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Line 18: hr_utility.trace('l_length_clob '|| l_length_clob);

14: begin
15: l_length_clob := dbms_lob.getlength(p_clob);
16: l_offset := 1;
17: while l_length_clob > 0 loop
18: hr_utility.trace('l_length_clob '|| l_length_clob);
19: if l_length_clob < l_buffer_len then
20: l_chunk_len := l_length_clob;
21: else
22: l_chunk_len := l_buffer_len;

Line 29: hr_utility.trace('l_length_blob '|| dbms_lob.getlength(p_blob));

25: l_raw_buffer := utl_raw.cast_to_raw(l_varchar_buffer);
26: dbms_lob.write(p_blob,l_chunk_len, l_offset, l_raw_buffer);
27: l_offset := l_offset + l_chunk_len;
28: l_length_clob := l_length_clob - l_chunk_len;
29: hr_utility.trace('l_length_blob '|| dbms_lob.getlength(p_blob));
30: end loop;
31: end;
33: procedure delete_entries(errbuf out nocopy VARCHAR2,

Line 143: hr_utility.TRACE('Incorrect element type id '|| p_element_type_id);

139: fetch csr_get_element_name into l_element_name;
140: if csr_get_element_name%notfound
141: then
142: close csr_get_element_name;
143: hr_utility.TRACE('Incorrect element type id '|| p_element_type_id);
144: raise e_p11d_element_err;
145: end if;
146: close csr_get_element_name;
147: hr_utility.TRACE('Value of element name='|| l_element_name);

Line 147: hr_utility.TRACE('Value of element name='|| l_element_name);

143: hr_utility.TRACE('Incorrect element type id '|| p_element_type_id);
144: raise e_p11d_element_err;
145: end if;
146: close csr_get_element_name;
147: hr_utility.TRACE('Value of element name='|| l_element_name);
148: -- get the benefit start date id
149: open csr_get_benefit_date_id(c_ben_start_date_string, p_element_type_id);
150: fetch csr_get_benefit_date_id into l_ben_start_date_id;
151: if csr_get_benefit_date_id%notfound

Line 154: hr_utility.TRACE('No Benefit Start date defined for element ');

150: fetch csr_get_benefit_date_id into l_ben_start_date_id;
151: if csr_get_benefit_date_id%notfound
152: then
153: close csr_get_benefit_date_id;
154: hr_utility.TRACE('No Benefit Start date defined for element ');
155: raise e_p11d_ben_st_dt_err;
156: end if;
157: close csr_get_benefit_date_id;
158: hr_utility.TRACE('Value of benefit start date id = '|| to_char(l_ben_start_date_id) );

Line 158: hr_utility.TRACE('Value of benefit start date id = '|| to_char(l_ben_start_date_id) );

154: hr_utility.TRACE('No Benefit Start date defined for element ');
155: raise e_p11d_ben_st_dt_err;
156: end if;
157: close csr_get_benefit_date_id;
158: hr_utility.TRACE('Value of benefit start date id = '|| to_char(l_ben_start_date_id) );
159: -- get the benefit END date id;
160: open csr_get_benefit_date_id(c_ben_end_date_string, p_element_type_id);
161: fetch csr_get_benefit_date_id into l_ben_end_date_id;
162: if csr_get_benefit_date_id%notfound

Line 165: hr_utility.TRACE('No Benefit End date defined for element type id ');

161: fetch csr_get_benefit_date_id into l_ben_end_date_id;
162: if csr_get_benefit_date_id%notfound
163: then
164: close csr_get_benefit_date_id;
165: hr_utility.TRACE('No Benefit End date defined for element type id ');
166: raise e_p11d_ben_end_dt_err;
167: end if;
168: close csr_get_benefit_date_id;
169: hr_utility.TRACE('Value of benefit end date id ='|| to_char(l_ben_end_date_id) );

Line 169: hr_utility.TRACE('Value of benefit end date id ='|| to_char(l_ben_end_date_id) );

165: hr_utility.TRACE('No Benefit End date defined for element type id ');
166: raise e_p11d_ben_end_dt_err;
167: end if;
168: close csr_get_benefit_date_id;
169: hr_utility.TRACE('Value of benefit end date id ='|| to_char(l_ben_end_date_id) );
170: -- get the elementry id WHERE the start date is greater than the p_start_date
171: -- AND END date is less than the p_end_date. Only those element entry id's will
172: -- be returned WHERE the business group id is p_bus_grp_id
173: hr_utility.TRACE('p_start_date '|| p_start_date);

Line 173: hr_utility.TRACE('p_start_date '|| p_start_date);

169: hr_utility.TRACE('Value of benefit end date id ='|| to_char(l_ben_end_date_id) );
170: -- get the elementry id WHERE the start date is greater than the p_start_date
171: -- AND END date is less than the p_end_date. Only those element entry id's will
172: -- be returned WHERE the business group id is p_bus_grp_id
173: hr_utility.TRACE('p_start_date '|| p_start_date);
174: hr_utility.TRACE('p_end_date '|| p_end_date);
175: hr_utility.TRACE('p_bus_grp_id '|| p_bus_grp_id);
176: hr_utility.TRACE('p_element_type_id '|| p_element_type_id);
177: if p_assignment_set_id is null then

Line 174: hr_utility.TRACE('p_end_date '|| p_end_date);

170: -- get the elementry id WHERE the start date is greater than the p_start_date
171: -- AND END date is less than the p_end_date. Only those element entry id's will
172: -- be returned WHERE the business group id is p_bus_grp_id
173: hr_utility.TRACE('p_start_date '|| p_start_date);
174: hr_utility.TRACE('p_end_date '|| p_end_date);
175: hr_utility.TRACE('p_bus_grp_id '|| p_bus_grp_id);
176: hr_utility.TRACE('p_element_type_id '|| p_element_type_id);
177: if p_assignment_set_id is null then
178: for del_element_entry in csr_get_del_element_entry_id(

Line 175: hr_utility.TRACE('p_bus_grp_id '|| p_bus_grp_id);

171: -- AND END date is less than the p_end_date. Only those element entry id's will
172: -- be returned WHERE the business group id is p_bus_grp_id
173: hr_utility.TRACE('p_start_date '|| p_start_date);
174: hr_utility.TRACE('p_end_date '|| p_end_date);
175: hr_utility.TRACE('p_bus_grp_id '|| p_bus_grp_id);
176: hr_utility.TRACE('p_element_type_id '|| p_element_type_id);
177: if p_assignment_set_id is null then
178: for del_element_entry in csr_get_del_element_entry_id(
179: l_ben_start_date_id,

Line 176: hr_utility.TRACE('p_element_type_id '|| p_element_type_id);

172: -- be returned WHERE the business group id is p_bus_grp_id
173: hr_utility.TRACE('p_start_date '|| p_start_date);
174: hr_utility.TRACE('p_end_date '|| p_end_date);
175: hr_utility.TRACE('p_bus_grp_id '|| p_bus_grp_id);
176: hr_utility.TRACE('p_element_type_id '|| p_element_type_id);
177: if p_assignment_set_id is null then
178: for del_element_entry in csr_get_del_element_entry_id(
179: l_ben_start_date_id,
180: p_start_date,

Line 187: hr_utility.TRACE('Delete entries for element entry id '|| to_char(del_element_entry.element_entry_id) );

183: p_bus_grp_id,
184: p_element_type_id)
185: loop
186: l_count := l_count + 1;
187: hr_utility.TRACE('Delete entries for element entry id '|| to_char(del_element_entry.element_entry_id) );
188: pay_element_entry_api.delete_element_entry(p_datetrack_delete_mode => 'ZAP',
189: p_effective_date => del_element_entry.effective_start_date,
190: p_element_entry_id => del_element_entry.element_entry_id,
191: p_object_version_number => del_element_entry.object_version_number,

Line 198: hr_utility.TRACE('Commiting delete, counter = '|| to_char(l_count) );

194: p_delete_warning => l_del_warning_dummy);
195: if mod(l_count, c_commit_num) = 0
196: then
197: commit;
198: hr_utility.TRACE('Commiting delete, counter = '|| to_char(l_count) );
199: end if;
200: end loop;
201: else
202: for del_element_entry in csr_del_entries_assignset(

Line 212: hr_utility.TRACE('Delete entries for element entry id '|| to_char(del_element_entry.element_entry_id) );

208: p_element_type_id,
209: p_assignment_set_id)
210: loop
211: l_count := l_count + 1;
212: hr_utility.TRACE('Delete entries for element entry id '|| to_char(del_element_entry.element_entry_id) );
213: pay_element_entry_api.delete_element_entry(p_datetrack_delete_mode => 'ZAP',
214: p_effective_date => del_element_entry.effective_start_date,
215: p_element_entry_id => del_element_entry.element_entry_id,
216: p_object_version_number => del_element_entry.object_version_number,

Line 223: hr_utility.TRACE('Commiting delete, counter = '|| to_char(l_count) );

219: p_delete_warning => l_del_warning_dummy);
220: if mod(l_count, c_commit_num) = 0
221: then
222: commit;
223: hr_utility.TRACE('Commiting delete, counter = '|| to_char(l_count) );
224: end if;
225: end loop;
226: end if;
227: commit;

Line 231: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78046_GB_P11D_ELEMENT_ERR');

227: commit;
228: exception
229: when e_p11d_element_err
230: then
231: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78046_GB_P11D_ELEMENT_ERR');
232: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, 'ELEMENT', l_element_name);
233: errbuf := hr_utility.get_message;
234: hr_utility.raise_error;
235: retcode := 1;

Line 232: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, 'ELEMENT', l_element_name);

228: exception
229: when e_p11d_element_err
230: then
231: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78046_GB_P11D_ELEMENT_ERR');
232: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, 'ELEMENT', l_element_name);
233: errbuf := hr_utility.get_message;
234: hr_utility.raise_error;
235: retcode := 1;
236: rollback;

Line 233: errbuf := hr_utility.get_message;

229: when e_p11d_element_err
230: then
231: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78046_GB_P11D_ELEMENT_ERR');
232: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, 'ELEMENT', l_element_name);
233: errbuf := hr_utility.get_message;
234: hr_utility.raise_error;
235: retcode := 1;
236: rollback;
237: when e_p11d_ben_st_dt_err

Line 234: hr_utility.raise_error;

230: then
231: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78046_GB_P11D_ELEMENT_ERR');
232: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, 'ELEMENT', l_element_name);
233: errbuf := hr_utility.get_message;
234: hr_utility.raise_error;
235: retcode := 1;
236: rollback;
237: when e_p11d_ben_st_dt_err
238: then

Line 239: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78047_GB_P11D_BEN_ST_DT_ERR');

235: retcode := 1;
236: rollback;
237: when e_p11d_ben_st_dt_err
238: then
239: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78047_GB_P11D_BEN_ST_DT_ERR');
240: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, 'ELEMENT', l_element_name);
241: errbuf := hr_utility.get_message;
242: hr_utility.raise_error;
243: retcode := 1;

Line 240: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, 'ELEMENT', l_element_name);

236: rollback;
237: when e_p11d_ben_st_dt_err
238: then
239: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78047_GB_P11D_BEN_ST_DT_ERR');
240: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, 'ELEMENT', l_element_name);
241: errbuf := hr_utility.get_message;
242: hr_utility.raise_error;
243: retcode := 1;
244: rollback;

Line 241: errbuf := hr_utility.get_message;

237: when e_p11d_ben_st_dt_err
238: then
239: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78047_GB_P11D_BEN_ST_DT_ERR');
240: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, 'ELEMENT', l_element_name);
241: errbuf := hr_utility.get_message;
242: hr_utility.raise_error;
243: retcode := 1;
244: rollback;
245: when e_p11d_ben_end_dt_err

Line 242: hr_utility.raise_error;

238: then
239: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78047_GB_P11D_BEN_ST_DT_ERR');
240: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, 'ELEMENT', l_element_name);
241: errbuf := hr_utility.get_message;
242: hr_utility.raise_error;
243: retcode := 1;
244: rollback;
245: when e_p11d_ben_end_dt_err
246: then

Line 247: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78048_GB_P11D_BEN_ED_DT_ERR');

243: retcode := 1;
244: rollback;
245: when e_p11d_ben_end_dt_err
246: then
247: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78048_GB_P11D_BEN_ED_DT_ERR');
248: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, 'ELEMENT', l_element_name);
249: errbuf := hr_utility.get_message;
250: hr_utility.raise_error;
251: retcode := 1;

Line 248: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, 'ELEMENT', l_element_name);

244: rollback;
245: when e_p11d_ben_end_dt_err
246: then
247: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78048_GB_P11D_BEN_ED_DT_ERR');
248: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, 'ELEMENT', l_element_name);
249: errbuf := hr_utility.get_message;
250: hr_utility.raise_error;
251: retcode := 1;
252: rollback;

Line 249: errbuf := hr_utility.get_message;

245: when e_p11d_ben_end_dt_err
246: then
247: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78048_GB_P11D_BEN_ED_DT_ERR');
248: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, 'ELEMENT', l_element_name);
249: errbuf := hr_utility.get_message;
250: hr_utility.raise_error;
251: retcode := 1;
252: rollback;
253: when OTHERS

Line 250: hr_utility.raise_error;

246: then
247: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78048_GB_P11D_BEN_ED_DT_ERR');
248: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, 'ELEMENT', l_element_name);
249: errbuf := hr_utility.get_message;
250: hr_utility.raise_error;
251: retcode := 1;
252: rollback;
253: when OTHERS
254: then

Line 267: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78045_GB_P11D_DEL_ERR');

263: if csr_get_del_element_entry_id%isopen
264: then
265: close csr_get_del_element_entry_id;
266: end if;
267: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78045_GB_P11D_DEL_ERR');
268: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, 'ERRORMSG', sqlerrm);
269: errbuf := hr_utility.get_message;
270: hr_utility.raise_error;
271: retcode := 1;

Line 268: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, 'ERRORMSG', sqlerrm);

