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APPS.PO_ATT SQL Statements

The following lines contain the word 'select', 'insert', 'update' or 'delete':

Line: 7

  p_operation   VARCHAR2,-- 'INSERT' | 'UPDATE'
  p_version     VARCHAR2 -- 'PO_10SC' | 'PO_R10'
) IS


  INSERT INTO po_att_tmp_records (
  ) VALUES (
Line: 32

  p_operation   VARCHAR2,-- 'INSERT' | 'UPDATE'
  p_version     VARCHAR2 -- 'PO_10SC' | 'PO_R10'
) IS


  DELETE FROM po_att_tmp_records;
Line: 39

/* all tmp records should be deleted */

Line: 76

    SELECT decode ( entity_name,
              'REQ_LINES',        'PO_REQUISITION_LINES',
              'RCV_LINES',        'RCV_SHIPMENT_LINES',
              'PO_HEADERS',       'PO_HEADERS',
              'PO_LINES',         'PO_LINES',
              'PO_RELEASES',      'PO_RELEASES',
              'PO_SHIPMENTS',     'PO_LINE_LOCATIONS',
              'RCV_HEADERS',      'RCV_SHIPMENT_HEADERS',
              'PO_VENDORS',       'PO_VENDORS',
              'NOT_PO_TABLE' )
    INTO   x_table_name
    FROM   fnd_attached_documents
    WHERE  document_id = p_document_id
    AND    rownum < 2; -- make sure zero or one record returned
Line: 137

    SELECT decode ( entity_name,
              'REQ_HEADERS',      'REQUISITION_HEADER_ID',
              'REQ_LINES',        'REQUISITION_LINE_ID',
              'RCV_LINES',        'SHIPMENT_LINE_ID',
              'PO_HEADERS',       'PO_HEADER_ID',
              'PO_LINES',         'PO_LINE_ID',
              'PO_RELEASES',      'PO_RELEASE_ID',
              'PO_SHIPMENTS',     'LINE_LOCATION_ID',
              'RCV_HEADERS',      'SHIPMENT_HEADER_ID',
              'PO_VENDORS',       'VENDOR_ID',
              'NOT_PO_COLUMN' )
    INTO   x_column_name
    FROM   fnd_attached_documents
    WHERE  document_id = p_document_id
    AND    rownum < 2;
Line: 194

        SELECT fdc.category_id
        INTO   p_category_id
        FROM   fnd_document_categories fdc
        WHERE  upper(fdc.name) = decode(p_usage_id,  2,  'VENDOR'           ,
                                                     3,  'BUYER'            ,
                                                     4,  'RECEIVER'         ,
                                                     5,  'APPROVER'         ,
                                                     6,  'REQ INTERNAL'     ,
                                                     7,  'PO INTERNAL'      ,
                                                     8,  'RFQ INTERNAL'     ,
                                                     9,  'QUOTE INTERNAL'   ,
                                                     10, 'ITEM INTERNAL'    ,
                                                     11, 'RCV INTERNAL'     ,
                                                     12, 'INVOICE INTERNAL' ,
                                                     13, 'PAYABLES');
Line: 225

  SELECT decode(upper(fdc.name),'VENDOR'           ,2,
                                'BUYER'            ,3,
                                'RECEIVER'         ,4,
                                'APPROVER'         ,5,
                                'REQ INTERNAL'     ,6,
                                'PO INTERNAL'      ,7,
                                'RFQ INTERNAL'     ,8,
                                'QUOTE INTERNAL'   ,9,
                                'ITEM INTERNAL'    ,10,
                                'RCV INTERNAL'     ,11,
                                'INVOICE INTERNAL' ,12,
                                'PAYABLES'         ,13)

  INTO   p_usage_id
  FROM   fnd_document_categories fdc
  WHERE  fdc.category_id = p_category_id;
Line: 255

  SELECT fd.datatype_id, fd.media_id
  INTO   p_datatype_id, p_media_id
  FROM   fnd_documents_tl fdt,
         fnd_documents fd
  WHERE  fdt.language = userenv('LANG')
  AND    fdt.document_id = fd.document_id
  AND    fd.document_id = p_document_id;
Line: 273

  SELECT fd.document_id
  INTO   p_document_id
  FROM   fnd_documents_tl fdt,
         fnd_documents fd
  WHERE  fd.media_id = p_media_id
  AND    fdt.document_id = fd.document_id
  AND    fd.datatype_id = decode (p_datatype_id, 'S', 1, 2) --short/long
  AND    rownum = 1; -- make sure only one record returns
Line: 303

  SELECT category_id, usage_type
  INTO   x_num2, p_note_type
  FROM   fnd_documents
  WHERE  document_id = x_num;
Line: 315

