178                                                                   itemkey,
179                                                                   'CHANGE_MARK'
180                                                                 );
181     l_teach_cal_type           VARCHAR2 (10)              := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (
182                                                                itemtype,
183                                                                itemkey,
184                                                                'TEACH_CAL_TYPE'
185                                                              );
186     l_teach_ci_sequence_number NUMBER (6)       := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (
187                                                      itemtype,
188                                                      itemkey,
189                                                      'TEACH_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER'
190                                                    );
191     l_request_date             DATE                         := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (
192                                                                  itemtype,
193                                                                  itemkey,
194                                                                  'REQUEST_DATE'
195                                                                );
196     l_uoo_id                   NUMBER (7)                       := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (
197                                                                      itemtype,
198                                                                      itemkey,
199                                                                      'UOO_ID'
200                                                                    );
201     l_grading_period_cd        VARCHAR2 (30)           := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (
202                                                             itemtype,
203                                                             itemkey,
204                                                             'GRADING_PERIOD_CD'
205                                                           );
206     l_approver_id              NUMBER (15)                    := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (
207                                                                    itemtype,
208                                                                    itemkey,
209                                                                    'TO_USER_ID'
210                                                                  );
211     l_comment                  VARCHAR2 (360)                   := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (
212                                                                      itemtype,
213                                                                      itemkey,
214                                                                      'WF_NOTE'
215                                                                    );
216     l_sysdate                  DATE;
217   BEGIN
218     SAVEPOINT approve_request;
219     IF (l_grading_period_cd = 'EARLY_FINAL') THEN
220         l_grading_period_cd := 'FINAL';
221     END IF;
223     IF (funcmode = 'RUN') THEN
224       l_sysdate := SYSDATE;
225       /**************************Updating Change Grade Request Table *************************/
226       UPDATE igs_as_chn_grd_req
227          SET current_status = 'APPROVED',
228              approver_id = l_approver_id,
229              approver_date = l_sysdate,
230              approver_comments = l_comment
231        WHERE person_id = l_person_id
232        AND   course_cd = l_course_cd
233        AND   uoo_id = l_uoo_id
234        AND   current_status = 'IN PROGRESS';
235       /***************** Inserting Record in Student Unit Attempt Outcome Table**************/
236       igs_as_su_stmptout_pkg.insert_row (
237         x_rowid                        => l_rowid,
238         x_org_id                       => NULL,
239         x_person_id                    => l_person_id,
240         x_course_cd                    => l_course_cd,
241         x_unit_cd                      => l_unit_code,
242         x_cal_type                     => l_teach_cal_type,
243         x_ci_sequence_number           => l_teach_ci_sequence_number,
244         x_outcome_dt                   => l_sysdate,
245         x_ci_start_dt                  => l_ci_start_dt,
246         x_ci_end_dt                    => l_ci_end_dt,
247         x_grading_schema_cd            => l_grading_schema,
248         x_version_number               => l_change_grade_version_num,
249         x_grade                        => l_change_grade,
250         x_s_grade_creation_method_type => 'KEYED',
251         x_finalised_outcome_ind        => 'N',
252         x_mark                         => l_change_mark,
253         x_number_times_keyed           => NULL,
254         x_translated_grading_schema_cd => NULL,
255         x_translated_version_number    => NULL,
256         x_translated_grade             => NULL,
257         x_translated_dt                => NULL,
258         x_mode                         => 'R',
259         x_grading_period_cd            => l_grading_period_cd,
263         x_attribute3                   => NULL,
260         x_attribute_category           => NULL,
261         x_attribute1                   => NULL,
262         x_attribute2                   => NULL,
264         x_attribute4                   => NULL,
265         x_attribute5                   => NULL,
266         x_attribute6                   => NULL,
267         x_attribute7                   => NULL,
268         x_attribute8                   => NULL,
269         x_attribute9                   => NULL,
270         x_attribute10                  => NULL,
271         x_attribute11                  => NULL,
272         x_attribute12                  => NULL,
273         x_attribute13                  => NULL,
274         x_attribute14                  => NULL,
275         x_attribute15                  => NULL,
276         x_attribute16                  => NULL,
277         x_attribute17                  => NULL,
278         x_attribute18                  => NULL,
279         x_attribute19                  => NULL,
280         x_attribute20                  => NULL,
281         x_incomp_deadline_date         => NULL,
282         x_incomp_grading_schema_cd     => NULL,
283         x_incomp_version_number        => NULL,
284         x_incomp_default_grade         => NULL,
285         x_incomp_default_mark          => NULL,
286         x_comments                     => NULL,
287         x_uoo_id                       => l_uoo_id,
288         x_mark_capped_flag             => 'N',
289         x_release_date                 => NULL,
290         x_manual_override_flag         => 'N',
291         x_show_on_academic_histry_flag => 'Y'
292       );
293       IF l_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