264: then
265: close csr_get_del_element_entry_id;
266: end if;
267: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78045_GB_P11D_DEL_ERR');
268: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, 'ERRORMSG', sqlerrm);
269: errbuf := hr_utility.get_message;
270: hr_utility.raise_error;
271: retcode := 1;
272: rollback;

Line 269: errbuf := hr_utility.get_message;

265: close csr_get_del_element_entry_id;
266: end if;
267: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78045_GB_P11D_DEL_ERR');
268: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, 'ERRORMSG', sqlerrm);
269: errbuf := hr_utility.get_message;
270: hr_utility.raise_error;
271: retcode := 1;
272: rollback;
273: end delete_entries;

Line 270: hr_utility.raise_error;

266: end if;
267: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78045_GB_P11D_DEL_ERR');
268: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, 'ERRORMSG', sqlerrm);
269: errbuf := hr_utility.get_message;
270: hr_utility.raise_error;
271: retcode := 1;
272: rollback;
273: end delete_entries;

Line 281: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78052_GB_P11D_VALUES_NULL');

277: p_token3 in VARCHAR2)return VARCHAR2
278: is
279: l_errmsg VARCHAR2(1000);
280: begin
281: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78052_GB_P11D_VALUES_NULL');
282: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, '1INPUT_VALUE', p_token1);
283: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, '2INPUT_VALUE', p_token2);
284: -- hr_utility.set_message_token (800, '3INPUT_VALUE', p_token3);
285: l_errmsg := hr_utility.get_message;

Line 282: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, '1INPUT_VALUE', p_token1);

278: is
279: l_errmsg VARCHAR2(1000);
280: begin
281: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78052_GB_P11D_VALUES_NULL');
282: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, '1INPUT_VALUE', p_token1);
283: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, '2INPUT_VALUE', p_token2);
284: -- hr_utility.set_message_token (800, '3INPUT_VALUE', p_token3);
285: l_errmsg := hr_utility.get_message;
286: return l_errmsg;

Line 283: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, '2INPUT_VALUE', p_token2);

279: l_errmsg VARCHAR2(1000);
280: begin
281: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78052_GB_P11D_VALUES_NULL');
282: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, '1INPUT_VALUE', p_token1);
283: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, '2INPUT_VALUE', p_token2);
284: -- hr_utility.set_message_token (800, '3INPUT_VALUE', p_token3);
285: l_errmsg := hr_utility.get_message;
286: return l_errmsg;
287: end get_null_error;

Line 284: -- hr_utility.set_message_token (800, '3INPUT_VALUE', p_token3);

280: begin
281: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78052_GB_P11D_VALUES_NULL');
282: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, '1INPUT_VALUE', p_token1);
283: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, '2INPUT_VALUE', p_token2);
284: -- hr_utility.set_message_token (800, '3INPUT_VALUE', p_token3);
285: l_errmsg := hr_utility.get_message;
286: return l_errmsg;
287: end get_null_error;

Line 285: l_errmsg := hr_utility.get_message;

281: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78052_GB_P11D_VALUES_NULL');
282: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, '1INPUT_VALUE', p_token1);
283: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, '2INPUT_VALUE', p_token2);
284: -- hr_utility.set_message_token (800, '3INPUT_VALUE', p_token3);
285: l_errmsg := hr_utility.get_message;
286: return l_errmsg;
287: end get_null_error;
289: function get_incorrect_val_error(p_token1 in VARCHAR2,

Line 295: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78051_GB_P11D_INCORRECT_VAL');

291: p_token3 in VARCHAR2) return VARCHAR2
292: is
293: l_errmsg VARCHAR2(1000);
294: begin
295: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78051_GB_P11D_INCORRECT_VAL');
296: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, '1INPUT_VALUE', p_token1);
297: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, '2INPUT_VALUE', p_token2);
298: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, '3INPUT_VALUE', p_token3);
299: l_errmsg := hr_utility.get_message;

Line 296: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, '1INPUT_VALUE', p_token1);

292: is
293: l_errmsg VARCHAR2(1000);
294: begin
295: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78051_GB_P11D_INCORRECT_VAL');
296: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, '1INPUT_VALUE', p_token1);
297: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, '2INPUT_VALUE', p_token2);
298: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, '3INPUT_VALUE', p_token3);
299: l_errmsg := hr_utility.get_message;
300: return l_errmsg;

Line 297: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, '2INPUT_VALUE', p_token2);

293: l_errmsg VARCHAR2(1000);
294: begin
295: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78051_GB_P11D_INCORRECT_VAL');
296: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, '1INPUT_VALUE', p_token1);
297: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, '2INPUT_VALUE', p_token2);
298: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, '3INPUT_VALUE', p_token3);
299: l_errmsg := hr_utility.get_message;
300: return l_errmsg;
301: end get_incorrect_val_error;

Line 298: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, '3INPUT_VALUE', p_token3);

294: begin
295: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78051_GB_P11D_INCORRECT_VAL');
296: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, '1INPUT_VALUE', p_token1);
297: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, '2INPUT_VALUE', p_token2);
298: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, '3INPUT_VALUE', p_token3);
299: l_errmsg := hr_utility.get_message;
300: return l_errmsg;
301: end get_incorrect_val_error;

Line 299: l_errmsg := hr_utility.get_message;

295: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78051_GB_P11D_INCORRECT_VAL');
296: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, '1INPUT_VALUE', p_token1);
297: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, '2INPUT_VALUE', p_token2);
298: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, '3INPUT_VALUE', p_token3);
299: l_errmsg := hr_utility.get_message;
300: return l_errmsg;
301: end get_incorrect_val_error;
303: function get_error_message(p_applid in NUMBER,

Line 308: hr_utility.set_message(p_applid, p_message_name);

304: p_message_name in VARCHAR2) return VARCHAR2
305: is
306: l_errmsg VARCHAR2(1000);
307: begin
308: hr_utility.set_message(p_applid, p_message_name);
309: l_errmsg := hr_utility.get_message;
310: return l_errmsg;
311: end get_error_message;

Line 309: l_errmsg := hr_utility.get_message;

305: is
306: l_errmsg VARCHAR2(1000);
307: begin
308: hr_utility.set_message(p_applid, p_message_name);
309: l_errmsg := hr_utility.get_message;
310: return l_errmsg;
311: end get_error_message;
313: function get_loan_amount(p_archive_payroll_action_id in VARCHAR2,

Line 358: hr_utility.TRACE('p_benefit_end_date '|| p_benefit_end_date);

354: and GLOBAL_NAME = p_global_name
355: and fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_benefit_end_date)
356: between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
357: begin
358: hr_utility.TRACE('p_benefit_end_date '|| p_benefit_end_date);
359: hr_utility.TRACE('p_global_name '|| p_global_name);
360: open csr_get_value;
361: fetch csr_get_value into l_global_value;
362: close csr_get_value;

Line 359: hr_utility.TRACE('p_global_name '|| p_global_name);

355: and fnd_date.canonical_to_date(p_benefit_end_date)
356: between effective_start_date and effective_end_date;
357: begin
358: hr_utility.TRACE('p_benefit_end_date '|| p_benefit_end_date);
359: hr_utility.TRACE('p_global_name '|| p_global_name);
360: open csr_get_value;
361: fetch csr_get_value into l_global_value;
362: close csr_get_value;
363: return l_global_value;

Line 373: hr_utility.TRACE(' p_variable_value '|| p_variable_value);

369: l_present_val NUMBER;
370: l_new_val NUMBER;
371: l_dummy NUMBER;
372: begin
373: hr_utility.TRACE(' p_variable_value '|| p_variable_value);
374: l_present_val := per_formula_functions.get_number(p_varable_name);
375: hr_utility.TRACE(' l_present_val '|| l_present_val);
376: if l_present_val is null
377: then

Line 375: hr_utility.TRACE(' l_present_val '|| l_present_val);

371: l_dummy NUMBER;
372: begin
373: hr_utility.TRACE(' p_variable_value '|| p_variable_value);
374: l_present_val := per_formula_functions.get_number(p_varable_name);
375: hr_utility.TRACE(' l_present_val '|| l_present_val);
376: if l_present_val is null
377: then
378: if p_variable_value is null
379: then

Line 384: hr_utility.TRACE('l_new_val '|| l_new_val);

380: l_new_val := null;
381: else
382: l_new_val := nvl(to_number(p_variable_value), 0);
383: end if;
384: hr_utility.TRACE('l_new_val '|| l_new_val);
385: else
386: l_new_val := l_present_val + nvl(to_number(p_variable_value), 0);
387: hr_utility.TRACE(' l_new_val '|| l_new_val);
388: end if;

Line 387: hr_utility.TRACE(' l_new_val '|| l_new_val);

383: end if;
384: hr_utility.TRACE('l_new_val '|| l_new_val);
385: else
386: l_new_val := l_present_val + nvl(to_number(p_variable_value), 0);
387: hr_utility.TRACE(' l_new_val '|| l_new_val);
388: end if;
389: l_dummy := per_formula_functions.set_number(p_varable_name, l_new_val);
390: hr_utility.TRACE(' l_dummy '|| l_dummy);
391: return l_new_val;

Line 390: hr_utility.TRACE(' l_dummy '|| l_dummy);

386: l_new_val := l_present_val + nvl(to_number(p_variable_value), 0);
387: hr_utility.TRACE(' l_new_val '|| l_new_val);
388: end if;
389: l_dummy := per_formula_functions.set_number(p_varable_name, l_new_val);
390: hr_utility.TRACE(' l_dummy '|| l_dummy);
391: return l_new_val;
392: end;
394: function max_and_set_global_var(p_variable_name in Varchar2,

Line 423: hr_utility.TRACE(' l_present_val '|| l_present_val);

419: -- this is for date, we need to store the max date
420: -- this is used for date free fuel withdrawn
421: -- if p_variable_value is null or zero this won't be called
422: l_present_val := per_formula_functions.get_text(p_variable_name);
423: hr_utility.TRACE(' l_present_val '|| l_present_val);
424: if l_present_val is null
425: then
426: l_dummy := per_formula_functions.set_text(p_variable_name, p_variable_value);
427: else

Line 475: hr_utility.TRACE('.. p_varable_name ...'|| p_varable_name);

471: l_present_val VARCHAR2(150);
472: l_new_val VARCHAR2(150);
473: l_dummy NUMBER;
474: begin
475: hr_utility.TRACE('.. p_varable_name ...'|| p_varable_name);
476: hr_utility.TRACE('.. p_variable_value ...'|| p_variable_value);
477: l_present_val := per_formula_functions.get_text(p_varable_name);
478: hr_utility.TRACE('..l_present_val.. '|| l_present_val);
479: if p_lookup_type is null

Line 476: hr_utility.TRACE('.. p_variable_value ...'|| p_variable_value);

472: l_new_val VARCHAR2(150);
473: l_dummy NUMBER;
474: begin
475: hr_utility.TRACE('.. p_varable_name ...'|| p_varable_name);
476: hr_utility.TRACE('.. p_variable_value ...'|| p_variable_value);
477: l_present_val := per_formula_functions.get_text(p_varable_name);
478: hr_utility.TRACE('..l_present_val.. '|| l_present_val);
479: if p_lookup_type is null
480: then

Line 478: hr_utility.TRACE('..l_present_val.. '|| l_present_val);

474: begin
475: hr_utility.TRACE('.. p_varable_name ...'|| p_varable_name);
476: hr_utility.TRACE('.. p_variable_value ...'|| p_variable_value);
477: l_present_val := per_formula_functions.get_text(p_varable_name);
478: hr_utility.TRACE('..l_present_val.. '|| l_present_val);
479: if p_lookup_type is null
480: then
481: if l_present_val is null
482: then

Line 486: hr_utility.TRACE('..Checking present Value with variable value '|| l_present_val);

482: then
483: l_new_val := p_variable_value;
484: l_dummy := per_formula_functions.set_text(p_varable_name, l_new_val);
485: else
486: hr_utility.TRACE('..Checking present Value with variable value '|| l_present_val);
487: if l_present_val <> nvl(p_variable_value, l_present_val)
488: then
489: l_new_val := 'Multiple';
490: l_dummy := per_formula_functions.set_text(p_varable_name, l_new_val);

Line 499: hr_utility.trace('New vale ' || l_new_val);

495: p_variable_value,
496: p_effective_date || ' 00:00:00'); -- since it accepts date in canonical format
497: if l_present_val is null
498: then
499: hr_utility.trace('New vale ' || l_new_val);
500: l_dummy := per_formula_functions.set_text(p_varable_name, l_new_val);
501: else
502: hr_utility.TRACE('..Checking present Value with variable value '|| l_present_val);
503: if l_present_val <> nvl(l_new_val, l_present_val)

Line 502: hr_utility.TRACE('..Checking present Value with variable value '|| l_present_val);

498: then
499: hr_utility.trace('New vale ' || l_new_val);
500: l_dummy := per_formula_functions.set_text(p_varable_name, l_new_val);
501: else
502: hr_utility.TRACE('..Checking present Value with variable value '|| l_present_val);
503: if l_present_val <> nvl(l_new_val, l_present_val)
504: then
505: l_new_val := 'Multiple';
506: l_dummy := per_formula_functions.set_text(p_varable_name, l_new_val);

Line 688: hr_utility.trace('l_p11d_fields.employers_name' || l_p11d_fields.employers_name);

684: and pai_comp.action_information_category = 'EMEA PAYROLL INFO';
686: l_p11d_fields.employers_ref_no := g_emp_ref_no;
687: l_p11d_fields.employers_name := replace(g_employer_name,'&','&');
688: hr_utility.trace('l_p11d_fields.employers_name' || l_p11d_fields.employers_name);
690: select decode(action_information4, 'Y', 'Y', 'N'),
691: action_information8, -- P11D changes 07/08 last_name
692: action_information6, -- P11D changes 07/08 first_name

Line 823: hr_utility.trace('Fetching from Result C');

819: where pai_emp.action_context_id = p_assignment_action_id
820: and pai_emp.action_context_type = 'AAP'
821: and pai_emp.action_information_category = 'GB P11D ASSIGNMENT RESULTB';
823: hr_utility.trace('Fetching from Result C');
824: select substr(action_information10,9,2) || ' ' ||
825: substr(action_information10,6,2) || ' ' ||
826: substr(action_information10,1,4) ,
827: decode (action_information11,null,'N','Y'),to_number(nvl(ACTION_INFORMATION23,'0'))

