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1 package body WF_MAIL_UTIL as
2 /* $Header: wfmlutb.pls 120.5 2006/04/17 07:06:06 sstomar ship $ */
4 -- EncodeBLOB
5 --   Receives a BLOB input and encodes it to Base64 CLOB
6 -- IN
7 --   BLOB data
8 -- OUT
9 --   CLOB data
11 procedure EncodeBLOB(pIDoc  in     blob,
12                      pODoc  in out nocopy clob)
13 is
14    rawData raw(32767);
15    chunksize integer;
16    amount binary_integer := 32767;
17    position integer := 1;
18    base64raw RAW(32767);
19    chunkcount binary_integer := 0;
20    cBuffer varchar2(32000);
21 begin
22    chunksize := 12288;
23    amount := dbms_lob.getLength(pIDoc);
24    if(chunksize < amount) then
25       chunkcount := round((amount / chunksize)+0.5);
26    else
27       chunkCount := 1;
28    end if;
30    for i in 1..chunkcount loop
31       dbms_lob.read(pIDoc, chunksize, position, rawData);
32       base64raw := utl_encode.base64_encode(rawData);
33       cBuffer := utl_raw.cast_to_varchar2(base64Raw);
34       dbms_lob.writeAppend(pODoc, length(cBuffer), cBuffer);
35       position := position + chunksize;
36    end loop;
37    dbms_lob.WriteAppend(pODoc, 1, wf_core.newline);
39 exception
40    when others then
41       wf_core.context('WF_MAIL_UTIL', 'EncodeBLOB');
42       raise;
43 end EncodeBLOB;
45 -- DecodeBLOB
46 --   Receives a CLOB input and decodes it from Base64 to BLOB
47 -- IN
48 --   CLOB data
49 -- OUT
50 --   BLOB data
51 procedure DecodeBLOB(pIDoc  in     clob,
52                      pODoc  in out nocopy blob)
53 is
54    rawData raw(32767);
55    chunksize integer;
56    amount binary_integer := 32767;
57    position number := 1;
58    base64raw RAW(32767);
59    chunkcount binary_integer := 0;
60    cBuffer varchar2(32000);
61    bufsize number;
62 begin
63    amount := dbms_lob.getLength(pIDoc);
64    chunksize := 16896; -- Do not change
65    if(chunksize < amount) then
66       chunkcount := round((amount / chunksize)+0.5);
67    else
68       chunkCount := 1;
69    end if;
71    dbms_lob.trim(pODoc, 0);
72    for i in 1..chunkcount loop
73       dbms_lob.read(pIDoc, chunksize, position, cBuffer);
74       base64raw := utl_raw.cast_to_raw(cBuffer);
75       rawData := utl_encode.base64_decode(base64Raw);
76       bufsize := utl_raw.length(rawData);
77       dbms_lob.writeAppend(pODoc, bufsize, rawData);
78       position := position + chunksize;
79    end loop;
81 exception
82    when others then
83       wf_core.context('WF_MAIL_UTIL','DecodeBLOB');
84       raise;
85 end DecodeBLOB;
87 -- getTimezone (PRIVATE)
88 --   Gets the server timezone message
89 -- IN
90 --   contentType - Document Type in varchar2
91 -- RETURN
92 --   timezone - Formatted timezone message in varchar2
93 function getTimezone(contentType in varchar2) return varchar2
94 is
95    timezone varchar2(240);
97 begin
98    if  g_install='EMBEDDED' AND
99        FND_TIMEZONES.timezones_enabled = 'Y' then
101        -- bug 5043031: When Mailer sends notifications to users
102        -- with different lang preferences one after the other;
103        -- user some times gets time zone in different langauge rather than user's prefered language.
104        --
106        g_gmt_offset := getGMTDeviation(g_timezoneName);
108        if length(g_gmt_offset) > 0 then
109          if contentType = g_ntfDocText then
110             wf_core.token('TIMEZONE', g_gmt_offset);
111             timezone := wf_core.Substitute('WFTKN','WFNTF_TIMEZONE');
112          else
113             wf_core.token('TIMEZONE', '<SPAN style="font-weight:bold">'||
114                           g_gmt_offset||'</SPAN>');
115             timezone := wf_core.Substitute('WFTKN','WFNTF_TIMEZONE');
116          end if;
117       else
118          timezone := '';
119       end if;
120    else
121       timezone := '';
122    end if;
124    return timezone;
126 end getTimezone;
128 -- getGMTDeviation (PRIVATE)
129 --    Function to get the gmtDeviation in String time format, for example,
130 --  Pacific Time with 8 GMT offset would be displayed as '(GMT -8:00/-7:00)
131 --  Pacific Time' or '(GMT -8:00) Pacific Time' depending on whether the
132 --  day light savings is enabled or not.