294         RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
295       END IF;
296       /****************** Start :  Repeat Process / Translation / Finalization Process ***********/
297       igs_as_finalize_grade.finalize_process (
298         l_uoo_id,
299         l_person_id,
300         l_course_cd,
301         l_unit_code,
302         l_teach_cal_type,
303         l_teach_ci_sequence_number
304       );
305       /***************** End : Repeat Process / Translation / Finalization Process *************/
306       resultout := 'Y';
307       RETURN;
308     END IF;
309     IF (funcmode = 'CANCEL') THEN
310       resultout := 'N';
311       RETURN;
312     END IF;
313     IF (funcmode NOT IN ('RUN', 'CANCEL')) THEN
314       resultout := 'N';
315       RETURN;
316     END IF;
318     WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
319       --If execution error, rollback all database changes, generate message text
320       --and return failure status to the WF
321       ROLLBACK TO approve_request;
322       resultout := 'N';
323       RETURN;
325       RAISE;
326   END approve_request;
328   PROCEDURE reject_request (
329     itemtype                       IN     VARCHAR2,
330     itemkey                        IN     VARCHAR2,
331     actid                          IN     NUMBER,
332     funcmode                       IN     VARCHAR2,
333     resultout                      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
334   ) IS
335     l_api_name        CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30)  := 'Reject_Request';
336     l_return_status            VARCHAR2 (1);
337     l_person_id                NUMBER (15)    := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (itemtype, itemkey, 'PERSON_ID');
338     l_unit_code                VARCHAR2 (10)  := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (itemtype, itemkey, 'UNIT_CODE');
339     l_course_cd                VARCHAR2 (6)   := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (itemtype, itemkey, 'COURSE_CD');
340     l_teach_cal_type           VARCHAR2 (10)  := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (itemtype, itemkey, 'TEACH_CAL_TYPE');
341     l_teach_ci_sequence_number NUMBER (6)     := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (
342                                                    itemtype,
343                                                    itemkey,
344                                                    'TEACH_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER'
345                                                  );
346     l_request_date             DATE           := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (itemtype, itemkey, 'REQUEST_DATE');
347     l_approver_id              NUMBER (15)    := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (itemtype, itemkey, 'TO_USER_ID');
348     l_comment                  VARCHAR2 (360) := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (itemtype, itemkey, 'WF_NOTE');
349     -- anilk, 22-Apr-2003, Bug# 2829262
350     l_uoo_id                   NUMBER (7)     := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (itemtype, itemkey, 'UOO_ID');
351   BEGIN
352     SAVEPOINT reject_request;
353     /**************************Start : Updating Change Grade Request Table *********************/
354     UPDATE igs_as_chn_grd_req
355        SET current_status = 'REJECTED',
356            approver_id = l_approver_id,
357            approver_date = SYSDATE,
358            approver_comments = l_comment
359      WHERE person_id = l_person_id
360      AND   course_cd = l_course_cd
361      AND   uoo_id = l_uoo_id
362      AND   current_status = 'IN PROGRESS';
363     /**************************End : Updating Change Grade Request Table *********************/
364     IF l_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
365       RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
366     END IF;
368     WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
369       --If execution error, rollback all database changes, generate message text
370       --and return failure status to the WF
371       ROLLBACK TO approve_request;
373       RAISE;
374   END reject_request;
376   PROCEDURE need_information (
377     itemtype                       IN     VARCHAR2,
378     itemkey                        IN     VARCHAR2,
379     actid                          IN     NUMBER,
380     funcmode                       IN     VARCHAR2,
381     resultout                      OUT NOCOPY VARCHAR2
382   ) IS
383     l_api_name        CONSTANT VARCHAR2 (30)  := 'Need_Information';
384     l_return_status            VARCHAR2 (1);
385     l_person_id                NUMBER (15)    := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (itemtype, itemkey, 'PERSON_ID');
386     l_unit_code                VARCHAR2 (10)  := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (itemtype, itemkey, 'UNIT_CODE');
387     l_course_cd                VARCHAR2 (6)   := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (itemtype, itemkey, 'COURSE_CD');
388     l_teach_cal_type           VARCHAR2 (10)  := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (itemtype, itemkey, 'TEACH_CAL_TYPE');
389     l_teach_ci_sequence_number NUMBER (6)     := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (
390                                                    itemtype,
391                                                    itemkey,
392                                                    'TEACH_CI_SEQUENCE_NUMBER'
393                                                  );
394     l_request_date             DATE           := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (itemtype, itemkey, 'REQUEST_DATE');
395     l_approver_id              NUMBER (15)    := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (itemtype, itemkey, 'TO_USER_ID');
396     l_comment                  VARCHAR2 (360) := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (itemtype, itemkey, 'WF_NOTE');
397     -- anilk, 22-Apr-2003, Bug# 2829262
398     l_uoo_id                   NUMBER (7)     := wf_engine.getitemattrtext (itemtype, itemkey, 'UOO_ID');
399   BEGIN
400     SAVEPOINT need_information;
401     /**************************Start : Updating Change Grade Request Table *************************/
402     UPDATE igs_as_chn_grd_req
403        SET current_status = 'NEED MORE INFO',
404            approver_id = l_approver_id,
405            approver_date = SYSDATE,
406            approver_comments = l_comment
407      WHERE person_id = l_person_id
408      AND   course_cd = l_course_cd
409      AND   uoo_id = l_uoo_id
410      AND   current_status = 'IN PROGRESS';
411     /**************************End : Updating Change Grade Request Table *************************/
412     IF l_return_status <> fnd_api.g_ret_sts_success THEN
413       RAISE fnd_api.g_exc_error;
414     END IF;
416     WHEN fnd_api.g_exc_error THEN
417       --If execution error, rollback all database changes, generate message text
418       --and return failure status to the WF
419       ROLLBACK TO approve_request;
421       RAISE;
422   END need_information;
423 END igs_as_cgr_wf_pkg;