Line 927: hr_utility.trace('Fetching from Result C');

923: where pai_emp.action_context_id = p_assignment_action_id
924: and pai_emp.action_context_type = 'AAP'
925: and pai_emp.action_information_category = 'GB P11D ASSIGNMENT RESULTB';
927: hr_utility.trace('Fetching from Result C');
928: select to_number(nvl(ACTION_INFORMATION23,'0'))
929: into l_h_sum_max_amt_outstanding
930: from pay_action_information pai_emp
931: where pai_emp.action_context_id = p_assignment_action_id

Line 1006: hr_utility.trace('l_f_count ' || l_f_count);

1002: l_ben_end varchar2(10);
1003: l_tax_year varchar2(4);
1004: l_date_reg varchar2(10);
1005: begin
1006: hr_utility.trace('l_f_count ' || l_f_count);
1007: if l_f_count > 0
1008: then
1009: hr_utility.trace('l_payroll_action_id ' || g_payroll_action_id);
1010: hr_utility.trace('l_person_id ' || g_person_id);

Line 1009: hr_utility.trace('l_payroll_action_id ' || g_payroll_action_id);

1005: begin
1006: hr_utility.trace('l_f_count ' || l_f_count);
1007: if l_f_count > 0
1008: then
1009: hr_utility.trace('l_payroll_action_id ' || g_payroll_action_id);
1010: hr_utility.trace('l_person_id ' || g_person_id);
1011: l_tax_year := pay_gb_p11d_magtape.get_parameters(g_payroll_action_id,'Rep_Run');
1012: l_tax_year_end := l_tax_year || '0405';
1013: l_tax_year_start := to_char(to_number(l_tax_year) - 1) || '0406';

Line 1010: hr_utility.trace('l_person_id ' || g_person_id);

1006: hr_utility.trace('l_f_count ' || l_f_count);
1007: if l_f_count > 0
1008: then
1009: hr_utility.trace('l_payroll_action_id ' || g_payroll_action_id);
1010: hr_utility.trace('l_person_id ' || g_person_id);
1011: l_tax_year := pay_gb_p11d_magtape.get_parameters(g_payroll_action_id,'Rep_Run');
1012: l_tax_year_end := l_tax_year || '0405';
1013: l_tax_year_start := to_char(to_number(l_tax_year) - 1) || '0406';
1014: for car_benefits in csr_car_benefits(g_payroll_action_id,

Line 1020: hr_utility.trace('l_rec_count ' || l_rec_count);

1016: g_emp_ref_no,
1017: g_employer_name)
1018: loop
1019: l_rec_count := l_rec_count + 1;
1020: hr_utility.trace('l_rec_count ' || l_rec_count);
1021: l_ben_start := car_benefits.f_start;
1022: l_ben_end := car_benefits.f_end;
1023: l_ben_start := substr(l_ben_start,7,4) || substr(l_ben_start,4,2) || substr(l_ben_start,1,2);
1024: l_ben_end := substr(l_ben_end,7,4) || substr(l_ben_end,4,2) || substr(l_ben_end,1,2);

Line 1028: hr_utility.trace('car_benefits.f_make ' || car_benefits.f_make);

1024: l_ben_end := substr(l_ben_end,7,4) || substr(l_ben_end,4,2) || substr(l_ben_end,1,2);
1025: l_date_reg := substr(car_benefits.f_dreg,7,4) || substr(car_benefits.f_dreg,4,2) || substr(car_benefits.f_dreg,1,2);
1026: if l_rec_count = 1
1027: then
1028: hr_utility.trace('car_benefits.f_make ' || car_benefits.f_make);
1029: hr_utility.trace('l_rec_count in 1 ' || l_rec_count);
1030: if to_number(l_ben_start) > to_number(l_tax_year_start)
1031: then
1032: l_p11d_fields.f1_start := car_benefits.f_start;

Line 1029: hr_utility.trace('l_rec_count in 1 ' || l_rec_count);

1025: l_date_reg := substr(car_benefits.f_dreg,7,4) || substr(car_benefits.f_dreg,4,2) || substr(car_benefits.f_dreg,1,2);
1026: if l_rec_count = 1
1027: then
1028: hr_utility.trace('car_benefits.f_make ' || car_benefits.f_make);
1029: hr_utility.trace('l_rec_count in 1 ' || l_rec_count);
1030: if to_number(l_ben_start) > to_number(l_tax_year_start)
1031: then
1032: l_p11d_fields.f1_start := car_benefits.f_start;
1033: else

Line 1065: hr_utility.trace('car_benefits.f_make ' || car_benefits.f_make);

1061: l_p11d_fields.f1_date_free := car_benefits.f_date_free;
1062: l_p11d_fields.f1_rein_yr := car_benefits.f_rein_yr;
1063: elsif l_rec_count = 2
1064: then
1065: hr_utility.trace('car_benefits.f_make ' || car_benefits.f_make);
1066: hr_utility.trace('l_rec_count in 2' || l_rec_count);
1067: if to_number(l_ben_start) > to_number(l_tax_year_start)
1068: then
1069: l_p11d_fields.f2_start := car_benefits.f_start;

Line 1066: hr_utility.trace('l_rec_count in 2' || l_rec_count);

1062: l_p11d_fields.f1_rein_yr := car_benefits.f_rein_yr;
1063: elsif l_rec_count = 2
1064: then
1065: hr_utility.trace('car_benefits.f_make ' || car_benefits.f_make);
1066: hr_utility.trace('l_rec_count in 2' || l_rec_count);
1067: if to_number(l_ben_start) > to_number(l_tax_year_start)
1068: then
1069: l_p11d_fields.f2_start := car_benefits.f_start;
1070: else

Line 1156: hr_utility.trace('l_h_count ' || l_h_count);

1152: pai_emp.action_information1, -- ele entrty id
1153: pai_emp.action_information2; -- effec date
1154: l_rec_count INTEGER := 0;
1155: begin
1156: hr_utility.trace('l_h_count ' || l_h_count);
1157: hr_utility.trace('max outstd ' || l_h_sum_max_amt_outstanding);
1158: if l_h_count > 2 and
1159: -- Added this extra and condition for 3558538
1160: -- this will ensure that only int free lons where CE is greater than 0

Line 1157: hr_utility.trace('max outstd ' || l_h_sum_max_amt_outstanding);

1153: pai_emp.action_information2; -- effec date
1154: l_rec_count INTEGER := 0;
1155: begin
1156: hr_utility.trace('l_h_count ' || l_h_count);
1157: hr_utility.trace('max outstd ' || l_h_sum_max_amt_outstanding);
1158: if l_h_count > 2 and
1159: -- Added this extra and condition for 3558538
1160: -- this will ensure that only int free lons where CE is greater than 0
1161: -- are reported

Line 1166: hr_utility.trace('See att ' );

1162: l_h_sum_max_amt_outstanding > 5000
1163: then
1164: l_p11d_fields.h2_ce := 'See Attached';
1165: l_p11d_fields.h1_ce := l_h_ce;
1166: hr_utility.trace('See att ' );
1167: elsif l_h_count > 0 and
1168: -- Added this extra and condition for 3558538
1169: -- this will ensure that only int free lons where CE is greater than 0
1170: -- are reported

Line 1173: hr_utility.trace('l_payroll_action_id ' || g_payroll_action_id);

1169: -- this will ensure that only int free lons where CE is greater than 0
1170: -- are reported
1171: l_h_sum_max_amt_outstanding > 5000
1172: then
1173: hr_utility.trace('l_payroll_action_id ' || g_payroll_action_id);
1174: hr_utility.trace('l_person_id ' || g_person_id);
1175: for int_benefits in csr_int_benefits(g_payroll_action_id,
1176: g_person_id,
1177: g_emp_ref_no,

Line 1174: hr_utility.trace('l_person_id ' || g_person_id);

1170: -- are reported
1171: l_h_sum_max_amt_outstanding > 5000
1172: then
1173: hr_utility.trace('l_payroll_action_id ' || g_payroll_action_id);
1174: hr_utility.trace('l_person_id ' || g_person_id);
1175: for int_benefits in csr_int_benefits(g_payroll_action_id,
1176: g_person_id,
1177: g_emp_ref_no,
1178: g_employer_name)

Line 1181: hr_utility.trace('l_rec_count ' || l_rec_count);

1177: g_emp_ref_no,
1178: g_employer_name)
1179: loop
1180: l_rec_count := l_rec_count + 1;
1181: hr_utility.trace('l_rec_count ' || l_rec_count);
1182: if l_rec_count = 1
1183: then
1184: hr_utility.trace('int_benefits.h_njb ' || int_benefits.h_njb);
1185: l_p11d_fields.h1_njb := int_benefits.h_njb;

Line 1184: hr_utility.trace('int_benefits.h_njb ' || int_benefits.h_njb);

1180: l_rec_count := l_rec_count + 1;
1181: hr_utility.trace('l_rec_count ' || l_rec_count);
1182: if l_rec_count = 1
1183: then
1184: hr_utility.trace('int_benefits.h_njb ' || int_benefits.h_njb);
1185: l_p11d_fields.h1_njb := int_benefits.h_njb;
1186: l_p11d_fields.h1_ayb := int_benefits.h_ayb;
1187: l_p11d_fields.h1_mao := int_benefits.h_mao;
1188: l_p11d_fields.h1_ip := int_benefits.h_ip;

Line 1195: hr_utility.trace('int_benefits.h_njb ' || int_benefits.h_njb);

1191: l_p11d_fields.h1_ce := int_benefits.h_ce;
1192: l_p11d_fields.h1_aye := int_benefits.h_aye;
1193: elsif l_rec_count = 2
1194: then
1195: hr_utility.trace('int_benefits.h_njb ' || int_benefits.h_njb);
1196: l_p11d_fields.h2_njb := int_benefits.h_njb;
1197: l_p11d_fields.h2_ayb := int_benefits.h_ayb;
1198: l_p11d_fields.h2_mao := int_benefits.h_mao;
1199: l_p11d_fields.h2_ip := int_benefits.h_ip;

Line 1210: hr_utility.trace('Inside fetch p11d rep_data p_assignment_action_id' || p_assignment_action_id);

1206: end loop;
1207: end if;
1208: end;
1209: begin
1210: hr_utility.trace('Inside fetch p11d rep_data p_assignment_action_id' || p_assignment_action_id);
1211: select payroll_action_id
1212: into g_payroll_action_id
1213: from pay_assignment_actions
1214: where assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id;

Line 1216: hr_utility.trace('g_payroll_action_id ' || g_payroll_action_id);

1212: into g_payroll_action_id
1213: from pay_assignment_actions
1214: where assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id;
1216: hr_utility.trace('g_payroll_action_id ' || g_payroll_action_id);
1217: populate_stored_fields;
1218: hr_utility.trace('Calling populate car fields ' );
1219: populate_car_fields;
1220: hr_utility.trace('Calling interest fields ' );

Line 1218: hr_utility.trace('Calling populate car fields ' );

1214: where assignment_action_id = p_assignment_action_id;
1216: hr_utility.trace('g_payroll_action_id ' || g_payroll_action_id);
1217: populate_stored_fields;
1218: hr_utility.trace('Calling populate car fields ' );
1219: populate_car_fields;
1220: hr_utility.trace('Calling interest fields ' );
1221: populate_interest_fields;
1222: return l_p11d_fields;

Line 1220: hr_utility.trace('Calling interest fields ' );

1216: hr_utility.trace('g_payroll_action_id ' || g_payroll_action_id);
1217: populate_stored_fields;
1218: hr_utility.trace('Calling populate car fields ' );
1219: populate_car_fields;
1220: hr_utility.trace('Calling interest fields ' );
1221: populate_interest_fields;
1222: return l_p11d_fields;
1223: end;
1224: --

Line 1234: hr_utility.trace('p_assignment_action_id ' || p_assignment_action_id);

1230: l_xfdf_blob BLOB;
1231: l_rep_run VARCHAR2(10);
1232: l_pactid NUMBER;
1233: begin
1234: hr_utility.trace('p_assignment_action_id ' || p_assignment_action_id);
1235: l_p11d_fields := fetch_p11d_rep_data(p_assignment_action_id);
1237: select payroll_action_id
1238: into l_pactid

Line 1714: hr_utility.trace('P11D.......................');

1710: clob_to_blob(l_xfdf_clob,l_xfdf_blob);
1711: -- insert into temp values (l_xfdf_clob);
1712: dbms_lob.close(l_xfdf_clob);
1713: dbms_lob.freetemporary(l_xfdf_clob);
1714: hr_utility.trace('P11D.......................');
1715: return l_xfdf_blob;
1716: exception
1717: when OTHERS then
1718: HR_UTILITY.TRACE('sqleerm ' || sqlerrm);

Line 1718: HR_UTILITY.TRACE('sqleerm ' || sqlerrm);

1714: hr_utility.trace('P11D.......................');
1715: return l_xfdf_blob;
1716: exception
1717: when OTHERS then
1718: HR_UTILITY.TRACE('sqleerm ' || sqlerrm);
1720: end;
1721: --


1715: return l_xfdf_blob;
1716: exception
1717: when OTHERS then
1718: HR_UTILITY.TRACE('sqleerm ' || sqlerrm);
1720: end;
1721: --
1723: function get_p11d_year return VARCHAR2

Line 1796: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78078_P11D_STAT_INCOR_ARCH');

1792: where payroll_action_id = p_payroll_action_id; --8875;
1793: exception
1794: when Old_Archive then
1795: retcode := 1;
1796: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78078_P11D_STAT_INCOR_ARCH');
1797: errbuf := hr_utility.get_message;
1798: hr_utility.raise_error;
1799: when OTHERS then
1800: retcode := 1;

Line 1797: errbuf := hr_utility.get_message;