133 -- IN
134 --   pName - Timezone name
135 -- RETURN
136 --   l_GMT_deviation - GMT deviation in varchar2 format
137 function getGMTDeviation(pName in varchar2) return varchar2
138 is
139    l_gmt_offset    number;
140    l_name          varchar2(80);
141    l_offset_str1   varchar2(100);
142    l_offset_str2   varchar2(100);
143    l_daylight_flag varchar2(1);
144    l_gmt_deviation varchar2(240);
146 begin
148    SELECT name, gmt_offset, daylight_savings_flag
149    INTO   l_name, l_gmt_offset, l_daylight_flag
151    WHERE  t.enabled_flag = 'Y'
152    AND    t.name=pName;
154    l_offset_str1 := to_char(trunc(l_gmt_offset),'S09') || ':'
155                     || to_char(abs(l_gmt_offset - trunc(l_gmt_offset))*60,'FM900');
157    if(l_daylight_flag = 'Y') then
158       l_gmt_offset := l_gmt_offset + 1;
159       l_offset_str2 := to_char(trunc(l_gmt_offset),'S09') || ':'
160                        || to_char(abs(l_gmt_offset - trunc(l_gmt_offset))*60,'FM900');
161       l_gmt_deviation := '(GMT '
162                          || trim(l_offset_str1) || '/'
163                          || trim(l_offset_str2) || ') '
164                          || l_name;
165    else
166       l_gmt_deviation := '(GMT '
167                          || trim(l_offset_str1) || ') '
168                          || l_name;
169    end if;
171    return l_gmt_deviation;
172 end getGMTDeviation;
174 -- StrParser
175 --   Parse a string and seperate the elements into a memeory table based on the
176 --   content of the seperators.
177 -- IN
178 --    str - The Varchar2 that is to be parsed
179 --    sep - The list of SINGLE character seprators that will
180 --          segment the str.
181 -- RETURN
182 --    parserStack_t a memory table of Varchar2
183 --
184 function strParser(str in varchar2, sep in varchar2) return parserStack_t
185 is
186   quot pls_integer;
187   i pls_integer;
188   c varchar2(1);
189   attr varchar2(2000);
190   defv varchar2(2000);
191   stack parserStack_t;
192   buf varchar2(2000);
194 begin
195   if str is not null or str <> '' then
196     quot := 1;
197     i := 1;
198     buf := '';
199     while i <= length(str) loop
200       c := substrb(str, i, 1);
201       if instrb(sep, c,1 ,1)>0 then
202         if buf is not null or buf <> '' then
203           -- Push the buffer to the stack and start again
204           stack(quot) := trim(buf);
205           quot := quot + 1;
206           buf := '';
207         end if;
208       elsif c = '\' then
209         -- Escape character. Consume this and the next character.
210         i := i + 1;
211         c := substrb(str, i, 1);
212         buf := buf ||c;
213       else
214         buf := buf || c;
215       end if;
216       i := i + 1;
217     end loop;
218     if buf is not null or buf <> '' then
219        stack(quot) := trim(buf);
220     end if;
221   end if;
222   return stack;
223 end strParser;
225 -- ParseContentType
226 --   Parses document type returned by the PLSQL/PLSQLCLOB/PLSQLBLOB document
227 --   APIs and returns the parameters
228 -- IN
229 --   pContentType - Document Type
230 -- OUT
231 --   pMimeType - Content Type of the document
232 --   pFileName - File Name
233 --   pExtn     - File Extension
234 --   pEncoding - Content Encoding
235 procedure parseContentType(pContentType in varchar2,
236                            pMimeType    out nocopy varchar2,
237                            pFileName    out nocopy varchar2,
238                            pExtn        out nocopy varchar2,
239                            pEncoding    out nocopy varchar2)
240 is
241   i pls_integer;
242   l_content_type varchar2(255);
243   l_paramlist parserStack_t;
244   l_sublist parserStack_t;
246 begin
247   -- Derive the name for the attachment.
248   l_content_type := pContentType;
249   pExtn := '';
250   pFilename := '';
251   pMimeType := '';
252   pEncoding := '';
253   l_paramlist := strParser(l_content_type, ';');
254   if (l_paramlist is null) then
255     return;
256   end if;
257   pMimeType := l_paramlist(1);
258   for i in 1..l_paramlist.COUNT loop
259     l_sublist := strParser(l_paramlist(i),'/');
260     if l_sublist.COUNT = 2 then
261       pExtn := l_sublist(2);
262     end if;
263     l_sublist.DELETE;
264     l_sublist := strParser(l_paramList(i),'="');
265     for i in 1..l_sublist.COUNT loop
266       if lower(l_sublist(i)) = 'name' then
267         pFilename := l_sublist(i+1);
268       end if;
269       if lower(l_sublist(i)) = 'encoding' then
270         pEncoding := l_sublist(i+1);
271       end if;
272     end loop;
273     l_sublist.DELETE;
274   end loop;
275   if lower(pExtn) = 'tab-separated-values' then
276      pExtn := 'tsv';
277   elsif lower(pExtn) = 'comma-separated-values' then
278      pExtn := 'csv';
279   elsif lower(pExtn) = 'plain' then
280      pExtn := 'txt';
281   elsif lower(pExtn) like '%excel' then
282      pExtn := 'xls';
283   elsif lower(pExtn) = 'html' then
284      pExtn := 'htm';
285   elsif lower(pExtn) like '%msword' then
286      pExtn := 'doc';
287   end if;
288 end parseContentType;
291 -- GLOBAL Package level variables that contain static data.
292 g_install := wf_core.translate('WF_INSTALL');
293 g_timezoneName := '';
294 g_gmt_offset := '';
295 g_ntfDocText := wf_notification.doc_text;
297 end WF_MAIL_UTIL;