PROCEDURE insert_document (
    p_note_id            NUMBER,
    p_app_source_version VARCHAR2
) IS

  x_category_id             NUMBER;
Line: 323

  x_last_update_date        DATE;
Line: 324

  x_last_updated_by         NUMBER;
Line: 325

  x_last_update_login       NUMBER;
Line: 337

  x_program_update_date     DATE;
Line: 359

    document_id,          last_update_date,
    last_updated_by,      last_update_login,
    title,                usage_id,
    start_date_active,    end_date_active,
    request_id,           program_application_id,
    program_id,           program_update_date,
    attribute_category,   attribute1,
    attribute2,           attribute3,
    attribute4,           attribute5,
    attribute6,           attribute7,
    attribute8,           attribute9,
    attribute10,          attribute11,
    attribute12,          attribute13,
    attribute14,          attribute15
    x_document_id,        x_last_update_date,
    x_last_updated_by,    x_last_update_login,
    x_creation_date,      x_created_by,
    x_title,              x_usage_id,
    x_start_date_active,  x_end_date_active,
    x_request_id,         x_program_application_id,
    x_program_id,         x_program_update_date,
    x_attribute_category, x_attribute1,
    x_attribute2,         x_attribute3,
    x_attribute4,         x_attribute5,
    x_attribute6,         x_attribute7,
    x_attribute8,         x_attribute9,
    x_attribute10,        x_attribute11,
    x_attribute12,        x_attribute13,
    x_attribute14,        x_attribute15
  FROM po_notes
  WHERE po_note_id     = p_note_id;
Line: 398

    SELECT note
    INTO   x_note
    FROM   po_notes
    WHERE  po_note_id  = p_note_id;
Line: 410

                ' should update this text later';
Line: 429

    SELECT fnd_documents_short_text_s.nextval
    INTO   x_media_id
    FROM   sys.dual;
Line: 433

    SELECT fnd_documents_long_text_s.nextval
    INTO   x_media_id
    FROM   sys.dual;
Line: 439

  INSERT INTO fnd_documents (
    document_id,     creation_date,
    created_by,      last_update_date,
    last_updated_by, last_update_login,
    datatype_id,     category_id,
    security_type,   security_id,
    publish_flag,    storage_type,
    usage_type,      app_source_version,
    file_name,       media_id
    x_document_id,   x_creation_date,
    x_created_by,    sysdate,
    1,               1,
    x_datatype_id,   x_category_id,
    4,               null,
    'N',             1,
    x_note_type,     p_app_source_version,
    NULL,               x_media_id
Line: 460

  INSERT INTO fnd_documents_tl (
    document_id,        creation_date,
    created_by,         last_update_date,
    last_updated_by,    last_update_login,
    language,           description,
    doc_attribute_category, doc_attribute1,
    doc_attribute2,     doc_attribute3,
    doc_attribute4,     doc_attribute5,
    doc_attribute6,     doc_attribute7,
    doc_attribute8,     doc_attribute9,
    doc_attribute10,    doc_attribute11,
    doc_attribute12,    doc_attribute13,
    doc_attribute14,    doc_attribute15,
    source_lang,         app_source_version )
    x_document_id,      x_creation_date,
    x_created_by,       sysdate,
    1,                  1,
    userenv('LANG'), x_title,
    x_attribute_category, x_attribute1,
    x_attribute2,       x_attribute3,
    x_attribute4,       x_attribute5,
    x_attribute6,       x_attribute7,
    x_attribute8,       x_attribute9,
    x_attribute10,      x_attribute11,
    x_attribute12,      x_attribute13,
    x_attribute14,      x_attribute15,
    userenv('LANG'),    p_app_source_version
Line: 491

    INSERT INTO fnd_documents_short_text ( media_id, short_text, app_source_version )
    VALUES ( x_media_id, x_note, p_app_source_version );
Line: 494

    INSERT INTO fnd_documents_long_text ( media_id, long_text, app_source_version )
    VALUES ( x_media_id, x_note, p_app_source_version );
Line: 501

