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1 package ben_maintain_designee_elig as
2 /* $Header: bendsgel.pkh 120.0.12010000.1 2008/07/29 12:11:55 appldev ship $ */
3 --
4 -- Global Cursors and Global variables.
5 --
6 g_record_error	exception;
7 g_debug		    boolean := FALSE;
8 type rpt_str is table of varchar2(132) index by binary_integer;
9 g_rpt_cache     rpt_str;
10 g_rpt_cnt       binary_integer := 0;
11 g_profile_value varchar2(30) := fnd_profile.value('BEN_DSG_NO_CHG');
13 type g_cache_log_file_rec is table of varchar2(255)
14      index by binary_integer;
15 g_cache_log_file g_cache_log_file_rec;
17 type g_cache_person_process_object is record
18    	(person_id                ben_person_actions.person_id%type
19    	,person_action_id         ben_person_actions.person_action_id%type
20    	,object_version_number    ben_person_actions.object_version_number%type
21    	,ler_id                   ben_person_actions.ler_id%type
22         );
23 type g_cache_person_process_rec is table of g_cache_person_process_object
24     index by binary_integer;
25 g_cache_person_process g_cache_person_process_rec;
27 type g_cache_person_rec is record
28   	(full_name                  per_people_f.full_name%type
29    	,date_of_birth              per_people_f.date_of_birth%type
30    	,date_of_death              per_people_f.date_of_death%type
31    	,benefit_group              ben_benfts_grp.name%type
32    	,benefit_group_id           per_people_f.benefit_group_id%type
33    	,postal_code                per_addresses.postal_code%type
34    	,person_has_type_emp        varchar2(1)
35    	,assignment_id              per_assignments_f.assignment_id%type
36    	,per_system_status          per_assignment_status_types.per_system_status%type
37    	,date_start                 per_periods_of_service.date_start%type
38    	,adjusted_svc_date          per_periods_of_service.adjusted_svc_date%type
39    	,lf_evt_ocrd_dt             ben_per_in_ler.lf_evt_ocrd_dt%type
40    	,pay_period_start_date      per_time_periods.start_date%type
41    	,pay_period_end_date        per_time_periods.end_date%type
42    	,pay_period_next_start_date per_time_periods.start_date%type
43    	,pay_period_next_end_date   per_time_periods.end_date%type
44    	,grade_id                   per_assignments_f.grade_id%type
45    	,job_id                     per_assignments_f.job_id%type
46    	,pay_basis_id               per_assignments_f.pay_basis_id%type
47    	,pay_basis                  per_pay_bases.pay_basis%type
48    	,payroll_id                 per_assignments_f.payroll_id%type
49    	,payroll_name               pay_all_payrolls_f.payroll_name%type
50    	,location_id                per_assignments_f.location_id%type
51    	,address_line_1             hr_locations.address_line_1%type
52    	,organization_id            per_assignments_f.organization_id%type
53    	,normal_hours               per_assignments_f.normal_hours%type
54    	,frequency                  per_assignments_f.frequency%type
55    	,bargaining_unit_code       per_assignments_f.bargaining_unit_code%type
56    	,labour_union_member_flag   per_assignments_f.labour_union_member_flag%type
57    	,assignment_status_type_id  per_assignments_f.assignment_status_type_id%type
58    	,change_reason              per_assignments_f.change_reason%type
59    	,employment_category        per_assignments_f.employment_category%type
60    	,org_information1           hr_organization_information.org_information1%type
61    	,bg_name                    hr_all_organization_units.name%type
62    	,org_id                     hr_all_organization_units.organization_id%type
63    	,org_name                   hr_all_organization_units.name%type
64     );
65 g_cache_person g_cache_person_rec;
66 type g_cache_person_types_object is record
67      	(person_type_id         per_person_type_usages_f.person_type_id%type
68       	,user_person_type       per_person_types.user_person_type%type
69       	,system_person_type     per_person_types.system_person_type%type
70         );
71 type g_cache_person_types_rec is table of g_cache_person_types_object
72       index by binary_integer;
73 g_cache_person_types g_cache_person_types_rec;
74 --
75 procedure process(errbuf                        out nocopy varchar2
76                  ,retcode                       out nocopy number
77                  ,p_benefit_action_id        in     number
78                  ,p_effective_date           in     varchar2
79                  ,p_validate                 in     varchar2 default 'N'
80                  ,p_person_id                in     number   default null
81                  ,p_person_type_id           in     number   default null
82                  ,p_business_group_id        in     number
83                  ,p_person_selection_rule_id in     number   default null
84                  ,p_comp_selection_rule_id   in     number   default null
85                  ,p_pgm_id                   in     number   default null
86                  ,p_pl_id                    in     number   default null
87                  ,p_organization_id          in     number   default null
88                  ,p_benfts_grp_id            in     number   default null
89                  ,p_location_id              in     number   default null
90                  ,p_legal_entity_id          in     number   default null
91                  ,p_payroll_id               in     number   default null
92                  ,p_debug_messages           in     varchar2 default 'N'
93                  );
94 procedure restart (errbuf                 out nocopy varchar2
95                   ,retcode                out nocopy number
96                   ,p_benefit_action_id in     number
97                   );
98 procedure do_multithread
99              (errbuf                     out nocopy varchar2
100              ,retcode                    out nocopy number
101              ,p_validate              in     varchar2 default 'N'
102              ,p_benefit_action_id     in     number
103              ,p_thread_id             in     number
104              ,p_effective_date        in     varchar2
105              ,p_business_group_id     in     number
106              );
107 procedure process_designee_elig
108                   (p_validate              in     varchar2 default 'N'
109                   ,p_person_id             in     number default null
110                   ,p_person_action_id      in     number default null
111                   ,p_comp_selection_rl     in     number
112                   ,p_pgm_id                in     number
113                   ,p_pl_id                 in     number
114                   ,p_object_version_number in out nocopy number
115                   ,p_business_group_id     in     number
116                   ,p_effective_date        in     date
117                   );
118 function comp_selection_rule
119                  (p_person_id                in     number
120                  ,p_business_group_id        in     number
121                  ,p_pgm_id                   in     number
122                  ,p_pl_id                    in     number
123                  ,p_pl_typ_id                    in     number
124                  ,p_opt_id                   in     number
125                  ,p_ler_id                   in     number
126                  ,p_oipl_id                  in     number
127                  ,p_comp_selection_rule_id   in     number
128                  ,p_effective_date           in     date
129                  ) return char;
130 End ben_maintain_designee_elig;