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1 Package per_rsc_flex AUTHID CURRENT_USER as
2 /* $Header: perscfli.pkh 115.0 99/07/18 14:59:40 porting ship $ */
3 --
4 --
5 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
6 --|-------------------------------< df>--------------------------------------|
7 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------
8 --{Start of Comments}
9 --
10 --
11 --  Description:
12 --    This procedure controls the validation processing required for
13 --    descriptive flexfields by calling the relevant validation
14 --    procedures. These are called dependant on the value of the relevant
15 --    entity reference field value.
16 --
17 --  Pre Conditions:
18 --    A fully validated entity record structure.
19 --
20 --  In Arguments:
21 --    p_rec (Record structure for relevant entity).
22 --
23 --  Post Success:
24 --    Processing of the calling api continues.
25 --
26 --  Post Failure:
27 --    A failure can only occur under two circumstances:
28 --    1) The value of reference field is not supported.
29 --    2) When the reference field value is null and not all
30 --     attribute arguments are not null(i.e. attribute
31 --     arguments cannot be set without a corresponding reference
32 --     field value).
33 --
34 --
35 --  Post Failure:
36 --    A failure can only occur under two circumstances:
37 --    1) The value of reference field is not supported.
38 --    2) When the refence field value is null and not all
39 --     attribute arguments are not null(i.e. attribute
40 --     arguments cannot be set without a corresponding reference
41 --     field value).
42 --
43 --  Developer Implementation Notes:
44 --    Customer defined.
45 --
46 --  Access Status:
47 --    Internal Development Use Only.
48 --
49 --  {End of Comments}
50 --
51 -----------------------------------------------------------------------------
52 procedure
53 df
54   (p_rec   in per_rsc_shd.g_rec_type
55   );
56 --
57 end per_rsc_flex;