1793: exception
1794: when Old_Archive then
1795: retcode := 1;
1796: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78078_P11D_STAT_INCOR_ARCH');
1797: errbuf := hr_utility.get_message;
1798: hr_utility.raise_error;
1799: when OTHERS then
1800: retcode := 1;
1801: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78077_P11D_STATUS_CHG_ERR');

Line 1798: hr_utility.raise_error;

1794: when Old_Archive then
1795: retcode := 1;
1796: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78078_P11D_STAT_INCOR_ARCH');
1797: errbuf := hr_utility.get_message;
1798: hr_utility.raise_error;
1799: when OTHERS then
1800: retcode := 1;
1801: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78077_P11D_STATUS_CHG_ERR');
1802: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, 'ERRORMSG', sqlerrm);

Line 1801: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78077_P11D_STATUS_CHG_ERR');

1797: errbuf := hr_utility.get_message;
1798: hr_utility.raise_error;
1799: when OTHERS then
1800: retcode := 1;
1801: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78077_P11D_STATUS_CHG_ERR');
1802: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, 'ERRORMSG', sqlerrm);
1803: errbuf := hr_utility.get_message;
1804: hr_utility.raise_error;
1805: end;

Line 1802: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, 'ERRORMSG', sqlerrm);

1798: hr_utility.raise_error;
1799: when OTHERS then
1800: retcode := 1;
1801: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78077_P11D_STATUS_CHG_ERR');
1802: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, 'ERRORMSG', sqlerrm);
1803: errbuf := hr_utility.get_message;
1804: hr_utility.raise_error;
1805: end;

Line 1803: errbuf := hr_utility.get_message;

1799: when OTHERS then
1800: retcode := 1;
1801: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78077_P11D_STATUS_CHG_ERR');
1802: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, 'ERRORMSG', sqlerrm);
1803: errbuf := hr_utility.get_message;
1804: hr_utility.raise_error;
1805: end;
1807: function get_lookup_meaning(p_lookup_type varchar2,

Line 1804: hr_utility.raise_error;

1800: retcode := 1;
1801: hr_utility.set_message(800, 'HR_78077_P11D_STATUS_CHG_ERR');
1802: hr_utility.set_message_token(800, 'ERRORMSG', sqlerrm);
1803: errbuf := hr_utility.get_message;
1804: hr_utility.raise_error;
1805: end;
1807: function get_lookup_meaning(p_lookup_type varchar2,
1808: p_lookup_code varchar2,

Line 2839: hr_utility.trace('A4');

2835: else
2836: l_BEN_ST_DATE := car_rec.f_start;
2837: l_BEN_ED_DATE := car_rec.f_end;
2838: end if;
2839: hr_utility.trace('A4');
2840: select action_information30
2841: into l_car_count
2842: from pay_action_information pai_emp
2843: where pai_emp.action_context_id = p_assignment_action_id

Line 2846: hr_utility.trace('A5');

2842: from pay_action_information pai_emp
2843: where pai_emp.action_context_id = p_assignment_action_id
2844: and pai_emp.action_information_category = 'GB P11D ASSIGNMENT RESULTA';
2846: hr_utility.trace('A5');
2847: if l_car_count = 1
2848: then
2849: l_ONLY_CAR_FLAG := 'Y';
2850: else

Line 2854: hr_utility.trace('A6');

2850: else
2851: l_ONLY_CAR_FLAG := 'N';
2852: l_CAR_NUMBERS := l_car_count;
2853: end if ;
2854: hr_utility.trace('A6');
2855: hr_utility.trace('date_registered ' ||car_rec.date_registered);
2856: -- calculating benefit charge section
2857: if fnd_date.canonical_to_date( car_rec.date_registered)
2858: >= to_date('01-01-1998','dd-mm-yyyy') and car_rec.CO2 is not null

Line 2855: hr_utility.trace('date_registered ' ||car_rec.date_registered);

2851: l_ONLY_CAR_FLAG := 'N';
2852: l_CAR_NUMBERS := l_car_count;
2853: end if ;
2854: hr_utility.trace('A6');
2855: hr_utility.trace('date_registered ' ||car_rec.date_registered);
2856: -- calculating benefit charge section
2857: if fnd_date.canonical_to_date( car_rec.date_registered)
2858: >= to_date('01-01-1998','dd-mm-yyyy') and car_rec.CO2 is not null
2859: then

Line 2860: hr_utility.trace('A');

2856: -- calculating benefit charge section
2857: if fnd_date.canonical_to_date( car_rec.date_registered)
2858: >= to_date('01-01-1998','dd-mm-yyyy') and car_rec.CO2 is not null
2859: then
2860: hr_utility.trace('A');
2861: l_MOD_CO2 := floor(car_rec.CO2/5) * 5;
2862: hr_utility.trace('b');
2863: if (car_rec.f_fuel = 'B' or car_rec.f_fuel = 'C' or
2864: car_rec.f_fuel = 'H' or car_rec.f_fuel = 'L' or

Line 2862: hr_utility.trace('b');

2858: >= to_date('01-01-1998','dd-mm-yyyy') and car_rec.CO2 is not null
2859: then
2860: hr_utility.trace('A');
2861: l_MOD_CO2 := floor(car_rec.CO2/5) * 5;
2862: hr_utility.trace('b');
2863: if (car_rec.f_fuel = 'B' or car_rec.f_fuel = 'C' or
2864: car_rec.f_fuel = 'H' or car_rec.f_fuel = 'L' or
2865: car_rec.f_fuel = 'P')
2866: then

Line 2867: hr_utility.trace('c');

2863: if (car_rec.f_fuel = 'B' or car_rec.f_fuel = 'C' or
2864: car_rec.f_fuel = 'H' or car_rec.f_fuel = 'L' or
2865: car_rec.f_fuel = 'P')
2866: then
2867: hr_utility.trace('c');
2868: l_PERCENT_1 := car_rec.BENEFIT_PERCENT;
2869: l_BEN_1 := car_rec.benefit_charge;
2870: hr_utility.trace('d');
2871: elsif ( car_rec.f_fuel ='D' )

Line 2870: hr_utility.trace('d');

2866: then
2867: hr_utility.trace('c');
2868: l_PERCENT_1 := car_rec.BENEFIT_PERCENT;
2869: l_BEN_1 := car_rec.benefit_charge;
2870: hr_utility.trace('d');
2871: elsif ( car_rec.f_fuel ='D' )
2872: then
2873: hr_utility.trace('e');
2874: l_PERCENT_2 := car_rec.BENEFIT_PERCENT;

Line 2873: hr_utility.trace('e');

2869: l_BEN_1 := car_rec.benefit_charge;
2870: hr_utility.trace('d');
2871: elsif ( car_rec.f_fuel ='D' )
2872: then
2873: hr_utility.trace('e');
2874: l_PERCENT_2 := car_rec.BENEFIT_PERCENT;
2875: l_BEN_2 := car_rec.benefit_charge;
2876: end if;

Line 2878: hr_utility.trace('f');

2874: l_PERCENT_2 := car_rec.BENEFIT_PERCENT;
2875: l_BEN_2 := car_rec.benefit_charge;
2876: end if;
2878: hr_utility.trace('f');
2879: if car_rec.f_fuel = 'H'
2880: then
2881: l_STD_DISC_1 := car_rec.STD_DISC;
2882: elsif ( car_rec.f_fuel = 'B' or car_rec.f_fuel = 'C')

Line 2886: hr_utility.trace('g');

2882: elsif ( car_rec.f_fuel = 'B' or car_rec.f_fuel = 'C')
2883: then
2884: l_STD_DISC_2 := car_rec.STD_DISC;
2885: end if;
2886: hr_utility.trace('g');
2887: if l_MOD_CO2 <= 145
2888: then
2889: l_EXTRA_CO2 := 165 -l_MOD_CO2;
2890: l_NORMAL_CO2 := l_EXTRA_CO2/20;

Line 2893: hr_utility.trace('h');

2889: l_EXTRA_CO2 := 165 -l_MOD_CO2;
2890: l_NORMAL_CO2 := l_EXTRA_CO2/20;
2891: l_ROUND_NORMAL_CO2 := floor(l_NORMAL_CO2);
2892: end if;
2893: hr_utility.trace('h');
2894: l_CAR_BENEFIT_1 := car_rec.ben_charge - car_rec.stand_disc - car_rec.additional_disc;
2895: elsif fnd_date.canonical_to_date( car_rec.date_registered)
2896: >= to_date('01-01-1998','dd-mm-yyyy') and car_rec.co2 is null
2897: then

Line 2898: hr_utility.trace('i');

2894: l_CAR_BENEFIT_1 := car_rec.ben_charge - car_rec.stand_disc - car_rec.additional_disc;
2895: elsif fnd_date.canonical_to_date( car_rec.date_registered)
2896: >= to_date('01-01-1998','dd-mm-yyyy') and car_rec.co2 is null
2897: then
2898: hr_utility.trace('i');
2899: if (car_rec.f_fuel = 'B' or car_rec.f_fuel = 'C' or
2900: car_rec.f_fuel = 'H' or car_rec.f_fuel = 'L' or
2901: car_rec.f_fuel = 'P' )
2902: then

Line 2924: hr_utility.trace('j');

2920: elsif car_rec.f_fuel = 'E'
2921: then
2922: l_STD_DISC_3 := car_rec.STD_DISC;
2923: end if;
2924: hr_utility.trace('j');
2925: l_CAR_BENEFIT_2 := car_rec.ben_charge - car_rec.stand_disc ;
2926: l_full_DISC := null;
2927: elsif fnd_date.canonical_to_date( car_rec.date_registered)
2928: < to_date('01-01-1998','dd-mm-yyyy')

Line 2930: hr_utility.trace('K');

2926: l_full_DISC := null;
2927: elsif fnd_date.canonical_to_date( car_rec.date_registered)
2928: < to_date('01-01-1998','dd-mm-yyyy')
2929: then
2930: hr_utility.trace('K');
2931: -- hr_utility.trace('car_rec.benefit_charge '|| car_rec.benefit_charge);
2932: l_full_disc := null;
2933: if car_rec.f_esize <= 1400
2934: then

Line 2931: -- hr_utility.trace('car_rec.benefit_charge '|| car_rec.benefit_charge);

2927: elsif fnd_date.canonical_to_date( car_rec.date_registered)
2928: < to_date('01-01-1998','dd-mm-yyyy')
2929: then
2930: hr_utility.trace('K');
2931: -- hr_utility.trace('car_rec.benefit_charge '|| car_rec.benefit_charge);
2932: l_full_disc := null;
2933: if car_rec.f_esize <= 1400
2934: then
2935: l_CAR_BENEFIT_3 := car_rec.benefit_charge;

Line 2944: hr_utility.trace('k');

2940: then
2941: l_CAR_BENEFIT_5 := car_rec.benefit_charge;
2942: end if;
2943: end if;
2944: hr_utility.trace('k');
2945: -- fuel benefit
2946: l_esize := null;
2947: l_UNAVIALABLE_VAL_2 := null;
2948: if car_rec.FUEL_BENEFIT = 'Y'

Line 2959: hr_utility.trace('L');

2955: else
2956: l_FUEL_FLAG := 'D';
2957: end if;
2958: end if;
2959: hr_utility.trace('L');
2960: l_xfdf_str_tab.extend;
2961: l_xfdf_str_tab(l_loop_count) := '
2963: ' ||

Line 3081: -- hr_utility.trace_on(null,'CAR');

3077: else
3078: l_BEN_ST_DATE := car_rec.f_start;
3079: l_BEN_ED_DATE := car_rec.f_end;
3080: end if;
3081: -- hr_utility.trace_on(null,'CAR');
3082: hr_utility.trace('A4');
3083: select action_information30
3084: into l_car_count
3085: from pay_action_information pai_emp

Line 3082: hr_utility.trace('A4');

3078: l_BEN_ST_DATE := car_rec.f_start;
3079: l_BEN_ED_DATE := car_rec.f_end;
3080: end if;
3081: -- hr_utility.trace_on(null,'CAR');
3082: hr_utility.trace('A4');
3083: select action_information30
3084: into l_car_count
3085: from pay_action_information pai_emp
3086: where pai_emp.action_context_id = p_assignment_action_id

Line 3088: hr_utility.trace('A5');

3084: into l_car_count
3085: from pay_action_information pai_emp
3086: where pai_emp.action_context_id = p_assignment_action_id
3087: and pai_emp.action_information_category = 'GB P11D ASSIGNMENT RESULTA';
3088: hr_utility.trace('A5');
3089: if l_car_count = 1
3090: then
3091: l_ONLY_CAR_FLAG := 'Y';
3092: else

Line 3096: hr_utility.trace('A6');

3092: else
3093: l_ONLY_CAR_FLAG := 'N';
3094: l_CAR_NUMBERS := l_car_count;
3095: end if ;
3096: hr_utility.trace('A6');
3097: hr_utility.trace('date_registered ' ||car_rec.date_registered);
3098: -- calculating benefit charge section
3099: if fnd_date.canonical_to_date( car_rec.date_registered)
3100: >= to_date('01-01-1998','dd-mm-yyyy') and car_rec.CO2 is not null

Line 3097: hr_utility.trace('date_registered ' ||car_rec.date_registered);

3093: l_ONLY_CAR_FLAG := 'N';
3094: l_CAR_NUMBERS := l_car_count;
3095: end if ;
3096: hr_utility.trace('A6');
3097: hr_utility.trace('date_registered ' ||car_rec.date_registered);
3098: -- calculating benefit charge section
3099: if fnd_date.canonical_to_date( car_rec.date_registered)
3100: >= to_date('01-01-1998','dd-mm-yyyy') and car_rec.CO2 is not null
3101: then

Line 3102: hr_utility.trace('a');

3098: -- calculating benefit charge section
3099: if fnd_date.canonical_to_date( car_rec.date_registered)
3100: >= to_date('01-01-1998','dd-mm-yyyy') and car_rec.CO2 is not null
3101: then
3102: hr_utility.trace('a');
3103: l_MOD_CO2 := floor(car_rec.CO2/5) * 5;
3104: hr_utility.trace('b');
3105: l_PERCENT_1 := car_rec.BENEFIT_PERCENT;
3106: --l_BEN_1 := car_rec.benefit_charge;

