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Line 454: delete from fa_adjustments_mrc_v

450: -- a group reclass / member adjustment, etc inside
451: -- calc_fin_info when calling faxama/faxiat
453: if (p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R') then
454: delete from fa_adjustments_mrc_v
455: where asset_id = px_src_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
456: and book_type_code = px_src_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
457: and transaction_header_id = px_src_trans_rec.transaction_header_id
458: and adjustment_type in ('EXPENSE', 'BONUS EXPENSE')

Line 745: update fa_adjustments_mrc_v

741: and book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
742: and transaction_type_code = 'TRANSFER'
743: and transaction_header_id > p_trans_rec.transaction_header_id;
745: update fa_adjustments_mrc_v
746: set track_member_flag = null
747: where transaction_header_id = l_trans_rec.transaction_header_id
748: and book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code;

Line 906: delete from fa_adjustments_mrc_v

902: -- a group reclass / member adjustment, etc inside
903: -- calc_fin_info when calling faxama/faxiat
905: if (p_mrc_sob_type_code = 'R') then
906: delete from fa_adjustments_mrc_v
907: where asset_id = px_dest_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
908: and book_type_code = px_dest_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
909: and transaction_header_id = px_dest_trans_rec.transaction_header_id
910: and adjustment_type in ('EXPENSE', 'BONUS EXPENSE')

Line 1243: from fa_adjustments_mrc_v adj

1239: CURSOR c_get_mc_exp_amount IS
1240: select NVL(SUM(DECODE(adj.debit_credit_flag,
1241: 'DR', adj.adjustment_amount,
1242: 'CR', -1 * adj.adjustment_amount)), 0)
1243: from fa_adjustments_mrc_v adj
1244: where adj.asset_id = p_asset_hdr_rec.asset_id
1245: and adj.book_type_code = p_asset_hdr_rec.book_type_code
1246: and adj.adjustment_type = 'EXPENSE'
1247: and adj.period_counter_created = p_period_rec.period_counter