PROCEDURE update_document (
  p_note_id            NUMBER,
  p_app_source_version VARCHAR2
) IS

  x_category_id             NUMBER;
Line: 510

  x_last_update_date        DATE;
Line: 511

  x_last_updated_by         NUMBER;
Line: 512

  x_last_update_login       NUMBER;
Line: 524

  x_program_update_date     DATE;
Line: 545

    document_id,          last_update_date,
    last_updated_by,      last_update_login,
    creation_date,        created_by,
    title,                usage_id,
    start_date_active,    end_date_active,
    request_id,           program_application_id,
    program_id,           program_update_date,
    attribute_category,   attribute1,
    attribute2,           attribute3,
    attribute4,           attribute5,
    attribute6,           attribute7,
    attribute8,           attribute9,
    attribute10,          attribute11,
    attribute12,          attribute13,
    attribute14,          attribute15
    x_document_id,        x_last_update_date,
    x_last_updated_by,    x_last_update_login,
    x_creation_date,      x_created_by,
    x_title,              x_usage_id,
    x_start_date_active,  x_end_date_active,
    x_request_id,         x_program_application_id,
    x_program_id,         x_program_update_date,
    x_attribute_category, x_attribute1,
    x_attribute2,         x_attribute3,
    x_attribute4,         x_attribute5,
    x_attribute6,         x_attribute7,
    x_attribute8,         x_attribute9,
    x_attribute10,        x_attribute11,
    x_attribute12,        x_attribute13,
    x_attribute14,        x_attribute15
  FROM po_notes
    po_note_id         = p_note_id;
Line: 584

    SELECT note
    INTO   x_note
    FROM   po_notes
    WHERE  po_note_id  = p_note_id;
Line: 601

  UPDATE fnd_documents
  SET    app_source_version = 'PO_R10',
         category_id = x_category_id
  WHERE  document_id = x_document_id;
Line: 606

  UPDATE fnd_documents_tl
  SET app_source_version = 'PO_R10',
      description = x_title,
      doc_attribute_category = x_attribute_category,
      doc_attribute1 = x_attribute1,
      doc_attribute2 = x_attribute2,
      doc_attribute3 = x_attribute3,
      doc_attribute4 = x_attribute4,
      doc_attribute5 = x_attribute5,
      doc_attribute6 = x_attribute6,
      doc_attribute7 = x_attribute7,
      doc_attribute8 = x_attribute8,
      doc_attribute9 = x_attribute9,
      doc_attribute10 = x_attribute10,
      doc_attribute11 = x_attribute11,
      doc_attribute12 = x_attribute12,
      doc_attribute13 = x_attribute13,
      doc_attribute14 = x_attribute14,
      doc_attribute15 = x_attribute15
  WHERE document_id = x_document_id
  AND   language = userenv('LANG');
Line: 633

    UPDATE fnd_documents_short_text
    SET    app_source_version = 'PO_R10',
           short_text = substr (x_note, 1, 1998)
    WHERE  media_id = x_media_id;
Line: 638

    UPDATE fnd_documents_long_text
    SET    app_source_version = 'PO_R10',
           long_text = x_note
    WHERE  media_id = x_media_id;
Line: 647

PROCEDURE delete_document (
  p_document_id  NUMBER
) IS

  x_media_id      NUMBER;
Line: 658

  DELETE FROM fnd_documents
  WHERE document_id = p_document_id;
Line: 661

  DELETE FROM fnd_documents_tl
  WHERE document_id = p_document_id;
Line: 665

    DELETE FROM fnd_documents_short_text
    WHERE media_id = x_media_id;
Line: 668

    DELETE FROM fnd_documents_long_text
    WHERE media_id = x_media_id;
Line: 675

PROCEDURE insert_attached_document (
  p_creation_date           DATE,
  p_created_by              NUMBER,
  p_po_note_id              NUMBER,
  p_table_name              VARCHAR2,
  p_column_name             VARCHAR2,
  p_foreign_id              NUMBER,
  p_sequence_num            NUMBER,
  p_attribute_category      VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute1              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute2              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute3              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute4              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute5              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute6              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute7              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute8              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute9              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute10             VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute11             VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute12             VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute13             VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute14             VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute15             VARCHAR2,
  p_app_source_version      VARCHAR2,
  p_attached_doc_id     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
) IS

  x_document_id NUMBER;
Line: 708

  SELECT document_id
  INTO   x_document_id
  FROM   po_notes
  WHERE  po_note_id = p_po_note_id;
Line: 715

  SELECT fnd_attached_documents_s.nextval
  INTO   p_attached_doc_id
  FROM   sys.dual;
Line: 719

  INSERT INTO fnd_attached_documents (
    attached_document_id,     document_id,
    creation_date,            created_by,
    last_update_date,         last_updated_by,
    last_update_login,        seq_num,
    entity_name,              pk1_value,
    automatically_added_flag, attribute_category,
    attribute1,               attribute2,
    attribute3,               attribute4,
    attribute5,               attribute6,
    attribute7,               attribute8,
    attribute9,               attribute10,
    attribute11,              attribute12,
    attribute13,              attribute14,
    attribute15,              app_source_version )
    p_attached_doc_id,        x_document_id,
    p_creation_date,          p_created_by,
    sysdate,                  1,
    1,                        p_sequence_num,
    x_entity_name,            p_foreign_id,
    'Y',                      p_attribute_category,
    p_attribute1,             p_attribute2,
    p_attribute3,             p_attribute4,
    p_attribute5,             p_attribute6,
    p_attribute7,             p_attribute8,
    p_attribute9,             p_attribute10,
    p_attribute11,            p_attribute12,
    p_attribute13,            p_attribute14,
    p_attribute15,            p_app_source_version
Line: 753