Line 3104: hr_utility.trace('b');

3100: >= to_date('01-01-1998','dd-mm-yyyy') and car_rec.CO2 is not null
3101: then
3102: hr_utility.trace('a');
3103: l_MOD_CO2 := floor(car_rec.CO2/5) * 5;
3104: hr_utility.trace('b');
3105: l_PERCENT_1 := car_rec.BENEFIT_PERCENT;
3106: --l_BEN_1 := car_rec.benefit_charge;
3107: hr_utility.trace('c');
3108: l_STD_DISC_1 := car_rec.STD_DISC;

Line 3107: hr_utility.trace('c');

3103: l_MOD_CO2 := floor(car_rec.CO2/5) * 5;
3104: hr_utility.trace('b');
3105: l_PERCENT_1 := car_rec.BENEFIT_PERCENT;
3106: --l_BEN_1 := car_rec.benefit_charge;
3107: hr_utility.trace('c');
3108: l_STD_DISC_1 := car_rec.STD_DISC;
3109: hr_utility.trace('d');
3110: if (car_rec.f_fuel = 'B' or car_rec.f_fuel = 'H') -- Bug #4293824
3111: then

Line 3109: hr_utility.trace('d');

3105: l_PERCENT_1 := car_rec.BENEFIT_PERCENT;
3106: --l_BEN_1 := car_rec.benefit_charge;
3107: hr_utility.trace('c');
3108: l_STD_DISC_1 := car_rec.STD_DISC;
3109: hr_utility.trace('d');
3110: if (car_rec.f_fuel = 'B' or car_rec.f_fuel = 'H') -- Bug #4293824
3111: then
3112: if car_rec.CO2 <= 120
3113: then

Line 3123: hr_utility.trace('e');

3119: l_CAR_BENEFIT_1 := car_rec.TOTAL_BENIFIT ;
3120: elsif fnd_date.canonical_to_date( car_rec.date_registered)
3121: >= to_date('01-01-1998','dd-mm-yyyy') and car_rec.CO2 is null
3122: then
3123: hr_utility.trace('e');
3124: l_PERCENT_2 := car_rec.BENEFIT_PERCENT;
3125: hr_utility.trace('f');
3126: l_STD_DISC_2 := car_rec.STD_DISC;
3127: l_CAR_BENEFIT_2 := car_rec.TOTAL_BENIFIT_2;

Line 3125: hr_utility.trace('f');

3121: >= to_date('01-01-1998','dd-mm-yyyy') and car_rec.CO2 is null
3122: then
3123: hr_utility.trace('e');
3124: l_PERCENT_2 := car_rec.BENEFIT_PERCENT;
3125: hr_utility.trace('f');
3126: l_STD_DISC_2 := car_rec.STD_DISC;
3127: l_CAR_BENEFIT_2 := car_rec.TOTAL_BENIFIT_2;
3128: elsif (fnd_date.canonical_to_date( car_rec.date_registered)< to_date('01-01-1998','dd-mm-yyyy'))
3129: then

Line 3130: hr_utility.trace('g');

3126: l_STD_DISC_2 := car_rec.STD_DISC;
3127: l_CAR_BENEFIT_2 := car_rec.TOTAL_BENIFIT_2;
3128: elsif (fnd_date.canonical_to_date( car_rec.date_registered)< to_date('01-01-1998','dd-mm-yyyy'))
3129: then
3130: hr_utility.trace('g');
3131: -- hr_utility.trace('car_rec.benefit_charge '|| car_rec.benefit_charge);
3132: l_full_disc := null;
3133: l_esize := car_rec.f_esize;
3134: if car_rec.f_esize <= 1400

Line 3131: -- hr_utility.trace('car_rec.benefit_charge '|| car_rec.benefit_charge);

3127: l_CAR_BENEFIT_2 := car_rec.TOTAL_BENIFIT_2;
3128: elsif (fnd_date.canonical_to_date( car_rec.date_registered)< to_date('01-01-1998','dd-mm-yyyy'))
3129: then
3130: hr_utility.trace('g');
3131: -- hr_utility.trace('car_rec.benefit_charge '|| car_rec.benefit_charge);
3132: l_full_disc := null;
3133: l_esize := car_rec.f_esize;
3134: if car_rec.f_esize <= 1400
3135: then

Line 3147: hr_utility.trace('h');

3143: else
3144: l_CAR_BENEFIT_3 := 32;
3145: end if;
3146: end if;
3147: hr_utility.trace('h');
3148: -- fuel benefit
3149: if car_rec.FUEL_BENEFIT = 'Y'
3150: then

Line 3156: hr_utility.trace('i');

3152: l_add_days := car_rec.additional_days;
3153: l_tot_days := car_rec.total_days;
3154: l_unavailble_days := car_rec.unavailable;
3155: end if;
3156: hr_utility.trace('i');
3157: l_xfdf_str_tab.extend;
3158: l_xfdf_str_tab(l_loop_count) := '
3160: ' ||

Line 3285: -- hr_utility.trace_on(null,'CAR');

3281: else
3282: l_BEN_ST_DATE := car_rec.f_start;
3283: l_BEN_ED_DATE := car_rec.f_end;
3284: end if;
3285: -- hr_utility.trace_on(null,'CAR');
3286: hr_utility.trace('A4');
3287: select action_information30
3288: into l_car_count
3289: from pay_action_information pai_emp

Line 3286: hr_utility.trace('A4');

3282: l_BEN_ST_DATE := car_rec.f_start;
3283: l_BEN_ED_DATE := car_rec.f_end;
3284: end if;
3285: -- hr_utility.trace_on(null,'CAR');
3286: hr_utility.trace('A4');
3287: select action_information30
3288: into l_car_count
3289: from pay_action_information pai_emp
3290: where pai_emp.action_context_id = p_assignment_action_id

Line 3292: hr_utility.trace('A5');

3288: into l_car_count
3289: from pay_action_information pai_emp
3290: where pai_emp.action_context_id = p_assignment_action_id
3291: and pai_emp.action_information_category = 'GB P11D ASSIGNMENT RESULTA';
3292: hr_utility.trace('A5');
3293: if l_car_count = 1
3294: then
3295: l_ONLY_CAR_FLAG := 'Y';
3296: else

Line 3300: hr_utility.trace('A6');

3296: else
3297: l_ONLY_CAR_FLAG := 'N';
3298: l_CAR_NUMBERS := l_car_count;
3299: end if ;
3300: hr_utility.trace('A6');
3301: hr_utility.trace('date_registered ' ||car_rec.date_registered);
3302: -- calculating benefit charge section
3303: if fnd_date.canonical_to_date( car_rec.date_registered)
3304: >= to_date('01-01-1998','dd-mm-yyyy') and car_rec.CO2 is not null

Line 3301: hr_utility.trace('date_registered ' ||car_rec.date_registered);

3297: l_ONLY_CAR_FLAG := 'N';
3298: l_CAR_NUMBERS := l_car_count;
3299: end if ;
3300: hr_utility.trace('A6');
3301: hr_utility.trace('date_registered ' ||car_rec.date_registered);
3302: -- calculating benefit charge section
3303: if fnd_date.canonical_to_date( car_rec.date_registered)
3304: >= to_date('01-01-1998','dd-mm-yyyy') and car_rec.CO2 is not null
3305: then

Line 3306: hr_utility.trace('a');

3302: -- calculating benefit charge section
3303: if fnd_date.canonical_to_date( car_rec.date_registered)
3304: >= to_date('01-01-1998','dd-mm-yyyy') and car_rec.CO2 is not null
3305: then
3306: hr_utility.trace('a');
3307: l_MOD_CO2 := floor(car_rec.CO2/5) * 5;
3308: hr_utility.trace('b');
3309: l_PERCENT_1 := car_rec.BENEFIT_PERCENT;
3310: hr_utility.trace('c');

Line 3308: hr_utility.trace('b');

3304: >= to_date('01-01-1998','dd-mm-yyyy') and car_rec.CO2 is not null
3305: then
3306: hr_utility.trace('a');
3307: l_MOD_CO2 := floor(car_rec.CO2/5) * 5;
3308: hr_utility.trace('b');
3309: l_PERCENT_1 := car_rec.BENEFIT_PERCENT;
3310: hr_utility.trace('c');
3311: l_STD_DISC_1 := car_rec.STD_DISC;
3312: l_ROUND_NORMAL_CO2 := car_rec.ROUND_NORMAL_CO2;

Line 3310: hr_utility.trace('c');

3306: hr_utility.trace('a');
3307: l_MOD_CO2 := floor(car_rec.CO2/5) * 5;
3308: hr_utility.trace('b');
3309: l_PERCENT_1 := car_rec.BENEFIT_PERCENT;
3310: hr_utility.trace('c');
3311: l_STD_DISC_1 := car_rec.STD_DISC;
3312: l_ROUND_NORMAL_CO2 := car_rec.ROUND_NORMAL_CO2;
3313: l_full_DISC := car_rec.FULL_DISC;
3314: l_CAR_BENEFIT_1 := car_rec.TOTAL_BENIFIT ;

Line 3318: hr_utility.trace('e');

3314: l_CAR_BENEFIT_1 := car_rec.TOTAL_BENIFIT ;
3315: elsif fnd_date.canonical_to_date( car_rec.date_registered)
3316: >= to_date('01-01-1998','dd-mm-yyyy') and car_rec.CO2 is null
3317: then
3318: hr_utility.trace('e');
3319: l_PERCENT_2 := car_rec.BENEFIT_PERCENT;
3320: hr_utility.trace('f');
3321: l_STD_DISC_2 := car_rec.STD_DISC;
3322: l_CAR_BENEFIT_2 := car_rec.TOTAL_BENIFIT_2;

Line 3320: hr_utility.trace('f');

3316: >= to_date('01-01-1998','dd-mm-yyyy') and car_rec.CO2 is null
3317: then
3318: hr_utility.trace('e');
3319: l_PERCENT_2 := car_rec.BENEFIT_PERCENT;
3320: hr_utility.trace('f');
3321: l_STD_DISC_2 := car_rec.STD_DISC;
3322: l_CAR_BENEFIT_2 := car_rec.TOTAL_BENIFIT_2;
3323: elsif (fnd_date.canonical_to_date( car_rec.date_registered)< to_date('01-01-1998','dd-mm-yyyy'))
3324: then

Line 3325: hr_utility.trace('g');

3321: l_STD_DISC_2 := car_rec.STD_DISC;
3322: l_CAR_BENEFIT_2 := car_rec.TOTAL_BENIFIT_2;
3323: elsif (fnd_date.canonical_to_date( car_rec.date_registered)< to_date('01-01-1998','dd-mm-yyyy'))
3324: then
3325: hr_utility.trace('g');
3326: -- hr_utility.trace('car_rec.benefit_charge '|| car_rec.benefit_charge);
3327: l_full_disc := null;
3328: l_esize := car_rec.f_esize;
3329: open csr_engine_discount(to_number(l_esize),

Line 3326: -- hr_utility.trace('car_rec.benefit_charge '|| car_rec.benefit_charge);

3322: l_CAR_BENEFIT_2 := car_rec.TOTAL_BENIFIT_2;
3323: elsif (fnd_date.canonical_to_date( car_rec.date_registered)< to_date('01-01-1998','dd-mm-yyyy'))
3324: then
3325: hr_utility.trace('g');
3326: -- hr_utility.trace('car_rec.benefit_charge '|| car_rec.benefit_charge);
3327: l_full_disc := null;
3328: l_esize := car_rec.f_esize;
3329: open csr_engine_discount(to_number(l_esize),
3330: fnd_date.canonical_to_date(car_rec.ben_end));

Line 3334: hr_utility.trace('h');

3330: fnd_date.canonical_to_date(car_rec.ben_end));
3331: fetch csr_engine_discount into l_CAR_BENEFIT_3;
3332: close csr_engine_discount;
3333: end if;
3334: hr_utility.trace('h');
3335: -- fuel benefit
3336: if car_rec.FUEL_BENEFIT = 'Y'
3337: then

Line 3343: hr_utility.trace('i');

3339: l_add_days := car_rec.additional_days;
3340: l_tot_days := car_rec.total_days;
3341: l_unavailble_days := car_rec.unavailable;
3342: end if;
3343: hr_utility.trace('i');
3344: l_xfdf_str_tab.extend;
3345: l_xfdf_str_tab(l_loop_count) := '
3347: ' ||

Line 3687: hr_utility.trace('a');

3683: l_emp_ref_no,
3684: l_employer_name)
3685: loop
3686: l_loop_count := l_loop_count+1;
3687: hr_utility.trace('a');
3688: -- l_ws3_info_tab(l_loop_count).l_vans_entries := van_entries;
3689: l_xfdf_str_tab.extend;
3690: l_xfdf_str_tab(l_loop_count) := '

Line 3708: hr_utility.trace('aa');

3704: '' ||substr(l_national_ins_no,7,1) || ' ' ||
3705: '' ||substr(l_national_ins_no,8,1) || ' ' ||
3706: '' ||substr(l_national_ins_no,9) || ' ' ||
3707: '' ||van_entries.exclusive_flag || ' ' ;
3708: hr_utility.trace('aa');
3709: if van_entries.exclusive_flag = 'Y'
3710: then -- we fill section 1
3711: if fnd_date.canonical_to_date(van_entries.dreg) > to_date('05-04-2000','dd-mm-yyyy')
3712: then

Line 3719: hr_utility.trace('2');

3715: else
3716: l_xfdf_str_tab(l_loop_count) := l_xfdf_str_tab(l_loop_count) ||
3717: '' ||'N' || ' ' ;
3718: end if;
3719: hr_utility.trace('2');
3720: l_xfdf_str_tab(l_loop_count) := l_xfdf_str_tab(l_loop_count) ||
3721: '' ||van_entries.standard_charge || ' ' ||
3722: '' ||van_entries.UNAVAILABLE_1 || ' ' ||
3723: '' ||van_entries.UNAVAILABLE_2 || ' ' ||

Line 3733: hr_utility.trace('3');

