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Line 23: ,p_name in wf_item_attribute_values.name%type)

19: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
20: function item_attribute_exists
21: (p_item_type in wf_items.item_type%type
22: ,p_item_key in wf_items.item_key%type
23: ,p_name in wf_item_attribute_values.name%type)
24: return boolean is
25: -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
26: -- declare local variables
27: -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 33: from wf_item_attribute_values wiav

29: l_return boolean := TRUE;
30: -- cursor determines if an attribute exists
31: cursor csr_wiav is
32: select 1
33: from wf_item_attribute_values wiav
34: where wiav.item_type = p_item_type
35: and wiav.item_key = p_item_key
36: and wiav.name = p_name;
37: --

Line 227: ,p_date_value out nocopy wf_item_attribute_values.date_value%type

223: ,p_exists out nocopy boolean
224: ,p_subtype out nocopy wf_item_attributes.subtype%type
225: ,p_type out nocopy wf_item_attributes.type%type
226: ,p_format out nocopy wf_item_attributes.format%type
227: ,p_date_value out nocopy wf_item_attribute_values.date_value%type
228: ,p_number_value out nocopy wf_item_attribute_values.number_value%type
229: ,p_text_value out nocopy wf_item_attribute_values.text_value%type) is
230: -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
231: -- declare local variables

Line 228: ,p_number_value out nocopy wf_item_attribute_values.number_value%type

224: ,p_subtype out nocopy wf_item_attributes.subtype%type
225: ,p_type out nocopy wf_item_attributes.type%type
226: ,p_format out nocopy wf_item_attributes.format%type
227: ,p_date_value out nocopy wf_item_attribute_values.date_value%type
228: ,p_number_value out nocopy wf_item_attribute_values.number_value%type
229: ,p_text_value out nocopy wf_item_attribute_values.text_value%type) is
230: -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
231: -- declare local variables
232: -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------

Line 229: ,p_text_value out nocopy wf_item_attribute_values.text_value%type) is

225: ,p_type out nocopy wf_item_attributes.type%type
226: ,p_format out nocopy wf_item_attributes.format%type
227: ,p_date_value out nocopy wf_item_attribute_values.date_value%type
228: ,p_number_value out nocopy wf_item_attribute_values.number_value%type
229: ,p_text_value out nocopy wf_item_attribute_values.text_value%type) is
230: -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
231: -- declare local variables
232: -- --------------------------------------------------------------------------
233: l_type wf_item_attributes.type%type;

Line 1257: wf_item_attribute_values attribute

1253: process.item_key
1254: FROM wf_process_activities activity,
1255: wf_item_activity_statuses process,
1256: wf_item_activity_statuses result,
1257: wf_item_attribute_values attribute
1258: WHERE activity.activity_name = p_process_name
1259: AND activity.activity_item_type = p_item_type
1260: AND activity.process_item_type = p_item_type
1261: AND activity.instance_id = process.process_activity

Line 1280: ,wf_item_attribute_values attribute

1276: -- using activity_item_type||'' to disable non unique index
1278: select process.item_key
1279: from wf_item_activity_statuses process
1280: ,wf_item_attribute_values attribute
1281: ,wf_process_activities activity
1282: where activity.activity_name = p_process_name
1283: and activity.process_item_type = p_item_type
1284: and activity.activity_item_type||'' = p_item_type

Line 1298: ,wf_item_attribute_values attribute

1295: /*
1296: select process.item_key
1297: from wf_item_activity_statuses process
1298: ,wf_item_attribute_values attribute
1299: ,wf_process_activities activity
1300: ,wf_item_activity_statuses result
1301: where activity.activity_name = p_process_name
1302: and activity.process_item_type = p_item_type

Line 1322: from wf_item_attribute_values attribute

1318: where process.activity_name = p_process_name
1319: and process.activity_status_code = 'ACTIVE'
1320: and process.item_type = p_item_type
1321: and process.item_key in (select attribute.item_key
1322: from wf_item_attribute_values attribute
1323: where attribute.item_type = p_item_type
1324: and attribute.name = 'CURRENT_PERSON_ID'
1325: and attribute.number_value = p_current_person_id);*/

Line 1449: wf_item_attribute_values attribute

1445: SELECT /*+ ordered */
1446: process.item_key
1447: FROM wf_process_activities activity,
1448: wf_item_activity_statuses process,
1449: wf_item_attribute_values attribute
1450: WHERE activity.activity_name = p_process_name
1451: AND activity.activity_item_type = p_item_type
1452: AND activity.instance_id = process.process_activity
1453: AND process.activity_status = 'ACTIVE'

