7: --
8: TYPE g_output_file_rec_type IS RECORD
9: (assignment_id per_all_assignments_f.assignment_id%TYPE
10: ,status VARCHAR2(80)
11: ,employee_number per_all_people_f.employee_number%TYPE
12: ,assignment_number per_all_assignments_f.assignment_number%TYPE
13: ,effective_date per_all_assignments_f.effective_start_date%TYPE
14: ,change_in VARCHAR2(80)
15: ,FTE_old_value per_assignment_budget_values_f.value%TYPE
2049: CURSOR csr_person_details
2050: (p_assignment_id NUMBER)
2051: IS
2052: SELECT per.full_name
2053: FROM per_all_people_f per,
2054: per_all_assignments_f asg
2055: WHERE asg.person_id = per.person_id
2056: AND asg.assignment_id = p_assignment_id
2057: AND l_calculation_date
2334: g_output_file_records(i).effective_date:= l_FTE_processing_start_date;
2336: SELECT employee_number
2337: INTO g_output_file_records(i).employee_number
2338: FROM per_all_people_f a
2339: WHERE a.person_id =
2340: (SELECT asg.person_id
2341: FROM per_all_assignments_f asg
2342: WHERE asg.assignment_id = l_assignment(i)
2343: AND ROWNUM < 2
2344: )
2345: AND effective_start_date =
2346: (SELECT MAX(b.effective_start_date)
2347: FROM per_all_people_f b
2348: WHERE b.person_id = a.person_id
2349: );
2351: l_proc_step := 70+(i/100000);