3729: '' || (nvl(van_entries.standard_charge,0) - nvl(van_entries.UNAVAILABLE_VAL,0)) || ' ' ||
3730: '' ||van_entries.PVT_USE_PAYMENT || ' ' ||
3731: '' ||van_entries.CASH_EQUIVALENT || ' ' ||
3732: '' ||van_entries.CASH_EQUIVALENT || ' ' ;
3733: hr_utility.trace('3');
3734: else -- else of van_entries.exclusive_flag = 'Y'
3735: hr_utility.trace('4');
3736: if fnd_date.canonical_to_date(van_entries.dreg) > to_date('05-04-2000','dd-mm-yyyy')
3737: then

Line 3735: hr_utility.trace('4');

3731: '' ||van_entries.CASH_EQUIVALENT || ' ' ||
3732: '' ||van_entries.CASH_EQUIVALENT || ' ' ;
3733: hr_utility.trace('3');
3734: else -- else of van_entries.exclusive_flag = 'Y'
3735: hr_utility.trace('4');
3736: if fnd_date.canonical_to_date(van_entries.dreg) > to_date('05-04-2000','dd-mm-yyyy')
3737: then
3738: l_xfdf_str_tab(l_loop_count) := l_xfdf_str_tab(l_loop_count) ||
3739: '' ||'Y' || ' ' ;

Line 3746: hr_utility.trace('5');

3742: '' ||'N' || ' ' ;
3743: end if;
3744: l_xfdf_str_tab(l_loop_count) := l_xfdf_str_tab(l_loop_count) ||
3745: '' ||van_entries.standard_charge || ' ' ;
3746: hr_utility.trace('5');
3747: if nvl(van_entries.UNAVAILABLE_VAL,0) = 0
3748: then
3749: l_xfdf_str_tab(l_loop_count) := l_xfdf_str_tab(l_loop_count) ||
3750: '' ||'Y' || ' ' ;

Line 3751: hr_utility.trace('7');

3747: if nvl(van_entries.UNAVAILABLE_VAL,0) = 0
3748: then
3749: l_xfdf_str_tab(l_loop_count) := l_xfdf_str_tab(l_loop_count) ||
3750: '' ||'Y' || ' ' ;
3751: hr_utility.trace('7');
3752: else
3753: hr_utility.trace('6');
3754: l_xfdf_str_tab(l_loop_count) := l_xfdf_str_tab(l_loop_count) ||
3755: '' ||'N' || ' ' ||

Line 3753: hr_utility.trace('6');

3749: l_xfdf_str_tab(l_loop_count) := l_xfdf_str_tab(l_loop_count) ||
3750: '' ||'Y' || ' ' ;
3751: hr_utility.trace('7');
3752: else
3753: hr_utility.trace('6');
3754: l_xfdf_str_tab(l_loop_count) := l_xfdf_str_tab(l_loop_count) ||
3755: '' ||'N' || ' ' ||
3756: '' ||van_entries.UNAVAILABLE_1 || ' ' ||
3757: '' ||van_entries.UNAVAILABLE_2 || ' ' ||

Line 3764: hr_utility.trace('8');

3760: '' ||(nvl(van_entries.UNAVAILABLE_1,0) +
3761: nvl(van_entries.UNAVAILABLE_2,0) + nvl(van_entries.UNAVAILABLE_3,0) + nvl(van_entries.UNAVAILABLE_4,0)) || '
' ||
3762: '' ||van_entries.UNAVAILABLE_VAL || ' ' ;
3763: end if;
3764: hr_utility.trace('8');
3765: l_xfdf_str_tab(l_loop_count) := l_xfdf_str_tab(l_loop_count) ||
3766: '' ||
3767: to_char(to_number((nvl(van_entries.standard_charge,0) - nvl(van_entries.UNAVAILABLE_VAL,0))),
3768: 'FM999,999,990.00') || '
' ||

Line 3780: hr_utility.trace('9');

3776: '' ||van_entries.PVT_USE_PAYMENT || ' ' ||
3777: '' ||van_entries.CASH_EQUIVALENT || ' ' ||
3778: '' ||van_entries.CASH_EQUIVALENT || ' ' ;
3779: end if; -- end of checking for van_entries.exclusive_flag = 'Y'
3780: hr_utility.trace('9');
3781: l_xfdf_str_tab(l_loop_count) := l_xfdf_str_tab(l_loop_count) || ' ';
3782: end loop;
3783: elsif to_number(l_rep_run) >= 2006 and to_number(l_rep_run) < 2008 then -- P11D changes 07/08 -- l_rep_run > 2005, so 2006 onwards.
3784: open csr_vans_05_count(l_pactid,

Line 3805: hr_utility.trace('Vans');

3801: l_emp_ref_no,
3802: l_employer_name)
3803: loop
3804: l_loop_count := l_loop_count+1;
3805: hr_utility.trace('Vans');
3806: l_after_flag := 'N';
3807: if to_number(l_rep_run) < 2007 then
3808: if fnd_date.canonical_to_date(vans_entries.date_registered) > to_date('05-04-2002','dd-mm-yyyy')
3809: then

Line 3924: hr_utility.trace('Vans 2007');

3920: l_fuel_charge_reduction := NULL;
3921: l_days_after_fuel_wd :=NULL;
3922: END IF;
3923: --end of bug 7146755
3924: hr_utility.trace('Vans 2007');
3925: l_after_flag := 'N';
3926: /* if to_number(l_rep_run) < 2007 then
3927: if fnd_date.canonical_to_date(vans_entries.date_registered) > to_date('05-04-2002','dd-mm-yyyy')
3928: then

Line 4019: hr_utility.trace('10');

4015: ' ';
4016: end loop;
4017: end if;
4019: hr_utility.trace('10');
4020: open l_ret_ref_cursor for
4021: select *
4022: from table (cast(l_xfdf_str_tab as per_gb_xfdftableType));
4023: p_record_num := l_loop_count;

Line 4091: hr_utility.trace('calling get_employer_details');

4087: l_h_sum_max_amt_outstanding Number;
4088: l_rep_run varchar2(10);
4089: l_loan_threshold Number;
4090: begin
4091: hr_utility.trace('calling get_employer_details');
4092: get_employer_details(p_assignment_action_id,
4093: l_emp_ref_no,
4094: l_employer_name);
4095: hr_utility.trace('calling get_employee_details');

Line 4095: hr_utility.trace('calling get_employee_details');

4091: hr_utility.trace('calling get_employer_details');
4092: get_employer_details(p_assignment_action_id,
4093: l_emp_ref_no,
4094: l_employer_name);
4095: hr_utility.trace('calling get_employee_details');
4096: get_employee_details(p_assignment_action_id,
4097: l_full_name,
4098: l_national_ins_no,
4099: l_employee_number);

Line 4108: hr_utility.trace('l_pactid ' || l_pactid);

4104: p_token_name => 'Rep_Run',
4105: p_token_value => l_rep_run);
4107: l_loop_count := 0;
4108: hr_utility.trace('l_pactid ' || l_pactid);
4109: hr_utility.trace('l_person_id '|| l_person_id);
4110: hr_utility.trace('l_emp_ref_no '|| l_emp_ref_no);
4111: hr_utility.trace('l_employer_name '|| l_employer_name);
4112: l_tab_index := 0;

Line 4109: hr_utility.trace('l_person_id '|| l_person_id);

4105: p_token_value => l_rep_run);
4107: l_loop_count := 0;
4108: hr_utility.trace('l_pactid ' || l_pactid);
4109: hr_utility.trace('l_person_id '|| l_person_id);
4110: hr_utility.trace('l_emp_ref_no '|| l_emp_ref_no);
4111: hr_utility.trace('l_employer_name '|| l_employer_name);
4112: l_tab_index := 0;

Line 4110: hr_utility.trace('l_emp_ref_no '|| l_emp_ref_no);

4107: l_loop_count := 0;
4108: hr_utility.trace('l_pactid ' || l_pactid);
4109: hr_utility.trace('l_person_id '|| l_person_id);
4110: hr_utility.trace('l_emp_ref_no '|| l_emp_ref_no);
4111: hr_utility.trace('l_employer_name '|| l_employer_name);
4112: l_tab_index := 0;
4114: select to_number(nvl(ACTION_INFORMATION23,'0'))

Line 4111: hr_utility.trace('l_employer_name '|| l_employer_name);

4107: l_loop_count := 0;
4108: hr_utility.trace('l_pactid ' || l_pactid);
4109: hr_utility.trace('l_person_id '|| l_person_id);
4110: hr_utility.trace('l_emp_ref_no '|| l_emp_ref_no);
4111: hr_utility.trace('l_employer_name '|| l_employer_name);
4112: l_tab_index := 0;
4114: select to_number(nvl(ACTION_INFORMATION23,'0'))
4115: into l_h_sum_max_amt_outstanding

Line 4140: hr_utility.trace('l_loop_count ' ||l_loop_count);

4136: l_employer_name)
4137: loop
4138: l_employee_number := get_assignment_number(int_entries.action_context_id);
4139: l_loop_count := l_loop_count+1;
4140: hr_utility.trace('l_loop_count ' ||l_loop_count);
4141: --we need 5 records in a single pdf template so if more than 5 exists
4142: --we need extra pages ceil(l_loop_count/5) will give the index number
4143: --for the l_ws4_info_tab
4144: if l_tab_index =ceil(l_loop_count/5)

Line 4173: hr_utility.trace('l_tab_index ' ||l_tab_index);

4169: '' ||substr(l_national_ins_no,7,1) || ' ' ||
4170: '' ||substr(l_national_ins_no,8,1) || ' ' ||
4171: '' ||substr(l_national_ins_no,9) || ' ' ;
4172: end if;
4173: hr_utility.trace('l_tab_index ' ||l_tab_index);
4174: l_field_num := mod(l_loop_count,5);
4175: if l_field_num = 0
4176: then
4177: l_field_num := 5;

Line 4179: hr_utility.trace('l_field_num ' ||l_field_num);

4175: if l_field_num = 0
4176: then
4177: l_field_num := 5;
4178: end if;
4179: hr_utility.trace('l_field_num ' ||l_field_num);
4180: l_xfdf_str_tab(l_tab_index) := l_xfdf_str_tab(l_tab_index) ||
4181: '' ||int_entries.Maximum_Amount_Outstanding || ' ' ||
4182: '' ||int_entries.Currency || ' ' ||
4183: '' ||int_entries.Amount_Outstanding_at_5th_Apri || ' ' ||

Line 4203: hr_utility.trace('After cursor close');

4199: '' ||int_entries.Cash_Equivalent || ' ' ;
4200: end loop;
4201: -- this will ensure the xfdf sytring ends with the correct fields
4202: end if;
4203: hr_utility.trace('After cursor close');
4204: hr_utility.trace('l_tab_index' || l_tab_index);
4205: if l_tab_index <> 0
4206: then
4207: l_xfdf_str_tab(l_tab_index) := l_xfdf_str_tab(l_tab_index) || ' ';

Line 4204: hr_utility.trace('l_tab_index' || l_tab_index);

4200: end loop;
4201: -- this will ensure the xfdf sytring ends with the correct fields
4202: end if;
4203: hr_utility.trace('After cursor close');
4204: hr_utility.trace('l_tab_index' || l_tab_index);
4205: if l_tab_index <> 0
4206: then
4207: l_xfdf_str_tab(l_tab_index) := l_xfdf_str_tab(l_tab_index) || ' ';
4208: end if;

Line 4493: HR_UTILITY.TRaCE('A');

4489: l_loop_count := l_loop_count+1;
4490: -- l_ws6_info_tab(l_loop_count).l_amap_entries := amap_entries;
4491: -- hardcoding 10000, as currently this si the fig,
4492: -- if this changes then we may archve max limit as well.
4493: HR_UTILITY.TRaCE('A');
4494: if l_BCycle = 'BCY'
4495: then
4496: l_ws6_info_tab(l_loop_count).l_c_mileage_allow_payments := amap_entries.B_MILEAGE_ALLOW_PAYMENTS;
4497: l_ws6_info_tab(l_loop_count).l_c_tax_deducted_payments := amap_entries.B_TAX_DEDUCTED_PAYMENTS;

Line 4534: HR_UTILITY.TRaCE('B');

4530: l_mile2_amount :=0;
4531: if l_ws6_info_tab(l_loop_count).l_c_business_miles > 10000
4532: then
4533: l_miles1 := 10000;
4534: HR_UTILITY.TRaCE('B');
4535: l_miles2 := l_ws6_info_tab(l_loop_count).l_c_business_miles - 10000;
4536: else
4537: HR_UTILITY.TRaCE('C');
4538: l_miles1 := l_ws6_info_tab(l_loop_count).l_c_business_miles;

Line 4537: HR_UTILITY.TRaCE('C');

4533: l_miles1 := 10000;
4534: HR_UTILITY.TRaCE('B');
4535: l_miles2 := l_ws6_info_tab(l_loop_count).l_c_business_miles - 10000;
4536: else
4537: HR_UTILITY.TRaCE('C');
4538: l_miles1 := l_ws6_info_tab(l_loop_count).l_c_business_miles;
4539: l_miles2 := 0;
4540: end if;
4541: HR_UTILITY.TRaCE('D');

Line 4541: HR_UTILITY.TRaCE('D');

4537: HR_UTILITY.TRaCE('C');
4538: l_miles1 := l_ws6_info_tab(l_loop_count).l_c_business_miles;
4539: l_miles2 := 0;
4540: end if;
4541: HR_UTILITY.TRaCE('D');
4542: l_mile1_amount := l_ws6_info_tab(l_loop_count).l_c_reimbrs1_rate1 * l_miles1;
4543: l_mile2_amount := l_ws6_info_tab(l_loop_count).l_c_reimbrs2_rate2 * l_miles2;
4544: l_ws6_info_tab(l_loop_count).l_bus_mile_1_amount:= to_char(to_number(l_mile1_amount),'FM999,999,990.00');
4545: HR_UTILITY.TRaCE('E');

Line 4545: HR_UTILITY.TRaCE('E');