PROCEDURE insert_attached_document_item (
  p_creation_date           DATE,
  p_created_by              NUMBER,
  p_po_note_id              NUMBER,
  p_table_name              VARCHAR2,
  p_column_name             VARCHAR2,
  p_foreign_id              NUMBER,
  p_sequence_num            NUMBER,
  p_attribute_category      VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute1              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute2              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute3              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute4              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute5              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute6              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute7              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute8              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute9              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute10             VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute11             VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute12             VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute13             VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute14             VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute15             VARCHAR2,
  p_app_source_version      VARCHAR2,
  p_attached_doc_id     OUT NOCOPY NUMBER
) IS

  x_document_id NUMBER;
Line: 787

  SELECT document_id
  INTO   x_document_id
  FROM   po_notes
  WHERE  po_note_id = p_po_note_id;
Line: 794

  SELECT fnd_attached_documents_s.nextval
  INTO   p_attached_doc_id
  FROM   sys.dual;
Line: 800

  SELECT inventory_organization_id
  INTO   x_organization_id
  FROM   financials_system_parameters;
Line: 812

  INSERT INTO fnd_attached_documents (
    attached_document_id,     document_id,
    creation_date,            created_by,
    last_update_date,         last_updated_by,
    last_update_login,        seq_num,
    entity_name,              pk1_value,
    automatically_added_flag, attribute_category,
    attribute1,               attribute2,
    attribute3,               attribute4,
    attribute5,               attribute6,
    attribute7,               attribute8,
    attribute9,               attribute10,
    attribute11,              attribute12,
    attribute13,              attribute14,
    attribute15,              app_source_version )
    p_attached_doc_id,        x_document_id,
    p_creation_date,          p_created_by,
    sysdate,                  1,
    1,                        p_sequence_num,
    x_entity_name,           x_organization_id,
    'Y',                      p_attribute_category,
    p_attribute1,             p_attribute2,
    p_attribute3,             p_attribute4,
    p_attribute5,             p_attribute6,
    p_attribute7,             p_attribute8,
    p_attribute9,             p_attribute10,
    p_attribute11,            p_attribute12,
    p_attribute13,            p_attribute14,
    p_attribute15,            p_app_source_version
Line: 849

PROCEDURE update_attached_document (
  p_attached_doc_id         NUMBER,
  p_creation_date           DATE,
  p_created_by              NUMBER,
  p_po_note_id              NUMBER,
  p_table_name              VARCHAR2,
  p_column_name             VARCHAR2,
  p_foreign_id              NUMBER,
  p_sequence_num            NUMBER,
  p_attribute_category      VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute1              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute2              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute3              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute4              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute5              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute6              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute7              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute8              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute9              VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute10             VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute11             VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute12             VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute13             VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute14             VARCHAR2,
  p_attribute15             VARCHAR2,
  p_app_source_version      VARCHAR2
) IS

  x_document_id NUMBER;
Line: 881

  SELECT document_id
  INTO   x_document_id
  FROM   po_notes
  WHERE  po_note_id = p_po_note_id;
Line: 887

  UPDATE fnd_attached_documents
  SET    last_update_date = SYSDATE,
         seq_num     = p_sequence_num,
         document_id = x_document_id,
         attribute_category = p_attribute_category,
         attribute1  = p_attribute1,
         attribute2  = p_attribute2,
         attribute3  = p_attribute3,
         attribute4  = p_attribute4,
         attribute5  = p_attribute5,
         attribute6  = p_attribute6,
         attribute7  = p_attribute7,
         attribute8  = p_attribute8,
         attribute9  = p_attribute9,
         attribute10 = p_attribute10,
         attribute11 = p_attribute11,
         attribute12 = p_attribute12,
         attribute13 = p_attribute13,
         attribute14 = p_attribute14,
         attribute15 = p_attribute15,
         app_source_version = 'PO_R10'
  WHERE  attached_document_id = p_attached_doc_id;
Line: 912

PROCEDURE delete_attached_document (
  p_attached_doc_id         NUMBER
) IS


  DELETE FROM fnd_attached_documents
  WHERE attached_document_id = p_attached_doc_id;