Line 1467: from wf_item_attribute_values attribute,

1463: -- using activity_item_type||'' to disable non unique index
1464: -- removed the redundant AND conditions
1466: select process.item_key
1467: from wf_item_attribute_values attribute,
1468: wf_process_activities activity,
1469: wf_item_activity_statuses process
1470: where activity.activity_name = p_process_name
1471: -- and activity.process_item_type = p_item_type

Line 1486: ,wf_item_attribute_values attribute

1483: /*
1484: select process.item_key
1485: from wf_item_activity_statuses process
1486: ,wf_item_attribute_values attribute
1487: ,wf_process_activities activity
1488: where activity.activity_name = p_process_name
1489: and activity.process_item_type = p_item_type
1490: and activity.activity_item_type = p_item_type

Line 1506: from wf_item_attribute_values attribute

1502: where process.activity_name = p_process_name
1503: and process.activity_status_code = 'ACTIVE'
1504: and process.item_type = p_item_type
1505: and process.item_key in (select attribute.item_key
1506: from wf_item_attribute_values attribute
1507: where attribute.item_type = p_item_type
1508: and attribute.name = 'CURRENT_PERSON_ID'
1509: and attribute.number_value = p_current_person_id);*/

Line 1630: ,wf_item_attribute_values attribute

1626: ) is
1628: select process.item_key
1629: from wf_item_activity_statuses process
1630: ,wf_item_attribute_values attribute
1631: ,wf_process_activities activity
1632: ,wf_item_activity_statuses result
1633: where activity.activity_name = p_process_name
1634: and activity.process_item_type = p_item_type

Line 1661: ,wf_item_attribute_values attribute

1657: ) is
1659: select process.item_key
1660: from wf_item_activity_statuses process
1661: ,wf_item_attribute_values attribute
1662: ,wf_process_activities activity
1663: where activity.activity_name = p_process_name
1664: and activity.process_item_type = p_item_type
1665: and activity.activity_item_type = p_item_type

Line 1981: wf_item_attribute_values wiav

1977: select wias.item_key
1978: from wf_item_activity_statuses wias,
1979: wf_activity_attr_values waav,
1980: wf_process_activities wpa,
1981: wf_item_attribute_values wiav
1982: where wias.item_type = itemtype
1983: and wias.activity_status = 'NOTIFIED'
1984: and wpa.instance_id = wias.process_activity
1985: and wpa.instance_id = waav.process_activity_id

Line 2011: wf_item_attribute_values s

2007: where t.last_update_date <= sysdate - c_transaction_age
2008: and t.status not in ('Y', 'YS','W')
2009: and t.transaction_ref_table <> 'PER_APPRAISALS'
2010: ) a, -- bug 3635925 , bug 5357274, bug 5990955
2011: wf_item_attribute_values s
2012: where a.item_type = itemtype
2013: and a.item_type = s.item_type
2014: and a.item_key = s.item_key
2015: and s.name = 'TRAN_SUBMIT')

Line 2083: from wf_items wi , wf_item_attribute_values av, icx_sessions s

2079: -- 4287117
2080: --5076290
2081: CURSOR defunct_wf_ids (c_transaction_age in number) IS
2082: select wi.item_key
2083: from wf_items wi , wf_item_attribute_values av, icx_sessions s
2084: where wi.item_type= itemtype
2085: and trunc(wi.begin_date) <= trunc(sysdate) --fix for bug 6642996
2086: and wi.end_date is null
2087: and av.item_type = wi.item_type

Line 2132: and exists (select 'e' from wf_item_attribute_values av, icx_sessions s

2128: and wi.item_key = ts.item_key
2129: and ts.item_type is not null
2130: and ts.item_key is not null
2131: )
2132: and exists (select 'e' from wf_item_attribute_values av, icx_sessions s
2133: where av.item_type = wi.item_type
2134: and av.item_key = wi.item_key
2135: and av.name = 'SESSION_ID'
2136: and av.number_value = s.session_id(+)


2259: BEGIN
2260: begin
2261: select TEXT_VALUE
2262: into l_transaction_status
2264: where ITEM_TYPE = itemtype
2265: and ITEM_KEY = rec.item_key
2266: and NAME = 'TRAN_SUBMIT';
2267: exception

Line 2415: ,p_transaction_age in wf_item_attribute_values.number_value%type

2411: -- |--------------------------------------------------------|
2412: -- ----------------------------------------------------------------------------
2413: procedure start_cleanup_process
2414: (p_item_type in wf_items.item_type%type
2415: ,p_transaction_age in wf_item_attribute_values.number_value%type
2416: ,p_process_name in wf_process_activities.process_name%type default 'HR_BACKGROUND_CLEANUP_PRC',
2417: p_transaction_status in varchar2 default 'ALL'
2418: ) is
2419: --