4541: HR_UTILITY.TRaCE('D');
4542: l_mile1_amount := l_ws6_info_tab(l_loop_count).l_c_reimbrs1_rate1 * l_miles1;
4543: l_mile2_amount := l_ws6_info_tab(l_loop_count).l_c_reimbrs2_rate2 * l_miles2;
4544: l_ws6_info_tab(l_loop_count).l_bus_mile_1_amount:= to_char(to_number(l_mile1_amount),'FM999,999,990.00');
4545: HR_UTILITY.TRaCE('E');
4546: l_ws6_info_tab(l_loop_count).l_bus_mile_2_amount:= to_char(to_number(l_mile2_amount),'FM999,999,990.00');
4547: l_ws6_info_tab(l_loop_count).l_total_approved_maps:= to_char(to_number((l_mile1_amount+l_mile2_amount)),'FM999,999,990.00');
4549: l_ws6_info_tab(l_loop_count).l_total_payment :=

Line 4548: HR_UTILITY.TRaCE('EE');

4544: l_ws6_info_tab(l_loop_count).l_bus_mile_1_amount:= to_char(to_number(l_mile1_amount),'FM999,999,990.00');
4545: HR_UTILITY.TRaCE('E');
4546: l_ws6_info_tab(l_loop_count).l_bus_mile_2_amount:= to_char(to_number(l_mile2_amount),'FM999,999,990.00');
4547: l_ws6_info_tab(l_loop_count).l_total_approved_maps:= to_char(to_number((l_mile1_amount+l_mile2_amount)),'FM999,999,990.00');
4549: l_ws6_info_tab(l_loop_count).l_total_payment :=
4550: greatest(l_ws6_info_tab(l_loop_count).l_c_net_allowance -l_mile1_amount - l_mile2_amount,0);
4552: l_ws6_info_tab(l_loop_count).l_business_miles_1:= l_miles1;

Line 4551: HR_UTILITY.TRaCE('FF');

4547: l_ws6_info_tab(l_loop_count).l_total_approved_maps:= to_char(to_number((l_mile1_amount+l_mile2_amount)),'FM999,999,990.00');
4549: l_ws6_info_tab(l_loop_count).l_total_payment :=
4550: greatest(l_ws6_info_tab(l_loop_count).l_c_net_allowance -l_mile1_amount - l_mile2_amount,0);
4552: l_ws6_info_tab(l_loop_count).l_business_miles_1:= l_miles1;
4553: l_ws6_info_tab(l_loop_count).l_business_miles_2:= l_miles2;
4554: --hr_uitility.trace('gg');
4555: l_ws6_info_tab(l_loop_count).l_taxable_passen_payment :=

Line 5119: --hr_utility.trace_on(null,'KT');

5115: dbms_lob.writeAppend( l_xfdf_str, length(l_xfdf_intermetiate_var) ,l_xfdf_intermetiate_var );
5116: end if;
5117: end;
5118: begin
5119: --hr_utility.trace_on(null,'KT');
5120: hr_utility.trace('calling get_employer_details');
5121: get_employer_details(p_assignment_action_id,
5122: l_emp_ref_no,
5123: l_employer_name);

Line 5120: hr_utility.trace('calling get_employer_details');

5116: end if;
5117: end;
5118: begin
5119: --hr_utility.trace_on(null,'KT');
5120: hr_utility.trace('calling get_employer_details');
5121: get_employer_details(p_assignment_action_id,
5122: l_emp_ref_no,
5123: l_employer_name);
5124: hr_utility.trace('calling get_employee_details');

Line 5124: hr_utility.trace('calling get_employee_details');

5120: hr_utility.trace('calling get_employer_details');
5121: get_employer_details(p_assignment_action_id,
5122: l_emp_ref_no,
5123: l_employer_name);
5124: hr_utility.trace('calling get_employee_details');
5125: get_employee_details(p_assignment_action_id,
5126: l_full_name,
5127: l_national_ins_no,
5128: l_employee_number);

Line 5133: -- hr_utility.trace_on(null,'SUMM');

5129: l_pactid := get_pactid(p_assignment_action_id);
5130: l_person_id := get_person_id (p_assignment_action_id );
5131: l_employee_number := get_assignment_number(p_assignment_action_id, true, l_person_id, l_emp_ref_no);
5132: l_loop_count := 0;
5133: -- hr_utility.trace_on(null,'SUMM');
5134: hr_utility.trace('l_pactid ' || l_pactid);
5135: hr_utility.trace('l_person_id '|| l_person_id);
5136: hr_utility.trace('l_emp_ref_no '|| l_emp_ref_no);
5137: hr_utility.trace('l_employer_name '|| l_employer_name);

Line 5134: hr_utility.trace('l_pactid ' || l_pactid);

5130: l_person_id := get_person_id (p_assignment_action_id );
5131: l_employee_number := get_assignment_number(p_assignment_action_id, true, l_person_id, l_emp_ref_no);
5132: l_loop_count := 0;
5133: -- hr_utility.trace_on(null,'SUMM');
5134: hr_utility.trace('l_pactid ' || l_pactid);
5135: hr_utility.trace('l_person_id '|| l_person_id);
5136: hr_utility.trace('l_emp_ref_no '|| l_emp_ref_no);
5137: hr_utility.trace('l_employer_name '|| l_employer_name);
5138: hr_utility.trace('opening the cursor');

Line 5135: hr_utility.trace('l_person_id '|| l_person_id);

5131: l_employee_number := get_assignment_number(p_assignment_action_id, true, l_person_id, l_emp_ref_no);
5132: l_loop_count := 0;
5133: -- hr_utility.trace_on(null,'SUMM');
5134: hr_utility.trace('l_pactid ' || l_pactid);
5135: hr_utility.trace('l_person_id '|| l_person_id);
5136: hr_utility.trace('l_emp_ref_no '|| l_emp_ref_no);
5137: hr_utility.trace('l_employer_name '|| l_employer_name);
5138: hr_utility.trace('opening the cursor');
5139: l_tot_col1 := null;

Line 5136: hr_utility.trace('l_emp_ref_no '|| l_emp_ref_no);

5132: l_loop_count := 0;
5133: -- hr_utility.trace_on(null,'SUMM');
5134: hr_utility.trace('l_pactid ' || l_pactid);
5135: hr_utility.trace('l_person_id '|| l_person_id);
5136: hr_utility.trace('l_emp_ref_no '|| l_emp_ref_no);
5137: hr_utility.trace('l_employer_name '|| l_employer_name);
5138: hr_utility.trace('opening the cursor');
5139: l_tot_col1 := null;
5140: l_tot_col2 := null;

Line 5137: hr_utility.trace('l_employer_name '|| l_employer_name);

5133: -- hr_utility.trace_on(null,'SUMM');
5134: hr_utility.trace('l_pactid ' || l_pactid);
5135: hr_utility.trace('l_person_id '|| l_person_id);
5136: hr_utility.trace('l_emp_ref_no '|| l_emp_ref_no);
5137: hr_utility.trace('l_employer_name '|| l_employer_name);
5138: hr_utility.trace('opening the cursor');
5139: l_tot_col1 := null;
5140: l_tot_col2 := null;
5141: l_tot_col3 := null;

Line 5138: hr_utility.trace('opening the cursor');

5134: hr_utility.trace('l_pactid ' || l_pactid);
5135: hr_utility.trace('l_person_id '|| l_person_id);
5136: hr_utility.trace('l_emp_ref_no '|| l_emp_ref_no);
5137: hr_utility.trace('l_employer_name '|| l_employer_name);
5138: hr_utility.trace('opening the cursor');
5139: l_tot_col1 := null;
5140: l_tot_col2 := null;
5141: l_tot_col3 := null;
5142: l_prev_section := null;

Line 5143: hr_utility.trace('l_prev_section ' || l_prev_section);

5139: l_tot_col1 := null;
5140: l_tot_col2 := null;
5141: l_tot_col3 := null;
5142: l_prev_section := null;
5143: hr_utility.trace('l_prev_section ' || l_prev_section);
5144: dbms_lob.createtemporary(l_xfdf_str,false,DBMS_LOB.CALL);
5145: dbms_lob.open(l_xfdf_str,dbms_lob.lob_readwrite);

Line 5157: hr_utility.trace('Current page is odd page');

5154: l_odd_page := TRUE;
5155: l_line_count := 0;
5156: if l_odd_page then
5157: hr_utility.trace('Current page is odd page');
5158: else
5159: hr_utility.trace('Current page is even page');
5160: end if;
5161: if to_number(l_rep_run) < 2005

Line 5159: hr_utility.trace('Current page is even page');

5155: l_line_count := 0;
5156: if l_odd_page then
5157: hr_utility.trace('Current page is odd page');
5158: else
5159: hr_utility.trace('Current page is even page');
5160: end if;
5161: if to_number(l_rep_run) < 2005
5162: then
5163: for summary_entries in csr_summary_entries(l_pactid,

Line 5198: hr_utility.trace('l_loop_count ' ||l_loop_count);

5194: dbms_lob.writeAppend( l_xfdf_str, length(l_xfdf_intermetiate_var) ,l_xfdf_intermetiate_var );
5195: end if;
5196: -- add new line desc
5197: set_line_desc(summary_entries.SECTION_HEADING);
5198: hr_utility.trace('l_loop_count ' ||l_loop_count);
5199: l_prev_section := summary_entries.SECTION_HEADING;
5200: l_line_count := l_line_count + 2;
5201: end if;
5202: hr_utility.trace('l_prev_section ' || l_prev_section);

Line 5202: hr_utility.trace('l_prev_section ' || l_prev_section);

5198: hr_utility.trace('l_loop_count ' ||l_loop_count);
5199: l_prev_section := summary_entries.SECTION_HEADING;
5200: l_line_count := l_line_count + 2;
5201: end if;
5202: hr_utility.trace('l_prev_section ' || l_prev_section);
5203: hr_utility.trace('summary_entries.SECTION_HEADING ' || summary_entries.SECTION_HEADING);
5204: if l_prev_section = summary_entries.SECTION_HEADING
5205: then
5206: -- we just add the line details

Line 5203: hr_utility.trace('summary_entries.SECTION_HEADING ' || summary_entries.SECTION_HEADING);

5199: l_prev_section := summary_entries.SECTION_HEADING;
5200: l_line_count := l_line_count + 2;
5201: end if;
5202: hr_utility.trace('l_prev_section ' || l_prev_section);
5203: hr_utility.trace('summary_entries.SECTION_HEADING ' || summary_entries.SECTION_HEADING);
5204: if l_prev_section = summary_entries.SECTION_HEADING
5205: then
5206: -- we just add the line details
5207: add_detail_line(summary_entries.SECTION_HEADING,

Line 5215: hr_utility.trace(summary_entries.LINE_DETAIL || ' : ' || l_temp);

5211: summary_entries.LINE_COL3,
5212: summary_entries.LINE_START_DATE,
5213: summary_entries.LINE_END_DATE);
5214: l_temp := get_desc_line(summary_entries.LINE_DETAIL);
5215: hr_utility.trace(summary_entries.LINE_DETAIL || ' : ' || l_temp);
5216: if (l_temp > 1) then
5217: l_line_count := l_line_count + (l_temp * g_desc_size);
5218: else
5219: l_line_count := l_line_count + 1;

Line 5236: hr_utility.trace('l_loop_count ' || l_loop_count);

5232: l_TOT_COL3 := nvl(l_TOT_COL3,0) + nvl(summary_entries.LINE_COL3,0);
5233: end if;
5234: end if;
5235: else
5236: hr_utility.trace('l_loop_count ' || l_loop_count);
5237: add_total_lines;
5238: l_line_count := l_line_count + 1;
5239: hr_utility.trace('adding new section heading and title');
5240: -- add new section heading and title

Line 5239: hr_utility.trace('adding new section heading and title');

5235: else
5236: hr_utility.trace('l_loop_count ' || l_loop_count);
5237: add_total_lines;
5238: l_line_count := l_line_count + 1;
5239: hr_utility.trace('adding new section heading and title');
5240: -- add new section heading and title
5241: -- we do not add heading if the SECTION_HEADING is Other Items Non 1A
5242: -- and prev was Other Items
5243: if l_prev_section = 'Other Items' and summary_entries.SECTION_HEADING = 'Other Items Non 1A'

Line 5266: hr_utility.trace(summary_entries.LINE_DETAIL || ' : ' || l_temp);

5262: summary_entries.LINE_COL3,
5263: summary_entries.LINE_START_DATE,
5264: summary_entries.LINE_END_DATE);
5265: l_temp := get_desc_line(summary_entries.LINE_DETAIL);
5266: hr_utility.trace(summary_entries.LINE_DETAIL || ' : ' || l_temp);
5267: if (l_temp > 1) then
5268: l_line_count := l_line_count + (l_temp * g_desc_size);
5269: else
5270: l_line_count := l_line_count + 1;

Line 5336: hr_utility.trace('l_loop_count ' ||l_loop_count);

5332: end if;
5333: -- add new line desc
5335: set_line_desc(summary_entries.SECTION_HEADING);
5336: hr_utility.trace('l_loop_count ' ||l_loop_count);
5337: l_prev_section := summary_entries.SECTION_HEADING;
5338: l_line_count := l_line_count + 2;
5339: hr_utility.trace('Writing line_desc + header : ' || l_line_count);
5340: end if;

Line 5339: hr_utility.trace('Writing line_desc + header : ' || l_line_count);

5335: set_line_desc(summary_entries.SECTION_HEADING);
5336: hr_utility.trace('l_loop_count ' ||l_loop_count);
5337: l_prev_section := summary_entries.SECTION_HEADING;
5338: l_line_count := l_line_count + 2;
5339: hr_utility.trace('Writing line_desc + header : ' || l_line_count);
5340: end if;
5341: hr_utility.trace('l_prev_section ' || l_prev_section);
5342: hr_utility.trace('summary_entries.SECTION_HEADING ' || summary_entries.SECTION_HEADING);
5343: if l_prev_section = summary_entries.SECTION_HEADING

Line 5341: hr_utility.trace('l_prev_section ' || l_prev_section);

5337: l_prev_section := summary_entries.SECTION_HEADING;
5338: l_line_count := l_line_count + 2;
5339: hr_utility.trace('Writing line_desc + header : ' || l_line_count);
5340: end if;
5341: hr_utility.trace('l_prev_section ' || l_prev_section);
5342: hr_utility.trace('summary_entries.SECTION_HEADING ' || summary_entries.SECTION_HEADING);
5343: if l_prev_section = summary_entries.SECTION_HEADING
5344: then
5345: -- we just add the line details

Line 5342: hr_utility.trace('summary_entries.SECTION_HEADING ' || summary_entries.SECTION_HEADING);

5338: l_line_count := l_line_count + 2;
5339: hr_utility.trace('Writing line_desc + header : ' || l_line_count);
5340: end if;
5341: hr_utility.trace('l_prev_section ' || l_prev_section);
5342: hr_utility.trace('summary_entries.SECTION_HEADING ' || summary_entries.SECTION_HEADING);
5343: if l_prev_section = summary_entries.SECTION_HEADING
5344: then
5345: -- we just add the line details
5346: add_detail_line(summary_entries.SECTION_HEADING,

Line 5354: hr_utility.trace(summary_entries.LINE_DETAIL || ' : ' || l_temp);

5350: summary_entries.LINE_COL3,
5351: summary_entries.LINE_START_DATE,
5352: summary_entries.LINE_END_DATE);
5353: l_temp := get_desc_line(summary_entries.LINE_DETAIL);
5354: hr_utility.trace(summary_entries.LINE_DETAIL || ' : ' || l_temp);
5355: if (l_temp > 1) then
5356: l_line_count := l_line_count + (l_temp * g_desc_size);
5357: else
5358: l_line_count := l_line_count + 1;

Line 5360: hr_utility.trace('Writing line details : ' || l_line_count);

5356: l_line_count := l_line_count + (l_temp * g_desc_size);
5357: else
5358: l_line_count := l_line_count + 1;
5359: end if;
5360: hr_utility.trace('Writing line details : ' || l_line_count);
5361: -- we need to sum the totals
5362: if summary_entries.SECTION_HEADING <> 'Shares'
5363: then
5364: if summary_entries.SECTION_HEADING ='Payments made on behalf of employee'

Line 5377: hr_utility.trace('l_loop_count ' || l_loop_count);

5373: l_TOT_COL3 := nvl(l_TOT_COL3,0) + nvl(summary_entries.LINE_COL3,0);
5374: end if;
5375: end if;
5376: else
5377: hr_utility.trace('l_loop_count ' || l_loop_count);
5378: add_total_lines;
5379: l_line_count := l_line_count + 1;
5380: hr_utility.trace('Writing total line : ' || l_line_count);
5381: hr_utility.trace('adding new section heading and title');

Line 5380: hr_utility.trace('Writing total line : ' || l_line_count);

5376: else
5377: hr_utility.trace('l_loop_count ' || l_loop_count);
5378: add_total_lines;
5379: l_line_count := l_line_count + 1;
5380: hr_utility.trace('Writing total line : ' || l_line_count);
5381: hr_utility.trace('adding new section heading and title');
5382: -- add new section heading and title
5383: -- we do not add heading if the SECTION_HEADING is Other Items Non 1A
5384: -- and prev was Other Items

Line 5381: hr_utility.trace('adding new section heading and title');

5377: hr_utility.trace('l_loop_count ' || l_loop_count);
5378: add_total_lines;
5379: l_line_count := l_line_count + 1;
5380: hr_utility.trace('Writing total line : ' || l_line_count);
5381: hr_utility.trace('adding new section heading and title');
5382: -- add new section heading and title
5383: -- we do not add heading if the SECTION_HEADING is Other Items Non 1A
5384: -- and prev was Other Items
5385: if l_prev_section = 'Other Items' and

Line 5396: hr_utility.trace('Writing header : ' || l_line_count);

5392: '' ||summary_entries.SECTION_TITLE || ' ' ||
5393: '' ||summary_entries.SECTION_HEADING || ' ' ;
5394: dbms_lob.writeAppend( l_xfdf_str, length(l_xfdf_intermetiate_var) ,l_xfdf_intermetiate_var );
5395: l_line_count := l_line_count + 1;
5396: hr_utility.trace('Writing header : ' || l_line_count);
5397: end if;
5398: -- add new line desc
5399: set_line_desc(summary_entries.SECTION_HEADING);
5400: l_line_count := l_line_count + 1;

Line 5401: hr_utility.trace('Writing line_desc : ' || l_line_count);

5397: end if;
5398: -- add new line desc
5399: set_line_desc(summary_entries.SECTION_HEADING);
5400: l_line_count := l_line_count + 1;
5401: hr_utility.trace('Writing line_desc : ' || l_line_count);
5402: -- add the line details
5403: add_detail_line(summary_entries.SECTION_HEADING,
5404: summary_entries.LINE_DETAIL,
5405: summary_entries.LINE_COL1,

Line 5411: hr_utility.trace(summary_entries.LINE_DETAIL || ' : ' || l_temp);

5407: summary_entries.LINE_COL3,
5408: summary_entries.LINE_START_DATE,
5409: summary_entries.LINE_END_DATE);
5410: l_temp := get_desc_line(summary_entries.LINE_DETAIL);
5411: hr_utility.trace(summary_entries.LINE_DETAIL || ' : ' || l_temp);
5412: if (l_temp > 1) then
5413: l_line_count := l_line_count + (l_temp * g_desc_size);
5414: else
5415: l_line_count := l_line_count + 1;

Line 5417: hr_utility.trace('Writing line details : ' || l_line_count);

5413: l_line_count := l_line_count + (l_temp * g_desc_size);
5414: else
5415: l_line_count := l_line_count + 1;
5416: end if;
5417: hr_utility.trace('Writing line details : ' || l_line_count);
5418: -- resetting tot cols
5419: l_tot_col1 := null;
5420: l_tot_col2 := null;
5421: l_tot_col3 := null;

Line 5440: hr_utility.trace('Line more than max line : ' || l_line_count);

5436: end if;
5437: /* end if; */
5438: end if;
5439: if l_line_count > g_max_line then
5440: hr_utility.trace('Line more than max line : ' || l_line_count);
5441: if l_odd_page then
5442: hr_utility.trace('Current page is odd page, resetting it to even');
5443: else
5444: hr_utility.trace('Current page is even page, resetting it to odd');

Line 5442: hr_utility.trace('Current page is odd page, resetting it to even');

5438: end if;
5439: if l_line_count > g_max_line then
5440: hr_utility.trace('Line more than max line : ' || l_line_count);
5441: if l_odd_page then
5442: hr_utility.trace('Current page is odd page, resetting it to even');
5443: else
5444: hr_utility.trace('Current page is even page, resetting it to odd');
5445: end if;
5446: l_odd_page := not(l_odd_page);

Line 5444: hr_utility.trace('Current page is even page, resetting it to odd');

5440: hr_utility.trace('Line more than max line : ' || l_line_count);
5441: if l_odd_page then
5442: hr_utility.trace('Current page is odd page, resetting it to even');
5443: else
5444: hr_utility.trace('Current page is even page, resetting it to odd');
5445: end if;
5446: l_odd_page := not(l_odd_page);
5447: l_line_count := l_line_count - g_max_line;
5448: hr_utility.trace('New line count is : ' || l_line_count);

Line 5448: hr_utility.trace('New line count is : ' || l_line_count);

5444: hr_utility.trace('Current page is even page, resetting it to odd');
5445: end if;
5446: l_odd_page := not(l_odd_page);
5447: l_line_count := l_line_count - g_max_line;
5448: hr_utility.trace('New line count is : ' || l_line_count);
5449: end if;
5450: end loop;
5451: end if;
5452: if l_loop_count <> 0

Line 5457: hr_utility.trace('Writing total line : ' || l_line_count);

5453: then
5454: -- add last total line
5455: add_total_lines;
5456: l_line_count := l_line_count + 1;
5457: hr_utility.trace('Writing total line : ' || l_line_count);
5458: hr_utility.trace('Final Line : ' || l_line_count);
5459: if l_odd_page then
5460: hr_utility.trace('Current page is Odd page');
5461: else

Line 5458: hr_utility.trace('Final Line : ' || l_line_count);

5454: -- add last total line
5455: add_total_lines;
5456: l_line_count := l_line_count + 1;
5457: hr_utility.trace('Writing total line : ' || l_line_count);
5458: hr_utility.trace('Final Line : ' || l_line_count);
5459: if l_odd_page then
5460: hr_utility.trace('Current page is Odd page');
5461: else
5462: hr_utility.trace('Current page is Even page');

Line 5460: hr_utility.trace('Current page is Odd page');

5456: l_line_count := l_line_count + 1;
5457: hr_utility.trace('Writing total line : ' || l_line_count);
5458: hr_utility.trace('Final Line : ' || l_line_count);
5459: if l_odd_page then
5460: hr_utility.trace('Current page is Odd page');
5461: else
5462: hr_utility.trace('Current page is Even page');
5463: end if;

Line 5462: hr_utility.trace('Current page is Even page');

5458: hr_utility.trace('Final Line : ' || l_line_count);
5459: if l_odd_page then
5460: hr_utility.trace('Current page is Odd page');
5461: else
5462: hr_utility.trace('Current page is Even page');
5463: end if;
5465: if l_line_count > g_max_line then
5466: hr_utility.trace('Line more than max line : ' || l_line_count);

Line 5466: hr_utility.trace('Line more than max line : ' || l_line_count);

5462: hr_utility.trace('Current page is Even page');
5463: end if;
5465: if l_line_count > g_max_line then
5466: hr_utility.trace('Line more than max line : ' || l_line_count);
5467: if l_odd_page then
5468: hr_utility.trace('Current page is odd page, resetting it to even');
5469: else
5470: hr_utility.trace('Current page is even page, resetting it to odd');

Line 5468: hr_utility.trace('Current page is odd page, resetting it to even');

5465: if l_line_count > g_max_line then
5466: hr_utility.trace('Line more than max line : ' || l_line_count);
5467: if l_odd_page then
5468: hr_utility.trace('Current page is odd page, resetting it to even');
5469: else
5470: hr_utility.trace('Current page is even page, resetting it to odd');
5471: end if;
5472: l_odd_page := not(l_odd_page);

Line 5470: hr_utility.trace('Current page is even page, resetting it to odd');

5466: hr_utility.trace('Line more than max line : ' || l_line_count);
5467: if l_odd_page then
5468: hr_utility.trace('Current page is odd page, resetting it to even');
5469: else
5470: hr_utility.trace('Current page is even page, resetting it to odd');
5471: end if;
5472: l_odd_page := not(l_odd_page);
5473: l_line_count := l_line_count - g_max_line;
5474: hr_utility.trace('New line count is : ' || l_line_count);

Line 5474: hr_utility.trace('New line count is : ' || l_line_count);

5470: hr_utility.trace('Current page is even page, resetting it to odd');
5471: end if;
5472: l_odd_page := not(l_odd_page);
5473: l_line_count := l_line_count - g_max_line;
5474: hr_utility.trace('New line count is : ' || l_line_count);
5475: end if;
5477: if l_odd_page then
5478: hr_utility.trace('Current page is Odd page');

Line 5478: hr_utility.trace('Current page is Odd page');

5474: hr_utility.trace('New line count is : ' || l_line_count);
5475: end if;
5477: if l_odd_page then
5478: hr_utility.trace('Current page is Odd page');
5479: l_temp := ceil((g_max_line - l_line_count)/4) + 1;
5480: hr_utility.trace('Current line is : ' || l_line_count);
5481: hr_utility.trace('Writing more record (4 line / record) : ' || l_temp);
5482: for l_line_count in 0..l_temp loop

Line 5480: hr_utility.trace('Current line is : ' || l_line_count);

5477: if l_odd_page then
5478: hr_utility.trace('Current page is Odd page');
5479: l_temp := ceil((g_max_line - l_line_count)/4) + 1;
5480: hr_utility.trace('Current line is : ' || l_line_count);
5481: hr_utility.trace('Writing more record (4 line / record) : ' || l_temp);
5482: for l_line_count in 0..l_temp loop
5483: l_xfdf_intermetiate_var :=
5484: '' ||null|| ' ' ||

Line 5481: hr_utility.trace('Writing more record (4 line / record) : ' || l_temp);

5477: if l_odd_page then
5478: hr_utility.trace('Current page is Odd page');
5479: l_temp := ceil((g_max_line - l_line_count)/4) + 1;
5480: hr_utility.trace('Current line is : ' || l_line_count);
5481: hr_utility.trace('Writing more record (4 line / record) : ' || l_temp);
5482: for l_line_count in 0..l_temp loop
5483: l_xfdf_intermetiate_var :=
5484: '' ||null|| ' ' ||
5485: '' ||null|| ' ' ||

Line 5513: hr_utility.trace('blob length '|| dbms_lob.getlength(l_xfdf_blob_str));

5509: DBMS_LOB.CREATETEMPORARY(l_xfdf_blob_str,true);
5510: clob_to_blob(l_xfdf_str,l_xfdf_blob_str);
5511: dbms_lob.close(l_xfdf_str);
5512: dbms_lob.freetemporary(l_xfdf_str);
5513: hr_utility.trace('blob length '|| dbms_lob.getlength(l_xfdf_blob_str));
5514: -- Adding this causes error in xdo so commented this
5515: -- DBMS_LOB.FREETEMPORARY(l_xfdf_blob_str);
5516: --hr_utility.trace_off;
5517: return l_xfdf_blob_str;

Line 5516: --hr_utility.trace_off;

5512: dbms_lob.freetemporary(l_xfdf_str);
5513: hr_utility.trace('blob length '|| dbms_lob.getlength(l_xfdf_blob_str));
5514: -- Adding this causes error in xdo so commented this
5515: -- DBMS_LOB.FREETEMPORARY(l_xfdf_blob_str);
5516: --hr_utility.trace_off;
5517: return l_xfdf_blob_str;
5518: end ;
5519: /*Added this function to generate pdf report for Address*/
5520: /*Bug No. 3201848*/